600 My little friend (16 required)
If you want to hold a rose, you must bear the pain
2023-09-02 07:35:47
Junior 1

600 My little friend (1)

My little partner is Wang Yahao. He is lively, cheerful, innocent and lovely. He is my best friend. The friendship between us can be said to have gone through ups and downs. The relationship is good!

Wang Yahao, his round face is like an apple, with a pair of bright and small eyes. He always has a smile on his face. His small mouth smiles like a curved moon. He is fat like a ball. Although he is usually silly, he is an expert at playing computer!

Wang Yahao has a few points worth learning. That is, he will never give up what he has not done well and what he has not done. He never copies his homework, even if he can or cannot copy it.

Once, the English teacher in the computer class left him behind and asked him to recite his wrong words. He read them carefully and recited them carefully again and again. The English teacher left, but he was still reciting them. He refused to leave until he could recite them.

In science class, when we were doing our homework, I found that he could not do several math problems. I said to him: Let me help you! He said: No! He stared at the questions without moving, thinking. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, as if he had some inspiration, and he immediately immersed himself in writing and painting on the paper. But somehow, he stopped again. His mouth pouted, his two small eyes turned, and he began to meditate on me again: Brother, do you need me to tell you! Wang Yahao said: No! This is the first time I have seen him like this, because he used to smile, so this is the first time I have seen him serious. As expected, his kung fu has paid off. After his efforts, he has finally completed these problems.

Wang Yahao is my forever good friend. He is so lively, lovely, diligent, inquisitive and helpful

600 My little friend (2)

I have a little friend who is very generous. If you don't believe him, please read down!

He has a big head, a small round face and a chubby body. A pair of round big eyes set with a circle of long eyelashes, showing a smart energy. Under the straight bridge of nose, there is a talkative mouth. His stomach is very big, like a bulging ball. He was very generous. He gave me all the delicious food at home. He had a lot of toys at home and gave me a good time!

He is good at playing badminton. Every time I make an appointment with him to play badminton in the community, he will shout "OK" on the phone! After arriving at the community, he seemed to be full of power. He played the ball very forcefully, and the ball was very high. Every time he played high and far, I could not catch it. He played badminton very well! Seeing my poor skills, he patiently taught me how to play badminton. First, he looked carefully at the ball, caught the ball, and then tried to swing the racket to the other side. With his help, my skills improved greatly!

He also played chess very well. Once he played a chess game at his home, which I missed so much that I almost succeeded. I was about to defeat him, but in turn, he defeated us! He can be regarded as an excellent chess player!

I like this little friend. How about you?

Do you know who my little friend is? His name is Li Yangchen.

Grade 4: Han Zixiang

600 My little friend (3)

Chen Ming and I are good friends.

One day, we took out the small wooden boat that we had made in the handwork group to play, and Chen Ming accidentally dropped it on the ground. In the dispute, Chen Ming trampled on it. I was very angry. I grabbed his boat and shouted angrily: "Since you have smashed my boat, I want you to pay the price." Just after the words were spoken, I waved my hand and threw it on the ground. His boat was smashed into two pieces. At this time, he refused to be outdone. His face was red and his ears were red. He stepped on my boat and kicked it aside again. I yelled: "You are not qualified to do this to my boat." He immediately retorted: "Who let you hit my boat? I didn't mean to hit your boat." We quarreled so much that if our classmates hadn't pulled us, we would have fought. Later, we have severed all relations. Although we go to and from school in the same way, we see each other as if they do not exist. Later, I calmly thought that there was something wrong with this matter. Chen Ming just accidentally smashed my boat, but I deliberately smashed his boat. I began to regret and was very depressed. I lost a good friend, and nothing could help me recover the friendship between Chen Ming and me. A few days later, after school, I met Chen Ming. I felt sorry for him and wanted to run away. As a result, he stopped me, lowered his head, and remained silent for a full minute before he hesitated and said, "That day... I was too impulsive... I shouldn't have quarreled with you... Can we still be good friends?" I was shocked, and then hurriedly said: "I also had shortcomings that day, we are still good friends." Just after the words, we took out the new wooden boat, and we were very happy.

