Love Mother Composition (16 in general)
2024-05-23 02:21:10
primary school

Love Mother Composition (1)

On a winter night, there is a heavy snow floating in the sky, spreading on the ground orderly one by one. My shadow looks so short and small under the dim yellow road. Suddenly, my hands on the ground, kneeling on the white snow

A coat came from behind, and she helped me up covered with snow. A warm feeling came from behind and spread all over my body. Under the dim light, the high bridge of the nose, clear and bright eyes, and slightly raised red lips made me feel inexplicably familiar. She smiled at me, and two deep and shallow dimples immediately appeared at the corners of her mouth. What kind of feelings were revealed in those dark eyes! It was the caress of the spring breeze in March on the flowers, the concern of the bright moon at night on the bamboo, the first ray of sunshine from the cold wind, and an umbrella for you in the storm... I was attracted by the deep eyes, but in the endless love, there was a trace of sadness. This, this is Mom! The woman under the street lamp showed a pair of white hands, gently stroked me, and said to me: "It's okay to make a mistake. It's human nature. Don't admit it, it will affect your life." A few tears of grievance rolled in the eyes, finally no longer strong, accompanied by the residual temperature in the body, fell into the cold snow. "Mom, do you still think I'm wrong?" Mom frowned and her eyes showed a trace of anger, which was angry for my "dishonesty". However, the anger quickly disappeared, leaving the eyes full of love. My mother thought for a long time and said, "Let's go." The night wind blew my mother's black hair. A trace of disharmonious white appeared in her dark hair. It was deeply printed in my eyes and engraved in my heart. In my heart, my mother is my mother. Although she will lose her temper, she will always be young. But who ever thought that the years had left traces on my mother's face mercilessly? I bowed my head and said nothing. Mom stopped and looked into my eyes. What kind of eyes it was! It was a pot of hot foot washing water in the cold winter, it was the attachment of born birds to their parents, it was the reluctance of clean white clouds to the sky, it was the obsession of maple leaves with dance in autumn... Mom said, "Yes, it's not your fault, but we all have to take heart to heart, can you understand me?" "Yes, I can." All the resentment disappeared in that moment, and Mom and I laughed.

Those caring eyes bear too much, but all mothers are the same. They love their children deeply, work hard and bear hardships. Their 'pay' is beyond our understanding of ignorance. Ah, Mom!

Love Mother Composition (2)

It's getting colder and colder. As soon as I opened the door this morning, I was stunned by the dark sky outside. The weather is changing fast.

When I was thinking of stepping out, my mother's voice came from behind me, "Wear a coat to school." As soon as I turned around, my mother stood behind me with her coat in one hand. I took my mother's coat and put it on. After a while, my body warmed up.

When I left home, I turned my head and looked back after a long walk. My mother was standing by the door, still looking at my back. My heart was suddenly flooded by a warm current. My mother is my mother.

One day's study was just a blink of an eye. After returning home from school in the afternoon, my mother prepared dinner early and was waiting for me at the door.

It was dark early in the morning. The cold wind was blowing in the dim light, and I was still walking on the road. This dark scene made my heart uneasy. So I quickened my pace and wanted to go back to that warm home early and rush into my mother's arms.

At first, I quickened my pace, and then I ran. I ran panting. When I saw the familiar figure, my heart beat up and down. I really rushed into my mother's arms. My mother was stunned by my action, but then she patted me on the back.

We entered the house together. I put down my schoolbag and sat down at the table. The incomparably rich dinner was also brought with me under my mother's smiling face. The dinner was delicious and I enjoyed it.

Mother's love does not need her to say, we all have the taste of mother's love in our life. The coat I still wear, the fragrant white rice in my bowl, and the various dishes in the middle of the table are all my mother's love for me.

Mother's love is trivial, but it is also great. Mother's care and love for us, and her understanding of our tolerance, although less earth shaking, is enough to make our hearts feel warm.

Love Mother Composition (3)

Mother's love is like cool wind.

