Interesting Mountain Climbing (12 in general)
When I was young, my clothes were thin in spring
2023-12-06 06:00:39

Interesting mountain climbing (1)

Have you ever seen a Parthenocissus? Now let me introduce Parthenocissus to you!

The mountain climbing on one wall of my hometown is covered with ivy. From a distance, Parthenocissus tricuspidata covered the whole wall, and the green leaves swayed in the wind, just like the waves on the sea. From a close view, the other leaf covered by one leaf is as neat as the scales on the carp.

The tender leaves of Parthenocissus tricuspidata are purplish red, but the grown leaves are green. Do you know why Parthenocissus can lie on the wall firmly? That's because there is something like a foot growing at the root of the leaf of Parthenocissus tricuspidata. The foot of the Parthenocissus creeper grows a crooked stem from the root, and a crooked branch grows on the main stem. The feet of Parthenocissus tricuspidata are purplish red in childhood. If it grows a little longer, its main stem will become green, and its suction cup will become green. If it grows a little longer, its branches will become green, and the whole feet of Parthenocissus tricuspidata will become light green.

The leaves of Parthenocissus tricuspidata are the same as the feet of Parthenocissus tricuspidata. They are light purplish red when they are young. The leaves of Parthenocissus tricuspidata will become light green when they grow up. At the peak of Parthenocissus tricuspidata, the leaves will become dark green. Once the feet of Parthenocissus tricuspidata have changed, they will cling to the wall more firmly and forcefully. But once the leaves of the Parthenocissus tricuspidata change, it will slowly turn yellow, and finally fall off the stem of the Parthenocissus tricuspidata. You know what? If the foot of Parthenocissus tricuspidata is not scratched on the wall, it will lose water and die slowly, and several leaves with it will also fall down due to aging.

Do you think Parthenocissus is interesting and beautiful?

Interesting Mountain Climbing (2)

My favorite plant is Parthenocissus tricuspidata. Parthenocissus tricuspidata can freely "climb" on walls or trees. Why? Did the Parthenocissus grow feet?

It turns out that there are many tendrils like mustaches on the branches of Parthenocissus tricuspidata. When you touch them with your hands, your hands seem to be stuck by glue. After checking the information, we know that it is the suction cup of the Parthenocissus, which is also the "paw" of the Parthenocissus, so they will "crawl" freely everywhere!

I also observed that they can grow well in wet places or sunny places, and their vitality is really tenacious!

This is the ivy I observed. How about it? Funny! Come and write your own observation diary!

Interesting Mountain Climbing (3)

When the harvest season comes, farmers' uncles are laughing and talking about their plans for next year while harvesting crops - needless to say, this season is autumn.

Climbing mountains in autumn is a very interesting thing. If you don't believe it, you can go for a walk with me.

One autumn morning, my father and I went hiking in Donggu Lake. As soon as you enter the scenic spot, you will see a huge lake. The water is sparkling when it is exposed to the sun. The water was stirred by the autumn wind again, and ripples rose in circles. The ripples hit the stone wall on the bank and bounced back.

Start climbing! We strode to the top of the mountain. I stepped up two blocks at a time, trotted forward at a time... On the way, there were lush forests, and I could not see how much yellow they were. Sometimes, a few wisps of sunlight penetrate the branches and shine on the body, making people warm and comfortable; Sometimes, the dense branches hide the sun, and a cold wind blows, which is gloomy and scary

After a while, we climbed to the top of the mountain. At this time, the trees seemed to be a magician, and turned a "magic" to us. The lush forest just now turned yellow! Green and yellow leaves like colorful and beautiful butterflies fall from the "butterfly tree", "fly" and "fly" and fall on the ground, quietly "watch" the old people play Tai Chi, "listen" to the middle-aged people talk about all kinds of things, "watch" the children play and play with all their heart... The trees not only have yellow leaves, but also have colorful The unknown fruit! There are red ones, yellow ones, white ones, and green ones... They are like cute faces, smiling and laughing at people

After touring on the top of the mountain, we went down. When you go down the mountain, the autumn wind comes on you, making you relaxed and comfortable. It was very easy to go down the mountain. Soon we returned to the lake and went home happily.

