Beginning composition of parallelism (8 excellent articles)
never give up
2023-08-13 06:47:19

Parallelism Beginning Composition (1)

Almost every poet in the Tang Dynasty, who had many talents, could recite several good poems handed down to the future generations in the collision of youthful poetry and nearly shackled rhymes. However, since the meter is almost shackled, even the greatest poet cannot lose all the formal beauty to the great poet in the mountains. Du Fu made time dream like to appreciate the incomparable hazy beauty of the form of Tang poetry. Du Fu wrote and finished Tang poetry. He is extraordinary. The rhyme and rhyme of his later poems are finally based on his poems. However, the bright eyes of historical freedom. Du Fu's eternal fame is ultimately his new Yuefu "three officials" and "three farewells", his "Soldier's Cart Shop", "Beauty's Walk" and "Northern Expedition". His metrical poems are unparalleled for thousands of years. However, how can all dances be performed well with shackles? "Climbing the High", which is known as "the final work of the ancient seven laws", was inevitably "exhausted" because of his pursuit of four couplets. This is the sorrow of the Tang poetry lost to perfection. But this is not the sorrow of great poets. Du Fu's poems, which broke the rhythm of Spring Water Life and Seeking Flowers Alone by the River, at least reflected his many outstanding rhythmic poems filled with true spirit.

Tang poetry in exquisite form is lost in obscurity. Tens of thousands of Tang poems, which really spread in public praise, are only three hundred. Later generations are familiar with more of the beautiful and colorful scattered poems of the Tang Dynasty. For example, "the desert is full of smoke, and the river is full of yen", "the sky is wild and the trees are low, and the river is clear and the moon is close to people", "Zhumen's wine and meat smell, and the road is frozen to death", and "the old Yan in front of Wang Xietang flew into the homes of ordinary people". Because it is difficult to plan a poem, it is often to form a sentence first, and then assemble it into a poem. Therefore, there are more good sentences than good poems in Tang Dynasty. As the stars in the fog, dim, between spots, faint and graceful.

The formal beauty of Tang poetry disappears in the obscurity, while the literal beauty of Tang poetry is generated in the obscurity. Perhaps the most mysterious source of Chinese traditional culture is its unique Chinese characters. The unique Chinese characters are born with a little soul, which can only be understood. The unparalleled calligraphy art directly produced by it can really be said to go back to ancient times, followed by thousands of years. It seems that the modern art with contemporary abstract as its spirit also originated from it, and it seems that the most beautiful calligraphy art is mostly the works of Tang poetry. It's not hard to think that Han can make people feel sad and beautiful. The literal beauty of Tang poetry is almost unprecedented and superb. "Two orioles sing in the green willows, and a line of egrets goes up into the blue sky. The window contains the snow of the Western Ridge in the autumn, and the door berths the Eastern Wu Wanli boat.". "The green mountains are far away, the water is far away, and the grass in the south of the Yangtze River has not withered at the end of autumn. Where can the jade people teach the flute on the moonlit night of the twenty fourth bridge?" These two Tang poems were picked up at random. They didn't need to read carefully, didn't ask for a clear understanding, and only the vague beauty expressed in the words was the wine of thousands of insects and thousands of flowers.

The world of mortals is boundless, everything is hazy, and a ray of sky light occasionally appears in the misty fog, which naturally makes the world more charming. However, the Tang poetry, which is extremely charming and researched, has not gone back to the dim beauty of the world of mortals until now. It is a Huansha girl in the green bamboo forest, it is two lines of horse hoof marks in Hu Tianfei's snow, it is a hibiscus in the blue water, it is a lonely canoe in the night. To mourn the autumn for thousands of miles, and to be sick for hundreds of years, is to chant history. The half wall sunrise and the thousand mile Jiangling Tomb are for travel. Especially, it is the real Zen in the human world that has participated in the Tang poetry. The three spring lights, the bright moon, the white hair, the zebra, the life and death, the separation, the honor and disgrace, the joys and sorrows, the poignant beauty, the sadness, the incisive. Tao is the last word of a thousand years old man, and song is the last song of a thousand years old man. This charming sky light makes the world of mortals even more dim, beautiful and true.

I like walking alone in the fog. In the many hours that have passed, I think my shoulders and heart have been bathed in the endless and delicate sky light.

A faint mood

It is a kind of fate for you to come to this world. It is a kind of fate for you to get along with the blue sky, green land, clear water and green mountains. It is a kind of fate for you to be adjacent to the white clouds, grass, mud and spray. It is also a kind of fate for you to be accompanied by a person. Maybe like the rocks across the sea, there is only a kind of love and blessing at the ends of the sea; Maybe, like the duckweed hit by rain, it only has a temporary and accidental reunion, and then only separation; Maybe it's like the ivy on the tree, which is intertwined for a long life. No matter what, you have to face every bumpy place and every scenery in your life with a light mood.

Parallelism Beginning Composition (2)

1、 Introduction of famous sentences

The environment for success

In "First and Last", Mr. Lu Xun pointed out that there are few heroes who have failed in China. "Although the winners are respectable, the competitors who still insist on running to the end despite their backwardness are the backbone of China's future."

Well said, however, how many of us have such understanding of Mr. Lu Xun?

2、 Cut in method of ancient poetry


If someone asks, "What is spring like?" Some people will say that grass grows and warblers fly, and flowers grow and trees grow; Bai Juyi said that "at sunrise, the river flowers are more red than fire, and in spring, the river water is as green as blue"; Su Shi said that "the sprouts of Lou Artemisia are short all over the land, which is when the puffer fish wants to go up"; Li Bai said, "Swallow grass is like green silk, and Qin mulberry has low green branches"; Du Mu said, "The green warblers sing in thousands of miles, and the wine flag in the water village" Yes, the world is changing, and the answer is rich and colorful. Which one is the answer in your heart?

