Try junior high school 600 (6 practical articles)
2023-08-29 06:11:30

Try junior high school 600 (1)

In a twinkling of an eye, several years have passed. Looking at the bike, I can't help sighing: You are getting old.

One afternoon a few years ago, I thought it was another quiet day, but my father's words woke me up like cold water, "You are so free, go downstairs to learn how to ride a bike." When I heard these words, my mind immediately flashed countless articles about learning to ride. The mere thought of falling has deterred me.

I also remembered that some of my classmates and friends had already been riding around in the community. If I still couldn't, it would be a "great shame". So I hardened my head and walked downstairs slowly. Looking at that bicycle, which is not a brand new bicycle, I felt nervous again and felt a heat wave hit my back. "Once a word is said, it is impossible to recover it." I got on my bike.

Then he grasped the handlebar and stepped on the pedal with one foot. Everything was ready. Looking at the road ahead, his face was ferocious. When the other foot was on the pedal and moving, I found that cycling was not simple. Everything was very similar. Only when I went to battle, I could make a fool of myself.

The car nearly hit the wall in the wrong direction. When the car was about to fall down, it was lucky that my left hand was already on the wall, so I avoided this "catastrophe". But secretly left the seeds of fear. Suddenly, God broke down in tears. Big raindrops fell down, and I had to go home.

The second practice was postponed to the next day. The water on the road had already turned into gas and drifted away, but the torrential rain yesterday also watered the seeds in my heart. I was extremely frightened, because it asked me: "What would happen if you didn't hold it yesterday?" This sentence was like a flood that broke the unfinished dam in my heart. But the flood is always temporary, and the clouds of fear will always drift away. I have no choice: "So what? How can I know if I don't try?"

I ran to the bottom of the building and skillfully sat on the seat. The same posture, the same goal, different I came back to try. Peng Bai's mood somehow stabilized the bicycle. It was no longer a runaway wild horse, but a pen in his palm. Although I'm not familiar with it, it's a good omen.

After that, I continued to try and practice, and finally learned this necessary skill. At the same time, he also understood a more important belief: to work hard, not only try once.

Try junior high school 600 (2)

I loved skating when I was very young, but I can't skate, but I really want to learn. One day I happened to see a skating club near the square. At that time, learning was only five or six yuan, which was not expensive at all. But my mother just didn't agree. When I got back the "Little Actor Award" and "Good Baby" after I did well in the Chinese exam, my mother hurriedly agreed and applied for a membership card.

From that day on, I began to learn skating, but I could not always wrestle. The teacher also said I could not. Every time I tried, I would make a fool of myself. They also nicknamed me "Making a fool of myself". When I came, they all said, "Oh, here comes the clown. Don't touch her, or you'll take her bad breath!" The new comer's legs were weak with fright. I was angry, but what could I do? I can only swallow my pride.

I can see my figure at the other end of the skating rink. I use a red tape to write the struggle twice and tie it to my head. I practice the simplest action. Slowly I begin to counter attack. From bronze to diamond, others can't believe it. Let me figure skating, I jump without saying a word. Unexpectedly... I failed! I couldn't believe it. I could do it, but before I could explain, they said, "The pheasant on the mountain wants to be a phoenix."

I complained, so I decided to do it again to let them know that pheasants can also become phoenix. I called everyone over to bet with them that if I succeeded, they invited me to eat snacks for a month. If I lost, I would not learn. After a long time, at the end of the rotation in the air, I was so nervous that I could not be more nervous, "Shua", I succeeded! The perfect landing convinced them that their pocket money was only 50 cents this month!

Try junior high school 600 (3)

Attempt will bring success, and sometimes it is inevitable that you will fail. But failure is the mother of success. As long as you dare to try, you are a powerful "brave man". My first attempt still fresh in my memory!

On Sunday morning, I came to the Taekwondo Hall early. When I got there, I was very strange, "Where are people? Where are they?" I said to myself. Looking inside again, it turns out that Zhu Jiarui attracts everyone like a magnet. Seeing the complacency on his face, I can't help walking over. "Captain Chen Ziyan, can you ride a battery car?" He looked up and said proudly, I really want to say I can, but I really can't. As a captain, there is no team member who is good? I suddenly felt like a deflated ball: "No, will you?" "Of course I will. I also ride my bottle bike to school." He was very eloquent for a long time. Everyone else said "Wow! Wow!" from time to time. I was so unconvinced that I made up my mind to learn how to ride an electric bicycle.

The next day, I got up early, because there was no car on the road to facilitate my practice. I said to my grandma hurriedly, "Grandma, please give me the key to the battery car." Grandma asked, "Why?" "I want to ride the battery car." "No, it's too dangerous." I saw my grandma disagreed, so I told her the whole story. Grandma immediately agreed, "OK, Grandma will practice with you." I picked up the key and hopped downstairs in the elevator. I inserted the key into the car lock, and turned the "wow" car to make a noise. Sitting in the car, my heart and body were trembling, and I pretended to act as if nothing had happened. I cheered myself up in my heart. Grandma saw: "Nothing, don't be afraid! I will hold you." I turned the faucet violently, "Shua" a feeling of flying. I found that the twisting was not so terrible, so I was brave, put one hand on the faucet, and opened it freely. "Ah!" I suddenly lost my balance of gravity and fell heavily on the concrete floor. It was painful and my legs and elbows were broken. Grandma hurried to ask me how I was. I said it was okay. I picked up the car and stopped being proud. I drove seriously. The more I drove, the better. The faster I drove, the faster I drove

This bold attempt has not only tempered my courage, but also taught me that nothing should be arrogant, and only when you are bold and careful can you do a good job!

