Graduation Thoughts (16 high-quality articles)
Epiphyllum reticulatum
2024-04-01 04:52:16
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Graduation Thoughts (1)

Time flies like an arrow. As time flies, I gradually changed from a timid and curious first grader who just entered primary school to a sixth grader who is familiar with the campus and knows everything in the class. In recent years, I have experienced a lot of separation.

In the second grade, she finally made a true friend, but in the third grade, she changed school without saying a word. This is the second separation in my life after I graduated from kindergarten to primary school.

In the fourth grade, there were two naughty boys in the class. One was a standard Chinese face, the authentic "Buddha ear", and the other was a sharp oval face, whose eyes were too small to see. These two "comedy stars" sit in front of me and behind me, making my campus life full of color and joy. However, God was unkind. Before long, they both transferred to foreign language schools and went to other places. The atmosphere in our class seemed much colder.

A few days after the fifth grade began, several new students came, and one of them, "Erha", caught my attention. When the teacher asked him questions, he always made all kinds of strange expressions, a vivid "facial expression bag"! But when the sixth grade began this year, he disappeared because he had transferred to another school. We only got along with him for a short year, so why let him transfer to our class? Why should I go through another parting?

Next year, I will go to junior high school and experience a greater separation. No matter how handsome the boys in junior high school are, they can't compete with the naughty boys in primary school. No matter how beautiful the girls are, they can't compete with the "ugly" girls in primary school. Time, slow down! Let's spend the last good time together!

This seemingly simple idea of not wanting to separate is hard to realize. In the long process of life, people come and go, how can we avoid separation.

Graduation Thoughts (2)

The fragrance of gardenia flowers pervades the house, and the shadow on the table and table is a little dim with the sinking of the sunset... just as we are scattered in the flower season. But the fragrance of Qin people still exists, as if it never happened or disappeared.


Some things, not the original memories, will be sealed forever, but some things will suddenly come to mind at a certain moment even though they think they will be forgotten slowly. Such as a sweet egg cone, such as a lovely pink hair clip. I believe that people will not love every article in the world from the very beginning, but can only have a unique charm if it gives you something special that you don't have or gives people feelings.

The swing swayed gently in the wind, lengthening the figure and shortening the smile under the setting sun. Like three years of happiness and sorrow, we still remember the perfect arc drawn on the swing, and the crystal tears left on the swing... Remember... what was said just now? Some things are so strange that they will be remembered strangely.

Is it nostalgia?

A few bicycles behind the science and technology building were parked sparsely, looking like they were scattered. I sat on the ground and looked at myself reflected in the window. I didn't feel panic, yes! It is no longer the original smart appearance! How naughty we were when we just entered school! I will dance in a row here alone, have a picnic here, talk with my best friends here, and here... Oh! Damn mosquitoes, why do they bite me?

Is it jealousy?

The people in the canteen are still a long queue, waiting for the food that is not delicious and in short supply. Every corner is twittering, talking about the topic that everyone likes best. "Little sister, it's OK if you don't eat, that's all! We don't have enough food for ourselves!" The canteen aunt showed pity to the few dishes left.

Are you reluctant to give up?

The teachers who belong to us have already sat down with new classmates, and a dissatisfaction arises spontaneously. That is our territory! When was it occupied by the "enemy"? The dedicated teacher densely wrote a blackboard on the blackboard. Time seemed to go back in the past. How could we think that one day we would leave this place that we had cursed countless times so sentimentally.

Three years have passed, and the dandelion seeds that were supposed to float in the same direction have never fulfilled their promise. As who said, there is always a gap between reality and dreams. Those beautiful smiling faces will always be the beautiful fragments of my life, shaking, shaking, flying, flying

Graduation Thoughts (3)

Feelings are always unbridled in the season of cherry red and willow green. The campus radio still hums the familiar melody of youth. The story of four years can be told in only one night. Every paragraph is unforgettable memory. The days are always deep and shallow. Walking through the square of the campus, those faces standing on the steps are mature as they have gone through the vicissitudes of life. Behind each smiling face, there is deep regret and yearning. Just because I once walked that part of the road, I suddenly feel confused about leaving now.