So I began to look for the answer of spring

Live your true self

"The red apricot branches are busy in spring". Only when the beautiful flowers bloom on the branches can they attract the envious eyes of people looking for spring and arouse the poet's sincere admiration.

"The lingering butterflies dance from time to time". Only by spreading their beautiful wings, can the colorful butterflies be caressed by the spring, and fly into the colorful dreams of girls, and become eternal.

Grass is unyielding to the strangulation of the ice and snow world, and is not afraid of the burning of wildfires. The spring breeze in one night has greened the horizon. The wild geese are not satisfied with the leisure of their nests. They fly high and paint the picture of life in the blue sky and white clouds.

This is to show, show yourself, show life, show the true meaning of life.

Life needs performance, and life needs performance. A life without performance is a gray life; A life without expression is a life of silence. In the long river of life, everyone should jump up their own beautiful waves.

3、 Question entry method

If it is for the sake of life

Life is a long way, with many temptations. Man, as a tiny and lonely individual, inevitably wanders before the multiple-choice question of life. On one ferry after another, in danger after danger, what can people choose and what should they choose?

Cheer yourself up

Great people sing praises everywhere. Applause is just a statement; Stars are always shining with magnesium light, and cheers are not too loud; What about more unknown people? Who will cheer for them? Should they be applauded?

4、 Suspense Entry Method

Millennium call

It was the heartfelt cry of the Confucian masters thousands of years ago, and it became worthless in intrigues and intrigues. It was the code of conduct that countless learned people adhered to throughout their lives, and it was the cloak that the insidious and crafty people relied on to prosper. It is too simple, so simple that even children who learn to speak Yaya Yaya (Teeth) can call its name. It is too complex, so complex that some people lost it without regret, without a trace.

It is integrity.

5、 Straight to the point

Knowledge is power

Since there were human beings on the earth, knowledge has sprouted in the wisdom of human beings. Every social progress has been made from the primitive times to the modern times with high civilization. All show the great role of knowledge. The progress of knowledge has promoted the development of history and human civilization. Knowledge is power!

6、 Parallelism


Confidence is not the arrogance of an empty soul, nor the gambler's desperate speculation, nor the gambler's final determination when hunting for treasures.

Confidence is the harp in the hands of performers, the ink splashed on rice paper by masters of traditional Chinese painting, the pace of explorers courageously marching towards the forbidden zone of life, and the thousands of volumes of poetry in the minds of learned people.

Confidence is the watchful look of the cultivator after planting the seeds into the fertile land, the heavy net to be pulled by the fisherman who is struggling to retreat to the school of fish, and the smile on the face of the person who has secretly guessed the answer.

Confidence is the root of our dream tree deeply rooted in the land of our hearts. Only with this deep root, can our dream tree withstand any wind and rain, flourish, and have mature and comforting fruits.

7、 Story introduction method


Once, a French newspaper held a prize winning quiz. There was a question: If the Louvre, the largest museum in France, was on fire, and only one painting was allowed to be saved, which one would you grab? As a result, among the thousands of answers received by the newspaper, the playwright Bernard won the prize for the question with the best answer. His answer was: "I grabbed the painting closest to the exit."

The best goal of success is not the most valuable one, but the one that is most likely to be achieved

8、 Bixing beginning method

broken wings

Blue sky, white clouds, goshawks spread their wings to fly between the blue sky and white clouds. When we marvel at the harmonious and natural flight of the goshawk, do we think of its powerful wings? Without wings, the goshawk may never fly.

Man is a wise man. His soul has a pair of wings. With those wings, he shuttles through the vast sea of people, not to be confused, not to be disappointed, not to betray others, and not to find the true meaning of life on the long road of life. That pair of wings is honesty. With it, you will have a detached and philosophical life. With it, you won't lose yourself in the materialistic world; With it, you won't lose your direction in the colorful society.

I have never seen a bird with broken wings flying in the sky.

I don't believe that people who lose their integrity can be brilliant.

A big conclusion

The nine winding Yellow River stretches for thousands of miles, and is magnificent.

The Great Wall stretches across the mountains, winding and surging, which is heroic.

Great China, with a long history like vast ocean, limpid and wide, is a magnificent "big".

"Big" is not the desolation of vast desert, nor the arrogance of self confidence. "Big" is a kind of taste, a kind of realm. The word "human" is used to support each other, while "big" is like a person stretching out his hands to blow the horn of life and challenge the fate.

There is also the method of comparison, the method of introduction of inscriptions, and the method of listing phenomena.

Parallelism Beginning Composition (3)

Almost every poet in the Tang Dynasty, who had many talents, could recite several good poems handed down to the future generations in the collision of youthful poetry and nearly shackled rhymes. However, since the meter is almost shackled, even the greatest poet cannot lose all the formal beauty to the great poet in the mountains. Du Fu made time dream like to appreciate the incomparable hazy beauty of the form of Tang poetry. Du Fu wrote and finished Tang poetry. He is extraordinary. The rhyme and rhyme of his later poems are finally based on his poems. However, the bright eyes of historical freedom. Du Fu's everlasting fame is ultimately his new Yuefu "three officials" and "three farewells", his "Soldier's Cart Shop", "Beauty's Walk" and "Northern Expedition". His metrical poems are unparalleled for thousands of years. However, how can all dances be performed well with shackles? "Climbing the High", which is known as "the final work of the ancient seven laws", was inevitably "exhausted" because of his pursuit of four couplets. This is the sorrow of the Tang poetry lost to perfection. But this is not the sorrow of great poets. Du Fu's poems, which broke the rhythm of Spring Water Life and Seeking Flowers Alone by the River, at least reflected his many outstanding rhythmic poems filled with true spirit.

