Describe Christmas (Collection 19)
the garden is full of the vigour of springtime
2024-05-06 04:06:58
high school

Describe Christmas (1)

When -- when -- the new clock that the frog gave to the toad rang twice, it was twelve o'clock, the toad took out the holiday gift for the frog, and the frog happily opened the gift box, ah! It turned out to be a small lotus shaped bag. The pink and pink bag was very beautiful. The frog said gratefully, "My best friend, Toad, thank you for giving me a holiday gift. It's really beautiful. I like it so much! Don't worry, I will treasure it."

After delivering the gifts, they began to decorate the room. Toad hung the Christmas tree full and bright. Frog hung the newly bought Santa socks on the head of the bed. Everything was arranged. They sat by the fire and warmed up. Because they were too tired, they baked and fell into a sweet dream.

The next day, just after daybreak, they got up quickly and looked into the Christmas stockings. The big and small gift boxes were extremely exquisite. The frog thought that this must be the gift that Santa Claus secretly put in when we were asleep last night. The toad was very happy! So, we made a large table of delicious and nutritious breakfast. After breakfast, they went skiing again. It was getting dark, and it was time for frogs to go home. They were reluctant to part with each other and said goodbye. How they wanted to have a happy Christmas again!

This is really a difficult Christmas!

Describe Christmas (2)

The long-awaited Christmas has finally arrived. Bear and his friends are looking forward to this day every day. Sometimes a bear dreams of playing with his friends.

On Christmas Day, the bear was very happy. Early in the morning, he put on his lovely Christmas hat and beautiful clothes to find his friends. As soon as I opened the door, I was surprised by the scenery in front of me. White is everywhere outside the house. The snowflakes flying all over the sky are so beautiful, so charming, and so desirable, which makes bears feel as if they have entered the kingdom of ice and snow.

Bear and his friends played a lot of snowballs in the snow and chased each other in the snow. They had a good time. They also made two snow children. Because they made one, Bear was afraid that it would be lonely, so Bear and his friends decided to make two snow children. In order not to make the snow children feel cold, they made hats and clothes for the two snow children. Little Bear and his friends sang happy songs around the two snow children. Snow children felt warm and smiled sweetly.

In the evening, after the Christmas dinner, the bear and his friends danced beside the Christmas tree in the twinkling light. They had a good time and felt very happy!

Describe Christmas (3)

Christmas is coming. When I got up early this morning, I was also looking forward to getting Father Christmas's gifts at night. Although I didn't see Father Christmas himself, I think he must be a kind and smiling old woman, because he brought so much expectation and happiness to everyone.

On the Christmas of 20xx, I really want a box of small toys in Treasure Hunt as a gift. Because my friends all have boxes of small toys like that, I just hope to get a box of small toys like that. If that is the case, I will be too excited to sleep.

If Santa Claus did send me a box of such small toys, I think I would definitely share them with my classmates, and also play with my cousin and daughter-in-law. Because my mother said that good products should be shared with everyone. I like this gift very much. I also want to share it with my partner.

I hope Father Christmas can achieve my wish in the case of Christmas, so that I can take the gifts he sent me and enjoy delicious and high-level Christmas dinner with my parents. Thank you, Father Christmas, so that I can have a wonderful day.

Describe Christmas (4)

Christmas is a happy and romantic festival. There are snowflakes floating in the sky and they are dancing with the wind. Santa Claus is on his way to send presents to the children with his sleigh.

There must be bright lights on the Christmas pedestrian street, colorful neon lights are changing and shining, and people are all wrapped up very thick and plump. You can see the bright smile on everyone's face, and hats, scarves and gloves of different styles are the same. Everyone is really smiling.

There is no stranger here at Christmas. Those who know or don't know each other bless each other. The white weapons slowly rise, overflowing everyone's. Save yourself, they are very light. The secluded street is another experience. Occasionally, you can hear the "squeaking" sound of stepping on snow. If it gets farther and farther, accompanied by the rustling sound of snowflakes, it looks like a low-key piano music, soft and beautiful. Under the yellowed street lamp, two figures, the boy holding the girl's hand and breathing, the girl's cheeks were red, and the boy would be clumsy with his hands from time to time

The beautiful picture always makes me want to cry. Most of the time, those too beautiful things in my imagination always make me retreat. Maybe they are too aware of their illusory nature, so they only think about it alone and never think about what to achieve. I don't know whether this is a kind of sorrow, a kind of pain that will not be able to party. I don't know whether this is due to my cowardice or too cruel. However, fortunately, I still have a full bag of meetings at least. Those beautiful meetings will always be deeply embedded in my heart.

