My Happiness Composition 600 words (17 practical articles)
Sadness and warmth
2023-11-13 00:05:24

My happy story composition 600 words (1)

There are many happy things mentioned. However, the most unforgettable thing for me was the piano competition.

Last year, the music teacher selected me and two classmates to participate in the piano competition in Jiangyin. At first, I didn't want to go, but my mother encouraged me to say, "You can go, as long as you believe in your ability, maybe you can win a prize." After listening to my mother's words, I was confident and decided to participate in this competition. I practice the piano every day, and sometimes the piano is still playing in my home even after 10 o'clock at night.

I look forward to the stars and the moon. Finally, it's the day of the competition. I followed my teacher to a school in Jiangyin by bus. We went to the lounge to draw the match number. I was the 15th. After a while, the game began. A tall man came to the lounge to report his number. I became more nervous. What if I couldn't play well? "Fifteen!" Ah, it's my turn. I walked slowly to the match ground. The three judges sat on the judges' bench and listened attentively to the players' performances. After playing on the 14th, I went to the judges, bowed, and then sat down in front of the piano, as if I had a live rabbit in my heart. I took a deep breath, put my hands on the piano, and began to play. My hands were all soft. Every key had to be pressed down with all my strength. Beads of sweat ran down my cheeks. After finishing a piece of music, I left the piano, bowed to the judges again and walked out of this terrible room.

Since the game, I have been restless every day. Am I good at playing? Can we win the prize? It's summer vacation. I'm worried that I won't win the prize. Otherwise, how could there be no news during the summer vacation? On the day when I got my grade book, the teacher gave me my competition certificate. I was surprised to see the words on it. Ah!

I won the second prize!

I was so happy that I almost jumped up.

Whenever I think about it, I feel very happy. Unexpectedly, I can also win the second prize. It seems that anything can be done well with hard work.

My happy story composition 600 words (2)

In my life, many unforgettable things have happened to me. They are like stars. There are countless things. One of them makes me very happy when I think about it. It was a sunny day. We took a bus to the film and television city, and the flowers were bright and lovely, fragrant and intoxicating all the way; The birds chirped and cheered. When we got there, my father couldn't wait to show us the tickets given by our teacher to the gatekeeper. After others saw them, they let us in. As soon as I entered the gate, I saw a striking fountain on the left, splashing water. On the right is a few hard iron balls on the bank of the pond, on which many children are crawling. It's very funny to watch. Further ahead is the Jinluan Hall. There is a chair for the emperor. I went to sit on it. Ah, it's very comfortable. There are clean curtains on the left and right windows. When I left the Jinluan Temple and walked to the left, I saw many people coming out with Xiangfei's hats, but there were high hats and low hats‘ I want it too, 'I said. Then my sister shouted. Mom and Dad said yes with one voice.

After entering the house, my mother saw various hats of different sizes and colors. My mother hesitated for a moment and said, 'All hats should be low. My sister wants white hats, and my sister wants pink hats.' When we came out, we saw a photo studio on the opposite side and walked over. Where I saw many clothes worn by ancient people, my mother told me to put on ancient clothes and take photos. This is brilliant and beautiful‘ I don't wear clothes but take photos, 'I said. Dad said yes, but we still need to play the ancient piano. I took a picture. It looks so beautiful. Coming out of the gate and going right is the emperor's bedroom, which contains the emperor's bed, pillow and many other things. You can only enjoy the scenery when you leave the emperor's bedroom. First, you can see four large bamboo forests, green bamboo poles and green leaves. It's beautiful. It's full of spring and everywhere is full of vitality. Then there is the Peach Garden. The pink petals are composed of five, and the stamens are still white with yellow, which is very beautiful. Ah, the beautiful film and television city, your plants, bricks and tiles have been deeply engraved in my memory. Alas, when can I see your Fangrong again. Instructor Zhou Li

My happy story composition 600 words (3)

Childhood life is like a gourmet bottle, containing my sweet, sour, bitter and salty. When I think of that, my heart is like eating honey.

