One thing on campus Composition (17 required)
Mature physical and mental exhaustion
2023-08-18 07:15:27

One thing on campus Composition (1)

There are many things on campus, but one thing impressed me deeply, engraved in my mind, and I feel embarrassed when I think back.

At that time, when I was playing in the airplane city on the playground, Zhang Jian accidentally bumped me. I didn't care, but later when I went to the shop to buy something, I found that the money was missing. I thought it must be Zhang Jian who hit me earlier, so I went to find Zhang Jian. I said to him angrily, "Zhang Jian, you lost a dollar when you hit me at the beginning, you pay me a dollar!", Zhang Jian said, "It's impossible. You can look around again." I searched the whole playground, but before I found it, I was worried. I said to Zhang Jian, "I don't care, you pay me!" Zhang Jian said, "I don't pay, I don't have any money." So I got angry and began to fight with him. I grabbed him by the neck and threw him to the ground. I sat on him and slapped him in the face. He struggled desperately, but his strength was not as strong as mine. "Ringing, ringing," I had to let him go after class.

After class, when I took sugar in my pants pocket, I found a dollar. It was my memory that I put my money in my pants pocket to sleep. I'm very embarrassed to blame Zhang Jian. I was also confused for a while. How could an honest man lie? So I went to Zhang Jian and said shyly, "Zhang Jian, I'm sorry, I wronged you..." Zhang Jian not only didn't blame me, but also said, "Never mind, don't be so reckless next time!" After that, we all laughed.

I was deeply impressed by this incident, and I understood one truth: you must be careful, not reckless.

One thing on campus Composition (2)

"What's wrong? What's wrong?... What's wrong? What's wrong?..." With a burst of tension, people ran downstairs, and I went to join in the excitement.

Just downstairs, I saw a fifth grade boy who fell on the ground surrounded by many classmates. When the big classmates helped him up, his appearance was really terrible. His eyes were swollen and his face was livid. I asked Shi Boyou in our class, "What's wrong with that boy?" Shi Boyou said, "He fell down from the building and broke a bone!" "Fracture?" I was most hurt by fracture. Hearing this word, I was so creepy that I didn't even dare to look at it. I asked again: "How did he break a bone. Seen from the upper floor, the heads of people are black and crowded, like little tadpoles swimming around.

Sitting in the classroom, I could not erase what I had just seen. At the same time, I also learned that we must pay attention to safety when playing in the future! Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.

One thing on campus Composition (3)

I don't know how many unforgettable things happened on my campus, but what made me most unforgettable was that sunny day - that event not only made me unforgettable, but also gave me profound truth.

The second class in the afternoon was physical education. We all ran out of the classroom happily, but just came downstairs to hear a fierce quarrel. We ran to see that it was two senior brothers who were quarrelling. When we inquired, a big brother named Zhang put the book there and did not understand where it went. Then we said that the big brother named Li took it, The elder brother named Li said he didn't take it, and the elder brother named Zhang said he saw him touch his book, and then his book disappeared. It was because of this that they quarreled. One of the students next to him went to stop them, but he couldn't stop them, but he was beaten black and blue. The two brothers were still muttering about dogs taking mice -- meddling. They fought and fought until they had a class. The brother who said he didn't take his book was seriously injured, and the brother who lost his book was also injured. Finally, the ambulance pulled them both away, and the rest of them were still standing there with panic and anticipation in their eyes

People all say that a gentleman can't solve a problem by using force without using his mouth. We all understand its meaning, but why does no one try it when something happens?

One thing on campus Composition (4)

On December 5, our school held the annual campus reading festival.

