600 words crisis composition (20 selected articles)
Thick fog permeates the mountains and fields
2023-11-27 09:20:02
primary school

600 words crisis composition (1)

Land desertification, water resource depletion, energy crisis, greenhouse effect, white pollution - the five major crises are awakening people!

Now people only care about the immediate interests. Who wants to think about the future of mankind? Who can assert that the environment destroyed by human beings will not be the graves dug by human beings?

Listen! Lop Nur's crying and Qinghai Lake's cry for help, stop wasting water resources! Qinghai Lake is dropping sharply at a rate of 12.1 cm per year, with an average annual reduction of 436 million cubic meters of water. The shocking figures are constantly warning people that you will soon have no water to drink! April 22 - The 40th World Earth Day, there is a set of images that are thought-provoking: six college students form a water resource sculpture, with the blue person in the middle representing the "goddess of water", people with different skin colors representing five continents sitting, lying or kneeling, stretching out their arms to the "god of water" holding half a cup of water in the middle, making a gesture of longing. What is surprising is that the water is not colorless, It's red! It indicates that the last drop of water in the world may be human blood. Isn't it a mockery?

I wonder if you have found it? Our home is getting warmer and warmer -- winter is getting warmer and warmer, summer is getting hotter and hotter. If we can't treat the earth well, the "greenhouse effect" will increase day by day, and the temperature may rise to more than 50 ℃ in the near future.

Climate change caused by carbon dioxide emissions has now greatly threatened the survival of human beings on the earth. WWF advocates that individuals, communities, enterprises and governments turn off their lights for one hour from 20:30 to 21:30 on the last Saturday in March each year to show their corresponding support for climate change actions. This activity is called "Earth Hour", which aims to make people realize how a small action will have a huge impact on the environment they live in.

Ignorant and greedy human beings! Don't just enjoy yourself, don't waste, mine and hunt too much. How many minerals and treasures have been destroyed by human hands! Who dares to say that we humans will not disappear next!

We only have one earth, and this home is the common home of people all over the world! Be kind to the earth, start with me!

600 words crisis composition (2)

In 2222, the earth became a smelly planet, which is the result of human pollution. Make people dare not go out.

But what about animals? Scientists never thought that this would do great harm to animals and plants. At this moment, the elephant's eyes were red, its size became larger, and its feet became claws; Monkeys can move shapes, walk upright, and grow hair; The tiger has colorful patterns, wings and manes, and tiger tattoos on its legs; The bird has grown two pairs of bone wings, the soles of its feet become bigger, and its feathers are darts; The rabbit's eyes turn blue, eats everything, has an amazing appetite, and has a fast reproduction speed... Plants have become Jurassic plants. These mutated animals do not stay in zoos obediently, but run out of zoos around the world to attack cities. Weak Japan has been destroyed, and we have to use the highest technology. "Hero appearance" chip has Chinese gourd dolls, American Avenger Alliance, Korean cf, Japanese Naruto The British ben 10... are all given life. And the mutant species. The cucurbit baby burned all the small mutant species, and the fire was controlled by spraying water. The people of the Avenger Alliance cooperated with each other and killed all the large mutant animals. Ben 10 turned into a super beast and led out all the traps, then turned into a flame man and burned all the mutant plants, leaving the plants that had not yet changed. Naruto Naruto, the spiral pill plus the shadow and the shape shifting phantom, killed the rabbit and some agile animals. The Japanese Doraemon took out the reducing spray and changed the animals and plants back. A big crisis was solved with help. It can be found by the leader of the Star Alliance that the earth is a beautiful planet. I don't want it to suffer from such a crisis again. Please protect the earth, ok?

If we destroy the earth in this way, it is very likely that the earth will become like this. Without those heroes, human beings will be extinct.

600 words crisis composition (3)

Under a towering tree, there is an ant nest, in which there are a group of friendly and peaceful ants. They collect wheat from the wheat in front of their home, but they are not for themselves. They put these grains on the edge of the cliff next to the ant nest. These grains are placed on a leaf on some rocks, and the grains are placed on them in turn according to the route, They called the food table the supply table.

One of the ants was different. He created a machine, which he called "grain harvester". His name was Gerrit. After collecting some grain, he put it on the tribute table, and called the queen who was over half a hundred years old and the beautiful princess to watch the machine. After watching, the queen thought it was very good, It can help them harvest food, but the princess doesn't think so. When it was time to rest, the ants swarmed into the house, but Grit was still collecting food outside because he didn't hear the notice.