Tang poetry in exquisite form is lost in obscurity. Tens of thousands of Tang poems, which really spread in public praise, are only three hundred. Later generations are familiar with more of the beautiful and colorful scattered poems of the Tang Dynasty. For example, "the desert is full of smoke, and the river is full of yen", "the sky is wild and the trees are low, and the river is clear and the moon is close to people", "Zhumen's wine and meat smell, and the road is frozen to death", and "the old Yan in front of Wang Xietang flew into the homes of ordinary people". Because it is difficult to plan a poem, it is often to form a sentence first, and then assemble it into a poem. Therefore, there are more good sentences than good poems in Tang Dynasty. As the stars in the fog, dim, between spots, faint and graceful.

The formal beauty of Tang poetry disappears in the obscurity, while the literal beauty of Tang poetry is generated in the obscurity. Perhaps the most mysterious source of Chinese traditional culture is its unique Chinese characters. The unique Chinese characters are born with a little soul, which can only be understood. The unparalleled calligraphy art directly produced by it can really be said to go back to ancient times, followed by thousands of years. It seems that the modern art with contemporary abstract as its spirit also originated from it, and it seems that the most beautiful calligraphy art is mostly the works of Tang poetry. It's not hard to think that Han can make people feel sad and beautiful. The literal beauty of Tang poetry is almost unprecedented and superb. "Two orioles sing in the green willows, and a line of egrets goes up into the blue sky. The window contains the snow of the Western Ridge in the autumn, and the door berths the Eastern Wu Wanli boat.". "The green mountains are far away, the water is far away, and the grass in the south of the Yangtze River has not withered at the end of autumn. Where can the jade people teach the flute on the moonlit night of the twenty fourth bridge?" These two Tang poems were picked up at random. They didn't need to read carefully, didn't ask for a clear understanding, and only the vague beauty expressed in the words was the wine of thousands of insects and thousands of flowers.

The world of mortals is boundless, everything is hazy, and a ray of sky light occasionally appears in the misty fog, which naturally makes the world more charming. However, the Tang poetry, which is extremely charming and researched, has not gone back to the dim beauty of the world of mortals until now. It is a Huansha girl in the green bamboo forest. It is two lines of horse hoof marks in Hu Tianfei's snow. To mourn the autumn for thousands of miles, and to be sick for hundreds of years, is to chant history. The half wall sunrise and the thousand mile Jiangling Tomb are for travel. Especially, it is the real Zen in the human world that has participated in the Tang poetry. The three spring lights, the bright moon, the white hair, the zebra, the life and death, the separation, the honor and disgrace, the joys and sorrows, the poignant beauty, the sadness, the incisive. Tao is the last word of a thousand years old man, and song is the last song of a thousand years old man. This charming sky light makes the world of mortals even more dim, beautiful and true.

I like walking alone in the fog. In the many hours that have passed, I think my shoulders and heart have been bathed in the endless and delicate sky light.

A faint mood

It is a kind of fate for you to come to this world. It is a kind of fate for you to get along with the blue sky, green land, clear water and green mountains. It is a kind of fate for you to be adjacent to the white clouds, grass, mud and spray. It is also a kind of fate for you to be accompanied by a person. Maybe like the rocks across the sea, there is only a kind of love and blessing at the ends of the sea; Maybe, like the duckweed hit by rain, it only has a temporary and accidental reunion, and then only separation; Maybe it's like the ivy on the tree, which is intertwined for a long life. No matter what, you have to face every bumpy place and every scenery in your life with a light mood.

To face it with a light mood, Xu Zhimo said: "You may remember it, but you'd better forget it."

In a light mood, Lin Yutang said, "I will not send you if you go; I will pick you up no matter how windy or heavy it is."

To face it with a light mood, Shu Ting is: "It seems that we are separated forever, but we depend on each other for life."

In a light mood, Xi Murong said, "Write the three hundred poems in the clear sky."

In a light mood to face, I am: if you want to fly, I will not rain wet your wings.

To face it with a light mood, you may lose a lot in the dark. You always have a broad-minded mind when you lose a lot, and you can be free and unrestrained when facing others.

In a light mood, life and death meet and disperse, and you will at least stand the test. Time, space, and all punishments are nothing in front of you, and you will not be destroyed. In the face of difficulties, you will always be a solemn and stirring song with a long lingering charm.

To face with a light mood, to appreciate an object, an event or a person, even if you fail, the failure is also a beautiful poem with a low back and gentle, let people beat the knot.

With a light mood to face, you may not be magical, not great, but with a light feeling you are a beautiful scenery.

To face it with a light mood, you can see the world as a beautiful shadow, but you can't stand outside the shadow. There is no heart involved. Nihility and hypocrisy are just paper roses.

No matter what, you should face every rough and every scenery in your life with a light mood.

May you

I sincerely hope you have a touch of affection.

Forever Phoenix

Peng Xueming

The beauty of the phoenix is not in its flowery and colorful makeup, but in its simplicity, elegance and purity; It is not dignified and arrogant, but in the silent place, where the rain is silent. It is old, but not old-fashioned. It is noble but not lofty. It is so ordinary that it can no longer be ordinary, but it is so beautiful. Seen horizontally, it is a picture; Looking up, it is a poem. From a distance, it is a word; Close up, it is a book. From a superficial perspective, it is a historical brick and a cultural map.

Open the picture album, a river carrying an ancient city, rushed forward. The soft and beautiful Tuojiang River. What is straight is the city wall. What is moving is the green birds singing on the South China Mountain. The Tuojiang River is a colorful ribbon flying out of the depth of time. It is soft, green, clear and ethereal. It is like a pair of silent scissors. With only a gentle cut, the city wall stands on the shore. The water is so charming that everything has vitality because of water. The Diaojiao Building, which is walking on the water, is arranged in a line with heart and hand, uneven and neat, scattered and elegant, winding and straight, and it has become the most elegant. The stilts that stretch into the water and support half of the country are like crutches and mud legs of the city. They come from and go to the countryside, full of local customs and customs. Yes, this stilted building is the most folk style in Xiangxi. The oldest, most natural and most glorious architectural art of Tujia and Miao in western Hunan has been epitomized in this small city.