Early in the morning, the students walked into the red carpet prepared by the teacher one after another. Everyone wore the clothes of the characters in the book, such as Monkey King, Harry Potter, Little Red Riding Hood... The scene was like a grand masquerade party. I dress up as Li Qingzhao, a poet of the Song Dynasty, because I like her words very much and want to be a person with the same culture and temperament as her. The activity officially started. In the first part, the teacher asked us to recommend our favorite books on the stage. The books recommended by everyone were very interesting. My favorite was the bronze sunflower written by Cao Wenxuan, recommended by a girl in our class. And I made a PPT about Li Qingzhao's Ci Anthology, which combined the pictures and words skillfully. It looked very artistic and the students liked it very much. I think that through my introduction, everyone will also deeply fall in love with Li Qingzhao's words.

Next is the opening ceremony of the Reading Festival. I was lucky to represent the students of Class 62 to the large conference room on the fourth floor to watch closely. This time, the school invited the famous playwright Sun Rui, who gave us a speech on the theme "History can be fun". The teacher told us three writing skills and methods of association, and let us have a wild imagination. Everyone spoke enthusiastically.

In the third class, we had a rubbing lesson in our class. The teacher explained the steps and techniques of rubbing to us, and let us practice in person. The students produced one exquisite work after another. This activity not only let us understand the traditional culture of China, but also improved our practical ability.

The campus reading festival this semester is the most interesting reading festival I have ever experienced. During this period, we not only learned a lot of knowledge, but also improved the friendship between classmates. I hope the school can hold more such activities.

One thing on campus Composition (5)

One day after school, I went swimming in the swimming pool as usual. When I changed my clothes, I found a lot of people around the swimming pool, as if something big had happened. I went up and asked: What's the matter?

He dislocated his hand. One of the team members pointed to the classmate on the ground and said. I took a quick glance at the star member of our swimming team, Mai. He held his arm in agony, his eyes closed tightly, and groaned in bursts: It's killing me!

I guess I broke a bone. It seems that the other team member has not finished talking. I asked again: What happened?

It fell from the tension device. The other team members said.

Wow! Isn't that very sad? I said sympathetically.

Well, I guess so.

At this time, the coach came over, picked up the wheat and sent it to the hospital. Later, the bad news came that wheat would be hospitalized for two weeks. The coach called us together for a safety meeting. Again and again, we are required not to use training equipment without the permission of the coach. If necessary, it must be used under the supervision of the coach.

I thought to myself: I can't play the training equipment with everyone as usual, I must follow the guidance of the coach. There are thousands of devices, safety first. The use is not standardized, and the blood flow in the arm is two lines. The injury of wheat sounded the alarm bell for all of us. We must always keep in mind the safety regulations and not be a playboy.

One thing on campus Composition (6)

There are many things on campus, just like a big family. In my impression, the most unforgettable day is the day of last semester.

I remember that it happened at noon that day. After the fourth information class, I was very hungry, and we all took out our sticks and chopsticks. At that time, something unexpected happened. I turned my bag over and over, and then turned out everything in the desk. But I could not find my sticks and chopsticks, I thought to myself, "It's useless for me to call my father and mother now, because they are all at work. What should I do? At this time, I am like an ant on a hot pot, sweating. At that moment, Mr. Zhang noticed me and felt very strange about why I didn't eat. I used to start eating in a hurry, but today I was in a daze and asked me, "What's the matter with you?" I replied, "My stick and chopsticks have been left at home." Mr. Zhang kindly said to me, "I have an extra stick here. You can use it." I said shyly, "Thank you, Mr. Zhang." So I immediately picked up the stick and ran to the bathroom. After washing the stick, I ate it hurriedly.

There are so many things on campus that you need to carefully observe and find out.

One thing on campus Composition (7)

I have always been very clever, never "offline" in class, but this day I unexpectedly "offline".

On Friday morning, the math class was about decimal point multiplication. The teacher patted the blackboard with his hand while talking to remind us to listen attentively. Who would have thought that I, who had always listened attentively, was "offline".