Grit was frightened when he heard the sound. He quickly put the offering on the stage and ran back to the nest. But because he was careless, he knocked the offering platform down. He thought, "What should I do if it's broken? Whatever, go home quickly."

Grit was terrified at home when suddenly he heard that they were coming! Hearing them say, "Where are the offerings?" Then, "Bang -" a big hole appeared in the nest, and locusts jumped down from it!

After being scolded by the locusts, Grit thought: "If this goes on, the whole family will be eaten by the locusts!" He made up his mind, walked across mountains and rivers, and found Mr. Frog. Mr. Frog agreed with Grit to eat the locusts, but he would give him some rewards.

At the appointed time, when the locusts saw that the ants had not prepared the offerings, they were filled with anger! They all ran to the top of the ant nest. At this time, the frog jumped onto the ant nest and ate the locusts. After seeing a burst of cheers, the ants gave the frog a lot of food.

Since then, the ants have no crisis and become a peaceful family.

600 words crisis composition (4)

In the 21st century, human technology has entered a period of development. In a blink of an eye, more than 100 years have passed, and time has flown by. By the 32nd century, human science and technology had developed rapidly, and had entered a peak state. As a result, the world has become a machine era. Robots can be seen everywhere in the streets and lanes, and machines have replaced people's daily life.

But even behind the development of science and technology, there are also huge difficulties. The earth environment has been severely damaged while developing. In order to develop technology, human beings have built a large number of factories, discharging waste water and waste gas from factories into water and the sky, which has damaged the atmosphere and polluted the water source. In addition, human beings cut down trees on a large scale in order to seek benefits, which makes the land desertification, and also reduces oxygen and increases carbon dioxide, but biological use. The earth's environment is in danger, and it has reached the critical point of life and death. If this continues, the earth will perish, and the life on the earth will no longer exist, and the world will enter darkness, with unimaginable consequences.

In order to change the current situation, the world's highest environmental bureau has formulated a supreme plan. In order to protect the earth's environment, the environmental bureau has decided to travel through time and space, return to the past, and change the current situation. The Environmental Bureau sent an environmental team to carry out the task of time-space travel. The environmental team took the time-space travel machine, passed through the wormhole and the time-space tunnel, and came to the 20XX year of the 21st century. At this time, the environment of the 21st century was heavily polluted and damaged. In order to stop the pollution of the environment, the environmental group began to take action. On the one hand, the environmental group publicized everywhere: Don't destroy the earth's environment any more! We need to protect our homes. On the other hand, we need to restore the environment. The environment team uses the instruments, air and water to filter, and then plants trees in desert areas. After one year's efforts, the earth environment has been well restored. In order to improve the environment, human beings are still living in this beautiful environment.

600 words crisis composition (5)

The word "crisis" is interpreted in the Modern Chinese Dictionary as a critical moment of serious difficulties. Many people may misjudge this word and feel that if they encounter a "crisis", they will be in trouble. But in fact, we missed a key word in the explanation.

Yes, the word is "critical". The "critical moment" means a decisive turning point. Since it is a turning point, it must be a transition from "danger" to "opportunity".

To sum up, "crisis" is just a "turning point" hidden in danger. But the turning point is also different.

Take two examples: at the end of the Qin Dynasty when the people were living in poverty, the team led by Chen Sheng and Wu Guang encountered a "crisis" - heavy rain on the way to repair the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor. Moreover, they delayed their time, and the only thing waiting for them was "beheading". So they launched a peasant uprising at this turning point. Although it failed to defeat the Qin Dynasty, it shook its rule to a large extent and made itself immortal.

The second example is that in the late reign of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty, An Lushan was eyeing the regime, but Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty did not realize the crisis or doubt it, which ultimately led to the "An Shi Rebellion". It can be seen that we should not only pay attention to the existence of the "crisis", but also make good use of the "crisis", to "risk" and "opportunity". In this process, confidence is very important.

Face the crisis with confidence; When dealing with crises, we should have confidence in judgment; To resolve the crisis, we should have the confidence to try.

Believe that your judgment is correct and that this road can lead to the goal. To find opportunities in danger, we need to move forward bravely and work hard. No matter how big the crisis is, it will become vulnerable in front of confidence!

