600 word composition on maternal love (20 practical compositions)
Know how to lose
2023-08-31 04:17:51

600 word composition on maternal love (1)

There are thousands of mothers and thousands of maternal love in the world. Each kind of maternal love has its own unique flavor.

From the memory, I think the love my mother gave me is the most mellow, fragrant, poetic and salty love in the world. When I was young, in my memory. My mother always takes care of me. When I talk about my childhood, she often has a smile on her face. She said, "I was born in Shaanxi, and returned to Zhuozhou, Hebei Province at the full moon. After spending a month there, I traveled to Jiangsu Province, where birds are singing and flowers are fragrant. I started my learning career. At that time, I was only two months old, and I could not speak, but only hum. But I have a good memory. I can remember every word and song I learned very well. After studying there for five months, I almost recognized more than 1000 words, but because my father's work place had changed, I had to leave there, take the train, and then go to Shandong to continue my study there.

Unconsciously, I can speak. What I learned is not only new words, but also Tang and Song poetry and classic children's songs. Every day, my mother taught me to read, and I also babbled along. Gradually, I fell in love with them. Later, I went back to my hometown for two months. The conditions are far worse than those in the previous places! I couldn't stay any longer, so I went to Huludao. It was really an idyllic place, a fairyland on earth, with mountains, water and orchards. In this place, I grew up happily for more than half a year. At school age, she took me back to Zhuozhou, Hebei Province. She said that my childhood journey covered six provinces, and ordinary children could not enjoy such treatment. Even if she could, she would be bored to death. " Every time I finished speaking, my mother would touch my head, and her eyes were full of pity. At this time, maternal love is mellow.

If one day I make a particularly serious mistake, my mother will criticize me severely. I will feel very sad at that time. Because in the past, my mother who loved me felt like a changed person, like a lion in anger, and she might eat you up sometime. At this time, maternal love is salty.

I love jasmine best because it is pure and simple. I often call it "the fairy in flowers". When my mother saw that I like jasmine so much, she ran around Zhuozhou to choose flowers for me. Finally, her mother took a fancy to a pot of large and fragrant jasmine and asked the price: 90 yuan. It was priceless, but my mother bought it as a gift for me. At this time, maternal love is fragrant.

When I was frustrated, my mother didn't help me face to face every time, but used a special way - secretly passing notes, each of which was written with a poem or a famous saying to encourage me and encourage me. I can understand that failure is the mother of success. As for me, I will be touched when I receive the note. At this time, maternal love is poetic.

600 word composition on maternal love (2)

Maupassant said: The most beautiful scene in life occurs when we miss our mother. Just because everyone is bathed in the sunshine of love given by his mother; Just because all the glory and pride of the world come from the mother; Just because the unique and extraordinary things flowing in our blood, our words and deeds, all come from mother's hard feeding and teaching by example.

The day of our birth is the time of mother's suffering. Even so, the mother still chose to give birth to us, nurtured us with her life's love and energy, selfless dedication, but no return. However, there are gnawing old people in the society. Do these people ever think about who is working hard for your life; Who is standing beside you in the stormy night, guarding you all night long; Who was it that beat you mercilessly when you made a mistake, but turned around and cried bitterly; And who need not say, all the answers are only two words mother.

I remember seeing an article on an examination paper called "Three Bags of Rice". The story is about a poor family, where the father died when his son was in primary school, leaving the widowed mother to pull his son. For her son, she endured loneliness and did not remarry despite suffering; For the sake of her son's study, she resolutely chose the neighboring village to beg rice for her son to eat after suffering from rheumatism; For the sake of her son's self-esteem, she chose to hide her suffering without looking up in front of her classmates. If he does not appear in front of his son, even the living expenses should be handed over; For her son, she finally flew into the gate of Tsinghua University with a high score of 627. The mother's story was announced at the graduation meeting by the headmaster and Master Xiong in the canteen. The son embraced his mother and cried loudly for several years. After that, the son sent his mother to Beijing, where she lived a comfortable old age and died happily. This moving story may be thought to be made up for examination, but it really happened in a county in Hubei Province. Although it was fifteen or six years ago, it still exists today.

Mothers are the people who have the most selfless and pure love in the world. They have selflessly offered their love to their children. Every drop of grace will be rewarded as a fountain. How can we have the heart to be an old nibbler, so that parents can not enjoy a comfortable life in their old age, but come out to work hard to earn money to support their children who sit at home watching TV and playing computer?

Be a gnawing old family. I really can't do this. The only thing I can do is to return more love to my mother when she loves me, take good care of herself, and let her not worry.

Let's be grateful together! Give the purest love in your heart to the greatest selfless person in the world!

600 word composition on maternal love (3)

From childhood to adulthood, our parents took care of us meticulously. Have you ever thought about how to be grateful? Do you want to be grateful to the teachers who raised us from childhood? Have you ever thought about being grateful for the sincere help of your friends around you?

Flowers are grateful for rain and dew, because rain and dew nourish its growth; The goshawk is grateful to the sky, because the sky lets it fly; The mountain is grateful to the earth, because the earth makes it towering; I want to be grateful to my teacher, Zhang Yongqing; I want to be grateful to my parents.

A woman, whether she is beautiful or ugly, whether she is a highly educated intellectual woman or an ordinary rural woman, as long as she is a mother, she deserves the title of great!

Everyone's life comes from his mother, who is the carrier of our life and our permanent boundless harbor.