Christmas in memory is less romantic, but more feeling. Just like an essay, it is not too beautiful, but full of light truth. Subconsciously, western festivals are always romantic, flying like gorgeous music. In fact, it's just an excuse for me to play games with a group of kids who don't know anything but pretend to be adults. I remember clearly that today before, everyone was busy sending greeting cards. A small piece of Zhang Linlang's full of cardboard cards will always be very happy and a little proud when they are carried higher and higher. Looking at the piles of cards with different sizes and crooked handwriting, those simple blessings will be satisfied and ruthlessly satisfied. My heart will be warm, like the golden sunshine of winter Li. At this moment, I forgot that there was little left in my savings for a long time, and I forgot the pain of just falling down, but I just remembered to smile, silly smile, which warmed the earth, the world, and the hearts of everyone around me. Before going to bed, I didn't forget to put a thick stack beside my pillow. On the top card, there was a lovely Kitty's smile, which was very charming.

Near Christmas, we are looking forward to the happiness and romance of Christmas.

Describe Christmas (5)

The surprise and joy of Christmas

"Jingle, jingle, jingle..." A beautiful music haunts my ears. In my sleep, I was thinking: Is it really Santa Claus coming to give me a gift? I must be dreaming! What a dream! It's better not to wake up in this dream. I desperately close my eyes, hoping to stay in this warm dream for a while

I rolled over. Ah! I felt something hairy. I woke up from my dream. It's a plush dog in a skirt! It has a pink bow on its head and a pair of black eyes, which are so cute!

"Mom, I received a gift from Santa Claus! I shouted.

Mom slowly opened her eyes, but when she saw this lovely plush dog, her mouth became "O" shaped with surprise. She said to herself, "How can it be a puppy?"

At this time, my father came into our room. He smiled at my mother mysteriously. My mother pointed at my father and said, "I see!"

"Smile, look under your pillow!" My mother said to me with a smile.

"Under the pillow!" I quickly opened the pillow.

Wow! It's a beautiful bag and a letter. I can't wait to open the letter:

Liang Ziyu's children:


Happy Christmas is coming, I come to your home quietly. I know you are a good child who is considerate and loves learning very much. I put my Christmas gift beside your pillow. I hope you like it!

Santa Claus

I'll open the bag quickly, ah! It's the headdress chain I've been longing for! The exquisite headdress chain is inlaid with pink diamonds. It sparkles under the light, so beautiful!

Is it really a gift from Santa Claus? Looking at these gifts, it suddenly occurred to me that a few days ago, my mother asked me what I wanted from Santa Claus? My mother borrowed colored paper from me at noon yesterday

oh Oh, I see! My dear parents are Santa Claus who give me happiness and surprise!

"Dad, Mom, thank you!" I put my arms around them.

"Thank you, Dad! It not only brings you a surprise, but also surprises me!" Mother said with a smile.

Jingle, jingle, jingle... I hold my dear father and mother in my arms and let the tears of excitement flow on my face

Describe Christmas (6)

Looking forward to Christmas

Of all the festivals, Christmas is my favorite. On this special day, crystal snowflakes are flying all over the sky, wonderful Christmas carols are ringing in my ears, and children are sitting around the shining Christmas tree, eager to open gift boxes and harvest surprise and love. Whenever I think of this, I begin to look forward to the arrival of Christmas.

Before Christmas every time, I will go shopping with my mother for all kinds of decorations, including white snowflakes, colorful garlands, shiny colored balls... Of course, a shining Christmas tree is indispensable. After returning with a full load, I began to decorate the Christmas tree with my parents without taking a break.

"Mom, hang this bell on the top of the tree."

"Oh, here is a little snowman. Put it with the deer."