Last night, it was so hot that people always felt "buzzing" in their minds. Alas, how can we get through this night? At this time, my mother seemed to guess my mind, stroked my head and said, "Tingting, I feel cool when I fall asleep." After listening to this, I nodded obediently. Somehow, I had just slept for a few minutes, and I was really cool all over. After a while, I was awakened by the sound of fanning, and slowly opened my eyes, ah! I was shocked. It was my mother who was fanning me, ah! I was shocked. It was my mother who was fanning me. Her clothes were soaked with sweat, and the sweat on her forehead was as big as beans.

Mother's love is a drop of tears. Once, I didn't listen to my mother. When I went to school, I didn't wear a coat. When I came home, I felt powerless. When my mother saw that I was seriously ill, she hurried to take me to the hospital. On the way, my mother stroked my hot forehead and cried anxiously.

Mother's love is an umbrella. One rainy day, my mother sent me an umbrella at school. An umbrella covered me, but she was drenched by the rain.

Ah! Mom, because of you, my father and I have a happy and happy life.

Love Mother Composition (4)

My mother always cares about me and loves me. When I was a child, I often leaned on my mother's arms and smelled sweet and fell asleep safely. When I was studying, she asked me to put the peeled apples on the table... But every little thing made me understand what maternal love is.

I remember once, in the cold winter, my mother used a motorcycle to drive me home as usual. The cold wind is blowing. The weather is getting colder and colder, and the wind is getting bigger and bigger. Mom and I braved the cold wind to return home. I looked carefully at my mother's hands, which were covered with red and swollen chilblains. My heart was blaming myself: "I really don't understand. If I didn't wear my mother's gloves, my mother's hands would not freeze like this."

Suddenly, I felt my father and mother were like thermos cups, cold outside and hot inside. In his broad chest, there is a heart of loving father and loving mother.

From this incident, I understand that love is the greatest power, and maternal love is the power of all life. When I succeeded, she wished me well, but still told me: Don't be arrogant if you win, don't be discouraged if you lose; When I failed, it was she who gave me the strength to stand up again, telling me that frustrations can not destroy faith; When I fell down, it was her stern eyes that told me to climb up from where I fell down, look at the distance, take every step, and smile every day of life.

I love my mother!

Love Mother Composition (5)

Love is warm and happy for us.

On Wednesday afternoon, our band had to rehearse. It was only 5:00 when we had a rest during the rehearsal. I saw my mother's car parked at the place to pick me up. I was puzzled, "Why did my mother come so early?" When I continued to rehearse, I was still wondering why my mother came so early.

After rehearsal, I got on the bus and asked my mother; "Mom, I saw your car when I was taking a break. Why did you come so early?" Mom replied, "I was afraid that when you came out, I hadn't arrived yet, so I came earlier to wait for you."

In the next few rehearsals, I still saw my mother coming early. Finally, I couldn't help but say, "Mom, you don't have to pick me up so early in the future. It's meaningless to come so early." My mother said to me, "Come here early because I love you. Wait here, because if you come out and I haven't arrived yet, you will be worried. Since you don't want me to come so early, I won't come so early in the future. "

Later, I thought my mother really didn't come so early. But one time, I suddenly saw my mother parked her car in a special hidden place - behind a big tree.

I felt my mother's love for me, and I felt her warm love for me.

Love Mother Composition (6)

Mother's love is a poached egg. In the morning, when my mother made three bowls of noodles, there was a poached egg in each bowl. I tasted it and said, "It's delicious." When my mother saw that I was devouring it, she immediately put the poached egg in her bowl into my bowl and said, "If it's delicious, eat more."

Mother's love is a scarf. I remember that it was in a bitterly cold winter, with heavy snow in the sky, and my mother came to pick me up on foot. On the way, my mother saw that my face was red with cold and didn't speak, so she put her own scarf around me again. I said, "Mom, I'm fine. You can surround yourself." Mom said, "Mom is not cold." When I got home, my mom had a cold and a fever. I was very distressed, and I knew it was for me - Mom, I love you.

Mother's love is a rebuke. When I make a mistake, it always appears in my ears, reminding me of where my mistake is and educating me how to correct it? Although I was very unhappy at that time, a few days later I felt that my mother's words were reasonable, and then I would correct them in my mother's reprimand and grow up slowly.

