May Field (8 in general)
Change yourself
2024-02-17 04:38:42
describe the scenery

May Field (1)

In May, some of the vegetables in the fields are green, some have blossomed, and some are ripe. Let me lead you to explore this wonderful May!

When I walked into the field, I saw a green landscape. I walked closer and saw that there were a lot of leeks! When the breeze blows, leeks come to me like waves. Some of them are like green ropes, dancing with the wind like graceful dancers! We are going to leave this leek field, and I am reluctant to part with it.

After a while, we came to the rape flower sea together. As soon as we entered the rape flower sea, we were very surprised! The sea is full of rape flowers, yellow, like many fireflies flying on the sea. We are here to take photos and get ready for the next place!

When we walked into the pepper field, a closer look showed that the pepper seemed to be wearing a green hat, a red coat, and a pair of pointed shoes. It was very cute. I suddenly found that there were different colors of pepper in front of me! There are red, green, orange and purple, which are very beautiful! I immediately took out my camera and took pictures of these peppers of different colors into the camera. This is the beautiful pepper field.

This is the fields in May. How beautiful and lovely the fields are!

May Field (2)

The fields in May are beautiful. Children's laughter is everywhere. Come and see me. I promise you will be so beautiful that you will forget to leave.

The fields in May are colorful paintings. The rape flowers all over the mountains and fields take off their golden "coat" and bear clusters of plump vegetable seeds; Remove the snow-white "thick clothes" from the radish flower, and stick out the small radish heads; Wipe off the bright red "lipstick" from the broad bean, and there are little bean sprouts hanging on the vine. It's really refreshing!

The fields in May are the palace of music. The green rice fields are refreshing; One by one, rice stalks hold up delicate rice ears, rustling in the breeze, just like a wonderful symphony; There are birds in twos and threes on the distant pole, just like a beautiful movement; In addition to the cheerful laughter of the children in the field, it was a wonderful concert.

The fields in May are a sea of joy. The pond beside the field seems to be a wonderful fairy tale world. Mother hens led a group of chicks to find food by the river, a group of small fish played leisurely in the crystal clear river, a group of big frogs practiced jumping into the water by the pond, "plop" and "plop" splashed a series of ripples in the pond, and farm children enjoyed kicking and rolling on the grass, playing and playing, which made people realize what is the real joy.

The field in May is a painting by the painter, a concert under the conductor, and a happy paradise for all creatures. I love the field in May!

May Field (3)

In the fields in May, the busy scene is coming.

A few mouthfuls of heat were in the wind, and tens of thousands of red silver needles were sprinkled in the vicious sun. I have to breathe heavily in such bad weather, and my short sleeved shirt has gradually oozed sweat.

Standing on the slope of Huangshan Mountain, I saw a busy figure shuttling along the field path.

What is striking is the mother with the child. She put the child in a cool place beside the field, bent over and turned the floor. The refreshing fragrance of the earth came from afar, adding a bit of coolness to the world. From time to time, she looked back at the child's gentle turn, which made the scorching summer retrogress.

There was a farmer patiently planting one seedling after another on the flat water surface. The water surface was sparkling and blossomed with the farmer's actions. An hour later, the neatly arranged seedlings bloomed in the dark soil. Although they are not as cute as the small flowers dotted in the flowers, nor as dazzling as the fragrant and charming lavender, the farmer's expectation of harvest they place on them also has a yearning for the future life. How can they not be cute and dreamy.

I came to the fields for a walk. This is indeed a deep path, beautiful and charming, with flowers and grass, but the road is muddy. I look left and jump right, but from time to time I step into a puddle, sink into mud, and fall on the ground. With so many hidden dangers, I thought I had entered a series of traps. I jumped around and tried my best to avoid the potholes on the ground. I was very serious and nervous.

When I walked out of the path, I was deeply relieved, but my whole body was already messy.

I continued to walk forward, walked to the big shady stone in the forest, sat down suddenly, and felt like a huge stone falling to the ground.

Looking up around, there are many golden round balls hanging on the tall trees. They are loquats! I immediately stood up straight and ran forward, but this loquat tree grew too high, even the lowest branch was far away from my arm. I crossed my waist and thought about it. Then I picked up the stick on the ground and began to pound the tree. "Kung Fu pays off" The branches pressed down, and I finally felt the loquat. The loquat was golden and beautiful. I quickly picked it off and swallowed it without peeling it. I didn't even want to vomit out. It turns out that after experiencing a series of traps, I am already hungry and thirsty.

