Interesting Food Festival (4 Collections)
Tell yourself to be strong
2024-03-10 05:51:07
fourth grade

Interesting Food Festival (1)

Today is our class's food festival. The scene was unusually lively. I am an employee of No. 8 Company. I took my own promotional products to sell to others. I opened the cover of the promotional products, and the aroma rushed into my nostrils. This is a dish with all colors, smells, and smells - a dish of fried ham with corn. I am often intoxicated. But now there is no time to have fun. There are "thousands" of food competitors around me. I'm a poor man now. I don't even have capital. I think I need "money". Maybe I can write some advertising words to attract customers, but I don't have any business experience. I'm still a business beggar. Wait a minute, hungry customers will queue up. Look at my customers coming.

"Zhu Keyi, come and taste it, it's a delicious dish!" "Oh? Yes, it looks delicious, and the color is very bright!" He ate a ham and corn kernels. "Yes, it tastes very good. This is 1 yuan 'money'. It belongs to you." Oh, I can't believe it. It's so smooth. I looked at my competitors. They were also very successful and got Xiuduo "money". I think I can't be silent any more. I need to promote advertising words, all advertising words that can attract customers. I shouted loudly, "Our store has a big clearance sale. If you have money to manage your belly, you have no money to appreciate it!" Sure enough, it attracted many customers.

My purse is bulging and burping. My belongings were cleaned to a minimum, leaving only debris.

My stomach is complaining. I think it's time to eat. I went to visit Li Laofan. The muffin he made was delicious, but it cost me a lot of money. My belly no longer complained, but the belly of the purse was half empty.

I think it's time to visit a competitor. I visited many competitors. Jiang Yongjie's food is really delicious, and he must have brought him a lot of money. Other people's money bags are sometimes more than others.

Food competition is really fierce. It is a world where the fittest live.

Interesting Food Festival (2)

When you walk into the campus, you must be able to smell an attractive fragrance. You must have a question. Why is there food on campus? You must want to know that this is the annual "Food Street" activity held by our school. Those greedy children like this activity best. No, since the beginning of the activity, many people have begun to implement their "eat and quit" plan. You see, the campus is packed with people everywhere.

At the beginning of the activity, the members of our group were all busy. Some of them set up shopping malls, some arranged food, and some issued leaflets to attract guests. All of them were very busy. Zhou Xinyi and I are going to hand out leaflets to attract customers. After a long time, half of the leaflets were sent out, but few people came. We wondered, "Why are there so many people in others' stalls, but our stalls are few?" Later, we saw that some older brothers and sisters were looking for some parents, and teachers came to promote. There are many people going to buy things from them, and the queue is like a long queue. There are many people everywhere. We learned a lesson and decided to disperse our attacks. well! Really right. The efficiency of publicity has been improved a lot, and there are more customers.

On my way to publicity, many friends were attracted by my leaflets and asked me to go to the sales place of our class one by one to help them buy food. I ran back and forth several times, sweating like a "porter." "Buy two and get one free!" Whenever I approached the sales area of our class, I would hear the cheering cries of my classmates, How hard they work! Of course, I won't let you down!

Now, our group's business is much more prosperous. Many people go to buy our group's food, and we make a lot of money. All members of our group are very happy. I am very grateful to the school for launching this "Food Street" activity, which made me realize that it is not easy for my parents to earn money. I made up my mind that I would never let my parents worry about me from now on.

3 yuan. It is the first time I have exchanged money with my own labor. Looking at it, I seem to see the smile of my parents. In the future, I will learn to be independent and take good care of myself, so that my parents won't have to work hard from now on. I will improve my grades, make them satisfied, and let my parents enjoy their old age.

Interesting Food Festival (3)

Today, my father took me to Puxi to play just in time for the Food Festival. I cheered up and finally got there after a while.

I can't wait to pull my father to accompany me, and I saw some wonderful pictures. There are many people there. There are a variety of things to look at. There are acrobatic performances, water parks, food paradise, and sneaking into the gates of death. It is thrilling and unforgettable. I saw the painting candy and ran to take out the coupon in my pocket. The boss drew a vivid phoenix for me. Dad took me to bungee jumping and tied me up with a safety belt. At first, I was just slightly frivolous. Dad encouraged me and helped me. Finally, I got up the courage to jump higher and higher, and forgot everything around me. I saw a large group of people around, trying to put their heads in, and some staff members were lifting the ball. I can do it when I see it. It's very funny! However, I threw it several times without hitting it. I was depressed and helpless. Dad told me: "Throw the ball to the painful side wall and slide down, the ball will not bounce out."

This food festival let me know some knowledge and opened my eyes to some delicious food that I had never eaten before. I will definitely come next time.

Interesting Food Festival (4)

The annual food festival has finally arrived, and I can't wait to say to my mother: "I want to go to the food street, I want to go to the food street!"

When I came to the street, I saw a sea of people and heavy traffic. The boss of the stall shouted: "We have sold sesame seed cakes. We have sold sesame seed cakes for five yuan each!" Another boss shouted: "Good maltose, good maltose, no money if not delicious!"

People crowded in front of the booth. Some shouted, "Give me one, give me one!" Some held food in one hand and ate another food in their mouth, as if they were afraid of missing any food. There are so many people, one crowding the other, and the other crowding the other, which makes the food street crowded and the stalls full.

I came to the maltose stall, squeezed in and shouted, "I want one, I want one!" I watched my aunt draw the head of the animal with maltose, then the body, and finally the tail. I picked up the maltose and ate it with relish. Later, I came to the stall of the chicken chops, and I saw a piece of chicken chops fried in oil. Soon, a piece of delicious chicken chops came out of the oven!

I like the food festival, so I am reluctant to leave. I really hope that the next food festival will come soon.