Mother's love is a praise. When I got one hundred points in the exam, my mother's "You are so great" praise would appear in my ears. I felt happy after hearing it, just like eating honey.

Mother's love is still a lot. Let me learn, play and grow in my mother's love!

Love Mother Composition (7)

Mother's love is hidden in delicious food. Every day after school, I can taste delicious food. The smell is refreshing.

Mother's love is hidden in the words of concern. As long as I'm sick all my life, mother always asks me what's wrong with me? what's the matter? I always feel the deep love.

My mother's love is hidden in her warm hands. Every day, my mother has to do a lot of housework. Of course, I can't do without these hardworking hands. I feel that my mother's hands are great.

Mother's love is great, mother's love is warm, mother's love is affectionate, mother's love is

Mom, I want to say to you: "I love you!"

Love Mother Composition (8)

Life is like a candle, lit on behalf of success. Failure means failure. The bumpy road in our life is led by our parents to success. We should be grateful to them for giving us life. This is a carefully edited mother's love composition, I hope it can help you!

Mother's Love Composition (1)

My mother is a person who loves me most and cares about me most. I grew up under the care of my mother. Occasionally, when you walk on the road, you will see a tall man with glasses and a smile, who is always walking in a hurry. That may be my mother.

My mother is a doctor. She is kind, polite and skilled. So many patients come to see her every day. My mother is too tired every day. But she always takes some time out of her busy schedule to check my homework. She is very strict with me. Once, I made a mistake in a math problem carelessly, and she criticized me so much that I almost cried. He said to me, "Do you know what it means to do wrong? A wrong decimal point may cause great losses, just like I give the patient medicine to cure the disease, and one milliliter more can kill someone. You must learn a lesson. You must not be careless. You must work carefully. " Although she is so strict, she treats patients patiently and serves them warmly. My clothes, toys and delicious food are often given to sick children by her. When I am very unhappy, she gently tells me; "It may not matter to you, but it is very important to them. You should care about everyone around you. When you help others, you will feel very happy and feel the value of our life."

We come to this world with the care of our parents. Life is as sweet as bubble gum, but my mother is working hard for this family. Sometimes, I think: Mom, stop and have a rest for a while. Don't wear yourself out. I want to study hard and become a person who can make contributions to the world when I grow up. Just like my mother, I care about others and cherish life.

Mother's Love Composition (2)

In winter, my mother is like a close nurse. She looks at me every night when she goes to bed for fear that I might catch cold.

The cold wave that has not happened in ten years came. After school, I felt uncomfortable all over. But my thermometer was broken by me a while ago, so my mother had to carry me to the hospital. But now my weight is not as light as before. On the way to the hospital, my mother fell heavily. It must hurt! But my mother stood up bravely and continued to carry me to the hospital against the wind and frost. Walking and walking, my mother carried me to the hospital with difficulty. At this time, my mother was exhausted. My mother will register for me to see the doctor, and she will keep sitting beside me to feed me water and medicine.

The next morning, I woke up and my illness was much better. Mother did not sleep all night, and his eyes were red and bloodshot. At this time, my mother saw that I had spirit, and her face suddenly showed many smiles.

I love my mother.

Mother's Love Composition (3)

My mother is thin with a long face and neat bangs in front.

I remember one time after school, my mother picked me up on the way home, suddenly, the sky was covered with dark clouds, lightning, thunder, and downpour from the sky. Mom immediately took out her umbrella and opened it on top of both of us. The rain is beating on the umbrella, like a naughty child playing a musical zither. The rain quickly slid down to the ground along the umbrella surface and fell into a small puddle, rippling in circles. Looking at this interesting scene, I couldn't help but stretch out my hands to catch the rain drops. My mother was afraid that I would get sick if I got wet, so she tried to move the umbrella to my side. When my mother didn't notice, I quickly ran from under the umbrella to under the eaves of the store door. The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and the small eaves can't stop the rain curtain. I hurried back to the umbrella. The rain on the umbrella makes a clatter sound, and the water drops in the water become big bubbles. My mother and I walked and walked together with an umbrella, and finally we got home.

When my mother closed the umbrella, I found that I was not wet at all, while most of my mother's body was wet. So I thought to myself: this umbrella is too small. I must give my mother a big umbrella in the future.