It was a sunny afternoon. My sister and I went to the park to play together. My sister put on roller skates and skated happily. She flew briskly on the ground with powerful movements, like a swallow flying.

I was so envied that I put on roller skates and stood up carefully. But before I could stand firm, I fell on my face. I didn't give up, holding the steps beside me to stand up again, but I fell down again. My sister quickly slid over, lifted me up, and began to teach me hand in hand. First of all, I'm still in high spirits. But after learning for a while, I was a little frustrated, because the fall hurt, but how can not learn.

"Sister, don't teach me, I'm sure I can't learn!" I said desperately.

"It doesn't matter. I also learned it after a long time. It's natural to be successful! Come on, sister. It must be OK!" My sister encouraged me while giving me a demonstration. A little brother standing beside me also cheered me on: "Big sister, you must be able to learn."

I pulled myself together again. This time, I asked my sister to hold me in the back. I rubbed my feet on the ground as my sister told me. Slowly, I felt like a swallow flying. I am more and more relaxed, as light as a swallow, and I am moving forward rapidly.

When I was skating happily, a figure appeared in front of me. I shouted, "Get out of the way! Get out of the way!" But the man didn't seem to hear me and didn't move. What can we do about it? Forget it, turn around. I try to pedal on the ground with one foot, change my weight, and quickly avoid with the other foot. succeed! I'm so happy!

I slowed down and stood on the railing. When I looked back, my sister didn't help me, but stood far away and smiled at me! I waved to my sister and smiled happily.

As long as I think of it, I will be happy!

My happy story composition 600 words (4)

On December 1, 2022, our school held the 56th Winter Sports Meeting for Primary School Students. I participated in the tug of war competition and became the pioneer of our class men's team.

In the exciting and loud march of the athletes, the students' bodies and minds were boiling up. Thick and long hemp ropes had been arranged on the field, with red silk ribbon in the middle and three white lines painted on the ground.

The tug of war competition began. All the young athletes stood at the designated positions with high spirits and high morale. All the athletes held the hemp rope tightly like iron pincers, and stood in a posture, ready for a fight.

As soon as the referee's whistle sounded, the rope was immediately pulled like a straight steel bar by the athletes on both sides. Wu Fengshi is the main force of our opponent. You can see him, his face is red, he is still biting his teeth, and the angle between his body and the ground is getting smaller and smaller. I can't show weakness. I pull the rope back desperately. Our cheerleaders kept shouting "Come on, May 3rd! May 3rd will win!" Chinese teachers and math teachers were all around us to cheer us on. "One, two, three" Our athletes used all their strength while shouting. The whole competition scene was very hot and intense!

In the confrontation between the two sides, the rope also moved back and forth between the two pairs of athletes. Confrontation is a contest between strength and will. The whole class is looking at us, the dear teacher is looking at us, and countless audiences are looking at us. We must not let everyone down. I try my best to pull back, and the team members show no weakness. Everyone's strength has been used. The rope moves towards our team little by little, and the victory moves towards us little by little, In a burst of cheers, we won! In the second game, we followed up with the victory. We thought together and worked hard together. We won the second game again quickly. We won two out of three games, and we won! All the students of Class 53 cheered and hugged together, sweat and excited tears flowed down their cheeks

Our victory belongs to the collective, and it is precisely because of the unity of the collective that we won the competition. This competition made me understand that unity is strength, and unity can defeat everything!

It has been more than a month since this incident happened. I can't help being happy when I think of it!

My happy story composition 600 words (5)

It was another Sunday, the sun was shining brightly, and white clouds were floating in the clear sky. Several friends and I came to the playground by accident. The football players of Class 601 were waiting for us. As usual, we picked up the football and played it with great enthusiasm.

