Composition introducing partners (15 recommended)
Demon dispelling heaven and earth
2023-10-26 05:05:12

Composition for introducing partners (1)

300 words composition for introducing your partner (1)

My little friend wrote a 300 word composition.


I have a good friend named Zhang Lingling. She is a man with a sharp tongue and a bean curd heart. Zhang Lingling is smart and cute, like a peach, and always has a bright smile. Zhang Lingling has a delicate baby face with white and regular teeth in her eloquent mouth. When students see Zhang Lingling is so cute, they all say she looks like a little naughty boy. They may not believe that this little naughty boy is the best student in our class! She is also the king of reading in our class!

One day, the teacher said the meaning of the idiom "suddenly enlightened". The teacher stood on the platform and asked, "Who will tell you the meaning of this idiom! Zhang Lingling stood up without any tension and recited the classical Chinese with confidence. Zhang Lingling recites very skillfully, but the students are whispering. This is because Zhang Lingling recites so deeply that we, as pupils, cannot understand.

Zhang Lingling not only has a knife mouth, but also has a bean curd heart.

On that day, Zhang Lingling and her mother went to a library to read. Suddenly, a poor old man with poor clothes came. The old man asked the staff for money. The staff gave the old man a look of contempt and walked away. Suddenly, Zhang Lingling's heart softened, she ran to her mother, asked her mother for money and gave it to the old man. The old man accepted the money and said many thanks to Zhang Lingling. He said affectionately, "There are still many good people in the world." What Zhang Lingling did touched us. Passers by and staff all gave Zhang Lingling praise and donated a lot of money to the old man.

Students, Zhang Lingling is really a person with a sharp tongue and a bean curd heart.

300 words composition for introducing your partner (2)

Introduce your partner

Chen Ming and I are good friends. One day, we took out the small wooden boat that we had made in the handwork group to play, and Chen Ming accidentally dropped it on the ground. In the dispute, Chen Ming trampled on it. I was very angry. I grabbed his boat and shouted angrily: "Since you have smashed my boat, I want you to pay the price." Just after the words were spoken, I waved my hand and threw it on the ground. His boat was smashed into two pieces.

At this time, he refused to be outdone. His face was red and his ears were red. He stepped on my boat and kicked it aside again. I yelled: "You are not qualified to do this to my boat." He immediately retorted: "Who let you hit my boat? I didn't mean to hit your boat." We quarreled so much that if our classmates hadn't pulled us, we would have fought. Later, we have severed all relations. Although we go to and from school in the same way, we see each other as if they do not exist.

Later, I calmly thought that there was something wrong with this matter. Chen Ming just accidentally smashed my boat, but I deliberately smashed his boat. I began to regret and was very depressed. I lost a good friend, and nothing could help me recover the friendship between Chen Ming and me. A few days later, after school, I met Chen Ming. I felt sorry for him and wanted to run away.

As a result, he stopped me, lowered his head, and remained silent for a full minute before he hesitated and said, "That day... I was too impulsive... I shouldn't have quarreled with you... Can we still be good friends?" I was shocked, and then hurriedly said: "I also had shortcomings that day, we are still good friends."

300 words composition to introduce your partner (3)

300 character composition

My good friend

Everyone has his good friend, and my good friend is Lao Guo. Lao Guo's name is Guo Xiangyi. She is called Lao Guo because she is a little adult when she does things.

One day, we had a conflict. In a fit of anger, I blurted out, "What's the big deal? I'll never tell you again." Hey! Once the words were uttered, they seemed like the water poured out could not be recovered. Although my heart is much better, this noise makes me feel bored. Laughter and laughter also gradually decreased. Hi! I began to complain about myself. Why did I want to be quick and hurt everyone's kindness? I kept repeating over and over again in my heart: I really shouldn't contradict her. If I had known today, why should I have done so! Hi!

Before I knew it, I walked up to her and said, "I'm sorry." I thought Lao Guo would say, "Do you think it's OK to say I'm sorry?", I kept nodding. It's great that we can get together.

This is my good friend. I hope we can always be good friends.

My grandma

In my big family, there is a family member who impressed me deeply. Her optimistic and strong personality infected our big family. She is my kind grandma.