Later, I learned that my mother was wet not because the umbrella was too small, but because my mother didn't want me to get wet. Mother's love, silent, everywhere, like fresh air around me.

Mother's Love Composition (4)

I remember once I was ill. My mother took me to the city hospital immediately. I cried in pain, and my mother kept coaxing me to stop crying. But it's too painful to bear. We showed it to Dr. Zhang, who said it was a cold. 5 degrees. The doctor recommended hospitalization, and my mother agreed. I couldn't laugh or cry.

As soon as I entered the ward, I began to change clothes. My mother fed me medicine to wash my feet and body. Every night when I go to bed, I ask my mother to go to bed, but my mother says who to wait for. I listened, and then I began to have a little doubt. I pretend to sleep at night. Then she looked at her mother quietly. As for her mother, she went to the balcony and shouted, as if she were like a lion unable to find meat. After that, my mother went to the toilet to prepare things for me. I saw it and almost cried.

It's finally time to leave the hospital. I jumped about happily, like a naughty monkey. When I was discharged from hospital, I saw my mother's eyes had heavy dark circles. I was a little relieved and a little ashamed.

Mother's love, in my young heart, a strong point. That kind of desperate love is called maternal love. Mom, I love you all my life!

Mother's Love Composition (5)

Nine years ago, accompanied by a loud baby cry, a beautiful little girl, she is me, came to the world.

During this period, my mother paid a lot of efforts for me, cared about me in life, and helped me in learning.

When I was a child, I was very timid and cried when I saw strangers. In order to train my courage, my mother took me to play in crowded places when she was free. With my mother's careful encouragement. I became a confident and generous girl.

Once I had a high fever, which reached about 41 °. My mother was so frightened that she rushed me to the hospital to see the doctor and kept wiping my body. At night, I couldn't even sleep soundly, so I took medicine and temperature. A few days later, the fever finally subsided, and my mother was very happy. She hugged me and kissed me again and again, like winning a big prize.

My mother wants to enrich my spare time life and improve my overall quality. I applied for dance classes, go classes, painting classes, and piano classes. Sometimes, I feel very tired, but when I think that my mother has paid a lot of costs for me, and I really learned a lot of skills, thinking of this adds strength to my whole body.

"Who says grass heart, three Chunhui" I can never repay my mother's kindness.

Love Mother Composition (9)

In my memory, there are many things that moved me. However, the most unforgettable thing for me is that it happened two years ago.

It was a cold night. In the middle of the night, "accident" came because of fun during the day. I have a splitting headache and difficulty breathing. My mother was also awakened by my tossing and turning voice, and hurriedly asked with concern: "What's wrong, son?" "I feel bad." My mother immediately touched my head with her rough hand, and then ran to the living room to take out the thermometer, which was stuffed into my armpit. "Yo, it's thirty-nine degrees seven." My mother hurried to help me put on my clothes without saying anything. When I got to the hospital, my mother quickly registered me, took me to see a doctor, and finally took me to the infusion room for infusion. When I saw the clock vaguely, it was three o'clock in the morning. I was tired and sleepy, so I fell asleep.

When I woke up, the snow had stopped and my illness was much better. At this time, I saw the most touching scene of my mother sitting on a small stool, lying on the edge of the hospital bed and falling asleep. When I turned my head, I saw many medicines and delicious food on the bedside table. I knew that my mother bought this for me when I was sleeping. There was also a note on the bedside table. I picked it up and looked at it. It said, "Son, pay attention to your body in the future." When I saw this note, my tears rolled in my eyes for several times, and finally couldn't help flowing out.

Although it has been two years, I still remember every detail of it. I will never forget my mother's kindness to me.

Thank you, Mom.

Love Mother Composition (10)

One rainy night, I suddenly felt so cold! I said to my mother: Mom, I'm so cold! Mother said, "Come to bed after brushing your teeth and washing your face, it won't be cold.". I quickly brushed my teeth, washed my face and went to bed.

I went to bed, but it was still cold! I quickly told my mother: Mom, I'm still cold! My mother found five layers of quilts from nowhere and covered me at once, but I was still shivering with cold, as if I had eaten a large basin of ice at once. I shivered and said: Mom, I'm still cold!

