() Composition describing natural scenery (6 selected articles)
The sky is blue
2024-05-13 02:31:03

() Composition describing natural scenery (1)

Composition material 1 about describing natural scenery in spring

1. The strange stones are various, some like the Monkey King scratching his head, some like the overlapping mountains in the bonsai, and some like the old longevity star with full forehead.

2. A golden sun shines on the green cliff. There are beautiful flowers on the cliff, which are as moving as butterflies.

3. The white clouds in the valleys sometimes rolled into cotton wadding, sometimes turned into long silks, floating around this mountain peak, and leisurely drifting away from another mountain peak.

4. The stacked stone ladder leading to the top of the mountain looks like a white belt lingering among the mountains from afar, and also like a colorful belt flying in the hands of acrobats, winding up and down.

5. The Huaihe River, like an emerald ribbon, floats across the golden carpet of the Central Plains; It is also like a green jade belt, tightly tied to the giant's beautiful robe.

6. These holes are tens of feet deep, and some of them are connected from left to right, which is like a maze in the mountains.

7. Autumn, the harvest season, the golden season -- as lovely as spring, as warm as summer, and as charming as winter.

8. The spring breeze slowly makes the spring glow, and the spring light shines on the spring clothes; Spring mountains are covered with spring green, and the spring water is sparkling; Spring butterflies flutter and stir up spring flowers, and spring bees buzz and love spring buds. I like the colorful spring.

9. The gorgeous rays of the sun put a light rose color on the silver dazzling peak opposite, like the blush rising on the girl's face.

10. The Zhanghe River sparkles like a swimming dragon, swinging its long body.

11. The sunshine in autumn is warm and quiet, the autumn wind in Dong Township is warm and gentle, and the blue sky and white clouds are elegant and melodious.

12. White clouds open in the canyon one after another, showing hazy, clean and mysterious, like snow-white snow lotus.

13. Qingsong is not afraid of the high mountains. It sticks its roots in the crevices of the cliffs and cliffs. Its body is twisted like a dragon pole. It spreads its branches in the air, like competing with the wind and clouds for the sky, or playing with the wind and clouds.

14. Some of these stalactites poured out of the ground like springs, turning the waves and reaching the top of the cave; Some hang upside down from the cave roof, like clusters of fruits; Some are like waterfalls, and some are like vines.

15. The tiger crossing the river is like a soft jasper belt inlaid in the mother's mind; It is always so open and selfless, feeding the people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits with its own milk.

16. The milky white fog, full of hills and valleys, is so deep and thick, like flowing slurry, which can float people.

17. On the steep cliff like black clouds, there is a small mountain path that looms like lightning in the sky.

18. In the warm spring, everything recovers. The canal water is like a little pump mother who just woke up, full of vitality, singing a new song and running forward.

Composition Materials for Describing Natural Scenery in Spring 2

1. The path, like a thin thread hanging from the cliff, seems to break when the wind blows.

2. Some of these stalactites are like lotus, some are like crabapple flowers, some are like pearls, and some are like amber and agate. At the exit of the cave, there is a cluster of thick ancient vines hanging upside down from the cave roof, which looks like a green jade bead curtain.

3. It looks like a crazy man who has lost his reason, bumping and bumping in the wide courtyard. From time to time, it whirled up the broken leaves of firewood on the ground, threw them to the east, threw them to the west, rolled them up and flew in the air, and pushed them into a corner of the wall.

4. The stone forest of thousand peaks, like a dream, surrounds you, like a mythical world, strange and changeable.

5. An ancient flagstone path, like a slender worm, sometimes climbs over the undulating hills and sometimes winds along the green river.

6. The river is very clear, like a piece of green and transparent cellophane, and the pebbles at the bottom are smooth and bright like crystals. In the morning, the river seemed to wake up just now, blinking its sparkling eyes. The whole water surface is as green as jade; The rising mist is like a white veil, covering the shy face of the river.