A new life is born from October to the first day of delivery. The mother has endured the hardships of pregnancy and labor pains, because she is a mother and has no regrets.

This is the most primitive and greatest personality manifestation of motherhood. They bear the great responsibility of reproduction and promote the development of the whole human history.

A mother should not only bear the pain of childbirth, but also bear the hardships of raising children. Every one of us, from scientists, celebrities to ordinary people, which one did not grow up in deep maternal love? Every start, every run, and every progress we make is permeated with mother's tears and sweat. The so-called mother of a thousand miles away worries!

The thread in the mother's hand, the coat on the wandering son's body, the close contact before leaving, and the fear of returning late are all portraits of the mother's kindness. Mother's entrustment and concern accompany us to study hard at night, and accompany us on the long journey of life. No matter how great our achievements and achievements are, they are insignificant in front of our mother. No matter what we do, we can't compare with her love.

Mother is the deep sea, and our children are the waves jumping in the deep sea!

Mother is the earth, and our children are the small trees and grass sprouts on which to live!

Mother is the immortal sun, giving us all the warm sunshine!

Mother is a whip, teaching us to distinguish between right and wrong!

Mother is everything, she gave us everything! No mother, no us, no everything. Therefore, we should all be grateful to our mothers and their love.

600 word composition on maternal love (4)

Mother is the greatest person in the world. They gave their selfless love to their children in silence, just like the poem "Wanderer's Ode" described by Meng Jiao, a poet of the Tang Dynasty: "The thread in the hands of a loving mother, the clothes on the body of a wanderer. Before leaving, they sewed closely, fearing to return late." I have such a good mother. I remember my father said to me that when I was born, my mother didn't have all the pain on her face. She always looked at me with a smile, but her eyes were full of excitement and happiness. In my mother's sunny embrace in spring, I grow up day by day. Now, looking at my mother's dark and thick hair with gray hair, my mother did not complain. My mother's love is always around me. When I have difficulties, my mother is like an umbrella, a boat, helping me and encouraging me. When I was ill, my mother looked after me carefully like a gentle angel. When I made mistakes, my mother was like a strict teacher and criticized me severely. Mom, your love for me is always in my heart! In the 5.12 earthquake, there was such an unforgettable and respectable mother. In order to save her child, she only saw her hands on the ground, her legs on the ground, and her child tightly protected in front of her chest, without any fear. She let the fallen ruins hit her heavily, but her child was not injured at all. The mother looked at her child with a loving smile until the last moment of her life. I shed tears for this earth shaking maternal love. People all over the world salute this ordinary and great mother! "Who can say that the heart of grass can be rewarded with three spring rays?" Ah! Mother, I will study hard and be a useful person to repay you for your profound kindness and maternal love.

My mother is an ordinary, hardworking and simple person, but from her loving heart and her words and deeds, I deeply understand her selfless love for me. On my way of growing up, my mother was like an umbrella, sheltering me from wind and rain; For me, my mother is like a ship, carrying me through the wind and waves. I vaguely remember that when I was four years old, I was very ill. My mother dragged me home exhausted. When she saw me lying on the sofa, she hurriedly asked me, "What's wrong with you?" I said listlessly, "Mom, I'm not feeling well today." My mother touched my forehead, "Oh, I have a fever." At this time, my mother tightly held me in her arms with her warm and powerful hands, Rushing to the hospital eagerly, he kept comforting and encouraging me on the way. At this time, mother's eyes were full of tears. With my mother's meticulous care, my illness soon recovered, but my mother fell ill. Every time I came to my mother's hospital bed, my mother always asked me about my study and body with a smile. Mom, now that I have grown up, I know the meaning of the song "There is only a good mother in the world". In today's mother's festival, my son has no precious gifts. Please let me sincerely sing for you: "There is only a good mother in the world, and a child with a mother is like a treasure...".

600 word composition on maternal love (5)

Because of love, ice and snow will melt; Because of love, withered trees will spring; Because of love, everything has new hope. Mother love is so great, I really want to praise mother, because mother love is silent!

The night came quietly like a devil, and I struggled in its hands, but I was not afraid. I knew that angels would come to save me. Suddenly, a halo appeared in the dark sky. When I saw it clearly, it was my mother. Her kind eyes seemed to tell me: "What are you afraid of? Go forward bravely!" So I was no longer afraid of the dark.

From the moment I stepped into the threshold of school, I knew that I should respect teachers and unite classmates. But one day, because of a little misunderstanding, I had a dispute with my classmates, and I went home angrily to complain to my mother. I thought my mother would follow my advice and say that my classmates were wrong, but I was wrong. My mother comforted me and said: "It is inevitable that contradictions and problems will occur among students. If you are as bitter about the mistakes of others as you are, wouldn't the whole world be in darkness? The reason why the courseware download in the world is bright is because of tolerance and understanding. 'Step back, open the sea and sky, and let it be calm'? Besides, the child is also very good. You didn't bring an umbrella when it rained, but someone sent you back, and... ". Mother's words are like a panacea? The key opened my heart. The next day, I took the initiative to apologize to the classmate, and we made up again.

Exam, another exam, nervousness, uneasiness and anxiety all come to my mind. The night before the exam, I stood all night. In the examination room, I nervously finished each question, and checked my questions several times. At last the bell rang, and I was relieved. A few days later, the examination papers were handed out, and the results were very bad. I wandered around the door and looked up to see my mother's mouth moving slightly, as if to say, "I know you have tried your best, go home." I bowed my head and handed the examination papers to my mother's courseware download relatives, Mother said: "One failure does not mean eternal failure. You should learn to face failure calmly, learn from this failure, and work hard for the next success!" I nodded to understand. I carefully analyzed the reasons for each mistake, summarized the reasons for failure, and worked hard for the next success.