"People in May are busier than ever". Looking at the whole field, farmers are busy farming and hoping for a bumper harvest; I am busy integrating into nature and picking fruits as soon as possible. This May, maybe my harvest is more than that, right?

May Field (4)

On school days, I shuttled around the building every day. The "human forest" was full of turbid air. The noisy crowd, as well as the harsh horn sound of vehicles, looked far away, and houses blocked my sight, making people feel a very uncomfortable depression. But the field is another realm.

At the beginning of May, the field is the most vital season. The rape flower has withered early, and each light yellow flower has produced rich fruits. Just like watching the rape flowers in full bloom, the rape with fruits is also memorable. Close up, rape plants have different colors, different lengths, dense and sparse, and are not very durable; But if you stand a little higher and look down on this rape, it will be very beautiful... A large area of light green rapeseed is like a green sea, where the waves behind push the waves ahead and are squeezed; Like clouds in the sky, it looks soft, light and within reach; It is also like a piece of cotton, thin, and can fly like a dandelion at any time.

Also magnificent is the mulberry field. The short mulberry trees are planted together, and their leaves shine brightly in the sun. Look carefully, there are many oval and purple mulberries hiding under the big mulberry leaves. Immediately, a sweet smell spread all over the body. But some mulberries are still immature, red, crystal clear, cute and lovely. If you eat them, your roots will certainly become soft and you can't bite tofu.

The fields in May are the harvest season and the sowing season. In the field, the most planted is water bamboo. One by one, bamboo shoots stood in the shallow water, their green leaves stretched out and their stems stretched straight towards the sky. As soon as the wind blows, a gentle rustle sounds. Boundless fields, continuous mountains, blue sky, chirping birds, hardworking farmers. This is the field, this is a beautiful picture! How beautiful the fields are in May!

May Field (5)

In May, some of the vegetables in the fields are green, some have blossomed, and some are ripe. Let me lead you to explore this wonderful May!

When I walked into the field, I saw a green landscape. I walked closer and saw that there were a lot of leeks! When the breeze blows, leeks come to me like waves. Some of them are like green ropes, dancing with the wind like graceful dancers! We are going to leave this leek field, and I am reluctant to part with it.

After a while, we came to the rape flower "sea" together, and we were very surprised when we entered the rape flower "sea"! The "sea" is full of rape flowers, yellow and clear, just like many fireflies flying on the "sea". We are here to take photos and get ready for the next place!

When we walked into the pepper field, a closer look showed that the pepper seemed to be wearing a green hat, a red coat, and a pair of pointed shoes. It was very cute. I suddenly found that there were different colors of pepper in front of me! There are red, green, orange and purple, which are very beautiful! I immediately took out my camera and took pictures of these peppers of different colors into the camera. This is the beautiful pepper field.

This is the fields in May. How beautiful and lovely the fields are!

May Field (6)

In May, the warm spring has gradually gone away from us, and summer has quietly arrived with the bright sunshine.

The young green wheat plants peeped out timidly. When the wind blew, their little green heads swayed back and forth and looked boundless.

Every farmer wore a hat, and they bent down to sow hope. As the saying goes, "At noon when hoeing, sweat drips into the soil.". The hot sun shines on every farmer, and their clothes are soaked with sweat. They are working hard, waiting for the joy of harvest.

When we followed the river, we saw groups of ducks shaking and scrambling to cross the road into the river, blocking everyone's way. They play happily in the river. Some of them are singing, some are swimming, and some are frightened, flapping their wings, and water splashes everywhere.

In the breeze and in the sun, the swallow leans across the sky and whispers about this beautiful field. Some flew from the rice field here to the willow trees there in a twinkling of an eye. Some swam across the river, and the tail tip occasionally touched the water, rippling away in circles.

The children of the village exulted, jumped and sang in the fields, just like happy birds.

Green wheat seedlings, hardworking farmer uncles, flocks of ducks, swallows in the breeze, and cheerful children form an extremely beautiful field landscape. I love the beautiful fields! I love the fields in May even more!

