Pursue happiness (15 popular articles)
The breeze is blowing
2023-12-06 03:48:21
Junior two

Pursue happiness (1)

Streams will witness the majesty of the sea only if they are not satisfied with the status quo and forget their pursuit, eagles will fight against the sky only if they are not satisfied with the status quo and forget their pursuit, and plum blossoms will be fragrant only if they are not satisfied with the status quo and forget their pursuit. On the road of life, if you are always satisfied with the status quo and do not pursue it, you will never achieve greater success. The duck is unwilling to discover and pursue the clear river, so it can only play in the sludge pond. Therefore, the pursuit of life is endless.

Look at the old man fishing on the Pushui River. He has rejected the temptation of the Chu State, and is dedicated to pursuing his ideal life. He is willing to ride the roc to go for a free trip.

Listen to the creaking sound of the wooden cart on the rugged mountain road. It was the sage Kong who led his disciples to travel around the countries with great enthusiasm. He does not want to be content with the status quo. He will continue to pursue. He will find a permanent place to settle down for his theories and thoughts.

See how Gan Xiangwei, a student of Peking University, fulfilled his wish to go to Peking University! At first, he worked as a security guard at the west gate of Peking University. However, his dream is to become a real student of Peking University. As a result, he often skimmed classes and listened in, and finally became a real talent at Peking University with a score of 60 points higher after resuming the adult college entrance examination. Because he knows how to pursue and pursue his dreams, he has made remarkable achievements.

Listening to the stage of the Voice of China, "Silence Alone on the West Tower", a beautiful song sang the hardships of her music road, while a song "Conquer" sang her pursuit of not being conquered by fate. She is not satisfied with performing in the street. She wants to pursue his dream. She is Zhang Yuxia, a blind singer. Because she knows how to pursue, he will be remembered and her beautiful songs will be heard on the stage.

Lee Kaifu is dissatisfied with the status quo and always follows his heart. Even though he has made great achievements, he has not forgotten his pursuit. From Apple to Microsoft, to starting his own business, all of them reflect his pursuit of life.

Maybe you already have the life you want, but please don't forget to pursue, because maybe you haven't realized the true happiness. The perfect life is the one who is not satisfied with the status quo and has the courage to pursue. Sometimes, as long as you move forward, you will find unexpected surprises. Therefore, on the road of life, please do not forget to pursue.

Pursue happiness (2)

Time flies, and the moon is once full again. I leaned alone by the window and looked at the peaceful night sky. My heart was at a loss, like willow catkins and cold smoke. I was worried and overshadowed by my poor performance, which made me unable to find happiness or miss happiness, but it still did not help. Maybe I have fought, maybe I have reveled, but happiness will not be with me. So, I sighed and was at a loss. But after careful consideration, I changed my mind to a fermenting fermenter, and then I understood that life cannot live in a world of sighs. From then on, I think from another angle, maybe this will find greater happiness. The years are silent, the time sequence changes

However, infinite thoughts are lingering in my mind, stirring my heart. I want to think about those people who can still make up three wonders and burn plaster on the sundial in difficult times. In the process of years, they will eventually become famous, take the lead and find their happiness. However, I did not lose heart, nor did I fail to recover. Instead, I rallied to try my best to break the waves and find my own happiness in the difficulties and failures. Sometimes, even the not happy into the greatest happiness. In such years, I clench my teeth and pursue happiness.

Because of the pursuit, we dare to fight hard and return the dead; Because of our pursuit, we are willing to go to the moon in the sky and catch turtles in the ocean; More because of the pursuit, I am willing to be indifferent and peaceful. What is the purpose of all this? In order to recover their own happiness. Have you ever seen the soldier with a gold dagger galloping on the battlefield? He fought bravely and bravely in the battlefield all his life. Even if he died in battle and the mountains buried his loyalty, he was still brave and courageous, but he felt very happy. Because he thought this was the happiness of his life. In this way, he has no scruples, only with pursuit and thought to find his own happiness. I stood and thought. The moonlight outside the curtain became clearer. Seen from afar, mountains and rivers are opposite each other with a smile, which seems to be a happy smile. And me? I also learned that... in the process of years, I will pursue happiness with another form of pursuit and thinking. Then, just let me take a sincere heart on the journey!