I was thinking: What delicious food will my father cook at noon? Boiled meat? Or braised beef? Or chicken stewed with mushrooms? I thought again: I behaved very well this week. Maybe I can play computer games on the weekend! ha-ha......, "Please ask the deputy group leader of the first group to answer the question" How much is 16. 74 × 100? "My mind was suddenly pulled back to the classroom, my brain was blank, and I slowly stood up" Ah! Hmm - equal to...... Equal to...... "When the teacher saw this situation, he shouted angrily:" Even you can't answer this question, you are also the deputy group leader! "

This time, I finally went online again. After class, the students gathered around and said, "Ha ha! It seems that you must have slipped in class.". Now my face turns red, green and white, and I wish I could find a crack in the ground. I kept blaming myself: 棨 Han, 棨 Han! Why do you want to skip class? It's really unpleasant.

Yeah, who let me "lose the line and crash" in class? This time, my joke was too big. It was really embarrassing. Alas!

One thing on campus Composition (8)

Last Thursday, something unforgettable happened in our school.

Before class in the afternoon, my classmates and I were playing on the playground. Suddenly, we saw that our classroom door was crowded with students, and some students climbed on the window and looked in. I don't know what happened in the classroom, so I hurried to squeeze in through the door. It turned out that my deskmate fell down on the chair with white foam on his mouth, and the teacher refused to call him by name. I heard a lot of comments from my classmates again. Is it "epilepsy"? Some students said that the disease would be "infectious", and some told me that it might be infectious to me, "Ah! You can't drink the milk you put on the radiator!" Suddenly someone said something like this, and I felt uneasy. When the teacher took my deskmate on his back and sent him to the hospital for emergency treatment, the classroom was calm again.

After school, I went home and told my father the school news. My father immediately went online to find out whether the symptoms of "childhood epilepsy" would be "infectious". Finally, he learned that epilepsy would not be infectious, and my deskmate was not that kind of disease, nor was it as terrible as the classmates said.

The next day, the head teacher told us that my deskmate had a severe high fever. The stone hanging in my heart finally landed.

This unforgettable event is still fresh in my mind.

One thing on campus Composition (9)

Some funny things happened on our campus today. If you don't believe it, please look below.

In the third class this afternoon, the monitor had just shouted "stand up" when he heard a classmate sobbing. They turned their heads curiously and found that it was Zhang Meng lying on the table behind them crying. Wang saw it and went over to ask her kindly what was wrong. Zhang Meng's deskmate told the teacher that Zhang Meng's MP3 fell into the pool of the toilet. After listening to this student's introduction, the students burst into laughter. When the teacher knew the reason, he turned to Zhang Meng and said, "What's the use of crying when encountering difficulties? Can you cry your MP3 back? Tears can only represent incompetence! When encountering difficulties, you should find a way to solve them." After listening to the teacher's words, the warm-hearted Fu Meng said, "Let's go and get your MP3 out." So they went out to get it.

After a while, while we were doing our homework, we heard Fu Meng come in laughingly and say loudly, "Teacher, we got it!" After listening, the students laughed again.

But it's not over yet. After a short silence, Fu Mengke suddenly said loudly, "Teacher, I left my hair card in the toilet!" Then he ran out of the classroom quickly. The students laughed again.

Although these things happened on campus today are laughable, we can understand two reasons from them: First, we must find a way to solve difficulties and never shed tears. As the teacher said, what's the use of crying? Can crying solve difficulties? Crying only shows that you are a coward. 2、 Keep things in check. Every item is selflessly dedicated to itself. We should keep it properly and not lose it.

One thing on campus Composition (10)

Time flies like water, and many memories have faded with the disappearance of days. However, the incident that happened in the school has always been fresh in my memory. After a long time, I can still remember the scene clearly, as if to see a moving picture, which has benefited me a lot.

