Self protection (18 in general)
Butterflies fly
2023-11-15 02:33:48
Grade 6

Self protection (1)

When Liangliang's birthday came, her mother went to buy a gift for her, and her father went to buy a cake for her. Liangliang was alone at home, and her parents stressed again and again: "Don't climb the window, don't open the door for strangers, life only comes once, and cherish it."

Mom and Dad had just left, and only heard the sound of "Dong, Dong, Dong" knocking at the door.

Liang Liang heard this and hurried to the door and asked politely, "Who is it. The man smiled and said, "I am your father's friend."

Liangliang anxiously said to himself, "What should I do, He shouted: "I think you are pretending." Liang Liang suddenly looked foolish. Fortunately, he didn't say it, otherwise, the stranger would say that he was alone at home.

Liangliang came up with a solution again. He said to the stranger, "You were talking loudly just now. I had an uncle who was working as a policeman. He had just caught the thief in the morning and was taking a rest at my house!" The stranger was stunned and looked through the crack of the door. He saw that the bedroom was facing the door and found that there was no one on the bed. Liangliang was completely stunned when he learned that the stranger had seen through the plan again. The stranger saw that if he didn't open the door, he would be tough if he was too soft. He said viciously, "If you don't open the door, I will find a tool to open the door." Liang Liang thought he could delay as long as possible! He deliberately lied to the stranger and said, "My parents locked the door, and I'll get the key right away." Liang Liang hurried to call 110. The man saw Liang Liang calling in the crack of the door, and he must be calling 110. He was about to escape. At that moment, the alarm siren sounded downstairs. Don't panic in the stranger, and he fled as a civilian. Although she didn't catch the stranger, Liangliang protected herself and saved her life.

Self protection (2)

My mother once taught me a way: Don't be afraid when you are lost, use your brain and learn to protect yourself. Today, I really live to learn.

Early this morning, we went to see the new house. We set out with Shuhao, the dog. I stroked Shuhao's head and imagined what our new home would be like on the road.

Soon, we came to our new home. I found this community very beautiful, so I couldn't help turning around. I felt strange to everything and became very curious, so I took the bookseller everywhere. As this is a new community, the whole yard is almost empty and quiet. When Shuhao and I walked on a secluded path, I suddenly found that my mother and father were missing. I was very nervous and began to bring Shuhao to find my mother and father again. Suddenly, I found a figure sneaking behind me. Is it difficult for someone to follow me? My heart "clucked" for a moment, and the scene of encountering bad people that I usually heard came into my mind immediately: trafficking, kidnapping... I couldn't think of it. I looked back with fear. I saw an uncle wearing a pair of sunglasses, which made me feel very afraid. Is he a bad person? I tried to get rid of him, but he followed me like a magnet. I was scared! But I was bluffing and acting calm, and I suddenly remembered what my mother had taught me.

Self protection (3)

Learn to protect yourself and cherish life.

One day, I was walking on my way home when I heard a strange voice shouting, "You are Yang Yulin.", Never make friends with a crooked person whose hair is dyed pink and who has a cigarette in his mouth. He doesn't look like my father's friend. He can't be a trafficker.

My body twitched and I was in a cold sweat. I was smart and asked him: What's my father's name? "He hemmed and hawed for a long time, but didn't understand a word. He said," I forgot your father's name. Your father asked me to get my wallet quickly. He was in urgent need! "I got his words out and knew that he was a liar. I said," OK, you go with me, and I'll take you to get your wallet. "He could be very happy and think I was fooled, but you were wrong. I led him across several streets, around several alleys, to the gate of the police station, and said to him, "My house is here, go in, get my wallet?" He turned and ran without saying a word. I said to myself, "Hum, small sample, fight with me, you are tender."

Self protection (4)

Human is fragile, so is life, so human should learn to protect themselves.

We primary school students should learn to protect ourselves. I once heard a story about a primary school student who went into the river without listening to his parents' instructions. As a result, he was swallowed up by the merciless sea. Every month, every year, I don't know how many people lost their lives because of the sea, earthquake, tsunami, fire and other disasters. So we should learn to protect ourselves.

Our primary school students are the pillars of our country and the support of our families. We can't lose our lives because we didn't learn to protect ourselves, so we should learn to protect ourselves. Have you seen the Flower of Wisdom? Maria, the hero, saved three little boys who were electrified. She saved them by protecting her knowledge and wisdom. Another hero, Jiang Xue, reported that an aunt sold deteriorated ice lollies and saved the students. This is to save many people by protecting themselves, wisdom, love and courage.