Pursue happiness (3)

Pursuit is an indispensable signboard on the road of life, which can point out the direction of life for us; The pursuit of happiness is a ray of sunshine in the dark, which can make frustrated people feel hope.

We accept the challenge of worry every day, so many people think that happiness is not their own. In fact, happiness is everywhere. It needs to be created by yourself! You may ask: "Don't you need to make great efforts to be happy?" In fact, to enjoy happiness, you only need to be frank and accompany with sincerity. I have a deep understanding.

I once hosted a program in school. As I had no experience before, I was very nervous. When I asked the headmaster to speak on the stage, my lines were confused because I didn't write clearly, so there were bursts of laughter from the audience. Although I was embarrassed, I changed my words temporarily to ease the atmosphere, and my classmates also understood me. I didn't feel ashamed of being ridiculed for my mistakes, so I got everyone's tolerance. Indeed, if you handle unpleasant things with a happy attitude, you will have different feelings.

Here is another story. A young man likes to steal, and after many crimes, he became a millionaire. But he was not happy and lived a hellish life every day. He was so nervous that he seemed to see the police when he met anyone. Pain and regret filled his heart, and there was no happiness in his life. He tried to turn himself in several times, but he was afraid of legal punishment. One of the most popular words he said was "When will happiness return?"

It can be seen that the meaning of happiness is very broad, and different people will have different forms of expression. But it always has one thing in common - communicate with people with frank quality and offer sincere love to others. At this time, you will find that people around you will be happy because of your company! In the same way, we should always check ourselves - we should not do things without conscience, and we should not only see the immediate interests and damage the friendship of others - so as not to let happiness pass us by!

"If two people share one happiness, they will become two happiness; if two people share one pain, they will become half pain." Let's pursue happiness together! Let happiness accompany us all our life!

Pursue happiness (4)

In life, everyone has something to pursue. Some people pursue fame and wealth, some people pursue money, some people pursue success, and some people pursue... In short, everyone pursues different things. What I pursue is happiness! At every sunrise, meet your smiling face and let the happiness of life fill people's hearts.

Life is like a red apple placed there. If you bite it, it will be our happiness. If you don't bite it, you will not know its sweetness, and you will not taste happiness. Not all dreams can become beautiful reality, but beautiful dreams can also decorate the happiness of life.

Happiness does not need any earth shaking great joy to achieve, happiness is just a mood. It is enough to see the bright sunshine every day, smell the refreshing flowers, hear the birds chirping and insects chirping in nature, and eat the delicious food made by my mother.

Maybe everyone will say that happiness is elusive, but I would say that happiness is easy to get, the key is whether you want it or not. If Xiang has happiness, we should be friends with frankness; To have happiness, we should be accompanied by sincerity; To have happiness, we should use our own hands to create wealth. Otherwise, happiness will be like a flash in the pan and will be farther and farther away from us.

When we received the invitation of life and walked lightly into the world, we began a dreamlike journey. In this journey, whether we have a rich life or unknown pain, we should face it with a sunny smile, because as long as there is happiness, there is no difficulty, So we should learn to make merry in pain, so that there are countless beautiful scenery along the way. Even in the dark, we can also use the light of our own happiness to illuminate the surrounding.

It turns out that happiness is so simple that we can open our hearts, open the window of our hearts, use dreams as sails, and hope as oars to meet the torrent of youth and pursue our happiness!

Pursue happiness (5)

Constant pursuit is happiness. If a person is rich, powerful, famous, and beneficial in life, but he does not pursue happiness, he also hopes to spend this life. Happiness is the pursuit of following his heart, following his fate, and having no concerns. Happy people know that happy life is the most important value, and also a pursuit of life goals. Some people still often complain about life, Or people who give up their pursuit of life will envy others' happiness and hope they can live happily, but they can't get into the door of happy life.

Even if the door of life is opened, everyone is using pursuit to open this heavy door, but our hearts are full of pain, happiness, happiness, and sadness. The pursuit of happiness itself is not a successful life.

