Describing Sparrows (18 in general)
Solitary Clouds in Far Water
2024-05-04 00:12:58

Describing Sparrows (1)

"Hawhawhaw..." Who is singing with a clear voice? Who composes music on the poles as "notes"? Oh, it is the ordinary bird - sparrow. When their cries brushed my ears, I thought of the poor sparrow yesterday

Yesterday afternoon, when I was jumping rope downstairs, I suddenly heard my cousin's laughter. I walked over and saw that my cousin was holding a small sparrow as big as a five-year-old's fist. Its feathers were messy, its head hung down, and its small dark eyes showed sadness. It seemed to say, "Help me, I miss my mother!" I quickly grabbed the sparrow from my cousin, Stroked its dark gray feathers sympathetically. But the little cousin did not give in. She wanted to make the little sparrow her plaything, even crying and making noise. Finally, she took the little sparrow back, tied a rope to its leg, and pulled the little sparrow to run and jump happily. At this time, the injured and exhausted sparrow could not lift its wings. I had to pray for it in silence. Gradually, I found that the little sparrow was motionless, with tears flashing in his small dark eyes. I know, it's dead. This ordinary little sparrow died in the hands of ordinary people. Before it died, the tears in its eyes shocked me. Is this the cruelty that children are born with? Sure enough, the little cousin showed contempt for the death of the sparrow and threw the so-called "plaything" into the garbage can.

"Play"? Is that poor little sparrow a "plaything"? Play if you want to, or throw it into the garbage can if you don't want to? no Of course not! It is a life worthy of respect by anyone. Isn't it said that birds are human friends? Doesn't it say that the bird's home is the forest and the sky? It is sad that a little cousin who is not sensible tortured a bird to death alive. Therefore, we should educate more children to protect birds and their freedom, so that they can live happily in their own place and laugh with nature.

I hope I won't see sparrow's tears again

Describing Sparrows (2)

This morning, when I was watching TV, I suddenly heard my grandmother calling me, "Yang Zhi, Yang Zhi, come and see!" I kept asking, "What?" Grandma said happily, "A bird. So I took a paper box containing toys, covered the little sparrow, turned the box over, and then took a small washbasin with a gap and covered it.

Quickly put it at the gate of the yard and look carefully. It is black and dark, with only a few white spots on its wings. Its mouth is small, white, and its eyes are bright. It seems that it is looking for food! Its feet are small and exquisite, black and white, slightly red; Its wings are small and black, so cute!

Suddenly, the cry of "Jiji, Jiji" came into my ears, and I ran over curiously, thinking: Is the bird hungry? So I took some millet and put it into the "birdcage". When the bird saw the millet and didn't smell it, I wondered what was going on? At this time, Grandma came over and said, "The bird is too small to eat rice. It must miss its mother."

After listening to Grandma's words, I suddenly felt that the bird was too pitiful. I wanted to help it find its mother. With Grandma's help, we finally found the "home" of the little sparrow, and it went home happily. The mother bird was so happy that she could not close her mouth. She kept chirping, as if she was thanking us!

I'm so happy today! Because I have done a good deed -- helping the bird go home.

Describing Sparrows (3)

Today, I was reading English at home. Suddenly, something flew in from the window and hit me. I was shocked. I looked up and saw that it was a small sparrow.

How can I read English when the sparrow flies in? I thought of a way to read my own and ignore the little sparrows. Unexpectedly, the sparrow stopped on the lamp and blocked the light. I think this sparrow should deliberately prevent me from reading English. So I ran to the kitchen to get the broom, put the broom in front of the sparrow and shook it a few times. The sparrow was indifferent. I was so angry that I grabbed an eraser and threw it away. The sparrow was frightened and dared not stop on the light any more.

I'm so happy! Who knows, I was so happy too early. Sparrows were flying around on the ceiling. My English book was covered by the shadow of the sparrow. I couldn't concentrate on reading at all, so I decided to drive him away. I waved the broom towards the sparrow, and the sparrow flew more quickly. Suddenly, it hit the curtain and fell on the floor. I rushed at the fastest speed and gently pressed the sparrow with the broom. The sparrow was so frightened that it chirped. I slowly moved the broom, and the sparrow's wings showed. I reached out my hand and gently pressed the sparrow to catch it.

