Composition of Picking up Stones (13 required)
2023-09-29 03:37:49
second grade

Stone Picking Composition (1)

Our family has a common hobby - picking up stones. This morning, my whole family went to the river to pick up stones again. At first, my father found a beautiful stone. My father said, "This is a wood grain stone." My mother said, "This is sedimentary rock." They took the stone to me as a "stone observer." I held a magnifying glass in one hand, Taking a stone in one hand, he looked carefully and said, "The wood grain of this stone is very clear, but its hardness is not high" - this is what my parents often say. Dad smiled. He picked up the stone and hit it heavily. Other stones broke, but the "wood grain stone" did not move. "Yes, good stone" I put it away. Suddenly, I saw a stone with the pattern of a dog lying at my feet, and I cried excitedly, "Mom and Dad come quickly, I found the treasure" This stone is white, with a black dog printed in the middle. The dog's small eyes, wide mouth, two ears straight, and tail like a volcano eruption. It is running, so cute. My father and mother both said that I was lucky to find a good ornamental stone. I happily carried two "treasures" home.

What a great harvest today!

Stone Picking Composition (2)

Today, our school held an activity to pick up stones. When we heard the news, we were surprised because some people didn't bring bags.

We were very worried. The man with the bag had already picked up the stone. Suddenly, Zhang Xingjian said, "Take the milk box that was thrown away next to the garbage can at the back." I saw that all the milk boxes were taken away! I went back to my seat dejected. Suddenly, I saw Cao Li had a bag, and I helped him pick up stones. We rushed out of the classroom and ran to the playground to pick up stones. We could pick up many stones in the small lawn alone. I thought: We should pick up the most. Suddenly, Yang Liuqing said, "Let's go up and pick up. There are many small stones on it!" Then I ran there, To pick up stones, Wang Xuewen picked up the most at first, and then I picked up the most. We came to the contest to see who picked up the most. When we were happy, a man said to us, "Don't pick up the stones here. This stone is useful." We went back to the playground and continued to pick up. When we couldn't pick up the bag, we went back to the classroom. Suddenly, the bag broke a big hole, Some stones fell out. We blocked the hole in the bag and moved on. When we entered the classroom, there was no one. I said, "I saw Mr. Mao walking towards the dustbin just now." We ran quickly and finally caught up with the teacher. We dumped the stones beside the dustbin. It was a happy day!

Although I am tired today, I am very happy. It's a happy day!

Stone Picking Composition (3)

On National Day, my mother and I went to my sister's house to play. My sister lives in Luzhou.

On October 3, we plan to visit the Yangtze River. When I got to the Yangtze River, I saw a long and wide bank on the bank of the river and told everyone. My sister heard this, ran there quickly and walked down carefully. I saw it and thought it must be fun. I asked my mother quietly: "Mom, can I go down to play?" My mother said seriously: "No, it's too dangerous!" I was very sad to hear this sentence. In fact, my mother really wants me to go down and play. She can exercise my courage. For my safety, she won't let me go down. "In the distance, there is a river ladder. Go down there! Be careful!" Mother said again. So, I ran to it desperately. Finally, I ran to the river ladder and went down breathlessly. When we got to the river, my sister and I finally got together!

There are countless colorful stones of different sizes by the river. Some are like glasses, some are like mobile phones, some are like a fish, some are like eggs, and some are like gems. They are so beautiful that we are dazzled. We picked it up. Mom and they also came. Some of them are looking at the scenery, some are picking up stones, some are using stones to float water, and some are taking pictures of us. Look, how happy we are!

Today is my happiest day at my sister's house!

Stone Picking Composition (4)

This Sunday, I went to Zhu Ziting's house to play.

When I came to her house, I proposed to pick up stones in the small square. Zhu Ziting also agreed.

When we came to the community square, Zhu Ziting and I first found two plastic bags and began to pick up stones.

Zhu Ziting first found a stone, then I found a stone, picked it up, picked it up, I found my shoes wet.

I asked Zhu Ziting, "Are your shoes wet?"

"Wet," said Zhu Ziting.

I stamped my foot and a lot of water poured out.

I asked Zhu Ziting, "Do you think my shoes are like fountains?"

"Like." Zhu Ziting said with a smile.

We went back to the yard and poured out all the stones we found.