What is "crisis"? We already know. Learning to resolve "crisis" and make use of "crisis" is not to understand the setbacks in life? With crisis, life will be full of challenges and different fun.

600 words crisis composition (6)

When the world is only left: the last tree, the last river, the last fish


They are rows of solid trees, strong and brave. They will not yield to any harsh environment. They are on the desert, on the Gobi Desert, and beside the road. Wherever they are needed, they can be seen. No matter how difficult the environment is, they have become old now, and the former fighters have become no longer brave. Due to human needs and demands, their number gradually decreases, resulting in frequent disasters such as debris flows and sandstorms. What does this mean? Yes, they are already losing their support.


They are a group of happy children. With the love of parents and the care of friends, everything is so beautiful. It seems that all beautiful things are gathered here. But one day, everything changed. The "bad guys" aimed their guns at them, and the "bad guys" caught them. Their number was decreasing, and happiness also disappeared.


They are limpid streams. They run forward happily singing songs. Those who are so clear can go to the end in the past. However, the good times are not long. When you see them again, they have become turbid, emitting a disgusting smell. They are no longer full of vitality due to human industrial sewage. Their elastic skin is not corroded and rough, The surrounding flowers and plants have also died. It is estimated that the scene of recovery of everything will not appear again!

They are trees, they are animals, they are streams, all of which are destroyed by human beings without relatives. Is it true that only the last tree, the last river and the last fish are left in the world, people will find that "money" is not edible!

600 words crisis composition (7)

On the earth, from the birth of living things to the emergence of human beings, it can be said that it is a matter of flicking your fingers. However, the disorderly reproduction of human beings has overwhelmed the earth, and resources and energy are constantly being consumed and nearly exhausted. With the development of medical technology, the mortality rate has decreased year after year, while the birth rate has increased significantly. In 2035, the world population will reach 9 billion.

In cities, high-rise buildings stand everywhere, and it is no surprise that 1000 storey skyscrapers have been built. It has become a place for people to live, just like prisons, where there is no sunlight and no vitality.

"Mom, where are we going now?" A little girl held her mother's hand tightly for fear of getting lost in the crowd. "Don't worry. I'll go to the company to get a material first, and then go to the airport. It may be a bit troublesome. Be patient." Mother looked down at the little girl, and then ran all the way to the subway station.

The colorful subway passes through the gap of the high-rise building, and the birds see the huge things and fly everywhere.

The little girl looked out of the window and asked curiously, "Mom, why are there so many people now?" Her mother smiled, helpless. When she went to school, the population was not very large, and students had classes in the teaching building on the fourth and fifth floors. In PE class, you can see the sky when you look up, and the sun gently touches them. Now, the buildings in the city are tall and dense. In the reinforced concrete forest, sunshine and green are hard to find.

At the door of her mother's company, the little girl saw a crowd of job seekers. They waited hard one by one, only to be disappointed. Because "there are more monks than porridge", the competition is almost fierce. Compared with education and work experience, only exceptionally excellent people can stand out. It is really "thousands of troops cross the single wooden bridge".

The little girl and her mother are going to the seaside by plane. It's really boring to be in a sunny place. The little girl's father works at the seaside. He is an architect. Because there are too many people in the city, we have to build a "floating city" on the sea.

Now the "floating city" has been built and is welcoming the first batch of citizens.

600 words crisis composition (8)

On September 29, a sunny day, a group of cute ducklings strolled along the streets of Vancouver under the leadership of their mother ducks. The ducklings followed their mother ducks to open their eyes.

Before leaving, the mother duck told the ducklings: "Children, the place I'm taking you to is called the city, which is much more dangerous than our pool. You need to keep an eye on those machine guys with four big round feet." After saying that, the mother duck took the ducklings on the road, and they swayed on the road, very cute.

"Flutter -- Flutter --" A series of voices sounded. Alas, the duckling accidentally fell into the water. Several ducklings fell into the water and cried in a panic, flapping their wings in the turbulent water. The mother duck heard the duckling's cry and turned her head. Eh? Why are some ducklings missing. Oh, it turned out that it fell into the sewer. The current was too fast, and the duckling could be washed away at any time. The mother duck could not save the duckling. Fortunately, Mother Duck was so quick that she found a policeman to help. The mother duck asked the rest of the ducklings to wait by the sewer and go to the patrol.