There is only one life. We should cherish it. We must learn to protect our knowledge.

Self protection (5)

In the face of cruel reality, Robinson overcame all kinds of difficulties and survived tenaciously. Although it is rare to encounter like Robinson, it is important for everyone to learn to survive and have the ability to protect themselves. Today, let me tell you something about self-protection.

I remember that day, my mother and I went to the "Heart to Heart" supermarket to shop. We took the escalator to the second floor - the food area, where I had dreamed of food. I followed my mother's footsteps and walked to the food rack. I stared at the food on the rack, trying to "pocket" the food, but when I came back to my senses, I found my mother was missing! At that time, I was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. I didn't want any food. I just wanted to see my mother. I was afraid that she would leave the supermarket and there would be some strangers around. What should I do?

Suddenly, a man came to me, "This... this is Uncle Zhang? How did he come to the supermarket?" I couldn't help saying. Uncle Zhang walked up to me, squatted down and said to me kindly, "Xiao Yu, how could you be here? Where is your mother?" I told him the whole story of the matter. He took out the phone and said to me, "So that's it. Call your mother." I quickly thanked her, took my mobile phone and immediately called her, At this time, I felt like the withering grass getting a beam of sunshine and becoming energetic. I told my mother on the phone that I was waiting for her at the supermarket door, and Uncle Zhang sent me to the supermarket door. I advised him to go quickly and do other things. Don't wait. But he refused to leave, and he would not rest assured until his mother came to pick me up.

After a while, my mother came to pick me up, and my uncle left. On the way home, I thanked Uncle Zhang in my heart, thank you! Uncle Zhang!

This is my self-protection. I hope you can tell me about you.

Self protection (6)

One day, my father and mother went to work. After I got up and had breakfast, I sat on the table in front of the window and continued to draw the paintings I hadn't finished yesterday.

Just a few strokes, I heard the sound of "bang, bang, bang" knocking at the door. As I walked, I asked, "Who is it?" The man standing outside the door said, "I am a friend of your father." When Xiao Ming heard that he was a friend of his father, he was about to open the door, and he thought, "A friend of his father should know that his father is not at home!"!

I took a bench and stood up. Looking out through the door, I saw a stranger. I thought: It must be a bad guy. He secretly dialed 110 and also called his father. Soon, the police uncle came and caught the stranger.

At this time, my father came back. Seeing this scene, he said to me nervously and happily, "My child, you have grown up." I patted my chest and said proudly, "Don't worry, Dad! I will protect myself."

Wang Yang, Class 1, Grade 3, Tongling Experimental Primary School

Self protection (7)

On Sunday, Xiaoming's father and mother went out, leaving him to paint at home, suddenly; Dongdongdong, someone is knocking at the door. Xiaoming is puzzled. He goes to the door and asks, "Who is it?" The stranger says, "I am your father's friend."

Xiaoming thought for a moment, moved to the bench, stood on it and looked from the cat's eye, saw a tall, thin, middle-aged man, who he had never seen before. Xiaoming was worried about opening the door. He was afraid that it would be a bad person, and he was worried that he was really a friend of his father if he did not open the door.

Xiaoming had a brainwave. He said uncle please leave your phone number. The man left after saying the phone number. Xiaoming carefully wrote down the number and said goodbye to uncle.

Self protection (8)

"No matter what, no wisdom." By "Learn to protect yourself", these six words remind me that life belongs to us. To cherish life, we must learn to live and protect ourselves.

I once read such a story on the Internet:

I remember one night, a little girl was quietly doing her homework at home. Her father and mother had gone out. Suddenly, a knock came from outside. The little girl ran to the door and asked loudly, "Who is outside?" A strange voice said, "Little friend, I am a friend of your father."

The little girl moved a small chair and looked from the cat's eye on the door - it was a strange middle-aged man. The little girl felt something was wrong, so she asked tentatively: "What is my father's name and where he works?" The strange middle-aged man came prepared. He said: "Your father's name is ××× and he works in ×××, right?" The little girl listened to this and gave him the final "test". He stepped back, "Brother, there is a big uncle outside," the little girl said loudly to the front door. After saying that, she stepped on the chair again and looked at the cat's eye on the door. Outside the door, the strange middle-aged man had already disappeared

How important it is to learn to protect yourself! It can not only help us when necessary, but also reduce many unnecessary troubles.