At the captain's command, the game began. Xie Hao got the ball first, took the ball and rushed to the other team's goal. However, the other side was not vegetarian. Several strong opponents blocked Xie Hao and detained him. Xie Hao had no choice but to pass the ball to Jin Hao. Jin Hao took the ball with him and could not pass it out. He raised his foot and shot hard, but the ball was kicked out of bounds due to his excessive strength. When the other side served, the goalkeeper kicked the ball into the middle like a tiger. Unfortunately, he hit a running player with a bang, which made us laugh. The other team member took the ball and quickly flashed past one of our team members. Our team member Zhao Shenyuan followed closely, aimed at the opportunity and kicked the ball away. I rushed to the front court, rushed to the goal with the ball, raised my legs, a fierce ball, the other goalkeeper hit the ball away with a fist, and I was dumbfounded. It was another far ball. The other side took the ball around one player with a "lost step" and finally shot the ball at our goal. But Yang Jiancong, our team's goalkeeper, was not easy to provoke. He blocked the ball and kicked it away with his unique skill - onion ice palm. We hurried to grab the ball, only to hear a "bang". Liu Chenggang used his "iron head skill" to head the ball and kick it away. Then came the referee's whistle, and the first half was over.

After a short rest, we started the second half of the game again. Our team member first carried the ball to attack. At that time, I found that the other side was exhausted and sweating, so I motioned to Jin Hao to pass the ball to me. After I received the ball, I rushed left and right, and finally rushed to the goal to show my "talent". At this time, I heard the other side shouting, "What's so powerful about this little fat guy. I was even more angry. I quickly got up and shouted: "Look at my unique skill!" "Ha ha ha..." Everyone laughed. What's up? It turned out that I used too much force to break the ball.

The game ended in our laughter. We had a good time.

My happy story composition 600 words (6)

With bursts of chrysanthemum fragrance, we came to Fengxian Shenlong Ecological Park - the site of autumn outing.

There, we played rowing, acrobatics, bird pavilion... But what impressed me most was the exciting grass skiing activities.

When we came to the grass skating ground, a smell of grass came to my nose. Suddenly, I was full of vitality. My good friend Liu Yingzhi and I were quick in our eyes and quick in our hands. We grabbed a yellow grass sled and pushed it up. She pulled in front and I pushed behind. Because of her strength, I couldn't keep up with her. I simply let her pull and I walked slowly. When we reached the top of the mountain, we were out of breath. I looked down, how high! Liu Yingzhi and I were frightened, but when we saw the students waving at us and shouting for help at the bottom of the hill, we mustered up our courage, but our feet were still trembling. Liu Yingzhi and I pushed each other to let who sit in front, but she was still soft hearted. Looking at my timid appearance, we had to sit in front. I sat safely in the seat behind her. The old man standing on the hillside kicked lightly behind our grass sled, and the sled rushed down quickly. I clamped Liu Yingzhi's body tightly with my feet for fear that she would slide down. Liu Yingzhi, facing back, lay down on me, clutching the iron railings on both sides. As for me, I was so frightened that my face turned white. "Ah!" kept screaming. I closed my eyes and the wind blew in my ears. I thought to myself: stop quickly, slow down, slow down. Suddenly, there was a sound of "Dong!", and then a scream came out. It turned out that because the speed was too fast, we collided with an empty car in front of us, and we fell a dog eating mud. Liu Yingzhi and I hurried to "escape" from the danger. The students giggled when they saw us in a mess. I broke out in a cold sweat, my heart pounded, and I gasped: "It scared me to death. Fortunately, we escaped quickly, otherwise..." I slumped on the ground. "Lu Tingfei, come here and show you something." Oh, it's Miss Hong. Let me have a look. Yo, isn't this the photo we took when we were skiing? I watched it and couldn't help laughing. "It seems that learning is not enough, but learning to be brave!" The students laughed when they heard it.

Time passed quickly. An hour passed in the blink of an eye, and we left Shenlong happily in the breeze.