The reason why this city is ancient is that it is in this ancient group of stilted buildings and in this ancient architectural art. In ancient times, there were doors and windows with mottled paint on the walls, the courtyard wall with wind and rain, the eaves that had not been tired for thousands of years, the tiles that had not been broken for thousands of years, and the stone lions, stone animals and stone birds that had not moved for thousands of years. Of course, it is also a thousand year old alley that has gone through vicissitudes of life.

The ancient lanes in the town are really deep and winding. It is like an old man who has suffered a lot. It is dignified, deep, and hidden. It is full of old memories and traces of time; It is also like a naughty child, bouncing around and acting wildly. If he is not careful, he will disappear. Walking in the lane with thousands of turns is like walking in a dream deep in the city. Time is old, with calluses. Years old, with calluses. Memory of the old, or long calluses. Bite by bite, the bluestone slabs are polished by time and years, and become pages of history and memory. They are paved into long or short roads, one connecting ancestors and the past, the other connecting descendants and the future.

Deep in the alley, there is often a deep ancestral hall, filled with the taste of local religion, reflecting the background of the clan's prosperity. This ancestral temple is the place of gods of Tujia and Miao families in western Hunan. The sacrificial rites, ceremonies, family rules and clan rules are all displayed here. Although the ancestral temple has died. The wisps of smoke at the time of sacrificial rites seemed to drift solemnly and solemnly, and the tears and indignation of the men and women who were shackled by family rules and regulations seemed to be still crying bitterly. However, what you smell more is the peace and serenity of the family. The pavilions, pavilions and corridors, the courtyard and the stage facing the sky will remind you of Miao folks who pull a few chairs and shake fans to chat, Tujia opera fans who bring a bowl of tea to wipe away tears, the beautiful world where they sit in a well and watch the small world, and the life experience of them who have a deep sense of drama.

The thousand year old stage, is it still in the wind and the clouds, the sound of knives and guns?

Ask the city wall, and the bullet mark on the city wall will tell you.

Ask the city gate. The gunshot wound in the city gate will tell you.

Ask the Great Wall, and the beacon fire on the Great Wall will tell you.

The huge stones pulled up from the river beach, with tears of water, were chiseled square by the stone workers' knives and hands, folded into gates, towers, walls and sentries. It is used to resist war and powerful enemies. The feudal rulers of all previous dynasties always regarded Miao people and Tujia people as Miao and Tu people. Cheating them. Exploit them. Slave them. If there is any resistance, kill them. The brave Tujia people of Miao family who are good at fighting have to build their own armed forces, garrison troops, train warriors, build solid fortifications, and defend the holy and beautiful homeland. Generations of miao people have risen up. Generations of tujia children have fought hard. The wall fell and was built again. Build again if the building collapses. People die in battle and regenerate. One by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one, one by one! The majestic pass is full of hard roads, the mountain is dangerous, and the sound of iron hoofs is surrounded by wolves and smoke. The blood stain on the Great Wall is the scar on history; The bullet holes on the city wall are the eyes left by history; The moss on the wall is the soul of history. The ancient and great South Great Wall, you are the blood and root of generations of Xiangxi!

Although the feudal rulers of the past dynasties discriminated against them, plundered them, and killed them, when the country and the nation were in deep trouble, they would abandon their family feuds and hatred, and would use their own blood and lives to save the country and the nation from danger and comfort the country and the nation.

Humen sold cigarettes, defended Dinghai, and Jiashan fought against Japan. Phoenix sons and daughters went on expeditions and died in the battlefield. During the Jiashan Anti Japanese War, thousands of Phoenix soldiers fought one after another, and almost all died in battle. A small town is full of thousands of widows, and a small town is full of crying. How impressive it should be! Exclaim for it! Be deeply worried about it!

I don't know whether it is the aura of the landscape or the natural inheritance. All the women and men of the Phoenix are handsome and beautiful as if they had come out of the traditional Chinese painting. The men and women walking around the streets and villages are all bright, bright, beautiful, and loved by everyone. Women's twisted waist and silver ornaments swing all over the street; The man's robust chest and foot bell polish the boudoir along the street. Besides, these men and women seem to have been bred in the placenta of art since childhood. They can sing, dance, cross stitch, embroider flowers, write books and draw pictures. The poetry clubs and painting clubs all over the street, the batik tie dyeing in the alleys, and the paper-cut thorn paper all make this little village full of the aroma of books. These are excellent in texture

Parallelism Beginning Composition (4)

In daily study, work and life, everyone is familiar with composition. Composition is the transition from internal speech to external speech, that is, from the compressed simple language that can be understood by oneself to the developed external language form that has standardized grammatical structure and can be understood by others. So the question is, how to write an excellent composition? The following is about the ideal composition of the beginning of the parallelism sentence, for reference only, welcome to read.

1. Ideal is a stone, which can make a spark; Ideal is fire, light of hope; Ideal is a lamp, illuminating the way forward; Ideal is the way to success. Human life is only once, and life is fragile. But with the support of ideals, life can become strong. Ideal is a resounding song of triumph. Every note is the destination of life.

2. If you have an ideal, then work hard for it; If you have no ideal, then set up an ideal for yourself that may be ridiculed by others now! Realize the ideal while honing your will

3. Ideal makes people full of fighting spirit, ideal makes people not afraid of difficulties; Ideal makes people pursue goals, and ideal makes people reach the other side; Ideal makes us stand up resolutely in setbacks; Ideals let us find hope in difficulties.

4. Without an ideal person, his life is like a desolate Gobi, cold and quiet, without vitality; Without an ideal person, his life is like a ship without a rudder, bumpy, no direction; Without an ideal person, his life is like a long dark night, dim and dark, without light.