The yard of my hometown is not big, but a group of hens are raised year by year. Grandma carefully wrapped the eggs laid by the hens layer by layer with newspapers and put them in a hidden place for fear of losing one. Grandma saw that we had not returned to our hometown for a long time, so she took the eggs to my uncle's house and put them in the refrigerator to prevent them from going bad. Grandma often called to ask when we would return to our hometown. Others told her to cook and eat by herself, but she said, "My eggs are authentic and nutritious, and my grandson can't buy them in the city. I found my uncle holding a bag of eggs in his hand. I asked curiously, "Uncle, your family also raises chickens?" The uncle said, "No, your grandmother asked me to bring them to you." Hearing this, my heart was filled with warmth.

I love my grandma, a kind and caring grandma, a serious and often encouraging grandma, and a good friend I will never forget - Grandma

My Best Friend

Pan Pan is my best friend. His family lives opposite my home. We are good neighbors and good friends who have played together since childhood. He is very capable!

My good friend Pan Pan

His eyes are bright, his mouth and ears are small, and his nose is very smart. As soon as you see me, you will greet me with a smile. Panpan's self-care ability is very strong. His parents work in other places, and they can't get home until at least nine o'clock every night. Panpan goes home by bus every day. When he gets home, he heats up the leftovers. After eating, he does his homework alone.

I remember one time, when I wanted to ask him to play with me, I shouted "Panpan" at the window, and Panpan opened the window. I asked, "What are you doing?" He said, "I will go to buy vegetables for my mother later. After a while, I saw him carrying a basket of vegetables, bouncing back safely.

Is my good friend Pan Pan very capable!

My Mother

My mother, medium height, round face, with a pair of big bright eyes, likes to wear a black skirt. In my eyes, my mother is the most beautiful person in the world, because I love my mother.

In the middle of the night, I had a fever. What should we do? Mother made a quick decision, dressed quickly, picked me up and rushed to the hospital. At that time, it was winter, and I was wearing a thick cotton padded jacket. But my mother only wore a thin sweater and a coat. The north wind cut my mother's face like a knife, and I mumbled in a coma; "Mom, let me down and I'll go by myself..."

My mother gasped and said, "Bao... Bei, my mother is not tired... not tired..."

Under the careful care of my mother. A few days later. I recovered `

I have a knowledgeable mother. Whenever I encounter problems that I cannot or do not understand, I will consult my mother. Mother frowned. It looked like that. It's like "thinking in the tent". It won't take a few minutes. The tight frown will disappear. My mother began to point at my notebook.

So, so... get it? "

: Oh...... "I am thoughtful.

"Well, not bad!"

She is my mother. She has many things worth learning and is my teacher in my life. Under her words and deeds, I constantly urged myself to study hard, and was rated as an excellent Young Pioneer in the school every year.

introduce oneself to

Hello, everyone. My name is Zhao Zhengwei. Now I want to introduce myself to you. I am 8 years old and a student of Class 4, Grade 3, a six-year primary school in the city.

I loved painting and making gadgets when I was young, but I prefer reading because "books are an ocean of knowledge".

I remember when I was young, whenever I saw something new or meaningful outside, I could not help but stop to observe it carefully, remember its characteristics, and then go home to draw them, almost drawing what I saw.

I not only like painting, but also like doing small handicrafts. Because making small handicrafts can not only develop intelligence, coordinate hand brain cooperation ability, but also cultivate creativity.

After going to school, I found that "books are an ocean of knowledge". If you want to draw good pictures and make excellent small handicrafts, you must read good books. "Read the book a hundred times, and see what you mean.". Through reading, my paintings and small handicrafts have really made great progress, and I have learned more from books. Therefore, buying and reading books has become my greatest hobby.

Is my hobby very extensive? Do you like me like this?

My deskmate

I have changed six deskmates. Now my deskmate is Ma Shuai. He has a small nose, two small eyes, and big ears. He always smiles. The teacher said that Ma has a smiling face. It is true. Now please listen to me and speak slowly. Once, I scolded him. You are ill. Unexpectedly, he even laughed and talked repeatedly; You are sick. When the teacher saw it, he asked Ma Shuai to stand in front. Unexpectedly, they all stood in front and laughed. Another time in cram school, Ma Shuai felt that the ground was slippery and funny after going to the toilet, so he slipped and hit the door with a bang. The door bounced back, his nose collapsed and he was still giggling.

