Love composition for me (18 in general)
Let go of yourself
2024-05-25 08:32:06

Love composition for me (1)

My mother is a kind person, and her love for me is like the beautiful waves in the blue water, which will always be printed in my heart.

When school was over yesterday, I ran to my mother excitedly and said: "Mom, we will have a Chinese unit exam tomorrow. If I can get a good result, you can take me to the playground!" My mother agreed cheerfully. I also confidently said to myself: "Chinese is fine with me. The playground is waiting for me! Ha ha..."

However, man is not as good as heaven. The exam results come out, God! 77 points! I only got 77 points.

On the way home, I imagined my mother's severe criticism and scolding. I felt like there were fifteen buckets in my heart, and my heart was pounding. But when I got home, my mother took out the test paper and read it carefully. She said, "You have mastered the knowledge in the textbook, but you have deducted too many points from your reading. This aspect should be strengthened in the future." After saying that, she touched my head and said, "It doesn't matter if you fail in the exam. There must be setbacks on the road of life. How can you see a rainbow without going through rain and wind. As long as you work hard, you will get good results. I will take you to the amusement park to have a good time. " My two lines of Jindoudou burst out with regret and joy. Unfortunately, I failed the exam; I'm glad I have a good mother.

Thank you, Mom. Your love paves the way for me to grow up and protects my growth. Mom, I love you!

Love composition for me (2)

Love can make people in despair have new hope; Love can restore self-confidence to those who fail; Love can make those who are about to give up recover their courage and cheer up again; Love can make life a miracle; Love can make me feel warm.

I remember that at that time, I was still in kindergarten. One evening, my mother sent me to go class. After seeing me at the school gate, my mother said to me, "I'm going to the supermarket to buy things now, and I'll pick you up after class." So I walked into the school gate and came to the gate of the Go classroom. However, I found the classroom door was closed, and there were four big words on the door, "class today is closed". What a pity! The careless mother forgot it. I hurriedly ran back to find my mother, only to find that it was dark and my mother had disappeared.

I finally cried with fear, and aimlessly searched for my mother at the school gate. It was winter, and the northwest wind was blowing. I was cold and anxious, and I was about to become a little match girl. At this time, an aunt in the opposite grocery store saw me at a loss and hurried to ask me: "What's wrong, little sister?" "I can't find my mother..." I sobbed and stammered out the reason. Seeing that I was shivering with cold, my aunt took me to the grocery store, put on my clothes, and picked up the phone to let me contact my mother. But the phone could not be connected, and I cried even more. Aunt used her warm voice to comfort me constantly, and finally decided to take me to the nearest supermarket to find my mother. The careful aunt told the people in the shop to wait if they saw someone looking for a child.

After arriving at the supermarket, my aunt took many twists and turns and finally found her mother who was shopping. Aunt smiled happily when she saw my mother hugging me tightly. At this time, a warm current surged up in my heart. It was this strange aunt who brought me spring like warmth on this cold winter night.

Love composition for me (3)

In my growing experience, I have gained a lot of love, including the love of classmates, grandparents and friends... But what moved me most was the love my mother gave me.

I remember that it rained heavily at noon that day. I forgot to bring my umbrella because I was in a hurry when I went to school in the morning. The students walked home one after another. Only I stood in the corridor of the classroom, staring at the pouring rain, and thought: It's too bad. Mom is not feeling well. Who can send me an umbrella? Suddenly, a dim figure appeared not far away, which seemed to have been seen somewhere. The figure was getting closer and closer, I looked closely, oh, it was my mother! My mother is walking towards our classroom. I was so moved that I ran to my mother quickly. My mother handed me the umbrella and said, "Silly child, my mother has come to pick you up, let's go home!" The road was potholed, and the traffic spattered water. Mother let me walk on her right. Every car passed by, my mother used her body to block the splashing water for me. I took my mother's hand and continued to walk home. Back home, I saw my mother's pants were all wet, but my mother didn't care at all, turned around and walked into the kitchen again. I was moved by my mother's love again.