I once heard a lecturer say that what is broader than the sea is the sky, and what is broader than the sky is the soul of people. People's hearts can hold many things, but if our hearts can continue to be strong, hard, and simple, then we will also be poor and happy. You think most people are devoted to the pursuit of happiness, rights, reputation, and wealth all their lives. We seldom hear people say that I have been pursuing happiness all my life because people always believe that happiness will come with the wind after they get wealth, fame and wealth, but they will suddenly realize that happiness has not come but has brought pain after they expend their energy.

Let me tell you a story about a young man who climbed mountains and waded rivers in order to get endless happiness. In order to find his own vine, he came to Zhong Nanshan Mountain. He found the happy vine at the steep mountain top. But when he got this vine, he did not feel happy, but felt a kind of emptiness and loss. It was dark that night, so he stayed in an old man at the foot of the mountain. Facing the white moonlight, he gave a long sigh, The old man asked the young man what made you sigh like this, so he said in his heart that why did I get the Joy Vine but not the Joy Vine? The old man smiled and said that in fact, the Joy Vine does not exist in Zhong Nanshan. Do you know that it exists in all our hearts as long as you have the Joy Vine. Even if you can get happiness when you go to the ends of the earth, the old man's words make the young man feel fresh and ask what is root. The old man said that the pursuit of a heart is the root of happiness. It is easy to pursue a happy life, but it is difficult to understand what happiness is because it requires a certain amount of brain. I will give you some ideas below.

First, happiness is to do what you like all your life. Second, happiness is to go all out to make a leap. Third, happiness is full of hope. Fourth, happy people only ask about hard work, not how much they have achieved. Fifth, when a person gives up pursuing, he is doomed to have no chance with happiness. Sixth, happiness is brave to challenge and take risks. Seventh, when pursuing is happiness, life is full of happiness. When pursuing is nothing, life becomes helpless. Happiness is everywhere. Eighth, life itself is the greatest happiness.

I think that people's life, vegetation and autumn, can be happy, happy, happy, happy, believe that this is the dream of each of us.

Pursue happiness (6)

As a child, we were always asked by our parents, what is your ideal? The childish answer of childhood has long been buried in the sediment of memory and gone forever, but the happiness of chasing the dream in my heart is always the happiest time in my childhood.

The ideal dream planted in the heart will always sprout in the bottom of my heart, calling and guiding myself forward.

It takes courage to pursue ideals. The ideal requires us to keep trying and broaden our vision. Attempt is to explore the unknown. After exploration, innovation will be made. After innovation, achievements will be achieved, which will further our own ideal. But under all these conditions, you must have the courage to achieve it. If you don't even have the courage to try, then the opportunity to fly to you can only slip away in vain.

We often complain about God, why some people can be favored by God, and we are always at the starting line from our ideal. That is because God pays attention to those children who have courage. They are so successful because they are constantly trying, innovating, and achieving. They not only add a sense of achievement, but also enjoy the pleasure of being tempered in the process of success, because only in this way can each failure be turned into a driving force to move forward and continue to move forward.

The pursuit of ideals requires persistence.

"I must persevere..." Everyone has said that there may be only a few people who really achieve and succeed.

Many people's persistence is just a temporary impulse, and then they forget it in the passage of time. Although that moment is really exciting, once it fades away, there will be only regret and regret. Long term persistence requires strong will and confidence. It seems very difficult, but in fact, as long as we walk steadily step by step, we can achieve success every step, have the happiness of success, and enjoy the pleasure of pursuing.

No matter what the ideal is, it does not matter how big or small it is, but how brave the people who pursue it are and whether they have a firm and unshakeable heart. Everyone's ambition is ambitious. As long as they succeed, they will surely enjoy the happiness of sweating in pursuit.

Everyone who has lofty ideals must not fail to live up to the promise of childhood, and try to run in the pursuit of happiness!

Pursue happiness (7)

My name is xxx. I am a grade four pupil. I am 9 years old this year. I come from Guangzhou, a city full of spring all the year round. I am a happy young man who always smiles in both study and life.