Another time, when he crossed the road, he saw a mud pit on the ground, jumped down with a splash, collapsed all over the mud, and smiled happily. In class, he always grinned. I was a better student, so I forced myself to laugh. But Ma Shuai's laughter became bigger and bigger, which made me laugh too, and then the whole class laughed too. Alas, this dead marshal. I wish I could change tables with him soon.

My grandpa

I have a grandpa who is my most beloved grandpa. I have been closest to him since I was young.

My grandfather is seventy years old today. But he is still very strong. He is not like an old man at all. He is really old and healthy. Grandpa is still farming, so what my family eats is all from his hard work.

I have been to my grandfather's field, which is located beside a small road, so it is very convenient for my grandfather to transport fertilizers and pesticides. There is also a big ditch on the opposite side, which is very convenient for drainage.

My grandfather not only farms, but also grows pineapples and lychees on the mountain. Every summer, my brother and I always have a big meal. We hope pineapples and lychees are ripe every day.

Grandpa loves us very much and often gives us some pocket money to buy food

Composition for introducing partners (2)

She has a round oval face, neat bangs, a pair of eyes as clear as water, and a shallow pear nest appears on her left cheek when she smiles. Her temperament is fresh and natural. She is my little partner - Hulno.

Hurno's nickname is Beibei. Usually people call her "Ernobei". I think her parents hope that she will win the Nobel Prize in the future. I also think that if she continues to work hard, she will succeed.

Hulno is an endorsement team leader. Whenever the teacher assigns recitation tasks, I always look reluctant and think it's still early. I will play for a while first. However, she is always the first to go to the group leader for endorsement. As the saying goes, "He who follows his lead will be black". Slowly influenced by her, I became the first person to rush to endorse. As time goes by, my learning habits have also changed, which should be thanks to her!

But in math class, she seldom answers questions on her own initiative, and seldom submits them to the teacher on her own initiative. But I observed that whenever the teacher asked who had done the right thing, her hand was raised. Different from other students' high raising, left shaking and right shaking hands, she is cute and quietly straightens her hands, and raises her elbows against the table, and the frequency is particularly high. Her indifference and cleverness remind me of Epiphyllum, which only opens at night, not arrogant, not arrogant, so elegant and quiet.

Well, I don't want to admit it, but I have to say that I am often jealous of her playing with others. Maybe this is also a bit vexatious, but I am myself, and Erno is also tolerant of me. Sometimes I was wrong and lost my temper. When I saw her the next day, she always continued to greet and smile like nobody else. When I was still amazed, she had led me to play together.

Sometimes, looking at her side face, I am a little lucky to have her as a little partner. It's really good!

Composition for introducing partners (3)

Dear friends

In 2014, we will hold the Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing. It was the second Youth Olympic Games, and his slogan was "grow together with Youth Olympic Games". The Youth Olympic Games is a sports event specially set up for young people. The participants are between 14 and 18 years old. Like the Olympic Games, it is held every four years. The Summer Youth Olympic Games can last up to 12 days.

Although we are primary school students now, we can also contribute to the Youth Olympic Games. Usually, we should take good care of the surrounding environment, pay attention to civilization and politeness, strengthen physical exercise, and welcome the arrival of the Youth Olympic Games with a beautiful city and a strong body.

Let's take action and start from me. Everyone strives to be the young master of the Youth Olympic Games!

·························Class 2 (4) of Nanjing Puchang Primary School: Liu Wenjun

····························  XX-8-29

Composition for introducing partners (4)

Dear friends

In 2014, we will hold the Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing. It was the second Youth Olympic Games, and his slogan was "grow together with Youth Olympic Games". The Youth Olympic Games is a sports event specially set up for young people. The participants are between 14 and 18 years old. Like the Olympic Games, it is held every four years. The Summer Youth Olympic Games can last up to 12 days.

Although we are primary school students now, we can also contribute to the Youth Olympic Games. Usually, we should take good care of the surrounding environment, pay attention to civilization and politeness, strengthen physical exercise, and welcome the arrival of the Youth Olympic Games with a beautiful city and a strong body.

Let's take action and start from me. Everyone strives to be the young master of the Youth Olympic Games!

·························Class 2 (4) of Nanjing Puchang Primary School: Liu Wenjun

····························  XX-8-29

Composition for introducing partners (5)

Whether in study, work or life, we have more or less come into contact with composition bar. With the help of composition, we can improve our language organization ability. How to write a good composition? The following is the introduction of a good friend of Xiaobian - about 750 words of the composition of Plush Duck. Welcome to share.

