Refutation (5 in total)
Look down on the world
2024-02-06 02:57:20

Refutation (1)

I remember Yaojin often said, "Don't contradict class leaders just because they are involved in your own interests. They also have difficulties. You should learn to think in terms of empathy, understanding and understanding.

This behavior is common to us because it touches our interests. But if I put my mind right, this kind of thing would not happen. That time, I successfully suppressed my emotions, put my mind right, and recognized the situation.

That day, it was just the time for endorsement before the evening class, and the students were loudly endorsing. And I, because there are some important things bothering me, I sit quietly in a daze, and the noise of the outside world cannot affect me (although I do not want to be disturbed by the outside world, this situation seems wrong). A few minutes later, I finally came to my senses and recited seriously.

After this time, the discipline inspection committee announced the names that had just been endorsed. When the familiar three words floated past my ears, I seemed to be hit hard and asked the discipline inspection commission: "Am I recorded? "She answered me without hesitation:" Yes. "When I was about to refute her subconsciously, an idea flashed, and I returned to my seat and accepted the punishment calmly.

What was the thought that flashed by and prevented me from making mistakes? Yes, that's what Yaojin always said: "You should learn to think in other's shoes. "On second thought," I am a class cadre, so why bother the class cadre? It's hard for others to do it, isn't it? Besides, she is not wrong. I am really wrong. Why should I contradict her and make her difficult?

I realized my mistakes and what I should and should not do. This time, because of what Yaojin said, I didn't contradict the class cadre.

Refutation (2)

When I entered the sixth grade, my major responsibility was to take the graduation exam. At the beginning of school, my classmates still ran wildly outside during the break, and did not miss playing. The head teacher did not care about it. Just after school began, my heart was still a little scattered. But the mid-term exam has passed, and the results are terrible. The head teacher was very angry when he saw that we had not planned to pay attention to learning. After discussing with the head teachers of several other graduating classes, he decided to change the afternoon into a short class and start it ten minutes earlier. The head teacher will have this short lesson.

When the teacher said this, the class exploded, and the students talked about it, and I was no exception. At the same time, everyone was indignant, and I wanted to refute that there were seven classes a day, each class was 40 minutes long, and there was homework. The break between classes was very short, and the noon was a little longer, so I had to start classes early. But I didn't say, nor dare I say, that the head teacher is a teacher, and I must respect her. And what the head teacher said is a statement that cannot be modified. Therefore, my classmates and I can only sulk and secretly complain.

But we can't help complaining about it during recess and noon, and we always feel unfair. For a playful girl like me, I can't stay at home. This retort is hidden in my heart and I won't say it. After all, it has been the last half year. I have been implementing this decision for two weeks, and I am getting used to it, but this retort will not disappear, and I still have some resistance in my heart. My unspoken retort is very short, but it expresses everyone's heart: playing is a child's nature, and don't deprive children of their playing time at will.

After sitting for so long in class, it's good for your health to go out for activities at noon between classes. It's a combination of work and rest! We also attach importance to noon. Boys go to play ball games, while girls bask in the warm winter sun, chat and do some handwork. At noon, it was shortened so much that the boys didn't enjoy themselves and the girls didn't have a good chat.

I dare not tell the teacher, and for the last six months, the teacher is also for our good. Moreover, our head teacher has a nickname called "Abbess Extinction". He is decisive and straightforward, and never changes his mind at will. I dare not ask for trouble.

Refutation (3)

I remember Yaojin often said, "Don't contradict class leaders just because they involve your own interests. They also have difficulties. You should learn to think in terms of empathy, understanding and understanding."

This behavior is common to us because it touches our interests. But if I put my mind right, this kind of thing would not happen. That time, I successfully suppressed my emotions, put my mind right, and recognized the situation.

That day, it was just the time for endorsement before the evening class, and the students were loudly endorsing. And I, because there are some important things bothering me, I sit quietly in a daze, and the noise of the outside world cannot affect me (although I do not want to be disturbed by the outside world, this situation seems wrong). A few minutes later, I finally came to my senses and recited seriously.

After this time, the discipline inspection committee announced the names that had just been endorsed. When the familiar three words floated in my ears, I seemed to be hit hard and asked the discipline inspection commission: "Am I recorded my name?" She answered me without hesitation: "Yes." When I was about to refute her subconsciously, an idea flashed, and I returned to my seat and accepted the punishment calmly.

What was the thought that flashed by and prevented me from making mistakes? Yes, that's what Yaojin used to say: "You should learn to think in terms of your position." I thought again, "I'm a class cadre. Why should I bother the class cadre? It's hard for others to do it, isn't it? Besides, she's not wrong. I'm really wrong. Why should I contradict her and make her difficult?"

I realized my mistakes and what I should and should not do. This time, because of what Yaojin said, I didn't contradict the class cadre.

Refutation (4)

There is a saying: "Those who are close to others will become black." "Those who are close to others will become black." Let's not talk about it first. Let's talk about "Those who are close to others will become black.".

The environment has an impact on people, which we mostly agree with. But does the environment have a decisive effect on people?

If we think that "those who follow the crowd", it is obviously that we put the environmental impact in the main position, ignoring the subjective reasons of people, which is obviously unreasonable.

The reason why I think "He who is close to others may not be black". Because the environment is an external factor, it should be its own reason that plays a decisive role, that is, the subjective factor of people. There are many cases where ink is not black. Are the enemy spies in the revolutionary struggle "black"? They are indeed in the "modern ink". It should be accurately said that they are completely immersed in the "ink", but they still maintain their noble sentiments and make contributions to the revolution under difficult, bad and dangerous conditions.

Zhou Dunyi wrote a story about lotus flowers in "A Talk about Loving Lotus". She "emerges from the mud without being stained, and cleans the ripples without being demon". Isn't this just a portrayal of "modern ink is not black"?

Of course, not all of them are not black, but as long as they are "black and not black", they must depend on their own cultivation. If a person can "get out of the mud without being contaminated", then "he who is close to others will become black" will no longer exist.

Refutation (5)

The literature review in the graduation thesis at the undergraduate stage trains the ability to absorb different theories. The core of the course of Marxist Principles is to teach us how to question.

In the postmodern context, nothing can not be re examined.

Reading depends on questioning. Where there is no doubt, there is no doubt. This is probably the dialectics and methodology of reading.

As the saying goes, "It is better to believe in books than to have no books". Every book has a logical and theoretical basis point, which is bound to be affected by the times and individuals of the author. To refute the views in the book, we can take drastic measures to falsify its theoretical basis.

But refutation is not the goal after all. While deconstructing, it also needs construction. How to revise the previous theories, and even put forward their own views and systems, is an arduous project.

In fact, many debates in the academic circles cannot be logically established. Because different schools adopt different theoretical bases. Just imagine, with different starting points, how to put forward a really reasonable rebuttal.

Academic reading, to some extent, is to seek new discoveries on a common basis. The so-called seeking common ground while reserving differences is more important in the academic world.

Before refuting the views of predecessors, what we need to do is to truly understand the predecessors. As Freud said when facing his opponents, "even at least read my book (and then make objections)". This is the most basic requirement of "refutation".

The second requirement of "refutation" is the ability to integrate different views. When a certain point of view is put forward, there must be controversy among predecessors. It is of great benefit to the future work to know clearly where the "points of contention" of these debates are, and to reduce the dialogue between scholars in detail.

Whether supporting or opposing an opinion, it needs to be well grounded and in-depth thinking.

This is the correct attitude of scholars.