Looking at the sparrow in my hand, I thought it was very cute. I wanted to keep the sparrow as my pet, so I found a small rope to bind the sparrow's feet. Dad saw it and said, "Let the sparrow go. It's the place where it can fly freely. If you tie it up, it will not eat or drink, and it will die in two or three days." Although I was a little reluctant, I went to the door, untied the rope, and let the sparrow go.

After letting the sparrow go, I can finally read English with ease.

Describing Sparrows (4)

Look, there are two brown birds. Those are the sparrows that Grandpa caught for me.

The back of the sparrow is brown, like a brown shirt, the feathers on its belly are white, and the feathers on its head are like black scarves, full of black patterns. They are small and exquisite, under a pair of bright and flexible eyes, they have a long and sharp mouth, and the claws are very sharp, as if they were scratched by their claws, like a knife.

Every time I take them out to play, I will release them from the cage and tie his legs with two long ropes to prevent them from running.

Once, I took two sparrows out for a walk. At this time, a sparrow saw a fat and tender worm, walked over and bit it with its long and sharp mouth. The other sparrow also ran over and bit it. They both bit the worm, and neither of them would let anyone? With a sound of "Pa", both sparrows fell down with half worms in their mouths, which made me laugh.

The sparrow has a bad temper. One day, a sparrow somehow "chirped" and woke up another sleeping sparrow. After sleeping, the sparrow woke up and pecked at the neck of the noisy sparrow. The noisy sparrow refused to be outdone and also pecked the neck of the sleeping sparrow. I managed to separate them, but they fought together again. I thought that if this continued, both would lose. I had to release a sparrow from the cage.

Sometimes the sparrows are also very naughty. When I took them to play, the two sparrows went to find food separately. The rope in my hands was separated from both ends. I had no choice but to pull the rope together. The two sparrows had to follow me.

My little sparrow is so interesting!

Describing Sparrows (5)

There are five or six cute sparrows outside my window. They are like my little alarm clock, singing cheerful songs to wake me up every morning. Hearing their songs, a beautiful day begins.

These sparrows are chubby, round headed, wearing brown coats with black patterns embroidered on them; He has a sharp and hard mouth, and although his eyes are as small as beans, they look smart.

Sparrows build nests in trees. In order to build a warm and comfortable home for themselves, they take pains to carry branches and work happily. Sometimes a bird stops on a branch to guard the house and prevent others from invading its own home. At this time, it is like a brave soldier; Sometimes three or five people stop on the branches. Sometimes you say something about what you have seen and heard, and sometimes they sing happy songs together.

Once, when I came home from school, I saw a wounded sparrow on the balcony, so I took it home, and together with my mother, I helped it bandage the wound and feed it. After a few days, his wound healed, and I put it back to its own world - nature. Their partners seem to know that I took care of it. Since then, their songs have been clearer and more beautiful than before!

The bird brings us endless happiness, so we must protect it!

Describing Sparrows (6)

After dinner, I sat on the chair at the door to rest. Several sparrows came into my eyes.

The little sparrows frolicked, "chirping..." and landed on the ground at my door. There was food left after washing the dishes on the ground. A little sparrow soon found the food here and jumped over to eat it greedily alone. Several other little sparrows were just playing. Maybe they smelled the smell of food now. They swarmed up and scrambled to eat it first and then. The first little sparrow was too small, so it was pushed aside by other bigger sparrows. He seemed very unwilling, flapping his wings and pecking at the head of the sparrow opposite him. The sparrow retreated a few steps, just in time to offend several other sparrows who were eating. One sparrow "chirped" a few times, as if to say arrogantly: "What are you doing? If you dare to hit me again, I will turn against anyone!" The other sparrow also chirped a few words, which made the sparrows not very happy, So they flew and patted.

Oh, they seem very fierce! You peck me, I kick you, and it beats again. Some of them fly, but they don't forget to peck each other when they fly.

After a while, they felt bored and became good friends again. They ate together, ate worms together, and played in the soil together.