Fortunately, my mother's love for me is beautiful

Love composition for me (4)

Thank you for giving me love composition

In the light daily life, when it comes to composition, everyone must be blind. Composition is a narrative method to express a theme through words. So how do you write a general composition? The following is a small editor carefully thank you for giving me love composition, for reference only, let's have a look.

What is the greatest thing in the world? I will never hesitate to say that it is maternal love and fatherly love. If I choose the better one, I have to apologize to you. I think both are good. Motherly love is like east wind, spring rain, sunshine and land. Fatherly love is great, but it doesn't express itself directly, but gives you care behind your back. It is like a beacon to light, like a gateway to success, like a ship to happiness, like a leader leading achievements

Each of us has been cared for by our parents, but sometimes you never hesitate to accept it, but there is no gratitude in your heart. In fact, thanks are very easy to accept. Just say "thank you". But some people just don't seem to have learned it. They don't say "thank you" even when they die. I am disgusted with this kind of behavior. One winter, I went to school on a snowy day. On the way home, I remembered that I had left a book at home, but I couldn't catch up with it when I returned home. So I ran to school to read with others. Unexpectedly, my father sent me a book and a scarf against the cold wind and snowflakes. After giving me a thank you, my father smiled happily, and his smile infected me, Isn't this fatherly love the greatest? Dad, you are so simple and noble, but I have never found you, but now you are sensible, so I will write a poem to praise you;

Father's love and mother's love are great.

I am proud of having such parents.

I want to work hard, I want to be diligent;

I want to be modest, not proud.

I will use my grades to report back and forth.

Mom and Dad thank you for your love!

Love composition for me (5)

I remember one Saturday last semester, when the sun was shining, I was still sleeping comfortably in my bed. My mother woke me up, "Ah! You have a fever!" My mother hurriedly went to find a thermometer to measure my temperature. When my mother looked at the thermometer, she was surprised: "It's thirty-nine degrees three!" My mother told me to brush my teeth quickly. After brushing my teeth, I went to the hospital with my mother.

I went to the hospital and the doctor measured my temperature and then wrote a prescription for me. While writing the prescription, I was talking with another doctor: "Now more and more primary school students have fever, and we are all too busy." After my mother took the prescription, I looked at it and exclaimed, "Oh my god! I have to take medicine and use a drop needle again!" There is a medicine like plastic, and I can't bite it. After swallowing it, I vomited again. My mother looked at me distressed and said, "I'll powder these medicines before you drink them!" I said, "OK." Finally, I took the medicine. Mother said, "You'll be fine as soon as you get up!" Then she helped me to the bed and let me lie on the bed to rest.

Maternal love is really great! I love my mother!

Love composition for me (6)

My mother has many kinds of love for me. I don't know which one to say.

This is a very common thing: one day, I had a fever, my mother took a temperature, more than 39 degrees, so we went to the hospital immediately. When I got to the hospital, my mother registered me, went upstairs together for examination, and took blood for test, she asked me if it hurt, and kept asking me if it was still hot on the way home

When I sleep, I often push the quilt open, and my mother will cover it for me.

These are very common things. Mother's love always hides in these ordinary things.

One more thing, when I came home from school to do my homework, I found that I had forgotten to bring my pen. My mother blamed me for my carelessness while she dressed and went to buy some clothes for me. It snowed heavily that night, and the snow was as heavy as goose feather. When my mother came back from the supermarket, she saw her head covered with snow, her glasses covered with a thick layer of snow, and her body was wet. When I took the pen, it was dry and hot. It carries its mother's temperature and love. I threw myself into her arms and cried.

There are many such things, and we should use all our strength to repay them.

Love composition for me (7)

I am a happy child, and my life is full of love. I have the love from my father and mother; There are also teachers who give me love... Dad's love is inextricably obedient to my bad temper, and he will not scold me endlessly if he fails in the exam.