That afternoon, "Ding Lingling" went to class. But somehow, one of my classmates suddenly vomited. I turned around and saw that it was Xiao Hong. The teacher asked her what was wrong. At that time, Xiao Hong told everyone that she had come to school with illness in order not to miss her homework. She could not help but vomit. Xiaochen, the deskmate who saw this scene, rushed to fetch a broom to clean the vomit. The monitor handed her a handkerchief without waiting for the teacher's order. Xiaoliang also went to fetch a mop when he saw it. Even Xiaoming, the most mischievous person at ordinary times, volunteered to say to the teacher, "Teacher, I'll fetch water and mop the floor!" Then he hurriedly went to the bathroom to fetch water to mop the floor. Other students also helped Xiaohong to the school infirmary under the arrangement of the teacher, opened water to gargle for Xiaohong... With the help of everyone's concerted efforts, Xiaohong soon stopped vomiting, and the classroom was also cleaned by the students. Xiaohong excitedly said, "Thank you." The students spontaneously said, "shouldn't we help each other in the face of difficulties? Your business is our business, and this is what we should do! ". At this time, the teacher smiled and said: "Boys and girls, your performance today is very good. You should keep your spirit of solidarity and mutual help, so that Class 502 will be a warm family."

This matter may be very small in others' minds, but it touched me very much. Because this fully expresses our collective spirit of helping others and classmates in Class 502.

One thing on campus Composition (11)

In today's activity class, the teacher asked us to do a small experiment called "water can tie knots". I was extremely puzzled when I heard that rope can tie knots. How can water tie knots? It can't be a joke. I'm not sure. The teacher seemed to see our thoughts and said, "Hearing is false, seeing is true." Now, let's witness it. "Please prepare three empty water cups, one glass of water, and one nail." The students got ready with enthusiasm as soon as the voice fell.

The experiment began. First, we use nails to drill two holes with a diameter of about 1cm at the bottom of the cup, and then slowly fill the cup with water. I saw two water columns flowing straight down, like two long braids of a little girl. I twisted my fingers according to the teacher's instructions, but they didn't obey me at all. They seemed like the enemy was dead and nobody would fall asleep. I was worried and twisted hard. Hey! Two clear water columns immediately rolled into a twist, just like two close children. How interesting! But after a while, they are very reluctant to disperse. I thought to myself: these two water columns are really strange. They will tie and disperse in a while. It's like two children quarreling, making up and separating. At this time, I screwed the water column again. Ha ha, the miracle finally happened. They kept mixing together until the leakage was over. Success!

Why is that? We were even more confused and chattered about the reason. The teacher solved the mystery in time: the surface tension of water is the key to the tying of water energy, because the surface tension reduces the surface area of the water column. Using your fingers as a bridge, you can easily form a large water column from two close water columns.

Ah! I see. It suddenly dawned on me.

There are many wonders in the world. The road to science is long and needs us to explore.

One thing on campus Composition (12)

Everyone has heard that "dragon begets dragon, phoenix begets phoenix, and mouse son can make holes". Today I will change this sentence. "Dragon begets dragon, phoenix begets phoenix, and cat's son can make holes". At first sight, everyone would feel a little surprised. How could a cat's son make a hole? Listen to me slowly.

On Saturday morning, my school runs. When I was running, I suddenly saw a hole on the right side of the road, so I went there, lay on the ground, and put my head in to see what was going on. This hole is a bit deep, because it is blocked by trees, I can't see what is inside. Suddenly, a dark shadow jumped out of it and shouted at me: "Meow meow". I fixed my eyes on a cat. I looked at its fierce eyes and quickly got up and ran away. As I walked home, I thought, since there was a cat in it, would there be any kittens in it? In order to solve the mystery, in the afternoon, I came to the school to observe the hole. Because the light was strong in the afternoon, I could clearly see three kittens inside, but the big cat disappeared. When I stretched my head back, two questions flashed into my mind. The first question is whether the mouse's hole is occupied by the cat? The second question is whether it is a naturally formed hole? The first question, of course, is self defeating. It is impossible for a mouse to make such a big hole. Then I followed the second question and put my head in. I looked left and right, looking for something, and suddenly I saw scratches around the east, which was exactly what I was looking for. I stretched my head back and secretly felt happy because I found the answer. Every animal will leave scratches when making holes, so this second problem is solved.