Self protection (9)

In life, we may encounter some dangers or disasters. When dangers and disasters come, we should not panic first, but calm down and save ourselves bravely, so that you can change the hope of the next life.

Remember the day when I was in the second grade of primary school. After school, students swarmed to the school gate, and I looked for my father in the crowd. Suddenly, a man appeared in front of me. He said he was my father's colleague and came to pick me up. I don't know him. Naturally, I'm afraid. It suddenly occurred to me that the teacher said not to talk when meeting strangers, because he might be a child abductor. Suddenly, I thought of an easy call to test whether he was a bad man. I said to him, "My father built a house, don't you?" The man said yes in a hurry. I thought to myself: my father is not a house builder at all, a liar and a villain! I immediately cried out: "It's him who abducted the child. He almost abducted me! Help!" I shouted, and all the people who came to pick up the child came to see me. The villain ran immediately, but he could not escape with so many people. He was stopped by a middle-aged man: "You come to abduct the child in broad daylight, go with me to the police station!" The man immediately struggled to escape again, but the crowd had surrounded him! Finally, he was taken away by the police of the police station. The police also praised me as a good boy, very clever, and I feel sweet in my heart!

Mom and Dad knew this and hurried to the police station. Mom and Dad are both happy and distressed! Praise me for growing up! If I hadn't persevered, the consequences would have been unimaginable. I think we should master these basic self-protection knowledge!

Self protection (10)

In society, we should learn to protect ourselves. Come and listen to my story of self protection!

Segment 1:

One day last summer vacation, I was alone at home. A man rang the doorbell. I saw through the door that he was an uncle I didn't know. "Uncle, what's up?" I asked. My uncle replied, "I'm your father's college classmate." I thought to myself: First, ask some simple questions. I asked: "What does my father do, what does he do, and how old he is?" "Your father's name is Dong Jizhong, and he works in an epidemic prevention station." My uncle said, "How old is your father? I forgot. I have answered all the questions, so you can open the door now!" "No, let me ask you again, does my family buy a car?" "Don't ask, I only know so much." I found that this man was a bit like a liar. He said, "I'll call my father to ask if there are any of his college classmates coming today.".

Segment 2:

One day the year before last, I went home by car alone. On the way, an aunt suddenly appeared. She said to me, "Are you hungry or thirsty, little friend?" I said to my aunt, "Aunt, I'm not hungry or thirsty." I said, "Aunt, I don't know you, why do you give me food and drink?" "Because I'm your aunt!" "Don't lie to me. I only have one aunt, in the High tech Zone." "I really am your aunt. When your father was young, your grandpa took me, your aunt and your father out to play together. I was lost, and they thought I was dead, but I was not dead, and was adopted by a kind person." "I know you are a liar, and my father never told me. If you stop me again, I will call the police." "OK, OK, I'm going, I'm going." Unexpectedly, I slipped away as soon as I told the police. This move is really effective.

Segment 3:

It was the same day the year before last. I also went home by myself. Just after I got off the 45th bus, an aunt ran up to me and said to me, "Let me take you home, little sister." I said to the aunt, "Thank you. I don't need to go home myself." "I'll take you home. There's still a lot of food and drink on the car." "Aunt really doesn't need to. My family lives in front of me." "I'll take you home, so you can go again." "I don't know why you want to take your car. I know, you are a liar, and I will call the police." Because of the last experience, I am not afraid. In the blink of an eye, the cheater slipped away again. I managed to escape again.

These three stories are all my own experience. I found that there are many cheats in Suzhou. We should strengthen our awareness of protecting ourselves.