Since then, we have never quarreled and become our best friends.

Yuan Jingshi, Grade 5, Dongguan No. 9 Primary School, Shilong Town, Dongguan, Guangdong

600 My little friend (4)

A golden sun hung in the blue sky. Below was the lawn of the park, with green grass and trees everywhere. There was a little girl of four or five years old, like a little rabbit, flying a kite on the lawn.

She is my little partner, Tongtong. She has short black and shiny hair, round face like two small meatballs, a small cherry mouth that can speak, and her mouth is very high when angry. That's really cute!

That day, we flew kites together. At the beginning, I was in high spirits, pulling the kite line and running hard. Tongtong, holding a kite behind him, chased me desperately. "Let go!" I gave an order to release the hand holding the kite. I thought the kite would fly high, but unexpectedly, it fell down and fell to the ground. We are disappointed. Then, we fly kites again. This time, we finally flew. We ran happily. The kite flew in the sky, but accidentally, the kite hung on the tree! It took me a lot of effort to pull the kite down from the tree. I was so depressed that I sat down on the ground and said, "I won't fly! This broken kite can't fly any more!" She smiled and said to me, "It doesn't matter. We can try again, and we will succeed!" After hearing her words, I cheered up again. But the kite always flies, falls, flies, falls... I am discouraged. Tongtong said, "Nothing, nothing." She picked up the kite without saying a word, picked up the kite spool, and dragged herself to run. After a while, the kite did not fly, but she was tired and sweated. Seeing her like this, I slowly stood up, held the kite with both hands, and ran fast against the wind. It was great, and the kite finally flew high! We were so happy that we smiled brightly.

It is the same. It gives me warm comfort when I am depressed, and gives me strength to move forward when I am discouraged. Facing such a younger sister who is several years younger than me, I think: I should learn from her persistent, positive and optimistic spirit!

Grade 6: Populus euphratica

600 My little friend (5)

Out of the misty rain came a vigorous figure, and the smiling face made people feel so comfortable. Come on, let's go home together! A simple word often makes me feel particularly warm, and makes me work hard to overcome difficulties and work hard to make progress. Who is this person? He is my best friend, Xiao Li.

Crazy boy

He is a fat little boy. He has a chubby face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a beer belly. When he walks, his meat trembles. Every time I see him, I always see his smile on his face, as if sorrow had no chance with him. When his classmates encounter difficulties, he always reaches out his hand in time, and people affectionately call him "timely rain".

Cartoon master

Little Li likes drawing cartoons very much. Give him a clean white paper. It won't be long before a lively and lovely image of Altman appears on the paper. Altman is lifelike, as if he really wants to come out of the paper. The students all admire his superb painting skills, and I am proud of having such a clever little partner

Angel of love

Little Li is also ready to help others. One Monday morning, the school bell rang, and I hurried into the classroom. My feet slipped, and a dog fell on the ice with a plop. The students in the classroom burst out laughing. I blushed. The famous Mr. Ou made a big face in the class. I hurried as if to get up, but there was a sharp pain in my knee. I looked down and saw that my knee had broken its skin. The blood was flowing and tears were running around my eyes. At this time, Little Li ran over. He bent down, gently lifted me up, and walked to the school doctor's room. When the school doctor cleaned my wound, Little Li gently patted my shoulder to comfort me. In those days, Little Li helped me up and down the stairs. Later, when I recovered, we became inseparable friends.

My little partner, Xiao Li, is such a person. He is clever and ready to help others. He is also the person who helps me the most! I like him very much!

600 My little friend (6)

A golden sun hung in the blue sky. Below was the lawn of the park, with green grass and trees everywhere. There was a little girl of four or five years old, like a little rabbit, flying a kite on the lawn.

She is my little partner, Tongtong. She has short black and shiny hair, round face like two small meatballs, a small cherry mouth that can speak, and her mouth is very high when angry. That's really cute!