Mother Duck ran to the patrol booth, shouted, and slammed the door of the patrol booth. When the patrolman heard a sound outside, he went to open the door. Mother Duck saw someone coming, and she anxiously circled around the patrolman, biting his trouser legs, repeatedly flapping her wings, and looked toward the sewer. When the patrolman saw that the mother duck was acting abnormally, he looked in the direction where the mother duck was looking. Huh? It's a sewer. What's wrong? The patrolman went over, and the duckling fell down. The patrolman turned around and ran away. Mother Duck thought that the patrolman had no choice, so she was worried and shouted at the same place. But just then, the mother duck heard the voice of a child in the sewer and went to have a look. The water in the sewer is gone, so the patrol went to close the sluice. The patrolman came back and saved the duckling.

Under the watchful eyes of the people, the rescued duckling followed the army and set out again.

600 words crisis composition (9)

The crisis in life is everywhere. It may be sudden or invisible. When the crisis comes, there is no early warning. If you fail to stop loss in time and resolve it tactfully, you will be extremely sad in the dark. Unexpectedly, one day the crisis also fell on me

It was very late for remedial school that day. There were no stars in the dark night, and the bright moon was hidden in the clouds. It was a rare dull day in midsummer. Only the streets were full of lights. I strolled around the busy market, with snacks in one hand, and casually responded to my father's urge to go home on the phone. Walking out of the crowded street, the pedestrians on the road gradually disappeared, the street lamp hanging on the wall lingered to support, the slowly flowing heat wave in the air was extremely uncomfortable, and the cold sweat of a single person slid across my face

The silent path echoed, and I was definitely not alone. The image in Ten Deadly Sins kept repeating in my mind: in the dark alley, the young girl in bloom covered her face with a man in black, disappeared and I turned around, and saw a middle-aged uncle in the dark. After receiving my attention, she made a mistake for a second, then her eyes dodged and couldn't help showing a strange smile. I panicked, but I tried to keep calm. I couldn't let him see that he was at a loss. The cold sweat is like a waterfall. I can feel my back has been soaked. One drop of sweat has blurred my sight. It seems that my heart will be knocked out of my chest in the next second. I tugged at the corners of my clothes. When I was about to walk out of the alley, the sound of footsteps gradually became rapid after I opened my back. I lost my pace and stumbled out of the alley.

I hurriedly and quickly pulled out the white sunscreen from my schoolbag and put it on. The high ponytail fell off, and the schoolbag changed its position, carried in the front, and mixed into the center of the rare people. Trembling for a while. After looking back, I found that the man was finally lost. When I got on the bus, my legs were soft, and my sun protection clothes were soaked in sweat, which made me feel terrible and resolved a terrible crisis.

The same is true of life. The road ahead seems to be smooth and boundless, but there are thousands of hidden pools surging under the surface. If you can't avoid and indulge in the bottom of the deep pool, you must try to grasp the salvation straw with light.

600 words crisis composition (10)

There are many stories happened to me. Some are beautiful, nostalgic, and some are scary. The crisis story happened to me is still fresh in my memory.

My crisis is very close to me. It happened in the summer vacation. Before the military training, I suddenly caught a cold. Most of the time in the summer vacation, I slept with the air conditioner on and didn't cover the quilt. I thought it was normal to turn on the air conditioner and not cover the quilt. Maybe I didn't expect that I would catch a cold a few days later.

At the beginning, I didn't care about this cold at all. I felt that the cold would be cured in a few days, so I still turned on the air conditioner. But I covered the quilt. I thought at that time, after covering the quilt, I would not be afraid of catching cold again. But the next day the situation was even worse than yesterday's, with runny nose, sneezing and stuffy nose. Only then did I feel something serious and asked my mother to buy me cold medicine. But my mother also thought that this kind of cold was normal, and she recovered in a few days. In addition, she was very busy every day, so she didn't buy me any medicine. But even if I don't turn on the air conditioner, my illness gets worse day by day. Until the military training, the teacher told me that it was better not to come if I had a cold, so my mother took me to the hospital to prescribe some medicine.

But even if I drank the medicine, it didn't work. I would wake up every night with a runny nose. When I went to see the dentist, a doctor said to me, "Are you suffering from rhinitis?"? Rhinitis is a chronic disease. There is no cure. As long as you get it, you may take it with you for life. I was suddenly full of crisis, thinking that if it was rhinitis, I would have runny nose all day, which would affect my image.