Zhu Ziting asked me: "Does this stone have personality?"

"It's so personalized," I said with a smile. "It's also like peas!"

We also graded the stones. The first grade stones are precious stones, and there are five stones. The second level stone is collection stone, with 30 pieces. The third grade stone is the stone that is blown by wind and drenched by rain. The rejected stones are all wind and rain stones.

After our careful selection, we picked out the winning stone.

I also think that some stones have personality. Some are like eggs, some are like mountains, and some are really different.

How happy this time! Next time we will play like this.

Stone Picking Composition (5)

On Sunday, my family went to play together. When I came to the river, I found the stones in the river were very beautiful.

These big and small stones have their own shapes. Some are square, some are triangular, and some are round. There are red stones, colorful stones and yellow stones. I saw a cylindrical stone and felt it was like a dinosaur egg on TV. I picked up the stone quickly! I found another stone with "words". Hey, this is special. I quickly picked it up and put it in the bag. I thought, "I have to keep it well, I can't lose it." I was having fun picking stones, but I heard my mother calling me to go back and go home.

When I got home, my mother put the small stone into the water to soak it up. The color of the stone became more beautiful. Suddenly, I found a very strange stone.

This stone is about the size of the palm of my hand, and I can just hold it tightly. Its. surface is smooth and delicate, with six toothed teeth around it, which looks like blooming flowers. The whole body is sky blue, and there are some small stars in it. My father told me, "That's the gap left when the stone was formed.".

I like this stone very much. I want to store it well.

Stone Picking Composition (6)

It just rained yesterday. Today's weather is very fresh and not too hot. Grandpa likes to pick up stones in the mountains at this time. I also want to go. Grandpa said that if we want to go, we can get on the bus together.

We happily jumped on the car my father drove and set out for the mountains.

On the way, the window was open, breathing the fresh air in the mountains, especially excited. I looked out through the window. Wow, we are walking on the mountain road. The paths are zigzagging, and mountains are rolling in milky fog, very beautiful

"Listen, there is the sound of Xiao Xishui beating stones! Let's stop the car, play with water and pick up stones!" I said to my grandfather and father.

Dad promised, and we got out of the car. As soon as we opened the door, a fresh air rushed towards us.

We listened to the sound of the stream and searched carefully. After a while, I found many beautiful stones. Wow, the bottom of the stream can be seen clearly. It looks more than 1 meter deep. Touch it, it's cool!

We jumped into the stream to wash our faces and brush our shoes. I picked up a stone together with the adults. I picked up a very beautiful stone. My father said it was quartz stone, and my grandfather said it was beautiful. I put the stone in the trunk happily.

Later, we picked up a lot of various stones and put them on the car and went home happily.

What a great harvest today!

Stone Picking Composition (7)

When we came to the seaside, we saw many stones on the ground. The stones were different in color, colorful and dazzling.

First of all, I picked up a round stone like jade. It was transparent, bright and spotless. I was looking for a beautiful stone on the bank. Suddenly, I found a big stone like a chicken leg. It was yellow. I hesitated again and again, and wanted to take it home. Unfortunately, it was too heavy, so I had to throw it into the sea.

We searched and searched on the bank. Mother picked up a stone that looked like colorful meat. Its skin is missing. Maybe the big turtle's mouth is so greedy that it bit off its skin. I put this stone in my hand and looked at it carefully. The thin white part below looked like fat meat, and the thick red part above looked like lean meat. Looking at it, I really want to have a bite.

I also picked up a stone with words on it. The words on the flesh colored stone are white. I said the words on the stone are "jin", and there is a small "two" beside it. Mother picked it up and looked at it, saying, "This stone is very interesting. This word was written on it by nature, a calligrapher. If you look at it from another angle, it is a" stop "word."

I then picked up a stone that looked like dried tofu. It was brown, almost square, with a corner missing, revealing white meat inside, as if someone had bitten it.

It's a great pleasure to pick up stones at the seaside.

Stone Picking Composition (8)

Today, my father and I went to the seaside to pick up stones.

My father and I went to the tourist center on the beach to spend two yuan to buy a bucket, and then I took the bucket to pick up stones with my father. There are all kinds of stones on the beach, round, square, cracked, red, yellow, green, brown and white. It's amazing. My father and I picked them up.