5. Ideal is a stone, knocking out the spark; Ideal is fire, which lights up and extinguishes; Ideal is a lamp, illuminating the road at night; Ideal is the way, leading you to the dawn. On the way to realize your dreams, please bring your dreams with you, because dreams have the power to support people to realize their dreams!

6. Ideal, the driving force of progress, the direction of success. A person without ideal is like an eagle without flying wings; Just like a cheetah without hissing teeth; It's like a police dog without a keen sense of smell.

7. Without ideal, life is like a desert without vitality; Without ideal, life is like night, without light; Without ideal, life is like a maze, without direction.

8. Ideal is seedling, grow into towering trees; Ideal is a tree, sprouting tender buds; Ideal is a bud, which opens beautiful flowers; Ideal is a flower that produces sweet fruit.

9. Ideal, like a fire, lights up the dark ideal in the heart, like an engine, encouraging us to move forward; Ideal, like a beacon, points out our way forward

10. Ideal makes people full of fighting spirit, ideal makes people not afraid of difficulties; Ideal makes people pursue goals, and ideal makes people reach the other side; Ideal makes us stand up resolutely in setbacks; Ideals let us find hope in difficulties.

11. Without ideal, life is like a desert without vitality; Without ideal, life is like night, without light; Without ideal, life is like a maze, without direction.

12. Ideal is a sprout sprouting quietly in the heart; Ideal is the reliance of everyone's heart; Ideal is our persistent goal.

13. Ideal is the first flower in spring; Ideal is the first beam of Shuoyang in summer; Ideal is the first fruit of autumn; Ideal is the first snowflake in winter; Ideal is the first oasis in the desert; Ideal is the horn of life

14. The ideal of mountain streams is the sea, the ideal of prisoners is the blue sky, the ideal of trees is the earth, the ideal of eagles is to fly to a higher blue sky, and the ideal of sea swallows is to cross the vast sea!

15. Ideal is a lamp, illuminating the road of growth; Ideal is a compass, guiding the way forward; Ideal is a ship sailing to the far horizon.

16. Ideal is the wind vane in the sea, ideal is the snow lotus on the mountain, ideal is a boat in the wind and waves, carrying me to the other side of victory. My ideal is to be a doctor.

17. What is the ideal? The ideal is the goal, without the goal, there is no direction, blindly wandering at the crossroads of life; Ideal is sunshine, without which there is no hope; Ideal is hope. Without hope, there is no happiness.

18. What is the ideal? Ideal is a ship, which can take me across the rolling rivers. Ideal is a wing, which allows me to travel in the blue sky. Ideal is a good medicine for a dying patient.

19. Ideal is the wing to fly to the sky, ideal is the bridge to reach the other side, ideal is the eternal belief in my heart, ideal gives me courage, ideal makes me dare to face everything.

20. Ideal is a stone tablet, standing firmly on the bank of the century. Time passes forever, but ideal still stays in the heart; Ideal is a kind of belief. In the storm of destiny, it is because of ideal that we will break free from the magic claw of destiny; Ideal is a light, shining bright on the way forward - ideal, can not be forgotten, the ideal people in the past, in the long stream of time, you can only drift with the tide, wandering around, as if there is no soul.

21. In the era of hunger and cold, the ideal is food and clothing; In the age of food and clothing, the ideal is civilization; In the era of chaos, the ideal is stability; In the era of stability, the ideal is prosperity.

22. The ideal is a compass to guide the ship; Ideal is a ship, carrying you to the sea. But sometimes the ideal is the arc of the sea and the sky kissing, which is unreachable and tortures your heart.

23. Ideals make you smile and observe life. Ideals make you stubbornly resist fate. Ideal makes you forget the grayness of sideburns; Ideal makes your head white and still naive.

24. Ideal is colorful like a dream. Ideal is graceful like a butterfly. Ideal is the seed of hope sown in our hearts.

25. Ideal is the rising red sun on the sea; It is a proud red plum among thorns; It is a touch of green on the branches where snow falls; It is the sand slowly flowing in the palm of your hand. As time goes by, it will not be the same again.

26. Without an ideal person, his life is like a desolate Gobi desert, desolate and lifeless. Without an ideal person, his life is like a ship without a rudder, bumpy, no direction. Without an ideal person, his life is like a long dark night, dim and dark, without light.

27. The ideal is the navigation light, which guides the ship's navigation direction; Ideal is the dawn, illuminating the way of night walkers; Ideal is a sweet spring in the desert, so that the dried up travelers can see the hope of life.

28. Ideal is the sea, ideal is the boat, ideal is the water for those who travel far, and ideal is the seedling of life; Ideal is a seedling, a tree of life; Ideal is a tree, which blooms life; Ideal is a flower, bearing the fruit of life!

29. Ideal is seedling, growing into towering trees; Ideal is a tree, sprouting tender buds; Ideal is a bud, which opens beautiful flowers; Ideal is a flower that produces sweet fruit.

30. Ideal is the lamp of hope, illuminating our bright future! Ideal is a shining star, leading us to the dawn! Sowing the ideal, you will have a brilliant future, challenge yourself, and you will realize your wisdom!

31. Ideal is a song, playing the music of life; Ideal is music, composing beautiful notes; Ideal is a note, which interprets the miracle of life.

32. Ideal, like a fire, lights up the dark ideal in our hearts, like an engine, encouraging us to move forward; Ideal, like a beacon, points out our way forward

33. Because of the desire for the blue sky, the eagle fights in the sky; Because of the yearning for sea water, fish swim upstream; Because of the ideal navigation, we have a way forward. People's life is always in the pursuit of ideals, and the idea of achieving ideals can always make us happy. Just like a moth, it is willing to be the captive of the raging fire, just for the instant light.