The next day, I went to an outpatient clinic. The doctor told me that it was not rhinitis. I was relieved. My mother said that I find all the diseases by myself, and I will suffer if I find them by myself. This sentence is true.

Life is in danger. Everyone has his own crisis story, but the important thing is how to save the day.

600 words crisis composition (11)

I am a snow lotus. I am a cold loving plant. Although I live on Mount Everest, I can blossom as long as there is sunshine. The only disadvantage is that it cannot grow at high temperature.

What frightened me was that scientists would transplant me to the Sahara Desert for experiments. My only wish now is to survive in the desert.

All the way through mountains and rivers, I finally came to the desolate desert. I am extremely afraid to live here alone for a year or more, facing huge challenges and crises. If the challenge fails, I will lose my precious life.

At first, facing the extremely high temperature here, I struggled desperately to overcome the hellish life and return to my hometown, but it seemed impossible. People here always look at me with disdain when they pass by: "What are you doing here? This place is not suitable for your life at all. We are the holy land where cactus grow." The cactus beside me look down on me even more: "What do you think she is? Why haven't you seen her since I came here? She is like frosted eggplant all day long, without any spirit." Their words aroused my fighting spirit. My goal of surviving in the desert is more clear, my will is more firm, and my idea of becoming famous is stronger.

The hot sun scorched my body all day long, sucking up the moisture on my body. Gradually polish my will to overcome difficulties. I also want to give up, but I often think of my friends on the snow mountain and my hometown that I have missed for a long time. Then he played the spirit of twelve points again, and tried to grow and live in the sun.

I think confident people can turn small into great, and mediocrity into magic... Finally, a year and a half after I came here, I opened the only extremely precious snow lotus in this desert - white petals, thin neck. Soon I became the object of admiration of many people in this desert. My firm belief made me overcome the discomfort of living environment and won people's respect and praise.

Before leaving, I want to say to those who laughed at me: Please don't look down on anyone, because you never know how hard the object of your ridicule will make, change everything, make you look at each other with new eyes, and finally make a blockbuster.

600 words crisis composition (12)

The crisis, with its fine varieties, has a lingering charm of "no way out after the mountains and rivers are over again, and another village is bright after the dark". We have faced the danger countless times, and I firmly believe that the crisis is also a turning point.

A poet said: people with hunger must digest, people with a sense of urgency must be efficient, and people with a sense of crisis must make rapid progress.

The crisis can be turned into a turning point only when people are active and promising. Su Shi is so heroic that everyone knows it. It is precisely because his heroes brought the crisis that he was demoted repeatedly from the peak to the valley; However, Huangzhou, a desolate town in the eyes of many people, brought Sushi a turning point in his life. In Hangzhou, he felt indescribably lonely. It was loneliness that completely washed away the pomp of his life. All these crises and hardships, on the contrary, completely transformed him and made him truly mature. Therefore, the masterpiece Niannujiao, Remembering the Past in Red Cliff, and the previous and subsequent Odes to Red Cliff were born in the world. I think it is precisely the "crisis" that has created a generation of literary heroes.

In China, more than 5000 years of history reflect what it means to be born in trouble and die in peace.

As we all know, too much sense of ease often makes people not want to make progress, while some sense of crisis often makes people suffer hardships and work hard for governance. Because the rulers of the Qing Dynasty were too complacent, closed the country, did not want to make progress, and did not seek development, the result was more and more crisis, beaten everywhere, and finally lost power and humiliated the country.

For the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, people began to put their feet on the ground and put their hard work into the construction of society. After more than a century, let the Chinese nation stand up.

Crisis is also a turning point. The Chinese nation uses its own experience to truly interpret it. It also makes us realize that we will not give up in the face of crisis, and we will always keep in mind of danger in times of peace. Opportunities will come naturally.

As the saying goes, "human life is like a flood surging, without encountering islands and reefs, it is difficult to stir up beautiful waves", and crisis is not just a crisis, but more likely a new turning point.

600 words crisis composition (13)

Hello, everyone, do you know me? Yes, I am a poplar.

One spring, my teacher scattered me on a piece of land. Of course, other poplar trees were also scattered on that piece of land. At first, we were just a small seed.

We take root and sprout slowly on this land. We grow taller every day, but sometimes it grows faster and sometimes it grows slowly. This place has a good environment. Our growth needs certain water, sufficient air and suitable temperature. These external conditions are not enough. We also need gardeners to prune. It may become better, or even become a towering tree.