Self protection (11)

One day, his parents were not at home, and Xiao Ming was the only one doing his homework seriously. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Xiaoming hurriedly ran out of the room and asked "Who is it?" "I am a friend of your father. Your father forgot to take his documents, so let me help him take them." Strangely, his father never brought any documents home. Xiao Ming thought. Come and see this father's friend. So Xiao Ming took the bench and stood on the cat's eye. Eh, why have I never seen this "father's friend"? This is a liar. My father warned me that there are many such cheats now. What should I do? Oh, yes. "Dad, your friend is coming." Xiao Ming shouted to the empty house. "Dad's friend" ran away at once. "

Second year: Zou Nan

Self protection (12)

On Saturday, Xiaoming's father and mother went to buy vegetables. Only Xiaoming was seriously painting at home. Xiaoming drew half a rabbit, and suddenly heard someone knocking at the door outside. Xiaoming went to the door and asked, "Who is it?" The uncle outside said, "I am your father's friend." Xiaoming moved a chair, stepped on the chair and looked through the cat's eye. It was an unknown uncle. Xiaoming thought: What should I do? Xiaoming thought for a while, his eyes lit up, and a good idea came to him. Xiaoming pretended that his father was at home, and said to his uncle outside the door, "My father is sleeping upstairs." Then he shouted upstairs, "Dad, come down!" The uncle outside was scared away. When his father came home in the evening, Xiaoming told his father about it. His father said, "Xiaoming is really a good child who knows how to protect himself."

Self protection (13)

There are many tests in life. Like the stars in the sky shining a little light, like the little fish in the river playing carefree, we are now in danger, can not protect ourselves and finally lost to danger.

Remember that it was a spring season full of birds singing and flowers fragrance. In such a beautiful season, I do my homework at home alone, without adults. The sunshine outside the window is particularly bright, and I feel everything is peaceful.

Suddenly, a knock on the door came into my ears. I ran to the door and took a look in the cat's eye and saw a dark, short, humpbacked middle-aged man. He seemed to know that I was looking at him. He said, "Hello, I'm your father's friend, and he asked me to take you to the factory for dinner." I was wrong in my mind. Dad and Mom went to my uncle's house together. Is he a bad guy? I was a little flustered, but I thought of the teacher again. The parents usually said that they should be calm, resourceful and brave in the face of bad people, so they said to him: "OK, let me change my clothes and go with my mother" and then said: "Mom, tell us to go to dinner." I followed my mother's voice and said, "OK." The bad man said: "Your father didn't say there is someone in your family.". "No, my mother was still at home when my father left." I cried loudly, and then I heard the sound of thumping downstairs, and I secretly laughed.

Although it has been a long time, every time I think of it, I feel that it just happened. This test made me understand a great truth from it: be calm and calm in the face of bad people, do not be nervous, as long as you calm down, be resourceful and brave to deal with the enemy again, you will be safe after all. The most important thing is not to open the door easily, but to protect yourself with the knowledge you have learned!

Self protection (14)

Learning to survive is a required course in our life. Learning to survive can become the best in society.

In this seemingly peaceful but turbulent society, we must learn to protect ourselves.

I remember that one night two years ago, I just finished my classes from the tutorial class. On the way home, there was almost no one in the alley at that time, only a faint light. I walked alone in the alley, raised my head and looked up at the sky. There was only darkness in the sky, "hiss hiss". I didn't know where this sound came from, maybe it was a bird! I comfort myself. I kept on walking. The sound of "tick tick tick tick" echoed in the narrow and long lane. I looked at the endless darkness in front of me, and a wave of fear surrounded me. The footsteps behind me were getting closer and closer. I held myself tightly with both hands, and cold sweat was rising behind my back. I accelerated my steps to escape from this ominous place. My body is numb like an electric shock, and I feel a cold wind blowing behind me. I quickly turned my head. It seemed that there was a vague shadow behind me. My heart became more and more uneasy. The rhythm of my heart beat seemed to be heard clearly. Could he be following me? What should I do? My heart began to tremble and I was at a loss. My hands clenched tightly into fists and I was ready to compete with him. At that time, the picture in the newspaper flashed in my mind. We must not be hard, we must be calm, we must not panic. At that moment, there was no breath around. I shouted "Dad" to the front, then turned to a very low voice and shouted: "Daughter, you are coming." Maybe it was because it was dark at that time! As soon as the follower heard this conversation, he left and I returned to my home safely.

At the thought of this event, I can't help but be afraid. This time I got home safely and luckily. It is precisely because of this experience that I understand how important it is to learn to survive!

Self protection (15)

Learn to live, we must pursue something. Human life needs water and air to nourish it. But only water and air keep the breath of hot air on the lips, this is not real survival, it is "plant" survival, but the real thing is to do useful things for the society with their own strength to contribute to everyone, this is survival.