7. The 'Fog Valley' in front of us is like a river overflowing with milk, lying comfortably and gently in the embrace of the mountain.

8. The sun shelf is on the head of an old pine branch on the top of the mountain. It looks like a big red peony, very beautiful and lovely.

9. There is a long stone, which looks like a dragon. The stone is covered with speckled things, like scales on the dragon.

10. The mountain road is as narrow as a sheep's intestines, winding and covered with fallen leaves, and sometimes meets the flowing mountain spring, which is wet and slippery under the feet.

11. On the other side of the mountain, there are steep cliffs. It seems that someone has cut half of them with a giant axe.

12. Here is another scene. There are stalactites up and down. Some are like crawling animals, some are like lush woods, and some are like birds flying. They are really different and lifelike.

13. In the cave, there are a variety of stalactites. Under the illumination of colored lights, the whole cave seems to be piled up with gems, pearls, corals, ivory, and silk.

14. When the first blush appeared in the east, the river looked like a girl who had just cleaned up, looking at the mirror to tidy up her morning makeup, and a few shy blushes flew out of her cheeks.

15. In the cave, some stalactites are like monkeys picking peaches, some are like frogs jumping into the pond, some are like dragons entering the cave, and some are like lions grabbing the ball.

16. On the steep cliff, the waterfall poured silver over the rough rocks and gave out a hearty laugh.

17. I saw that the cliff was ten zhang high, round like a pillar holding the sky.

18. The old elm trees in front of the window are swaying when the wind blows. The branches sweep the eaves and make a shua, shua, shua, shua, shua, shua, shua, shua, shua, shua, shua, shua, shua, shua, shua, shua, shua, shua, shua, shua, shua, shua, shua, shua, shua, shua.

() Composition describing natural scenery (2)

Three hours later, we finally arrived at the ancient city of Taining. As soon as we entered the ancient city, we were attracted by a group of strange sculptures on the street. There were generals riding horses, the Red Army pulling cattle, and red children standing guard... We came to the Great Golden Lake and got on the speedboat. When the speedboat started, the mountain breeze blew the face, making it extremely cool. The water splashed behind the speedboat, forming several silvery white dragons, which were extremely beautiful. I couldn't help reaching out to the water, and splashing waves hit my hands, like countless pearls on the palm, which hurt. The red mountains and red stones here have a beautiful name called Danxia. Looking at the lakes and mountains on both sides, the natural landscapes such as the Double Sky, Guanmao Ridge, and Mao'er Mountain Peak are very clear and refreshing against the blue sky and white clouds.

After visiting Dajin Lake, we came to Shangqing River to row bamboo rafts. The total length of Shangqing Stream is more than 50 kilometers, including 15 kilometers for the development of bamboo rafts. The whole journey takes about two hours. The Shangqing River is hidden deep in the mountains and valleys, and is cut down. The stream winds between the mountains and peaks, and turns thousands of times. There are few people on both sides of the river, and the forest is dense. From time to time, the fragrance of exotic flowers and plants comes to our nostrils. We feel like entering a fairyland on earth······

The beautiful scenery of Taining County Tourist Scenic Area makes me forget to leave, but we still have several scenic spots to visit due to time constraints. Next time I have the opportunity to visit Taining again and enjoy the gift of nature again.

1、 Beauty is in the countryside My hometown is in a small county town in Zhangzhou. It is picturesque and beautiful. You see, the streets are bustling with cars, water and horses, which is a kind of flowing beauty; In the park, pavilions and potted flowers are blooming, which is a kind of exquisite beauty; The shopping mall is full of goods and customers, which is a kind of prosperous beauty... But I think the most beautiful thing is in the countryside, where green mountains and green waters, flowers and birds sing, terraces layer upon layer, fruit trees are full of slopes, and everywhere is permeated with a vibrant beauty, showing a natural beauty.

