Family Composition (17 compilations)
Brilliance in the sun
2024-05-01 09:32:05
topic of conversation

Family Composition (1)

On this day, I had nothing to do, and played the game of drawing lots to form sentences with my parents.

Let's divide some pieces of paper into three parts and write down their names, where they are and what they are doing. After I wrote it, the game began.

I took three pieces of paper, put them on my chest, and prayed: "God, I have no grudges or enmities with you. Don't harm me." I opened it and almost burst into laughter. Pointing at the paper, I said, "Mom, in the iron pot, do the test!" Ha ha! After listening to this, my mother smiled bitterly and said, "Can I do it in an iron pot?" I replied, "I don't care, it's your destiny."

Then it was mother's turn to smoke. She took three, opened them, and said to me, "Evil is rewarded. Listen, 'Zhou Can, in the mud, reading'!" My nose was so angry that I turned sideways and shouted, "Don't count! Don't count! Do it again!" My mother was not happy, so I argued with you and me.

At this time, my father said, "Don't argue, ladies. My fate is definitely better than yours. Don't believe it! Look!" He opened it and looked silly. I grabbed it and read aloud: "Dad, on the street, swim!" Mom almost fell off her chair and said with a smile: "Your hometown is really capable of swimming in the street!" The three of us laughed and hugged.

This lottery game is really interesting. Even Sister Moon asked Feng Er to spread our laughter far, far

Family Composition (2)

I have a special family with many kinds of machines - "lighters", "ventilators" and "tractors".


"Lighter" has a short temper. Especially when you are in a bad mood, if you are not careful, her fire will burst out. First, a small flame will soon become a raging fire. She is my mother. Once the "lighter" was in a bad mood again, his face looked like the sky with dark clouds in summer, and he knew that it was going to be a thunderstorm. Soon it was raining outside, and my clothes were wet. "The lighter" said in a thunderous voice, "Who asked you to hang your clothes outside?"

"Didn't you say that?" Dad refused to be outdone.

"Then you see it's getting dark. Don't you know how to stop it?"

Looking at my father's helpless appearance, I smiled and thought, fortunately, it was not me who was burning.


Please note: the tractor is coming. After half an hour, the tractor came slowly. This is me - "tractor". When eating noodles, I was very slow. I ate them one by one for 20 minutes. There was still a lot left in the bowl. I didn't eat half of them until 40 minutes. "Tractor" is the slowest when walking. It takes more than twice as long for others to walk in the artificial lake for an hour. Once, my mother pretended to be surprised and said, "Look, just now a snail has overtaken the tractor." My father smiled and said, "Tractor, are you out of oil?"

"Air outlet"

If there is a "lighter", of course there is a "vent". He is my father. The "vent" has experienced many hardships, but he always said that "if a man can bear it, he can bear it". I admire him very much.

Everyone in my "machine" family has characteristics, but harmony and love. What about your family?

Family Composition (3)

There is always "war" in my family. This is another opening:

Smoke of gunpowder is emerging

After dinner, we all looked at each other quietly, which was to select the dishwasher. At first, we made a deal: Mom washed the pot, I washed the chopsticks, and Dad washed the dishes. Because my father is fat and unwilling to move after eating, my mother said it would make me fatter. So my mother said that we should pay more attention to fat people. So my mother smiled and said to my father, "I'll give you a bowl!" Then she winked at me. I understood and dragged my father into the kitchen with my mother.

Warfare upgrade

My father came back to his senses and tried to push my mother and I to the sink. My mother and I are not easy to bully. My mother ran to the living room like lightning. For me, just sit down on the ground and see what Dad can do to me!

Dad surrendered

Finally, Dad had no choice but to pick up the dishes and the dishcloth in one hand, and said, "I surrender, I wash, OK?" I quickly rolled out of the kitchen, closed the glass door of the kitchen for Dad, and said loudly in a winner's manner: "Wash well, the TV show is about to start!"

Although the "war" in our family continues, I like my family very much. Because of the "war", our family is more harmonious!

Family Composition (4)

Speaking of my home, it is decathlon, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon! There are amiable grandfather, very thrifty grandmother, know it all father, excellent cooking mother, a little annoying but obedient sister, and I, the most mischievous person. Although we have so many people, we are very harmonious.

As the saying goes, "An old man is like a treasure." There are two treasures in our family, our grandfather and grandmother. Because I am the eldest grandson in the family, my grandfather and grandmother both love me very much. As long as people get old, they will become very thrifty. For example, my grandfather and grandmother. As long as things can be used, they will still stay and use them even if they are broken and old again. I really don't understand them.

