Integrity and Success Composition (3 in total)
Break the cocoon into a butterfly
2023-10-11 03:26:57
high school

Integrity and Success Composition (1)

Mozi once said: "Those who do not believe in words will not achieve results." Indeed, a person without integrity is difficult to succeed in doing things. Honesty is the foundation of success and the golden key to success.

Honesty means treating people with sincerity. It is a kind of spiritual civilization formed by human beings for thousands of years. It is the traditional virtue of our Chinese nation, which needs us to carry forward. At the same time, it is one of the codes of conduct that should be observed in interpersonal communication and social life. Only by acting with integrity and doing things with integrity can we achieve success.

Turning to five thousand years of Chinese history, we can see that countless celebrities have achieved success because of their integrity.

Shang Yang succeeded in reform because of his honesty.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, Qin Xiaogong appointed Shang Yang to preside over the reform. In order to win the trust of the people, he set up a piece of wood three zhang long in the south gate and promised to reward 50 gold if he moved the wood to the north gate. When someone moved the wood away, he kept his promise and gave the man a reward. His behavior won the trust of the people, and the new law was successfully implemented, which finally achieved the success of the reform. Honesty is the most important quality of a person. Only with honesty can we gain the trust and support of others. Only with honesty can we do things with less obstacles and more chances of success. Isn't Shang Yang's act of "building a tree for trust" just a reflection of the importance of integrity? It was with the golden key of honesty that he opened the door of political reform and became successful.

Song Lian read poems and books because of her honesty.

Song Lian was the leader of the founding civil servants of the Ming Dynasty. His family was poor when he was young, and he had no money to buy books. He had to borrow books from others to read them. He kept his promise and returned them on schedule, winning the trust of others. With his own integrity, he finally fully read poetry and became a famous litterateur. Just imagine that if Song Lian is not honest and trustworthy, he will have some more worries when others lend him books. If he wants to borrow more books and read more books, he may have to go through some twists and turns. Be honest with others and don't deceive me; Everything can be accomplished with integrity. Honesty is the foundation of standing. Only by being honest with others can we gain their trust and help. Song Lian opened the door of knowledge with the golden key of honesty, thus leading to success.

Only a trustworthy country can be relied on by the international community, a trustworthy collective can continue to develop and progress, and a trustworthy person can win respect and success in social life. Honesty is the traditional virtue of our Chinese nation, which needs us to carry forward. As middle school students, we should be honest with others in our interactions with our classmates, so that we can gain pure friendship. Only by answering questions honestly in the exam can we achieve real results and see our true level, which will help us understand ourselves and improve ourselves.

Let's be an honest and trustworthy person, and use honesty as the golden key to open the door to success in life, to welcome our beautiful tomorrow.

Integrity and Success Composition (2)

Honesty is our most beautiful quality now. Honesty is an indispensable cornerstone in modern social life. Only by building this cornerstone can we build a solid credit building; Honesty is the dragon in the picture. Only with the last eye, can we fly and roam in the sky. Honesty is a good quality of people. The reason why people are people is that honesty is the first and faith is the foundation.

A Promise, Xie Yanxin

Xie Yanxin took the initiative to take care of his elderly father-in-law, mother-in-law and silly brother after his wife died. In order to make them believe in themselves, "Liu Yanxin" was changed to "Xie Yanxin". Xie Yanxin took care of them like his own parents. It has been ten years and has never changed. Xie Yanxin has kept his promise. Honesty is a great and small thing, just like a screw on a rocket, although small, it is very important.

A gentleman's word is irretrievable

In the face of money, how many people can not be tempted? How many people are unmoved? In the face of five million yuan, Luo Bin can still return the money to others. Doesn't this spirit make us admire it? Luo Bin bought a lottery ticket for the customer. When the lottery ticket was opened, he found that he had won five million yuan. Without hesitation, he immediately drove the car to return the money to the customer, who remembered after receiving the lottery ticket. Luo Bin said, "Money is very important, but it is something outside of oneself. Integrity is the soul of people. What's the use of people living without their soul?" Integrity is not only the soul of one person, but also the soul of the whole nation. The beauty of integrity and life.

Set up a tree as a letter

In order to make people believe in him, Shang Yang posted a notice on the city wall: "Who can defeat a stick from Jiangnan people to the north gate will be rewarded with 50 gold." Many people think that this is a very easy thing, but they do not believe it. But one person pulled the stick from Jiangnan people to the north gate. Shang Yang adhered to her credit and gave the man 50 gold. Her integrity promoted the reform process and led him to success, A thousand histories remain famous.

Honesty is the second life of human beings. To lose this life is to live like a walking corpse. Without honesty, we would be lost in the maze of life. The glorious journey of life has become a difficult journey, no matter how far we go, it is also in vain. Only by making great efforts to establish good and honest relations can we make people successful and promote social progress.

Integrity and Success Composition (3)

Honesty is the most important quality of a person and the only way to success.

Honesty is the foundation of life.

As the old saying goes, "Honesty is the foundation, frugality is the foundation.". A person who has integrity is like a timely help, and without integrity is like adding insult to injury. In the socialist core values, the individual level also says, patriotism, dedication, integrity and friendliness. This shows the importance of honesty to every citizen. If we want to win the trust of others, we should be honest first. Two people go to the interview, but this company only needs one person. A is full of confidence, because he is better than B both in education and work record, but it is B who can finally enter. Why? Because he is dishonest. From the small things, we can see the great truth. Honesty is the foundation of standing.

Honesty is the key to open trust.

In today's society, "trust crisis" has already appeared. So, how should we break the shackles? Here's an example. Shang Yang of Qin wanted to make Qin strong, so he began to reform. But the people at that time did not believe him. What should we do? He put up a piece of wood at the north gate, and said that whoever can move the wood to the south gate, I will give him ten taels of gold. All of a sudden, the people were in chaos. This piece of wood is not heavy. Why are there ten taels of gold? When Shang Yang saw that no one came forward, he kept raising the price. Finally, a strong man came forward at the time of fifty liang gold, and moved to the South Gate without difficulty. Shang Yang immediately gave fifty liang gold. So people gradually began to believe in Shang Yang, and the reform was successful.

This tells us that with integrity and reassurance, the "trust crisis" will be overcome. There is also a story about Jibu's "promise of gold", which tells us that honesty is the only way to success.

Honesty is the long-term pursuit of firm faith. We can't give up halfway. We must adhere to integrity, and life will be on the road. Ma Yun must be familiar to everyone. He is a famous asset owner in China. His success is also inseparable from integrity. He has a public welfare project called "Ant Forest", that is, you donate a little money and he helps you plant trees. This sounds simple, but it is not true, because he plants trees in the desert, which requires a lot of human, material, financial and unremitting efforts. Finally, through satellite positioning, he really built an oasis in the desert! Such a move has led many consumers to believe him and his company has developed. This also shows that honesty is the only way to success.

"No man can stand without faith." In short, being a man is like planting a tree. If you often pour "good water" and "good faith fertilizer" on it, it will naturally thrive. If you pour "false water" and "evil fertilizer" on it, it will only bear bitter fruit.

Honesty is the only way to success. We should adhere to the socialist core values and strive to be honest and good young people!