The time we spent together is always short, fragile and fleeting. I believe that no matter how many years later, we still look forward to that wonderful happiness. Now, as time goes by, we have only memories left. The successful completion of studies also means that we are going to wander in the society alone. No one should feel guilty when we leave, and no one needs forgiveness. Maybe we will meet at the next crossroads. Those thoughtful greetings, those beautiful scenes, those weeping willows dancing with the wind, after the past, missing is the longest enjoyment.

Thanks to those wounds, let me learn to be strong; Thank those unhappy, let me learn patience; Thank those who love me and hate me, let me learn to grow! The sun is warm and shining into my heart all the time. Looking at every familiar corner, I will think of the story I experienced with you here. The past is far away, those scenes are sweet and sad. Now you and I dream far away. As time goes by, every day becomes a year!

You used to be sentimental. You always said that you would go your separate ways after graduation, but you never thought that "there is no future" would come so early. The warm face in the setting sun is like a blooming flower. This is my unforgettable day!

Graduation Thoughts (4)

When I got this graduation photo, my mood could not be calmed down for a long time. Getting it means that our friendship is about to disappear. Looking back, five years later, do you still remember our time

Five years have passed like a drop of water. Teachers and students, what do you think will happen to us in the future? What will our destiny be? Will some people go to college successfully, while others farm at home. My mother often said that I would not go to college, and she never had too much hope for me. Whenever I hear these words, I feel uncomfortable. Sometimes, I will lie down in my room and cry because I want to make progress, let my teachers and classmates praise me, and let my parents understand me. But the reality comes only from the teacher's scolding and parents' sad words,

Sometimes I even think that living is meaningless. It only makes me feel more miserable and sad. No one will really understand me, no one will read my heart, no one will love me, I am just a piece of grass in the world, trampled by others, no one will pity me, no.

Five years later, I spent an unforgettable time here. Although I was sad, it's all over. I don't

I am a willful child again. When I grow up, I will become a big child. I understand the teacher's good intentions and everything

I have done things that made my teachers sad and my parents sad for me, but these things are over. In this school, I have not only sad things, but also many things worth my happiness. I remember that in the first grade, when our class competed, I forgot to say that it was forwarded all around, leading to a decline in the ranking. Some students in the class said about me, while others comforted me, which made me make many good friends; In the fourth grade, I was giving a speech and the teacher encouraged me below, which made me know that the teacher is kind and he is a good teacher,; In the fifth grade, whenever I have something to do, my classmates come to help me. Because of you, my primary school life will be colorful. Teachers and classmates, Zheng Zhiwen will always love you.

Graduation Thoughts (5)

The graduation season is coming soon. Even if you are not in the middle of graduation, you can easily feel the atmosphere, because many feelings are contagious, especially for those who have not graduated. When they see that seniors and sisters are about to graduate, they can't help but fantasize about what they will look like when they graduate, and what they will be like when they go to the far end, I still can't find a job. I'm afraid the most anxious person is the one who is still uncertain. It seems that everything has been done, but nothing has come to an end.

For various reasons, I have to write several graduation thoughts these days. In fact, I don't have so many feelings, because sometimes I am often the kind of heartless person. I feel that graduation is the same as summer vacation. The deepest feeling is that there is no place to go, with a bleak gesture of hopelessness and despair.

Go home, in fact, I don't want to. I want to escape from the harsh reality and the trivial life of a group of people. Although, sometimes, I also like people, but I like strange people rather than familiar people. Go and ask someone to take it in. Nobody wants it, and I am neither shy nor used to it. Want to go to the streets, but afraid of being killed by heat.

In fact, I want to go to a dark place far away, and then my vitality will tenaciously survive. But I'm not smart enough. Many times, I hope I can be smart. It's not that kind of wishful thinking, but that kind of smart who can repair light bulbs. Sometimes I feel very independent, but I am not smart enough to repair light bulbs Alas, it's actually stupid.