In the field, where beauty dances! In spring, the crops in the fields are green. The green color shines brightly in our eyes, as if there is a green spirit dancing on every leaf. In the autumn, the fields were golden. A gentle breeze blew, and the terraces turned golden waves. The heavy ears of rice swayed like yellow elves dancing. You see, the farmer's uncle's face is filled with the joy of harvest. They were so busy that some of them bent over to cut rice, some stepped on the thresher, and some drove home with a cart full of golden millet... The happy dream spirit danced a harvest waltz in the hearts of farmers!

In the mountains, where beauty sings! In the dense forest, groups of jumping birds are holding a concert. How lively they are! Listen, the thrush, known as the songbird champion, is small and exquisite. It stands on the branch and cheerfully raises its head and sings: "Tink, Tink, Tink, what a beautiful morning..." The song is euphemistic and refreshing! The dark green hydrangea, known as the green angel, is charming and full of charm, and shows no sign of weakness. While flying on the treetops, it sings: "Lala la la, Lala la, what a wonderful forest concert! Come and join us soon..." The song is beautiful and attractive. Lark, known as a super singer, also joined the concert without exception. It is the best solo performer of the bird kingdom with many singers, and also the protagonist of the concert. Its singing is melodious and exciting, which makes all other singers feel ashamed and leads the whole music to the climax... The small river in the forest flows noisily, and the children wade into the clear river to fight. How happy they are! The sound of gurgling water, children's laughter and birds' chirping are interwoven into a joyful symphony!

In the sky, beauty is depicted there, depicting the blue sky and white clouds, depicting the colorful rainbow bridge, really "red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple, who can dance in the sky with color training"... In the pond, beauty is there to tell, one after another lotus in white clothes dancing in the sun, dragonflies flying over, telling it the joy of flying in the morning, small fish swimming at their feet, Tell him the good dream he had last night... On the lawn, beauty played there. The children came to the green grass to play hide and seek, pick wild flowers, catch butterflies, and chase each other. How exciting!

In the school, beauty stayed there. From time to time, the bright and spacious classroom heard a loud reading voice and melodious singing voice. Students studied hard from childhood, roamed in the ocean of knowledge, determined to make contributions to the motherland in the future, so that the future of the motherland will be more brilliant...... In farmers' homes, beauty is magic, and low earth houses become buildings, Rough tables and chairs become luxurious and comfortable leather sofas and spotless glass tea tables, hard wooden beds become soft Simmons, as well as colorful refrigerators and washing machines, and motorcycle computer telephones

Ah! Countryside, a beautiful and vibrant village, I love you, and I love my hometown more -- vigorous Zhangzhou

Above the sky Under the sky

In the autumn of 2001, I was in the Western Xia Mausoleum. Amber dusk covers the boundless wilderness, an unknown earth mound, and me.

The mound is as tall as a tower, but it is more like a sad and lonely horse standing in the wilderness. There is no tree, no house, no smoke. The prevailing trend was eastward, seven miles, seven miles, and then suddenly stopped at the foot of Helan Mountain. The bleeding Helan Mountain is silent and solemn. In my backpack, there are two Helan Mountain rock paintings, which are rubbings, a running sheep, and the face of primitive people. This face is detached from the realistic style and full of totem like mystery and worship. It broke the power of sudden pause and let the wind return. Return to the foot of this earth mound, which is rarely seen.

"In this way, my life/meeting you in the darkest moment/the back of a desolate dynasty/the desolate pyramid without descendants to worship." My records at that time.