Learn to survive, we must learn to be strong. Human existence is restricted by the environment, but we should be the masters of the environment. Life is full of ups and downs, but we can't lose the way of life. Don't exhaust yourself in survival. We should overcome our vulnerability and be brave to fight against the difficulties ahead. Survival is neither simple nor difficult. For those who can survive and are good at survival, survival is like a game under any circumstances. When encountering unexpected events, dangers and disasters, we should learn not to panic, actively use our own brains, and use the experience and knowledge accumulated in life before to turn the corner.

This is a story about learning to survive: Zhao Xiaorui and his classmates went to the forest to participate in a summer biological camp on a guest vacation. He felt fresh about everything he saw. Suddenly, he found a beautiful big butterfly. Without thinking about it, he grabbed the insect net and chased it. I don't know how long it took to run. When Zhao Xiaorui caught the big butterfly as he wished, he could not find any classmates around him, nor could he hear any talk or laughter from them. Even the path in the forest was unknown. He lost his way. At this time, he remembered the teacher's words: "When you get lost in the forest, don't panic, be calm." Thinking of this, the novel took several deep breaths, calmed down for a while, and began to think about how to get out of the predicament. Before long, he formulated a plan: first, he recalled the time when he left the team, then carefully observed the nearby topography and found the footprints he had stepped on when he came, then slowly walked along the footprints according to Wan Tong, and finally walked back to the path when he came. Not long after walking along the road, Xiao Rui heard the cries of teachers and students. He was so excited that he was about to cry. He succeeded!

Through this story, I understand that in a desperate situation, what we need to do is not to accept our fate, but to tenaciously seek out that glimmer of life on the edge of despair.

Self protection (16)

"Wow! Wow!......" A baby's cry came from the hospital. I stepped on my mother's pain and came to this beautiful world. Listening to the bell like sound, the mother lying on the hospital bed smiled, and the father also smiled when listening to the sound. On that day: October 26, 1998, I was born.

I am the only child in my family. I grew up little by little under the care of my parents, grandparents, relatives and friends. I never knew what survival was. But now I am twelve years old, I know the truth of life, I know how to be grateful to my parents and repay my teachers. And the words "learn to live" have gradually entered my life.

About survival, I intend to have something that I will never forget.

I remember when I was in the third grade, one day when I came home from school, I invited my classmates to my home. Because my father had not come home yet, and I had not brought my keys, we played in the yard. I suddenly remembered a game. The rule was: one person passed his two hands between his legs, grabbed the other's hand, and the third person rode on both hands. After hearing this, they all agreed, and we played. I stood at the first. When the three of us were ready, we lifted the middle man up. But as soon as we got up, we laughed. Suddenly, I fell on the ground, smiled and opened my mouth to the concrete floor. My teeth bled and I felt very painful. When I stood up, two front teeth disappeared from my mouth and appeared on the ground as soon as I fell down. I looked at the teeth and blood on the ground, and was scared to cry. My teeth won't grow again. In the next week, I didn't go to school. I went to Zhangye every day for surgery. I will never forget that day. I will never forget the pain, the cry, the tears I have shed in the past few days, and my every move in the past eight days. These pictures are deeply engraved in my heart with this setback, which I will never forget.

Now, I have installed false teeth, no one will see. In the past three years, I have come to understand that everyone's destiny is in his own hands, and if he does not handle it well, you will regret it for a lifetime. My story is unforgettable all my life, but it is also an alarm bell when I encounter setbacks in the future. No matter what difficulties I encounter in the future, I should keep an optimistic attitude, so that I will not be intimidated by it, and will let you play your best and try to overcome them.

Self protection (17)

At the thought of that incident, I could not help but sweat.

One day my parents went out at home and I watched TV at home. After a while, I was a little thirsty, so I went to warm the water. When the temperature was good, I would take the water and pour it into the cup. I was frightened by the "ah" on the TV. My hand shook and said it fell on my left hand. I shouted. Seeing my hand getting redder and redder, I immediately took out ice and applied it on my left hand. It still hurt, so I put my hand into the cold water again. But when I put my hand out, it hurt so much that I didn't dare to touch it again. I thought: Blow my hand for a while, Maybe it's ok? I put my hand on the table, but it hurt more and more, and my tears came out of the pain. I thought: Isn't there a computer? Check. I turned on the computer, but it seemed to be against me. I pressed the switch several times before turning it on. Yes, but the connection was too slow. I waited for a long time to connect to the Internet. Then, I opened the web page, and the computer network suddenly broke down, so I had to go back to it. Finally, it was ready. The computer said it had found a Trojan virus and had to restart it. I had no choice but to restart it. It said that it could only be started after upgrading, so it took me about half an hour. My hands are burning with pain. At the thought of checking the computer, I'm going to make a phone call, but I don't know where my mobile phone is. I'm as worried as an ant on a hot pot. I had to find out if there was anything in the medicine box to cure the scald. I found a bottle of scald cream in the medicine box, squeezed out a large lump, and put it on my hands as red as pig's feet. My hands became "braised pig's feet". The pain eased.