I wonder if it is too late for many people to graduate? It seems that it is too late to go around the streets of Rongcheng, talk about a green and hazy campus love, do some frivolous acts in youth, do everything for friends, and become the stable self before graduation. But that kind of delay seems quite natural.

Graduation is the kind of farewell ceremony that is both reluctant and eager. That is not our youth that will eventually pass away, because with the change of years, youth can be postponed. Even if you have passed your thirty years, you can still play a dusty guitar and sing an old boy in high spirits. That should be our pride as we grow older.

After all, the rarest thing about youth should be the attitude of desperation and pride.

Graduation Thoughts (6)

How do you feel about graduation? I have.

Graduated, the last time to sweep the floor, lock the door, finish school... how many last time! I cry.

Why do people have to graduate? I don't understand why??? The last time I did my homework, tears soaked the book. The last time I received my homework, the team members did not write anything, but I did not remember my name, because I graduated today, and I did not remember my name. Let it go!!! It is impossible to receive homework from primary school in the future.

Let it go!!! Don't take it to heart.

Our destiny has turned a new page!

come on.

Graduation Thoughts (7)

On June 27, after the high school entrance examination, we officially left our school. I still remember that when we first entered the school, our teacher asked us to keep a diary every day. When we were about to graduate, our teacher asked us to keep running every day.

No matter big or small, we all have a silent shield standing behind us. In the past three years, we have spent all kinds of major festivals together, and the teachers' love for us is unmatched. Every time I hear the voice of envy in the mouth of others. In the past three years, we have been crying and laughing, fighting and making troubles, and we have strong feelings. Although we graduated, our spirit is still together. The color of Phoenix Class 8 will never fade. Although we will not meet in school, our youth will not end. Phoenix Class 8 will always exist, and we will always be a family!

Graduation Thoughts (8)

Primary school life, as time quietly flew away from my side. I will become a middle school student. I feel extremely excited, but also extremely sad. In primary school life, there are many unforgettable things for me. These unforgettable memories will become a long circle in my mind! In these six years, I will never forget my good friends. We became good friends after countless friendship disturbances. My good friend Wu Mingjie is not only my comrade in arms, but also my bosom friend. Remembering every bit of the happy life I had with him, and the thought that we would be separated, I felt extremely sad.

Whenever I participate in activities, Wu Mingjie always supports and encourages me behind my back. Once, a few hours before I went to the Math Olympics. Wu Mingjie came to my seat and suddenly asked me: Li Xue, do you want to go to the toilet? I wondered: Wow, have you made a mistake! I thought you had something important to tell me! But I... go! I followed her into the toilet, and my intuition told me that Xin must have something to do! Sure enough, Wu Mingjie stopped suddenly and got an extra card in his hands. I looked at him strangely. He smiled and said, "Long Bao, that!"! This card is for you. I wish you a good result! I said: Oh, that's why you called me here! At first, I thought there was something important! Strange! After that, we talked a lot. Although the card he gave me was not very beautiful, it contained many feelings!

Of course, I can't forget the teachers in the school. It was they who taught me from a naive and ignorant boy to a person with a certain cultural foundation. When I met with difficulties, it was the teacher who extended his warm hands to help me up; When I had trouble, it was the teacher who opened my heart knot for me; When I was sad, the teacher was there to comfort me

Time has passed in a blink of an eye. No amount of words can express what I think! I don't know whether I will meet friends like Xin again after I leave my alma mater. However, I believe that this separation, I and Xin will meet again, because there is something between us that is drawing us closer - fate. My classmates, teachers and alma mater in primary school are the most unforgettable because I spent a wonderful childhood there.

I really don't want to leave my alma mater. I don't want to leave everything in my alma mater. I don't want to leave my familiar classmates, teachers, and environment... Because I was cultivated here, my growth process is recorded here, and I have made many good teachers and friends here.

Graduation Thoughts (9)

Graduation feelings, do you have? I have.

Graduated, the last time to sweep the floor, lock the door, finish school... how many last time! I cry.