At night, looking at the beautiful Christmas tree, I lay in bed for a long time and couldn't sleep, wondering: Will Santa Claus come? How did he get in? chimney? No, we don't have a chimney. window? It's also wrong. The doors and windows are tightly closed. Can he pass through the wall? By the way, he is an immortal. He must have flown in! I imagine that the kind Santa Claus drives the strong reindeer, waves the whip, drives the sledge through the white wall to my house, takes out the gift from the bulging pocket, puts it under the Christmas tree quietly, and then runs to the next child's home without stopping.

In the early morning of Christmas, I always wake up early. I look around under the Christmas tree and in the red socks hanging on the wall and find a beautiful gift box. When I pick up the gift, I feel I am the happiest child in the world.

Ringing the bell, I seem to hear a string of clear bell ringing from far to near, Santa Claus will start a happy journey again. Magic Christmas, come quickly!

Describe Christmas (7)

Today is Christmas Eve. Let me tell you the origin of Christmas Eve.

Singing Christmas songs on Christmas Eve is an ancient tradition; According to incomplete statistics, there are about 1000 recorded Christmas songs in the world; More than 50 songs have been sung for a long time, and the most famous Christmas song is Silent Night. This song has 6 sections in total. Usually, 3 sections are popular (the first, second and sixth sections in the original work). The lyrics of the first section basically mean: Christmas Eve, holy night/ Everyone rests in peace/ The kindly curly haired son,/sleep, in the wonderful tranquility,/sleep, in the wonderful tranquility. The first sentence is "Christmas Eve", so the song is also called "Christmas Eve". Since then, Christmas Eve has been named "Christmas Eve"

China is also not a traditional country. However, Hong Kong and Macao were respectively influenced by Britain and Portugal during the colonial period. Christmas Eve is a day that young people, children and even all people will celebrate. Hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong citizens will go to Jiandong to enjoy the Christmas lights and eat buffet in hotels; Many people will exchange gifts on Christmas Eve. Young couples will go to Tsimshatsui to enjoy the Christmas lights, hold Christmas parties, or go to Lan Kwai Fong and other places to celebrate. Christian bishops will attend religious gatherings such as good news. Christmas Eve also made many young people "taste the forbidden fruit" on that night, so there is a local saying "Christmas Eve, Lost Night". Hong Kong Family Planning Guidance Association, mothers' choices and other organizations receive many help every year. In Macao, the streets and alleys in December are decorated with a strong European Christmas atmosphere. Christmas trees, mangers, ribbons and lights can be seen everywhere. On Christmas Eve, young people form a group to go shopping in the central area. They also like to go to the meeting pavilion and Dasanba Memorial Archway to enjoy the Christmas News organized by the Catholic Church and Christ respectively. At midnight, Catholic churches in all parishes of Macao hold Christmas midnight mass respectively, especially the largest number of bishops. Christmas bells are heard all over the city. Even non Catholic citizens like to feel the religious atmosphere of Christmas in churches. The imperial district of Macao is also crowded like Quarry, and young people go to bars to celebrate the festival.

After listening to my introduction, do you have a certain understanding of Christmas Eve? Let's have a happy Christmas Eve!

Describe Christmas (8)

I have been touched many times, and the most touching thing happened on Christmas Day.

"Christmas is coming! I really hope to receive the gift from Father Christmas!" I said to my mother with great expectation. Mother smiled and replied, "Yes! Will he come?" "I believe he will!" I said firmly.

The next day, I took my mother and asked her to take me to the boutique to see the gifts. I skipped to the boutique. The beautiful gifts dazzled people. After repeated comparisons, I selected two gifts I dreamed of. I hope Santa Claus can fulfill my wish and give them to me. Then I went home happily.

On Christmas Eve, I hung a pink sock on the windowsill, made a mischievous face to my parents, and ran to sleep.

I slept soundly. That night I had a dream that Grandpa Christmas drove his car to my house and scattered a handful of stars in my socks. The stars became a gift I wanted. Grandpa Christmas smiled and went to other people's homes.

In the morning, as soon as I woke up, I flew to the balcony and found that there was really a gift in my socks. I was surprised to call my parents. They smiled and looked at me as if they were blessing me.

A few days later, when my mother mentioned it again, I said to her mischievously, "Mom, in fact, I had already guessed that you gave the gift, and you are my" Santa Claus "!" My mother was surprised and said, "You little monster, you have seen through!" It turned out that after I looked after the gift, my mother secretly went to the boutique to buy the gift. After I fell asleep, she quietly put the gift in the socks.