Mother felt something was wrong. She touched my head and suddenly cried out, ah! How hot! Mother looked at me with frightened eyes. She rushed down at a faster speed than usual and found a thermometer.

She took my temperature in a hurry. Ten minutes later, my mother took a thermometer and looked at it. Suddenly, she was shocked and cried, "39.8 degrees!" She hurried to find me antipyretic medicine and fed it to me.

After I took the antipyretic medicine, I fell asleep. My mother stayed up all night, accompanied me by the bed, and took my temperature from time to time.

The next day, my fever completely subsided, but I saw my mother's eyes were full of blood, and there was also a circle of black circles around her eyes. She saw that I woke up and hurriedly asked if I had done well. I said she was much better, and she smiled happily. Suddenly, my tears filled my eyes.

Maternal love is higher than mountains and wider than the sea. Maternal love is always great. I love you! mom.

Love Mother Composition (11)

Love - so true in my mother's body, how warm and sweet this meticulous love makes me feel!

Mother's love is cool wind. One summer night, when the electricity was suddenly cut off, it was so hot that people felt that the brain was always buzzing. Hey, how can you get through this evening? Mother seemed to have guessed my mind, stroked my face and said: "Xiaozhu, my mind is calm and naturally cool, and I feel cool when I fall asleep." I nodded obediently after listening. Somehow, I had just lain down for a few minutes, and it was really cool all over, and I soon fell asleep. Half asleep and half awake, I was awakened by the sound of fans, and slowly opened my eyes. Ah, I was shocked: my mother sat on the edge of the bed and gently fanned me. Her clothes were soaked with sweat, and beads of sweat were seeping from her forehead. Suddenly, my eyes were moist.

Mother's love is a drop of tears. I remember one time, because I didn't listen to my mother, I wore one less dress when I went to school in the morning. When I came home from school, I felt weak all over. My mother saw that I was seriously ill, so she rushed to take me to the hospital. On the way, my mother stroked my hot forehead and cried anxiously.

Mother's love is an umbrella. One rainy day, my mother sent me an umbrella at school. On the way home, my mother tried her best to cover my body with an umbrella, but she was soaked in the rain.

I am proud of having such a mother. I also want to sincerely thank my mother for her care and love over the years. Mom, you have worked hard!

Love Mother Composition (12)

Some people say that there is a kind of love called trust; Others say that there is a kind of love called letting go; Others say that there is a kind of love called support. And I said that there is a kind of love called follow all the way

That time, when I was going to cram school for composition class, I proposed to my mother that I would go to cram school by bike alone. My mother was surprised. She didn't expect my courage to become so great. Since I learned to ride a bike, I have been eager to ride a bike. My mother shook her head when I asked again and again. I said, "If you don't let me ride, I won't go. I secretly congratulated my mother that she hadn't found it, so I got on my bike, pressed the elevator door, and rode to the place where I had to make up my composition. On the way, I always felt that someone was following me, but I could not see that person every time I looked back. God bless me, the journey was smooth. When I got to the cram school, I locked the car and went upstairs to make up my composition.

After class, I went downstairs, unlocked the door, and just rode home. I still felt that someone was following me. When I got to the gate, I looked back and found the person. Her figure was similar to my mother's figure. Come closer, yes, it was my mother. When I got home, my mother confirmed that the man was my mother. My father said that my mother was worried about me, so she followed me and waited for you to come back after school.

There is a kind of love called follow all the way, mom, I know your heart.

Love Mother Composition (13)

It is said that daughter and father are good, son and mother are close, and I am no exception.

One winter, the weather was very cold, but my mother insisted on riding an electric bicycle to send me to school. She dressed me in thick cotton padded clothes, and I shivered with cold on the way. My mother said to me: "Yangyang, are you cold? If it's cold, hold me tight so that it won't be so cold." I listened to my mother's words and immediately held her. Suddenly, I felt a "warm current" rushing into my body. The way to school used to be so close, but today it has become so far.

