600 words composition of My Reading Experience (5 practical articles)
Empty old dreams
2023-10-24 04:26:41
primary school

My Reading Experience composition 600 words (1)

But I just didn't watch it. My mother was very angry, but she didn't force me to read it. She only put the book in my room. She thought I should watch it when I was bored. But I either watched TV at home or played outside. I totally ignored the books in the room.

Until one day, there was a power failure at home and it was raining outside. I was extremely bored at home. Suddenly, I remembered that there were books my mother bought for me in the room, so I had to take out the books to read... The more I read, the more excited I became. I simply couldn't help loving it. On that day, I read all the books my mother bought, but I just swallowed them and didn't understand many things. The next day, I took out the book to read, trying to understand what I didn't understand. My mother was so happy to see me reading that she didn't bother me.

From then on, I fell in love with reading. Once I read books, my composition level also improved. Gradually, interesting storybooks can no longer satisfy me. Driven by curiosity, I began to subscribe to a magazine called "Red Scarf". I started to subscribe to it from the third grade, and have read each of them for no less than four times since I subscribed to it. I think the content is not only interesting, but also uses special standards in every sentence of every article. Every time I get the Red Scarf, I can't even get out of the door. Although my mother likes my reading, she doesn't want me to become myopic. Every time I see the best part, she lets me go outside for a walk. I remember one time, it was Sunday, when my mother went to buy vegetables, I read a book at home for about two or three hours. Usually at this time, my mother would ask me to go outside for a walk. But now I don't want to release the wonderful contents of the book, and I have figured out a way to deal with my mother. When my mother comes back soon, I will hide the book, turn on the TV, and pretend to watch TV. When my mother came back, she was very angry when she saw me watching TV. She said in an imperative tone: "Pu Yongrui, why are you watching TV? How time is wasted! You will be punished to read for two hours." I pretended to be reluctant to take out the book to read, but in fact I was very happy: Ha ha, you can read again!

Up to now, I have read many books and articles, such as "Water Margin", "Childhood", "Moonlight over the Lotus Pond"... I think from their books and articles, I can learn a lot of useful things and find happiness.

My Reading Experience composition 600 words (2)

In the morning, before leaving for work, my mother told me that the porridge in the pot could be turned off in five minutes, and I readily agreed. But as soon as my mother left, I plunged into the sea of books. I didn't realize it was bad until the smoke from the kitchen and the pungent burning smell reminded me through the sea. I forgot to turn off the fire! So my mother was worried that I was alone at home! In order to avoid mother's worry, we decided to move to the library.

Taiyuan Library was rebuilt and expanded. It is said that the scale and collection of books rank top three nationwide. It's ten minutes' walk from my home. To be a neighbor to the library, I feel to my heart that I am the luckiest person in the world! The appearance of the new library is very grand. From a distance, it looks like two standing books, each page is so bright! Even entering the door, you have to go through the "security check" like taking the high-speed railway. Inside, there are many areas, including children's, science popularization, special subjects, novels, magazines, etc. Each area is equipped with a computer access function, and there are comfortable tables and chairs beside it. Even the desk lamps are adjustable! My favorite is science fiction. Once I read a book here, I also met Guo Qiyang from Jiuyi Primary School. Because we all like Douluo Continent and the same protagonist in the book, we soon became friends and left a phone call with each other. We met each other every Saturday to read books here.

Until now, besides Guo Qiyang, I have met many new friends, who are interested in literature, writing, and studying the Three Kingdoms! Together, we can not only appreciate knowledge, but also exchange ideas! Each collision will bring new knowledge sparks!

Books are the ladder of human progress, libraries are the bridge of our friendship, and more importantly, the energy magnetic field of our growth! I love reading, but also love reading in the library full of "friendship"!

My Reading Experience composition 600 words (3)

Now in my family, the oldest is the Biography of Helen Keller. I remember that my mother would tell me when I didn't know a few words. Helen's miserable life and her indomitable spirit deeply touched my mother and I, so I began to like reading. Next are Robinson Crusoe and Twenty Thousand Miles Under the Sea. I don't know why, all the books I read in this period are adventure books. The ups and downs of the story let me indulge in them, enjoying endless fun, as if I was drunk with famous music and eager to read.