Yes, no descendants worship. There are no descendants in the tomb of the King of Xixia. It is recorded in the history book that "Xixia was a feudal separatist regime established by a Dangxiang ethnic group of the ancient Qiang nationality, including the Han nationality and other ethnic minorities, from the 11th century to the 13th century A.D." Finally, Xixia perished under the attack of the powerful Mongolian army. What haunts me most is not only the demise of a powerful dynasty, but also the annihilation of a nation. In 1227, the son of Genghis Khan led his army to the city of Xixia, and burned the palace. All the soldiers and civilians of Zhongxing were killed when the sword started and fell. It is very consistent with the previous killings. "There are only one or two people who will be spared, and white bones will cover the wild". There were survivors among the ethnic groups, who also fled from place to place so that later generations migrated and eventually merged into the Chinese ethnic groups. Dangxiang nationality, a branch of Qiang nationality in ancient China, has disappeared since then. In the western suburbs of Yinchuan, at the eastern foot of Helan Mountain, in a large open area, the dynasty left only one earth built mausoleum, covering an area of 50 square kilometers. The tombs of the emperors of the Western Xia Dynasty and the tombs of their relatives and relatives are scattered everywhere. In the one hundred and ninety years of nearly a thousand years ago, these mausoleums were magnificent and magnificent, boasting the momentum and prestige of a dynasty, which was as dazzling as fireworks. Finally, they fell from the night sky, solidified into something that can be touched, and appeared in the form of earth mounds, which is the most characteristic of the form of mourning.

I stroked the hard soil grains of the mound one by one countless times. I am a descendant of an alien race. At the edge of the area far away from the imperial mausoleum, the gravel is like iron and the population is rare. What makes me meet you across the state and the province? Rough soil, thin pale fingers, what is more painful than this gentle touch? Along the earth mound that towered into the sky, I raised my face that was scorched by the sun in the daytime, and I felt towering in the evening wind. Dozens of caves are evenly distributed on the mounds. The formation of these caves is related to wind, erosion and time. In a word, the wooden frame of the mound was eroded by wind and time. Wood flew away one by one, leaving only eyes for the mound.

So these



Eyes and

Dance of Desire

The dance of paying tribute?

How can I tell you how much I love Hughes' gloomy and beautiful lines.

These eyes radiate great nothingness, which is enough to push a person to despair. The dead bat flew away, the time bat flew away, the native and foreign bat flew away. Those topics are too big for me to think about. A dynasty, a nation, glorious years, grand festivals, all disappeared without trace, then who can hold a life like grass in his hand? Holding love and destiny in hand? In the days without God, everything has no reversibility, and life is not even more loyal than the wind. The wind will come back, once a year, to green the south of the Yangtze River. In the days without God, I do not believe in redemption. "Sister, I don't care about human beings tonight, I just miss you". This is Haizi. It's heartbreaking to think about it. A friend told me again and again how Haizi could live. Haizi stated in his last words that "my death has nothing to do with anyone", then who is involved? "At the end of the grassland, I can't hold a tear when I feel sad.".

This autumn, I have torn the wound in my life. The habit I have developed for more than ten years made me run to the west again, and let the desert and wilderness wind roll up a soul lost body, like a bird flying. In fact, there is no way to live. More than ten years ago, near the tennis court on the campus of Peking University, a boy called my name and told me that you should be more vulgar. Under the sky, he smiled at me. Such a man with no hidden secrets made me see my "painful feet" in a moment. In fact, I am fully capable of dealing with worldly life, but I often do not know where my heart is. I often lower my heart than grass. A simple example: walking in front of the office building, I will remind myself again and again not to forget to greet the oncoming person, and not to forget to say a word to him, as I said in my heart. But I still inevitably passed by others, as if the road was too long, as if all the preparations could not hold on to ten steps, and I was so angry that my heart broke free and flew away from my body unconsciously, but I did not know where it flew.

Some people in the world know how to warn. A close friend of her classmate in college, she often spoke loudly to herself. She said that Lu Xun said that it is impossible for people to leave the earth with their hair pulled out. Behind this admonition is her extremely clear and clear understanding of herself. She knows that it is difficult for her feet to step firmly on the earth, so the admonition is very painful. Just like Haizi, "Sister, I don't care about human beings tonight, I just want you", in fact, he knows that even tonight, human beings have not been separated from him for a moment; He wants to chop wood and feed horses from now on. He only cares about food. He faces the sea and flowers are blooming in spring. How can his admonition not hurt his bone marrow? This kind of pain is so great that nihility is no longer a problem. How can Haizi survive. I will lower my heart than grass. This admonition is above and below the sky.