My father gave me love that no one else could. I remember a unit exam in grade four. When the math paper was handed out, I saw the red number and was immediately dumbfounded. The score of ninety-two point five is quite different from what my father asked of me! I thought I would get 95% or more in the exam, and suddenly it was like a basin of ice water just frozen from the refrigerator, from my head to my feet!

After the analysis, the teacher asked us to take the test paper home for signature. That day, I was at a loss to carry my schoolbag and went home slowly. When I got home, I dragged my schoolbag and hid in my room. While doing my homework, I touched my tears and thought: "Do you want to show my father the test paper? He will be very angry after reading it. A scolding is inevitable, so don't give it to him? Imitate his signature and write it, no, that's not to deceive myself. The teacher said that good children can't lie!

I was dreaming. My father asked me to have dinner. I came to the table without saying a word. I covered my head and picked up rice. I didn't even eat my favorite braised pork. But my father was very angry and didn't ask anything. Suddenly, my father put down his chopsticks. I thought my father was going to ask about his homework, but my father left. This move almost scared me to death!

Finally, I finished this "long" dinner. I still "bang" the door closed, and I silently said to my father: "Dad, I'm sorry, I failed to live up to your expectations of me, this exam did not meet your requirements for me, I'm sorry, I will do well in it next time." I look back and look at the exam paper, huh? Dad actually signed!

My eyes are moist, my father's love is so selfless!

Love composition for me (8)

This summer vacation, the weather was extremely hot, and the maximum temperature reached 40 ℃ for a period of time. People said that it would be a once-in-a-century experience in Shanghai, but our family is decorating a small room.

I used to live in a big room with my grandma and a small room with my grandpa. But this summer vacation, my grandpa and grandma said that I had grown up and should have a room of my own, so my grandpa decided to let me live in the small room alone, and would also thoroughly decorate it. On that day, the master of the construction team came and saw his grandfather carefully discussing with them. His grandfather was so serious. He said seriously to the masters: "The price is good, but the material must be good, especially the paint and paint, must be green and environmentally friendly. This is the room where our little granddaughter lives, and we must not be careless or fake." Grandpa was serious, It seems that I have seen it for the first time in many years. After the materials were transported, Grandpa carefully checked them one by one against the instructions and trademarks, and asked me to check them online

During the first few days of construction, my grandparents had to sleep in the living room. Every night, I had to carry the mattress in, and the next morning, I had to carry it out. Shortly after the operation, Grandpa watched him bend over and carry the heavy mattress in and out every day. At night, he could only sleep on the floor, and all this was for me. I told my grandpa several times not to decorate, but he just repeated: "You are old, you should have a room of your own, grandpa and grandma don't matter." Whenever this time, I couldn't stop crying

The small room was finally decorated, and Grandpa slept in it for several nights. He was sure there was no smell, so he let me live in it. That night, I lived in a newly decorated small room and could not sleep for a long time. Looking around, the blue walls and white roofs were beautiful! My heart said silently: "Grandpa and Grandma, you have given me too much love. I must study hard, grow up, and repay you when I grow up."

Love composition for me (9)

Grandpa often likes to cook for me in different ways. He doesn't repeat the same everyday. Today is chicken wings, tomorrow is braised pork... Wow, my mouth is watering again!

On one occasion, I was ill and kept coughing. I couldn't eat anything. Grandpa was very worried. He thought: Hey! My granddaughter coughs so badly that she can't eat anything she likes. What should I do? Oh, by the way, why can't I make the food more distinctive and better? So he cooked porridge for me, and put some minced meat foam and some scallions in it. He said it was nutritious and delicious. Then, he learned to cook on the Internet through his mobile phone, all in order to let me have a good meal.

"Eat! Delicious food is waiting for our family to smile!" After dinner, Grandpa called me: "If you don't come, we will eat up!" I walked out slowly. But when I saw the dishes on the table, I immediately got energetic, picked up the dishes and gobbled them down. Grandpa smiled happily when he saw how delicious I was.

