To Yourself (4 popular articles)
Happy Home
2024-02-28 02:56:52
Junior 1

To Yourself (1)

Li Yuchen:


Long time no see! I wonder if you still remember me? Do you remember my silly, playful little girl? Do you still remember the childhood that has been separated from you for 18 years? Standing on the threshold of my childhood, I look forward, holding a brush in my hand, and describe your appearance. I seemed to see a tall girl with long hair standing in front of me not far away. She looked back and smiled at me. I thought she was you!

Based on the book, we have been separated for 18 years. Maybe it's only a moment for you to look back. Looking at the long distance before us, I imagine how you walked, smelling the flowers in spring and enjoying the sunshine in summer. But you also shed tears for the dead leaves in autumn, and experienced the wind and snow in winter. Maybe you have realized your original dream at this time, or you are still confused for the way ahead. But I want to say loudly to you, through the wind and snow, there will always be a flower waiting for you to enjoy not far away, there will always be a ray of sunshine just for you to light up, as long as you don't stop, you will also walk in the long winter!

The road ahead is unknown and long. Now, I want to step out of the garden of my childhood and move towards you, towards the flower, towards the sunshine! I'm ready. You, also want to refuel! I trust you!

Ps: Remember to reply! I mean? If there was a time shuttle then.

To Yourself (2)

I remember that in the dream of the Red Chamber, Daiyu loved to listen to the opera most, and even more that sentence: "I only hate the beautiful family members who are like flowers.". Youth is more like a dream. In the dream, we seem to understand something. When we wake up, we only miss those years because we have gained maturity

We always like to gamble on youth. We always care about the so-called win or lose. We always like to say we have missed it. But we never think that sometimes it's the loneliest to want to stay. I didn't finish speaking softly, leaving only songs. Only when the song ends, can we understand loneliness and cherish everything, whether lovers or enemies, after all, they have accompanied you for a whole youth

I always grow up in wasting my youth and spend my time on something I dare to think but don't want to do, but I don't know that there is a kind of courage called giving up. The years of greed have been mercilessly repaid, and the indulgence has disappeared. Crazy, tired, painful, human comedy, laughing, crying, gone, strange youth, this age has passed, but there is another hole

I am ordinary but not mediocre. This is my favorite sentence all the time. Everyone has his own colorful youth. No one can deny my youth, and I have no right to deny anyone's years. If youth is not short, who would want to grow in the future

To Yourself (3)

I remember that in the dream of the Red Chamber, Daiyu loved to listen to the opera most, and even more that sentence: "I only hate the beautiful family members who are like flowers.". Youth is more like a dream. In the dream, we seem to understand something. When we wake up, we only miss those years because we have gained maturity.

We always like to gamble on youth. We always care about the so-called win or lose. We always like to say we have missed it. But we never think that sometimes it's the loneliest to want to stay. I didn't finish speaking softly, leaving only songs. Only when the song ends, can we understand loneliness and cherish everything, whether lovers or enemies, after all, they have accompanied you for a whole youth

I always grow up in wasting my youth and spend my time on something I dare to think but don't want to do, but I don't know that there is a kind of courage called giving up. The years of greed have been mercilessly repaid, and the indulgence has disappeared. Crazy, tired, painful, human comedy, laughing, crying, gone, strange youth, this age has passed, but there is another hole

I am ordinary but not mediocre. This is my favorite sentence all the time. Everyone has his own colorful youth. No one can deny my youth, and I have no right to deny anyone's years. If youth is not short, who would want to grow in the future

To Yourself (4)

At this time, you no longer need to be trapped by the pressure of learning. You have stepped into the auditorium of adults and are exhausted in the workplace. Do you miss what happened in high school? In the ten years you have experienced, there may be joys and sorrows, tears and smiles. But if you recall, when you were heartbroken, was there no longer a scarf handed over, no more seven people patted your convulsive shoulder, and only you squatted alone in the corner of the room, so as not to disturb the neighbors and cry silently? Tears wet the pillow towel, the next day the sun shines on your face, you can only strong exhaust continue to live.

In the past ten years, I wonder if you have forgotten the vows of "making a promise to go out together" and remembered the warm and short company of some people. Clouds roll into summer. Time cannot catch up with white horses. Does the age of holding hands become a boat degenerate into a time of traveling alone? With so many memories, I wonder if you have been wet with tears at this time, and how many of your classmates in high school do you really remember. This makes you remember the male head teacher who has accompanied you for three years. Because of his teaching, you become more diligent.

Youth is a synonym for beauty, and the student era is the background stage of youth. That stage has given you countless reasons to gradually integrate into this colorful world; Give you endless pain, so that you dream to escape. Now the curtain has come down on this stage, which is full of cobwebs and dust, recording the flow of time. I wonder if your heart will suddenly stop and drop something precious, which is an invisible pain, when your high school years slowly end with your adult ceremony.

That year, the man and the scene were as gorgeous as summer flowers and as dazzling as fire, but there was no cycle of four seasons, only the flash of fire.

I hope you will cherish every beautiful moment in your life after ten years of hard work. Youth has come to an end, and the future is beckoning to you. I hope you will cherish it forever


The letter you sent to you ten years ago