Autumn brings a song of harvest to the earth, and a song of joy to the children. Don't you think?

Interesting Mountain Climbing (4)

Today, we went to climb "Wuming Mountain" with our teacher to see the scenery.

At the foot of the mountain, looking up, wow, the scenery on the mountain is very mysterious surrounded by clouds. I must go to the mountain to see and uncover her mysterious veil. I made up my mind to enjoy the panorama.

The mountain road is very steep, which is beyond my expectation. If I am not careful, I may fall down.

Finally, halfway up the mountain, I felt my breath more uneven, and my sweat fell off one by one. The scenery of this mountain has changed a lot. We saw the dense forest. I took a deep breath of air, wow! It's so fresh. It's a good feeling. It seems that I have returned to the primeval forest. Eh, there is a table in front of me. I can go and sit down. I quickly trot over

But before I could sit down, the students in front shouted, "Hurry up, everyone. We are going to the top of the mountain soon." As soon as I heard that we were going to the top of the mountain, I got excited and began to continue climbing. Wow, how beautiful! There were flowers and grass, and a pair of butterflies were playing. At this time, a bee flew over, and I stopped hurriedly, afraid that it would stab me. As a result, it would step on the nectar of the flowers behind me. I also flew like a bird. Unexpectedly, I stepped into the mud and managed to get my foot out. At this time, some students had reached the top of the mountain, and I ran to it.

It's good to stand on the top of the mountain. I seem to be an emperor. This land is mine. Students shout to the valley and fly to all directions with their excitement. The scenery at the foot of the mountain is panoramic, the people at the foot of the mountain have become ants, everything has become so small, and the whole mountain foot can be touched. I have finally exposed its mystery - it's really "will be the top of the mountain, all the mountains are small"! If you don't experience it yourself, you can't experience it.

I learned from this mountain climbing that nothing should be done halfway. Mountain climbing is like learning. If you give up halfway, you will get nothing. If you persist in learning, you will get a lot.

Interesting Mountain Climbing (5)

The happy and short winter vacation began, and I finished my homework early every day.

On a sunny and calm day, I accidentally saw that the winter vacation list required us to keep exercising every day and be a "little sports player" who loved sports. I thought, "Otherwise, climbing mountains can exercise and cultivate a strong personality." So I decided to take my lazy mother and accompany me to climb mountains. My mother finally agreed with me. yeah! Excellent!

Before climbing the mountain, we prepared small balls, hiking sticks, paper towels, mineral water, etc., and set out to Jingshan with full arms. My mother and I set out towards the Huguo Temple at the speed of an arrow, leaving the climbers behind us far away. Due to her mother's lack of exercise at ordinary times, she had just run to Huguo Temple, and she was breathless and collapsed on the open ground like a pile of mud. While wiping away sweat, my mother complained: "You shouldn't ask me to climb the mountain, and I began to suffer from back pain." My eyes turned, my heart got a plan, and I quickly handed her water to beat my back to show my filial piety. Hey hey... I took this opportunity to say quickly: "Mom, you have drunk the water and have a rest. We can play the game of snatching the ball." Mom nodded.

The ball game began. My mother strove hard to hit the ball, and I ran for the ball. So you come and go. After the first game, I got nothing, and my mother won. Then the second game started again. My mother hit the ball and proudly raised her eyebrows. My angry eyebrows twisted into Tianjin's old Mahua. I swear in my heart that I will let my mother lose completely. When my mother didn't notice, I rushed forward at a speed of 100 meters and grabbed her ball. I jumped and the ball bounced and flew to the open ground on my mother's side. I won. yeah! I cheered. Finally, in the third round, I won the game again with the speed of lightning. Mother lost to me 1-2.