Father and mother can be said to be the "tutors" of my sister and me! Because every time we ask them any question, we are sure to "respond to every request", and Dad is a know it all. You can ask him any strange thing. Mom's cooking skill is even better. As long as you can say the name of the dish, she will make it. It's amazing.

My sister and I are the source of jokes at home. Everyone says that we are a pair of living treasures, but we two quarrel like water and fire every day, and sometimes even fight. However, we still help each other sometimes. For example, if one side makes a mistake, the other side will keep secrets.

Finally, I want to say that family members should help each other and unite as one, otherwise they will not be called family members.

Family Composition (5)

A warm family is given to us by our parents. When we are sick, they take care of us, give us food, clothes and clothing. A warm family is given to us by our families, so we should be grateful.

The warm family is given to us by our family. When we got a cold, our mother and father took care of us and asked us to be better. I was injured, my mother cared about me, my father cared about me, and my classmates also cared about me, which made me feel warm. A warm family is not only in the family, but also in friends and classmates.

Our class is also full of warmth. I hurt my hand a few days ago, and many people asked me: "Are you ready?" I said: "Much better!" At this time, I know that there is warmth everywhere, just like a big family, everyone cares about each other, let the warmth take care of everyone's heart.

Family Composition (6)

The children grow up day by day, perhaps because of the father's relationship, the children show more profound than their peers. There is no laughter like a bell, but quiet thinking, thinking about the serious father.

Soon, the child reached the age of primary school. On the first day of school, the child was very happy. He prepared new school bags and new school tools early and hurried his mother. But the father on the other side said coldly, "Tell him to go by himself. Don't send him away. The child is not small." The child's happy face was suddenly covered with a hazy cloud. He angrily put his small bag on his back and ran out. The mother was vaguely complaining with her father about something. The child turned around. The mother was going to chase her, but the father stopped her relentlessly. The child felt bitter in his heart and walked away without looking back.

The child silently carries his schoolbag forward, and his young figure is crowded in the team of parents, so fragile and lonely. The child bowed his head, not listening to the sound of concern around him, not looking at the scenes of warmth around him. But these warm pictures still hit the injured heart of the child from time to time!

At this time, the child stumbled and fell to the ground. But the child would not cry for this, but at the moment when he looked up, he saw a familiar and distant figure hiding in the vast sea of people, but the camera was locked tightly and refused to move. The figure seemed to quiver forward, but soon calmed down. Are you worried about children? Do you want to help the child? Then why did it stop? The sun shines on the glasses, and Yao's children can't see what kind of eyes it is. Is it urgent? Or panic? Or is it as cold as before?

The child was confused and soon got up. Maybe in his childish mind, he still doesn't know what kind of complex this is. The child just looked at the direction of the figure from afar, watched him slowly turn, held his glasses during the rotation, and hurried to the back. What was left for the child was a mountain like cold figure, gradually disappearing into the sea of people.

The child stood dumbfounded because it was clearly his father. The child felt vaguely: "In fact, my father should also care about me, yes, I know, he must also care about me!"

The child still lives in his father's wait and see, but he gradually understands that his father's wait and see is not indifference, nor abandonment, nor ruthlessness. That is only the father's deepest hope for his children. Now, the child is in the third day of the junior year, fighting hard in this cruel battlefield. The father's watching still accompanies the child forward, making the child stronger and braver, and never flinching in the face of setbacks and failures.

And that child is me.

Some people say that father's love is like a mountain. He is deep but powerful. Some people say that the father's love is like water, he is calm, but contains profound meaning. I don't know how to describe it, but if I really want to compare it, I will say, "Father, your watching is the expression of your love, the driving force for my progress, and the indicator of my life!"

An old story

Chen Lijun, Class 3, Class 4, Tai'an Experimental School

Like many people in those days, parents' orders, matchmakers' words, grandparents and two strangers who had never known each other came together, married, had children and lived.

Sometimes, I think, will there be love between grandparents? They had not even met before their marriage. After marriage, Grandma manages the housework, pulls the children, and provides daily necessities. She is a traditional and typical good wife and mother. After marriage, my grandfather went to the army to fight. He ran around all day without caring for his family. He couldn't do any housework. He relied on his grandmother to serve him and take care of the family.

Grandparents have been together for decades. Since I can remember, I have never seen them quarreling, blushing, and living a plain life like a cup of boiled water. Will there be love between them? More is the habit! When two people have been together for a long time, they will get used to it, and no one can live without each other. Maybe this is called loving each other for a lifetime and growing old together.