Mother gave me the courage to overcome the dark night, gave me the ability to solve problems, gave me the perseverance to face failure, gave me too much. Mother called me forward, called me awake, called me to the other side of success.

600 word composition on maternal love (6)

This book made me see all the things that many parents have done for their children, and it also moved me to deeply repent for what I have not understood my parents' actions.

This book is about 47 different flavors of life. Reading this book carefully will enable me to understand my parents' love for us, also let me understand the philosophy and philosophy of life, and let me grow a lot.

The greatest love in the world is motherly love. Motherly love is like water, which can always inject warm juice into us. She can encourage us, help us, let us grow in love, laugh when we have tasted it, and admire it. Father's love is like a mountain, supporting me, and protecting me from harm. Father's love is like a letter without words. Father always hopes to let us study hard with sternness. We always believe that, Father is strict and solemn, but if you read father's love carefully, it will hurt and cherish. Mom and Dad are our "shelter". They always shelter us from the wind and rain, support us to see the ups and downs of life, and give us the most timely comfort when I am in difficulty.

What impressed me most was a story called "Interpreting Maternal Love with Life".

The story tells of a mother who sacrificed her life to save her unfilial eldest son. The protagonist of the story is the author's grandmother. The two uncles were unfilial, but when they heard that Grandma still had a passbook of 10000 yuan, they fought to provide for her. In the end, Grandma chose her uncle's home, which was difficult to live in. However, most of her uncle's families were very bad to Grandma, but she died to protect her uncle's safety.

One day, my uncle was going to take the bull out to pull something, but one of the bulls bumped into him. Fortunately, he didn't hit him, so he dodged in time. When the grandma in the house heard the uncle's cry, she rushed into the yard. The angry bull knocked her down, and she died. My uncle is unfilial to my grandma, but my grandma gave her life to become my uncle.

After reading this story, I was filled with emotion, which made me understand the selflessness and broadness of maternal love. Mother's love is so deep that mother's love and father's care cannot be expressed in words. We can only use action to repay, to be grateful, to learn to be grateful, and to be grateful is a personal life magic weapon.

600 word composition on maternal love (7)

If there is no maternal love in the world, it is like a bird without wings, because it is maternal love that ignites the flame of love in our hearts

On a cold and windy night, I suddenly had a high fever of 39 degrees. When my mother knew about it, she immediately gave me her cotton padded jacket to wear, but she was wearing the thin clothes, picked me up and ran to the hospital quickly. On the way, my mother sometimes gets goose bumps. Because the cold wind is like needles on my mother's body. At the hospital, my mother was very tired, but she refused to rest. Tell me to wait for her in the rest area; She went to register. Unexpectedly, the registration area had moved to the second floor. Mom immediately ran to the second floor to register. After hanging up the number, he ran to the first floor and carried me to the third floor to see a doctor. The doctor said that he would have a drop shot in the hospital. My mother carried me to the ward on the fourth floor to rest, and then ran to the second floor to pay the fee... In this way, my mother did not know how many times she ran up and down. I fell asleep when I was getting a drop shot.

The next morning, the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was the black circles and red blood on my mother's eyes. When I asked, I knew that my mother had not slept last night. My tears couldn't help jumping out.

Mother love is so great. It is selfless as father love, exciting as father love, and has charm that can span time and space. A mother's love is like a lighted candle, burning silently... A mother's love is a sachet, bringing blessings to her children; Maternal love is a fire that fills the heart with warmth; A mother's love is a candle, which makes a beautiful and selfless contribution... When I savor the profound 'mother's love', I can't help thinking of my mother, the kind face and the vivid and tortuous childhood memories. My mother is very ordinary, but so great. She is different from others. She works hard all day and takes care of me. I feel warm and happy everywhere. Maternal love is deep, delicate, selfless and great. I try my best to understand and feel that I am qualified to accept this love, this priceless love. This year's Mother's Day, I thought of a philosopher who said that flowers: Mother is an endless book. Yes, I will never forget the love my mother gave me... I love you, Mom!

600 word composition on maternal love (8)

There is always someone who will support us, and there is always a love that makes us feel distressed. This person is a mother, and this love is maternal love. Maternal love is that dandelion, which sprinkles on every corner of the world. Maternal love can be seen everywhere. Maternal love follows you like a shadow. Who can walk out of your mother's small heart when you go anywhere?

Once, the teacher asked us to write a composition -- great maternal love. I thought to myself: What is maternal love? Who does mother love? I ran home and turned on the computer. I began to check my mother's love and composition, but I couldn't find it. There are compositions about maternal love, but they are all about their own mothers.

Later, my mother said, "Zhang Ting, I haven't eaten yet. Come down to eat quickly. I didn't answer my mother. My mother shouted many times again, and I was worried, saying," Don't eat. My mother said, "How can we not eat? If we don't eat, we will be hungry. Come down quickly. I still said no to eat. My mother took the rice bowl upstairs and said," Eat quickly! Look what I have done for you. I heard it and felt a little hungry. Turn around and look, ah! My mother made my favorite ramen for me. It's spicy. However, I didn't find the information, and still didn't eat, so I said, "Put it there first, and I will eat it later. My mother said," It will be cold to eat later, so I should eat now! "I said," If I didn't find it, I would not eat it. If you don't go down, I will never eat. After that, my mother said, "OK, I'm going.