I grew up in a happy family. My family members are: a naive and intelligent mother at home, a father who works hard at home, and a grandmother who takes care of my food and drink, picks me up for school and leaves school. Under their care, I live happily.

I am outgoing and like making friends. I can become friends with strangers in a short time. This summer vacation, I went to Beijing to participate in the "Cultural Composition Competition". On the train to Beijing, I got along well with my brothers and sisters who didn't know each other in the carriage. I shared snacks with them, played games and cards with them. The carriage was full of joy, and everyone liked me very much. Then on a week-long trip to Beijing, I visited the Great Wall Palace Museum and Tsinghua University with these new friends. I felt very happy because I had gained knowledge, friendship and happiness. Up to now, I can't forget this beautiful day.

My hobbies are many, many. I like sports. I like playing table tennis, badminton and football. Every weekend, I will invite my good friends to play ball together. Playing ball enables me to exercise my body and gain more friendship. I feel very happy. My mother is a person who loves traveling. She often says, "It is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books." Under her influence, I also love traveling very much. Tourism is a kind of happiness. It can let you know folk customs, gain knowledge, and make you happy physically and mentally. I have been to many tourist attractions, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou, etc. I have also visited Malaysia, Thailand, South Korea, the United States and other countries.

I have a dream that I will become an aircraft designer when I grow up. Why do you have this dream? Because I like traveling, I hope I can take the plane designed by myself to travel around the great rivers and mountains of the motherland and travel around the world in the future. For this dream, I study hard. I believe that as long as I work hard, I will succeed!

This is me, a happy young man who is lively, has dreams and pursues! Will you like me?

Pursue happiness (8)

Pursue happiness, meet your smiling face at every sunrise!

Pursue happiness and let the happiness of life fill people's hearts!

Some people say happiness is far away from themselves, while I say happiness is everywhere. Happiness is created by oneself, and oneself is the source of happiness! Life is so short, I believe everyone hopes to spend this life happily.

But there are inevitably many bumps in life, which make us unhappy. So if you want to have happiness, you need to pursue happiness!

To have happiness, we should be friends with frankness; To have happiness, we should be accompanied by sincerity; To have happiness, we should use our own hands to create wealth. Otherwise, happiness is just like a flash of epiphyllum, not forever; Otherwise, happiness will lead us farther and farther away; Otherwise, we will live a miserable life! How can we talk about happiness?

A young man is a thief. After many crimes, he has become a millionaire. But he is not happy. He lives a hellish life every day. He was on tenterhooks all day, looking at everyone like the people's police. Pain and regret filled his heart. He has no happy company, but some are miserable. He wanted to surrender several times, but he was afraid of the punishment of the law. How could he talk about happiness? Young people regret to say - happy, when to return?

There are many such things in life. When they have happiness, they don't know how to cherish it. When they lose it, they know how valuable happiness is!

In this short life, we all want to have happiness, but if we don't always behave ourselves, happiness will pass us by! So we should always review ourselves and warn ourselves not to do things with a dull conscience and not to covet other people's wealth. Be kind to others, be honest and frank, so that we will always have happiness, and happiness will surround us!

Friends! I believe you don't want to be sad all day long. You also want to live happily. Then let's pursue happiness together, and let happiness accompany us all our life!

Pursue happiness (9)

I pursue, I am happy

I pursue, I am happy. "Running free with the wind is the direction, chasing the power of thunder and lightning, putting the vast ocean into my chest, even the smallest sail can sail far......" Singing this passionate song, I let myself fly to my heart's content, because I have a pair of dream wings. I strive to pursue, because I pursue, so I am happy!

I am a stream singing and walking happily. I flow down from a steep mountain. Along the way, I pass by the rock. I have moistened the grass and touched the pulse of the earth. My pursuit is to follow the footprints of the sea and contribute all the way. On my way forward, people like to reflect their faces with my clean body, or wipe their faces with me. I can still hear the echo of children playing around me and the catchy laundry Yao. I fly among the rocks, I fly on the plain, I fly in the countryside, I must be integrated with the sea. Although the road ahead is full of hardships, I know that the sea is my best destination, no matter how much pain awaits me on the way of pursuit. As long as I pursue bravely, I will feel happy.