If you think grandpa is just a chef, you are wrong. Grandpa is actually a football expert! It is said that Grandpa was a football player when he was young! On weekends, Grandpa took me to the park to play football. I am a goalkeeper and my grandfather is a striker. Look! Grandpa kicked the ball hard, and I lunged up and kicked it hard. The ball flew so high that Grandpa pushed it back with his head. I thought to myself: It's not easy to catch the ball. Why don't you just throw yourself at it? So I jumped at it. Unexpectedly, Grandpa kicked the ball into the goal again. As for me, I have already fallen down and chewed mud. Grandpa came to comfort me: "It's OK, just a little hurt, it's OK..."

Grandpa loves me and cares about me. He not only makes me healthier, but also brings me joy and makes my world more colorful. Grandpa, I must repay you!

Love Composition for Me (10)

My mother gave me love. Wen Xin, Class 5 (3), Meishan No. 2 Primary School, Yuhuatai District, said, "Who speaks of the heart of spring grass, will be rewarded with three spring glories." Mom, the love you gave me is endless, and it is the most selfless and greatest love in the world! My mother is a stingy mother. Every time she goes to calligraphy class, other mothers buy hamburgers and chicken wings for her children. Only my mother buys nothing for me. Sometimes she brings her own food. However, since my downstairs opened the "Meimanji", I have made some chicken wings from time to time to satisfy my cravings. I am also secretly proud of myself: "If you don't buy it for me, I will buy it by myself!" Finally one day, the corners of my mouth were not cleaned. The oil stains betrayed me. On the way back from English class that day, I bought two chicken wings to comfort myself. As soon as I entered the door, my mother's "hot eyes" found the problem. Under my mother's "tiger power", I had to confess my "crime". My mother was so angry that she scolded me and added two "hairy chestnuts". The more I think about it, the more I feel wronged. I can't help shouting at my mother: "You are not a good mother. You are the most stingy. Other mothers buy hamburgers and chicken wings for their children, but you refuse to buy anything for me!" I said, saying all my words in my heart. After listening to this, my mother was silent, turned into the kitchen, and brought out a plate of golden butterfly shrimp with fragrant smell. Mother made golden butterfly shrimp, which is my favorite. Maybe it was too tight just now, and I didn't smell it! "Look, is it cheaper than those broken chicken wings of yours?" Mother looked at me coldly and asked. I was speechless. After a moment's silence, my mother pulled me down and said, "Xin Xin, do you know why Congcong's brother suffers from thyroid cancer? He is caused by eating too much chicken wings. How terrible! These things have hormones and are harmful to human health. And do you know that KFC changes its oil every few days? It is said that it will take ten days! My mother is not reluctant, because she is afraid that these things will harm you..." Suddenly, there was a warm current surging in my heart, something fell down on my face, hot...... Mom, I was wrong! I shouldn't buy those things secretly behind your back; You shouldn't worry about me. I used to think you were stingy, but now I understand that behind stinginess is a heavy maternal love! Motherly love is a lamp, illuminating my way forward; Maternal love is a candle, illuminating my dedication; Mother and son are oceans, and their temperament is not only inexhaustible; Maternal love is a miracle and the greatest love in the world! Mother, the love you gave me is the greatest love in the world!

Love Composition for Me (11)

Love is an indispensable emotion in our life. It nourishes us and makes us live more sweetly every day. I also grow up in the embrace of love.

It happened in the fourth grade. When we were in PE class, the teacher asked us to run around the playground three times. Only three times? Three laps does not matter at all for me, a "speeder". It's too late to say that. At the teacher's command, I flew out like an arrow. As expected, I soon left my classmates far away. But I was so happy that I felt sad. At the last lap, my leg suddenly shook. After that, my leg cramped. I dragged the injured leg back to the classroom. But once I got to the stairs, I was in trouble. How can I get up?

