Brave Baby (Practical 4)
No object saves traffic
2024-03-01 04:05:11
primary school

Brave Baby (1)

Today, I watched the movie SpongeBob SquarePants at my grandmother's house. People always say SpongeBob is a child, but one night the king's crown was stolen by Boss Pi. The king suspected that the crab boss stole it, so he froze the crab boss into ice cubes. In order to save his boss, SpongeBob and his partner sent Big Star to the dangerous castle to retrieve the lost crown. With their unremitting efforts, they finally defeated many strange monsters, as well as the terrible Cyclops, and took back the crown from the villains. SpongeBob has done what adults can't do, and people will never call him a child again.

This movie tells me that only hard work can bring us success. Children should learn from SpongeBob SquarePants, treat themselves as adults, and move forward bravely. No difficulty can stop our future heart.

Brave Baby (2)

The baby chicken soon invented a new game, and went into the bucket by the well. As a result, the bucket fell down at once, and the baby chicken quickly grabbed the well edge and shouted for help. When the mother eagle in the big tree heard this, she flew to the baby chicken and said, "I have come to save you."

The chick was carried ashore by the mother eagle and said to her, "Thank you, mother eagle. I will never come out to play alone again."

The baby chick tried hard to climb out, but he couldn't. The little monkey could only shout "Help! Help!" When he heard this, he found the baby chicken with his voice, and quickly reached out his hand to pull it out of the well.

The baby chicken was saved. He thanked the little monkey happily and thought, "I will never play again when I walk!"!

Brave Baby (3)

Once upon a time, there was an animal kingdom in which a mother rabbit was pregnant with a baby rabbit. When the baby rabbit was born, it was still white and red, and its hair had not grown enough.

The baby rabbit grew up and became a man. Once he heard the father and mother of the rabbit talking. The little rabbit was curious, so he leaned over the door to eavesdrop. Suddenly, he heard that the king's diamond was lost. The diamond was invaluable! If anyone can find it, he will be rewarded. When the bunny heard it, he entered the door and told his parents: "Why didn't you tell me that the king lost such a valuable thing?" They said: "My son, we didn't tell you, because we were afraid that you would do something stupid if you knew it." The bunny said: Now I know that the king treats us well, Now I'm going to look for the king's diamond. Rabbit's father said, "My good boy, you should think about it. It's a big tiger that eats people and never blinks. I heard that other small animals have gone, but none of them have come back." The little rabbit still didn't hesitate to run away. This is Big Goose brother who took Little Rabbit's way and said, "My good friend, do you really want to go?"? The little rabbit said firmly: Of course, well, come up and I will help you to get some tigers. The next day they arrived at the big tiger nest. Brother Dayan said that if you need to whistle, I will be there in time. Little rabbit went to where the big tiger slept. When you see a big diamond on the dresser, take a closer look! Isn't it the king's diamond? The little rabbit quickly took down the big diamond. The big tiger found it, but it was too late. The little rabbit had already whistled to him by Big Goose Brother. The little rabbit jumped onto Big Goose Brother's back and went home together.

We should learn from the rabbit, and go forward bravely.

Brave Baby (4)

Today, I watched the movie SpongeBob SquarePants at my grandmother's house. People always say SpongeBob is a child, but one night the king's crown was stolen by Boss Pi. The king suspected that the crab boss stole it, so he froze the crab boss into ice cubes. In order to save his boss, SpongeBob and his partner sent Big Star to the dangerous' castle to retrieve the lost crown. With their unremitting efforts, they finally defeated many strange monsters, as well as the terrible Cyclops, and took back the crown from the villains. SpongeBob has done what adults can't do, and people will never call him a child again. This movie tells me that only hard work can bring us success. Children should learn from SpongeBob SquarePants, treat themselves as adults, and move forward bravely. No difficulty can stop our future heart.