My happy story composition 600 words (7)

In spring, the sun is bright and cloudless. Today is the award ceremony of Chinese ink rhyme that I have been looking forward to for a long time. I walked towards the Fog Mountain with small steps and vigorous grass. Plum blossom bloomed all over the tree last night, but the pear blossom with rain spread all over the ground. Suddenly, like a night of spring breeze, thousands of pear trees bloom. The fragrance of all kinds of flowers is brewing in the slightly moist air. Swallows brushed past me, cut a pool of water, and disappeared into the peach forest.

A gentle breeze blows away, bringing bursts of fragrance. In this harmonious scene, there are many other emotions in the originally expected mood. The ceremony of Chinese ink rhyme is on the top of the mountain, and I naturally want to find some other spring. Walking along the mountain path paved with petals, I felt a little pain from the broken flowers. On second thought, falling red is not a heartless thing. It turns into spring mud to protect flowers. Naturally, they are also preparing for the breeding of new life. The winding road is still the most waterfall in the mountain scenery. But I was behind the waterfall, only hearing its sound, not seeing its face. Walking towards a small stone terrace, you can feel the enthusiasm of the waterfall. The overwhelming water mist came to my face, slightly wetted my coat, climbed onto the stone platform, and then I could see the whole picture of the mountain. Such a scene made my heart very happy.

After looking at the time, he hurried to the top of the mountain. Alas! Who can know what kind of scenery there is in this hurry? About several hundred meters away, there is another renovated scene in front of us. The field of vision opens up in an instant, surrounded by clouds and mist, like a giant dragon flying over the head. Clouds and fog complement each other, like a fairyland, making people linger. Chinese ink rhyme was held here. The work was shortlisted, better than expected, and finally won the second prize. After receiving the award, my long awaited heart was relieved.

After the ceremony, the artistic conception has not been finished yet. It is a kind of enjoyment to be in this situation, not to mention a happy mood with a body and mind that are not exhausted? Dusk is coming, and a beautiful day will pass away. I am longing for it, but the time is passing like this. It's so beautiful, and I don't know where my thoughts will go, so I have to leave and return to the hustle and bustle. This time, without leaving a trace, only a few plum petals and spring mud were taken away. Today, the joy of the heart is beyond words. Go back to the room, stand in front of the window, watch the flowers bloom and fall in front of the court, watch the clouds roll in the sky, and review the joy with your heart!

My happy story composition 600 words (8)

Do you want to know what I am happy about? Now let me tell you something!

On a weekend morning, it was sunny, sunny and cloudless. Mother told me that it's such a fine day today that I will take you to Tanggu to play! I'm glad to say that it's great. I put on my favorite beautiful clothes. I took my mother's hand and skipped to the station. Then we arrived at the Bund of Tanggu. The first thing that came into view was the big ship parked on the shore, and many small speedboats were parked beside it. My mother saw me staring at these boats and told me that you had never been on a boat when you were so big? Mom, how about taking you sightseeing by boat! I clapped my hands and said it was great. Let's get on the boat quickly! Mother bought the tickets and we boarded the boat. Just listen to the whistle, the ship slowly left the shore. My mother and I stood at the bow of the boat and watched the fascinating scene of the sea. The endless sea appeared in front of me, with rockeries in different shapes and various forms. The tall buildings on the shore were left behind by us, away from the noise of the city, breathing the fresh air of the sea. I feel that I have returned to nature now, and I am immediately relaxed and happy. When we passed a bridge, our eyes were immediately attracted by the lotus. The white and pink lotus is dazzling against the lotus leaves. I said to my mother that the sea scenery is so charming! I will play here next time. My mother said that as long as you are happy, study hard and get good results, my mother will take you to a more interesting place. We reluctantly got off the ship.

Then we went shopping, and I fell in love with a beautiful skirt. My mother saw my heart and asked me to try it on before she bought it. How time flies! My stomach began to growl. It was time for lunch. My mother took me to KFC, my favorite food. My mother and I talked and laughed while eating.

I really enjoyed myself today. I wish I could do this every day.