I know that my mother did this to make me happy, let me have a happy childhood, have a good memory.

Mother is the "Santa Claus" who can bring me happiness and joy.

Describe Christmas (9)

In the morning, Xiao Tian, Xiao Ming, Le Le and Ge Ge went to Xixi's house together, because they took turns to spend Christmas at whose house. It's Xixi Family's turn this year. They knocked on the door of Xixi's house, pushed the door, and saw a big Christmas tree in the living room. How beautiful the Christmas tree is! The green leaves, like a tall pagoda, are hung with colored lights, small gift boxes and small balls, and there is a shining star on the top of the tree.

They happily enjoyed the Christmas dinner with Xixi, and ate cakes, biscuits, apples and so on. The piglets waited for 12:00 to arrive and sang the Christmas song together. They wished each other a better and happier life in the new year.

Describe Christmas (10)

When the birds were dreaming in their nests and the earth was still rubbing its bleary eyes, I had already rushed into school with a large bag of food. Because today our class will hold a "Christmas Carnival" get-together.

When we entered the classroom, the students had made full preparations, but we didn't realize that our class was a place where tigers hide dragons. The versatile students showed their respective skills: the dancer xxx had carefully planned the national dance; Crosstalk master xxx also personally created a unique campus crosstalk; The story king xxx has also selected a moving story. Several painting masters have drawn many snowflakes, balloons and pennants on the blackboard. The snowflakes are flying, balloons are flying, and colorful flags are flying. The classroom immediately has a warm and festive atmosphere. In order to give a wonderful performance, the students in our class have been very busy.

In the afternoon, the long-awaited time finally arrived, and the get-together began! Teacher X, the head teacher, made a short opening speech passionately, and then a piece of beautiful music sounded. In the beautiful music, a beautiful and light "peacock" is dancing gracefully. As the rhythm of the music changes, the "peacock" is dancing, with the phoenix chirping and raising its head, and the posture of a hundred birds courting the phoenix. I am so fascinated that even the candy that is going to be imported is locked to my mouth

After a dance, the crosstalk master xxx appeared in front of everyone with her hands turned against her back and the classic official step in an arrogant manner, which is the opposite of her usual affinity in the class. I could not help laughing when I first saw the person without hearing his voice. The chameleon in my mouth had already flown out of the "tiger's mouth". When she finished a funny cross talk with self intoxication and relish, the students below had already been laughed down by her.

The rich and colorful programs are continuous and wonderful, which is really a good show. Applause and laughter flooded the whole classroom. At the end of the get-together, I suddenly found that there were few snacks left that I had coveted since the morning. Alas! Today's feast for the eyes is not accompanied by feast for the mouth. But don't worry. At the next get-together, I will be sure to enjoy it and taste it.

Describe Christmas (11)

It's Christmas again, and I have received many Christmas gifts. At this time, I suddenly remembered an article I read the other day. Its name is Amy's Christmas Wish, which tells me a profound truth about life.

The story is about a 9-year-old girl named Amy. Hagen Doss, she is a cerebral palsy, so when she grows up, she will walk with a limp on her right leg. She hates the way others laugh at her walking, so she is inferior. Her greatest wish is to have a day without being laughed at. Just as the radio was going to hold a Christmas wish contest, writing a wish to Santa Claus might win a prize, so she wrote her greatest wish. After seeing her unusual wish, the head of the radio station was shocked. He thought that the whole city should be made aware of the unusual wish of this special girl. So the director dialed the phone of the local newspaper.

The next day, Amy's photo and her letter to Santa Claus appeared in the newspaper. The story soon spread all over the country, and nearly 200000 people sent blessings and encouragement, friendship and support to Amy. She no longer felt lonely. The mayor of Amy's city named the day "Amy Hagen Doss Day". The mayor said, "Everyone wants to be respected, understood and cared for by others. We have the responsibility to realize this most beautiful wish..."

After reading Amy's story, I couldn't help thinking of Li Yixian, a seventh grader in our school. She suffered from spinal muscular atrophy, but her teachers and classmates not only didn't cancel her, but also helped and encouraged her to fight against the disease and travel in the ocean of knowledge... I think Li Yixian has realized Amy's Christmas wish and hopes that more unfortunate people can get more care and respect.

