Composition describing Spring Festival greetings (9 popular articles)
Smile and see the world
2024-05-11 08:35:55

Composition describing Spring Festival greetings (1)

My parents told me that before the reform and opening up, every morning on the first day of the New Year, children would put on their homely clothes, kowtow three times to the younger generation and say, "Happy New Year to you!".

After the reform and opening up, people's economic conditions have been improving, so they also bring some gifts to show their heart. People in rural areas have the same way, but the New Year's money has increased to 1-5 yuan.

In recent years, from the city to the countryside, almost every household has installed a telephone. Every Chinese New Year, the phone of each family rings ceaselessly. Although the words of blessing are not long and there is no visit, they express people's sincere heart.

This year, most people have bought mobile phones, and the new fashion trend of SMS New Year greetings has swept through. Take my father for example. When he received many messages from people, he soon learned to send messages. For example, that time: on the evening of the New Year's Eve, my father took a mobile phone in one hand and a phone book in the other, and devoted himself to sending and answering text messages to his relatives and friends. Because he typed slowly, he sent a text message to others with a fixed sentence: "I wish you happiness in the Year of the Monkey, and everything is going well." Dad also received a message from others, such as Uncle Wen Chao: "You live at the head of the Yangtze River, I live at the end of the Yangtze River, and I miss you all the time, but I don't see you, so we can drink a river together.". Also: "I send you a blessing, a wish, a happiness, a happiness, and so on. To tell you the truth, my father has received more than 200 messages this year, and sent more than 100 messages. How about it? How awesome! I think the next New Year's greetings may change. Next year, I can use a video phone to talk directly. It may also be online New Year's greetings.

Through the constant changes in the way of New Year greetings, we can see that the living standard of our people is constantly improving, the national economy and science and technology are developing rapidly, and we can see the splendid future of our country.

Composition describing Spring Festival greetings (2)

Today is the second day of the Chinese New Year. My father and mother went to camphor to pay New Year's greetings to my grandparents.

On the way, we talked and laughed. We saw snow white plums all over the mountains. When the breeze blew, they seemed to wave to us. Birds chirp and sing for us. The river is clattering, as if accompanying the birds, which is a vivid scene.

In a short time, we arrived at the camphor. As soon as I got out of the car, I ran into the hall. My grandparents said loudly, "Grandma and Grandpa, I wish you a happy New Year, and wish you a long life and good luck!" Grandma and Grandpa smiled with satisfaction. They were also happy to say to me, "My dear grandson, I wish you a better study!" After receiving the red envelope, I said excitedly, "Thank you, Grandma!"

I feel happy to receive red envelopes.

Composition describing Spring Festival greetings (3)

At 5 am on New Year's Day, we set out to visit our hometown. Walking out of the brightly lit county town, it was dark everywhere. There was not a pedestrian on the road and there were few vehicles coming and going. The car was running on the wide road, and we all arrived at the destination unconsciously, talking and laughing.

After getting off the bus, there were not many people getting up in the village. After a while, uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters, etc. near the door have all got up and gathered together. Under the leadership of my aunt, the "big army" began to pay New Year's greetings to the elders. When we walked into a house, we stood in the clean yard, and the fifth aunt shouted: "Aunt, have you got up? We are here to pay you a New Year's greetings." Aunt came out of the house and said with a smile, "Everyone is here! Come to the house to warm up." The fifth aunt hurriedly said: "Aunt, please connect, we kowtow to you.", We all knelt on our knees and kowtowed, and the aunt quickly took our hands and said politely, "Come, come, come." Then she hurried into the room and grabbed two handfuls of sugar and gave them to the children in the team. The children reached out their red hands and happily took the sugar and put it into their pockets. Although my aunt has repeatedly invited us to sit in the house warmly, because the task of New Year's greetings has not been completed, and the people who are paying New Year's greetings to my aunt are constantly, we walked outside and said, "My aunt, please go back quickly, and we will go to another house." My aunt reluctantly sent us to the gate. In this way, we walked into more than ten elder families and spent nearly two hours. My knees are covered with dirt, and they still ache faintly. It was very cold. Although I was fully armed and put on thick cotton padded clothes and shoes when I came here, I was still shivering with cold. My ears were sore, my face was cold, my hands and feet were numb, and I felt that I was cold enough to smile stiffly.

After the New Year's greetings, we came to the street. The hospitable door lit a red fire with a cotton pole. We stood around the fire and felt warmer. Watching the burning flames, I couldn't help thinking that the life of the people in my hometown is becoming more and more prosperous. The original low tile roofed houses have now become two storey buildings. The clothes they wear are top-grade and the candy they send are top-grade. All the faces were beaming, and they didn't care about how much money the old man gave the children.

The society is progressing and people's living conditions are constantly improving. However, the form of kowtow has remained unchanged for decades. Why on earth is this? Maybe this is also a virtue of respecting and loving the old left by the Chinese nation!

