Primary School Composition Spring Park (10 in general)
Flowers in full bloom
2023-11-18 05:59:10
describe the scenery

Primary School Composition Spring Park (1)

What a beautiful park in spring! There are flowers with strong fragrance; There are grass sprouting, trees with a faint smell of ink and the earth with a smell of spring, and

The flowers are colorful and fragrant. Jasminum nudiflorum has bloomed, emitting a fragrance that is almost inaudible. The magnolia flower is in bloom. It's very fragrant, but it's just a little less delicious. There are many unknown flowers, also opened. But the taste is different, some are big, some are small, some are very strong, and some are with a unique beauty... So many flavors make the park into a fragrance garden, which makes people intoxicated with the flowers when they enter the park.

The grass has changed. It's all kinds of things. Grass, you help me, I help you, help each other. They burst out together. Weave a new green coat for Mother Earth.

Mother Greentree is going to have a group of green children again. After Yidong's sleep, the green children come out from the fingers of Mother Greentree and play with Mother Greentree, adding fun to Mother Greentree's life.

Mother Earth wore grass to knit a coat for him. Then she said to her younger brother, "Brother Feng, you can run fast. Go and tell people that spring is coming! Spring is coming!" Just after hearing this, Brother Feng ran to every family and told them, "Spring is coming!"

When people heard the news of Brother Feng, they all ran out, and I followed them out. Everywhere there was spring, flowers were blooming, birds were singing and flowers were fragrant. How beautiful!

Primary School Composition Spring Park (2)

"One year's plan lies in spring, and one day's plan lies in morning." Winter has passed unconsciously, and we have ushered in a beautiful spring. The park in spring is very beautiful. Come and have a look with me!

Spring is a season of blooming flowers. The park is full of red and green flowers. They are in groups, like little dolls. Eh? What kind of flower smells? Look carefully, it's peach blossom. She slept all winter and finally woke up. The thick trunk, thin branches, and pink petals were beautiful. The apricot flowers beside her are not willing to be outdone. They are competing with peach blossoms! Together, they look like a beautiful and charming picture of peach and apricot competing for spring.

"Ding Dong Ding Dong" is a sound like a string of small bells. It turns out that the ice on the river has melted, and the fish are excited to jump out of the water. Several spring breeze blows, and the river ripples, which is very beautiful. The willow girl on one side, her long hair fluttering with the wind, and the grass under her that is so green that it is close to your eyes, is also dancing with her!

The word "a hundred birds contending" is also very suitable for spring. As long as you walk in the park, you will hear the sound of "chirping, cooing...", and combine them to form a beautiful concert.

Are all the birds so leisurely in spring? That may not be true. Look at the little swallow. He is busy making nests all day long. How industrious he is!

This is the park in spring. It is full of birds singing and flowers fragrance and vitality. I love the park in spring!

Primary School Composition Spring Park (3)

Pupils' Composition: East Lake Park in Spring

The lovely spring brought a soft spring girl. Today, she came to the East Lake Park, where she painted the bare old trees into green trees. Originally, the lake was free from rubbish, but the spring girl took a paintbrush to paint the spots, and the East Lake became a sparkling lake with clear water and small fish in the lake The water grass at the bottom of the lake can be seen clearly. The front of the lake is green and green, and when it is deep, it shows a piece of tile blue small fish walking happily through the water grass, as if playing hide and seek. From time to time, a few birds chase and play on the lake, and the happy birdsong comes, as if they also like this beautiful spring. Sometimes people are fishing. Unconsciously, she came to a rockery. Peach blossom on the mountain grinned and stretched her branches to show the visitors her delicate and beautiful posture. The green pines and cypresses stand on the mountain, like guards in green uniforms defending the sacred land. In the distance came the laughter of tourists. Spring girl came to the playground, where there was no one, even the machine rusted. But when Miss Spring came here, she painted a little. There was no one here. Now there are a lot of people. The machine was rusty, but now it has become smooth. With their laughter, Spring girl reluctantly left the picturesque East Lake Park. I like the vibrant spring, but also the poetic nature.

East Lake Park in Spring

Primary School Composition Spring Park (4)

Pupils' Composition: Park in Spring

Spring is coming with light steps. No matter flowers, plants, fish and insects, no matter rivers and mountains, they are awake. In this beautiful spring season, my mother and I came to the beautiful Shawan County People's Park.