I am a leaf. I am dedicated to green all my life, and I want to achieve a golden dream. I have a beautiful face and a beautiful youth. My pursuit is to drift leisurely and turn into spring mud when the big curtain of life closes, and then smile and say to myself, "Life has no regrets". So, I was tested in the sun, and I strengthened myself in the storm. When the love song of life played, I closed my eyes with a smile and happily floated down to the embrace of Mother Earth, without hesitation or hesitation. Because I know that this is the best way for me to repay Mother Earth's care. I would like to use my life to bring new life and vitality to the earth.

I am a persistent pursuit cloud in the sky. I am happy because of my pursuit

I am a persistent pursuit tree in the desert. I am happy because of my pursuit

I always remember that if you want to lose, you should lose to the pursuit, and if you want to win, you should win happiness. Pursuit is a beautiful process. No matter success or failure, I will pursue. Because I pursue, so I am happy!

Pursue happiness (10)

The first ray of sunshine in the morning passed through the lattice window as usual, playfully kissed my face, rubbed my sleepy eyes, stretched, yawned, and energetically went to greet the new day.

The sunshine gives me positive energy and urges me to pursue my dream.

Life in high school is a dream made up of test papers and persistence. Everyday, I immerse myself in piles of books and wander in the endless sea of questions. There is no lack of fatigue. But just because I hold my dream and pursue it persistently, I am happy and full.

Occasionally, when I feel that I can't stand it, the learning difficulties and various pressures are so heavy that I can't breathe. Sitting alone in the classroom, all kinds of complex emotions gather at this moment. I know that the happiness as thin as cicada wings is now buried deep in the ground, pregnant with a deep sleep, just waiting for the splendid rebirth of the next summer, so I also persist in pursuing, never giving up the original dream, just because I want to find the paradise. When finishing, tears burst the bank and ran across the corners of the mouth, but it was not salty and bitter taste, but sweet like honey.

Happiness always exists in persistent pursuit. The rainbow after the rain pursues great beauty, leaving people moving colors; The falling waterfall pursues grandeur and flows into the river and sea over the cliff; Flashing meteors pursue the brilliance of life, leaving dazzling brilliance. Life is outstanding because of persistent pursuit.

Happiness is derived from persistent pursuit. Tao Yuanming went after the Xanadu, leaving the officialdom to live a leisurely and idyllic life of "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, leisurely seeing the Nanshan Mountain"; Zhang Pingyi's pursuit of true love in the world will lead the wandering Dayingpan Village into a bright and open world.

Happiness always permeates on my face, because of my persistent pursuit. Persisting in pursuing their dreams, only to reach their own heaven.

The flaming sunset leans on the western hills and raises my mouth to the crimson sky. I can say happily, "I have pursued it persistently and am worthy of today's sunset..."

Pursuing Happiness (11)

I pursue, I am happy. "Running free with the wind is the direction, chasing the power of thunder and lightning, putting the vast ocean into my chest, even the smallest sail can sail far......" Singing this passionate song, I let myself fly to my heart's content, because I have a pair of dream wings. I strive to pursue, because I pursue, so I am happy!

I am a stream singing and walking happily. I flow down from a steep mountain. Along the way, I pass by the rock. I have moistened the grass and touched the pulse of the earth. My pursuit is to follow the footprints of the sea and contribute all the way. On my way forward, people like to reflect their faces with my clean body, or wipe their faces with me. I can still hear the echo of children playing around me and the catchy laundry Yao. I fly among the rocks, I fly on the plain, I fly in the countryside, I must be integrated with the sea. Although the road ahead is full of hardships, I know that the sea is my best destination, no matter how much pain awaits me on the way of pursuit. As long as I pursue bravely, I will feel happy.

I am a leaf. I am dedicated to green all my life, and I want to achieve a golden dream. I have a beautiful face and a beautiful youth. My pursuit is to drift leisurely and turn into spring mud when the big curtain of life closes, and then smile and say to myself, "Life has no regrets". So, I was tested in the sun, and I strengthened myself in the storm. When the love song of life played, I closed my eyes with a smile and happily floated down to the embrace of Mother Earth, without hesitation or hesitation. Because I know that this is the best way for me to repay Mother Earth's care. I would like to use my life to bring new life and vitality to the earth.

