Candles Borrow Things to Compare People 600 (Collection 4)
Not young
2023-09-10 03:54:49
primary school

Candles are borrowed to describe people 600 (1)

Father came, he took a candle and lit it. The light immediately covered the whole living room. Although it was not as bright as the electric light, it was enough to light the night. I lowered my head again to do my homework. Time passed by minute by second, and I finally finished my homework. I put my hand on the candle light, and the warmth came slowly. Looking at the red and blue flames, and looking at the burning candles, I fell into association

A small candle is so ordinary that it waits for a long time just to send a ray of light to people. It is so extraordinary that it blooms light with its short life. Although the light is insignificant to people, it is the most brilliant light. Isn't it like our parents? Mother gave birth to us, let us come to this world. Father and mother brought us up. From birth to now, we have grown up and become sensible. During this period, they have to pay much attention! However, they were so selfless that they never had a complaint.

In a flash, I woke up and saw that the red and slender body of the candle would be burned out, and I suddenly felt sad. Watching him disappear from the beginning to the end, my eyes could not help moistening.

This is what parents look like! I remember when I was a child, I fell on my bicycle and my legs and arms were scratched. My father rushed over and said, "You can fall. You are really... Alas." He helped me up. I know that although he said so, his heart was very painful. Back home, my mother was also very distressed. Quickly put down the work in hand and wipe medicine for me. When my father was young, he was tall and strong; When my mother was young, she was as beautiful as a flower. But after years of hard work, they are all old

The candles burned out and electricity came to the house. Sitting in front of the window, looking at the burnt out candle, what comes into my heart is the praise for it! "The silks of the spring silkworm will be exhausted when they die, and the wax torches will become ashes and tears will begin to dry". Yes, the candle not only brings us light, but also, more importantly, its spirit of self sacrifice, which makes me revere.

Candles are borrowed to describe people 600 (2)

It was dark all around and I couldn't see my fingers. Suddenly, light came. Mother used her mobile phone to light up, came to the cabinet and took out several candles from it. Mother put a candle on my desk, and the faint light was very bright in the darkness. I started to do my homework again, which solved my urgent need.

Soon, I finished my homework. Due to the power failure, I was very bored at this time. I unintentionally raised my head and stared at the candle. At the moment, it keeps burning itself and illuminating us, but it is slowly melting and becoming smaller without any complaints. It burns itself and illuminates others. In the end, death will greet it. Even so, no one will thank it. But it did not give up its own efforts because of this, and it did not give up its responsibility because of this. It is unknown and does not seek fame and wealth. It is willing to devote its life to others. However, in life, teachers are not like this? Teachers educate students and cultivate generation after generation of talents. But how many people will go to the teacher to thank him after the student succeeds? However, teachers still teach students in obscurity and devote their youth to education without any regrets. Isn't the teacher the candle in front of me?

Suddenly there was a call, but the candle turned to ashes. I have a deeper understanding of the spirit of candles. I praise the candle and its quality. If everyone in the world has candle spirit, the world will be more beautiful and warm. Here, I would also like to thank my teachers for their hard work and dedication.

Candle Borrows Things to Compare People 600 (3)

My mother, who was still watching TV in the living room, suddenly got up, reached for the surroundings, came to the room and took out three candles. In an instant, under the light of candles, the room became brighter. I went to my desk and began to write my homework. After a long time, I finally finished my homework. While I was packing my schoolbag, I saw that the candles were burning out one by one. I stopped the action of my hand, turned around and looked at it intently. Seeing that only half of the candle was left, I was immediately moved by the spirit of the candle. It is not just a candle, it has the most precious spirit. Candles are not only unknown and selfless, but also great. In your eyes, you may think that candles are such an inconspicuous thing, but they help you when you need help most. In its eyes, you are the master of its life! It is not for fame and wealth, but has dedicated its most precious life to mankind. Isn't this just like people in life? Some teachers gave all their knowledge to the students, and lost their beautiful youth in vain. It is just the so-called that some people go to the road of crime in order to covet money and status. Don't uncles and aunts of cleaners do the same? They are quietly and selflessly contributing to create a beautiful environment for our beautiful world. Suddenly the light in the house came on. It turned out that there was an electricity, but the candle on the table turned into a piece of ash. Yes, the candle decided to bring a light to human beings from the moment it burned itself. Then everything it did was valuable and meaningful.