At this moment, a familiar figure ran towards me. Ah, it was my good friend Wang Zhuo. He said, "Oh, your foot is sprained, and I'll help you He pulled me away without saying a word.

I've never counted the number of stairs on the fourth floor, but today, I think it's such a long way. I asked him to let me down several times, but he refused. Big drops of sweat flowed down his forehead. When I got to the classroom, I was so moved that I didn't know what to say, but he said, "Bye, Bye, I'm going to have a PE class. You have a good rest. Goodbye!"

Love Composition for Me (12)

In the ordinary study, work and life, everyone has dealt with composition. Composition is a narrative method to express a theme through words. When you write a composition, you always have no way to start? The following is the love composition carefully arranged by Xiao Bian. Thank you for giving me. Welcome to read and collect it.

There is a kind of love in this world, love is so cruel.

When I was young, I climbed the mountain with my father for the first time.

When entering the mountain, everything is beautiful and fresh like a small dew in the morning. Tall and straight trees cast deep and shallow shadows on the climbers. Occasionally, clear birdsong sounds came from the deep forest, accompanied by the faint sound of streams, and the cool wind mixed with the smell of soil swept across people's faces. As it was the first time to climb the mountain, I jumped from three steps to five steps and looked around from time to time. I was curious about all this.

However, halfway up the mountain, my physical strength was exhausted. I pulled my father's sleeve weakly in front of me and asked him to carry me up the mountain. Dad quietly turned around and looked at me in embarrassment. He said faintly, "There is only one road, but you can choose to go up the mountain with me or go down the mountain yourself." After that, he continued to walk forward.

I stood in a daze and digested his words with difficulty.

Gradually, my heart swelled with an inexpressible anger. "Why didn't he help me? Why did he think I would give up? I just had to climb to the top of the mountain to show him!" I clenched my fists, and the anger caused by my father's contempt turned into the strength that encouraged me to move forward.

There is no doubt that the second half of the mountaineering trip was not pleasant. At the beginning, the bright scenery was covered with large pieces of gray. Sweat kept rolling down from my head, wet my clothes, wet clothes hanging on my body, became a burden, and there seemed to be a blood bubble at my feet. Every step was accompanied by pain.

"Huchi - huchi -" Finally, I reached the top of the mountain.

At the moment when I stood on the top of the mountain, I saw my father's figure in perfect harmony with the waterfall and cliff in the distance.

My father's eyes gently swept over me, and I stared at him coldly. At the moment when he saw me, he quickly walked over, slowly took me to the bench in front of the waterfall, gently removed my shoes and socks, and took out a wad of cotton cloth from the first-aid kit he carried. He opened the cotton cloth layer by layer, took out a very thin silver needle from it, and helped me carefully pick out the blood blisters on my feet.

My father's calloused hand firmly held my injured foot with his silent love and concern. He poured this wordless care into my young heart without reservation.

My father's love was silent. I straightened my chest, looked over my father's gray hair, and looked far away——

Perhaps it is because of the precipice that the waterfall has the magnificent beauty of "the Milky Way falls nine days"; Perhaps it is because of the canyon that the river has the momentum of "three thousand li east into the sea".

And Dad, is your love for me the same? Just as cliffs let waterfalls fall from the top of mountains, just as canyons bind the mighty rivers, but give them brilliant scenes and surging spirit. Thank you for your love.

Love Composition for Me (13)

Although time flies and time flies, there is one thing I can never forget - a bracelet.

This bracelet was made for me by my mother, which contains my mother's deep love for me.

It happened on the eve of my 10th birthday. "Yingying, your birthday is coming, what do you want for your birthday present?" My mother went to my room and asked me kindly. I thought carefully for a while and said to my mother, "Mom, I want a special bracelet." "Oh, I know." My mother nodded with understanding.