I got to know some friends there. They are paulownia trees and shame trees. We use them together every day to bask in the sun and grow together. I will try my best to absorb water and inorganic salts every day, because I want to be the highest, strongest and strongest one in our land.

One day, the teachers drove a big truck to our place, cut down the grown poplar trees and looked stronger, loaded them on the truck, and carried them away, thinking: Are they going to travel? It must be very exciting. Because I didn't know that the cut poplar was sold to the dealer, I was still growing desperately, but somehow? It seems that it will not grow any more. It becomes slower all of a sudden. Every day, I watch one after another being pulled away from my side and never come back.

I felt a sense of crisis inexplicably in my heart. Finally, that day came, and there were only three or five left beside me. The teachers cut down me and all of them. I was filled with despair at that moment and complained about myself. Why did I grow so fast? Why don't you listen to others' advice? Now I'm fine. I hurt myself.

I lay on the car, quietly staring at my familiar place, which has become a vacant land. Other trees are still looking forward to this trip, imagining how wonderful the trip is. I don't know that it is not a trip, but a permanent separation from my hometown. This is how my crisis came into being.

600 words crisis composition (14)

On May 12, 2008, when the Wenchuan earthquake occurred, Chongqing Jiulong Primary School, where I am, also experienced a shock. I only remember that all the teachers and students were in class at that time.

It was always so sudden that the lamp on the ceiling of the classroom shook desperately, as if to break free from the rope, as if to fall down. The teacher immediately noticed something was wrong and shouted: "There is an earthquake!" Suddenly, everyone was frightened. You pushed and I hustled, and swarmed to the playground. But I was so frightened by the shaking table in front of me that I clubbed to the spot. I don't know where a "run" came from, so I

Move quickly with the crowd. I am very afraid: the house is about to collapse. However, the PE teacher calmly maintained order. But everyone wanted to escape and couldn't listen. Everyone was in a state of confusion. They were like frightened fawns everywhere, jumping up like they couldn't find the direction. The crowd did not form a formation, and the chaotic scene was like a plate of sand.

"Ouch!" "You stepped on my foot!" "Sorry!" "It doesn't matter!" This is always the case in critical times. Instead of haggling over every ounce, students are modest and help each other. A younger brother in grade one fell to the ground, and a big sister in grade one squatted down to help him and ran to safety with his little hand.

The teacher continued to set an example and lead the students to escape from dangerous areas in a leisurely manner. "Boys and girls, don't be afraid. You are the bravest child in the face of danger!" "Boys and girls, we must leave in order, so that nothing more dangerous will happen." The scattered sand gathered together, and the orderly team was as orderly as the army. After listening to the teacher's inspiring words, the children's hearts gradually calmed down, and my restless heart also returned to its original position.

Yes! When the danger comes, we should unite as one, calmly deal with it, so that the danger is no longer terrible, and the danger will be far away from us.

600 words crisis composition (15)

In the text "The Story of the Normandy", I admire the calm and self possession of the captain in the critical moment, and he successfully rescued more than sixty people on the ship. At the same time, I also remember a critical moment during the summer vacation.

One day in the summer vacation, my mother went to work. She asked me to cook at home at noon alone. I still have a bag of dumplings at home. Let's cook them for lunch. It was almost twelve o'clock at noon. My stomach was so hungry that I opened the refrigerator and took out the dumplings. I tried hard to recall the process of my mother's cooking dumplings: first pour a bowl of water into the pot, and then pour the dumplings when the water boils to bubbles. Then the dumplings can be eaten when they come up.

So, I went to eat dumplings according to the thought, first poured a bowl of water into the pot, and turned on the stove head switch. After a while, the water boiled. I put the dumplings into the pot and went back to the living room to watch cartoons on the sofa. I thought: Wait a while and see if the dumplings are ready. Who knows that I am fascinated when I look at it. Suddenly, a cloud of white smoke filled my eyes. I wondered if I had watched too much TV and my eyes were dazed. I rubbed my eyes hard, and then blinked again. I still saw the smoke getting bigger and bigger. I immediately became nervous: will there be a fire! Don't be afraid. First, I need to calm down to solve the problem. I looked around and found that the smoke was coming from the kitchen. I cried out, "Bad! It must be the glutinous rice balls that are boiling." I quickly ran into the kitchen, only to see that the soup had been bubbling all over the pot, and the stove head was still burning. I immediately turned off the switch of the cooker head, and then opened the window in the kitchen to let the smoke slowly dissipate, so that I could breathe a long sigh of relief. Then I wiped the cooking table again with a rag.