Composition describing Spring Festival greetings (4)

The autumn of fallen leaves has gradually disappeared, but the footsteps of winter have inadvertently scratched traces on the branches. Standing in front of the window, listening to the drizzle playing softly, looking at the childhood memories piled up with adobe and green tiles, the wet palm covers the sour nose, and those childhood funny things imprinted on the bottom of my heart, like the cold taste touched on the tip of my tongue, make us hard to forget for a long time.

I remember that the strong smell of the Spring Festival in childhood always starts from the first sound of my father lighting firecrackers. Every time the Spring Festival comes, we children need not mention how eager we are to look forward to it. The elders happily leaned on the steps of the gate and looked around. However, they once knew that their subtle feelings of celebrating the New Year hidden in their hearts were completely exposed by themselves. Their rough hands were put together in their pockets. Occasionally, they would take out some things they would not like to eat, such as candy and peanuts, and hold them together in the palm of their hands for a large group of children to eat, But it was many years ago.

Usually, there is a day called "sacrifice to the kitchen" before the New Year, which is like a prelude to the arrival of the New Year. On this day, people of all ages are not allowed to be lazy in bed, and New Year's goods should be prepared before the day. Children will learn to work like adults and clean the kitchen very carefully. I still remember that the "stove" in my childhood was not like this. It was made of adobe and stones. There was no smell of gas. It was heated by burning straw and straw. The whole stove was dark. There was still a lot of ash on the iron bottom of the pot. At this time, Dad had to use a shovel to remove it bit by bit. When the kerosene lamp has gradually become the history in our memory, it seems that we will often remember his dark and dirty coat. On this day, Dad will replace the lamp in the kitchen with a new one, saying it is a homage to the Kitchen God, so as to avoid unnecessary trouble next year.

On this day, there is also an unorthodox saying in the village: On this day, the whole family must go home before midnight, whether you are in a different place or living in a foreign country, but the Spring Festival is coming, and the time of family reunion is coming. If the children of any family do not return, they are disrespectful to the ancestors, and will be mercilessly criticized by the elders, He said he spoke for his ancestors.

Before the Spring Festival, there is another big event, that is, Mom will give our sisters several cloth shoes that she sews with her own hands to try on. Naboo shoes are also particular. They need to be painted on the cloth with paste, dried first, and then cut into shoe molds. At that time, our family's shoes were all sewn by my mother, which is much stronger than today's sports shoes. When various brands of sports shoes and casual shoes are flooded in the streets and alleys today, it is hard to see the shadow of those cloth shoes that once filled the family with a needle and a thread, but it increases the popularity of famous brands that you compare with me.

On the day of the Spring Festival, after putting on new shoes and having a small reunion dinner, it was time to paste couplets. I remember that I wrote the couplets of the Spring Festival for several years! According to the relationship between tone and tone, I can always write well with each stroke.

On New Year's Day, the most interesting thing for us children is the New Year's greetings after several New Year's Eve dinners.

Normally, I would go to the elders' home first, and then I could go to the New Year at will. It seems that it snows heavily every year during the Spring Festival in childhood. Although the weather is a little cold, our hearts are always warm under the thick cotton padded clothes. Seven or eight children will form a group, each holding a small and delicate lantern. It is said that the road will be slippery in the dark to light up, but from a distance, it is really a bit of New Year momentum!

My father tied my lantern with bamboo strips, pasted colored paper on the outside, and twisted half a circle of iron wire. Careful parents will also ask someone to paint pictures on it, such as Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea, Kuabu Chasing the Sun, which looks particularly beautiful.

Composition describing Spring Festival greetings (5)

Firecrackers crackled and crackled. Today is New Year's Day. My father and mother put on beautiful new clothes and went happily to pay New Year's greetings to the whole village with the joy of the festival.

We had just taken a few steps when my mother suddenly patted her head: "Oh, it's 9:30! I almost forgot that there is an activity in the village today. I have to be busy. You go to New Year's greetings, and I ran first!" My father took my right hand and smiled: "Look at your mother, she likes to join in the fun!"

The air is really good on New Year's Day. The whole village of my hometown is full of smoke from cooking, singing birds and fragrant flowers. Dad always said "Happy New Year" and "Congratulations on getting rich" to everyone. All the hosts were beaming with joy. They all served the best hot tea and candies, and warmly entertained us. The neighbors are all smiling like peaches? Can't close your mouth. Several father-in-law praised me like this: "This is an old sister. She is growing so tall! She is growing faster than your father! I heard that you won the first place in this exam. I will study hard in the future!

It's so happy to pay New Year's greetings on the first day of the lunar new year. Everyone is smiling happily and saying good wishes.

Composition describing Spring Festival greetings (6)

On the sixth day of the lunar new year, my parents and I went to my aunt's house to pay New Year's greetings. My aunt lives in the purple moon of the Ming Dynasty.

As soon as I entered the door, I said New Year's greetings to my aunt and grandpa: "Happy New Year to my aunt and grandpa. I wish you happiness as long as the East China Sea and longevity as long as Nanshan." They laughed, saying "OK, OK, OK", and took out a big red envelope and stuck it in my pocket.