Amy's Christmas Wish gave me an inspiration: being a person should not only have a heart of love, but also know how to care for others. It is the happiest thing in life to help those who need help with my own meager strength.

I made my Christmas wish and hope that more people in our group will care and respect the disabled.

Describe Christmas (12)

On a happy Christmas day, shopping malls or mass merchandisers are crowded with people buying gifts or accessories. It's really overwhelming. Even a small ant can't get in. I hope everyone will not be squeezed.

Speaking of Christmas gifts, I most want a rabbit doll and a small basketball machine. Why? Because these are my cousin's two most coveted gifts, I tried to seduce my cousin several times and asked him: Do you want a tablet? He said no, and I was stunned for a moment. Since then, I must make his dream come true, so his dream is also my dream. Seeing his happiness filled me with joy, I was elated. I hope I can have these two Christmas gifts this time.

I begged that when I received a gift from my father, I would take care of these two gifts carefully and protect them carefully to prevent them from being damaged; My sister didn't receive the gift she liked. She was very sad, but her family promised to help her fulfill her dream. When she heard the encouragement from her parents, my sister broke down into tears and smiled with relief, and regained her liveliness and cheerfulness.

My relatives all received unexpected gifts, and I was no exception. I was so happy that my cousin came to me and made me angry. Fortunately, my grandma stopped me. Otherwise, my cousin would be flattened like a black caviar, and even my cousin almost lost control. Then the big aunt said that the three of us were so happy that the hotel was shaking! Suddenly came a "light bulb", the most mischievous cousin, which made the atmosphere of the whole room very cold. After a minute, everyone gathered in a group to discuss the matter. The content was to drive the light bulb out of the door. Later, everyone said one sentence after another that the light bulb was red in the face. Then they left with a whimper, and everyone just danced and talked and laughed like before.

Christmas is a festival of joy, as well as a festival of giving gifts and sharing happiness. Here we wish everyone: everything comes true, and everyone receives their unexpected favorite!

Describe Christmas (13)

Every time I celebrate Christmas, I will never forget this little girl. She told me that the world needs to be strong and smile to face every setback.

I remember that when I was 8 years old, it was Christmas Day on December 25. My mother and father invited many guests to spend the busy Christmas together. Of course, those guests also brought their own children. Those children were one or two years older than me. My personality was more withdrawn, so I had no common language with them, Seeing my father and mother only take care of those guests, I forgot my existence, so I had to go downstairs with my head down. The pure and soft snow was falling in the dark sky, like a picture. The snowflakes slowly floated on my face, and I felt a sense of coolness. I could not help sitting on the cold swing, looking at the happy Santa Claus on every household, and feeling the excitement inside. Just when I was most lonely, a little girl came and sat beside me quietly, I think it must be just enough trouble to relax! The little girl looked at my sad face and said to me: What's wrong with you, sister? I just said: nothing. But the little girl still patiently asked: Sister, don't lie to me, I can see it. What a lovely, simple voice came to my ears again. I told the little girl about my troubles, and she saw a drop of bright tears flowing down her cheek and said to me heavily: Sister, you are very happy. I asked inexplicably: happiness? Do you think I'm happy like this? The little girl said to me: Yes! At least you have a perfect family, with your parents to spend Christmas with you, and I don't have this opportunity... The little girl doesn't want to go on, but my curiosity drives me to ask her: Why? She said: My father took away his memory of the world and his precious life in a car accident, but left behind my mother who worked hard in the busy day. I waited on the swing for my mother to come off work to accompany me for Christmas. I was stunned. I couldn't believe that such an optimistic little girl had suffered such a big setback for the first time in her life. But the strong little girl just smiled at the warmth in every window of every house. I stood up and said to the little girl, "Wait a minute.". I quickly ran to my room to get my gift for my sister. I gave it to her and said to her: You and I will not be alone. This is a Christmas gift for you. The little girl took the gift and said shyly, "Thank you.".

In fact, I should say thank you. She told me to cherish everyone around me, and she told me to face life with a smile.

The Christmas song sounded. The ethereal melody swirled over the city, mingled with elegant notes, and slowly flowing blessings filled the dreams of returning people. Deer sledges came with the blessing of Jesus.