In the evening, when I was preparing to go to bed, I passed by the study and happened to see my mother looking up something on the Internet attentively. I was preparing to look closer, but my mother blocked me. "Mom, what are you looking at?" I asked curiously. "Then you will know!" Mother said mysteriously, "OK, go to bed quickly!" After saying that, she "kicked" me out. I had no choice but to sleep quietly.

The next morning, I didn't see my mother when I got up, so I asked my father, "Where has my mother gone.

Before I knew it, my birthday was coming. Early in the morning, my mother mysteriously came to my room, holding a small box. I opened it in doubt and saw a shell bracelet in front of me. "Wow! How beautiful!" I exclaimed. The shell bracelet is very exquisite. The distance between shells is very symmetrical and colorful. "A few days ago, you said you wanted a special bracelet, and I wanted to make one for you." "Mom, thank you!" I couldn't help shedding tears of gratitude.

This bracelet contains my mother's love for me. Up to now, this bracelet still lies in my jewelry box.

Love composition for me (14)

"The thread in the hands of a loving mother, the coat on the body of a wandering son..." This poem that everyone is most familiar with is about Meng Jiao's mother's love for him. A mother's love for her children is as bright as the stars in the sky. Mother's love for me is also brilliant.

It was a sports meeting. As an athlete, I certainly had to do my best for the class. Everyone gathered firewood, and finally, our class got the second best grade. The whole class was immersed in joy, but I got sick because of overexertion.

My mother knew that and rushed to take me to the hospital. After the doctor's examination, he said he needed to hang water. My mother was very sad to hear that. She couldn't bear me to suffer. When hanging water, the needle seemed to pierce her body, which was very painful. While taking care of me, my mother was busy calling other teachers to help me with my lessons. After the course arrangement was made, my mother was busy making up for the courses I had left behind. After hanging the water, my mother returned to school, took my schoolbag home, and helped me with my homework. When encountering difficulties and key points, I explained and emphasized them again and again, and became my full-time tutor.

On the fourth day of illness, a sudden mid-term exam made me anxious. My mother comforted me and said, "It doesn't matter. Go to the exam boldly. My mother believes in your strength." In this way, I walked into the exam room with my mother's encouragement and trust. Looking at the test paper in front of me, many of them were the key points that my mother emphasized. I wrote the test paper quickly. At this time, I seemed to see my mother giving me a thumbs up.

Kung Fu pays off. This time, I got a good result in the seventh grade. My mother knows that I am a smart and good student.

I love you, Mom! Thank you for paying so much for me. I will continue to work hard for greater progress!

Love Composition for Me (15)

The tree is grateful to the earth, because the earth makes it grow hard; The fish are grateful to the ocean, because the ocean allows it to swim freely; The eagle thanks the sky, because the sky makes it fly; I am grateful to my parents because they have given me strength to move forward fearlessly.

My family's economy is not very rich. In order to make the family live a good life, parents are busy all day long. My father works in the construction team. He gets up early and goes into the dark. Every time he comes back, he is covered in cement and looks tired. But he never told us that he was tired. My father was silent and not good at expressing himself, but I set an example by acting physically. When I encounter difficulties in learning and want to give up, the image of my father will appear in my mind. Thinking of my father's hard work and strength, I will be full of fighting spirit and face difficulties bravely.

My mother didn't go out to work because she wanted to take care of our family, but my mother's contribution was no less than my father's. In the morning, when the first reddish dawn appeared in the sky, my mother began her day's work: cooking, washing, cleaning, and managing crops in the fields. I seldom saw my mother sit down to watch TV or chat with neighbors. I haven't seen my mother working in the field, but I have witnessed her busy and hard work in housework countless times. After breakfast, his mother took out the clothes to be washed and carried them to the yard to start his daily compulsory courses. Some clothes can't be washed by machine, so my mother has to wash them by hand. It's OK in summer, but in winter, my mother's hands will be destroyed by cold water. But for us, no matter how painful it was, she endured it. Finish washing clothes. It was almost noon, and my mother hurried to make lunch again. Every day of my mother is busy. Day after day, year after year. Mother's hands have become rough. But it was my mother's rough hands that moved me from time to time, and made me work harder.