Then, I found the composition that my mother sent me noodles to eat today. I was very happy. I looked at the topic again. Ah, it was maternal love. I thought to myself, "I don't need to check the materials of the composition of maternal love. Maternal love is in our lives. Every thing that mother does to us is for us, and it is all maternal love. From this, I thought, why can't I write the composition that my mother sent me today? So I turned off the computer, took out the composition book and the ballpoint pen, and began to write The Great Maternal Love.". The next day, the teacher read my composition and said, "Your composition is good. Come and read it to everyone. At that time, I was so happy. I was confident and read it aloud to my classmates.

Maternal love is pure, it is the seed of a soul;

Motherly love is beautiful, it is the sweetest in ten thousand cans of honey;

Maternal love is warm, and it is the brightest among all the golden lights;

Maternal love is a thousand square white state, it has all the power to inspire you at all times;

Ask what maternal love is in the world. Only parents can know it.

Maternal love is dandelion, the seeds of which are scattered to every corner of the world.

Mother, I love you forever. Your body supports the whole blue sky of my life; Thank you, my mother! "

600 word composition on maternal love (9)

Thank you, I sincerely thank you, my beloved relatives and friends... "

From childhood to adulthood, many people took care of me, but... I thank my mother most, because she gave me life, she let me see the world, she taught me to be a man, and she brought me up.

Now my mother has reached middle age, and her body is so thin, just like a piece of sugar cane sucked by her children. When my daughter grew up, my mother gave me a head of black hair, but my white hair kept shaking in the wind. Mom, I deeply feel that it is you who gave me life, gave me character, shaped my sentiment, and made me embark on the road of life. Without my mother, there would be nothing for me!

Mom, I thank you and thank you at the same time! When I was hurt, it was you who smoothed my wounds with those soft hands; When I enjoy it, you hide behind me and share happiness with me quietly with your motherly heart. Mom, sometimes your daughter will make mistakes to make you sad, but you always earnestly enlighten me, "Life will inevitably make mistakes, and you must pay attention next time".

Mom, your mind is so broad. You never ask your daughter to be only a pine on the mountain, not a weed at the foot. You never mind whether your daughter is a flower or a green leaf. You said, "As long as you adapt to your own place, you can radiate heat". Although you are not a philosopher, your words have taught me what real life is.

Mom, how tired you are! Why don't you sigh in front of your daughter? My father passed away five years ago, and you didn't find him for me after that. You know I didn't want to, so you took on the responsibility of the family and became both father and mother. Every time I saw your busy figure, I would feel sad.

Mom, you are big. You want your daughter to live a carefree life and stop swallowing the tears you have swallowed. Mom, I know your heart!

Mom, I thank you, I love you forever!

600 word composition on maternal love (10)

My teeth are wearing silver white braces. The upper and lower arch wires connect them together, like putting silver jewelry on my teeth. The tongue touched the braces gently, and those unforgettable memories came to me like a tide.

Warm in the palm

After seeing my 'teeth', the doctor said to my mother: "Your son's teeth are crowded together, and four teeth need to be pulled out together with the gums." I was immediately afraid and turned to my mother for help. She stroked my head and gently comforted me: "Don't be afraid, you have grown up, be strong, and overcome these small difficulties." Her words were like warm sunshine, dispelling the fear in my heart. When the tooth was pulled out, her warm hand held my hand tightly, like a painkiller, the warmth was continuously transmitted to me, and the pain between the teeth seemed to be relieved a lot.

Love hidden in rice mud

The next day when I put on the braces, the spring on the arch wire began to push the teeth at both ends. A slight touch would cause tearing pain. Therefore, I can only live on porridge. Then, there was a change on the table: golden sweet potatoes appeared in porridge, mashed potatoes were steaming, meat was cut into foam, emitting an attractive fragrance. Mother smiled and said, "These are all soft things. Eat quickly." Although she smiled, she looked tired, and there was a faint black circle on her eyes, which must be caused by worries about food day and night. I can't eat fruit, and she bought a juicer worth thousands of yuan to supplement my nutrition. Eating fragrant rice paste and drinking sweet juice every day, I feel that there is full of love in it.

Love pouring between teeth

Every day after dinner, my mother would take a toothpick to pick out the vegetable leaves from my teeth. When picking her teeth, she looked focused and did not miss every corner; It was also very light, like a spring breeze blowing through my teeth, which made me feel no pain. I was very impatient with this. Every time, I always urged loudly: "Hurry up, hurry up!" Until a recheck, the doctor was surprised to say: "Your teeth are cleaner than other people who wear braces, so that I don't worry about being eaten by worms." It turns out that my mother did that to protect my teeth. That night, my mother came to pick her teeth again, and my boredom had disappeared, because I knew that my mother quietly poured her affection into my teeth.

The "silver jewelry" in my mouth is gorgeous in appearance, which actually brings me a lot of pain and inconvenience, but my mother smoothes them one by one with her love, so that every part of the braces is imbued with warm maternal love.