Why do people have to graduate? I don't understand why? The last time I did my homework, tears soaked the book. The last time I received my homework, the team members did not write anything, but I did not remember my name, because I graduated today, and I did not remember my name. Let it go! It is impossible to receive homework from primary school in the future.

Let it go!! Don't take it to heart.

Our destiny has turned a new page!

come on.

Graduation Thoughts (10)

Tears, regret.

Not giving up, helpless.

Another spring, a new beginning. But some things have passed, but there will never be a new start.

A fledgling bird was crying alone in the nest, and looked particularly bleak against the setting sun. Why did the bird cry so sadly when it should have played freely in the forest? Because it has grown up, parents have completed the mission of raising it. It and its brothers and sisters will fly in the sky alone, experience the storm alone, and meet the challenge of fate alone. The bird did not shed tears of fear, but shed tears of regret over its nest, parents, brothers and sisters.

I am the bird, and I will wave my soft wings to leave my "nest" for a long voyage. The road ahead is full of thorns, and I want to make my wings stronger and stronger in the thorns.

Past rivals and present best friends, because of our separation, let's turn all the unhappiness into a bubble before parting, and let all the joy become a good memory. Let's face the pain and helplessness of separation together, go to meet the baptism of the storm, let's leave our nest happily, and fight against the sky with our increasingly mature wings!

In the days to come, no matter how far I fly, I will fly back here again to have a look at the warm nest where I was raised and look for the memory that will never be erased.

Ah, my nest, my harbor, my alma mater, which has lived for three years, and my soon to be separated campus!

Graduation Thoughts (11)

I miss the way we played together in the 29th Middle School. I can't remember it. My pen and ink can't express the pain of parting. However, we are going to grow up, and we are going to leave the 29th Middle School that nourishes us. I miss you so much

Perhaps it is a nostalgia for the campus that is about to leave. I always like to walk slowly to the green lawn under the setting sun after school, lie on it alone, look up at the white clouds slowly passing by the sky, and all my troubles and fatigue in the daytime have gone to a distant place. I just feel a kind of emptiness, a kind of joy and joy like the sea and sky, and close my eyes quietly, Let your mind wander freely

There were countless fresh mornings and countless beautiful dusk; When the sun disappears into the sea of clouds, when the stars twinkle in the night sky, I seem to have been looking for something in your arms. Is it looking for lost poems or traces left by old alumni; Is it looking for the rain in Jiangnan in March or the maple leaf in October; Is it to find the majesty of father or the gentleness of mother

Colorful posters, confused with many choices; In the melody of the weekend waltz, I felt the loneliness of the soul; In the eloquent voice of the lectern, he pursued the charm of the microphone; In the lights of the Phantom Forest, coffee colored memories were precipitated, and every real or false plot was tasted.

In the season of light rain and the fragrance of magnolia, the solitary figure lingers into a tree trunk and waits inexpressibly, giving birth to the eternal poem of "you did not come in the season of red leaves falling; you walked away when the fragrance opened all over the sky".

How many nights have you stood under the road stele to see off friends who can't go together? With stiff arms, you can no longer show your lost treasure. Suddenly, I remembered your parting words: "As long as your heart is near, the distance is short." My heart was filled with a thick warm fragrance.

In your arms, there was the roar of the sea and the tenderness of the waves. The eternal lights of the library at night and the lively figures on the playground in the morning; The dialogue between the fallen leaves in the forest and the earth, the teacher's deep eyes in the classroom... Now, all this is about to become a memory, a memory full of power and emotion.

Have I ever been childish, naive, painful or lost?

Have I ever struggled, struggled, depressed or pondered?

Dear campus, many people have come, left many stories, and left many people, which constitutes the history of the campus. My alma mater, please don't forget me. I was once a jumping wave in your broad arms. Wherever I went, I always carried your spirit and style. The old Scottish famous song on the radio filled my heart again. A few years ago, I came quietly, but now I can't go quietly. After all, my tears of struggle poured in here. After all, it nurtured my endless love telling and brought me many stories that have no beginning or end.

