Full marks: 600 words of friendship in the composition of the middle school entrance examination (13 pieces of anthology)
To grieve alone when things and people change
2023-09-06 03:25:01

Full marks: 600 words of friendship (1)

There is a feeling, like a trickle of water, which moistens our hearts. There is a kind of feeling, such as the glossy ganoderma grass shining with the light of life, which makes our pain disappear immediately. It is family love.

There is a feeling that does not fade away because of the distance.

There is a kind of feeling that does not blow away the missing of each other because of the monsoon of time. It is friendship.

The warmth of family, the warmth of life, the loss of light and warmth in the world, is because the sky is eclipsed. The loss of warmth and love in life means that we have the most beautiful youth for our family ties; We have a poetic high school life and dream high school years, but the most fortunate thing is that we have family ties.

Someone said: "Father's love is like a mountain, deep and severe, and mother's love is like water, gentle and delicate." But in my teenage life, I compared kinship with sunshine to dispel the cold and dark of my life.

On the road of years, we have experienced four seasons and storms. Because there are relatives around us, we are encouraged to never lose heart. It is like a big balloon full of hydrogen gas, which floats us over mountains, across the sea and peeps at the world. And we are feeling the freedom and romance of flying in this hydrogen balloon. When the wind blows, it will never blow away our smiling faces; When it rains, it will never wet our innocent faces. Because we are tightly wrapped in this hydrogen balloon, the temperature inside is enough to make our hearts burn.

Holding the sun, holding the growth ring, holding the growth, we are coming all the way. The road is full of tears, hardships, family affection and love. At the age of entering the school, under the sky that has not yet spread, family love is like the first ray of sunshine in the morning, which takes us into the hall of the school. We are destined to be walkers in the dark forever in our high school study career. Stepping out of the school gate, I still saw the familiar figure, which brought warmth to our family; It is like a bottle of perfume, and the fragrance immediately permeates the whole space. We have no choice but to be chosen. We can't get away from it, just because we are accepted by our family. It does not need to pay any price, nor does it need any return. Unlike love, it has to write down the promise of eternal life with a pen; It's not like love. It's only happiness when we walk together. It only needs a sincere greeting and a pure heart.

The sun warms the world and warms you;

Family warm world warm you.

Friendship, promise and dream;

Friendship, like a drop of water; Drop in the left hand into missing, flow into the right hand into endless care. Not because who you are, but because you are my friend.

Friendship is like a flash of fireworks, no matter what happens next second, this second should also enjoy. Without friendship, life seems to have lost oxygen, and you are suffocating in a moment.

Once upon a time, we wrote down our commitment together, "No matter how the years pass, we will always remember. On the way forward, we will be sad and cry together."

The big world, the small you; Because of having friendship, you are no longer lonely.

Acquaintance in the memory of the same year, full of innocent friendship. Acquaintance in the heroic youth, full of rain throb. Meet in a happy encounter.

Life has become more colorful because of friendship, and dreams have dropped to zero because of friendship. The ends of the earth are no longer far away because of their friendship. The memory film several years ago has become moldy again and again. I also found it again and again and put it in the sunshine to dry, because there are collections of our friendship and promises that will never expire.

I don't know how long the cherry blossom can come, and whether it is worth waiting for; I don't know how far a meteor can go, and whether it is worth pursuing; But I found the most beautiful friendship in my life, which is worth my life to retain.

Long road, vast sea of people, Mongolian rainy season: promise to keep friendship in the dream.

Continuous love, delicate heart, beautiful flowers, and vow to keep promise and friendship in pursuit of dreams.

Slight breeze, drifting away, vast starry sky: I swear to keep my promise and friendship in my dreams.

Family and friendship are all drops of emotion in the heart lake, which is the beauty that our life cannot be incomplete.

Full marks: 600 words of friendship (2)

Three emotions in life: family, friendship and love.

Kinship, what is kinship? Kinship is the special feeling between relatives. As the saying goes: the thread in the hands of a loving mother, the coat of a wandering son. Before leaving, I am afraid of returning late. Who said that the heart of grass inch, reported three Chunhui. Although, I'm not going to travel as far as the author, and let my mother mend my clothes. However, my mother also loves me.