That day, we flew kites together. At the beginning, I was in high spirits, pulling the kite line and running hard. Tongtong, holding a kite behind him, chased me desperately. "Let go!" I gave an order to release the hand holding the kite. I thought the kite would fly high, but unexpectedly, it fell down and fell to the ground. We are disappointed. Then, we fly kites again. This time, we finally flew. We ran happily. The kite flew in the sky, but accidentally, the kite hung on the tree! It took me a lot of effort to pull the kite down from the tree. I was so depressed that I sat down on the ground and said, "I won't fly! This broken kite can't fly any more!" She smiled and said to me, "It doesn't matter. We can try again, and we will succeed!" After hearing her words, I cheered up again. But the kite always flies, falls, flies, falls... I am discouraged. Tongtong said, "Nothing, nothing." She picked up the kite without saying a word, picked up the kite spool, and dragged herself to run. After a while, the kite did not fly, but she was tired and sweated. Seeing her like this, I slowly stood up, held the kite with both hands, and ran fast against the wind. It was great, and the kite finally flew high! We were so happy that we smiled brightly.

It is the same. It gives me warm comfort when I am depressed, and gives me strength to move forward when I am discouraged. Facing such a younger sister who is several years younger than me, I think: I should learn from her persistent, positive and optimistic spirit!

600 My little friend (7)

I have many friends, but what impresses me most is Zhang * *.

Zhang * * has a pair of big grape like eyes, a small and exquisite nose, a peach like mouth, and a smile on his face all day... Zhang * * is humorous and loves to laugh and work. Under his influence, the "ferocious tiger" became a cute monkey.

I remember once, he picked up a Chinese book and said with a smile, "Look at my great works!" The pictures there were so wonderful. Seattle, a respected Indian chief, became an old man with a microphone and a gun in his pen. In the lesson of "The Old Man and Seagulls", he drew a cigarette on the old man's portrait. An ancient man looked up at the sky, and he made an arrow, meaning that the ancient man was singing. A statue in his pen became a person singing with a microphone. I laughed myself up and down. After a while, Zhang * * said mischievously, "Let me sing a song for everyone!" As soon as he finished, he let go of his singing voice - "My mother's teeth are black, my mother's teeth are black, ouch ouch ouch. My mother's teeth are so black!" Everyone in our group laughed. At noon every day, our group will laugh under his influence.

Zhang * * is not only humorous, but also particularly fond of labor. I remember another time, when we played on the playground after class, Zhang * * bent down to pick up the garbage and cleaned up the whole cleaning area. Let him have a rest, but he smiled and said, "Do you have to work hard to the end?" Then he began to work again.

Zhang * * is a man who loves labor, humor and laughter. The world with him will not be lonely. I have made a good friend!

600 My little friend (8)

There is a gluttonous and funny person in our class. He is Tang Mingxin. He has a pair of round eyes, a pair of often red ears, a round head, white fat skin, which makes him cute and smart. He not only loves learning, but also is very cute.

Once, in English class, Miss Zhao taught us to read and touch English. Then Miss Zhao asked to touch her ears again. When I touched my ears, I heard my classmate say, "Yu Minghao, look at Tang Mingxin." I looked at Tang Mingxin and began to laugh, because he pulled his ears with his hands and pressed his nose with his pinkie. I said, "It's like 'Pig Bajie'." At this time, I asked my deskmate Zhang Yu to come and look, and she could not help laughing like me. At this time, the teacher's attention was aroused. As he walked here, he said, "I want to see what's funny." When Mr. Zhao came here, he saw Tang Mingxin pretending to be "Pig Bajie," he laughed and cried. Suddenly, the whole class laughed.

At the same time, he is also the "big stomach king" of our class. Every time he eats, he has to eat a lot of rice and vegetables that can be piled into a mountain. The left side is like a beach, and the right side is high like a football. What a lot! When he eats, he grabs food and rice with his hands and puts them into a spoon before eating. Every time I see him eating like this, I will look at him and you in astonishment, because he eats five times as much as I do.

He is such a funny and greedy student! He is really a legend.

600 My little friend (9)

There is a good partner in the community. She has big eyes full of wisdom; It has two tiger teeth when it smiles, and looks a little funny; The fat face is unspeakably cute; Two dimples appeared on his face for countless times; Long hair dancing in the wind, this is my little partner - "little pig".