My Happy Story Composition 600 words (9)

In the summer vacation, I experienced many things, some sad, some fresh... In my memory, the most profound thing is that.

It was a sunny day, my mother suddenly mentioned my long cherished wish: "I will buy you a bike, OK?" "Great! Great! You are a good mother!" I can't help jumping and jumping.

After a while, my mother and I came to the bike shop. As soon as I entered the car shop, I took a fancy to the black red bike at the first sight. "Mom, I want this one, I want this one..." Mom couldn't beat me, so she bought it.

well! Not to mention, this one is really beautiful. It is black and red, which makes it particularly domineering. Before I am finished, new problems come again. I can't ride yet! Otherwise, it would be a waste! What should I do? Now the only choice is: "Learn!" But I have always been timid and afraid of death. But this time, for the sake of bicycles, I will bite my teeth and learn!

I carefully sat down on the seat board, and felt like there were many buckets of water in my heart. After a while, I shook up and down; Shaking, shaking and falling down, I forced myself to stand up, patted the dust on my body, and complained in my heart: "I can't learn!" My mother seemed to see through my mind, came to me and said, "Continue, come again. Nothing is so simple, you should remember: perseverance, until success! You must be able to do it!" Mom said, It increases my confidence. I picked up the car and sat on it. My mother helped me to hold the "dragon head" in front, and I stepped on the pedal. My mother told me three key points of riding a bicycle while helping me: "First, don't look under the car, look ahead; second, don't turn the handlebars around, so it's easy to fall, and only turn a little when there is another obstacle; third, keep stepping on the foot, and don't stop." I did as my mother told me. After a while, my mother loosened her hand, I even rode on my own. And I have been riding my bike home all the time. I can't believe it. I learned to ride a bike.

This time, I not only learned the same skill, but also learned the truth that only perseverance can lead to success. You said that you could kill two birds with one stone?

My happy story composition 600 words (10)

Happy families are similar, but the happy things of each family are quite different. The most happy thing for my family is that I was awarded the "Top 100 Moral Teenagers in Dezhou City" in the fourth grade.

I remember when I was in kindergarten, my mother often said to me: "Children, in the long run of life, the word 'moral character' is very important. I hope you can develop good quality and become a moral person..." At that time, although I didn't understand my mother's words, my mother's serious expression and her words were deeply impressed in my heart.

I remember the day before the 2022 New Year, after helping my mother clean the house, I changed clothes for the whole corridor from the first floor to the fifth floor, wiped the stairs and handrails clean, and pasted red "Fu" characters on each floor of the corridor. For this reason, at the beginning of the semester, President Meng also praised me at the opening ceremony, and the students often cast admiring eyes on me.

In April this year, our school will select several students to select "Dezhou Top 100 Teenagers". Mr. Zang gave me a chance. In nearly a month of selection, my mood has never been calm. Finally, my kung fu has paid off. I was rated as one of the "Top 100 Morality Juveniles in Dezhou".

When the teacher told me the good news, I was very happy. After school, I immediately told my mother the exciting news and let her share my happiness... When I got home, my mother told the whole family the good news again. Every time my family sees me, they will say, "Xuxu, you are so great!"

I thought I was rated as one of the "Top 100 Teenagers", which was my father's wordless influence on me, the teacher's hard work and the students' enthusiastic help. I believe that on my way to growth, it will spur me from time to time, inspire me, and step by step towards the peak of life

At this time, I remembered Grandma Bingxin's words: "With love, everything will be there." Yes, with love in life, everything will be invincible.

My happy story composition 600 words (11)

Today, the weather is sunny, the breeze is blowing gently, and the grass and flowers on the roadside are all very bright. Even the birds that used to think that singing was ugly now sound beautiful. Why is this? Because I got a good result today.