I am a persistent pursuit cloud in the sky. I am happy because of my pursuit

I am a persistent pursuit tree in the desert. I am happy because of my pursuit

I always remember that if you want to lose, you should lose to the pursuit, and if you want to win, you should win happiness. Pursuit is a beautiful process. No matter success or failure, I will pursue. Because I pursue, so I am happy!

Pursuing Happiness (12)

After reading a famous book, I believe you have a lot to share. Let's write down your feelings after reading it. Before you write your review, you can refer to the sample text. The following is the review of Huofa: Pursue a perfect and happy life. Welcome to share.

"Whether to treat life positively and optimistically or passively and pessimistically? Our life will be very different." is a sentence in Kazuo Inamori's "Living Method". Kazuo Inamori's book has given me great influence. This sentence has become the key to open the door to happiness in life.

Kazuo Inamori told me that whether life is happy or not depends not on the difference of circumstances, the arrangement of fate, but on oneself, the color of his heart, his feelings for circumstances and life, and whether he has a heart that loves life.

Mr. Inamori mainly told us the way to realize his dream and the troubles he experienced when he was young. His life in his youth can be said to be a continuation of setbacks: when he was young, he suffered from tuberculosis, nearly lost his life, and twice failed to be admitted to the ideal middle school - Kagoshima No. 1 Middle School. With all his efforts, he could only be admitted to a non famous university, and experienced hardships and setbacks in job hunting. All these made him very upset, and he felt very aggrieved. But after all kinds of troubles, he told himself that he could not just complain about others, which would not turn his life around. He believed that God would grant me luck. At last, he created two Fortune 500 enterprises.

Mr. Inamori got tuberculosis when he was a child. He was very worried that he would die of tuberculosis like his uncle. At that time, tuberculosis was an incurable disease. When a patient was out of the home, he would hide from his neighbors and be cared for by relatives at home. When I was young, I also got a serious illness and issued a "critical illness notice". A bad luck deprived me of the right to speak, but also left a nasty sequela. My saliva kept flowing, and my hands and feet became inflexible. After that, the immunity became extremely poor. Almost every month, I had to go to the hospital to get saline.

With great love and regardless of his own safety, he took care of his uncle until his last father was not invaded by tuberculosis, while Mr. Inamori, who deliberately avoided, was plagued by illness. He made a deep reflection on this and felt how important people's mentality is. Maybe because of the change in mentality and the intensification of the air raid, he could not stay in bed and had to run for his life. In the process, he recovered. Poor me, and Kazuo Inamori are in the same boat. I always feel bad when I go to the hospital. Her face was sad, her eyebrows were locked, and her expression was painful. She felt that the nurses were all white demons, and the needle in her hand was the knife that killed me. At this time, my mother always takes out a fairy tale book and tells fascinating stories vividly. At this time, the fairy tale book opened my heart like a happy key. It seemed that I came to the animal kingdom. Smart little squirrels jumped up and down in front of me. The ferocious big gray wolf opened his big mouth to me, and the cute little rabbit glared at his red eyes... From then on, I enjoyed reading, and preferred going to the hospital!

Mr. Inamori founded two Fortune 500 companies. At the age of 78, he also took over Japan Airlines, which had declared bankruptcy. A few months later, JAL's monthly accounting turned from red to black. Like Kazuo Inamori, here I am, where there is dream, there is joy, and where there is joy, there is harvest. After careful tasting, I suddenly realized that the "destiny goddess" was looking after me. Mr. Inamori failed to be admitted to my ideal middle school, but I was admitted to my ideal middle school, a key middle school in our city. More luckily, on campus, I not only learned a lot of knowledge, but also received the care of teachers and students. Although I am slower than others in doing things and eating, although I have to endure people's strange eyes, although others are studying on weekends, I am doing rehabilitation treatment in the hospital. Although the doctor has repeatedly told me to rest and sleep more, although I still have many obstacles to face in my future life, what are these? Bad luck has destroyed my 'body, but not my dream! Where there is a dream, there is hope.