I remember once, my mother and I went to the supermarket to buy daily necessities. After buying daily necessities, my mother took me into the food area. In front of all kinds of delicious food, my mouth watered all over the floor. In this way, my mother pushed the cart to the candy house. I ran in and was about to reach for a can and put it into the cart. My mother suddenly stopped me and said, "Do you want cavities in your mouth everywhere?" I said anxiously, "Oh, no!" "Then you can get candy." I continued, "No, no, no, let's go."

See, my mother came up with such a way to prevent me from decaying teeth! Next, we enter the friendship zone.

When you lose, you become happy. What is friendship? Friendship is the feeling between close friends; It is a wonderful thing that can help you get up, get out of the bitter sea and welcome a new life. It's like something you can't say and feel very happy. If your friend has the following three points, then you and him (her) have reached the deepest friendship. 1、 Whether your friends will advance and retreat together with you when you are in trouble, and will never leave. My friend is like this. What about your friend? 2、 Whether your friends walk with you when you are sad and listen to you talk about all the unhappy things. Yes, my friend saw me crying with my head folded. 3、 Does your friend tell you not to be proud and be modest when you reach the peak of life. I have a famous saying here to maintain friendship! Friendship always needs to be sown with loyalty, irrigated with enthusiasm, cultivated with principles, and nurtured with understanding.

Family and friendship always make people think.

Full marks: 600 words of friendship (3)

Usually I just play. Although I am 12 years old, I still want to be a first grade child. I never thought about what it felt like.

I came to Zhejiang when I was two years old. I never went back to my hometown. I just talked with my grandma on the phone, especially my grandpa said on the phone, "When will I come back? I miss you. I can't hear me on the phone because my grandpa is deaf. So my grandma always answers the phone. This summer vacation, my mother and I went back to our hometown. As soon as we entered my grandma's home, we saw that my grandma is old but energetic. When I came back, she was busy sweating in the kitchen and prepared a large table of dishes, which made my mouth water. Grandpa hugged me and tried to pick me up like a child. I grew up, but my grandfather stopped lifting when he was old. I haven't seen my grandson for ten years. I will leave the lucky money to you. I saw my grandmother take out a small wallet, holding 10 new 100 yuan in her hand. The New Year's money with a slight tremor in my heart is still there. A grandma, choke. I didn't give anything to my grandma, but she keeps lucky money for me every year. Family is selfless like the earth, only for our growth. The taste of kinship makes my eyes full of tears. My grandfather wants to take me back to my hometown. After getting off the bus, I walked into a remote mountain village where there was only a winding street. At four o'clock in the afternoon, the whole street was filled with people enjoying the cool. When I saw me, I stood up one by one. Similarly, 'Is this my grandson? Grandpa said happily, "Yes, yes, call me Grandma." Why do so many grandmothers make me feel overwhelmed and hide behind Grandpa? Some grannies rushed home to take red dates, some grannies sent local specialties, and my cicada just came out. It is said that my grandson often comes. I'm so passionate that everyone treats me as a treasure. And I didn't even call Grandma. Family is different. No matter what I do, they treat me very well. I have grown up a lot in this experience. I feel that the taste of kinship is a warm current. It warms me selflessly, always ripples in my heart and feeds me sweetly.

Full marks: 600 words of friendship (4)

Love is like a big tree with luxuriant branches and leaves, sheltering the fruits from the wind and rain, and guiding the lost.

Today, I came to the Little Orange Lantern for class as usual. The teacher handed out a piece of white paper, and everyone was confused. At this time, the teacher said: "Students, write down ten of your relatives on the paper." I wrote down without thinking, but unexpectedly, the teacher asked us to cross five of them. At this time, I began to hesitate.

Cross off grandparents? no way.

I grew up in my grandparents' home. They showed me great care and care. I remember one time, I went on a spring outing with several classmates, but they threw me aside and refused to let me play with them. I was very sad and ran home crying. When Grandpa saw this, he asked me why. I sobbed and said, "They wouldn't let me play with them. They said I was too dirty." After listening to this, Grandpa angrily picked up the stick and went to find them. Finally, Grandma pulled him down. How can I be willing to push my grandparents into the abyss when they love me so much.

Cut off my uncle and aunt? Still not.