I have a plush duck, which was obtained through my efforts!

On one test, I only got 70 points, and I felt very sad on the way home. Just when I looked up, I suddenly saw this plush duck lying listlessly, head drooping, small eyes squinting almost closed, and the large and flat mouth tightly closed as if unwilling to say a word more. In short, the whole body revealed loss. Just like the ugly duckling in the story. He was bullied by his elder brothers and sisters. He was hungry; Did he get scolded by his mother for not obeying; Or did you fail the exam like me? When I saw it, I really felt like sharing the same fate. My depressed mood was half better and I wanted to buy it back. But on second thought, would my mother agree with me? If my mother didn't criticize me this time, I would be grateful. It would be harder to buy toys than it is to go to heaven? While I was whispering in my heart, my mother and I were almost passing the window, and my steps began to slow down; The eyes did not leave the plush duck; I kept thinking about how to tell my mother; In my heart, I kept accumulating courage. Finally, I got up the courage to say to my mother: Mom, if I get good results in the next exam, I will buy that plush duck for me, OK? Mother seemed to see my love for the duck, touched my head and said firmly: Yes!

When I heard my mother say this, I was instantly full of strength and confidence. Since then, I have listened carefully every day. If I can't, I quickly asked the teacher or classmates which knowledge I might miss. I took out my homework as soon as I came home from school and did it wholeheartedly, expecting the exam to come soon. My mother was also surprised to see my changes, smiled and said: The magic of the plush duck is so great! Finally, my efforts during this period of time paid off, and I got 90 points. After the first class, I wanted to finish school quickly so that I could buy a stuffed duck. Finally, the bell rang, and I flew out of the classroom and handed the test paper to my mother. Holding the duck, I felt the joy of victory. I put it on the bed. Every time I want to play before I finish my homework, I give up the idea when I see it. From then on, Plush Duck has become a good partner to supervise my study.

My plush duck is not only cute, but also can urge me to study. I really like it.

Composition for introducing partners (6)

My best friend is my deskmate Cao Keying. She is a lovely little girl, with big watery eyes, a pair of curved eyebrows, a pointed nose, a small mouth, a mushroom head, very black hair, and looks smart and naughty.

She is best at playing table tennis. Once, in PE class, some students played basketball, some played badminton, and some played table tennis. The most wonderful thing was the table tennis match between Cao Keying and me. At the beginning, I thought I would win her, but after several games, Cao Keying won me three games in a row. She played table tennis fast and hard. It was not easy to win her.

Another time, my brother, Cao Ke and I were running in our yard. My mother said, "One, two, three!" My brother, Cao Keying and I ran out like an arrow leaving the string. We ran for a long time before we reached the end. Only my mother said, "Cao Keying is the first and Wang Tiansu is the second." It seems that I am not reconciled to losing the race to her again. I said, "Let's compete in writing." So I competed with her in writing, and finally she won the first place like the last time we ran.

These competitions let me know that Cao Keying is good at both sports and writing. I should learn from Cao Keying.

Composition for introducing partners (7)

There are many little friends around me, but I have a very good little friend who is Zeng Yushu. She likes to be coquettish, cute, innocent and lively.

Yushu is fat, with a big round face, long black hair, and combed into a braid. Under the thick eyebrows of Yushu, there is a pair of bright and bright big eyes with a small nose under the eyes. The most lovely thing is her mouth and the small dimples. Although her mouth is not small, some jokes and humorous sentences will jump out of her mouth happily. When she smiles, dimples will appear in front of you. Look, how bright she smiles!

Yu Shu has many advantages, but her best advantage is that she loves reading, so she is very knowledgeable. I remember once, when she was in her third grade, just after class, the students rushed out of the classroom like a swarm and went out to play. The students are catching up with each other. I packed my books, took out the books for the next class, and went out to play. After playing for a while, I thought to myself: Where is Yushu? For a long time, I didn't see her alone. In the runway classroom, I saw that Yu Shu had just taken out some extracurricular books to read. Then I thought strangely: This is really Yu Shu. After a good class, I don't play, but I am reading here. I thought about it, so I went to Yushu and looked at her for a while, chirping like a bird and saying, "Yushu, you really are. You are still studying here after class. Come out and play!"