She is sometimes cheerful and generous, sometimes lively and lovely, and sometimes a little naughty.

I remember one time, I was playing dominoes with another good friend in the community. We spent half an hour playing dominoes for more than one meter, which made our backs ache. The sun was shining on us, and my nose was still sweating. At this time, "Little Piggy" came. Wearing a pink gauze skirt and flesh colored culottes, she walked leisurely, sat down on the ground, and gently pushed the "boss" of the dominoes with her thick and short fingers. The first one fell, the second one, the third one, the fourth, the fifth, and then the third one fell in succession. Seeing this scene, another friend and I smiled bitterly and wanted to cry without tears. "Piggy" looked at us as if nothing had happened and said, "Funny, really funny!" Her face was full of smiles and clapped, and she began to gloat. "Piggy, you are going too far!" I was furious. "Yes, piggy, you are too hateful, madam is too excessive!" said Nana, another friend of mine. "All right, all right, I know it's wrong!" Piggy pretended to be pitiful while talking, and kept patting my shoulder with both hands. "All right," Nana said. "Piggy" is a good partner who knows his mistakes and changes them.

Another time, I went to English class with Piggy. I forgot to bring my pen, so I asked Piggy to lend it to me. She was very generous and lent me the pen. But during the break, the pen disappeared. It was Piggy's favorite pen. I told him that she was not angry and lent me a pen. Piggy is really generous!

Piggy, a generous person who knows his mistake and changes it, this is my good friend.

600 My little friend (10)

She, a pair of dexterous hands, can always create all kinds of handmade paper cuts and small ornaments, small and exquisite, perfect. Who is she? My good friend Zheng Xuelian

In an art class in the fourth grade of primary school, the teacher asked everyone to make a manual paper-cut or a paper jewelry, and they worked together to complete the task. She and I started to do it immediately. "Hey, what do you want to do?" "It's needless to say that the get-together is coming soon. It must be beautiful to cut a piece of 'Double Happiness' to decorate the window. She was working intently with scissors in her hand, fearing that something might go wrong and a UFO would appear from nowhere, so I instinctively retreated back. But she touched her hand, which changed the direction of the scissors, and the soon to be born "Double Happiness" turned into a pile of waste paper. "I'm sorry for..." I apologized with guilt, "I... I didn't mean to". She looked at the hard work turned into a pile of waste paper, and could no longer restrain her sad mood - her eyes were red, tears blurred his eyes, She sobbed and said: "You know how hard I was to finish it, but you destroyed it. You compensate, you compensate me!" She almost cried out. This shocked me. You know, she is usually a quiet girl. In my impression, she never shouted, but this time... I was very sad. Looking at her tearful face, I knew that everything was irretrievable. She won't play with me anymore. She won't be friends with me anymore. She wiped the last drop of tears and slammed the door.

For several days, I had trouble sleeping and eating. I thought of the tears when I ate, when I slept, and even looked back from time to time in class... I knew it was all my fault, and only I could heal her sad heart. After class, I asked the art teacher to cut a "Double Happiness" for me and color it. I handed the paper-cut to her. "It's my fault. I'm sorry. Now, I have made a double happiness for you. Do you like it?" She giggled and said, "You lied to me. It's not you who did it. It's the teacher who did it." "Ha ha..." We all laughed, laughing so happily.

Now, we are in different junior high schools and different classes, but we both miss each other deeply. When can we laugh loudly again.

600 My little friend (11)

Feng Junlin and I had a dream when we were young: to be inventors. Maybe you think we are crazy! But we really invented our artillery - firecracker. For one or two children, inventing something sounds like a fantasy, but we really invented a powerful gun.

At first, we slowly took apart an ordinary gun, which was mainly composed of four parts: clay, gunpowder, paper, and lead wires. After seeing the structure clearly, we began to work hard. But when I started to make it with paper, I couldn't do it well. Just when I was ready to give up, Feng Junlin's words filled me with confidence. He said, "Kangkang, don't give up, come on!"