At least I always think so.

In the eyes of modern people, love is more vigorous and solemn, and more emotional and romantic. The vigorous love makes people passionate, and the oath of "only when the mountains are without edges and the heaven and the earth are united, can we dare to be the king" makes people moved.

Until one time, I changed my mind.

That time, Grandma was ill and very ill. Grandma worked hard day and night for the family. She had no complaints or regrets. She felt a little headache. She endured it and passed away. She never told anyone about it, afraid of causing trouble to her children and wife. But that time, I really fell ill.

My grandfather said nothing but learned to wash clothes and cook, to carry baskets to buy vegetables in the market, to bargain, and to calculate daily necessities and meals. Grandpa is not a good expression person. He always keeps something in his mind. He can only express his concern and guilt for Grandma by taking action. Grandpa, who has never done housework for most of his life, is clumsy, but he can also wash his clothes and cook his meals.

The children and grandchildren asked for leave to take care of their grandparents in shifts, but they insisted on not letting them, for fear of delaying our work and study. Grandpa said, "I can take care of Lao Wang myself. Go ahead, I'm still strong". We didn't refuse. This is Grandpa's heart. He will try his best to take care of the family and make up for the rest of his life.

Grandma's illness became more serious, and Grandpa's housework became more skilled. In the ward, there is always an old man with silver hair sitting beside the hospital bed, feeding his wife and chatting with her from time to time. They are so quiet, serene and warm. Although the words are few, the actions and eyes are full of concern and attachment to each other. Grandma's happiness on the bed

When I was cleaning up the house, I saw a notebook, which belonged to my grandfather. One diary wrote: "Sometimes I am afraid that Lao Wang will leave. If she leaves, maybe I will leave soon.". Suddenly, I shed tears. I understood it all. I immediately understood what is life and death together, what is separation in life and death, and what is the most beautiful love in the world.

Maybe it was the superb medical skills of doctors, maybe it was the strength of grandma, maybe it was the care of everyone, maybe it was the call of grandpa's heart, and grandma miraculously recovered. Grandpa smiled, happy. My heart was shocked, and I suddenly remembered a poem in the Book of Songs: "Life and death are compatible with each other, and we can talk with each other. Hold your hand and grow old with each other".

Family Composition (7)

No one has as many interesting family stories as my family. Let's put it this way. If you buy 5 jin of beef, there are more interesting things than shredded beef. Let me tell you something.

Once my mother went to stay at my grandmother's house for a few days. When she came back, she went out again when she saw such a mess in the house. Guess what my mother did? She went out to watch the sign. Mother looked at the number and said to herself, "Yes, it's 301. This is my home. How could it be so messy?"

My mother came to my room and saw that it was even more messy. The quilt was not folded. The books on the desk were everywhere. The bookcase door was open. My mother said angrily to me: "Look, look, this is a pig's den in such a mess!" "Who is the pig? Who is the pig feeder?" I asked my mother. "The pig is you, and the pig is your father." The mother was even more angry. "Dad, Dad, it's time to feed the pig." Dad came to hear the news and said: "Oh, the pig is hungry, it's time to feed. Come on, pig, it's time to eat!"

My father and I amused my mother with this performance. My mother was no longer angry. She smiled and said, "Come on, stop playing and clean up the house!" "OK, here we are." My father and I answered with one voice.

One day when I came home from school at noon, I told my mother that there was no class in the afternoon, and my mother said, "You can play freely in the afternoon, and do whatever you want." I was happy when I heard that, and said loudly, "Mother has reformed and opened up, and Mother has reformed and opened up."

My father immediately said to my mother, "Dear Madam, when can you give me the opportunity to reform and open up?".

However, Dad was not willing to give up easily. He played the TV very loudly, but Mom was so noisy that she couldn't help it. She shouted at the top of her voice, "If you don't play computer games, watch TV, and chat online, you won't want to play computer games, watch TV, and talk online. You hear me, ah!" Dad could only play down his voice.

After a while, my mother heard nothing and went to see my father. Mom came to the living room and saw Dad put his ear to the TV stereo. Mom asked Dad what he was doing? My father said, "My wife, as you told me, I turned down the volume of the TV. I'm listening to what the TV is saying!" My mother was very angry.

How about having fun at home.

Family Composition (8)

My home is warm and comfortable, fresh and refreshing. The three members of our family are very like three bottles of drinks, delicious drinks with different flavors. Because of them, my family life becomes lively and interesting! Today, let's feast our eyes.