"Wow --" A sudden sound of pouring water broke their game time, and they were frightened to fly far away and stand nearby. They stared at the distance on the wire, cleaned their feathers from time to time, and flew to the sky together. Soon disappeared in my eyes.

oh What a group of lively, cute and naughty elves!

Describing Sparrows (7)

My favorite bird and animal is sparrow. The feathers on its head are soft and soft, like a small scarf! The sparrow's eyes are very small, like two round chocolate beans, with a sharp mouth. If it pecks people, it will surely make you grin with pain. The feather on its back is like a brown cloak. It is really beautiful when flying! The belly feather looks like a light brown coat.

Every day when I go to the yard to play, there are a number of sparrows flying in the branches. They dance and chirp, as if they are excitedly saying to me: "Hello! Hello! I'm glad to meet you!!" Look at the way it cries, and they are too happy to even talk. Every time I go there, this flexible sparrow will fly freely in the high altitude and follow me, but every time I want it to fly into my hand, it is getting farther and farther away from me, which is one aspect of the timidity of the sparrow. For him, this is his way of playing hide and seek with human beings.

When the sparrows eat, they will eat a few mouthfuls and then look around to see if anyone comes near them. If they have, they will give up their favorite food and quickly take it to the nest.

After nesting on the branches, sparrows usually stick their heads into their feathers when they sleep at night, and then they will fall asleep.

In a word, I love these lovely sparrows very much. I hope you will cherish them and not hurt them in the future, so that they can live happily every day.

Describing Sparrows (8)

Recently, a few sparrows fly in front of my grandpa's house every day, looking for food at the door. It's really lovely.

The little sparrows are all fat, and their feathers like straw grow on these little guys. Smart and short small mouths grow on a small, flexible, round head like a ball, and two small bright eyes like black gemstones, blinking all the time, are embedded in the middle of this small head. Their bellies are full of white fluff. As long as you look at them, you will want to touch them. In the feather room of the snowflake, two golden yellow feet like small hooks stand on the ground, while the small tail is a few longer earthy feathers.

Although it is easy to see the cute little sparrows at ordinary times, there is still a lot of vitality and infinite passion and vitality in the hearts of these little people. They are so flexible that they can jump from branch to branch; They are so brave, fearless in front of wild cats; They are so lively and often play in the trees.

They are more lovely when they eat. They will first fly down from the tree, look around, wait until there is no danger, then call the others down, jump close to the food, and then bow down, tear the food with their short mouths, and then enjoy themselves. After eating, they will fly back to the tree.

They started to fight, and they didn't know how many branches to break. One by one, they fight and make noise, fly and bump. When they don't fight, they talk like they are talking about something.

The sparrow, an ordinary little life, can be so lively. It is the existence of this little guy who is full of vitality all over his body; Everyone's life will be more vigorous, relaxed and happy.

Describing Sparrows (9)

The sparrow is a kind of cute bird. Its watery eyes are like black gemstones on its small and exquisite face, and its gray brown feathers make it particularly beautiful.

Unlike kingfishers, sparrows build their nests on cliffs, but use their mouths to connect branches, feathers, etc. one by one, and then slowly trim them.

Sparrows like to eat aphids hidden in corn and sorghum and millet scattered on the ground. When they eat, they peck with their small mouths. The first one is a little bit. It looks very cute!

Sparrows are very diligent in autumn! They flit from tree to tree, looking for millet and berries. One fall, sparrows can find food that can eat all winter!

Several sparrows always get together to peck and play. They run here, jump there and grab food on the ground. They are very alert, as long as someone walks past, they will run away immediately, or fly to the tree, where they also look at you from time to time and make a very unhappy cry. Sparrows are always flying around on the eaves and trees, fighting and making noises, and they always make pleasant sounds.

During the day, they chase each other, run, play, eat, drink dew, and seem to have endless strength. But in the evening, they would hide in their own nest to rest and eliminate the fatigue of the whole day.

Sparrows are human friends. They can catch insects for crops. The sparrow lays eggs. It usually lays five eggs at a time. When the little sparrow comes out of there, its whole body is wet. Soon it will have beautiful feathers!

Describing Sparrows (10)

Under the eaves of my hometown, there is a sparrow nest, in which there is a nest of sparrows.