This is really: "Dragon begets dragon, phoenix begets phoenix, and cat's son can make holes".

One thing on campus Composition (13)

A new thing has happened on campus these days.

The library of our school inexplicably added many new books. The class ran out of ink, and soon it was full again. The hygiene in the class was very dirty, but soon the classroom became very clean again... Who did this good?

Several good friends and I are going to launch a secret "detective team" to check who did these good deeds. We were divided into three groups: the first group saw who put many books in the library; The second group should watch who fills up the ink every day; The third group mainly checks who often cleans the classroom. These teams can only observe when no one is around, and they must also make on-the-spot investigation in hidden places to avoid being discovered.

But after a week, there was no gain. We wondered if anyone knew about our "detective team". We were very hidden, and no one would know. As a result, we are more concealed. Once, we took the students down to have a PE class and asked for leave from the teacher to hide and observe. We deliberately took the ink bottle and poured it into an empty ink bottle. There was not a drop of ink in the ink bottle. Our primary school put the empty ink bottle back to its original position and left the classroom, hiding behind a large flower bed. After a while, someone really entered the classroom, ah! It turns out that the man is Wang Ming, the "naughty ghost". Why is he? He took out his own ink and put it into the empty ink bottle. We were all surprised that a poor and naughty student would also do a good job. It was really new. We took a few books in the library, and later confirmed that he put those new books in and cleaned the classroom. We appeared one by one and praised him with all kinds of words. He smiled embarrassed.

Do you think this is new?

One thing on campus Composition (14)

New things on campus

——Chinese teachers change, change, change

This morning, I was reading carefully when a teacher ran in outside the door. My deskmate said, "Who is this?" I looked up and said, "This is a new teacher!" My deskmate said, "No, this teacher is our original teacher." I looked carefully and looked again and again. It was really true. I couldn't believe it at all, This is our original Chinese teacher.

Our Chinese teacher has changed. It has changed so much that our classmates' mouths have become a big "0". Even Li Gege, the representative of the English class, can't help saying "How beautiful!". The Chinese teachers have changed too much. They have become beautiful, young and astonished us all.

Look carefully, oh, the Chinese teacher's hair has changed!

The Chinese teacher used to have light yellow curly hair, but now it turns straight overnight. The color of grape purple is very beautiful. The straight hair is much more lovely than the original curly hair! The face also looks much thinner.

I like the way the Chinese teacher is now, because I think the Chinese teacher is now like a college student, beautiful, natural and charming like an eighteen year old girl. No, I think the Chinese teacher must have drunk the Returning to the Old Fairy potion last night.

The Chinese teacher has begun to teach, and I still think in my heart: How beautiful you are, teacher! You are so cute! At the beginning, I was not used to it. Maybe I was used to the original hairstyle. My deskmate and I had a quiet quarrel when the teacher wasn't paying attention. Because he thinks the Chinese teacher's original hairstyle is beautiful, I like the current one.

I like the beautiful and lovely hairstyle of my Chinese teacher more and more.

One thing on campus Composition (15)

My beautiful campus is located in the famous West Lake Scenic Area. It has a picturesque name - West Lake Primary School. My campus is full of green trees all the year round. Especially in spring, my campus is more vibrant and full of spring. The fragrant air, beautiful flowers and beautiful birds make my campus more charming and beautiful.