It's fun to pick up stones!

Stone Picking Composition (9)

Our family has a common hobby - picking up stones. This morning, my whole family went to the river to pick up stones again. At first, my father found a beautiful stone. My father said, "This is a wood grain stone." My mother said, "This is sedimentary rock." They took the stone to me as a "stone observer." I held a magnifying glass in one hand, Taking a stone in one hand, he looked carefully and said, "The wood grain of this stone is very clear, but its hardness is not high" - this is what my parents often say. Dad smiled. He picked up the stone and hit it heavily. Other stones broke, but the "wood grain stone" did not move. "Yes, good stone" I put it away. Suddenly, I saw a stone with the pattern of a dog lying at my feet, and I cried excitedly, "Mom and Dad come quickly, I found the treasure." This stone is white, and there is a black dog in the middle of it. The dog's small eyes, wide mouth, two ears erect, and its tail is like a volcano eruption. It is running, so cute. My father and mother both said that I was lucky to find a good ornamental stone. I happily carried two "treasures" home.

What a great harvest today!

Stone Picking Composition (10)

Pick up stones

During the National Day, my mother and I went to pick up stones by the river.

When we came to the river, I saw that the water in the river was clear to the bottom, and there were many round stones of different sizes on both sides. I lowered my head and kept looking east and west. Suddenly, I found a good stone. This stone was white with a little blue inside, layer by layer, like a piece of pork.

The sun went down, my mother and I went home with a full load.

Pick up stones

Today, my father and I went to the seaside to pick up stones.

My father and I went to the tourist center on the beach to spend two yuan to buy a bucket, and then I took the bucket to pick up stones with my father. There are all kinds of stones on the beach, round, square, cracked, red, yellow, green, brown, and white. It's amazing. My father and I picked them up.

It's fun to pick up stones!

Pick up stones

Today, my grandpa took me and my sister to the Yellow River Beach to play. I looked carefully at the riverside to find a beautiful stone. I turned over one stone after another and squeezed the water in the bottle on it to see if there was a beautiful pattern. I turned over and over, looking for it. Suddenly, I saw a light in my eyes, and saw that the stone was round and triangular, There is a white ball crawling like a white bear on the yellow background, and there is a black spot on the head, like a white bear's shiny eyes.

I shouted to grandpa happily, grandpa, come and see I found a stone. After reading it, grandpa said, hey, it's really good, it's really like, take it home, I said excitedly, OK, let's go home quickly, I want grandma to see it, we went back happily.

Stone Picking Composition (11)

Picking up Stones 150 Word Composition 1: Picking up Stones

During the National Day, my mother and I went to pick up stones by the river.

When we came to the river, I saw that the water in the river was clear to the bottom, and there were many round stones of different sizes on both sides. I lowered my head and kept looking east and west. Suddenly, I found a good stone. This stone was white with a little blue inside, layer by layer, like a piece of pork.

The sun went down, my mother and I went home with a full load.

Picking up Stones 150 word composition 2: Picking up Stones

Yesterday afternoon, we picked up a lot of stones in the scenic spot. There are white, red, gold, yellow, green and black. I said, "I will take away the red, gold and black stones."

Then my friend said, "No, I picked up the golden stone, and I should take it away." We quarreled again and again. In the end, neither of us took it away. We still quarreled for a long time, but it took a lot of effort. The quarrel was boring, and nothing could be solved. At last the golden stone was swept away by the river. We also want that golden stone. It's very beautiful, alas.

Picking up Stones 150 Word Composition 3: Picking up Stones

Today, my grandpa took me and my sister to the Yellow River Beach to play. I looked carefully at the riverside to find a beautiful stone. I turned over one stone after another and squeezed the water in the bottle on it to see if there was a beautiful pattern. I turned over and over, looking for it. Suddenly, I saw a light in my eyes, and saw that the stone was round and triangular, There is a white ball crawling like a white bear on the yellow background, and there is a black spot on the head, like a white bear's shiny eyes.

I shouted to grandpa happily, grandpa, come and see I found a stone. After reading it, grandpa said, hey, it's really good, it's really like, take it home, I said excitedly, OK, let's go home quickly, I want grandma to see it, we went back happily.