Yes, here in Mr. Inamori, I saw hope and the colorful sunshine in my dream. He is my example and the light on my dark road at night. Although I can no longer lead the world's top 500 enterprises like him, I can love life as he does, stick to life, look forward to the future, and live happily every day. Although life is really unfair and I have suffered so much, as long as I use a positive attitude, unswerving perseverance, and try my best to pursue my dream, as long as I accumulate step by step every day, I will have a magical effect of geometric progression changes, and the small results produced by solid efforts every day, Will lead to further efforts and results. The past is not equal to the future, and dreams will come true.

Mr. Inamori, please believe that I have taken the golden key from you. The door has been opened. I live, I am happy, I have dreams, and the "destiny goddess" is coming to me

Pursuing Happiness (13)

I don't know when, occasionally, I opened the thick student record, and innocent faces with bright smiles appeared in my perspective, giving people an infinite reverie and warmth like the sunshine in the early morning. Looking at it, my eyes were also wet. Who won't cry for the past?

Oh, yes. I remember when I was studying with my classmates in primary school, sometimes I fought for a question and got red in the face, and sometimes I turned my back on someone for an idea. At this time, I just pursued a learning result. But when we reach an agreement on an idea, our faces will be filled with happiness and satisfaction. In the six years of primary school, I have pursued a heart of understanding in the beautiful campus. But these six years have been left in the history, but it is like an unbreakable film wrapped around my head and will never disappear.

In middle school, the pressure of learning and the rhythm of life also increase. Sometimes I don't even have time to kick my breath. When I return to the dormitory after finishing the repair, I am always tired. This semester, I became the monitor again. There were still many things to deal with in the class. I also became the vice president of the Pine Language Society. Every day, there were a large stack of manuscripts waiting for me to sort out... Life was like a small cage that closed my broken winged bird, looking at the blue sky, wondering how to fly freely. Fortunately, my friends in the dormitory gave me courage and confidence when I was most helpless, so that I could find an exit in the thorns.

Gradually, my own thoughts have become more optimistic. Sometimes I think about it myself. What's the pain of thinking things complicated? Is it torturing me? From the beginning of school to the present, when difficulties are solved by me, and when I come out of failure again and again, it is a process of pursuit? The flame of youth is burning in our hearts. I have sought friendship, experience... and a touch of my own in this exercise.

Suddenly, I came back to reality in my memory. Yes, the sea is wide with fish leaping and the sky is high with birds flying. We might as well look at the blue sky again while we are now, learn how to behave in practice, find the truth in setbacks, and find happiness in pursuit.

The rain dripped down.

I struggled to run to the classroom, to the dawn of success!

Pursuing Happiness (14)

I am an introverted child and always like to be alone. As a result, I often arrange myself to go to a "Xanadu" where there is no one but belongs to me. Look at the water. There are fish swimming freely; Looking at the sky, there are always birds dancing their wings heartily, sometimes like this, sometimes like a military parade, constantly changing the square array; Looking around, it can be said that green trees and red flowers amuse each other. Nature has become my closest friend. It seems that only in the embrace of this mother of nature can I get rid of my inner sorrow, melt my inner snow mountain and give it infinite vitality and vigor.

In my heart, this land, which bears the great trust of all things, is simple and persistent. Although it does not have a gorgeous appearance, it always exudes fresh soil. This maturity has filled my heart with good feelings for it, and I decided to be enthusiastic about it, learn from it, and dedicate to it.

Like me, there is certainly no shortage of people in history.

Tao Yuanming, an idyllic poet in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, showed his love for nature by "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence and seeing the Nanshan Mountain leisurely". Just because the background of the times is different, the mood is also different. In Tao Yuanming's mind, there was also a dislike of officialdom and a pursuit of fame and wealth. Although I am not as elegant and free as him, I have the same goal with him. As a junior high school student, nothing is more important than having a good mood. After all, this is a healthy and progressive attitude. The story of "Tao Yuanming does not bow down for five measures of rice" has been uploaded as a good story in history. Tao Yuanming has backbone, dignity, self-confidence and ideals, which fills his past unbearable. "Xanadu" is his fantasy of a stable and peaceful social environment, "yellow hair hanging sideburns, and happy". Therefore, I also realized the happiness of the author. "It's not enough to be afraid of clothes, but it will not violate our wishes". It shows his broad mind. This may be a kind of happiness for him! It is a kind of happiness for us.