Parallelism Beginning Composition (5)

In study, work and life, everyone must have been exposed to composition. With the help of composition, people can reflect objective things, express thoughts and feelings, and transmit knowledge and information. I believe that many friends are very upset about writing compositions. The following is the beginning of the parallelism sentence in the composition about tolerance compiled by me. It is only for reference. Welcome to read it.

1. Tolerance, I think, is very simple. Tolerance makes people's lives better; Tolerance makes us become kind, life and the world become wonderful, rich and interesting for it; Tolerance makes us understand, trust and love each other. Tolerance will turn enemies into friends. Tolerance is so important.

2. Tolerance is the virtue of human cultural heritage. The sea becomes vast because of tolerance; The sky is beautiful and moving because of tolerance and continuous clouds; The mountain peaks are towering because of tolerance and collection of fine dust. Because of tolerance, the world has eternal beauty.

3. Because of tolerance, your mind is as broad as the sea, allowing the ups and downs of gratitude and resentment; Because of tolerance, your quality is as great as a mountain, and you can love and hate freely; Because of tolerance, the world has a beautiful, let the cloud roll cloud Shu. Let's learn tolerance together and grow up happily in a harmonious environment!

4. Tolerance is the nectar to wash our dirty hearts; It is the breeze that takes away all kinds of troubles in our hearts; It is the ocean that contains all our sins; It is another different world of life, a new turning point!

5. Tolerance is like a poem, a happy poem; Tolerance is like a song, a wonderful song; Tolerance is like a piano piece, a beautiful piano piece.

6. Tolerance has enabled me to have more friends; Tolerance, let me enjoy more happiness; Tolerance, like a colorful silk rope, weaves colorful childhood for me!

7. Be tolerant of others, and you will have more and more friends; Forgiving others will bring happiness to yourself; Be tolerant of others, and you will make progress in your study; Be tolerant of others, and you will benefit greatly. Being tolerant of others will bring so many benefits. Why don't we learn to be tolerant of others?

8. Because you can swallow life with tolerance; Because of tolerance, your mind is as broad as the sea, regardless of the ups and downs of gratitude and resentment; Because of tolerance, your quality is as great as a mountain, so that love and hatred are rampant. Because of love, we learned tolerance; It is also because of tolerance that we understand love.

9. The sea becomes vast because of tolerance; The sky is beautiful and moving because of tolerance and continuous clouds; The mountain peaks are towering because of tolerance and collection of fine dust. People should learn tolerance to shine.

10. Tolerance is a virtue. I once read a poem, which praised: tolerance is a blue sea, which is clear and clean with hundreds of rivers; Tolerance is a high and broad sky, which is filled with the world without remembering hatred and resentment; Tolerance is the bright sun, send you rain send you and wind; Tolerance is the continuation of life, and the glory of life is only a blink of an eye; Only tolerance and magnanimity can transcend the limitations of oneself. One word of tolerance, rain and dew are colorful, life of tolerance, and concern about the world.

11. Because of tolerance, your mind is as broad as the sea, allowing gratitude and resentment to rise and fall; Because of tolerance, your quality is as great as a mountain, so that love and hate can prevail. Because of tolerance, you have eternal beauty.

12. It is the sky that welcomes sunshine and rainstorm; Tolerance is the field that accommodates trees and grass; Tolerance is the night sky full of stars; Tolerance is the most brilliant red glow at sunset; Tolerance is a bright rainbow that brings rain.

13. Tolerance is the root of a person's heart, and people's tolerance hovers and sublimates in the depths of the heart; Tolerance is a person's soul, and people's behavior changes because of tolerance.

14. Only when the land is tolerant of seeds can it have harvest; Only when the sea tolerates rivers, can there be vastness; Only when the sky tolerates the clouds and clouds can it have a look; Only by tolerating regrets can we have a future. Only when you forgive me can you have friendship. With a peaceful heart, a smiling face and warm hands, you will find sincerity and happiness everywhere around you.

15. Tolerance is like a flower, which emits fragrance. Even if someone steps on a foot, they will still leave the fragrance on the sole of that person's shoe; Tolerance is like an umbrella, which gives people comfort. It's going to rain cats and dogs. Even if you are in the rain, you will always be the "sky" above others' heads.

16. Zhaojun's tolerance stopped the war and kept the two countries peaceful forever; Father's tolerance enables couples to understand each other and neighbors to live in harmony, which is really broad tolerance. We don't always say that harmony is the most important thing. What is the most important thing? The most important thing is tolerance and harmony!

17. Tolerance is the highest realm of human mind; Tolerance can contain all evils; Tolerance gives people a warm feeling; Tolerance, smelting human sentiment; Tolerance makes the world full of love; Tolerance is the beauty of soul, the magnanimity of humanity, and the warmth of sunshine

18. Because tolerance is like water, it makes the numerous and complicated become pure after filtration; It is because tolerance is like fire that the insipidity becomes more and more distinct through calcination; Because of this poetic tolerance, life is endowed with art and eternity.

19. Tolerance can resolve the enmity between people; Tolerance can lead to a prosperous career; Tolerance can make a country prosperous. Let us learn tolerance, let the nation, let the country more prosperous!

Parallelism Beginning Composition (6)

Tang poetry in exquisite form is lost in obscurity. Tens of thousands of Tang poems, which really spread in public praise, are only three hundred. Later generations are familiar with more of the beautiful and colorful scattered poems of the Tang Dynasty. For example, "the desert is full of smoke, and the river is full of yen", "the sky is wild and the trees are low, and the river is clear and the moon is close to people", "Zhumen's wine and meat smell, and the road is frozen to death", and "the old Yan in front of Wang Xietang flew into the homes of ordinary people". Because it is difficult to plan a poem, it is often to form a sentence first, and then assemble it into a poem. Therefore, there are more good sentences than good poems in Tang Dynasty. As the stars in the fog, dim, between spots, faint and graceful.