Picking up Stones 150 Word Composition 4: Picking up Stones

As soon as I fell asleep this afternoon, my sister and I went to play by Grandma's river.

"What are you playing with?" I asked my sister. The elder sister said, "Let's build a dam with soil, weeds and wood." I thought for a moment and said, "I have built a dam already, and I have never played again." "Ha! I know what to play, and we will pick up stones." The elder sister said, "What's the fun of picking up stones?" I said, "Let's pick up some colorful stones as a souvenir." So we began to pick up stones. One, two... I didn't stop until I found thirty. I looked at the stones we picked up. They were black and white, yellow and green... I also randomly selected some stones and named them. One is shrimp stone, the other is tortoise stone.

In fact, I want to take them home and put them in the water for raising turtles.

Picking up Stones 150 word composition 5: Picking up Stones

Yesterday afternoon, I went to the Yellow River Beach with my father and mother to pick up stones.

When we got to the Yellow River beach, we began to pick up stones. Although there are many stones in the Yellow River Beach, it is not easy to find a beautiful stone. After a long time, we finally found a beautiful stone. There is a tiger on this stone. It is roaring furiously. Its tail stands up as if there is an enemy in front of it.

After a while, we finally found a beautiful stone. There was a swan on the stone. The swan swam in the water. It was very beautiful. It was getting dark, and we watched the sunset together. The sunset on the Yellow River Beach was beautiful, as if the sun was waving goodbye to me.

I learned the strong character of Stone. I want to be a strong person.

A 300 word composition about picking up stones 6:

Today, my mother took me to pick up stones. The stones I picked up were big, small, square, and round. But my favorite was the pebbles I picked up in the dry ditches. They were round, with patterns like a landscape painting, with undulating lines, like mountains, and the thin lines beside the mountains vaguely like pine trees.

After picking up the pebble, my mother said to me, "Daughter, do you know why the pebble feels so smooth I nodded repeatedly and said, "I understand. I understand." Grandma said again, "Do you know why it is so round?" I said, "Of course I know, because it is convex in some places, so it is very round." Grandma said happily, "Yes, you must have something to say in the future!" I said, "Of course, it's needless to say."

I had a good time today. How about you? Did you go out to pick up stones? If not, let's go.

Stone Picking Composition (12)

The rule of the game is that one person covers his eyes, and the other person commands to pick up stones. The group that picks the most stones within the specified time will win.

I was invited to the stage by my teacher to be a commander, directing my classmates to pick up stones. At the beginning, I was so nervous that my palms were sweaty. I was afraid that my poor command would cause my classmates who picked up stones to bump their heads or fall down.

The game began. I secretly measured the position of the stone in my heart and said to my classmates: "First, take two steps forward, and then squat down to pick up the stone." The classmate listened to me, fumbled, and finally found the first stone. I cheered with joy, and the classroom also resounded with warm applause. Next, we cooperated more and more tactfully and picked up 5 stones within the specified time.

This game is not only very interesting, but also let me know the truth of unity and cooperation with my classmates.

Stone Picking Composition (13)

Spring is coming! Spring is coming! Spring returns to the earth, everything recovers, flowers bloom, and grass sticks its head out of the soil like a naughty child. I went hiking with my father and mother to look for the footprints of spring.

My parents and I came to the river in Tafang Township. I took off my shoes and walked into the river barefoot. Now I am intertwined with the river, making me so happy. "Ouch! What is it?" I said angrily. It was these strange stones that did it. I complained loudly: "useless things can only do bad things." My mother listened and said solemnly: "When you look at a thing or thing, you should not only look at it with shallow eyes, but from different angles..."

I looked carefully at the strange rocks in the river. Eh! Isn't it like a massager at home? Take it home and give it to Grandma to massage her hands and feet. Wow! This is oval, like a rudder bird's egg, which can be sent to Grandma to press home dishes. oh This piece is rectangular, like a drawing board, and can be given to the little painter sister. The parents nearby squinted and smiled, picking up a piece of stone from time to time to beat the water... Yeah! Come to think of it, I can pick up some round pebbles and take them back to play the game of cat and mouse with my friends. "Greedy" I gleefully picked up one piece after another. I couldn't hold it anymore. I shouted in the river, "Mom and Dad, please help me..."

This time I picked up a lot of happiness!