So I thought of another way. First, we found a bamboo tube with a bottom diameter of 4 cm and a height of 15 cm. The bottom should not be hollow. Then we found some ordinary cannons. Finally, we found some dry yellow mud. After grinding it with stones, we could start to make it. First, we slowly poured the gunpowder in the gun into the bamboo tube, then installed the lead wires, and finally sealed the buttons with yellow mud, A simple firecracker is made.

We took the fire bamboo cannons to an empty place without people, but we didn't dare to put them on the ground. Finally, we thought of a way to put the fire bamboo cannons on the ground, then put paper under the lead wire, lit the paper and immediately ran to a safe place. With a "bang", we were shocked. This was not a gun at all, but a bomb, which fully showed that we were successful.

Now Feng Junlin has gone to Wuchuan. Whenever I encounter setbacks, I always think of that sentence: "Kangkang, don't give up, come on!"

600 My little friend (12)

She has a pair of big watery eyes, clear and bright, a high nose, a pair of ears that seem to be able to hear thousands of miles away, and a small mouth that is eloquent. Her clothes are as beautiful as the wedding dress that is just going out to take photos!

She is very quiet. One day I went to her house to play. As soon as she saw me, she was sitting upright on the sofa, motionless, as if she regarded me as air. I walked quietly to her and said, "Hey, Ji Liying! Did you see me?" She looked at me and said in a shy whisper, "I see you, but I don't like talking." She walked into the room and went to the writing desk, She picked up the new book that her mother bought for her, sat down on the chair, and read it with interest. I stood at the door of the house, didn't want to disturb her reading, so I listened to her reading. I listened for a long time at the door of the house, but never heard a sound. Then I saw that her voice was very low, almost inaudible, really like a quiet white rabbit.

Her handwriting is very good. One afternoon, the teacher asked us to practice calligraphy. This was our first time to write calligraphy characters. The teacher wrote the characters we wanted to write, and then went down to observe our handwriting. We all wrote in disorder, and of course, we wrote very fast. After writing, I looked out to see Li Ying. The writing was very clean, and the characters were very beautiful, neat, like a pair of orderly soldiers. We write one by one, and the writing is like a carbon ball. I envy Ji Liying very much. Her calligraphy got a "excellent" character. I will practice calligraphy as well as she does in the future.

She also has an advantage of helping others. In class, the teacher told a text. The teacher asked us to test our memory and dictated the new words. The whole class took out books and pens one after another. Only one student hurriedly turned over his schoolbag and said, "Oh, no, the pen can't be found!" He looked around hurriedly and thought, "If only a pen fell from the sky, how wonderful it would be!" When the teacher was about to dictate new words, he almost cried. Ji Liying saw it and hurriedly took out a pen from the stationery box, Without hesitation, he said, "Here you are, the teacher will dictate." He gratefully picked up the pen and said, "Thank you!" She said, "You're welcome!"

This is my little friend. Do you like it?

600 My little friend (13)

600 words composition 1 for me and my friends

Friendship is our most precious thing. Childhood without friendship is incomplete. From the first day I entered the university, we became inseparable friends. It was he who taught me what friendship is. He is my best friend, Wang Haonan. On the second day of this semester, I broke my arm; Fortunately, I was able to go to school and didn't miss class. But what worries me is that many things are inconvenient, and even some daily things are a little difficult to take care of themselves.

I remembered that one day I had to go upstairs with one arm carrying a big schoolbag, take books, look for papers, write... I also had to take meals and fetch water at noon... It was estimated that everything would be slower than others, or even worse. If I were laughed at by my classmates again, Ouch! What should I do? It's good to worry me. When I came to the classroom with the splint, I didn't imagine that the students not only didn't laugh at me, but also warmly greeted me and helped me. I didn't feel inconvenient at all. Especially my little partner, Wang Haonan. Stay with me, take care of me, care about me. Just like the special nurse in the hospital, it took half a day and it was time to have lunch at noon. Eh, where is Wang Haonan? I have been used to his presence. So he went to get food. As soon as the food arrived, he rushed first. Oh, what's the hurry! The meal is for one person. I don't usually see him so worried.