600 word composition on maternal love (11)

People often say that "a strict mother makes a filial son". I didn't understand this truth when I was young, but I didn't understand this truth until I was in the second grade of primary school. Love is different. I started to learn English when I was in the second grade of primary school. I didn't know why, but I had no interest in this subject all the time. When I was young, I thought that something failed once, and I didn't want to try again, so I formed the habit of "conditioning" - sleepiness when I had English classes. Every time when I slept comfortably, I was always hit on my body by the teacher with a whip, and then I rubbed my eyes and sat up. So that every time I have an English class, I have to be beaten to listen. In this way, it is conceivable that my English score is not very good.

I never mentioned it to my mother. Mom knew that a "little spy" told her about it*** My mother and my mother are both colleagues and good friends. We are in the same class, so we naturally have a good relationship. Once after school, she told my mother: "Aunt! Jia Yanan went to bed again in class." Since then, the window paper has been pierced! After returning home, my mother also scolded me. At that time, I hated that girl very much, but I forgot about it soon after and never mentioned it again. The most important thing is to study. My mother didn't ask me much. He had already guessed that it was because I was not interested, so he began to "severely" educate me. Cultivate my interest in learning English and let me take the initiative to learn English. My mother mainly focuses on three aspects of my English: listening, text and words. When I was young, I would do whatever my mother said. Every day when my mother came home, she asked me to sit at the tea table, listen to the recording, read the text and recite the text. When I was tired of listening to the recording, I was afraid of playing or sleeping on the tea table. When my mother found out that I would not listen to the recording, she used the method of speaking well, and began to move really. If I don't study hard, I will kick my stool first, and then drag me aside to discipline me if I don't listen again. At that time, I was so afraid that I should not make mistakes and study English seriously.

My efforts paid off. I scored 100 points in the English exam at the end of that semester. At that time, I was the only one in the class. There were only six students in the whole year. So my mother rewarded me to eat KFC! Strict love is different from ordinary love. It will encourage you to grow every day.

600 word composition on maternal love (12)

In the hearts of our children, the greatest thing should be maternal love. I think so too, because my mother has never been cruel to me. What impressed me most was the competition.

I remember when I was in the second grade, I was selected by the teacher to participate in the school math contest with several classmates because I was good at math. The time is set for Sunday morning. Mother took me to school early. She looked a little overjoyed, but I was nervous.

The examination paper was handed out. I looked at the question carefully. It was a bit difficult. It was simply an Olympiad Maths question! But it won't bother me. A few minutes later, I handed in my examination paper. Walk out of the examination room with a heart of seven ups and eight downs.

A few days later, the result sheet came out, which made me silly. Sure enough, I got 52 points. I took my report card home to my mother. I thought criticism would rain down on me, but it backfired. Raindrops of criticism fell on my head, and instead, a burst of praise and consolation came to my ears.

"It's OK, just a failure! Who hasn't. Mom did the same when she was a child, and she has never participated in any competition! It's OK, it's OK, and genius can make mistakes!" said Mom.

Hearing my mother's words, I could not help but discharge my previous unhappiness from my eyes and began to cry loudly. When my mother saw that I was crying like rain, she went on to comfort me, and I stopped crying after listening.

Maternal love is pure; Maternal love is selfless; Maternal love is great; Motherly love only knows how to give without seeking return. Motherly love is like the warm wind in spring, blowing your heart; Motherly love is like the continuous rain, gently tapping your face, nourishing your heart; Motherly love is like a furnace in winter, which can create warm sunshine for you in the severe winter. Even if you fall a big somersault, even if you fall dirty, mother will only sigh a long time, and then will love you with a special love. Let's say to mothers all over the world: "Mom, I love you!"

600 word composition on maternal love (13)

Maternal love is like water, gentle and delicate. Maternal love is the most selfless feeling in the world. Maternal love is like the dew of the dawn, moistening the seedlings of life, shielding us from wind and rain, and giving us endless love.

Mother's care for us is shown in every little thing in daily life. As long as we observe and experience carefully, you will feel how selfless, meticulous and great our mother's love is.

Last winter, a type of influenza virus called A (H1N1) swept in, causing many people to catch a bad cold. The main symptom of this cold is high fever. If it is serious, it may be the influenza A (H1N1).

This kind of flu is very deadly. Many people have a bad cold. The symptom is that they have a high fever. Many students have asked for leave to receive treatment at home. I have not been spared.

At the beginning, I felt dizzy, and then I felt hot all over. Finally, I couldn't get an injection in the hospital with a high fever. The next day, I thought that there would be no problem. I came to school as usual, but later I had to go home for injection because of a high fever.

In the next few days, I was completely suppressed by the virus, and my parents saw it in their eyes and felt pain in their hearts. They waited by my side all day long, taking care of me meticulously. They asked me to take my temperature from time to time, but in the measurement results again and again, my temperature showed no signs of receding.

My mother also stepped up her care for me. On average, she would get up five or six times every night and touch me with her hands to see if I still had a fever.

Even with such treatment, I didn't get any better. So the doctor decided to give me more medicine and inject me with cephalosporin, but I felt uncomfortable soon after the medicine was mixed, so the doctor immediately changed my medicine and told me to never inject cephalosporin again. And told my mother that if I still had a high fever, I would go to the hospital for examination.

That night, my mother cried and knelt in front of the cross, praying silently.

This scene has been in my mind for a long time, which makes me feel how important I am in my mother's mind, and how afraid my mother is of losing me.

For a mother, children are her whole. For me, parents are also indispensable in my life. Without their love, my life would be like a distant night without shining stars, like a dry desert without sweet springs.