A green lawn is full of my memories of junior high school life. It seems that I want to fight with the students again, to discuss Olympic math problems with the teachers again, and to buy the same hairpin shoulder to shoulder with my friends again - but we are going to leave... How sad.

My alma mater -- farewell!

Graduation Thoughts (12)

Time flies, flowers bloom and fall. The learning life of grade six in primary school is about to pass. I am about to leave my alma mater, my teacher and my classmates. I am full of nostalgia.

Never forget the beautiful alma mater. In your arms, we become sensible from ignorance, mature from childishness, and brave from timidity. Here, we are strictly educated; Here, we have developed a good style of discipline, solidarity and fraternity; Here, we gain knowledge and understand the truth, and we thrive here.

Never forget, dear teacher. You are just like the spring rain that "sneaks into the night with the wind, moistens things silently", moistening our little seedlings. You have made me understand: how the sun lights up life, how gardeners take care of flowers, how the spring breeze turns the world green... In my eyes, teacher, you are both gentle and dignified, both ordinary and great. Teacher, you are the spring rain in my heart, you are the sunshine in my heart...... I will always thank you.

Never forget, dear classmates. We have gone through six years side by side. In these six years, we have spent a good time together. You gave me a seed of friendship and planted it in my heart. In the day and night, we grow together. In the twinkling of an eye, we have to separate. How can we be calm in our hearts? Then, please remember every minute we are together, and let the friendship last forever!

I will cherish every minute and every second that remains, and will not let these six years become a regret. Leave good memories in my alma mater; Leave a good impression on teachers; Leave good memories for students.

Composition 4: Excellent composition about graduation feelings

Graduation, the liberation of the suffering people! After six years of hard work, I finally got results (admitted to the ideal middle school). But I don't know if I can get the big fruit of Suqian Middle School.

The first step in life, my 'life has just set sail, what a pain! This step made me struggle for a long time, and finally I was admitted to Shuren Middle School. But my family has always believed in Suqian Middle School, so after passing the exam, I will continue to work hard. I am easily nervous, but when I took the Suqian Middle School exam, I always thought that I would not take the Suqian Middle School exam, and there was Shuren Middle School waiting for me! This life, really fast.

Just think, I have passed one tenth of the normal age and become a teenager. When my mother always said that I would go to middle school, she was just like the third or fourth year old. I told my mother that I still keep a childlike innocence, because I don't want to say goodbye to my childhood. Isn't it good that childlike innocence represents loveliness, innocence and freedom from evil thoughts? After six years of hard work, I finally graduated! Of course, he also passed Suqian Middle School. However, it was a pity that I was admitted to the top 500 of Suqian Middle School because I didn't achieve the goal I imagined. This is indeed a pity, which makes me feel annoyed.

When I heard that my classmates had entered the top 500, I really had no face in front of them. I didn't want to see them, and I was afraid of hurting my soul. This first step in life left a shadow that I could not wash away. Ah, if God gives me another chance, I will take the exam. I will not study hard in the first semester of Grade 6, and I will learn the same results as Liu Jiaxin! It's too late to say anything now. So I will try my best to do well in the next exam, save some money for my family and lay a good foundation for my performance in Suqian Middle School!

Ah! Graduated! I don't know what life is like in middle school? Day by day, we are about to leave primary school and enter middle school! Now I want to say goodbye to the primary school. I wonder if the middle school teachers will care about all aspects of us as carefully as the primary school teachers; I don't know how the middle school students are and whether they will meet their old classmates; I don't know how the learning environment in the middle school is, whether the pressure is too great

I was puzzled by all kinds of unknowns: would my middle school life completely exceed my imagination? How about my grades in middle school? But no matter what, I will work hard!

Graduation Thoughts (13)

If you feel very good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

A short period of primary school life is coming to an end. In the long river of my memory, there are many growth stories that are worth remembering and cherishing.

Childhood is the happiest, but when we carry a heavy schoolbag into the school and enter the first grade classroom, our childhood also goes away, followed by endless homework, endless books and parents' non-stop comparison.