May Field (7)

Pu Yue's Field Junior Middle School Composition

In the light daily life, we often see the figure of composition. Composition can be divided into timed composition and non timed composition according to the different writing time limit. I'm sure many people will find it difficult to write a composition. The following is Pu Yue's field junior high school composition written by Xiao Bian. Welcome to read and treasure it.

In the fields of Puyue, the busy scene is coming.

A few mouthfuls of heat were in the oncoming wind, and tens of thousands of red hot silver needles were sprinkled in the scorching sun. The weather was so bad that I had to breathe heavily, and my short sleeved shirt was sweating slowly.

Standing on the slope of Huangshan Mountain, I saw a busy figure shuttling along the field path.

What is striking is the mother with the child. She put the child in a shady place near the field, bent over and turned the floor. The refreshing fragrance of the soil came from afar, adding a bit of coolness to the world. From time to time, she looked back at the child's gentle return, which made the scorching summer retrogress.

There was a farmer patiently planting one seedling after another on the flat water surface. The water surface was sparkling and blossomed with the farmers' actions. An hour later, the neatly arranged seedlings bloomed in the dark soil. Although they are not as cute as the small flowers dotted in the flowers, nor as dazzling as the fragrant and charming lavender, the farmers' expectations for harvest and their yearning for future life are not cute and dreamy.

I came to the fields for a walk. This is indeed a deep path with beautiful flowers and grass, but the road is muddy. I look around and jump, but sometimes I step into a puddle, sink into mud, and fall on the ground. With so many hidden dangers, I thought I had entered a series of traps. I jumped around and tried my best to avoid the potholes on the ground. I was very serious and nervous.

When I walked out of the path, I felt a deep sigh of relief, but my whole body was already messy.

I walked forward, walked to the big shady stone in the forest, sat down suddenly, and felt like a huge stone falling to the ground.

Looking up around, there are many golden round balls hanging on the tall trees, which are loquats! I immediately stood up straight and galloped forward, but this loquat tree grew too high, even the lowest branch was far away from my arm. I crossed my waist and thought about it. Then I picked up the stick on the ground and began to pound the tree. "Kung Fu pays off" The branches pressed down, and I finally felt the loquat. The loquat was golden and beautiful, so I quickly picked it off. I didn't have time to peel it and swallow it. I didn't even want to vomit out. It turns out that after experiencing a series of traps, I am already hungry and thirsty.

"People in Puyue are very busy". Looking at the whole field, farmers are busy farming and hoping for a bumper harvest; I am busy integrating into nature and picking fruits as soon as possible. This Pu month, maybe my harvest is more than that, right?

May Field (8)

From a distance, the green seedlings seemed to be connected, separated by ridges, as if a green blanket was embroidered with some brown stripes.

Walking along the narrow path between the ridges of the fields, a large area of rape fields unfolded in front of us. The rape flower has withered a lot, leaving only the small flowers on the branches. Many thin and small young pods have grown on the flower branches. Peel them off, and the small seeds inside are immature rape seeds.

Then we came to the junction separated by wild chrysanthemums. The next plant with a small shed covered with many oilcloths was cabbage. It was thin and long, with broad leaves, a little round at one end and sharp at the tip. It grew very well. In front of us, there are lots of cabbage. After all, it's the season of cabbage.

As I walked, I came to a small river where there were many taros, lettuce, radishes, onions, cabbage That taro is really naughty. It even dressed the leaves as sleeping lotus leaves! If my father hadn't told me, I would have wondered: "Eh, why do water lilies grow in the soil?" Their neighbor, lettuce, painted himself with green rouge, which was very attractive. The radish is even more funny! It also made the leaves into the shape of a saw. The teeth of the "saw" were sparse and dull, which made it look like nothing. Old onions still learn from them! He put on a round hat for himself. There were some hairy seeds on it, and some small round balls appeared. Hum, with your ability, you want to pretend to be a dandelion? Wonderful! The cabbage turned a deaf ear to the neighbors and concentrated on dressing herself. She put on a beautiful green dress and looked at herself in the clear river. She was so beautiful! Like a green peony.

How beautiful the fields are in May! There is green everywhere, and all kinds of vegetables live a happy life here. This vast field is really a school of vitality!