My aunt is very capable and skillful. She cleans the house very clean and beautiful. My aunt took care of me when my mother went on business or worked overtime. She treated me very well and I liked her very much. Every time we came to her house, she and grandpa would treat us warmly and make us many delicious food. Today was the same. When we sat down, they hurried to the kitchen to cook for us.

After a while, the meal was ready, and we went into the restaurant. There was a rich meal on the table. I first tasted a prawn, which was very delicious. Other dishes were also delicious.

After dinner, I went to play on the swing in my aunt's small yard downstairs. I like to play on the swing most. Every time I swing on the swing, I swing high. I feel like I want to fly.

Time flies. It's time for me to go home. It's really a happy thing to come to my aunt's house. When I have time, I must often come to her house to play.

Composition describing Spring Festival greetings (7)

Spring Festival is a traditional 'custom'. Today is the second day of the lunar new year. According to Chinese traditional customs, it is a day for people to greet each other. Grandma said, "Many people will come home soon." Sure enough, the doorbell rang just after we had breakfast.

I hurried to open the door and let the guests in. At the front was a little boy who looked like he was only two or three years old. He has a chubby face, under two thick and black eyebrows, and a pair of big water smart eyes flickering. At first sight, he knew he was a little smart guy. He smiled and ran to my grandparents, holding up his hands and bowing to my grandparents, and kept shouting: "Good New Year, good health, and good luck in everything." A young couple followed, also smiling, said: "Happy New Year, Uncle and Aunt." "Good, good, happy New Year." Grandparents were busy responding, while greeting guests to sit down. At this time, Grandma's eyes narrowed into a slit with joy, and many wrinkles on her face disappeared. Grandfather was even more radiant and busy, grabbing sweets and melon seeds and greeting guests. Through grandpa's introduction, I knew that this was the upstairs neighbor who came to pay New Year's greetings to grandpa and grandma.

After that, the guests came and went all day. Laughter and conversation filled the room, and grandparents were busy all day. Although they were tired, they were very happy.

How lively the Spring Festival is! I hope to celebrate the New Year every day, so that my grandparents can be so happy every day.

Composition describing Spring Festival greetings (8)

Looking forward, the Spring Festival is approaching, and every family is busy in and out: dusters, quilters, buyers of New Year goods, etc.

As we bid farewell to the old year and usher in the new year, we decided to pay a New Year tribute to our grandmother and wish her a happy Year of the Goat.

Just do what we say. We got on the bus and sent us to Grandma's house in a happy mood. As soon as we got out of the car, we flew in and said repeatedly, "Grandma, we are going to pay you a New Year's greetings." When she saw this, she was overjoyed and came out to embrace me. She said repeatedly, "My dear nephew and grandson, here you are." She smiled, as if there was an inexhaustible happiness in her heart, with bright sunshine on her face, which warmed our hearts It was warm. She quickly asked us to go in and have a seat. She brought out a lot of snacks, which were really rich! It seems that she has been prepared. While we were eating snacks, my grandmother took out the New Year's bag and handed it to us. I clasped my hands, bowed to my grandmother, repeatedly said, "Thank you, Grandma." And accepted the red envelope.

I quickly gave my gift to my grandmother and said, "I wish my grandmother a happy New Year and good health." She smiled again, with "braces" and "braces" all over her face. What about the corners of her eyes? Full of "radiation", a happy face.

In this way, we talked with my grandmother for more than an hour.

I paid my New Year's greetings to my grandmother. Seeing her healthy, let's not mention how excited we are!

Composition describing Spring Festival greetings (9)

The Spring Festival is a traditional custom. Today is the second day of the lunar new year. According to the traditional Chinese custom, it is a day for people to pay their respects to each other. Grandma said, "Many people will come home soon." Sure enough, the doorbell rang just after we had breakfast.

I hurried to open the door and let the guests in. At the front was a little boy who looked like he was only two or three years old. He has a chubby face, under two thick and black eyebrows, and a pair of big water smart eyes flickering. At first sight, he knew he was a little smart guy. He smiled and ran to my grandparents, holding up his hands and bowing to my grandparents, and kept shouting: "Good New Year, good health, and good luck in everything." A young couple followed, also smiling, said: "Happy New Year, Uncle and Aunt." "Good, good, happy New Year." Grandparents were busy responding, while greeting guests to sit down. At this time, Grandma's eyes narrowed into a slit with joy, and many wrinkles on her face disappeared. Grandfather was even more radiant and busy, grabbing sweets and melon seeds and greeting guests. Through grandpa's introduction, I knew that this was the upstairs neighbor who came to pay New Year's greetings to grandpa and grandma.

After that, all day long, the guests kept coming and going. Laughter and conversation filled the room, and grandparents were busy all day. Although they were tired, they were very happy.

How lively the Spring Festival is! I hope to celebrate the New Year every day, so that my grandparents can be so happy every day.