There is no snow all over the sky in my city. At Christmas, there is no snowflake falling from the sky, like a grand death show. Of course, this is not a bad thing. The gentle fall of white snowflakes always adds some sorrow to some people. On the wonderful night of Christmas, I just need to see the fireworks blooming for a short time, which is enough for me to treasure the small happiness of the whole winter.

The impression of Christmas is always so comfortable and pleasant. The impression of December is completely free from the cold of winter, only the warmth of spring. The last bouquet of plum blossoms in primary school opens on Christmas, the festival when plum blossoms should open.

Every day, no matter who you are, the table will be filled with greeting cards and words of blessing. The distance is smeared with colored crayons, matched with the swirling snow, presenting the innocence of Christmas. After school, all the students bought ribbons and balloons at the stalls, and decorated the classroom and every road they walked through in the heavy snow. The school lost its dignity in the past and replaced it with the strong atmosphere of Christmas, as well as the long lost tranquility, elegance and fragrance

In the plum blossom season, there is joy everywhere, leaving behind the fierce competition in ordinary days. On the spotless Christmas day in primary school, everyone worked together and filled the classroom with ribbons and flowers, and the friends who came to school were always buried with laughter. This smile is not an April Fool's Day laugh, this smile is not a Children's Day smile, not to mention the arrogant pride of victory. Then look at the mountains of greeting cards on the desk and the "Merry Christmas" of our friends. A homelike warm current flows into our hearts, making us feel very warm. It is estimated that the festival of western flowers blooming is no different when it is introduced to East Asia!

Oh, Christmas, you western immigrants, how much laughter was pinned on our new generation of young people? You are snow. When the wintersweet blossoms, you come and go silently. You are the wind, without a trace, but ignite the festival laughter. You are still a pure heart, showing more and more light in the increasingly dirty corner. You throw childish laughter in the snow, melting flakes of snow, melting the debris in people's hearts. Her name is Christmas, and her glory is engraved in my heart. Remember her appearance, but also remember her smile. In the elegant atmosphere of Christmas in the past, who would not be infected? I vaguely remember that the laughter opened and fell with the wintersweet.

I love you, Christmas.

Describe Christmas (14)

This Christmas, I will never forget.

In the morning, the first came to the class. When I was about to put my schoolbag in the drawer, I saw a beautiful piece of paper in the drawer. Can't wait to open, "Ah! Santa's letter!" Look carefully, there is a dollar coin inside.

The students came into the classroom one after another, and most of them found surprises in their drawers. Although the letter said it was from Santa Claus, my classmates and I knew that it was from Mr. Zhang and Mr. Lu. We are still very happy! At noon, the students began to decorate the classroom and prepare for the Christmas party in the afternoon English class. They brought many decorations: colorful bells, beautiful stars, beautiful ribbons, all kinds of Santa Claus... We were busy every minute. In a short time, the classroom was set up. When Mr. Zhang walked into the classroom, he was fascinated by the "beautiful scenery" in front of him.

Dangdang, dangdang! Dangdang, dangdang! Class! The bell has just gone, and the English teacher is here! We quickly took out the prepared snacks. "All right! All right! Please be quiet. Our party begins!" Next, it is time for the students to show their talents.

Describe Christmas (15)

Yesterday afternoon, I went to Century Yingcai to have an English class.

As soon as I entered the classroom, the room was crowded with students' parents. I found that the whole classroom was decorated with various Christmas decorations. I also found that there was a large bag of strawberry flavored lollipops on the table next to the blackboard, and there was a large bag of snacks under the feet of my deskmate. When I asked, I knew that today was Christmas. I have been thinking: Why don't I know to bring snacks? The teacher said to all of us, "I didn't add the Feixin from the parents of several students, and I called the parents of those students who didn't add the Feixin. If you don't know to bring snacks, it will be an old thing." I was a little sad, but I suddenly found that my English bag was bulging. I brought up my English bag and found a big bag of snacks and some fruits in my English help. I was so happy. My mother didn't forget to tell me, but gave me a big surprise.