I can't explain where my heart is. Apart from poetry, there is nothing that can make the heart speak. But who cares about poetry? In this world, there are countless people who have nothing to do with poetry. The guidance of poetry sometimes makes me afraid of falling to the ground. Sometimes the real things in front of me look like ferocious faces. Sometimes the human nature is so muddy that I don't know how to face them. I have even been afraid to hold a parents' meeting for my daughter. I'm afraid of people I don't know and the smell I don't know; Later, I learned some funny words, and sometimes I would not admit defeat to talk to others. This kind of bravado covers up my cowardice. Most of the time, even I can't know what I'm afraid of.

In fact, I am a grateful person. In such a painful autumn, in the vast Gobi Desert, I can smell the fragrance that the world only gives me from the memories again and again. The first snowy night I opened my eyes to when I was a child, a quiet snowy night

() Composition describing natural scenery (3)

Listen, it's the voice of the sea! Such ups and downs, the sky blue body lifted countless crystal. The waves ran to the beach, bigger, bigger, burst out of a great surge! Rows of waves carry the fresh and refreshing sea breeze in the distance, which messes up my neat hair. Don't worry about the damage to my hair. Reach into the sea and let the cool of the sea seep into every cell of mine. Walking barefoot on the beach, I felt the softness of the asphalt road. The sand touched my feet gently. Looking at the gold coin color, I couldn't help thinking of the beauty of Helen.

Don't taste the elegant posture of pure white seagulls in the air, nor ignore the freedom of fish fry in the shallow sea, nor pay attention to the happiness of small crabs in the reef cracks. Just looking at the holy blue, I gently open my arms and embrace the sea. The sea belongs to me only. I am the master of the vast expanse. No, I am the white sail of the sea, and I can't stop touching the transparent skin of the sea, Zero distance contact with it!

". I don't know where the ocean is headed."

() Composition describing natural scenery (4)

I once guessed a riddle. The face of the riddle is "rain". When fighting a city, the answer is Tianshui. "The water of the Yellow River comes from heaven", which points out where the water comes from. If it doesn't rain, the mother river will also run dry all the year round.

It is a kind of charm to hit plantain in the rain, a reunion when the rain falls on the water, a romance when walking in the rain, and a magnificent rainbow after the rain. The spring rain is lively, the summer rain is lingering, the autumn rain is deep, and the winter rain - in the north, it has evolved into the elegant sky, reporting the information of spring.

I often daydream that there was no water, no soil, no four seasons, no spring flowers, no autumn fruits, only the desolation of the beginning of chaos, only the ancient solitude, the vast expanse of the sky. The first rain must come from beyond the sky. With the thunderous thunder and the fire breaking the sky, the meteorite made of ice rushed to the earth, and the friction generated heat to melt it. It turned into raindrops in an instant and hit the thirsty land, and then merged into torrents. Only then did there be rivers and lakes on the ground, the vast sea, the huge valleys and rivers on the mountains, and the impact plains. From then on, Only when our planet has flowing vitality, can we have the prerequisite for breeding life.

Zi said in Kawasaki: The passage of time is like this. Faced with the river going east, saints are inevitably sad. Rivers formed by rain run day and night and never return. They think of the passage of time and feel sad. However, rain is a form of water circulation. It sublimates on the sea and ground, condenses in the sky for thousands of miles, and clouds are its hotbed. Once you wake up, open your sparkling eyes to look down on the earth, and pour down without hesitation, cleaning up the filth, nourishing everything, spotting the brilliant spring, and promoting the blooming of colors and redness.