Sprite - me

I think I am a bottle of Sprite, with pleasant fragrance, cool and refreshing. It always gives people a forthright and optimistic character. I remember one time when I was in PE class, one of my classmates fell down, but others didn't find it. Only I saw it. Without saying a word, I hurried to her in three steps and two steps. I sent the injured classmate to the clinic... You say, this is my frankness and coldness. The sweet sparkling Sprite is really a bottle of antihypertensive drugs in difficulties! This is Sprite - I, after all, go when I want to go, never miss anything, nor give up anything. I really appreciate Sprite's boldness and boldness and its sometimes euphemism and light sorrow. The sweet taste is really memorable!

Jasmine Tea - Mom

Mom, I think it's a cup of jasmine tea. It's delicious, elegant and deep. Its taste is unpredictable, but its elegance and fragrance always give people a stable and mature character. My mother takes good care of me. On one occasion, I was ill and very ill, but my mother stayed up all night with fatigue, always accompanied me, cooking for me, serving tea, and covering quilts. Mother's eyes are bloodshot, but the smile on her face is still so beautiful! Ah, love is like scented tea. The warm current that makes people happy is transmitted to me from my mother's body. Mom is really like a bottle of jasmine tea, with pleasant fragrance and warm current of love everywhere! These are like pieces of guqin music, curling into my heart.

Oolong Tea - Dad

My father is a teacher. I think my father is more like a cup of oolong tea, which contains sweetness in bitterness. If you taste it carefully, you must go deep into it! Oolong tea always gives people a calm and intelligent character. Because my father is a teacher, he is usually very busy with his work. I remember that for a period of time, students had to take a big exam. My father always went out early and came back late every day. He often had to correct homework and help students solve their learning problems. He was so busy that I seldom saw my father. When the big exam was over, the students rewarded him with excellent achievements. Isn't this oolong tea that looks bitter first and sweet later? I appreciate the taste of oolong tea, which is unique, first bitter and then sweet; I also appreciate the depth and generosity of oolong tea. It is not sweet, but sweet and astringent. Its fragrance is always thought-provoking!

This is my drinking family, the fresh and unrestrained Sprite, the mild and pleasant jasmine tea, and the deep and sweet oolong tea.

Family Composition (9)

I live in a happy family full of laughter.

Although my father is a farmer, he is very humorous. He can always make my family laugh.

My father is of medium stature. When he walks, he looks very tall and very serious. People who do not know him will think that she is very fierce. My father's eyes are very funny. My father's eyes are small, but he loves to laugh too much, so when he smiles, his eyes will disappear. There are only two lines.

At home, my father either works in the field or plays with us at home. My mother is often amused by my father. My mother is a man who doesn't show her teeth. In our family, my mother is a great contributor. She is all responsible for the dirty work at home. Who can make him laugh. Only my father, no one else is possible.

Once, it was a hot summer day, and the hot sun was shining in the sky. My brother moved a big watermelon. My father said, "Look, two watermelons are coming." I don't understand. My father explained that when you look there, I understand that my brother also has a big watermelon in his belly. My brother is very funny. He is very short, but he has a military belly. He walks like a little penguin. The younger brother was very fat, but he was very narcissistic. He said that he was strong, that his belly was the belly of the prime minister, and that he was very broad-minded.

My brother and father are a pair of living treasures in the family. Because of them, my family will be so happy and happy. My friends envy my family very much. Because their family is a very serious family, I am proud of having such a happy family. (China Prose Website - Composition)

There are a lot of people in my family who are willing to chat with their father. Maybe their father's funny is also infecting them. My brother is a smart guy. Is it because he is fat that many people are willing to touch his fleshy face, even I will touch it unconsciously, and then dress him up as a ghost face, and my father will take pictures of him.

Because of my cooperation with my father, my brother will always be bullied by us. But he did not admit defeat. He became angry. He was always so cute, especially like an angry bird, going crazy.

My brother eats the most in my family. He eats everything and plays with everything. Once I said to watch the plane, but my brother caught a chicken and rode on it. When he said "flying chicken", our family laughed.

Once, because of a lollipop, he was reluctant to eat it. His drool reached more than three feet and he was reluctant to eat it. He had been licking it all the time. Someone must think it was very disgusting, but he gave a funny feeling. My brother really inherited my father's gene.

My family is a happy and happy family, because of the father and brother and become happy.

Family Composition (10)

My father has a round head. He has some small hair on his head. Under his hair, there are two curved eyebrows. Speaking, he looks like two bright moons. Under the eyebrows, two eyes shining like jewels are blinking and blinking. Between the eyes, there are two nostrils on a huge nose. There are some small hairs in the nostrils. Similarly, I have grown some hair, but not much. Whenever I want to put my fingers into my nostrils, those little hairs seem to speak. They say to me, "Don't dig! Don't dig! It will bleed!"