My uncles and aunts treat me as a joy and love me very much. For example, last time, I slept at their house. At night, it was raining cats and dogs. I had a high fever because I caught a cold the day before. Without saying a word, my uncle put on his raincoat, picked me up and walked towards the door. In order not to let me get wet, my aunt moved the umbrella towards me as far as possible. When I arrived at the hospital, I was clean and tidy, but they actually became "drowned chickens". Look, if it was you, would you be willing to cut them off?

I endured the pain and spent five, but the teacher asked me to cross two more. My eyes filled with tears. I really couldn't row any more. Seeing them pushed off the cliff one by one, I felt as if there were thousands of steel needles stabbing me. Unexpectedly, such an ordinary game makes me feel guilty. No, it has changed from a game to a family choice question, which makes me understand how much the weight of family affection is in my heart.

Full marks: 600 words of friendship (5)

Kinship, like a guide board in the confusion, guides the road ahead for you; Kinship, like a lamp, lights up your life at this time; Family love, like a cup of tea, can warm you

My mother is an ordinary woman, but in her ordinary life, I saw her extraordinary side.

I remember that I played on the playground with my classmates in the first grade of primary school. Suddenly, I seemed to be pushed down by a force, and my chin hit a stone. My classmates sent me to the infirmary, and the teacher said he would go to the hospital to sew needles.

When mother learned the news, she put down her housework and rushed to the hospital at "superluminal speed". In the hospital bed, I was very afraid. When I saw the doctor playing with a needle, I was immediately afraid of turning into countless tears. At this time, my mother ran into the ward, took my hand, and kept comforting me, saying, "Don't be afraid, it will be OK! Mom is beside you, and I will accompany you forever!" I stopped crying and turned to look into my mother's eyes. For the first time, I found that my mother's eyes were so big, bright and charming. Gradually, I fell asleep.

I only vaguely remember that I was lying on a warm, strong back. It was gently rocking, just like a cradle, but it didn't wake me up at this time. When I woke up, I was already lying in the soft bed at home. At this time, I will never forget who put a spoonful of nectar in my mouth, who used caring eyes to resolve the pain of my wound. She is my most beloved mother.

Although she asked me many questions, I didn't answer them. I don't want my voice to break the silence. I was thinking, if time can stay, please let it stay in this moment. Outside the window, the stars stared at it with their eyes open, and the moon sprinkled the most bright moonlight into the warm house. They are very quiet and don't seem to want to break the silence.

Kinship, old like a honey, gives you sweet taste; Kinship, like a spring in the desert, can help you when you are in trouble; Kinship, like a ship, takes you on a long journey.

Family love is a clear sky that can never be covered by clouds!

Full marks: 600 words of friendship (6)

Take family love as a book. To read family love, we need to calm down and read it carefully.

Kinship is warm, and this warmth is like parents leading us to walk under the sun, and then the warmth of the breeze swinging the sun stays in our hearts. The warmth of kinship has always accompanied us to grow up. This warmth has taught us how to be warm, so we have learned how to send warmth to people around us in life.

Kinship also gives us encouragement. When we face difficulties in life and study, our relatives encourage us with their company. They encourage us to cheer up and believe in ourselves. As long as we are willing to work hard and devote ourselves to one thing, we will certainly gain something. Even if we get little in the end, at least we won't regret it. After I failed in an exam, thanks to my parents, I came out of failure and ushered in success. It is they who believe in me more than I do, that I can make progress in the next exam, and that I can do it.

When I failed, my parents' encouragement and companionship helped me most. I thank my parents for their trust in me and for making me feel refreshed and welcome progress again.

Family love is in the dribs and drabs of daily life. Maybe we can't feel it in ordinary times, but when we need it, we will find that the power of family love is infinite.

Reading family love, we should learn to feel family love in our daily life and cherish family love. Family love is around us, as long as we turn around, we can see.

Think of kinship as a book. When we hold this book and turn over page by page, we can see that kinship has always accompanied us on our growth path. Kinship gives us warmth and warms our way of growth; Kinship encourages us to find better ourselves.

Reading family, please also cherish the family around us now.

Full marks: 600 words of friendship (7)

The distance between people is because a certain hobby or thing is getting closer and closer.