The African prairie is a paradise for animals. The dry climate, rampant wildfires, hunger make migrating animals everywhere, and the fish in the dried up pond are crowded and struggling together. Watching the "Animal World" on TV, when such a scene appears, it can not but be moved. It is always at the most difficult time that the rainy season comes. The vast grassland will soon be full of vitality. Human beings have always depended on the weather to eat.

Water can carry a boat and also can capsize it. Rain also has this feature. Is the rainstorm the divine whip of heaven to punish human sins? With the roaring, it is awe inspiring, and the homeland on which to live is suddenly a vast ocean. People may be fish and turtles. Natural disasters and man-made disasters are often twin brothers. The fall of human beings first led to disasters. Or indiscriminate cutting and punishment, or wanton mining, or river closure dam. The natural environment has been destroyed, and human beings will inevitably suffer from the consequences.

Rain is spiritual. Since it can nurture life, it can also penetrate human hearts.

() Composition describing natural scenery (5)

In Kunming, flowers are everywhere. Here, you can see many decorations made of flowers everywhere. There is a sea of flowers, a world of grass, and a world of trees everywhere. Every day, bright sunshine and sweet dew feed these bright flowers, delicate grass and tall trees, and the whole city has almost become a "diamond" ocean.

Kunming seems to be inseparable from flowers all day long. When people walk, they can smell the fragrance of flowers and plants everywhere. The fragrance of the flower is pure and light. It drifts around with the breeze, refreshing and refreshing. Kunming people cannot live without flowers, which are really everywhere in this city. The street is full of flowers, and there are flowers at home. Even the restaurant table should be decorated with several bouquets of flowers. When the festival comes, people hold flowers in their hands and wear flowers on their heads, singing and dancing in the sea of flowers to celebrate the festival.

In this city, there are many large-scale flower and bird markets, where there are many exotic flowers and plants, competing to open. Look at that rose, how beautiful it is. Its fiery petals are like the sun just born. Look at the noble and elegant tulips. There is still a beautiful butterfly on the petals! That tulip must be so fragrant! And the flowers here are both beautiful and cheap. "Flowers are sold as vegetables" is absolutely no boast.

Flowers decorate Kunming, making the city a sea of flowers, full of the breath of spring. Beautiful Flower City, I love you!

() Composition describing natural scenery (6)

1. The path, like a thin thread hanging from the cliff, seems to break when the wind blows.

2. Some of these stalactites are like lotus, some are like crabapple flowers, some are like pearls, and some are like amber and agate. At the exit of the cave, there is a cluster of thick ancient vines hanging upside down from the cave roof, which looks like a green jade bead curtain.

3. It looks like a crazy man who has lost his reason, bumping and bumping in the wide courtyard. From time to time, it whirled up the broken leaves of firewood on the ground, threw them to the east, threw them to the west, rolled them up and flew in the air, and pushed them into a corner of the wall.

4. The stone forest of thousand peaks, like a dream, surrounds you, like a mythical world, strange and changeable.

5. An ancient flagstone path, like a slender worm, sometimes climbs over the undulating hills and sometimes winds along the green river.

6. The river is very clear, like a piece of green and transparent cellophane, and the pebbles at the bottom are smooth and bright like crystals. In the morning, the river seemed to wake up just now, blinking its sparkling eyes. The whole water surface is as green as jade; The rising mist is like a white veil, covering the shy face of the river.

7. The Fog Valley in front of us is like a river overflowing with milk, lying comfortably and gently in the embrace of the mountain.

8. The sun shelf is on the head of an old pine branch on the top of the mountain. It looks like a big red peony, very beautiful and lovely.

9. There is a long stone, which looks like a dragon. The stone is covered with speckled things, like scales on the dragon.

10. The mountain road is as narrow as a sheep's intestines, winding and covered with fallen leaves, and sometimes meets the flowing mountain spring, which is wet and slippery under the feet.