I saw him holding two portions of rice and squeezing out of the crowd. He was taking food for me and thought of it for me everywhere. I was really moved. He came to me with a smile and put the meal in front of me. "Is your spoon in the front pocket? If you find it, here you are, eat quickly." He picked up a box of meal and said to me, "Call me again if you need anything." Then he returned to his seat. Looking at his back, I have a deeper understanding of friendship. Friendship is to lend a helping hand to a friend when he is in trouble and do his best to help him. Accompany him through difficulties. This is my little friend. We have sincere friendship, and I will treasure it forever.

Me and my friends 600 words Composition 2

Last weekend, I finished my homework at home. When I had nothing to do, I picked up the phone and asked several "good friends" to come out to play together.

When I came to the garden of the community, I saw that my "good buddies" had gathered together, and I was just one person away. I ran to them. After some discussion, we finally reached a consensus - play the game of "cat and mouse". The game started. After several strokes, we decided that Tang Junyan would be a "cat" and I, Xiang Huaisong and Li Tao would be "mice" respectively. I first hid in the bushes, but the trunk and leaves were not too thick to completely block me. What should I do? I had a brainwave -- climb the tree! I picked a tree with thick branches and tried my best to climb it, hiding behind the leaves. Hey hey, I can sit on the Diaoyutai now. I saw that Xiang Huaisong could not find a hiding place, so I had to learn from me - climbing trees. Li Tao's body was small and hid in the bushes. Look, Tang Junyan is looking around in the bushes. Tang Junyan shouted, "Li Tao, I see you." At that moment, Xiang Huaisong laughed. Tang Junyan went to the tree where Xiang Huaisong was, but he couldn't find him. Xiang Huaisong became more proud and shouted, "Candy is Tang Junyan; Tang Junyan, Tang Junyan." Tang Junyan finally found out. Now I was forced to become Tang Junyan's ultimate goal. My throat suddenly itched. I couldn't hold it anymore. I coughed and was heard by Tang Junyan. But he searched under the tree, but he couldn't find me. At this time, Li Tao made a gesture to me. I didn't know what it meant at first, but after a while, I understood that Li Tao meant to frighten Tang Junyan. So I jumped down from the tree and stood in front of Tang Junyan and made a face. Tang Junyan was screaming, while Li Tao was rolling with laughter

With these good partners, my happiness will be everywhere. I hope I can stay with them forever.

Me and my friends 600 words Composition 3

We got to know each other from the first grade until the sixth grade. In my memory, she is an ordinary student who can no longer be ordinary. But I have a deep impression in my mind. She is my little partner - Wang Zi.

When I first met her, she was so quiet, always born in the corner of the last row. She has slightly curly hair, and the long curtain in front of her can not cover her bright eyes. And her charming smile, who can't help but love it.

She was transferred to our school in the first grade last semester. Despite her quiet appearance, there is a fire of enthusiasm burning in her heart. Once released, there will be a power that everyone admires.

At that time, I was famous for being careless in our class. I either forgot to bring my exercise book or my pencil case. One final exam, I checked several times and forgot to bring the protractor. I am like an ant on a hot pot - round and round. Drips of pea sized sweat crawled down my cheeks. Wang Zi saw it, exchanged a gesture with me, and understood the meaning. She immediately took out a new set of rulers and compasses from her seat and lent them to me. She smiled slightly, like a spring breeze coming from Buddha's face, with the fragrance of flowers in the wind. My face was flushed with shame. Since that day, I have rarely lost everything.

I also like her diligence and inquisitiveness. In class and after class, she can always be heard asking questions from teachers and classmates. Every night, Wang Zi is my loyal "telephone fan". She always asks me one question at a time, and I will take pains to explain to her. In this way, not only will she know what she has learned, but also I will consolidate what I have learned.

I like my little partner. She and I are inseparable. I like my little friend not only because of her looks, but also because of her enthusiasm and inquisitiveness. Wang Zi, the name of my little partner and her figure will always be printed in my heart!

600 My little friend (14)

If I have a robot partner, I hope he will accompany me to do sports. I only have Saturdays and Sundays now. My grandpa runs with me, and occasionally my grandma goes skating with me in Ba Ren Square. The sports I can do are really boring. On Saturday morning, in his childish "one two one" sound, we ran rhythmically in the morning and suddenly had another speed race, which would be great! Play badminton with me on weekends. How nice it would be to swim with me in the hot summer and protect me as a "dry duck"! His company makes me healthy. With a strong body, I can learn better and contribute to the construction of my hometown and motherland in the future.