On November 29, 20xx, I set up a home on Sina Blog. It has been more than five years now. In these days, it accompanied me from grade one to grade six, recording my every bit.

By chance, I joined the "Post 00 Outstanding Writers' Station" and met talented people and women from all over the country. A friendship tree has taken root in this fertile land of blogs ever since.

Xinran is a middle school student who is good at color lead painting, comics, etc. She was once the most outstanding editor of a magazine. Her various art works are published in magazines and often exhibited in calligraphy and painting exhibitions. I often come to her blog to enjoy her works, and she will also visit my blog irregularly.

Ke Yue is a sixth grade student in Xinyu. She likes reading, writing, reading aloud and playing badminton. In terms of composition, she participated in various competitions, and the articles were published in various newspapers; In sports, she is a national badminton player. She has participated in municipal and provincial competitions and achieved many good results. We often discuss problems together, help each other, and organize dragon catching activities to enrich our after-school life. During the winter vacation, I wrote a letter to her to make our friendship last forever.

Tianyue is from Qingdao. Although she is only a junior, her composition is quite good. She is versatile. She is good at composition, handwork, painting and pottery flute. Although she is young, she never misses all kinds of activities.

On Sina Blog, I also made many bloggers, such as Mo Xuan (Yu Liusijia), Feng Ling (Zhou Xian), Shu Xin (Yu Siyi), etc. We learn from each other, make progress, learn from each other, and complement each other.

The friendship tree will grow higher and higher, and become a towering tree, and our friendship will become stronger and stronger.

A few years later, when we recall this past, it will be wonderful.

Full marks: 600 words of friendship (8)

Friendship is a rainbow, extremely beautiful; Friendship is a river that never stops; Friendship is a green pine, evergreen all the year round; Friendship is still a sound of tearing cardboard, echoing in my heart forever.

I remember one time in an art class, my cardboard was really disappointing, and there were only a few cut pieces left. After thinking about it, I decided to try my luck in another group. After getting the teacher's consent, I quietly walked to the second group and saw that they had different actions: some were hesitant with their pens; Some confidently hold the pen and draw boldly; Some hold up their scissors and cut the paper "click"; Others frowned and folded the paper slowly... But no one paid attention to me, so I had to walk away disappointed.

I wandered aimlessly through the class and unknowingly came to the fourth group. I looked at them hopefully and got endless silent and mocking eyes. With a lot of resentment and a little hope, I went to the fifth group, but ended up in failure.

However, when I came to the third group, I felt that I fell to the bottom of the cliff and was suddenly pulled up - ha! Guess who I saw? Yes, that's my good friend Mengyao. I walked carefully to her seat, put my hand on her shoulder, and whispered, "Mengyao, could you lend me a piece of green cardboard?" Without saying a word, she picked up her large stack of thick cardboard, carefully picked out a piece of green cardboard, and slowly tore it up. The "sizzling" sound is so powerful and loud, like a light song. The big green banyan outside the window sways when hearing the beautiful "song". "Ah!" Her screams broke the silence. When I looked closely, there was a crack on the emerald like cardboard. She looked sad. After a while, she continued to tear up the cardboard. "sizzling" was the sweet voice again. The cold seemed to be reduced a lot, and my cold hands became warm.

Finally, I made a beautiful work with that piece of cardboard. Whenever I see this work, I will think of the voice that represents the friendship between us.

Full marks: 600 words of friendship (9)

How many true friends can there be in life? My friend is my bosom friend. She cares about me and helps me. She encourages me when I encounter setbacks. She is my friend Sun Yifan in the sixth grade.

She has a round face. I am in her big eyes. She has a small mouth. She is medium.

In my fifth grade, my grades were very unstable, and my parents were always worried about me. In the last exam of fifth grade, I reached the top 20, and I was very happy. The excitement and excitement all poured out, but the excitement was a bit excessive. Ben gradually turned from excitement to pride. Later on a quiz, I was pushed from the top 20 to the top 50. I was so devastated that I thought there was no hope. When I entered the top 50 and walked home, suddenly lightning flashed and thunder roared. It rained heavily. I ran and ran, stopped, sat on the roadside, and cried, Why am I so stupid? Suddenly, the rain stopped. Oh, no, she came with an umbrella. She reached out her hand to comfort me: no one in the world is born to be a talent, and all of them are made efforts the day after tomorrow. As long as you are diligent and studious and not proud, you can definitely enter the top 50. I nodded and dried my tears.