After all this, I collapsed on the sofa, still in shock, thinking: Fortunately, the water in the pot did not dry up, and I found it in time, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable. But I also feel lucky for my calmness in the critical moment. At the same time, we also learned a lesson: do everything with one heart and one mind, not two minds, and be calm when encountering crises, not panic, calmly respond, in order to turn risks into appropriate.

600 words crisis composition (16)

Crises are everywhere. They lurk around people. At a larger scale, biochemical crises, virus crises, war crises, and at a smaller scale, the difficulties in life are not our own crises? Is crisis awareness important to us in life?

In my opinion, yes, it is a very important crisis awareness, which can enable people to prepare in advance, have good preparation and response measures when difficulties or disasters really come, and can calm down and prevent the existence of hidden dangers. If people have a sense of crisis in life, they often check the power supply. Observing the gas may reduce the occurrence of accidents, and at the same time, it can also form a good habit for future trouble

Keep a sense of crisis. Although the ancients said that there was a man in the State of Qi who was always worried that the sky would fall and he would have nowhere to live, so he was always worried that he could not eat or sleep well. But it also shows that you should not worry about things that are unrealistic and will not happen, which will only cause trouble for yourself. From then on, we can see that there are certain methods for crisis awareness.

To maintain the awareness of crisis, the so-called premise of crisis awareness is to be realistic, not unrealistic fantasies, wishful thinking, as the saying goes, be prepared. Only by preparing in advance can we be free from danger. The rich and noble cannot live in lust. They are born in distress and die in happiness. He explained that talents should be cultivated in difficulties and people should be motivated to fight in difficulties. A country has no difficulties and has been destroyed. A country's happiness must be troubled. Crisis awareness, and a person's success also needs crisis awareness. As the ancients said, disasters and blessings depend on each other, and disasters and blessings influence each other. Therefore, to correctly handle the relationship between them, crisis awareness is crucial.

Keeping a sense of crisis can reduce the occurrence of accidents in life, promote people's self-discipline, and cultivate people's quality of hard work. It can also cultivate calm and enterprising spirit.

In general, maintaining crisis awareness plays an important role in individuals and our security. So no matter in difficulties or in adversity, we should keep a sense of crisis. Let's have less accidents and more stability!

600 words crisis composition (17)

There is a magical small house built in my heart by my angel sister. She also invited many small owners of the house, namely: happy, excited, sad, depressed, disappointed... Whenever I encounter something, they will run out, or cheer up, or make trouble. Of course, I like "Happy" and its friends, but I don't like "Sad" and its partners. The best way I can think of is to close the doors and windows tightly to prevent them from running around at will

In my opinion, he is my best friend. One afternoon, during the break, I went to the bathroom with him, and we accidentally found a "fountain". In fact, this is a bad water tank, which will spray water when flushing. When he wasn't paying attention, I pressed the flush button forcefully, and a stream of water sprayed directly at him, and my clothes on my chest were soaked immediately. So, he was very angry and walked away without looking back. That happened last month.

Yesterday, he appeared at the stairs. I thought he should calm down and shouted at him, "Hey, buddy!" He glanced at me with his eyes, but did not speak. Suddenly, I felt cold in my heart and walked into the classroom. I only listened to what the teacher said in this lesson. After class, I went to his seat and pushed him, but he coldly pushed me away. This push really made me "sad". I thought, "Is this the end of our friendship?" In fact, I have been asking myself this since the "Fountain" incident.

After school in the afternoon, I walked alone, and behind me came the familiar footsteps. It must be him! I quickened my pace, but I felt that the pace behind me also quickened. I simply ran up. Suddenly, a sandbag hit me hard on the back. I looked back and found him. I picked up the sandbag and hit back "hard", so we started a sandbag fight.

The next morning, he smiled and said to me, "Let's make up." At this time, I felt a slight sound in my heart. It was "Happiness" who pushed the window of the small house open and jumped out

600 words crisis composition (18)

After a while, I rubbed my sleepy eyes, yawned and looked around. Colorful corals, intertwined seaweeds, and swarms of fish are really a vibrant scene. Hmm, seaweed, coral, fish... I suddenly thought of this, stroked my chest and tried not to let my nose and mouth breathe. But after a long time, I couldn't hold it. There was water in my mouth. But a few seconds later, I was surprised that I could breathe in the water!