Once entering the gate, the first thing I saw was the flower racks decorated with countless pots of chrysanthemums on both sides. They were colorful and colorful: yellow, white, purple... They were blowing intoxicating fragrance in the breeze.

In front of the gate is a round fountain. Every weekend, the fountain will spray beautiful water, some like apple trees, some like morning glory, some like flying wheels... Under the breeze, it is like smoke, fog, dust. It's refreshing to walk to the front.

Around the fountain came the grove. The small trees in spring are not very dense, and the small trees just sprout a lot of tender green, some are light green, some are dark green, which is very painful to see. The grass under the bushes poked out its head and looked curiously at the world around it as if to say, "Spring is coming! Spring is coming!"

Walk along the path until you come to the back slope of the park. There is a small pavilion on the slope. Standing in the pavilion, you can have a panoramic view of the park.

I love People's Park because it is full of vitality; I love People's Park because it is beautiful; I love People's Park because it adds vitality to Shawan County, Xinjiang.

Spring Park

Primary School Composition Spring Park (5)

How beautiful the park is in spring! Green grass, green buds and colorful flowers are like a colorful ink painting!

The grass in the park all poked their heads out of the soil. It yawned, straightened its back and spread the big floor green. The grass is soft when people lie on it. In the breeze, some grass were dancing happily, and some were listening to the clear song of small orioles. In the morning, the grass were dressed up one by one by Miss Dewdrop, like a handsome and lovely girl.

Some of the peach blossoms in the distance are red like fire, and some are pink like beautiful sunrise...... In the breeze, peach blossoms are like little princesses in pink skirts showing off in the world, and like shy faces of cute little girls. Also like a clever fairy waving magic wand. Little bees are dancing among the flowers. They are busy flapping their wings and picking up sweet honey with small baskets.

Looking at me, I seemed to become a little bee. After a while, I remembered that I was not a bee. I was looking at a bee!

Primary School Composition Spring Park (6)

There is a park in my hometown. It is beautiful all the year round, especially in spring. So every spring, my mother takes me to the park to enjoy the spring.

This spring, we arrived as promised. My mother and I walked forward first and saw a small square. There were fitness equipment in the square. A grandfather was practicing handstand. It was amazing. Several grandmothers were dancing in the square, and many children were flying kites.

Walking to the left, we came to the river. The water in the river is clear to the bottom, and the golden sun shines on the water. The water looks like wearing a golden coat with the pattern of little stars on it! The little fish roamed freely, and the little tadpoles moved in groups towards the river bank. There is a tall rockery beside the river, on which stands a cute little monkey.

We came to the gate of Baihua Garden. Suddenly, a smell came to my nose. As soon as I entered the gate, I was attracted by the scene in front of me. Here is a sea of flowers. There are three kinds of flowers that I like best. The rose is like beautiful girls, the hyacinth is purple, like wearing a beautiful poncho skirt, and the iris is like a butterfly, white, yellow... It's fascinating!

The park in spring is really beautiful!

Primary School Composition Spring Park (7)

The sunshine in spring is particularly bright, and the park in spring has pleasant scenery, like a colorful picture scroll.

As soon as I entered the park, I saw a green lawn, which really looked like a green carpet. Walk along the winding path. When I came to the lake, I looked around and saw rows of willows sprouting green buds and growing new branches. The branches were fluttering like beautiful girls dancing.

The water in the small lake is clear to the bottom, and there are all kinds of fish swimming leisurely in the water. There is a pavilion beside the small lake. There are groups of people chatting and drinking tea in the pavilion.

Especially a large garden in the park, which is really beautiful! All kinds of flowers are in full bloom. The yellow jasmine flowers are like yellow butterflies flying in the breeze; The pink peach flowers are dazzling in various forms; The white magnolia with yellow stamens embedded in its petals looks particularly bright and beautiful; The peony flowers with gorgeous colors are elegant, gorgeous and charming... Each flower is really in a variety of forms, which makes people linger.

I like spring, more like the park in spring, it makes me intoxicated.