Don't say that the family is a peaceful harbor and there will be dangers. We should have a sense of self-protection and learn more about life self-protection to avoid unnecessary pain. Chapter 7: Self protection?

After dinner today, my parents went out to work, and I did my homework at home alone. Suddenly, the doorbell rang, and I asked, "Who is it?" The stranger said, "I'm your father's colleague, and I want to talk with your father." I said, "I'm sorry, I don't know you, otherwise, I'll call my father, and you wait outside, maybe my father will come back soon." The stranger listened and said, "OK, I'll go first, and I'll come back later."

My father was very happy when he heard about it later, saying that I was a big child and would protect myself. Children, we must be good at self-protection in the future.

Self protection (18)

My mother was warm-hearted, so she stopped to listen to his explanation slowly. I think something is wrong. Although I broke up, it was his girlfriend. Why should a stranger return his mobile phone? Is he not afraid of being taken away? I secretly told my mother to ignore him, but to protect myself

One day, my mother and I went shopping in Jiuzhou City. On the way back, a young man greeted us from the dark corner with a smile and said, "Can you help me? Give this phone back to my girlfriend. We broke up, so I'm sorry to meet again."

My mother was warm-hearted, so she stopped to listen to his explanation slowly. I think something is wrong. Although I broke up, it was his girlfriend. Why should a stranger return his mobile phone? Is he not afraid of being taken away? I secretly told my mother not to pay attention to him, but my mother didn't think so and took the phone in the boy's hand. The young man told us that his girlfriend was just around the corner, a girl in white. My mother led me to his girlfriend, but when I was halfway there, my mobile phone suddenly rang. At this time, I felt something was wrong, motioned to my mother not to answer the phone, and quickly went to his girlfriend and gave her the phone.

The girl was accompanied by two middle-aged women. One of them asked, "Where did that person give you your mobile phone. At this time, a thought flashed through my mind: I can't go back again. I gave my mother a quick wink, suggesting that there must be fraud. My mother nodded knowingly to me, and we went to the other way. Unexpectedly, another middle-aged woman eagerly asked, "Don't you come from that way? Why did you go this way again?" A sentence woke us up, more convinced that this was a hoax. We didn't speak again and hurried away.

After that, the more we thought about it, the more afraid we felt that if we answered the phone, it would inevitably lead us into a trap. If we go back, how many people will be ambushed there? Will you blackmail or? I can't imagine what will happen next.

Nowadays, deception is becoming more and more sophisticated. We must take more precautions against being cheated, and we must remember that there is no free lunch in the world. Mother did not think so, and took the phone in the boy's hand. The young man told us that his girlfriend was just around the corner, a girl in white. My mother led me to his girlfriend, but when I was halfway there, my mobile phone suddenly rang. At this time, I felt something was wrong, motioned to my mother not to answer the phone, and quickly went to his girlfriend and gave her the phone.

The girl was accompanied by two middle-aged women. One of them asked, "Where did that person give you your mobile phone. At this time, a thought flashed through my mind: I can't go back again. I gave my mother a quick wink, suggesting that there must be fraud. My mother nodded knowingly to me, and we went to the other way. Unexpectedly, another middle-aged woman eagerly asked, "Don't you come from that way? Why did you go this way again?" A sentence woke us up, more convinced that this was a hoax. We didn't speak again and hurried away.

After that, the more we thought about it, the more afraid we felt that if we answered the phone, it would inevitably lead us into a trap. If we go back, how many people will be ambushed there? Will you blackmail or? I can't imagine what will happen next.

Nowadays, deception is becoming more and more sophisticated. We must take more precautions against being cheated, and we must remember that there is no free lunch in the world.