Then there was the old man and the sea, a half adventure and half literature, which I chewed again and again. "People are not born for failure. A person can be destroyed, but not defeated." The old man's persistent optimism once again made my blood boil. So far, I have successfully passed through a "dangerous period of reading" - for a while, I read only adventure books and ignored literature.

As I grow older, I find more and more books of various types and large quantities, and I feel more and more lack of knowledge. Therefore, I became more aware of the importance of reading and began to accept books such as Jane Eyre and How Steel Was Tempered. At this time, the second reading crisis occurred. Seventy two copies of Pipilu and Lusisi occupied my reading time. When I finished all seventy-two copies, I found that I had fallen behind.

Later, I couldn't put down a copy of "Smart Backpack". "One flower, one world, one leaf, one bodhi" is so beautiful. One by one, short and pithy stories, containing philosophy, cleansed my soul again and again. At this time, I realized that the original combination of words would be so beautiful.

Now, I have read a lot of books, but it is far from enough. The sea of books is endless, and the story of me and books will continue, endless! I hope that people who have the conditions to read will find the true meaning of life in the book, and like me, take books as friends.

My Reading Experience composition 600 words (4)

I remember that the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Strange Stories from a Liaozhai, Journey to the West, A Dream of Red Mansions... I saw the Romance of the Three Kingdoms when I was in my third grade. I was looking for someone to borrow a book, and I borrowed it by accident. I casually turned it over a few times and found it very beautiful, so I left other books to read Romance of the Three Kingdoms. The first chapter, "The Marriage in Taoyuan", is really wonderful. The more I read it, the more interesting it is. I didn't even know that I was in class. I didn't realize that I was in class until I finished reading a book. I quickly put the book away.

Strange Tales from a Lonely Studio was read by me in the fourth grade. I found this book at the end of class. At that time, I accidentally saw this book and thought its cover was very beautiful. I borrowed it. But I was surprised when I saw it. I found it very beautiful and read it with interest. I didn't even know it after school. I put down the book and left with my father when my father came to the classroom to look for me.

I watched Journey to the West in the first volume of grade five. At that time, I watched too many TV shows of Journey to the West, so I was not interested in Journey to the West. When introduced, I got a good impression of Journey to the West. When I got the book for the first time, it was very boring, but after reading it, I knew that it was wonderful and could not be explained.

The last book, A Dream of Red Mansions, was read by me in the second volume of grade five. I found this book myself. I read all the books after I went home. It was boring. I picked up the book to read it. The more I read it, the more interested I became. I put the book away and did my homework until I turned it to the end.

The above five books are my favorite books, which reminds me of what Grandma Bing Xin said:

Read well, read more, read good books.

I must do what Grandma Bingxin said! Be a person like her!

My Reading Experience composition 600 words (5)

My mother said that when I was young, I would listen to my mother tell a story before going to bed every day until I fell asleep.

When I was in kindergarten, my mother ordered the Children's Pictorial for me. At that time, I sat in my mother's arms every day, happily listening to my mother telling me stories, and I looked at the pictures above. Every time I see the cartoon characters in the book, I will dance and learn to act like cartoon characters. Slowly, I fell in love with reading.

I went to primary school and learned some Pinyin and Chinese characters. I can read some books with long story content, such as Green's Fairy Tales and Andersen's Fairy Tales. When I was reading, I always wrote good words and sentences while reading. Through reading, my literacy has been greatly improved.

When I was in the third grade, I had learned to use a dictionary. When I met some unknown words while reading, I would find out the answers in the dictionary and put pinyin on the words. Sometimes I can't help laughing when I read something wonderful. Let me tell you a secret. Even when I go to the bathroom, I will read with a book in my arms and sit there for about half an hour. I remember one time, I stayed in the bathroom for a long time, and my mother saw that I didn't move, so she jokingly said, "Boy, did you fall in?" My mother opened the door and looked. I was reading in the bathroom.

Now that I am in the fourth grade, I know more Chinese characters. Under the guidance of my teacher, my mother bought me more than a dozen books such as Education of Love, Pipi of Stockings, Charlotte's Web, etc. I will finish reading these books in this year to further improve my writing and reading comprehension. Let reading become a happy thing in my life.