Later, every time I thought I could not do it, she came to encourage me and worked with me. After one month's hard work, our primary exam came, and I succeeded. At that time, I was so happy that tears filled my eyes. The first person I looked for was her. I cried out, "Thanks to your hard work, I can succeed. Thank you, she helped me wipe away my tears.", Answer: This is the result of your own efforts, don't thank me.

Our friendship is as high as the sky, as thick as the earth, and as vast as the earth. Even if we make some small disagreements, we will make up in one class.

A ray of sunshine in the morning shines on her face. It is enough to have such a bosom friend in life. Friendship will shine, and she is my good friend Sun Yifan.

Full marks: 600 words of friendship (10)

Some people say that life is full of difficulties and nothing can be done well. But in my eyes, the opposite is true. Happiness is very simple. As long as you live every day and smile at yourself and look at everything optimistically, you will find happiness. It was very simple, and happiness is even more so. As long as you forgive others, tolerate others, and think of others, you will be liked by others or treat others with heart. For a long time, it's easy to be friends with others.

I still remember that when I checked in at the beginning of the first day of the junior high school, I walked alone on the way to the class and watched others talking together in groups. I was envious in my heart. I hoped that my primary school classmates were here. When I arrived in the class, my head was bent and I was in a daze, thinking about my own affairs. It was not long before I found a girl sitting beside me, Long pigtail, dark skin, big eyes, and I don't know how long it took to talk too much. Let's be friends, OK, I replied without thinking, because there was nothing we talked about, and the more we talked, the more congenial we became. In a word, we hated each other too late, and finally we were interrupted by the teacher's speech, The next day, we saw him on the way to class again. You were also on the way to class. Yes, I found him every time. Because our home was near, we became friends who talked at school. One time, I saw that he didn't sit down to play as usual and asked him what was wrong. He didn't answer me, but he just frowned for a while before he returned to have a headache, Tell the teacher about your headache. Maybe you can go home. No, he said that I was not so weak. Before he could not move him, he frowned all the time to set off the city. She made a face for me. He shouted and smiled. I thought his reaction was very satisfactory. When you were proud, you just smiled with him. Until you got on the bus, the corners of your mouth kept rising.

Although he didn't answer me that day, he became closer to me. We have always been good friends.

To gain friendship, just think of others.

Full marks: 600 words of friendship (11)

If you say that friends are the shoulders you can rely on, then friendship is the concern for your voice. If you say that friends are your bosom friends on the road of life, then friendship is the fruits of friends and you.

Since ancient times, many poems have expressed friendship. Li Bai's "Peach Blossom Pond is a thousand feet deep, not as deep as Wang Lun's sending me love". How can a pond deeper than a thousand feet deep compare with Wang Lun's friendship? Wang Bo's "A bosom friend in the sea is like a neighbor in the world". Although friends are far away, they are good for Wang Bo. These are all chants of friendship.

Did you remember? In this busy festival, someone still sends a greeting card, besides your friends, who else? On your birthday, someone sings birthday songs for you and cuts cakes with you. Who else is there besides friends? Friendship, like crystal, is crystal clear and can withstand the rain.

As a song says, "In those years, one person, the wind also passed, the rain also went, there were tears, there were mistakes, still remember what to adhere to, true love, will understand, will be lonely, wave, there will be a dream, there will be you, in my heart, friends will go together all their life, those days will no longer exist." Friends still remember the ups and downs we experienced together? Maybe never forget, at least, I still.

Friendship will never die out, because it is buried in our hearts. It bears witness to our past. The encouragement from friends is our greatest motivation. Even if there is only a trace of help, it is friendship that gives us strength. It is friendship that allows us to move forward bravely, and it is friendship that allows us to ride the wind and waves.

Friendship is like water, like a trickle that never dries up. Friendship is like water, quiet and profound. Do you still remember? It was written in the diary; "May our friendship flow like the Yangtze River". The handwriting may never fade, and it is printed with our clear memories and engraved with the footsteps of youth.