Because of the rain, the flowers become more colorful. I became stronger because of my parents' love. The love of my parents gave me strength!

Love Composition for Me (16)

Every child is happy, and we all live in the love of our parents. Love is everywhere. For us, love is precious.

I remember when I was 8 years old, I had a minor operation. The operation was to be anesthetized. I was under general anesthesia, but the lower part of my body was very anesthetized.

After the operation, I was sent to the intensive care unit. The operation was successful, but I still need to rest. I was lying on the hospital bed, hanging salt water while watching TV. Suddenly, I wanted to go to the toilet, but because I couldn't move my lower body and didn't want to wake up my overworked parents, I had to bear it. As time went by, I couldn't help but cry out: "Dad, Mom, I need to go to the toilet!" Mom and Dad hurried over to help me up. My mother held the salt water bottle in her right hand, held me in her left hand, and my father held me in both hands to prevent me from wrestling. The intensive care unit is some distance from the toilet. "Child, let me carry you there!" Father said lovingly.

I shook my head resolutely. I want to move my stiff bones. I jumped to the toilet like a cripple. It was almost there, and sweat was as big as beans on my face. I looked at my mother and my father, and sweat came down on their faces. My left foot sprained suddenly. I can't jump any more. My mother immediately shed tears, and my father picked me up. Although my father didn't say anything, I could see that my father's heart must be very painful... When I returned to the ward, my father sat on the chair, his eyebrows were locked and he seemed to be thinking about something. My mother kept wiping the sweat on my head for me, and my heart was warm. After a while, Dad went out. What did Dad do? I am very confused. Thirty minutes later, my father pushed the door and came in with a toilet in his hand. The sweat on his face had fallen on the lapel of his chest. My father put the small toilet beside the bed: "In the future, you can pee here!" My tears burst out.

The love given by our parents is our most precious thing. I must repay them well in the future!

Love Composition for Me (17)

The family members are: father, mother and I. Three members of our family spent their time in happiness. My father is tolerant of me; I can't repay my mother's concern for me. Their love for me is more than three.

As for the last time, my father and I went to buy food. We went to the food court and looked around. When we saw my favorite thing --- watermelon, I really coveted it. But I was afraid that my father would say that I knew that my father was tired after working all day and wanted to earn money for my study, so I said, "Dad, take your time to choose. I'm going home." My father seemed to see my mind. When my father came home, I seemed to see my father holding a round thing in his hand, but I ignored it. But when my father went out, I stole a look. "Ah!" I could not help but cry. Tears fell down unconsciously. My father really bought a watermelon. At that moment, I could not help feeling happy and happy. I really knew my father. When my father came back, he pretended to say, "I saw this watermelon today, and felt it was red and big. When the so-called gentleman was hungry, he bought one. You can eat it and see if it's delicious?" In fact, my father said so on the surface, but I actually saw my father's mind, and he bought it for me.

Dad is very simple at ordinary times. He always refuses to eat some dishes. He also said that he had eaten them and kept them for me. But the clothes he wears are not very good. He always says, "Why is it so expensive to use less clothes?"

All parents have one heart. My parents are one who don't care about their children. They work hard for me all day and give me father love and mother love. They also give me a loving family. I love my parents.

Love from My Family Junior High School Composition (II)

My mother told me that my health was poor since I was young. I often had fever from 1 to 5 years old, so I gradually got pneumonia. Later, I recovered after hard treatment. However, the "disaster" of pneumonia in the fourth grade came to me again. My mother was very anxious. The final exam was coming soon and the New Year was approaching, which not only affected my study, but also had a bad year, I insisted on going to school the next day in order not to delay my study, but at 12:00 the next night I started to have a fever again. My mother found that she immediately dressed me and took me to the hospital. I felt uncomfortable, dizzy, and the whole person was hot. Soon I vomited, fell asleep, and I felt the injection in the dim light. Since then, I haven't gone to school. I often worry about what to do if I can't cure it? My mother always saw my mind and comforted me, saying, "It's OK, it will be fine." My mother's words made me calm a lot, so I stopped thinking about things, because I recovered after a week of treatment.