When I ate in the morning, I felt uneasy because today I announced my exam results. I always thought, what if I didn't do well in the exam? But on second thought, I have worked so hard for so long, and it should pay off! In this way, I came to the class and saw the teacher coming to me with a smile and said to us, "Now start to publish the results." Unexpectedly, the first one was me. The teacher said, "Tian Ruoxi scored 97 points." After listening to the teacher's words, I was immediately happy. After school, I quickly returned home and said to my mother, "Mom, I got a good score, 97 points." My mother said to me, "Baby, you are great, but you can't be proud. You should continue to be modest." After listening to my mother's words, I nodded, thinking: this is only one exam, there will be many more exams in the future, so you must be modest, And in the future, we should also do well in the exam as this time.

A good result in the exam made me very happy, and also made me understand a truth: "Modesty makes people progress, while pride makes people lag behind."

My Happiness Composition 600 words (12)

In my life, there are many things that make me happy, and the one that makes me happy most is learning to ride a bike. Once my mother came back from work at night and said, "Son, push the bike out." I said, "What are you doing pushing the bike for?" My mother said, "Don't you say you want to learn to ride a bike? Today you will learn to ride a bike." I said, "OK." My mother said, "I'm afraid you said that, so my mother tied a stick to the back of the bike for you." I said, "Thank you, Mom." Mother said: "I cook in the house, and you learn to ride slowly." So I began to learn. As soon as I got on the bus, I fell down. "I broke my leg, and then I said," Mom has tied a stick, how can she still fall? " Mom said, "The stick is just to help you support your bike. You need to keep your balance." Then I started riding again. After a while, I said, "Great, I can ride a bike." I accidentally fell again, broke my arm, and I got on the seat again, and fell again. I said, "I don't want to learn, it's too difficult!" My mother came out of the house and said, "My child, you should be persistent, don't be discouraged, don't give up, and be persistent." I said, "I know, Mom." I took a seat again for a while, and I confirmed that I learned it. I took advantage of my mother's inattention to ride a circle, and returned home and said, "Mom, I can ride a bike now." My mother said, "My child, you are great!" This event made me understand that no matter what you do or what difficulties you encounter, you should stick to it and never give up!

My happy story composition 600 words (13)

The mood of a person is like the weather. It changes a lot, either happy or sad, sometimes crying and sometimes laughing. The things I have experienced are as colorful as seashells on the beach. What makes me happy is that I learned to swim in the summer vacation.

I remember one afternoon in the summer vacation, Uncle Liang and his son invited me and sister Pu to swim in the plantain forest together. I was so happy that I immediately changed into a beautiful swimsuit and set out by car. Along the way, the wind lifted up my hair, and grass and flowers waved to me at the roadside. Everything was so beautiful!

When we arrived at the plantain forest, our friends rushed to the river to laugh and play. I was alone standing on the bank. Uncle Liang shouted: "Dawn? Come down and swim!" I whispered: "I'm not very good at it, I'm afraid of being choked by the water!" Uncle Liang kindly said: "It doesn't matter, today's water is very shallow! I'm the gold medal coach to teach you, and I promise you will learn in three days!" I hesitated for a moment, and slowly walked into the river. Uncle Liang was right, and the river just reached my feet, Coach Liang said to me, "Don't be nervous, kid, relax, and the training is starting!" He first held my waist, and then taught me the movement of my feet: that is, straighten my legs, then retract them, and then like a frog, open the water backward, and then retract them. I followed the coach's beat and practiced my leg movements again and again. The two friends cheered me on. I admired them when they swam freely in the water. So I made a decision to learn how to swim. Then I rowed slowly. It seemed that the water was against me, and my feet were not so obedient. At this time, Uncle Liang said, "I tried to let go of it. As soon as he let go, I suddenly sank down and water poured into my mouth and nose. "Ah, ah, help! I'm drinking water!" amused the little partner to laugh. Coach Liang immediately picked me up and said with a smile: "It's a small thing. If you want to learn how to swim, you must drink water. Don't lose heart. Keep practicing. You must be good!"