600 word composition on maternal love (14)

Snow, like elves, dances in the sky, one by one, piece by piece, like a white blanket, spread on the earth. I was skipping rope in the community, and this snow suddenly reminded me of my memory.

Remember when I was in kindergarten. Just as we were finishing school, the snow suddenly came down unexpectedly. White snow, white ground, the whole is a vast expanse of white. I don't know when I put on a white coat on the roof; The tree also put on a white down jacket. Mother, wearing a white scarf, waved to me. I hopped to my mother's side, and my mother held me to the front of the battery parking space. But when I sat in front, the wind pierced my neck like a thousand needles. It hurt so much! I said to my mother in a soft voice: "Mom, my neck is cold." My mother looked at me with a smile and said, "Come on, put on my mother's scarf and it won't be cold." The long scarf hung down to my stomach with a faint fragrance, refreshing.

I remember the day when I was in the fourth grade. After school, I went home by myself. Suddenly, it snowed heavily in the sky. What a mess! Forgot to bring a scarf. I looked up and saw a very familiar figure, my mother. Mom saw me, too. I ran up to her and shivered. My mother looked at me anxiously: "Didn't I tell you that it's cold today, so you should put on your scarf at school? Come on, put on your mother's scarf first." My mother's scarf is still the same as before, snow white, still has a fragrance, and still makes people feel relaxed and happy.

At this time, I suddenly remembered that today my mother went to the construction site to command without a scarf. I immediately put down the rope in my hand. But I couldn't find my mother's scarf, so I had to take my own scarf and rushed to the construction site. I saw my mother directing the workers. I ran to my mother and said, "Mom, put on my scarf!" Then I put it on my mother. My mother said, "Well, my daughter's scarf is also very fragrant!" But I saw my mother was still busy, so I went home.

White sky, white ground, white snow. Mother's love is a scarf that warms me. It also emits a faint fragrance.

600 word composition on maternal love (15)

There is no soul stirring historical epic, no waves sweeping the sea, maternal love is like a spring rain, a song, moistening things silently, long and distant.

Maternal love is the final destination of the wandering children in the horizon, and it is a clear spring that moistens the children's hearts. It is continuous with the children's drinking and sipping. Therefore, the mother's love is integrated into the children's laughter and tears.

A mother's love is like an idyllic poem, which is secluded, pure and elegant;

Motherly love is a landscape painting, washed away the lead carving, leaving fresh and natural;

Motherly love is like a soulful song, melodious and gentle, singing softly;

Maternal love is a warm wind that blows away the snow and brings infinite spring.

A mother's love is a lifetime of laughter, a mother's love is a constant yearning for the world, a mother's love is the anxiety of her children before they are sick, and a mother's love is the ardent expectation of their children's growth.

When I think of my mother, my depressed ambition will become high spirited; When I think of my mother, my wasted years will turn into lofty sentiments; When I think of my mother, the wandering wanderers will have a desire to go home; When I think of my mother, my wandering heart finds its home.

Time is like water, and time is fleeting. The passage of time fades away our memories, but we still miss our mother. The warbler went back to the swallow. Spring passed and autumn came. Her face was getting older and her white hair looked like snow. Children grow up day by day, but mothers grow old day by day. When children see their white haired mother in the hall, they will fall into their mother's arms and burst into tears!

Maternal love is great and selfless. It is immersed in all things and filled between heaven and earth. With maternal love, human beings have moved from famine to civilization and prosperity. With maternal love, the society will move from indifference and severity to peace and health; With maternal love, we can go from melancholy to singing, from foolishness to wisdom; With maternal love, there will be the beginning of life, the continuation of history, the germination of reason, and the return of human nature.

Let's start the long scroll of time, brush away the dust of history, feel the true feelings of this world, and interpret the lingering maternal love. The singing and dancing among the high terraces and pavilions has gradually subsided, and the past prosperity has been obliterated. There is only continuous motherly love that has traveled through time and space for thousands of years!

It is history that endows mothers with profound love and true feelings, and endows children with deep attachment to their mothers.

Let's give more care to our mothers, and let's say "Life is safe" to all mothers!

600 word composition on maternal love (16)

Make a cup of Longjing tea and watch the tea thicken gradually. Gently taste, a bitter taste permeates the whole body, followed by a faint fragrance overflow, just like my mother's unique love for me.

It happened to be Sunday. I was enjoying the sun and humming an unknown song. I looked up at the blue sky and white clouds, looked down at the flowers and grass downstairs, and listened to the happy cries of birds. It was beautiful. "Hey, don't hurry to do your homework!" Mother's stern voice broke the quiet and beautiful scene just now. Her eyebrows were twisted together, looking like a hemp rope. I reluctantly said, "What do you want me to do when I finish writing?" I suddenly understood and thought, "Let me write the question you bought again!" See how I can get away. I pretended to be honest, strode to the bedroom, closed the door and pretended to write my homework on the table. In fact, I was keeping my eyes closed. Who could have expected that "Mantis catches cicadas, and yellow finches are behind". I killed my sister, the little spy, on the way, and reported my failure to learn to my mother. I think my mother will scold me, but I was wrong.