The sun is gradually setting, and happy times always pass quickly. My mother and I walked back home with happy mood and tired body, hand in hand.

Interesting Mountain Climbing (6)

In a blink of an eye, the National Day is coming, and the weather is getting cooler. I'm going to climb mountains and feel the nature.

Walking all the way, the ground was covered with fallen leaves, red, green and yellow, like a colorful carpet. Many birds were singing in the trees. When they passed the wheat field, there was golden wheat in it. When the wind blew, it made a rustling sound, which was very pleasant. Soon they came to the foot of the mountain. The mountain road circled up, and there were many paths, which were probably trampled by animals. At first I climbed up the road and saw only trees and flowers. Later, when I walked on the path, the chrysanthemums on the roadside were colorful and colorful, surrounded by several unknown wild flowers. They are clear in blue, red in enthusiasm, yellow in liveliness, and white in dust... All these flowers are scrambling to report the information of autumn to me.

Trees are an indispensable scenery in autumn. There are evergreen trees like pines and cypresses. But what I like most is the maple tree. Most of the maple leaves are buried in the dust. Occasionally, they travel with Grandma Suifeng. They are erratic and disappear at the end of the blue sky. Some of them depend on the tree mother. Although called by Grandma Suifeng many times, they still stay in her arms; When the autumn wind blows bleakly, the fiery maple leaves dance as if they have reached the boiling point of life. With her most beautiful posture, she tells the sky that "autumn is really coming."

Climbing to the top of the mountain, overlooking the countryside, farmland and cities, I finally realized what nature is and what freedom is. Sitting on the flat stone beside, I watched the white clouds floating in the sky. The wind blew, and it was cool. Ah, how beautiful it was. I was intoxicated.

The mountains in autumn are full of fun. The fun is in this scenery. He is not as shy as spring and hot as summer. He tastes more and more like a cup of wine. Although poets and scholars have endowed him with sad and desolate feelings, how many people will be sad. I only know that he is soulful and has endless fun.

Interesting Mountain Climbing (7)

Interesting mountain climbing narrative composition

In daily study, work or life, everyone has tried to write a composition. Writing a composition is an important means to cultivate people's observation, association, imagination, thinking and memory. Do you know how to write a standard composition? The following is an interesting narrative composition of mountain climbing activities organized by my editor for your reference only, and I hope it can help you.

Early this morning, my father and I arrived at the school gate early. The bus has been waiting for us there. There are still many children who haven't arrived yet! When everyone is here, our wonderful journey of "West Mountain" will begin.

At the destination, our coach Stone, Lightning and mopping took us to a pavilion. The coach gave us a safety rope and taught us how to lay a safety rope. After learning these skills, we will go rock climbing! When I was halfway up, I suddenly slipped and almost fell. In front of me, Wang Zhihang and her mother fell several times. I was worried about whether they would be injured. Although my classmates and I fell down, we stood up firmly and continued to move towards the top of the mountain. We fell one after another, but when we reached the top of the mountain, many children were frightened and cried (including me). But under the guidance and encouragement of our parents, we all survived the difficulties. Then came the problem. There were two roads in the lounge at the top of the mountain. We didn't know which way to go, so we chose the left road. As a result, good luck came! The road I took was indeed right. We followed the route to the lounge, where we ate, played games and talked. Time went by like a pony. The coach told us that we were going downhill. I was very happy. I immediately picked up something and followed the coach to the intersection of the downhill. On the way, we met many strange insects. Many people said they had seen such insects, but they just couldn't name them. In our songs and laughter, we soon reached the intersection of the downhill. The coach said, "You may meet snakes on the way!" On the way, My father and I slid down at once. We didn't encounter any snakes at all. Instead, we saw many lovely plants, such as: "like the roots of snakes, thick and big thorny vines, etc." Because of the fast sliding speed, my father and I won the second place. I felt very honored. When the activity ended, I reluctantly said goodbye to here. In order to reward us for being so brave today, the coach gave each of us a medal to encourage us.