Where are we talking about... On the right side of his nose, under his left eye, there is a small bean. That bean is really cute; Under the nose, of course, there are rows of neat mustaches. But don't think that growing a beard is a bad thing. In fact, you don't know anything about growing a beard. Let's invite my dear father to tell us: "Growing a beard is a physiological phenomenon, and it will grow naturally at a certain age. It is not troublesome to grow a beard. Although you have to shave every day, it is not troublesome at all. Just like you have to brush your teeth, wash your face and go to the toilet every day, it is not troublesome at all. " My father has chubby cheeks on both sides, so cute! The two ears beside the face are really strange. It's as big as two big fans. My father's body is really like an endless robot, so industrious and strong.

My mother has a small oval face. Above the head, there are some dark curls. Under the hair, a flat forehead looks like a smooth mirror. Under the smooth mirror like forehead, there are two sickle like eyebrows, which are extremely beautiful! Below the eyebrows are two bright eyes. The eyelashes above the eyes have a lot of functions. They can block dust, sunlight and anything that is harmful to the eyes from entering the eyes. In front of the eyes, a pair of glasses, flashing Phnom Penh. Under the eyes, a yellow nose and a smiling mouth. Whenever she smiles, she has two rows of white teeth. He also has two ears like 3.

Finally, let's briefly introduce me. I have a long face and some small hair. There are two black eyebrows under the hair. Under the eyebrows, a huge and incomparable eye opened and closed, mischievous and anxious! I also have a small nose and a smiling mouth. But when he laughed, he had two big front teeth that could not be described. My ears are the same as my mother's. I am a lively and cheerful boy. I like playing basketball, swimming and chess.

Family Composition (11)

”Let's warm up first. A shout came from my house. Look! We are doing some preparatory exercises. In order to welcome the new year, our family decided to hold a big competition. Well, let's talk about the contestants first; I, father, mother, and sister.

The first competition is who eats five sausages first. I have to say that each sausage is fragrant and very attractive, as if to eat me quickly! "Start!" With the command, several of our players could not wait to start eating. Look at the players. My mother took a sausage and ate it hard, my father took a sausage in his left hand and a sausage in his right hand. My sister just chewed it carefully and swallowed it slowly without feeling nervous about the competition. But I ate more ferociously than a lion, so I gave up the fork and took it directly with my hands, and I still had one in my mouth, one in my left hand and one in my right hand!

Of course, it's needless to say that I won the competition. I not only ate my share first, but also helped my sister eat a few! After the first game, our score ranking was that I got one point, but Mom and Dad didn't get one point yet? However, the game was very fierce. In order to win the first place in the first game, I ate oil all over my face and made no small sacrifice!

After that, there were many competitions. For example, after chopping and cleaning, my mother won the best chopping award, and I won the best eating award. "Wait? Why am I a foodie?" I yelled, and everyone laughed. It seems that we can not only work but also bring laughter when we hold this competition. It's very good!

Family Composition (12)

My Family

This is my family.They are my mother,my father and me.My father is a teacher.He works in a school.He is of medium height and of medium build.He has shortstraight black hair.He looks young.Now he is reading

books.My mother is a reporter.She works in a TV station.She is of medium height and a little thin.She has long curly black hair.She is very beautiful.Now she is watching TV.I am a student.I am tall and thin.I have long straight black hair.I am doing my homework,now.This is my family.

Family Composition (13)

with the rapid progress made in mass media the television set has become one of the most important appliances in a home and there is every indication that tv is playing an increasingly important role in our daily life. tv can provide us with he quickest and most convincing information. we can stay at home and know what is happening around us or hu ndred miles away. watching tv programs has become one of the major activities in many homes today. a wide range of tv programs can cater to different tastes. my folks always sit side by side after supper in the living room to watch evening news and, while listening to the newscaster, air their own views. in addition to news programs, my family are also aficionados of sports programs. when a sports program is due on the air, we would prepare some refreshments and drinks and when it really appeared on he screen we would watch it with rapt attention like a group of crazies. if a team representing our country scored or missed, father or brother would get ecited and yell and sometimes the dog net door would bark after them. on such occasions i think commercials are not made to appear for nothing for, among other things, they do serve as a tranquilizer when tv watchers are beside themselves with ecitement. at times a contest was not yet over while mother had already prepared her meal. mother would wait till the end of the contest if we were not hungry, and then we would begin to dine. tv provides us with not only information but also entertainment and through tv we can also learn a lot about modern life. incidentally, tv also plays a role in keeping a family together and that is another reason i like it.