Once, I had a fever. Mom didn't even have time to go to work, so she took me to the hospital to see a doctor. The doctor said to his mother: "39 degrees." Her mother was frightened and turned pale. She hurriedly asked: "How can I get rid of the fever?" The doctor replied: "First hang two bottles of inflamed water, and then take some medicine to reduce the fever. It should be all right. If the fever has not subsided, come back to the hospital to have a look!" After hearing this, my mother hurriedly took me to hang inflamed water. This hanging lasted for several hours. During this time, my mother also asked me from time to time: "Do you want to drink water or go to the toilet?" From my mother's greetings, I felt her meticulous concern. Back home, I lay in bed and fell asleep. After my mother's careful care, my illness slowly recovered, and my mother was also deeply relieved.

Mom, you have paid so much love to me, but I can only say to you: "Mom, you are lucky, I love you!"

Ji Zheyun, Grade 3, Longquan Experimental Primary School, Lishui, Zhejiang

Love Mother Composition (14)

The thread in the mother's hand, the coat of the wandering son's body.

Before leaving, I am afraid of returning late.

Who said that the heart of grass inch, reported three Chunhui.

"Get up quickly. If you don't get up again, you will be late. Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!" It was my mother's nagging that woke me up in the morning.

As soon as I entered the house at noon, I saw no one. I heard his voice first, "Hurry, wash your hands, eat, and hang your schoolbag on the back of the chair." Just after eating, I sat on the sofa, and my mother shouted, "Take a nap for a while. Don't lie down to read. It will damage your eyes." When I returned home at night, my mother was even nagging about questions. Whenever I wanted to watch more TV at night, My mother said, "Don't look at it. I have to go to school tomorrow!" When I was doing my homework, I heard a nagging voice: "Write correctly to prevent myopia!" What else should I pay attention to in class? Ask if you don't understand, be honest, and do your own thing... This nagging is like an endless little broadcast.

When I just entered the school, I was a little tired of my mother's nagging, and I thought it was boring and boring. One thing made me have a new understanding of my mother's nagging. Once, my mother and father went out to work, and I was alone at home. At that time, I was crazy. I thought I wouldn't have to listen to my mother's nagging tonight. Who knows when I do my homework, I always feel less promotion, what is missing at home? When I wanted to turn around and look for it, I found that there was a lot of things at home, but my mother was not there, so my mother's nagging was less. In the past, I always finished my homework in my mother's nagging, but now the house is silent. I even hold a pencil in my hand, and I am numb. My thinking has become dull, and I haven't written a word for a long time. Suddenly, it dawned on me that "boring and boring" nagging turned out to be a huge motivating force, which led me to pursue knowledge and study hard.

I thought a lot that day, most of which was broad maternal love. Every "nagging" of the mother contains love, her advice and hope for her son. It is a song, a song filled with love and composed by heart. Mother's nagging is the most beautiful song in the world. Whenever I go out of the house and into the campus, I will feel that my mother's nagging is an indispensable beacon for me to reach my goal. Because my mother's nagging is like a math problem, always so rigorous, let me not careless. I have to do everything according to my mother's nagging. In this way, my mother's nagging helped me develop good living and learning habits.

Thank your mother for her nagging!

Mao Yupeng, Class 5, Class 6, Chengnan Primary School

Instructor Zhou Shuihua

Love Mother Composition (15)

Whenever someone sings, "There is only a mother in the world, and a child with a mother is like a treasure..." I will remember one thing, let me tell you!

This afternoon, when I got home, I heard my mother's voice was not right. I talked like a mosquito singing, and my face was ugly. At first, I thought I had drunk too much last night, and it would be better after a while. But I found my mother was getting more and more uncomfortable, but I still covered my stomach to cook for me. At that moment, my tears came out, and I ran away quickly to wipe them away. Ah! How selfless maternal love is!

There was also a very cold and cold 'rainy day' when I walked out of the aquarium. My feet had already hurt because of the rain, but I still had to walk back to the hotel, hey! It's really a headache, but my tired mother still carried me on her back. I said to my struggling mother, "I'll go by myself" and "I'll carry you on my back!" When my mother said these words, my tears came to my eyes. Ah! Maternal love is tireless!

Do you know that my mother's love is actually very big, but that big love has already been integrated into every bit of life, but we have not found it. As long as you feel it with your heart, you will surely find it.