11. On the other side of the mountain, there are steep cliffs. It seems that someone has cut half of them with a giant axe.

12. Here is another scene. There are stalactites up and down. Some are like crawling animals, some are like lush woods, and some are like birds flying. They are really different and lifelike.

13. In the cave, there are a variety of stalactites. Under the illumination of colored lights, the whole cave seems to be piled up with gems, pearls, corals, ivory, and silk.

14. When the first blush appeared in the east, the river looked like a girl who had just cleaned up, looking at the mirror to tidy up her morning makeup, and a few shy blushes flew out of her cheeks.

15. In the cave, some stalactites are like monkeys picking peaches, some are like frogs jumping into the pond, some are like dragons entering the cave, and some are like lions grabbing the ball.

16. On the steep cliff, the waterfall poured silver over the rough rocks and gave out a hearty laugh.

17. I saw that the cliff was ten zhang high, round like a pillar holding the sky.

18. The old elm trees in front of the window are swaying when the wind blows. The branches sweep the eaves and make a shua, shua, shua, shua, shua, shua, shua, shua, shua, shua, shua, shua, shua, shua, shua, shua, shua, shua, shua, shua, shua.

Extract of beautiful sentences about natural scenery [2]

1. The strange stones are various, some like the Monkey King scratching his head, some like the overlapping mountains in the bonsai, and some like the old longevity star with full forehead.

2. A golden sun shines on the green cliff. There are beautiful flowers on the cliff, which are as moving as butterflies.

3. The white clouds in the valleys sometimes rolled into cotton wadding, sometimes turned into long silks, floating around this mountain peak, and leisurely drifting away from another mountain peak.

4. The stacked stone ladder leading to the top of the mountain looks like a white belt lingering among the mountains from afar, and also like a colorful belt flying in the hands of acrobats, winding up and down.

5. The Huaihe River, like an emerald ribbon, floats across the golden carpet of the Central Plains; It is also like a green jade belt, tightly tied to the giant's beautiful robe.

6. These holes are tens of feet deep, and some of them are connected from left to right, which is like a maze in the mountains.

7. Autumn, the harvest season, the golden season -- as lovely as spring, as warm as summer, and as charming as winter.

8. The spring breeze slowly makes the spring glow, and the spring light shines on the spring clothes; Spring mountains are covered with spring green, and the spring water is sparkling; Spring butterflies flutter and stir up spring flowers, and spring bees buzz and love spring buds. I like the colorful spring.

9. The gorgeous rays of the sun put a light rose color on the silver dazzling peak opposite, like the blush rising on the girl's face.

10. The Zhanghe River sparkles like a swimming dragon, swinging its long body.

11. The sunshine in autumn is warm and quiet, the autumn wind in Dong Township is warm and gentle, and the blue sky and white clouds are elegant and melodious.

12. White clouds open in the canyon one after another, showing hazy, clean and mysterious, like snow-white snow lotus.

13. Qingsong is not afraid of the high mountains. It sticks its roots in the crevices of the cliffs and cliffs. Its body is twisted like a dragon pole. It spreads its branches in the air, like competing with the wind and clouds for the sky, or playing with the wind and clouds.

14. Some of these stalactites poured out of the ground like springs, turning the waves and reaching the top of the cave; Some hang upside down from the cave roof, like clusters of fruits; Some are like waterfalls, and some are like vines.

15. The tiger crossing the river is like a soft jasper belt inlaid in the mother's mind; It is always so open and selfless, feeding the people on both sides of the Taiwan Straits with its own milk.

16. The milky white fog, full of hills and valleys, is so deep and thick, like flowing slurry, which can float people.

17. On the steep cliff like black clouds, there is a small mountain path that looms like lightning in the sky.

18. In the warm spring, everything recovers. The canal water is like a little pump mother who just woke up, full of vitality, singing a new song and running forward.