Family Composition (14)

I looked at the blue sky and shouted, "I'm so happy." At home, there was a beautiful, generous, virtuous and capable mother. Outside, there is a handsome father who earns a lot of money. And I am smart and cute. Our family loved each other and were carefree. Life is very happy.

In the morning, my mother always cooked delicious breakfast, waiting for me and my father to get up for dinner. At breakfast, we talked and laughed. I talked about interesting things on campus, my father talked about the busy business of the company, and my mother told stories at home... After breakfast, my father drove a car to the company in a hurry, but I rode a bicycle to school leisurely, and my mother started a day of labor again... At noon, my father and I rushed home like arrows, I wolfed down my mother's lunch. After lunch, I began to play games with my parents. In the game, my parents seemed to have returned to their happy childhood... In the afternoon, I returned home with a sleepy head, and my father came back with a tired body. I put down my schoolbag and immediately ran to the table to enjoy the delicious food made by my mother, Our family started the "war" again. Mom smiled and said, "Look at your greedy look, just like your father." My father and I retorted with one voice: "That's not your wife! Is it delicious?" Mom immediately countered: "Next time, I'll make it easier, so you won't have to eat it." My father laughed again, "That's no good, or my daughter won't grow up, right? My daughter." I knew that my father was "forming cliques", so I echoed, "Yes, yes." My mother had to bow down. In the evening, after dinner, I thumped the table with my small hand, cleared my throat, and said: "The bubble blowing contest has officially started. The rule is: the bubble gum is big and many, even if you win. Prize: a book." During the contest, the bubble gum we blow is various. Some are like love, some are like balloons, some are like rubber balls... After a fierce game, I won all the games.

I was happy to stand on the "podium" (actually, the table), holding the "composition of primary school students" in my hands, shouting: "I won! I won!" Joyful laughter surrounded every corner of my family, and the happy atmosphere did not end for a long time. I live in such a happy home. I really feel the warmth of home and taste the taste of happiness. I am so happy!

Family Composition (15)

Mother said that most of the causes of these troubles came from families. Because parents were busy with their work, they ignored the teaching of their children and thought that as long as they had money, they could solve everything. They gave too much in material life, but lacked in spiritual life. Even some parents don't know how to teach their children at all. They just think that they don't think about children. It seems that everyone doesn't need to be "sincere" to manage the growth environment or get along with it, so there are so many problems.

My family has "love" interaction every day: eating together, watching TV together, reading together, doing housework together, traveling together for relaxation, Before going to bed, they say good night to each other, get up and say "good morning". When they see that elders and guests want to say hello, their parents also remind us: "You must tell them when you go out, and you must meet them when you return." These good habits of doing things have been formed since childhood, which virtually attract the feelings of the whole family, and also lay the foundation for becoming good citizens in the future. If a child's parents do not teach him when he was young, and do not reason with him, he will only beat and scold, and will easily affect others in school and hurt others in society.

"My family is really lovely, clean, happy and healthy, my sisters and brothers are very kind, and my parents are kind..." Please think about it: how many people can do this nursery rhyme situation? I hope every family has love interaction. Adults should spend more time with children, not just making money, but also spending more time with each other. I believe that with these love connections, the hearts of every family will not easily deteriorate, and our society will be peaceful.

Related article recommendation: happy family

Our family is a happy family composed of four people. On Saturday, I did my homework at home. I was very nervous because today was the day of my sister's college entrance examination, and my parents were also very nervous. While doing my homework, I looked outside to see if my sister had come back. After a while, my sister came back, and I was the first to rush to ask, "How about my sister? Is the test difficult?"? Mom and Dad also came to ask questions. My sister was already in a bad mood. When she got home, she had to accept our inquiry. She was even worse. My sister finally couldn't help saying, "Can't you be quiet for a while? I'm bored now". My sister slammed the door and left. My parents were stunned. They recalled that it was wrong just now. They should not ask questions after the college entrance examination. My parents tolerated my sister's anger. No more questions about my sister's college entrance examination.

A few days later, my sister's performance came down, only 0.5 point, only 0.5 point! I could be admitted to a key university, but my parents did not blame my sister for not working hard, nor blame her, but encouraged her to "go straight when you get to the bridge, and there will be a way when you get to the mountain". What should be yours is yours, and what should not be forced by you is useless. My sister was no longer so disappointed, and she began to cheer up again. Mom and Dad were tolerant of my sister again. At night, four members of our family sat on the table happily eating this meal, talking about the future, and our family regained the happiness and happiness of the past.