The sparrow is dressed in a gray brown feather. Under the sunlight, the feather is smooth as if it has been wiped with oil. A pair of small eyes like black beans, a small and sharp mouth, a pair of beautiful wings, and a spoon handle like tail are embedded in the small round head, which is very cute.

Sparrows like to eat rice. When we first met, they were very timid. They didn't dare to eat the rice I sowed. They always looked at me vigilantly. So I came up with a clever plan: first, I quietly sprinkled rice grains, and then quickly ran back to the room, lying on the windowsill to watch. The little sparrow flew for several circles in the air first, as if it were investigating whether there was any danger. After flying for a while, they landed on the eaves, looked left and right, felt there was no movement around, and then fell to the ground to eat rice. They were not sure when they ate. They looked up every time they ate one.

After eating the rice, the little sparrows are playing with each other, chirping and jumping. They are jumping in groups of three and five, and their small figures are flashing on the ground. Some of them glared at their round eyes and patrolled around. Some of them cried loudly and then spread their wings to hook their necks and pecked at the feathers under their bellies.

I crept out to get close to them, but the little sparrows flew away suddenly. I looked at them reluctantly and said to myself, "I am willing to be friends with you, and I will not hurt you."

Finally one day, the sparrow was no longer afraid of me.

Describing Sparrows (11)

It is really attractive to read the "Story of Lina Fox" recommended by Mr. Li in the summer vacation. The crafty Lena had too many tricks. She pretended to be generous, friendly, and kind, which made many animals in the forest suffer.

Lena is so hateful!

But at the beginning, I thought Lena's cleverness was not bad, at least not to let myself suffer. One day, my mother asked me: "Do you like the role in the book?" I blurted out without hesitation: "Lena!" Until today, I read this article "Sparrow Truman's Revenge".

When I read that Lena pretended to be a miracle doctor and ate Telune's two sons, I said shamelessly, "Don't worry, they will never get sick again." I really hate this sly and despicable fox! I feel very sorry for Trun in my heart. At the same time, because the topic mentioned revenge, I am also curious how a little sparrow can find a cunning fox to revenge?

Oh - it was Truen's friend Maulho who took revenge for her. Truen and Maulho ate the meat on the carriage in unison, lured Lena into the trap step by step, and finally taught Lena a deep lesson, almost killing her.

ha-ha! It's really exciting! There is a good saying: evil deserves evil!

Describing Sparrows (12)

This morning, I was eating in the restaurant when my mother shouted, "Bingbing, there are two sparrows flying into the corridor". I got excited and rushed into the corridor. I saw two sparrows colliding with the glass in the corridor. They seemed to be looking for a way to escape. I opened my arms to catch them, and saw the sparrow fly into the open door.

I shouted to my father, who was reading the newspaper, "There are two sparrows coming in". Only a sparrow flew into my bedroom and flew to my toy. I ran to the toy pile to chase the sparrow, trying to catch it. The other flew behind the water dispenser in the living room. Dad hurried to the water fountain to catch the sparrow. Two sparrows fly everywhere. I told my mother I wanted to raise sparrows. Mother said: "Birds' home is the sky! Open the window and let them fly away.".

The window opened and they flew away from my house quickly. I reluctantly bid them farewell.

Describing Sparrows (13)

Today, after we finished our computer class, a child said that there were two sparrows in the classroom. When I came into the classroom, there were two sparrows in the classroom. The reason was that it was too hot outside. The two sparrows saw our class turn on the fan, so they came in.

We quickly caught the two sparrows. One sparrow was driven away, and the other one hid in the corner of a table. I held its tail down, and it flapped its wings, turned its head, and moved its sharp mouth. I put it in the grass, and its body was not fully recovered. One child released it, and I think it must have fallen.

Describing Sparrows (14)

The sparrows are just like people: the old sparrows are boring. When they talk, every sentence seems to be written in the book: the little sparrows pretend to be smart and don't listen to adults.

The yellow billed sparrow is very cute. Everyday in the warm nest. The little sparrow wanted to fly out very much, but the mother of the sparrow said anxiously, "Be careful, child, you will fall."