Friendship is as beautiful as flowers. I hope that friendship will always be in full bloom and never fade away.

Friendship is like a cup of thick tea. If you taste it carefully, you will find it more and more sweet.

Full marks: 600 words of friendship (12)

A touch of friendship permeates the four seasons and the air. Close your eyes and savor it carefully, as if you can feel your fresh breath again

Friendship. The fragrance of flowers from the spring breeze

Remember? We met for the first time that spring. I still remember your smile, light and sweet, like a burst of Chunchun flower fragrance passing by. Later, we became inseparable friends. We like to hold hands and walk on the way after school. The fragrance of flowers fills the path, which is the taste of spring, flowers and friendship.

Friendship. The coolness of summer rain

In the hot summer, the hot sun is baking our hearts. Facing the pressure of the final exam, I shook my head and lamented the misery of life. "Hey! In a daze again!" I turned my head. It was you, still smiling. You handed me a can of Coke, and I reached out to pick it up, touching the cold feeling. Like a wisp of wind in summer, blowing my face. Drinking iced cola, watching your smile, feeling your concern, and looking at the red fireball like sun, it no longer makes me upset and irritable. Sitting under the shade of a tree, looking at history, language and politics, it seems that the dull words are more poetic. In summer, I look for the cool, rain cool, friendship cool.

Friendship. Maple leaves brought by autumn wind

The bleak autumn colors decorate the world, and the heart also drifts and falls with the withered leaves. The gray sky darkens my mood. Crouching on the table, I let the complicated thoughts erode my brain. The mobile phone rings, and your warm greetings come. I can feel that you are still smiling beside the phone. You said that you should go out to exercise more and don't stay in the house every day. It's cold and you should wear more clothes... Friendship can't be blocked by distance. Even in the lonely late autumn, there will be maple leaves to greet you.

Friendship. Snowflakes falling in winter

In the ice and snow, we clapped our hands and smiled at the snowman. Silly, you said you looked like me, and I was angry about it. What makes me unforgettable is that once I showed you my frozen purple hands. Who knows you are so angry and scold me why I don't wear more warm clothes, why don't you wear gloves... That's the happiness of being scolded for the first time. Today, it's snowing again, snowflakes are falling, and we walk on the snow hand in hand, leaving behind rows of footprints. That is the road we have traveled and the witness of our friendship.

The four seasons alternate and the friendship remains unchanged. We have spent three years together. Friendship has become the air in my life. Without it, it is difficult to breathe.

Full marks: 600 words of friendship (13)

Sitting in the examination room, I suddenly realized that the third day of junior high has become a past tense.

Think about it, the third day is actually very happy.

Every day after school, in the empty classroom, the sunshine at six o'clock in the afternoon will always spread three serious and childish faces through the west window. Sit on my seat and turn your head to the right, and you will see that they are bent over and working hard; Turning to the left, you can see that the distant sunset is still shining with her ethereal color, just like everyone's unpredictable future.

On the way home, there was a big unknown tree. In summer, it will grow many leaves

Scallion. The three of us can't count all the birds that live in it, but we can hear them chirping freely every day

The ground kept screaming. Every time we passed school, we would compare who had picked the most leaves and who jumped the highest. Every time, Guo Dan'er lost the most. Then Erbao and I would touch his head and sneer, "The kid still hasn't grown tall!"

It seems that day by day, the three best rivals in learning are peaceful

My best friend is coming to the end of three years. Everything will come to an end. Unconsciously, the way to escape to the past is also submerged.

In the evening a few days ago, after reviewing several key topics listed by the teacher, Erbao and Guo Dan'er ran upstairs to me and said they wanted to go to the school playground. The playground looks deserted. Guo Meier asked us the key points of the teacher's repeated instructions, and she and Er Bao sat on the horizontal bar and answered at random. After that, we tried to put the ball into the basket again and again; Then run and laugh heartily until the sunset gives up its resistance and the stars fill the sky.

Everyone has embarked on their own journey in various ways and for various reasons, just hoping that everyone in the story can, like a child, stubbornly rush to their dreams.

With the growth, all the stories eventually become everyone's memory, just like the stars gliding through the night sky