Primary School Composition Spring Park (8)

Grandpa Winter left, and Miss Spring came quietly. The land was full of vitality, and the park also welcomed the spring.

My mother and I went to the park to play. Entering from the gate, I can smell a fragrance, which makes me intoxicated. There are also big trees on both sides. They grow tall and big, haven't they?

We went westward to the Hundred Flowers Garden, where the flowers were competing for fragrance and beauty. The peach blossoms were also unwilling to be outdone. The fragrance made people feel relaxed and happy. The smell of flowers attracted bees buzzing around. I remembered a poem by the poet Luo Yin: "After gathering all flowers into honey, I will work hard for whom and sweet for whom."

Leaving the Flower Garden, we walked northward, crossed the narrow path, and came to the pavilion to have a rest. Then, we continued to walk eastward, bypassing the rockery, and came to the pond. There were small fish, shrimp, and tadpoles in the pond. They formed a circle and then scattered. I gently touched them with my hand, and they ran around in fear.

We came to the square again, I looked up, wow! Many kites fly in the sky, including bats, butterflies, eagles and angry birds. Some people danced in the square, and their mother joined them, "You are my little apple..."

The scenery in the park was beautiful, but it was late and we reluctantly left.

Primary School Composition Spring Park (9)

I stood in the park and looked up at the sky. A breeze blew, and I felt that the blue sky was like an endless sea, with rolling waves. With the "sea", white clouds seem to become ships, raising sails and riding the wind and waves in the sea.

Look! The willow swayed its long hair and danced heartily to the accompaniment of the breeze. The little oriole was also standing with its mouth open and colorful feathers flapping its wings, composing a spring song for spring.

The rape flowers are blooming everywhere. Not only do I like them, but also the little bees and butterflies. They flap their wings, sing songs and fly freely in the flowers. How happy they are!

The brook flows in a clatter, and the grass and flowers are reflected in the brook, which is really like a ink painting.

Primary School Composition Spring Park (10)

Spring is coming. I go to Haixi Park with my family.

Upon arriving at the gate of Haixi, General Li Guangli, the Marquis of Haixi, stood at the gate in a commanding manner. General Li was wearing armour, holding a sword, and riding a thousand li horse in his crotch. He looked at the distance with vivid eyes, as if he was leading troops on the battlefield. A few more steps forward, I saw a big water wheel singing "squeaky, squeaky". When the wind blew, those drops of water really looked like silver blossoms, and also like pearls.

Through the stone bridge, you can see a huge artificial lake. The calm lake is like a silver mirror. The lake water is crystal clear, and the fish are swimming freely... The willow on the bank is like a beautiful girl, combing her beautiful hair.

The grass in the grass is green and vigorous. The flowers on the grass are all in bloom, including peach blossom, pear blossom, winter jasmine... They are as red as fire, as white as snow, and as yellow as saijin... A group of bees are tirelessly spreading pollen for the flowers in the flowers, and butterflies are dancing in the flowers.

Cherry blossom is the best thing to see in Haixi Park. Seen from afar like a brilliant cloud; Close up, they looked like pink smiling faces. When the wind blew, the petals fell in a swirl, falling all over us, like a red petal rain.

Haixi Park in spring is like a beautiful picture, a beautiful song and a beautiful poem.

Your father's comment: This is a travel note, but also a masterpiece of landscape painting. The little author changes the scenery and vividly reflects the spring scenery of Haixi Park in words, which makes people want to go out to experience it immediately!

In the article, the author begins with the statue of the imposing General Li Guangli. The combination of four character phrases highlights the sense of power and dignity, which is also a brief introduction to the origin of the name of Haixi Park. The key sentences of "a few more steps forward", "crossing the stone bridge", "the best thing to see..." serve as a good link between the preceding and the following, and also give readers a clear positioning, so that they can have a general understanding of Haixi Park. In the article, the young writer's performance of spring scenery is very prominent, using metaphor and personification rhetoric to make the lake appear more calm and natural, and make willows more elegant. Finally, the little author pushed the article to the climax with the dancing cherry flowers. From far to near, the figurative use highlighted the magnificence of color, and with the help of the wind, the cherry rain with a strong sense of picture was pointed out one scene at a time, and the perfect end!

Little author: Ji Yucheng

Instructor: Xu Yun