In this charming and beautiful campus, I think the most interesting thing is that the art teacher let us go to the campus to sketch. This teaching mode of moving the classroom outside the classroom is particularly vivid and interesting. One time that impressed me deeply - that day, the teacher asked us to choose a place that we liked best for sketching. The children happily searched the campus. Like everyone else, I also carefully selected a corner where crabapple flowers were planted, because the leaves and flowers of crabapple flowers were particularly beautiful. I observed the crabapple flower carefully, and found some small gray spots on its pole. After I drew the line with a black pen, I used a gray pen to dot the dense dots, and then began to draw beautiful crabapple flowers. The center of the Begonia flower is light green. I used a light green watercolor pen to dot the center, and then painted five pink petals. Finally, I added a light green leaf. There are six short hairs on the leaf. The color of the six hairs is deeper than the color of the leaf. So I used dark green to paint six hairs. After painting the whole Begonia flower, I enjoyed my work and felt very satisfied, especially beautiful. I gave my work to the teacher, who suggested that I draw some more background, and I painted the boundless blue sky, the fiery sun, and the lush trees. It felt that the painting had been improved a lot.

I like this learning environment very much. I hope to have more opportunities to sketch on campus and enrich our campus learning life!

One thing on campus Composition (16)

Every time I see my cup, I can't help thinking of something that happened in the next semester of the third grade.

Time goes by like water. A semester has passed before I know it. Many things fade away with the passage of time, but I still remember this matter fresh. It was an afternoon last semester, and it was a crisp autumn day. It was during our PE class that I went to the playground with the whole class with a cup of water.

After arriving at the playground, those who play football first divide the staff into two groups, each group of six, and Li Xingzhi and I are divided into one group. Other students played games, kicked shuttlecock, and caught mice and cats. I played happily until class ended, but I was very tired and thirsty. We quickly ran back to the classroom, and the first thing we thought after washing our hands was to have a glass of water. It suddenly occurred to me that I had left my cup on the playground. I hurried back to the playground, but the cup was missing. I said to myself, "Can the cup grow legs?" I walked around the playground again, but I couldn't find the cup.

I thought I lost the cup I just bought today. How can I explain it when I go home! Thinking about it, I walked back dejected. Just walked to the gate of the playground, Fan Jiaman came to me breathlessly, reached out his hand and handed me the water cup. I couldn't help saying: "How can you have the water cup?"? She said, "You left in a hurry. When I saw that you didn't take it, I took it back to the classroom to find you. But the classmate said that you went to the playground to find you again. I think you must be in a hurry. I sent it to you again." I took the water cup and said happily, "Thank you! Help me find the water cup". We smiled at each other. "I opened the lid of the water cup recklessly and drank all the water. It was so comfortable! I felt that it was really good for classmates to help each other! I will try my best to help students do more good things in the future.

Later, when I saw this cup, I would think of it. I still have to get rid of my carelessness.

One thing on campus Composition (17)

It's been two years, but I can't forget it.

It was one afternoon, when the bell rang, I flew downstairs. Suddenly, at the corner of the stairs, I saw five yuan lying on the ground. I quickly picked it up and wondered who it might be? At this time, the students also came down one after another. I quickly put the money in my pants pocket. But it was still seen by a classmate. He asked me to give it to the teacher. I was very reluctant. I think he must be jealous of making a fortune. I just ran out of pencils. I plan to use this windfall to buy some pencils and retail them.

As soon as I entered the classroom the next day, I showed off my new sticker to the classmate yesterday. "I bought it with the money I found yesterday, didn't you

After class, the teacher asked me to go to the office with her. I think it must be that classmate who told me. When I arrived at the office, the teacher asked me if I had found five yuan yesterday. I nodded. The teacher said gently, "Why don't you give it to the teacher?" I stammered, "My pencil is gone and I want to buy it." The teacher said seriously, "Don't you often teach you to return money? You are right to buy a pencil, but you can't use the money you found. Think about whether you will be worried if you lose your money, and understand the feelings of others." I listened and shed tears of regret.

When I got home, I told my mother the whole story. Mother said, "If you want school supplies, your parents will give you money, but you can't refuse to hand over the money you found. Being a good child should be handed over to the teacher." My mother gave me another five yuan to hand over to the teacher in the afternoon.

After giving the money to the teacher, I felt much happier. I didn't hate the student who told me, but I thanked him more. Thanks for his advice and change my psychological distortion.

From then on, whenever I saw the five yuan note, I would think of it.