In the eyes of many children, the word "growth" is full of temptation and curiosity. They want to grow up immediately, do whatever they want, and experience the happiness of growth. It seems very pleasant. Maybe, growing up is just a changeable child. I grew up and became a small adult. I left my childhood and childhood fun behind, but filled with countless troubles.

The word "worry" is very painful for many adults, not to mention "little adults" at my age? But growing up can't avoid troubles. There is a TV play called "Growing up without troubles", which reflects a very good theme: in the process of growing up, every trouble we encounter means a responsibility; It is a positive attitude that we should take to turn our troubles into happiness.

Grade 6: wbxsx

Graduation Thoughts (14)

In daily study, work or life, everyone has tried to write a composition. According to the characteristics of writing proposition, composition can be divided into proposition composition and non proposition composition. How to write a composition to avoid stepping on thunder? The following is an English composition of graduation feelings compiled by Xiaobian. Welcome to share it.

How time flies! I have studied in my school for three years. And I will graduate from middle school in a month. I am eager to share my happiness and sadness with you.

I had so many memories in three years’ life. One of them impressed me very much. I still remember, when I began to learn English, I found it too difficult. No matter how hard I tried, I still couldn’t do well in it and almost gave it up. As soon as my English teacher found my problem, she had a talk with me about how to learn English well. Since then, she has kept helping me.

Little by little, I’ve become interested in English and I’m good at it. I think I am so lucky to become one of her students. I’ve learned a lot from her. I will try to help others when they are in trouble. I think it is a happy thing to help others.

Graduation Thoughts (15)

Student Composition 1

Today, when I walked into the familiar school gate and looked at the bright five-star red flag flying in the air, my lips could not help pulling a wry smile: time flies like an arrow, the sun and the moon fly like a shuttle, in a twinkling of an eye, six years of time has disappeared behind me, and I have also changed from the hazy child who just entered the school gate to an energetic teenager. In the past six years, I have felt too many tears, happiness, and the unprecedented sense of fulfillment

When the silkworms died, the wax torches began to dry. Teacher, the engineer of the human soul, a great title, enriched my growth. All selfless love came from their dedication. Thank you, my teacher. Although we had some misunderstandings about you during this period, you still taught us with no regrets, Your kindness has made me feel the happiness of growth, and also made me learn to contribute

A bosom friend in the sea, a close neighbor in the world, a bosom friend - my inseparable partner. Whenever I think of the scene where the trivial farce among my classmates put me in a dilemma, and after a while, we joined together to tease others, and finally was decisively betrayed by my teammates, my mouth always overflows with a little smile and a bit of disappointment - perhaps later, we will go our separate ways. Even if we meet again, who can guarantee that we will play as carefree as we do now, Heartless laughter?

Maybe in the future, we will still meet more friends and encounter many things, but there is no doubt that the short time of six years has become the best memory in my heart.

Student Composition 2

Outside the window, it was raining cats and dogs, and the sound of raindrops kept coming and going. This rainy season makes me become sentimental, and the warm spring breeze sometimes blows my thoughts.

There is only more than a month left for the senior high school entrance examination, and I will soon say goodbye to my alma mater. I try to remember the face of my alma mater in the past three years, and recall every corner I have ever stepped on.

It was a colorful world of spring, summer, autumn and winter. It was a world of green grass, several trees with thick branches and leaves, towering buildings, a noisy world, and bursts of cheerful laughter.

I have learned one lesson after another in this familiar campus, I have run heartily under the vast blue sky and white clouds, I have left endless sweet smiles, and I have also condensed a drop of sour tears... I have spent countless happy, sad and joyful days in my alma mater, and I have broken and sprouted one youth dream after another in my alma mater.

These thousand and one short and long days and nights are so kind and nostalgic in my memory. Now, I have to leave my reluctant alma mater to face waves of sadness, joy, separation and harmony!

I was so excited that I was speechless, but I could only treasure these best times and memories, and my most beloved alma mater in my heart forever, and float with it through the long night.

Student Composition 3

Phoenix flowers bloom and the song of farewell rings. "June" is a season of departure. In a twinkling of an eye, time slipped away from us quietly. Before I knew it, I had become the protagonist in this graduation ceremony. The wind in June had blown the Phoenix flowers red, but it could not blow away the sadness of departure.