Family Composition (16)

Hello, I'm Wang Yang. My parents called me this name because they wanted me to have a broad mind like the sea and be a man of virtue and knowledge.

Of course, filial piety is the first. First, I want to be a child who respects the elders. Usually, I should listen to my parents, grandparents and study hard. Although I am sometimes naughty, we should know that naughty is a child's nature. Hehe! In fact, I am a very kind and sensible child. Every day, my parents are very tired at work. When I get home, I will help my mother knock on her back and ask her if she is comfortable. My mother is always happy. I used to be young, and I didn't know how to keep clean. I often made my clothes dirty. My mother worked hard to wash clothes, especially in winter when the water was cold. Now I try not to make my clothes dirty, so that my mother won't have to work hard to wash clothes and her hands won't be very cold. I also know that I should pay attention to the hygiene of daily life. After eating snacks and finishing paper work, I will take the initiative to throw the garbage into the garbage can. Since the school proposed to be a dutiful baby, I can't fall behind. When I come home from school, I will help my grandparents do something. When I have a good meal, I will help my grandma put the vegetables away. When I see my grandma sweeping the floor, I will take the initiative to grab her broom and help her sweep the floor. I used to play with toys, and it was always my grandma or mother who helped me clean up every time. Grandma is old, It's always hard to bend over to clean up. Now I understand. I will learn to clean up my toys after playing well. Grandma is very happy. Also, when I go to copy the market to buy things, I will help my mother push the cart and help my grandmother carry things. Grandma is always happy, saying I am good and that I have grown up.

Children, in fact, when thinking about such things, they are all small things. But I believe that everyone starts from doing small things. Only when they grow up can they do big things. To be a great man, let's go together!

Part 2: I'm Xiaoxiaoxing

From the beginning of school, teachers taught us to respect teachers and parents. Develop good habits since childhood.

Respect your parents from small things, do what you can.

My parents work very hard. When I come home from work, I will give them what I can do. When my mother came back, I brought water for her to drink. My mother praised me for my good child. When my father came back from a day's work and lay down in bed to rest, I went up to help my father step on his back. My father said, "I'm great", and he was filial. I also helped my mother sweep the floor and warm the foot wash.

Now our school evaluates the filial piety star every year, and I want to be the filial piety star.

Part 3: I'm Xiaoxiaoxing

Why do you call me "Xiao Xiaoxing"? Because in this summer vacation, I learned how to repay the love of my parents with action, and learned that as long as you pay, you will gain.

At the beginning of the holiday, my parents and I signed a holiday star accumulation agreement. In addition to completing homework on time, taking the initiative to help parents do housework and show filial piety to their elders are also included in the star range. Every morning at 7 o'clock, I get up on time to make my own quilt, sweep the bed, mop the floor and wipe the table. After washing my face and eating, I didn't waste any time. When my parents got up, they saw that the floor I was dragging was clean and praised me repeatedly as a little expert.

I also took the initiative to help my parents make the bed and fold the quilt so that they could have more rest. Washing the dishes is a must after every meal. My mother asked me, "Are you not tired? Take a rest and let me come

Still, as long as I pay, I will get something. Although I feel tired sometimes, I feel happy when I look at my own achievements and the happy smiles of my parents!

Chapter 4: I'm Xiaoxiaoxing

Since I started my first grade, our school has chosen the "Best Little Filial Piety Star" every year. The teacher told us that we should respect our elders, parents and teachers. In the second grade, one student in our class was elected as the "best little filial piety star" in the school.

At home, I sometimes beat my father's back and pour water for my mother. After dinner, I help my mother clean up the dishes and wipe the table. In school, I often help teachers do something. Although I have not been rated as the "Best Xiaoxiao Star", I will continue to do so in the future.

Chapter 5: I'm Xiaoxiaoxing

Since I went to kindergarten, I have learned the meaning of the word "sharing". So when I eat delicious food at home, I always give it to my grandma, my parents and then my own turn.

Every morning when I get up, I will say hello to my parents and grandma, and say goodbye to my family when I go to school. When I see the teacher, I also take the initiative to say hello.

When my father came back from work, I always took the initiative to open the door. At first, my mother taught me that my father had worked hard. Now, every time I open the door, I take the initiative to say to my father, "Dad, you have worked hard", which makes my father feel happy.