The formal beauty of Tang poetry disappears in the obscurity, while the literal beauty of Tang poetry is generated in the obscurity. Perhaps the most mysterious source of Chinese traditional culture is its unique Chinese characters. The unique Chinese characters are born with a little soul, which can only be understood. The unparalleled calligraphy art directly produced by it can really be said to go back to ancient times, followed by thousands of years. It seems that the modern art with contemporary abstract as its spirit also originated from it, and it seems that the most beautiful calligraphy art is mostly the works of Tang poetry. It's not hard to think that Han can make people feel sad and beautiful. The literal beauty of Tang poetry is almost unprecedented and superb. "Two orioles sing in the green willows, and a line of egrets goes up into the blue sky. The window contains the snow of the Western Ridge in the autumn, and the door berths the Eastern Wu Wanli boat.". "The green mountains are far away, the water is far away, and the grass in the south of the Yangtze River has not withered at the end of autumn. Where can the jade people teach the flute on the moonlit night of the twenty fourth bridge?" These two Tang poems were picked up at random. They didn't need to read carefully, didn't ask for a clear understanding, and only the vague beauty expressed in the words was the wine of thousands of insects and thousands of flowers.

The world of mortals is boundless, everything is hazy, and a ray of sky light occasionally appears in the misty fog, which naturally makes the world more charming. However, the Tang poetry, which is extremely charming and researched, has not gone back to the dim beauty of the world of mortals until now. It is a Huansha girl in the green bamboo forest, it is two lines of horse hoof marks in Hu Tianfei's snow, it is a hibiscus in the blue water, it is a lonely canoe in the night. To mourn the autumn for thousands of miles, and to be sick for hundreds of years, is to chant history. The half wall sunrise and the thousand mile Jiangling Tomb are for travel. Especially, it is the real Zen in the human world that has participated in the Tang poetry. The three spring lights, the bright moon, the white hair, the zebra, the life and death, the separation, the honor and disgrace, the joys and sorrows, the poignant beauty, the sadness, the incisive. Tao is the last word of a thousand years old man, and song is the last song of a thousand years old man. This charming sky light makes the world of mortals even more dim, beautiful and true.

I like walking alone in the fog. In the many hours that have passed, I think my shoulders and heart have been bathed in the endless and delicate sky light.

A faint mood

It is a kind of fate for you to come to this world. It is a kind of fate for you to get along with the blue sky, green land, clear water and green mountains. It is a kind of fate for you to be adjacent to the white clouds, grass, mud and spray. It is also a kind of fate for you to be accompanied by a person. Maybe like the rocks across the sea, there is only a kind of love and blessing at the ends of the sea; Maybe, like the duckweed hit by rain, it only has a temporary and accidental reunion, and then only separation; Maybe it's like the ivy on the tree, which is intertwined for a long life. No matter what, you have to face every bumpy place and every scenery in your life with a light mood.

Parallelism Beginning Composition (7)

1. The wind sweeps through the water, leaving ripples; The sun, through the clouds, leaves a trace of warmth; Years walk through the woods, leaving rings of growth. So friends, what should we leave behind when we walk on the stage of the times? We should leave behind the pride of youth and the footprints of seeking dreams; We should leave our true self style and personality, and we should leave our unrepentant interpretation and star brilliance!

2. People run at the same time. They miss the spring when peach blossoms send off snowflakes and the spring breeze wakes up frogs, the summer when waves break open and flowers bloom, the autumn when rice and grass are covered with golden dew and trees send away dead leaves, and the winter when the hillside is covered with white snow and silver ice. People should pace in such a season and such a scenery, so that each step has a jade rhyme of gold and silver notes. This is our world.

3. It was Zhang Qian's "hollowing out" of camel bells, Su Wu's loyalty to sheep herding, Zhao Jun's long journey to the fortress, Wei Qing's flag hunting in the desert, Yue Fei's drawing sword and halberd ground, roaring up to the sky, strong and fierce, Zheng He's flying waves in the west, and his ambition was strong.

4. Some people hope to become Edison's "king of invention", but they are afraid of the difficulty of studying scientific knowledge; Some people want to win the title of "short story" after Maupassant, but they are intimidated by the hardships of writing all the year round; Some people want to become a "music giant", but lazy in the field of staff to bury their heads in the cultivation; Some people would like to become sports stars themselves, but they are lazy in training "dancing when hearing the chicken".

High School Composition Beginning Exquisite Paragraph Parallelism Recommendation

1. When the swallow goes, it will come again; When the willow withers, it will be green again; Peach blossoms fade, and when they bloom again, the wind will no longer be sad when the fingers jump; When black and white flow, thoughts will forget the pain; When the melody is stirring, the world will only wander in my heart

2. The swaying catkins are like your elegant long hair; The shining stars are like your bright eyes; The rosy clouds on the side of that day are like your gentle lips; The drizzle is like a daughter's endless yearning for her mother.

3. It is not difficult to set off instantaneous fireworks, but it is difficult to fix the brilliant eternity of this moment in the night sky; It is not difficult to muster up temporary courage, but it is difficult to maintain this indestructible fighting spirit for a lifetime; It is not difficult to get a moment of happiness, but to laugh until the end

4. When Sanlu doctors embraced the river with stones, when the overlord of the Western Chu Dynasty committed suicide, his blood dyed the whole sunset red, when Prometheus was eaten naked by giant eagles, when Laocoon twisted his body and still wanted to defend his son, the sad wind of history sent out bursts of grief, but the end of their lives was so loud and powerful, still knocking at people's hearts for thousands of years, Play the never low life swansong!