After I said that, I pulled Yushu's left hand. When I was about to leave, I couldn't pull it away. At that time, I thought in a muddle: Oh, no, Yushu should not be given a place by someone! When I looked back, Yu Shu stared at me with two eyes and angrily said to me, "I just want to read so that I can have knowledge." After listening to Yu Shu's words, I couldn't lower my head.

Yu Shu has more than one advantage. She is broad-minded, helpful and excellent in everything. I admire her very much. How about Yushu? Is she a good girl! Want to make friends with her?

Composition for introducing partners (8)

Today, I would like to introduce my little friend to you. His name is Chen Xianyu. He left a small flat head, and his eyes were very small. When he smiled, he could hardly see his eyes and narrowed into a slit. There is also an eloquent mouth. He likes to wear brown clothes. He likes to play pranks. Now, I will tell you about his "good deeds".

In class on Wednesday, I stood up to answer questions and sat down. I felt like my body was floating in the air. Bang, I sat on the ground and my butt hurt. My classmates were laughing to death, but I was very angry. At first, Chen Xianyu took my bench away. After class, I went to find Chen Xianyu to settle accounts

Another time, I didn't bring my pen, and the whole class didn't lend it to me. Chen Xianyu lent it to me and said, "Li Shiqing, hurry up and use my pen." I thought to myself: Chen Xianyu is always playing pranks. What if I am cheated again? Anyway, it's still important to write. I took the pen to write as soon as possible, but who knows, Eh! Why doesn't the notebook display characters? When I saw it, I found that Chen Xianyu had given me a pen without ink. I was so angry that my face was red. I said to him viciously, "Chen Xianyu, wait for me." Hearing this, he said loudly to the teacher, "I need to go to the toilet." The teacher let him go. Just in time, class was over, and I went to chase her. Unexpectedly, he ran faster than the rabbit, and soon disappeared.

This is my little friend, a mischievous person.

Composition for introducing partners (9)

I have a little partner named Jin Zelin. He is very diligent and often takes the initiative to work for everyone. Because he is tall and strong, the teacher asked him to carry purified water from the first grade. As soon as he saw that there was no water, whether he had finished his homework or not, and whether he came to the bathroom or not, he always quickly removed the empty bucket and ran out. After a while, he brought a bucket of water back to the water dispenser.

Once, there was no water outside the classroom. It was all empty buckets. Jin Zelin ran to the other end of the corridor to look for water. He had to go downstairs to find it. He held the bucket with both hands and held it to his chest with a sound of "hey". I was shocked and said to myself, "How awesome! It's amazing to be able to lift a 15kg bucket!" A bucket of water is really heavy! Jin Zelin walked on and off, and tried hard to move upstairs. When he came to the door of the classroom, he saw a lot of people at the door and said, "I can't hold on! Get out of the way!" Everyone quickly got out of the way. Jin Zelin brushed several times, unpacked the water and loaded it into the water dispenser, then turned back to his seat to do his homework!

Jin Zelin moved the water for more than two years. Sometimes Chen Haojun would help. My strength is gradually growing. I will learn from him and work more for my classmates.

Composition for introducing partners (10)

One morning in winter vacation, my little partner Liu Jinyang came to my home to play with me. However, it was only eight o'clock, and I was still sleeping soundly. At the same time, Liu Jinyang's arrival was seen by his grandmother. It's over! finished! Grandma has a bad impression of Liu Jinyang. Now she sees him coming to my house early in the morning to play. Grandma is also a person who attaches great importance to sleep. What should I do! Liu Jinyang, you come at a really bad time.

Sure enough, Grandma caught him in the yard and criticized him. I rushed down from the bed and said to my grandma, "Grandma, don't scold Liu Jinyang, he didn't mean to." Grandma listened to me and let him go.

After a while, I went out to play with Jinyang. We bought a packet of firecrackers first, and Liu Jinyang lit one and threw it to the door of the elderly home quickly. "Run!" Before I knew it, Liu Jinyang pulled me and ran away, fearing that there would be pursuers behind. We ran and ran until we came to a well near my house. Look behind, no one, "ah -" We took a long sigh of relief. Jinyang looked down the shaft and said to me, "Do you want me to throw one?" After hearing this, I stopped him quickly: "This is no good. People around are drinking water from this well!" Jinyang listened, looked at me with a suspicious expression, and said to me, "Who believes what you said? I'll let you go first." Liu Jinyang lit the gun, then grabbed it with his hand, It took four or five seconds to throw it into the well. As soon as the firecrackers hit the well water, they burst. The sound of the firecrackers was really earth shaking.