At this time, I remembered an adage: "The silkworms in spring will be exhausted when they die, and the candles will become ashes and tears before they dry." Although the candles are very ordinary, they have a unique spirit, and we should also be people with candle spirit.

Candle Borrows Things to Compare People 600 (4)

[Part 1: Candles]

"When the silkworms die, the wax torches become ashes and tears begin to dry." Whenever I hear this sentence, I will think of the candles that have dedicated their lives to people.

Whenever there is a power failure, I light candles. Its body is thin and long, and its whole body is milky white. There is a very long line in its body, which has always supported its life. Whenever I see it, I feel very warm.

This is such an ordinary candle that people always carelessly throw it in the drawer. Because it does not have a very gorgeous appearance, but it sends a light to people in the dark, and this small light, in my heart, symbolizes a ray of good hope. After several days of "blockade", the candle still gives light to people with its simple appearance. The simple spirit of candles is what I admire.

I remember when I was young, I heard my father told me a story: there was an old man who could do magic. He gave life to a candle and asked him to save people trapped in the cave. When the candle came to the cave and found it dark, it lit itself for people. In the end, people were saved, but the candles were burned out.

Candle, it uses its own life to give light to people, but it does not ask for a little return, and even will give its precious life. However, this life is just like human life, only once. I think this is what people often say about selflessness and dedication! But these two points are not only what I admire, but also what I want to learn.

In life, there are many people with these qualities, such as cleaners and traffic policemen... However, I think my second uncle has such qualities. My second uncle, he didn't care to go home to have a reunion dinner with us during the Spring Festival. He was busy in the hospital all the time. Besides, others had already gone home for the Spring Festival, and only he was working hard.

I love candles. I love their simple, selfless and dedicated spirit, but what I respect more is people with these qualities in life.

[Chapter 2: Candles]

An ordinary cylinder with a red coat and a "sheep's horn braid" on its head is called a candle. Candles are a very common item. They are very cheap and can be found everywhere in the world. Indeed, the candle is very ordinary, and its life is very dull. Life begins in a sheep's horn braid. Gradually, the flame engulfed the sheep's horns and began to melt the candle's body. Candle oil flows down and solidifies like a string of broken beads. The life of a candle is brilliant. From birth to death, it always gives light to people. Even if the electric light comes into every household, the candle still has its own role when the power is cut off. This reminds me of our lives.

Life is a candle, not an electric lamp, because electric lamps and fluorescent lamps can be used for many times. As long as sufficient electricity is supplied, they can light up for a long time. However, the candle is not like this. It is always worn and decayed, and one part of it will be lost when it is used. It is like time slipping away from us day by day, and it will never return. Therefore, we must cherish our own lives - remember that candles are shorter and shorter. Life is a candle. If it goes out because of the wind, you can relight it with the dawn of hope. It is not terrible for a person to encounter setbacks. What is terrible is that you dare not face up to and overcome them. Life is a candle, whether for yourself or for others, you can offer yourself steadfastly. You can illuminate one side with weak light in the hazy night, or warm the whole world with broad love in the cold wind.

"The silks of the spring silkworm will be exhausted when they die, and the wax torches will become ashes and tears will begin to dry". Life is a candle. It always uses itself to witness the passage of time, to comfort people's dark hearts with tears, and to create its own touch of life with light.

[Chapter 3: Ode to the Candle]

The tears are boiling hot; Burning is rare life. Spend your life in gratitude and shine in the dark. Candle, how respectable and lovely it is!

Whenever there is a power failure, the thin candle becomes the messenger of light in the home. In the dark night, only this small light brings us warmth and light. The wax oil silently rolled down into the tray. It has been shortened a bit. Knowing that the death time was approaching, it still stood upright and burned.

No matter what their colors and shapes are, their names are always fresh in my memory—— Candle, this warm name, this beautiful name. Compared with table lamps and fluorescent lamps, they are always more attractive. But this little candle is just locked in the cabinet and taken out for emergency when necessary. However, under this insignificant condition, it is still so hard and serious.