With the encouragement of Uncle Liang, we went to the plantain forest for several days, and I finally learned the breaststroke! You can swim freely in the water like a fish! When I told my mother the news, she kept praising me for my strength! I heard it as sweet as honey!

Learning to swim really makes me happy! From learning to swim, I understand that no matter what you do, you must have the spirit of dropping water and piercing stone!

Fourth grade: 2510454413

My happy story composition 600 words (14)

One thing that makes me happy

In the morning, a new day begins. The sun is bright, the sky is blue, and white clouds of different shapes are floating: snowflake shaped, chicken shaped, shark shaped, leaf shaped... I can't help watching.

At this time, my grandfather came to me and said, "Go to dinner!" I ran into the kitchen like a hungry wolf without saying a word, and ate voraciously. Inadvertently saw the peach pattern on the plate, he asked grandpa: "grandpa, is the peach ripe this season?" grandpa said: "Let's go and have a look after dinner." After dinner, we came to the bottom of the peach tree, and I found that the tree was full of red and big peaches. Looking at those juicy peaches, I couldn't help drooling. Grandpa saw that I wanted to eat, so he picked a big red peach for me and put it in my palm. When I saw it, I said, "What a big peach!". The shape of the peach is round, and the whole body is red, especially the peach tip.

Grandpa said to me, "Come on, have a taste, will it be delicious?" I took a bite, wow, eat well! " So I put the peach in my grandpa's palm and said, "Grandpa, please have a taste, it's sweet!" My grandpa took a bite and said, "Call your sister here." I hurried to the living room and saw my sister watching a cartoon named "Bears Appear". I was so happy that I said to my sister, "Sister, do you want to eat sweet and delicious peaches?" My sister is a glutton. As long as she hears the word "eat", no matter what you ask her to do, she will listen to you. She ran out without saying anything. Before I left, I took a pair of scissors. I was so happy that I said to my grandfather, "Grandpa, why don't we cut off the peaches? Then we don't have to pick them when we eat." My grandfather said kindly, "I'll do as you say." I smiled and said, "I don't deserve it."

So I took a basket. Grandpa used scissors to cut peaches. I put peaches in the basket one by one, but my sister was eating peaches. After a while, the basket was full of fresh peaches. I picked some peaches and washed them one by one, put them on a plate, and then put them in the living room. Our family sat around the table, eating fresh fruit, talking and laughing happily.

This is really something that makes me happy. I can not only eat the fruit I like, but also feel extremely happy.

My happy story composition 600 words (15)

When I was 5 or 6 years old, I saw a game console that I particularly liked, but it was very expensive. It cost 218 yuan!

I said to my mother, "Mom, that game machine looks so funny. I want it, but the price is 218 yuan." When my mother heard the number, she was surprised and said, "It's so expensive! Don't buy it." But I still insisted on asking my mother for it. My mother was also in a bad mood at that time, so she gave me a meal of "bamboo shoots and fried meat" when I returned home.

One day, when we passed the store again, I took a look at my favorite game console, and my eyes were shining with gold. This time, my mother refused to buy it for me. After that, we went cycling. When we got back there, I felt reluctant to part with the game machine, but my mother refused me again. At that time, my mood was filled with despair, as if I had just cured a disease, but had another incurable disease.

A few days later, when we passed the store again, I asked my mother with a faint hope, but my mother miraculously agreed to me this time. But she had a requirement that I should get 100 points in the exam before buying it for me. After hearing the great news, I jumped three feet high with joy.

In the exam the next day, I thought to myself: 100 points, 100 points, I must test 100 points!

As expected, my kung fu has paid off. With the exam results, I really got 100 points.

I was so excited that I wanted to "fly" home at once. I handed the test paper to my mother, who said, "OK, I will take you to buy it!"

My mother bought me the game machine that night. I couldn't wait to play when I got home. They were very happy with me and said they wanted to play

After playing for a while, my mother warned me: "You can't play with the game console, and you can't relax in your study......"