I think today's activity is exciting and fun, although after the activity, everyone and I became "clay figurines". I can't forget this day, because it is the most unforgettable memory of my childhood!

Interesting Mountain Climbing (8)

One day, the three of us drove the battery car to the place where we climbed the mountain. As soon as we arrived, we climbed up with two feet.

My mother said, "I'm tired, I'm tired." After walking for a while, I also said, "I'm tired." Only Grandma didn't say. After walking for a while, we saw a lot of green vegetables planted on both sides. Next, we saw that the walls of a house were painted. Then we walked for several minutes, and we reached the top of the mountain. I stood on the high top of the mountain and saw many crowded houses in the distance. It was really beautiful. Soon, we went down the mountain and returned home.

Interesting Mountain Climbing (9)

Yesterday afternoon, I went hiking in Dongdaoling with my parents.

At the foot of the mountain, someone is selling bamboo shoots and picking wormwood. At the roadside, I saw peach blossom, cherry blossom, magnolia, a small white flower of wild fruit. Peach blossoms and small white flowers grow luxuriantly, while cherry blossoms and magnolias wither.

Half way up the mountain, I saw a reservoir called Longtan Reservoir, where the water is blue and green. I thought of a poem I learned that the river is as green as blue when spring comes. There are azaleas near the reservoir, whose stamens are red.

There was a hard part of the path in the mountains. The road was full of water, but there were stones on the road. I walked on the stones, and I almost fell into the water. Fortunately, my father pulled me.

Interesting Mountain Climbing (10)

Summer vacation, my brother and I went to Putuo Scenic Area to climb mountains together.

Putuo has the highest mountain. The name of this mountain is "Buddha Top Mountain". It is very, very high, with 1080 steps! At first, I was very relaxed and walked very fast. When I was halfway there, I felt like a stone tied to my feet. At this time, we were breathless and exhausted. We rested for a while, then continued to climb, and finally we climbed to the top of the mountain.

On the top of the mountain, the wind is cool, the trees are luxuriant, and there are many birds flying in the sky. The people at the foot of the mountain are still climbing to the top of the mountain.

When we went down the mountain, we were very relaxed, just like a few small squirrels, who were alive and kicking. We were not tired at all.

When I returned home, my parents praised me for being strong, and I was really proud of my performance.

Interesting Mountain Climbing (11)

One sunny noon, my parents took me to climb the mountain. I walked slowly on the mountain road. There were many birds chirping on the branches, as if they were singing for us. After a while, I climbed to the top of the mountain. We open our arms and breathe fresh air.

As we walked, we found a group of sheep resting on the grass. Some are sleeping in the arms of their mothers, some are eating fresh and tender grass, and some are looking up at the sky and bleating, as if to say how blue the sky is and how beautiful spring is. I wanted to walk into them, and suddenly all the sheep focused on me. My mother said, "Don't get too close to them, they will be afraid, and the ram will tip you." After listening to my mother's words, I could only stay far away from them. Looking from a distance, the flocks of sheep were like piles of snow on the grass.

It was getting dark, and we reluctantly went home.

Interesting Mountain Climbing (12)

Today is the weekend. After having breakfast, we went to climb Moxin Mountain. My younger uncles, aunts and cousins also joined in.

Moxin Mountain is quite high, but the air on the mountain is very fresh, so we climbed the mountain while enjoying the flowers and trees. But before we reached the top of the mountain, we were tired and panting, but we did not stumble over this little difficulty. We still insisted on trying to climb to the top of the mountain. At the top of the mountain, there is a Moxin Pavilion, where we will have a rest. When we came to the fence and looked down, my mother said, "Xiamen is a house except the sea, and houses almost occupy the whole Xiamen Island." Yes, there are so many houses in Xiamen!

It turns out that mountain climbing can not only exercise but also see many things!