My mother was ill. I poured water for her to drink. My mother drank less. I also fed her to drink. My mother smiled. My mother often touches my back when I sleep. Recently, my mother has a backache. At night, I also touch my mother's waist and back. My mother said it was comfortable.

I also like cooking for my family. When adults are cooking, I want to help. Sometimes I will move a small stool and stand on it to cook. Sometimes I wash the dishes when I have a good meal. Although I sometimes spill rice when I eat, I will pick up rice with my mother.

I have done many small things about filial piety. I think I am now a small filial piety star and I must be a big filial piety star in the future.

Family Composition (17)

We had a family meeting at home this evening. The content is whether to climb the Great Wall in Beijing.

I called my mother and father and said, "The family meeting begins now!" First of all, my mother started talking. He said angrily, "What's good about the Great Wall! It's boring and a waste of money." My father knocked on the table and said angrily, "How cool it is to climb the Great Wall and see the scenery! I must go." With that, my mother and father began to quarrel. I said slowly: "Don't make any noise, don't make any noise. I also want to go to the Great Wall to see the scenery. It's really comfortable."

Finally, my mother had no choice but to agree.

Part II: Happy Family Day [200 words]

On Sunday, our class organized a happy family day. More than 30 students and families gathered in Binjiang Forest Park, which was really lively.

The weather was also very helpful. It was cloudy, but it didn't rain until we got home. We gathered at the barbecue area and barbecued by ourselves. It can be said that we can do our own work and have plenty of food and clothing. We are well fed. We left a group photo on the sea viewing platform. This is the place where the Yangtze River, the East China Sea and the Huangpu River meet. There are ships coming and going on the sea. We held a friendly football match on the lawn, and the students enjoyed themselves, leaving behind happy sweat. We picked oranges ourselves.

Our happy laughter resounded through the park, and it is estimated that the deer also hid.

Part III: Family Activity Day [200 words]

On July 20, I participated in the activity in Century Park organized by my mother's company. The activity is divided into four processes. First family activities, then team activities, then dinner, and finally karaoke contest. We only participated in family activities.

My favorite activity is pirate shooting. It's blindfolded and kicking the ball into an unguarded goal. Each person can play twice. I scored twice, and I deliberately kicked with my left foot. Another activity I like is trampling. Tie three balloons on each person's feet, and try to burst the balloons on others' feet. I broke someone's balloon when they weren't looking. But the balloon on his feet was also burst by others. In the end, only I had one balloon left, and I won the race.

This activity was really happy and gave me a wonderful impression. I hope there will be such activities in the future.

Chapter 4: Family Badminton Competition [200 words]

In the evening, my mother and I played badminton while my father was the referee. My mother served the ball first, and the badminton drew a beautiful curve in the air and rushed to my face. I quickly took a step back, gently flipped, and the ball turned and flew to my father. Mom didn't have time to catch the ball. Dad smiled and said, "My son got a point." It was my turn to serve. I had failed to serve for several times. I was afraid of being deducted points. I started to worry with my racket. Dad said, "I didn't see... I don't know..." I knew that Dad didn't want to deduct my points to help me secretly. Mom protested loudly aside.

My father said to me, "My son, nothing can be done at once. Come on, let's try again." After listening to my father's words, I regained my confidence. This time, the badminton was like a happy bird flying to my mother, so my mother buckled it. I picked it up again, and then it was heavier and lighter. I ran over and over again, tired and sweaty, But my heart was very happy. What a happy night!

Chapter 5: Family shuttlecock race [2000 words]

This evening, after dinner with my parents, I felt very bored. Suddenly, I thought of something. I said to my father, "Dad, the other day, you promised me to have a family shuttlecock race." When my father heard this, he said, "Oh, good idea. Anyway, my hands are very cold now, let's come back?" My mother also promised.

With these words, I brought a shuttlecock and said, "Who comes first? My mother said," I come first. "After that, I handed her the shuttlecock and said," OK, kick! "My mother began to kick. As I counted, my father kept saying," Lose. Lose. "As a result, my mother kicked 10. Next, I kicked. I stood still, picked up the shuttlecock, threw it up, and kicked it. I kicked with my left foot, my right foot, my front foot, and my back foot. They were dazzled by what seemed to be an ultrasonic wave. Finally, I kicked 50. My father came to kick the shuttlecock. It's the most interesting thing for the whole family to kick shuttlecock. He kicked the shuttlecock. It seemed that the shuttlecock was about to fall, but Dad didn't drop it. Look! His skill is high! He kicked 29 times.

Finally, I won the championship.

Although kicking shuttlecock is very simple, we are very happy!