Exquisite paragraph alignment at the beginning of high school composition

1. Life is a mass of hemp, which is also a flower twisted by hemp rope; Life is a thread, but there are also small knots that cannot be solved; Life is a road, how can there be no potholes? Life is a cup of wine, full of ups and downs of life. Life is colorful satin, which is also a difficult picture to describe; Life is a rosy cloud, but it often sprinkles cold wind and bitter rain; Life is a vine, summing up several bitter melons; Life is a song, singing the joys and sorrows of life.

2. If you enjoy the high mountains, you will naturally find strength and dignity in the lofty mountains; Appreciating the big trees will naturally gain self-reliance and dignity in the great banks of the trees; Appreciating the grass, you will naturally absorb perseverance and hope from its luxuriant beauty.

3. Look at the flowers blooming and falling, clouds rolling and clouds relaxing. The bright sunshine in early spring reveals the breath of summer; The lush green clothes in midsummer show the harvest in autumn; The rich fruits in golden autumn show the bleakness of winter. The seasons come and go, autumn goes and winter comes, and everything in nature is wonderful. How can we hope for early spring without the baptism of winter?

4. Life is like a book, which should have more wonderful details and less boring words; Life is like a song, which should have more high melodies and fewer sad notes; Life is like a painting. It should have more bright colors and less dark colors.

5. Love is a spring water that breaks through the ice gate, shocking the heart of stone; Love is a beacon that shines in the dark night, so that the lost ship can find the harbor. Love is a small umbrella that holds up in the rainy night, so that those who wander abroad can get the shade of family affection; Love is a rainbow flying in the sky, so that people everywhere can see the beauty of the world.

Parallelism Beginning Composition (8)

High School Composition Beginning Exquisite Segments Selected

1. The wind sweeps through the water, leaving ripples; The sun, through the clouds, leaves a trace of warmth; Years walk through the woods, leaving rings of growth. So friends, what should we leave behind when we walk on the stage of the times? We should leave behind the pride of youth and the footprints of seeking dreams; We should leave our true self style and personality, and we should leave our unrepentant interpretation and star brilliance!

2. People run at the same time. They miss the spring when peach blossoms send off snowflakes and the spring breeze wakes up frogs, the summer when waves break open and flowers bloom, the autumn when rice and grass are covered with golden dew and trees send away dead leaves, and the winter when the hillside is covered with white snow and silver ice. People should pace in such a season and such a scenery, so that each step has a jade rhyme of gold and silver notes. This is our world.

3. It was Zhang Qian's "hollowing out" of camel bells, Su Wu's loyalty to sheep herding, Zhao Jun's long journey to the fortress, Wei Qing's flag hunting in the desert, Yue Fei's drawing sword and halberd ground, roaring up to the sky, strong and fierce, Zheng He's flying waves in the west, and his ambition was strong.

4. Some people hope to become Edison's "king of invention", but they are afraid of the difficulty of studying scientific knowledge; Some people want to win the title of "the king of short stories" after Maupassant, but they are afraid of the hardships of writing all the year round; Some people want to become a "music giant", but lazy in the field of staff to bury their heads in the cultivation; Some people would like to become sports stars themselves, but they are lazy in training "dancing when hearing the chicken".

High School Composition Beginning Exquisite Paragraph Parallelism Recommendation

1. When the swallow goes, it will come again; When the willow withers, it will be green again; Peach blossoms fade, and when they bloom again, the wind will no longer be sad when the fingers jump; When black and white flow, thoughts will forget the pain; When the melody is stirring, the world will only wander in my heart

2. The swaying catkins are like your elegant long hair; The shining stars are like your bright eyes; The rosy clouds on the side of that day are like your gentle lips; The drizzle is like a daughter's endless yearning for her mother.

3. It is not difficult to set off instantaneous fireworks, but it is difficult to fix the brilliant eternity of this moment in the night sky; It is not difficult to muster up temporary courage, but it is difficult to maintain this indestructible fighting spirit for a lifetime; It is not difficult to get a moment of happiness, but to laugh until the end

4. When Sanlu doctors embraced the river with stones, when the overlord of the Western Chu Dynasty committed suicide, his blood dyed the whole sunset red, when Prometheus was eaten naked by giant eagles, when Laocoon twisted his body and still wanted to defend his son, the sad wind of history sent out bursts of grief, but the end of their lives was so loud and powerful, still knocking at people's hearts for thousands of years, Play the never low life swansong!

Exquisite paragraph alignment at the beginning of high school composition

1. Life is a mass of hemp, which is also a flower twisted by hemp rope; Life is a thread, but there are also small knots that cannot be solved; Life is a road, how can there be no potholes? Life is a cup of wine, full of ups and downs of life. Life is colorful satin, which is also a difficult picture to describe; Life is a rosy cloud, but it often sprinkles cold wind and bitter rain; Life is a vine, summing up several bitter melons; Life is a song, singing the joys and sorrows of life.

2. If you enjoy the high mountains, you will naturally find strength and dignity in the lofty mountains; Appreciating the big trees will naturally gain self-reliance and dignity in the great banks of the trees; Appreciating the grass, you will naturally absorb perseverance and hope from its luxuriant beauty.

3. Look at the flowers blooming and falling, clouds rolling and clouds relaxing. The bright sunshine in early spring reveals the breath of summer; The lush green clothes in midsummer show the harvest in autumn; The rich fruits in golden autumn show the bleakness of winter. The seasons come and go, autumn goes and winter comes, and everything in nature is wonderful. How can we hope for early spring without the baptism of winter?

4. Life is like a book, which should have more wonderful details and less boring words; Life is like a song, which should have more high melodies and fewer sad notes; Life is like a painting. It should have more bright colors and less dark colors.

5. Love is a spring water that breaks through the ice gate, shocking the heart of stone; Love is a beacon that shines in the dark night, so that the lost ship can find the harbor. Love is a small umbrella that holds up in the rainy night, so that those who wander abroad can get the shade of family affection; Love is a rainbow flying in the sky, so that people everywhere can see the beauty of the world.