Try junior high school 600 (4)

"You should dare to try. How can you know you can't do it without trying?" I looked at my mother before she finished. She was looking at me with confident and firm eyes. I know that there is a hope in my eyes that I can actively participate in any activity, but for the introverted and shy I am really a challenge, and 'trying' causes me to think deeply.

In a Chinese class, the active atmosphere in the class infected me. Seeing that the students raised their hands to answer the questions one by one and were praised by the teacher, I was also disappointed and felt like raising my hands. But my hand seemed to be pressed by a heavy stone, which made me unable to lift it. What am I afraid of? I'm afraid of being scolded by the teacher if I answer wrong, I'm afraid of being laughed at by my classmates if I answer wrong, and I'm afraid I can't accept it if I answer wrong. My mother suddenly said, 'You should dare to try, how can you know you can't do it if you don't try' Yes, I don't want to try, how can I know how to learn.

At the thought of this, the stone in my hand seemed to be suddenly carried away by Kua E, and there was no trace. So I raised my hand, which I had not seen for a long time. When the teacher noticed me, the teacher called me. My heart was beating like a rabbit. I tried to make myself perfect and answered the teacher's questions clearly and smoothly. The teacher smiled happily and said, 'You answered very well. Why are you always silent in class? The teacher won't blame you if you answer wrong. You should dare to try.' I smiled with embarrassment, but a touch of sweetness appeared in my heart. Therefore, I am eager to raise my hand to answer questions, raise my hand actively in class, and then be praised by the teacher. This also aroused my interest in learning, and also drove my team members to become active. My team always wins the first place.

Who said silence is gold? Silence is not necessarily gold. Even if gold is idle for a long time, it will be covered with dust and dirt. Let alone people. Don't let the lead cloud of silence squeeze your temperament.

We should dare to try hard and raise our hands. There are many things in life that we need to try to do, so that we can constantly improve ourselves, enrich ourselves, and make ourselves useful talents in society.

Try junior high school 600 (5)

I remember that on the New Year's Day this year, my family went to Beijing Huaibei International Ski Resort. The first time I came to such an international ski resort, it immediately brought me a sense of freshness, and it was also my long-awaited dream of skiing that was about to come true!

I can't wait to step into the "ice and snow", and see groups of adults and children skiing heartily. There are professional and non professional. For the first time, we chose the ski circle for safety. So my father went to rent a snow circle, and we lined up behind the long line below the slide. Looking up at the top of the slope, there are people sliding down and screaming from time to time. I wonder if they are afraid or excited? Anyway, my psychology has been afraid. Can I do it? But how can we know the taste without trying? Finally, it was my turn and my brother's turn. We held on tightly to the handle and did not dare to relax. Dad pulled the rope on the snow circle and slowly pushed us down the steep slope. With a "whoop", we were pushed down, ah! This is too fast. It's a dive! Suddenly, gusts of wind rushed in, and the snow circle was spinning faster and faster. My brother and I could not help closing our eyes, feeling extremely frightened, and kept screaming. The bottom of the ring rubs against the slide, and the sound of "claclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclaclacla. I can't help sighing that the exhaust volume of this "snowmobile" is really amazing! When we opened our eyes again, the snow circle had stopped steadily. I suddenly felt nothing to be afraid of, but it was fun and exciting.

I went back and forth again and again happily, and my fear had already gone out of my mind. I didn't know how many times I played back and forth before I reluctantly parted. This bold attempt has taught me how to be brave and what it means to try!

Try junior high school 600 (6)

It was a touching attempt today before PE class. "Where are the x people? Get in place quickly," and I was ready. My heart suddenly jumped up, my legs were a little soft, and I was inexplicably nervous. The PE teacher ran to us and said that we should compete four laps. At that time, the picture of thunder and dark clouds appeared in my mind, "Four laps! I usually only run two laps, and I don't know what to do. "A group of people flew past me like the wind, and I was still struggling with my will.

The teacher urged me to run faster, but because of the hot weather and weak body, I was about to give up. I wanted to stop running, so I took a few steps. I didn't want to give up. At the last moment, I continued to return to the race track.

I counted the number of laps in my heart. The next and last steps were three laps. I insisted, but I couldn't do it. When I started to run to the last half of the lap, I couldn't stand the torture of chest pain and weak feet. I cried out for sustenance, and my feet stopped. After a block, I heard from the opposite side, encouraging me to persist, Shouting: "Mr. X, run quickly, insist, insist again. I turned my head and found that it was my classmate, so and so". Thanks to his encouragement, I still firmly believe that as long as my perseverance is still there is nothing I can't do, no matter how uncomfortable my chest is and how hard my feet can't be lifted.

This is my attempt at a long-distance race. I will take it seriously and live up to the encouragement and support of my classmate.

The last few steps of the four laps have been completed by others. When I arrived at the end of the race, my classmates shouted with one voice, "Come on, I arrived at the end of the race.". My heart also relaxed. Fortunately, I was not the last one to pass the running test; I firmly believe that "persistence is victory".

This time let me understand that no matter what you do, as long as you stick to your belief, you will achieve the goal you want, and quickly defeat those "bad guys" who hinder you from going this way. No matter small or big, try hard to find out who you are.

More than once, I tried hard.