This is the one thing that made me feel most happy in my childhood.

My happy story composition 600 words (16)

Wow, great! Today, my mother taught me how to sew buttons. I clapped my hands happily and jumped up. I can't wait to say, "Mom, teach me how to sew buttons now!" My mother said cheerfully, "OK, I'll take the sewing bag now."

Mom walked quickly to the cabinet, found the sewing bag from inside, smiled and came to me with the sewing bag, said: "You open the zipper of the sewing bag first, and I'll get the cloth." It was very simple to open the sewing bag, and I opened it at once. At this time, Mom came out of the room with two pieces of cloth in her hand, one yellow and one red. I picked up the needle and thread from the needle and thread bag, and at that moment I was worried. How could I thread the thread into the needle hole? I hesitated for a moment, and my mother said, "Would you like to see how I do it first?" I nodded, "OK, Mom." My mother began to demonstrate, and I watched attentively. My mother easily put the thread into the pinhole, and gently said, "Baby, do you see clearly?" I confidently said, "See clearly." So I picked up the needle and thread, just like my mother, with my eyes fixed on the pinhole, carefully put the thread into the pinhole. I was relieved and said happily, "I succeeded, I succeeded!" My mother said, "It's not successful yet. You still have to sew buttons after sewing." I said hurriedly, "Yes, yes." My mother set an example for me again. My mother sewed so easily and quickly, and I want to be like my mother. As soon as my mother finished sewing, I said, "I'll sew, I'll sew!" I picked up the stitches and red cloth, couldn't wait to put the button on the red cloth, and sewed it carefully.

For the first time, because of a mistake, I didn't tie the thread and had to start again. I said impatiently, "Well, it's really troublesome. Why can't I sew it well?" I was a little frustrated.

At this time, my mother said earnestly: "Don't worry, be patient. You don't know, my mother didn't learn it at once. If you don't try several times at a time, you can certainly sew it well." I was no longer discouraged, and began to work again, as my mother said. Wow! The second time I really succeeded, I hugged my mother excitedly. I sewed all the way to the end, and then I felt relieved after sewing three buttons. Look at the buttons sewn on the calico. How beautiful! What a waste of effort!

Today, I'm so happy! I learned to sew buttons!

My happy story composition 600 words (17)

Sunday morning, I was still roaming in the sweet dream.

"Lele, Lele... Little hamster has a baby." Grandma's cry pulled me out of my dream. "What? The hamster gave birth to a baby?" I jumped out of bed excitedly, put on my slippers quickly, and rushed to the living room.

I carefully observed the cage of the hamster, but I didn't see a small hamster in the cage. I asked my grandmother: "Are you kidding me? Why there is not a hamster." Grandma replied: "No kidding. The newborn hamster is afraid of cold, and now they are in the warm arms of their mother." I was a little lost when I didn't see the baby hamster. Just then, a naughty baby hamster broke away from her mother's arms. When the mother hamster moved to hold it in her arms, I quickly looked into her arms. Wow! There are about seven or eight of them. They are pink all over the body, squinting a pair of small eyes, and their small ears are close to their faces. Some hamster babies suck the mother's milk with their small mouths, some hamster babies keep flapping their limbs, and some hamster babies are sleeping quietly.

After the naughty baby hamster was stopped in her arms by her mother, the mother hamster quietly hugged the babies to sleep again. I can't help worrying about the babies. Will the mother hamster accidentally crush them to death? Could the mother of the hamster hug her too tightly, and the baby can't breathe because of this? My mother said that I was too worried, my mother's embrace is a safe and warm place. A big stone fell in my heart. While the mother hamster was asleep, I put some food into the cage, which was the favorite food of the mother hamster, including cucumber, carrot, and hamster food. Wait for her to wake up and have a meal. Because she is too weak, only when she is well fed can her body better protect her children.

This is a happy thing that happened in our family. These new members have brought a lot of happiness to my family. I hope they can grow up healthily, and each baby can become a cute little hamster.