If I have a robot partner, I hope he will accompany me to do housework. Every weekend, Grandma cleans the house rain or shine. My task is to dust all the furniture. If I have a robot partner, work with me and enjoy the joy of labor!

If I have a robot partner to study with me. I am nine years old this year. I am very slow in doing my homework. I failed to finish the exam many times, and I have been criticized and reminded by my teacher many times. I don't know how many times I have been beaten by my parents at home. I just can't change this bad habit. I hope to have a robot partner who will accompany me to do homework, read books, read classics, read Tang poems, recite Tang poems, read stories and tell stories. The teacher told us that reading gives people wisdom, broadens their horizons, and changes their own destiny. I hope I can study hard and enjoy the happiness of healthy growth together in his study company!

Dear children, do you think my idea will come true? I think my "Chinese Dream" will also come true!

600 My little friend (15)

Everyone has his own little partner, and I am no exception. My little partner's name is Zhang Tongyang. She has a pair of not big, not stingy, very intelligent eyes, a not wide but eloquent mouth, she is not tall, maybe only 1.36 meters, but also has a lot of knowledge; People are not very beautiful, but they can also tell a lot of truth.

She is very helpful. Remember a final exam. I came to school early to prepare for the exam. At first everything went well, but an accident occurred when I arrived at the inventory: I didn't bring a ruler! God, ruler, what an important thing! How can I forget it? I am anxious like an ant on a hot pot, trying to recall the scene in the morning: after breakfast, pick up things, erasers, pencils, rulers, and paper. When I picked up the ruler, I clearly saw him lying quietly on the table. "Ruler, come back quickly! I tried my best to shout, but I knew it was just a reflection, and there was no way. I scolded myself in my heart, how could I be so stupid! In the blink of an eye, the preparation bell rang, and I was more anxious. At this time, she came up and said," What's the matter? The exam is about to start, and you need to keep a good attitude. What's the matter of you being so anxious? "I can't bear his slow manner, In a hurry, she said, "The exam is about to start, but I didn't bring my ruler. What should I do, She ran away, leaving me sitting with the half ruler. The exam began, and I wrote the paper smoothly with a half ruler full of love.

After the exam, the results came out, and I did very well in the exam. I think Zhang Tongyang also contributed a lot to it.

Zhang Tongyang, you are my best little partner!

Chapter 2

Everyone has his own little partner, without whom he will feel lonely, and I am a good little partner.

Her performance is very good, and she always has the upper hand. Every teacher in the school knows her. She is a famous excellent student in our school. Although she sometimes does everything lazily, she is actually doing it seriously; Sometimes when she was doing her homework, she would say angrily, "It's really difficult, I don't want to do it." But when she got home, she was thinking hard until she knew the answer; Sometimes she doesn't like books at all. Even if others lend them to her, she doesn't want to read them. But as long as she looks serious, she never likes being disturbed.

She is also very helpful. Once, many of us gathered around to play together. Suddenly, a little brother fell down, which we didn't notice. Only she noticed. She hurried to help the little brother up and asked with concern, "Did you fall?" The little brother shook his head in embarrassment, turned and ran away.

She is also very generous. She will help others when they need her, as long as she can do it.

This is my little partner, my model, and my achievements have become as good as hers.

Oh, I forgot to introduce her name. She is my good partner - Pan Zhijing.

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In my childhood, I met many friends. Among them, Xu Sijing is my favorite partner.

When I was young, she left a bad impression on me. She was complacent, proud, and looked down upon others. Everyone hated her from the bottom of their hearts. Finally, she transferred to another school. As time went by, we all forgot about her. Unexpectedly, one summer day, the sun was so hot that I had to hide at home and dared not go out. "Jingle, jingle" The phone rang, and I hurried to answer it. A strange, familiar and sincere voice sounded. "Chen Bingqian, hello, I'm Xu Sijing, I was wrong in the past, please forgive me." Suddenly a silent thing fell. Unexpectedly, Xu Sijing has changed so much in recent years. With tears in my eyes, I said, "It doesn't matter. If you know your mistake, you are good children. We are still good friends." "Du" hung up the phone. I left the phone resentfully. How I wanted to talk to Xu Sijing again, but she mercilessly hung up.