The pursuit of happiness is a passionate attitude towards life. It is the driving force for our progress. Each of us has the equal right to seek happiness and seize the opportunity. But if we don't treasure what we have now, we may lose happiness and can't taste the charm of spring, the prosperity of summer, the charm of autumn and the soul of winter. Therefore, the person who learns to dig and discover, dream and pursue is a magnificent and perfect combination of life standing on the shoulders of giants. What he sees will not only fascinate his eyes, but also attract his whole heart

Pursuing Happiness (15)

Perhaps, happiness is such a naughty child, who only wants to be close to the people who pursue with heart. So, pursue, happy.


Maybe everyone says that happiness is just around the corner, but I want to say that happiness is within reach. The key is whether you want it or not. Surely you would say who doesn't want it? Interesting

Happiness is created by oneself, and oneself is the source of happiness! The road of life is always bumpy. The most important capital to learn to make fun out of hardship is a good attitude. With it, you will find that life can be lived like this. Let's open our hearts, open the window of our hearts, and face everything happily!

A small reed by the lake sways its weak figure in the gentle wind. It does not have the sadness of parting and lingering when tall willows are waving catkins; it does not have the lightness and free and easy when white silks and satins are fluttering; There is no intoxicating fragrance from colorful flowers. But it does not choose to escape because of loneliness, because it has a beautiful Jinghu Lake.

The free bird in the sky, without the eagle's influence, spreads its wings; There are no geese flying up and down. But it is free, so it is happy.

Do you feel desolate when falling leaves fall? Perhaps you are just like this fallen leaf, which has no purpose and has to be buried deep in the ground, no one will pay attention to it, so helpless, will disappear with the wind. no When the fallen leaf returns to the embrace of the mother earth, it will not be lonely. Its life is not earth shaking, but it has paid everything, silent love, let the heart feel quietly.

Happiness is like a red apple placed there. If you take a bite, the sweet feeling is the happiness we want. If you do not bite it, you will not know its sweetness, and you will not taste happiness.

The happiness and vulgarity bought with money is a kind of luxury happiness; The happiness created by oneself is really a kind of simple happiness.

Maybe happiness is not so easy to get, because pursuit is really painful, but if the seed is afraid of being buried, it will never sprout; If the red candle is afraid of burning, it will never shine brightly; If a ship is afraid of wind and waves, it can never sail far.

If you want to become a successful person, please cheer for the "best of yourself", let positivity defeat negativity, nobleness defeat ugliness, sincerity defeat hypocrisy, tolerance defeat narrowness, happiness defeat depression, diligence defeat laziness, strength defeat vulnerability, greatness defeat meanness... If you want, you can be the best of yourself all your life.

Not all dreams can become beautiful reality, but beautiful dreams can also decorate the beauty of life.

It doesn't need any earth shaking event to be happy. Happiness is just a mood. I can see the sun every day, smell the flowers every day, hear the birds singing every day, and eat the meals my mother makes every day... These show that I am still healthy, and health is a happy thing.

After suffering, I came to this world. The past life was full of hardships. I will face them happily in this life. Happiness is everywhere in life. She is an angel who treats everyone equally. As long as we can find her, she will smile and wave to us somewhere.

Happiness is the pursuit of many people, but happiness always sneaks away from us. The hardships of life, family conflicts, quality differences, and fierce competition make life full of troubles. There are troubles everywhere in life, and you can't get rid of them. Then accept them with a smile!

Smile and sing the songs of life. Don't complain that life has given too many hardships, and don't complain that there are too many twists and turns in life. If the sea loses the billowing waves, it will lose its vigor; if the desert loses the wild dance of flying sand, it will lose its splendor; if life only wants to be smooth at two points and one line, it will lose its charm of existence.

Open your dusty heart and let narrow selfishness fade away; Let the free mind fly, let the open-minded tolerance return.