On May Day this year, I got sick again. It was when I went to Danjiang Second Bridge. I went to Yichang in the fifth grade and took many cars and trains. I didn't get carsick any more. Unexpectedly, Danjiang Second Bridge was very bumpy on the way, surrounded by mountains. At that time, I took a car to go there. Along the winding road, I felt very uncomfortable. I hated taking a car, I got carsick again after such a lot of trouble on the road. Fortunately, I didn't vomit when I got out of the car. I didn't expect to vomit when I came back. I didn't feel dizzy at all, just felt uncomfortable. Since I didn't feel dizzy, I didn't care. Then I went to his house with my brother. When I was playing with dreams, my stomach hurt for some reason. The feeling was indescribable. My aunt asked me to go to the hospital and I didn't agree, because I was afraid that I would never come back. My father just went to the hospital and never came back. I thought in my heart that maybe it would be more comfortable to sleep, if not... just sleep. My aunt called my mother and then sent me home. Unexpectedly, I couldn't even walk. I couldn't call a tricycle to send me home. As soon as I got home, my mother waited for me there. When I got home, I said I wanted to sleep, and my mother made the bed for me. Then I went to bed. Later, when I woke up, I didn't feel any pain. I thought my mother was great! Although I have no father, no father's love, and no complete family, my mother makes me feel the warmth of the family. I love my family, but also my mother!

Love composition for me (18)

After the heavy rain, the alley was muddy, so my grandfather brought furnace slag and sand from a distance and paved the path flat; In the morning, when people were still asleep, Grandpa had already cleaned the alley; There is also the small cart, which is not convenient for Grandpa to make when he sees another bureau going in and out. Grandpa is always quiet and stubborn. As long as he wants to do something, no one can stop him. But in my memory, he has never been angry. He often smiles on his dark face and looks so enthusiastic. Last winter, my neighbor Grandpa Li's old disease, bronchitis, recurred and coughed all day. I don't know where Grandpa got a folk prescription, saying that he needed a big radish with red arsenic. He immediately ran back, picked up the radish that had just been buried with soil, picked up three or four and left. Dad was puzzled: "Dad, what are you doing with the radish?" "Treat Old Man Li!" Then he walked out of the door without looking back. Grandpa is always busy. He finds work when he has no work. He carved out a wasteland. At first the family knew nothing about it. Occasionally one day, my grandpa hurried back after lunch, and my parents only knew about it when they asked. After harvest, Grandpa brought back the vegetables and gave them to the neighbors to taste. None of the neighbors did not say that he was a good old man. It was freezing, and everything outside the window was trembling in the cold wind. "The cleaners are lazy again, and the public toilets outside can't get in!" the neighbors cried bitterly. The words reached Grandpa's ears. He found a steel bar and put one end into the boiler. When the steel bar was burning red, he picked up the hammer and kept knocking. After a while, the steel bar was sharp. Grandpa picked it up, looked at it from side to side, then weighed it and nodded with satisfaction. Then he put on his hat and gloves and walked away with the iron catalpa and steel bars. In the toilet, our building is only separated by roads. My mother accidentally saw my grandpa cleaning it from the window. She was worried: "Jing, hurry to call your grandpa back. What a shame!" My brother hesitated: "Can I call him back?" My mother kept silent helplessly. More than an hour later, Grandpa came in from outside. Oh, Grandpa has become an old man of ice and snow. His white beard was covered with ice, and his eyebrows and eyes were all white. Mother said, "Don't do those chores in the future, and there will be no shortage of others!" Grandpa smiled and said, "I'm not tired." Grandpa is such a person, thinking of others all the time. Everyone who knew him said, "What a good old man!"