The first class we had with our parents was about awarding awards and telling our parents about our learning. The teacher saw many winners, among which I appeared four times, indicating that I had won four awards. I was very happy. I looked back at my own mother, who smiled at me. When I looked back, I was very excited because this was my mother's first time to attend the parents' meeting of my English learning. After class, my mother came over and said that I did well in this class. After a few words with the teacher, I left.

The second class is the first time I have ever had an English class. We spent the whole class eating, drinking and playing. We are playing interesting English games and eating delicious snacks, not to mention how happy we are. We remember the most deeply that a game is a game of passing through a hurdle. You can use your own words to attack the enemy. For example, if you speak cake English, it is equivalent to beating people with cakes. The beaten people must make the action of being hit.

Yesterday's English class was really great, and the English class before Christmas was really great. When will the next one arrive? I'm looking forward to it.

Describe Christmas (16)

Today is Christmas. There is an activity held in the multimedia classroom. Ten people from each class will attend it. I was not selected, and I was a little depressed. But the activity in the afternoon drove my unhappiness out of my mind.

In the afternoon, the teacher wiped the blackboard clean, hung a colorful ribbon on the blackboard, and asked me to sit down with Kuang Xiang, Tang Yijie and Jiang Huimin to draw on the blackboard. The teacher asked us to write the four characters of Merry Christmas first, and then draw as we wanted. We unanimously elected Tang Yijie to write. Tang Yijie used four different colors of chalk to write the four characters of Merry Christmas. The blackboard suddenly became very beautiful. We used colored chalk to draw on the blackboard again, and the blackboard became a beautiful picture.

After drawing, the teacher asked us to guess riddles. The teacher didn't even think out a few riddles. Later, the clever Kuang Xiang had an idea and came up with several riddles. The teacher rewarded him with a mechanical pencil and a box of refills. I answered two riddles correctly, and the teacher awarded me a notebook.

After guessing the riddle, the teacher asked the students to perform on the stage. I perform a joke poem. Sunshine censer produces purple smoke, and the toilet is in front. In a flash, Kuang Xiang became a eunuch. The students laughed and even the teacher couldn't help laughing. Zou Qi came on stage to sing a song, and I also rode to patrol. We'll sing along with him when he heads together. Cheerful songs filled the whole classroom. We are like a group of cheerful skylarks flying in the Christmas sky.

When I got home, my mother gave me a green Christmas tree with many small gifts hanging on it and many shining strawberry lights. I jumped up with joy.

In the evening, I put my socks under my pillow and waited for Grandpa Christmas to give me a gift. The next morning, I found a small snowman in one sock, and a stationery box with a bookshelf on the other sock. I was very surprised. I thought: Is this really a gift from Grandpa Christmas? It's incredible.

I am very happy this Christmas. I can deposit 990 cents in the Happy Bank!

Describe Christmas (17)

Dear Santa Claus

Hello! Nicholas, the owner of the Arctic. I guess you must be very busy. Otherwise, how could you hear my prayers every year? Otherwise, how could you just stop giving gifts to my Christmas tree? How I want to see a card with "MrC" on the gift placed under the Christmas tree every year. One year of expectation, one year of disappointment. Every year, I happily decorate the Christmas tree. I ask many people to get the biggest Christmas tree, and carefully hang crutches, candy, bows and, of course, bells on it. Whenever I hear the sound of "jingling bells", I will imagine you riding a sled pulled by elk, riding the colorful northern lights, wearing a big red cotton padded jacket, coming out of my chimney, putting gifts into the big socks I prepared, and receiving the candy and greedy gift list I gave you. With a kind and amiable smile, he touched his long white beard and climbed out of the chimney. How happy I am, even if I clearly know that this is not our Chinese festival, even if I clearly understand that this is just a fantasy.

Every year, it is always my parents who receive my gift list. They will order a lot of expensive gifts under the magnificent Christmas tree. Yes, I don't care about Children's Day and birthday. Even when other children happily beg for red envelopes from their elders during the Spring Festival, I am decorating the Christmas tree last year. Lying under the Christmas tree and looking at the ceiling helplessly, I don't know what the true spirit of Christmas is. Maybe it is to firmly believe in the existence of Christmas, maybe it is to keep a complete childlike innocence, or maybe it is to cherish the people around me, and get together on Christmas Eve. That is all. I still look forward to Christmas every year. My mother always smiles at me and believes a fairy tale that may not exist at all. Mr. Sheng, this is true, isn't it? Christmas really exists for people who believe in it.