I was relieved and wiped the sweat off my head. But now, I was scared again. My hand is just a fin. I instinctively looked down at my body. The scales and the tail of the fish. Can I become a fish? At the same time of fear, I can't help feeling a little happy. At least I can swim in the ocean like a fish; Become free and unfettered. I learned from the fish on TV, swinging my tail and fin, and swam

At this time, there was a black shadow on the water. I ran after it and found it was a ship. Suddenly, the gate of the ship opened, and a stream of black liquid poured out. I was trying to find out the truth, and the liquid quickly spread with a disgusting smell, and touched my tail. Suddenly, a burning pain spread all over my body. I hurriedly shook off the liquid and swam away in fear. I think it should be asphalt!

One morning later, I came to the tip of the iceberg and found a cave. I thought that it could go through the iceberg in diameter, so I simply swam in. Suddenly, there was a crash, and several cracks appeared on the edge of the hole. Slowly, the cracks became bigger and bigger, and several pieces of gravel fell. I could vaguely feel the iceberg sinking. He swam to the entrance of the cave in panic, but just then, there was another roar. The iceberg collapsed! Soon, I was buried under the iceberg. This should be the melting of icebergs caused by global warming

At this moment, I want to appeal to mankind from the bottom of my heart: "Protect the environment, now, it is not too late!"

600 words crisis composition (19)

This week, I spent almost all my extracurricular time on this activity. But I always feel that something is missing or missing. I'm afraid that something will go wrong during the performance and affect the impression of others. It's not easy to be a host. Each group reports programs, arranges programs, and special circumstances... It seems that everything is piled on my head.

On the day of the performance, I was even more nervous. This reminds me that the opening words and closing words have not been prepared yet. In desperation, I had to seek the help of Mr. Chen, which was enough to relax for a while.

The class is about to begin, and I vaguely remember that our group's program has no background music. Rush to Yaoyao, ask her to take out the USB flash drive, and then run to the computer host. "What's the matter? I can't insert it!" I noticed that it was just the shell of the USB flash disk, so I quickly turned around and inserted it. "Why didn't the computer respond?" I shouted. I also invited Duoduo from our group to help. I went to the toilet again and brought out the bamboo flute when I came back. After class, I still thought about how much is OK?

I put other things aside, read the opening words with a smile, and carried out the first program. Fortunately, the next program went smoothly and the actors performed very well. Although two programs were changed temporarily, I still improvised and successfully overcame the team day "crisis".

Although this matter is over, it is deeply impressed in my mind. This made me understand that we must be fully prepared to do a good job. It is also important to be flexible and adaptable. Only by constantly summarizing experience can we achieve the greatest success.

600 words crisis composition (20)

The Earth is where we live. According to scientific research, there are very few planets in the Milky Way that can be used for human survival, let alone we can not move in a short time. So we must protect our only home. Land resources, forest resources, water resources and air resources are decreasing day by day. Human beings are now cutting down indiscriminately, resulting in the reduction of forests, serious water and soil loss, global warming, many animals have lost their natural barriers, forcing them to leave their homes and have to migrate to other places, reducing the number of biological species. There are countless animals that are on the verge of extinction or have been extinct, thus the ecological environment is becoming more and more fragile, and the environment for human survival is no longer rich, In the near future, humans may also lead to their own extinction due to their own evil deeds.

Now many natural sceneries and beautiful sceneries have disappeared due to the bad environment, such as Lop Nur. Nowadays, science and technology are more and more developed, but the environment is also destroyed quickly. Many factories discharge sewage unreasonably, which pollutes their waters, thus causing the death of aquatic organisms. When humans eat these dead organisms, they will also be poisoned, and then affect the ecosystem, even the entire biosphere. Many people catch some of the animals in large areas, leading to the disappearance of a large number of wild animals. Sometimes people are selfish. In order to satisfy their own selfish desires, they would kill those precious wild animals.

Because the number of human beings is increasing, many population problems are constantly emerging, such as housing shortage, employment difficulties, and traffic congestion. More people, more cars, more carbon dioxide emissions. It is the melting of Antarctic ice and snow, the rise of sea level, the inundation of many island countries, the increase of greenhouse effect, the gradual warming of climate, acid rain and other harmful weather, and the increasing human crisis.

Humans! Wake up! If you don't wake up, it will be late!