When I recalled that when I was just in the first grade, I was simple and innocent, holding my mother's hand foolishly, and came to a strange school. I was afraid and uneasy. Fortunately, the teacher took the trouble to teach me, so that I gradually opened my room. Gradually, I also quickly made many new friends, which made my memories of the first grade more colorful. In this process, I learned how to get along with others and how to adapt to the big family of the school. "Respect teachers" and "fraternity with classmates" are important topics for my study.

I remember one time, the teacher asked the whole class to work in groups to make a three-dimensional picture by recycling resources to participate in the student art exhibition. After repeated discussions, we chose "ocean" as the theme, telling that if human beings dump garbage into the sea again, it will not only pollute the ocean, but also make small fish, crabs, etc. have no clean and beautiful home, Although this competition did not get its name, this competition let me know how important division of labor and cooperation is.

Another time, when I met a bottleneck in the calligraphy contest, if the teacher didn't give up on me and kept encouraging me, I finally understood that "one failure doesn't mean permanent failure." In this way, the teacher created my outstanding achievements in the calligraphy field. I often thought that if there was no support, comfort and encouragement from teachers and classmates, there would be no "first place in Sanya composition contest" I, even now, may still be depressed at the corner, unable to cheer up!

So I want to say to you: "Thank you for your support and encouragement, I love you." I also want to thank the school for allowing us to have such a good reading environment, so that we can study and study carefree and happily.

June is the season for us to leave, and also the time for me to embark on a new milestone. Over the past six years, we have supported each other, shared weal and woe, and left many happy and sweet memories. June is also the season for our harvest. Only after hard work can we taste the sweet and delicious fruits, although all the feasts are over, The happy time we have spent together in the past six years will be treasured in my heart. Graduation is not an end, but a beginning. I will bravely take the next step with full blessing to welcome the next dream.

Graduation Thoughts (16)

In the past six years of primary school, whether it is happy or sad, every bit of it comes to mind at any time, but what impresses me most is the school life in Grade 5 and Grade 6. When I entered the senior grade, I found that the class was full of tigers, hidden dragons, and all the students had different talents, which opened my eyes. I also found my antenna sisters who had been separated for many years in the class. What surprised me more was that I knocked down a teacher and friend who seemed like a Tathagata, leading our group of naughty Monkeys. No matter how clever we were, we could not escape the hands of her Tathagata.

If I had not entered Huiwen Primary School at that time, I would not have known many like-minded friends in this school; If I had not been assigned to Class 15 at that time, I would not be happy and full as I am now; If I had not been taught by such an excellent and lively teacher Huiling at that time, I would not be as cheerful and optimistic as I am today. If I had not known these good friends in Class 15 at that time, I would not have such reluctant feelings towards Huiwen Primary School.

In this class, I benefited a lot, not only learned academic knowledge, but also learned eternal perseverance. When we first entered the fifth grade, our teacher began to train us to run. We were panting after one lap of the playground. Now, it is not a problem to run more than ten laps. Then why can we have such strength? It is not only because of the requirements of the teacher, but also the insistence of the students themselves, who want to constantly break through themselves to achieve their goals. Every time when my feet cross the end, I always feel extremely happy, so that I can meet the next challenge.

What we are about to face is the life of middle school. I can't help but feel a little fear when I think of the seniors and sisters who were last year and are now heading for a more difficult second year of middle school. Although I didn't go to the same high school with my antenna sisters again, our profound friendship won't let our friendship break because of temporary study.

The song of Li echoes in our ears. After graduation, we will go our separate ways and move towards our own future. Recalling last year, I smiled and helped the sixth grade send off. Now it's our turn to find that the hearts of the seniors and sisters were not happy, not relaxed, but left with reluctance and sadness. However, I hope everyone can think of the advantages. If you leave this school, you will represent that you are already a senior brother and sister in the first grade of middle school! Goodbye school, goodbye teacher, goodbye my dear classmates! I hope we can meet again!