Mother said meaningfully, "In fact, it's none of my business whether you write or not. It's not for me to learn. Why should I buy a book? You see your sister is almost finished, and you haven't finished the third unit yet. As the saying goes, there is no end to learning. You should know better than me when you are in the fifth grade. Why don't you care about yourself? I let you go home to listen to English every day. It has been more than half a year, and I haven't seen you listen to it once. How good would it be for you to sit in the office when you grow up? Why should I suffer from my mother? "

Looking at my mother's hands getting puffy day by day, her face is no longer as smooth as before, her eyes quietly ran out several crow's feet, and her skin was dull and colorless. I buried my head under my arm, looked at the books, the blank yellowed paper, and thought that I had knocked over the bottle of five gourds. The vibrant scene outside the window has already flown to the country of Java. A breeze blew, but it brought me chills. My younger sister was joking and complacent. She seemed to be on the job and said, "It's my duty to bully me one day. Now I can't do it!" If it was normal, I would like to punch her twice. But now, I didn't say anything, so I silently took up my pen and began to write.

Mom, I will always remember your earnest teachings, taste the fun of knowledge, and strive to be a sensible and progressive person!

600 word composition on maternal love (17)

The wind is tearing the throat; The rain beat against the puddles on the roadside

Another boring weekend, the arrival of wind and rain deepened my loneliness. "Boredom" I sighed. Although the warrior on the computer screen wields a broadsword, his blood and passion are opposite to mine. It's funny to watch people walk away. "Get out of the car!" I looked at all this and said, "What are you shouting for?" My mother heard what I said. "Nothing," I explained.

Wow! It's raining and people are running. I thought, let me go down and play. Go, don't start. I rushed out with an umbrella, no matter what. I stood under an umbrella. "Good!" I said a funny thing. Maybe I am a born pessimist! The rain hit the umbrella, and the umbrella kept shaking in the wind. The rain hit me from time to time. It feels very cool and beautiful. I walked against the strong wind. I don't know when the wind will blow my umbrella away, but I'm not afraid! The water splashed on my pants, and the roaring wind irritated me!

When the wind and rain are strong, I simply put my umbrella away and let the rain erode my body. I ran in the rain. Then I stood under the eaves, and I didn't know what was going on!

Cold! There is such a sentence in my nerve that I regret it, but the rain is merciless, so I curl up and wait for the miracle! "Hey!" The water splashes make a sound, who! I seemed to see the dawn, but my whole body was burning and I fell to the ground. I can only vaguely see a person coming!


The body aches. I'm awake. I am lying in bed. My mother is touching my head. The room is full of medicine. what? What happened to me? My mother was very excited when she saw that I woke up. She said quickly, 'Don't move, you have a high fever! "So, I saw my mother's hair was messy and her clothes were untidy. She was so sad in my heart that I didn't dare to think about anything again. I was afraid I could not suppress my emotions, so I fell asleep.


After that, I'm not stupid. I do this not only for myself, but also for her!

600 word composition on maternal love (18)

In a book, I read two stories of "bloody maternal love".

The first story is about a weasel shedding its skin and feeding its baby. An old farmer was laying traps in the field hoping to catch the small animals who were stealing food. That morning, he went to collect the wallet and saw a weasel caught. He was surprised when he picked it up. Because there was only one piece of skin, the weasel escaped. He thought that the weasel without skin must have died nearby. So he followed the bloodstains and found the burrow where the weasel was hiding in a ditch. Digging it out, he was stunned by the scene before him: a nest of little weasels that had not yet opened their eyes were lying on the skinned female weasel. The female weasel has become stiff, while the little weasel is still sucking on its tits. He stood dumbfounded for a long time and covered the skin on the female weasel before leaving. From then on, the farmer never caught animals with traps.

Another story is that in the earthquake, a mother and her son were pressed in the ruins. Half of the mother's body was stuck in the concrete slab and could not move. The seven or eight month old baby was safe under her. When the rescuers dug a hole to get close to the mother and son, the mother had just swallowed her last breath, while the baby still had her forefinger in her mouth. Holding the child open, I found that the mother's index finger was only half. It turned out that after the mother's milk was sucked dry, the mother would bite off her finger and let the child suck her own blood.

In my life, I have seen such vivid examples.

One day, my mother and I went to buy egg pancakes. When we were waiting for the pancakes to come out of the oven, we heard a small voice saying, "Eat quickly, it will be bad if it gets cold."

I turned my head and saw that there were mother and son squatting on the ground. The mother was holding a big bowl of rice with pure white noodles in it, and there was no food in it. The son was eating a big chicken leg with relish. The mother's clothes were dirty, and the pants could no longer tell the color. At this time, a kind of reverence rose in my heart. This is maternal love, which is beyond all material things, even beyond life.

600 word composition on maternal love (19)

Maternal love is great.

On my first birthday, I felt how great maternal love was. In order to give birth to me, how much pain my mother had to endure, how much sweat, how much blood, and how much pain she had to endure that day, it was unimaginable that she gave birth to me. My mother was born by caesarean section, which was more painful. She had to sew stitches on her stomach. Every time I see the scar on my mother's stomach, I feel that my mother is really great. All this is for me. When I was born, when I cried, that was my happiest moment.

I believe that no matter how much blood and sweat my mother shed at that time, when I heard my cry, all my efforts were nothing and I felt extremely blessed. I did almost everything when I was young. I forgot, but I still vaguely remember a few things. Some of them were told by my mother. Once when my mother was knitting a sweater for me, I sat on the bed and watched TV. Maybe I saw a cruel mother abandoning her child, so I ran to another room and cried loudly. As soon as my mother heard me crying, she ran to me in a hurry and asked me: "Why are you crying?" I cried and said: "Mother, if you don't want me in the future, you can sell me to someone else." My mother was relieved, smiled again, dried my tears and said: "How could you not do it? After listening to these words, I held my mother tightly. I never left her.