The little sparrow asked curiously, "Why?" The father of the sparrow said, "If you fly out, the cat will eat you." The little sparrow grew up day by day, but its wings grew slowly. Once when it was windy, the little sparrow finally flew out. Suddenly, the kitten came. The little sparrow saw it and flew home

Little Sparrow, you are so naughty. You should listen to your parents' advice.

Describing Sparrows (15)

it's dawn. The rain stopped overnight. The sun shines into the nests of young sparrows in the morning sun. "Eh, where is the mother?" The little sparrow said to herself, "It must have gone to find food." The mother of the little sparrow always gets up early to find food for the little sparrow every day, and can sleep safely after feeding the mother of the little sparrow.

The little sparrow remembered how to do without enough food, because today is the day of its test flight! It is also called the full moon. At the thought of flying, the little sparrow's eyes showed excitement. The little sparrow could not wait to look out, and what attracted his eyes was several pieces of miscellaneous woods, and several birds were playing in the shoots. Under the tree are green shrubs, and there are several small flowers that have experienced wind and rain. The buds have just sprung out, and various colors are mixed together, drawing a beautiful spring scene, which contains life.

Under the temptation, the little sparrow left her mother's advice behind and flew to the ground. It jumps happily, like a child who forgets to go home. It asked other birds to come down and play. A mother bird said, "Little sparrow, go home quickly. You have just reached the full moon, and your feathers are not strong enough. The ground is very dangerous!" The little sparrow thought to herself: Who are you kidding? You must want me to go home quickly so that they can enjoy the spring scenery alone. Hum, I will not!

The little sparrow forgot the danger at all. It shook its feathers, hoping that her mother could come back early to play with her.

Not far away, a cat stared at it, waiting for an opportunity to attack.

Just then, the mother of the sparrow stood in front of the little sparrow. Sparrow mother wants to exchange her life for her children. Something terrible is about to happen. The little sparrow knew that the way to save his mother was to fly away quickly. Thinking of this, the little sparrow struggled to fly. Maybe it could not fly high. Maybe it had to wait for its mother and only landed on the branches of the small tree.

The wild cat pounced on it, and the mother of the sparrow hurriedly dodged, but she was also caught with several feathers. The little sparrow hurriedly picked up the injured mother and flew high into the sky. The underground wild cat gradually becomes a small black spot and disappears in the fundus of the eye.

The little sparrow knows that this is only an accident in its life, and there is still a long way to go.

Describing Sparrows (16)

There is its lively and small figure in the countryside and fertile fields. There are its cheerful and clear sounds at the end of the branches. It is a sparrow, and it is such a happy little animal every moment. Carefully appreciate the funny dress of the sparrow, with a gray cap on his head and yellow eyes, looking curiously around. The shiny belly is covered with a layer of soft down, especially its charming feathers, which makes people love it at the first sight.

Maybe it's because sparrows like chatting. Every morning, I can always see a group of chattering sparrows on the old tree not far away. They can jump on the branches, exercise, or gather together to start interesting stories at home. If there is a situation, a group of sparrows will fly up like frightened birds, as described by "flying separately in the face of disaster". Seeing the moon climb up the treetop, the sparrows return to their nests and talk about what they have seen today, or what they plan to do tomorrow. That's how they chatter. From time to time, there were several chirping birds in the open field.

I remember once the uncle next door caught a sparrow and gave it to me. I had a good look. The taupe mouth, the taupe hair, the red feet, and the plump, round, hairy aunt looked like a plush doll.

You know what? There were sparrows among the four pests! Fortunately, scientists "avenged" the sparrows. In 1960, the central government, according to experts' advice, "rehabilitated" the sparrows, and included bedbugs in the "four pests" camp instead of sparrows, so that innocent sparrows could "rehabilitate". Today, sparrow and giant panda have become national protected animals together, which is a great progress for mankind. Sparrows, what lovely animals, they are human friends, we should protect them.

Describing Sparrows (17)

That day, my father brought home a newly born sparrow.

It has no feather all over its body, only a thin layer of down, bare. Its eyes were half open and half closed, and its mouth was bright yellow and pointed. The body curled up and stood trembling, as if the two legs had no strength.

I looked at such an unattractive bird and thought: Hum! I hate this ugly guy.

I no longer pay attention to this sparrow, only my father feeds it every day.