When the nearby residents heard the sound of the cannon, they rushed out and shouted: "Who let it go? Stand up!" I whispered to Jinyang: "Look, this is a disaster. I told you not to throw it. You must throw it. You can eat the evil you planted." Jinyang blushed at my words. So he walked up to the man, bowed his head and said in shame, "I was wrong. I'm too naughty. Please let me go!" The owner of the well looked at Liu Jinyang with his head down and thought he was an honest boy, so he said to him, "Next time, be careful. Don't throw guns, especially into the well!"

In the end, we both escaped. It's not easy! Look at my partner, he has a bad idea. Fortunately, we are safe this day. I don't know what he will do next time.

Composition for introducing partners (11)

I have a little friend who is also my classmate. We are good friends from grade one to grade three. His name is Wang Haochen.

Wang Haochen has a very unique personality. He has big eyes and a high nose. His most distinctive feature is that he has two red lips, like a girl wearing lipstick.

Wang Haochen is warm-hearted and very helpful. I remember one time when it rained heavily. I didn't take my raincoat with me. After school, it was still raining. I was worried about how to go home. Suddenly, I felt that someone had an umbrella for me. Looking up, I found it was Wang Haochen. Wang Haochen held the umbrella until his mother came to pick me up. Then he moved the umbrella from my head. If he hadn't helped me with my umbrella, I would have been drowned.

This is my good friend Wang Haochen, a warm hearted handsome boy.

Composition for introducing partners (12)

I have such a little friend. Her name is Xiao Hong. She has a pair of big shiny black eyes, full of vitality and vitality. She looks bright when raised and quiet when lowered, just like a soft and quiet black velvet; It is as clear and lovely as the autumn stream, but there is a pair of pink "two cakes" on the eyes. A pair of black and crescent shaped eyebrows are just like a painting. There is a unique quality on the round little face. The red mouth has clear water chestnut angles, and the smile is elegant and sweet. The straight long hair falls down easily, forming such a woman.

Her ability to preside is very strong. Because every time, no matter what literary and artistic programs are in the class or school, the teacher always asks her to participate in hosting. Once, our class organized a summer harvest exhibition activity. The teacher selected her as the host and gave her a string of words. Before the event, she carefully read the string of words again and again. During the event, she presided over the event successfully, reading aloud with rich feelings and smiling, which made everyone enjoy the summer harvest exhibition activity, I never forget her hosting.

She loves to help her classmates. In the ten minutes between classes on a sunny afternoon, some students were busy preparing their lessons; Some students play happily together... Everyone's laughter spreads all over the campus. Bai Jiezheng, a classmate, was worried about a math problem, but he could not think of it by racking his brains. At this time, Xiaohong asked Bai Jie in a soft voice with a smile: "What's the matter with you?" Bai Jie stammered, "I can't figure out a math problem for a long time."

Xiaohong said with concern, "It doesn't matter, let me tell you." After saying that, she patiently began to talk to Bai Jie, and continued to calculate on the draft paper, until Bai Jie could figure it out, she turned around and left. Some students in the class said that she was "a tiger dropping a rosary - false mercy", but she only smiled back.

She is also good at Latin dancing. No matter Lombar or Cha Cha, she can follow the rhythm freely. She can dance square step and Kukracha now. Everyone is amazed by her beautiful dancing posture. She has also become a mentor of some students. She is really good.

This is my little partner, Xiao Hong, who is a good host, loves to help classmates and is good at Latin dance. On my way of growing up, I forged a bridge of friendship with her. She is my forever little partner, a smart, versatile and all-round young Hong.

Composition for introducing partners (13)

Xu Yixin is a good friend of mine who has played since childhood. We have known each other since kindergarten. Until now, we are still inseparable friends. What I admire most is her diligent and studious character.