I want to tell you: "Motherly love is never absent!"

Grade 3 of Hangjinhouqi Experimental Primary School in Bayannur, Inner Mongolia: Liu Yixi

Love Mother Composition (16)

Mother's love

Mother's love

Only a mother is good in the world. A child with a mother is like a treasure. Whenever I hear this song, tears of happiness flow out of my eyes.

My mother's love is sweet ice-cream. Every time I finish my homework, I like to play downstairs with sweat. When my mouth is dry, my mother will give me an ice-cream. The ice-cream is sweet and cool, so my mother's love is sweet.

Mother's love is a bitter Chinese medicine. I remember one time, when I was old enough to catch a cold, my mother sent for a Chinese medicine doctor to prescribe several generations of Chinese medicine for me. When I returned home, my mother immediately made a bag for me to drink. I felt sick when I smelled the medicine and drank a bitter mouthful. At that time, I thought that my mother's love was bitter.

My mother's love is tears. I remember when I was four years old, I was hit by a bicycle. My mother felt so sad when she saw my bleeding mouth. My mother rushed me to the hospital. The doctor said to sew a needle. Your tears were all in your eyes.

Children don't know their parents' feelings, but pity their parents' feelings. It's true!

Love is so true and kind on mother!

Mother's love

Mother's love

Mother's love is broad love, beautiful love, gentle love, spring like charm This time when my mother returned home, I really appreciated her beautiful and gentle love. My father has been taking good care of me for four days since my mother left. No matter what happens to my father, I always think of my mother. In my childhood Milky Way dream, the most important thing for me was my mother's love. When I was young, my mother taught me to speak and recite ancient poems word by word. I have to cook and wash clothes for me after work. At night, I have to be coaxed to sleep. In my life, the lack of mother's love is like fish leaving water; The absence of mother's love is like a weed, without love, without happiness Mother's love is the most beautiful love in the world. In the four days when I left my mother's love, although my father cooked delicious food, I thought about my mother all day long. Eat, eat, sleep, sleep, I always think: Where is my mother? what are you doing? I can't forget my mother, and I can't forget her gentle love! Mother's love, beautiful love, happy love, gentle love.

Mother's love

Mother's love is broad love, beautiful love, gentle love, and spring like charm. This time when my mother returned home, I really appreciated her beautiful and gentle love.

My father has been taking good care of me for four days since my mother left. No matter what happens to my father, I always think of my mother. In my childhood Milky Way dream, the love that my mother gave me most was her love. When I was young, my mother taught me to speak and recite ancient poems word by word. I have to cook and wash clothes for me after work. At night, I have to be coaxed to sleep. In my life, the lack of mother's love is like fish leaving water; The absence of mother's love is like a weed. Without love, there is no happiness. Mother's love is the most beautiful love in the world.

In the four days when I left my mother's love, although my father cooked delicious food, I thought about my mother all day long. Eat, eat, sleep, sleep, I always think: Where is my mother? what are you doing? I can't forget my mother, and I can't forget her gentle love!

Mother's love, beautiful love, happy love, gentle love.

Mother's love

Mother's love is broad love, beautiful love, gentle love, spring like charm This time when my mother returned home, I really appreciated her beautiful and gentle love.

My father has been taking good care of me for four days since my mother left. No matter what happens to my father, I always think of my mother. In my childhood Milky Way dream, the most important thing for me was my mother's love. When I was young, my mother taught me to speak and recite ancient poems word by word. I have to cook and wash clothes for me after work. At night, I have to be coaxed to sleep. In my life, the lack of mother's love is like fish leaving water; The absence of mother's love is like a weed, without love, without happiness Mother's love is the most beautiful love in the world.

In the four days when I left my mother's love, although my father cooked delicious food, I thought about my mother all day long. Eat, eat, sleep, sleep, I always think: Where is my mother? what are you doing? I can't forget my mother, and I can't forget her gentle love!

Mother's love, beautiful love, happy love, gentle love.