Dust cannot cover its nature, nor can it forget its spirit. Long and thin candles, burning flames and holy hearts are more valuable than anything else.

Is it only candles that have this spirit? No, the teacher is one of them.

The three foot platform, the voice gradually hoarse, the figure gradually bent. Chalk ash crept up on the hair, and the strands of white hair were worrisome. They have dedicated their knowledge and all that they can. Three feet platform, that one by one has always been inseparable from the figure. The voice is still ringing in my ears. The knowledge has been accepted, but they continue to educate for the next generation. Don't they know that they are tired? No, it is because they have crystal soul and gold heart.

Candle, that flickering life. Candles piled at the foot, it is not afraid; When wax oil drops, it ignores; The fire burns to the end of life, and it doesn't care. This spirit does not make people admire and move?

I love you, candle! You light up the darkness and my heart!

[Chapter 4: Candles]

I love candles and their brightness. I praise the candle and its spirit of selfless dedication.

"Thinness is the most valuable thing" is a common saying, but what about candles? It is not so rare. It is cheap in the market, and every family has it. Most people don't pay attention to it. It is put in the cabinet under the table, so that others can't see it; Sometimes it was thrown to the ground, cut off by some children, and suffered from people's coldness and contempt everywhere, but it did not complain, a trace of sadness.

But if you look carefully, the candle is still beautiful. When it burns, the little flame on its head looks like the head of a princess, its white jade like body looks like the beautiful clothes of a princess, and the wax beads flowing down the river are the hands of the princess.

When the power is cut off, people will think of it and light it up. Then, it will use the body of life to fight for people until the last moment of life. It creates joy in pain, gets eternal life in fire, and feels permanent comfort in dedication. It exists silently and passes away silently. It gives its own light and heat with its own short life.

Therefore, I think that there are many people who have made such contributions in our life. They are our teachers, hardworking gardeners. They love their ordinary work. They get up early and go to bed late every day. They use their hard sweat to irrigate our "saplings" until their temples are full of flowers. They still stick to their posts and warm the hearts of each of our children with their own heat, Use your own light to illuminate the direction of our progress, just like a candle, burning yourself to illuminate others.

In the future, I also want to be a person with candle spirit. I love candles.

[Chapter 5: Candles]

One night, I was doing my homework in my room while my parents were surfing the Internet. Suddenly, the lights in the room flashed several times. Before I knew it, all the lights in the house went dark. Ah, there is a power failure.

The house is so dark that I can't see my fingers. Sitting alone in the dark room, I was a little afraid. At this time, a light appeared near the door. It was my mother who brought me a lighted candle. Mother put the candle on my desk. Suddenly, the whole room became bright under the candlelight, and I was relieved to write my homework under the candlelight. Finally, I finished my homework. Just as I was about to leave the room, I accidentally found that the candle was only half burned. I sat down again, staring at the candle, watching it burn bit by bit. At this time, I was moved by the spirit of candles. It burns itself, but it brings light to people. Although its appearance is ordinary, it has a kind of valuable spirit. At this moment, in my eyes, it is no longer an ordinary candle, but a great person, a person with the spirit of selfless dedication. It is not for the sake of fame and wealth, never for its own sake, but silently let the burning light illuminate the darkness. It can be said that it gave its life to human beings without reservation. This is the spirit of candles.

Suddenly, the light in the house came on again. It was a call. However, the candles on the desk have burned out and turned into ashes. Although the life of a candle is short, it has brought light to people during the period of power failure, and its life is meaningful. At this time, I remembered an adage: "The silk will be exhausted when the silkworms die, and the wax torch will not dry until it turns to ashes."

Although the candle is ordinary, it has a spirit of obscurity and selfless dedication. We should be a person with candle spirit and devote our strength to this society and our country.

[Chapter 6: Candles]

At night, there was silence all around. People who have been tired for a day gradually fall asleep. I lit candles to do my homework. Outside the window, a gust of wind blew, the flickering flame flashed several times, and the candle oil flowed down like a string of broken beads. I stopped my pen and couldn't help staring at the candle, thinking a lot.