Just a few months ago, Xu Yixin invited me to her house to play. I made a phone call to her when I was about to arrive at the gate of her community. After calling, I saw Xu Yixin waiting for me at the bottom of her house. When I saw Xu Yixin, I ran to her. In this way, we walked into Xu Yixin's home together, talking and laughing. When I got to her house, Xu Yixin said to me, "Sit down! My house is a bit messy. After saying that, I went into my room and got some delicious food and some exercise books. At first, I thought she would take out her mobile phone and play with me for a while, and then I was doing my homework. But I didn't expect that she would do her homework first and then play, which was totally different from what I thought, so I showed a surprised expression. Xu Yixin looked at me and asked me, "What's the matter?" "Nothing, I was just a little surprised. I thought you would play first, and then do your homework." I said, "I think I should finish my homework first, and then I can play at ease. Besides, I can teach you topics that you can't do!" I nodded after listening, I also took out my homework from the things I brought with me and wrote it with Xu Yixin. On the way to do my homework, I also looked up at her from time to time, and then looked at myself and thought with shame: Xu Yixin is really a good student, who even writes her homework carefully. It's not like me at all. When doing homework at home, she writes slowly while playing. But she is different from me at all. So I began to write seriously. When I was about to finish my homework, I occasionally looked up, but found that Xu Yixin had already finished all his homework, and was now doing homework in the interest class. "I'm so serious." I couldn't help but give her a hundred compliments from the bottom of my heart, because I really admire her. After a while, I also finished my homework. Xu Yixin saw that I had finished my homework, so we went to play happily together.

Every day after that, I won't be lazy in doing my homework almost every time. I will do my homework carefully, because Xu Yixin told me with his actions that we should study hard to be a good student that teachers like.

Composition for introducing partners (14)

During my growth, I had many good partners, the best of which was Xiao Sun. Today, I will introduce the three unique skills of Xiao Sun to you so that everyone can have a general understanding of her, so that they will not meet him or even know that she is a celebrity Xiao Sun.

Xiao Sun's eyes are big. The ancients said: eyes are the window of the soul. The reason why his eyes are so big is that they are full of wisdom. Xiao Sun not only has big eyes but also has long legs. Every time he goes up the stairs with her, he has to go up two by two. Usually, he just goes up one by one. He really has legs under his head.

Xiao Sun's first priority is his hardware performance. At the age of 11, he can play charming music, as if he had entered the fairy tale world. Her hands swinging back and forth on the keys of the piano are carefree, like a flower fairy dancing. Could it be that God passed on his talent? The "Fishing Boat Sings at Night" he played was so wonderful and intoxicating. Whenever the school issues a piano competition, he never hesitates to participate.

Xiao Sun's second best is recitation. Sun's voice can be called the voice of a lark in the class. He is responsible for everything that needs to be presided over in the class every time. The honor of recitation in the class is inseparable from her efforts.

Xiao Sun's third best skill is rope skipping. In physical education class, she would take out his whip, which scared every student not to touch her, even a hair would not pass easily. She could jump more than 100 times a minute, which made people dazzled. She jumped many times and styles, including reverse jump, cross jump, single leg jump, and so on. It was simply colorful.

Although he is not in my school, he is my forever good partner. I miss the days I spent with her. So I want to keep this composition forever, leaving the history in my heart, so as not to waste time. Time goes by to celebrate that wonderful memory.

Composition for introducing partners (15)

She has a pair of watery eyes, a small nose, and a pink mouth. She always speaks a lot. Her short hair is dark and soft, and she is thin. Yes, she is my little partner, Su Xin.

Su Xin is a helpful person. She always helps everyone in her class warmly. I still remember that it was a sunny morning. After the composition book was handed out, the teacher asked the A-rated students to send their compositions to her blog or mailbox. After class, some female students are talking about writing compositions. "Alas, what should I do? I don't have time to send it!" said a female classmate. Another female classmate said, "I don't have time!" Just then, Su Xin walked up to them and said with a smile, "Hey hey, you don't have time? Let me help you send it! I type fast!" The female classmates immediately replied, "OK! Thank you!" After that, Su Xin didn't even have time to sleep in the afternoon nap, I rushed home in the evenings and at noon to help everyone send their compositions to the teacher one by one, but she just said, "It's OK. Students help each other."

In addition to helping others, Su Xin is also full of enthusiasm for learning. Every time after she handed out the math test paper, she would humbly ask other students who did well in the exam questions that she could not. Because of this, her math score slowly rose from more than 60 points to more than 70 points.

My little partner, Su Xin, is such a person. No matter what he does, he always has enthusiasm.