I am writing to you today. Although I don't know if you will still not come to see me this Christmas, I want to know what the true meaning of Christmas is? I don't even know where to send this letter, Mr. Saint, where can I find you?

Merry Christmas to you!

Describe Christmas (18)

Cold winter comes to the world unconsciously. It was unusually cold on Christmas Eve. As it was about to snow, Xiao Rou stood by the window in thick clothes. A cold wind blew, and the windows were thumping, and it began to snow.

It's beautiful! Xiaorou cried out and looked at the falling snowflakes. Xiaorou could not help but drag his weak body to the outside. The cold wind is blowing. But Xiaorou didn't feel a bit cold, because the falling snow gave him warmth.

By the way, my mother likes snowflakes best. I've been ill these days, and my mother has been taking care of me, but I haven't had a good look at the snow. Thinking about it, Xiao Rou can't help feeling sorry for her mother. Xiaorou took out her wish bottle from her arms and put a snowflake in the sky, hoping to give it to her mother.

Xiao Rou hurries home after loading the snowflakes. The cold wind is blowing, as if Xiao Rou has swallowed them up. Xiao Rou braved the wind and walked with difficulty step by step. Ah, a small stone tripped Xiao Rou, and blood and snow overflowed from her hands. Xiaorou ignored her own pain and crept to the bottle face, looking at it again and again. Seeing that Xiao Ping was OK, he began to hurry again.

The short road on weekdays is very long today. Xiaorou hurried on, never realizing that she was going in the wrong direction. When Xiao Rou came to her senses, she was far away from home. He turned the other direction and continued to go home. I don't know how long it took him to finally go.

Mother waited anxiously in front of the door, and when she saw Xiao Rou coming back, her mother's heart was hanging. He quickly stepped forward to blame the strange way: child, where have you been? Do you know mother is worried to death. You are so sick and still running away. Do you want to kill your mother.

Xiaorou looked up at her mother and said in a weak voice: Don't be angry, mother. Mom likes snowflakes. I have specially loaded them for you. Xiaorou takes out the bottle with her red hand. Eh? Snowflake? There is only some water left in the bottle. Xiao Rou was holding the bottle and was about to cry.

Mother took the bottle, stroked Xiaorou's head and said with a smile, "It's OK. Mother has the most beautiful snowflakes in the world.". Before my mother had finished speaking, a glistening tear fell down her cheek.

The snow is still falling and the wind is still blowing. But there was no cold on Xiao Rou's and her mother's faces. He and his mother had warm snow flying in their hearts.

Describe Christmas (19)

Did you eat an apple the night before yesterday? Yesterday, did you receive a gift from Santa Claus? I guess you must have received it. Because yesterday, Santa Claus also put some gifts in my chimney. I'm really happy!

Every Christmas, we play new tricks. This year is no exception. I'm going to the Christmas party to have a good time.

I remember last year, I attended an English party. Our teachers and classmates were in the activity room and played until 12 o'clock in the evening. The moon rose overhead. On that day, I went home alone and walked on the street. The only thing accompanying me was the faint light from the street lamp beside the road. I was usually timid, but I was not afraid at that time. I felt as if I was sitting on the sleigh of Santa Claus. It was the strong Mr. Deer who pulled the sleigh, as if I was not on the ground, but in a fairyland. With the company of Santa Claus, it was really not cold that night.

Christmas, Christmas, of course, is the Christmas tree, Christmas trees are generally pine trees. When I was young, I always asked my parents why Santa didn't live in a tree? At this time, my parents always say to me: "Santa is too fat. When he gives gifts to others, everyone gives him many delicious things to thank him. Santa eats and eats and fattens himself. If he lives in a tree, the tree will be crushed. So, Santa usually lives in his own hut." It's funny to think about this now, But that must have brought me a lot of joy.

Best wishes for you at Christmas:

Hi, kiss! The previous Christmas cards are out of date and not environmentally friendly, so this year, I decided to write my blessings directly on the RMB. Last night, I fried two eggs, and I ate one. Today, I will give you a Christmas (leftover eggs). ha-ha!

dear! Merry Christmas!