Mother's love for me

Key words: love mother. When I was under the starry sky, I remembered my mothers' love for me, and how my mother cared for me when I was lying in the hospital bed. When I lay on the green lawn, I remembered my mother's love for me, and her advice to me. When I walked on the path in the field, I remembered my mother's love for me, I remembered the stern look of my mother when she taught me a lesson. When I wandered on the dark road, I remembered my mother's love for me and the scene of her guiding me on the bright road. When I ran on the wide asphalt road, I remembered my mother's love for me and her kind face. When I was awakened by the darkness in my sleep, I remembered my mother's love for me and the courage and determination she gave me to overcome difficulties. When I saw my mother's tall figure, I remembered her love for me, her careful teaching and her dedication to work. When I was fighting and playing with my friends, I remembered my mother's love for me and her stern and gentle eyes. When I returned to my sweet and lovely home, I remembered my mother's love for me and her care and concern for my life. When I felt the cool wind from my mother's fan at night, I remembered my mother's love for me and her meticulous care for me. When I saw my mother's bloodshot eyes, I remembered my mother's love for me, her meticulousness in life, her seriousness in work and study.

Mother's love

The delicious food is my mother's love. Every day, when I walk into my house, I smell bursts of fragrance. Although there are only a few dishes on the table, they are better than sea cucumber and abalone in my heart, because they are made by my mother. When I eat these delicious food, my heart is so proud and warm!

Hot milk is mother's love. When I was tired of working at night in order to learn, my mother sent me a cup of hot milk. The strong milk smell lingered around me. After tasting it, a warm current poured into my body. It is integrated into mother's love. How warm and sweet it is!

A clean and tidy house is mother's love. As soon as I entered the house, I looked around and saw that everything was in order and the floor was cleaned. The room is even cleaner. The white sheets and fragrant quilts accompany me to sweet dreams every day.

White clothes are mother's love. I don't know how happy and proud I am when I walk on the way to school wearing beautiful and clean clothes every day, because my mother washed it by herself!

An umbrella to cover the rain is my mother's love. Every time it rains, my mother always goes to school to send me an umbrella. Sometimes it rains to take me home. How safe and warm my mother's umbrella is!


Mother's love is my comfort; Mother's love is my encouragement; Mother's love is the pillar of my spirit; Mother's love is the source of my happiness.

Mother's love is pure; Mother's love is selfless; Mother's love is great.

Minghua Primary School

Mao Xiaoyan


Yan Shuijuan

Mother's love

Primary School Students' Composition: Narrative Reading Guide

Mother's love

Grade 6 of Nigou 555ABC

My mother's love is selfless, and I grew up in her love.

Mother's love is silent. Once, my mother sent me to the classroom. Before class, I opened my schoolbag

Primary School Students' Composition: Narrative Reading Guide

Mother's love

Grade 6 of Nigou 555ABC

My mother's love is selfless, and I grew up in her love.

Mother's love is silent. Once, mother and primary school students' composition: narrative reading guidance

Mother's love

Grade 6 of Nigou 555ABC

My mother's love is selfless, and I grow up in her love.

Mother's love is silent. Once, my mother sent me to the classroom. Before class, I opened my schoolbag

Send me to the classroom. Before class, I open my schoolbag

Mother's love

Mother's love

Love - how true she is in her mother's body, how warm such meticulous love is! How sweet!

Mother's love is like a gust of breeze in the hot summer. I can't sleep well at night in the hot summer, either the sound of mosquitoes or the heat of summer. My mother always patted my head and said, "Go to sleep, it will not be hot." My mother would always help me fan quietly. Mother's words just like the breeze.

Mother's love is like a heater in cold winter. In the cold winter, everyone wants to stay in bed. I am also trapped by me. I just took out some warm clothes in the drawer and put them beside me. Although my mother didn't say anything, I still savored her love deeply. Mother's love is so warm.

Mother's love is a teardrop. Once, because I didn't listen to my mother, I wore very few clothes to school. I got sick that day, and my mother sent me to the hospital immediately. When I was injected, I endured the pain, but I didn't cry. My mother's big tear fell down. Mother's love is so happy.

Mother's love is an umbrella. On rainy days, because I didn't bring my umbrella to pick me up, my mother always flattened her umbrella toward me after school, but my mother was wet all over. How beautiful mother's love is!

I am proud and proud to have such a mother.