A few days passed. When I came home from school, the chirping of birds came from the balcony. This attracted my attention. I was curious about what a sparrow looks like?

Let me take a closer look. Ah! very! The sparrow has changed. Light brown feathers have grown out of it, and its claws have gradually changed from pink to yellow, becoming more lively.

Suddenly, I observed that the mouth of the little sparrow seemed to turn brown, and I wondered why its mouth had changed so much?

I immediately turned over the book and found that as time went by, the sparrow gradually grew up, the yellow on its mouth slowly decreased, and the dark brown slowly increased. "So it is!" I suddenly realized that this is the secret of sparrow change.

Every day in life is changing like a sparrow, time is changing, oneself is changing, and everything around is changing.

Describing Sparrows (18)

Raising a sparrow is a very strange thing. If you raise a sparrow, it will die of hunger strike. Who will raise it? But since June, my family has had a new friend who can fly - a cute and clever sparrow. I named it "Zhenzhen". Zhenzhen and I met after a rain in June. I remember that after the rain that day, I went out for a walk with Grandma, and accidentally met a small sparrow that could not fly. Grandma said, "Hey, look at that little sparrow, catch it quickly!" When I was about to catch it, I hesitated and thought, "Catch it, although it can add joy to my family, it may die, and it will also leave nature, mother, and its warm home. How sad it will be! Alas?? But don't catch it. I am reluctant to part with it. I always think this is a golden opportunity. Alas, what a dilemma! " There are two villains fighting in my mind. One says "catch", and the other says "no catch". Do I catch them or not? At this time, I heard Grandma yell: "Hurry up, Shanshan!" After listening, I didn't hesitate anymore, and rushed to catch the sparrow. I caught the little sparrow with no effort. It was so easy! But after I caught it, I felt a little regretful and wanted to let it go, but I immediately enlightened myself: "Oh, it was a pity to catch it so hard!" So, our family has a new friend. When I got home, I put it on the balcony. After hearing this, my mother advised me: "I say baby, you raised it for nothing, and you still have to die? Let it go!" I said unconvinced, "Hum, don't underestimate me, mom, I promise it won't die until next week!" "Oh, I hope!" I thought to myself. When the deadline of one week came, I didn't hear the cheerful cry of Zhenzhen when I got up. I was nervous, so I opened the balcony door and began to look for it. However, I didn't find it for a long time. I wiped my sweat and thought, "Hey, you said that Zhenzhen is dead, and there must be a corpse! Otherwise, it will fly away or??" Suddenly, a cry interrupted my thinking. I followed the call to find you?? "Ah, naughty, you are here, I am so worried!" I said to Zhenzhen who was preparing to take off. "Punt on the edges, punt on the edges?" Ah, Zhenzhen flew up, flying so high, so great, how elegant and soulful that Yingzi was. The kung fu really pays off! One month later, Zhenzhen can fly completely. When I saw it, my heart was filled with joy, and I was so excited that I was about to cry. In this month, I took good care of it, protected it, and loved it. For it, I shut my favorite pet cat Feifei in the balcony all day long, never letting her get close to Zhenzhen. For it, I sacrificed my rest time to take it out for a walk. In order to help it practice flying, I used to rummage through the boxes to find the thinnest thread, and gently tied the thread to Zhenzhen's feet, while dragging the elder's thread behind. Once in the garden, I set Zhenzhen free. It spreads its wings and flies under the blue sky, as if it doesn't feel the cable holding it at all. I like to fly a kite and fly it back and forth. That feeling is really happy. I also seem to be flying! However, our happy time together soon ended. Not long ago, Zhenzhen closed her bright eyes forever and left us and this wonderful world forever. After Zhenzhen left, I didn't think about tea, food or sleep, and even dreamed about it. I dreamed that it was revived in the colorful glow. I also dreamt that it stopped on my fingers to straighten the feathers, looked at me with its dark bright round eyes, and dreamed that Zhenzhen and I were flying under the boundless blue sky. It took me to a happy planet, where there is no sorrow, no sadness, no death, only happiness. I really hope that this dream will never wake up. Let Zhenzhen live in this dream forever! Zhenzhen, I love you forever!