I not only like her character of knowing her mistakes and changing them, but also her spirit of helping others. Once, I went traveling with her, and the scenery along the way was very beautiful and fascinating. At this time, we saw a child playing on the road. Xu Sijing said, "Let's ask the children to leave the road quickly!" I said, "Leave her alone, let's go." She could not bear to go on. Suddenly, a car came from behind the little friend. The children didn't notice that they were still playing. When Xu Sijing heard the whistle, she knew that the children were in danger. She suddenly turned her head and saw the car, the children and the distance between them. She quickly ran over the railing and rushed out of the road with the child in her arms. People present praised Xu Sijing, saying that she was the only child who loved to help others. Hearing the praise, Xu Sijing smiled slightly and said, "It's nothing. This is what a Young Pioneer should do." After hearing her words, people were even more appreciative. But God doesn't look long. Just as the golden and yellow season is coming this year, Xu Sijing lost her precious life due to a car accident. Why did God treat her like this, why, why? Although Xu Sijing died, her quality took root and sprouted in my heart. These qualities will always inspire me to move forward!

[Chapter 2]

"Friends go together all their lives, and those days no longer exist. A word, a lifetime, a lifetime of love, a glass of wine..." Whenever I hear Zhou Huajian's "friend", I think of my little friend --- Huang Yan.

Huang Yan is both my partner and my good friend. She likes to talk and sing, and is lively. Her dark face always has a bright smile. Under her thick eyebrows, she has eyes as big as the above jewels. Her nose is flat and flat, and her small mouth is eloquent, which can be described as smart. He has short black hair, looks like a tomboy, and has been rated as the "Three Good Students" of the school many times!

Be willing to help others in learning.

I remember an exam in Grade 5, because I didn't study hard before the exam, so the exam was a mess - 71 points. Looking at the bright red score sheet, I tilted my head regretfully, and the painful spasm swept over my mouth. A burst of overwhelming regret broke my heart, and merciless tears ran down my cheeks. At this time, Huang Yan came up to me and comforted me, saying, "Yuebao, it's OK! It doesn't matter if you don't do well in the exam this time, just try your best next time. Don't cry!" After listening to her words, I gathered the courage to stop crying. Huang Yan also picked up the exam paper and told me the wrong question. After that time, I did not fail in the exam again. It was her words that inspired me.

Huang Yan is not only willing to help others in study, but also often helps others in life.

In life, helping others is fun.

That day when school was over, I looked up and looked out of the window - it was raining outside the window, accompanied by the school bell deafening. I didn't have an umbrella, so I had to sit quietly at the stairs and look helplessly at the gray sky.

As time went by, it was getting darker and the rain was getting heavier. My parents never came to pick me up. I was a little disappointed: Where did my parents go? They saw that I was not at home, so they came back to pick me up? Why haven't you come yet? Just when I was helpless, a familiar figure came into sight and was coming to me. At a closer look, it turned out to be Huang Yan who had swept the floor.

When she saw me sitting alone on the stairs, she asked me: "Why don't you go home?" "I forgot my umbrella." I lowered my head in shame. "I'll give it to you," she said. "Well... well," I hesitated for a moment. In this way, I went home with her.

We chatted all the way. I suddenly found that the umbrella originally on Huang Yan's head had moved to my head, but she was wet in the heavy rain

At the door, I caught a glimpse of Huang Yan's dark face covered with dew and was drenched into a drowned rat.

When I got to school the next day, I saw Huang Yan sneezing from time to time. I knew it must be because she was wet in the rain yesterday to take me home

Partners are the wealth of life. I am honored to have a good partner who is willing to help others in learning and happy to help others in life. Huang Yan, Xie Xie you! It is you who help me in my study, help me in my life, and give me happiness and encouragement on the way of growth that make me no longer lonely. thank you!