My mother taught me to do housework when I was young. I have been independent since I was five years old. I can wash myself, fold clothes and do housework.

Once, when I returned to my hometown after the Spring Festival, people on the train were jostling with each other, even without a seat. My mother and I had to stand helplessly. My mother carried me on her back for fear that I could not stand steadily. My mother's back was very broad, warm and secure. Gradually I fell asleep. When I woke up, I almost dared not breathe, because I saw my mother sleeping on the back of the seat. I was afraid that my breathing would wake my mother. Looking at the tired mother who is sweating, I feel very distressed. Now I will do my homework until very late, but my mother will still wait until I finish writing before going to bed.

Over the years, my mother accompanied me through many roads and suffered a lot, but finally survived. This is love, the selflessness and greatness of maternal love, so maternal love is a bridge in my growth.

600 word composition on maternal love (20)

How great maternal love is in the world! No matter what kinship in the world can defeat her.

That night, I gradually fell asleep. In my dream, her face always appeared in front of me. The short hair and eyes are not very big, but they are like two black grapes inlaid under the light eyebrows, and a slight grin reveals a row of white teeth.

From my mother's hands, I can see her hard work. She will not rest when she has nothing to do. She always needs to find some housework to do. The housework is all on her mother's shoulders, but she never complains. She works hard. Even when she is sick, we won't let her get out of bed at home. But once we leave, she gets out of bed immediately and starts cleaning. When I came home from school, I saw a clean home. Everything became so neat and orderly that I had to admire my mother. I remember one time when my house was decorated, the decorators left the house after making the whole house dusty. My mother looked at the floor that had already been covered with ash, without saying a word, picked up the cleaning tools and started cleaning. When there was no ash left, we advised her to take a rest. She sat down, but fell asleep after a while. My father and I looked at our sleeping mother, and we were very unhappy.

The most selfless, greatest and sublime love in the world is maternal love. Selfless, because her love only pays, no need to return; Great, because her love lies in ordinary, ordinary and simple; Lofty, because her love is to use life into milk, feeding me, so that my life can continue, to flourish, to be brilliant.

I don't know how to interpret my mother, because she often beats a different pulse in her light life.

Mother's love is an inexhaustible equation. With my growth, new solutions are constantly produced, which makes me have different understanding.

This is my mother!

Part 2: Gratitude to Mother

Maternal love is a huge flame, which can always cover half the sky. My mother is like a big tree in the sky, and I am just a branch of my mother. I try my best to absorb her nutrition every day, for fear that I will not grow green and dazzling enough.

If we count up, the love our mother gives us seems to be countless, just like the stars in the sky. Although they look small, each of them twinkles is the most brilliant. Every day I wash clothes, cook food and tidy up the room for us. Each complicated thing has been circulating. My mother never complained. Work hard and never tire of doing it.

My sister and I are not fuel efficient. When things are done well and done well, my mother will accompany us happily; When we failed, my mother encouraged us again and again. I really wondered what kind of power it was that made my mother so energetic!? Maybe it was when I was ill, a pair of rough hands stroked my small forehead, and a figure carried water for me and wiped sweat for me

"Only a mother is good in the world, and a child with a mother is like a treasure. When he is in his mother's arms, he cannot enjoy happiness..." This well-known song expresses how bright his mother's love is. Mother spent all her life for our growth. Mother's love is also not shown in a few words. I couldn't write for a long time when I was writing, and it was just because I was afraid that I couldn't write about my mother's greatness.

Mother will give us whatever we like. But when his mother asked him what he liked, he would say, I like my mother? I really thank my mother for her kindness. Yeah! Only with a mother can we have a home, a mother can have a festival, and a mother can understand what it means to live with a grateful heart. The world's mother is our eternal spiritual home.

Be grateful for your mother's love, be grateful for your mother, and give everything. Be grateful to your mother.

Part 3: Gratitude to Mother

Mother's love is selfless and great. Mother's love can't be expressed in a few words.

Like children of the same age, I am proud of having the best mother in the world. The warm hand on mother's hand is like the charming spring. Mother's hand is the spring breeze in March, caressing us. Mother does not have a very beautiful appearance or gorgeous clothes, but she is always the most beautiful and greatest in my heart.

Mother is selfless, just as Meng Jiao said, "Who can say a inch of grass heart, will be rewarded with three Chunhui." Mother's missing for us is never over. In those days, due to the tension in study and the pressure in my heart, I didn't call home for a few days, but my mother specifically called my sister to ask her to talk with me, followed by your words of concern. Maybe it's really my fault, which makes you unable to restrain your concern.

Mother! The wrinkles on your face are increasing day by day. A wrinkle is a trace of your effort for me. Your love for us has not changed, but your face has changed. The deeper the love, the more changes. The traces of mothers are everywhere, and the world is more beautiful because of maternal love. Maternal love, your warm spring breeze, has blown across the earth and awakened all things.

At the time of departure, the tears you shed in your eyes never came out. You are suggesting to me that you should be strong, child. You have grown up. The tears flashing in your eyes express your reluctance. Too many vows can't represent anything, but you must rest assured that I won't let you down.

Day after day, year after year, and ten years like a day, spring, summer, autumn and winter are constantly changing. What remains unchanged is maternal love, and what changes is the mother's face. I love my mother, which is a kind of love different from other emotions.