When the candle is burning, the wax oil drops and the flame flashes, consuming itself, silently giving light to people until the last breath of life. What a noble dedication! A poet in the Tang Dynasty once wrote: "The silkworms in spring will be exhausted when they die, and the wax torches will become ashes and tears will dry."

Isn't this just to praise the selfless dedication of candles?

This spirit can be seen everywhere in our times. Our beloved Premier Zhou made outstanding contributions to the revolution in the war years, fighting from south to north, risking life and death. After liberation, he became Prime Minister and still served the people wholeheartedly. Once, he reviewed a manuscript and worked all night, but asked others to take a rest. Premier Zhou had very little rest time and often worked all night. He was exhausted and sick until his last breath. Isn't his life just like a burning candle?

I looked at the gradually shortened candle affectionately. It was white and shining. I also think of those teachers who taught me and cultivated me, and imparted their knowledge to us unreservedly for the education of the Party and the growth of the next generation. Some of them came early and returned late to correct their homework until late at night; Some holidays do not rest, to make up for students; Some people persist in class when they are ill, even fainting in the classroom... Isn't this gardener spirit like burning a candle to light others and himself?

[Chapter 7: Candles]

As the calendar turned page by page, time passed quickly, and "Teacher's Day" came to us silently with light steps.

Some people compare teachers to hardworking gardeners who take good care of us so that we can thrive; Some people say that teachers are the teachers on our learning journey, and they lead us to the other side of success; Others say that a teacher is like a machine that never stops working; But I want to say that the teacher is like a candle. "The silk of the spring silkworm will be exhausted when it dies, and the wax torch will not dry until it turns to ashes." This sentence can't be more appropriate for a teacher. The teacher imparted us knowledge in obscurity and took us to swim in the ocean of knowledge.

Every time after school, when I pass by the teacher's window, I always see that the teachers are still accompanied by those electric lights to carefully correct homework and prepare lessons. Even in order to make us understand more thoroughly and learn more solidly, the teachers spend a long time to do many models. Every tick and red cross on the exercise book is condensed with the sweat of the teacher. When we have a problem that we don't understand, the teacher will always patiently explain to us, "the teacher's kindness is as heavy as a mountain", "the kindness of dripping water should be reported to each other". Students, don't wait for success in your career. Just today, every day and night that teachers and students get along with each other, we should give our sincere thanks and good wishes to our teachers, so that our teachers can always feel the heat of love from students!

They work hard, they are willing to be human ladders, what are they doing in their poor life? In order to cultivate more high-quality talents for the country, the teachers are a humble candle. They silently offer candles at the critical moment. They sacrifice their precious youth, but cultivate a lot of pillars for the country.

[Chapter 8: Candles]

Last night, there was a power failure at home. The house was dark. Grandma found a candle that had been baked soft by the sun in the dark. Although there was only a small part, it had solved the urgent problem. The small candle light made the whole family return to the light.

I sat at my desk and looked up at the faint flame. The orange flame was trembling slightly, and the blue flame core tried hard to move up, as if to bring light as much as possible. Tears trickled down the candle's face and ran down the body to the candlestick, turning into a pool of candle mud. Looking at the tearful candle, my heart aches. I know that the spirit of the candle is valuable. In order to illuminate others, it sacrificed itself and let the fire melt itself little by little until the candle turns to ashes. People praise candles because they have a great spirit of sacrifice. In fact, there are many people who are as noble as candles in the world, such as teachers, who devote their whole life to teaching and educating people. The light of teachers is knowledge, which lights up the path of students' learning. They are like candles, accompanying students on the road to success.

Aren't construction workers also "candles"? In order to let people live in spacious and bright houses, they are busy on the construction site day and night, not afraid of cold and hot weather, eating boxed lunch and living in a shed. Looking at the beautiful tall buildings, don't you think they are also great?

Doctors are also "candles". They heal the wounded and save the dying and offer love to patients. In the fight against SARS this year, doctors and nurses rushed forward. They treated SARS patients. Some were unfortunately infected, and others were killed by the disease. Aren't angels in white as great as candles?

There are many people who, like candles, silently dedicate their lives. It is all these candles that shine together that makes the world so bright.