Pursuit and Happiness (7 elaborations)
Stable and mature man
2023-10-29 03:52:26
Junior two

Pursuit and Happiness (1)

When the grey moth threw itself at the burning fire without hesitation, the mean human used "moths throwing themselves into the fire" as a metaphor for throwing themselves into the trap. Self righteous human beings only see the fate of its demise, but turn a blind eye to its persistence, courage and pursuit. Human beings are used to judging heroes by their success or failure. The phoenix who also threw himself into the fire was warmly praised by the poet for being reborn. The phoenix was nirvana, and the moth was really looking for death.

Flying fish on the sea can reach any place they want to go by swimming, while flying in groups often attracts seabirds to peck. People are puzzled about its behavior. A poet explained: "They yearn for the beautiful sky, so they usurp the privileges of birds at the cost of life."

The joy of pursuing ideals made moths and flying fish forget about death and make people gape. What's the complaint about "seeking benevolence and getting benevolence"? Isn't the meaning of life in the process of pursuing? Maybe pursuit does not mean success, and maybe pursuit will bring pain and disaster. However, Wang Guozhen said well: "I only know that once I have decided to die, I will not return."

In front of the never-ending pace is a cluster of thorns. The incomparably beautiful youth brings shining life.

Although he was "drunk all over the world, turbid all over the world." Qu Yuan "would rather die in exile" rather than "change his mind and follow the custom". Despite his conservative's crazy resistance, Wang Anshi pondered: "Those who can't reach as far as they want can have no regrets." He raised the banner of "Xining Reform". Although he was full of feelings of being a child and no one understood, Lu Xun "recommended Xuanyuan" in his unique way.

When these people with lofty ideals blow the horn and rush into the endless darkness, they do not have no idea of the resistance they may encounter and the pain they will suffer. Their pursuit of rewarding us is never easy. They have experienced the torture of the soul and the struggle of the soul. They have thought of all possible results and made the worst plan. However, once they have made a choice, they will no longer have a trace of hesitation and resolutely adhere to the path. Their lives became stars shining in the boundless darkness.

Happiness is what everyone yearns for, but when it is not in pursuit, such happiness will not make people cherish it too much. Perhaps the meaning of marrying happiness is here? Gao Liang's children won't pay any attention to the fine clothes and delicious food. The reckless heroes cherish their family fortune. Han Gaozu said, "Weijia is going back to his hometown." Before his smile could bloom, he sighed again: "Ande warriors are guarding everywhere."

We seek happiness, because it does not allow the slightest gift. Angels can only save the soul of self-improvement. Buddha also said that everyone should become a light to shine on themselves. What is sweet, what is bitter, who can say? When you stand proudly on the top of Mount Everest, the hardships of climbing are also part of your happiness. When you look back on the past, you can also be proud to say that I worked hard.

Youth is never mediocre. When you lose your goal, your eyes close and your wings droop. You have to ask yourself, are you really young? We have young and determined eyes, strong limbs, and the same young spirit that is not afraid of failure. In this way, life, which belongs to us only once, shines brightly.

Pursuit and Happiness (2)

The pursuit of happiness is also the pursuit of ideals. Without ideals, where can happiness come from?

What I seek is to make it easy for others to find me in the crowd. Since I was young, I have been climbing. I still remember when I was four years old, the kindergarten held a Children's Day get-together, and I also performed a program - telling stories. I didn't read the story by myself. I didn't know so many words. I asked my mother to read it to me again and again. Standing on the stage, I felt very proud. I heard the praise from the following parents. I feel so happy. Since then, this feeling has become my pursuit of happiness.

In grade one, I was the tenth in my class. In the third grade, I was the tenth in the whole grade. In the fifth grade, I was the first in my class. In the sixth grade, I was in the top five. At that time, happiness was just a certificate, because it was rare to get two or three certificates in a year. One certificate represents your qualification to show off to others.

In junior high school, the pursuit is to be on the list. As long as it is not a "black list", seeing my name will give me great satisfaction. I am very happy and feel happy. There will be a commendation meeting at the end of the midterm. I am very happy to stand on the stage with the certificate of merit, and the light will hit my face and body so that others can see me. Unfortunately, I am usually a "phoenix tail", but I prefer not to be a "chicken head". I will be happy to find my name in the list of awards for various activities organized by the department. I feel really happy.

I try my best to make everyone see me. In this process, I also experienced many difficulties. I have been discriminated against by other students, criticized by teachers and scolded by my mother. But it is because of these experiences that I keep moving forward and let me approach the peak step by step. In this process, tired. But more, it is the taste of happiness, so delicious, sweet and slightly sour.

Keep pursuing excellence in life and regard it as a kind of happiness. You will know that life is so wonderful that happiness can dance for you.

Pursuit and Happiness (3)

I've heard since childhood that people should pursue happiness; I have known since childhood that I want to live a happy life when I grow up. I have watched a person running towards happiness, and I have heard a person cheering after being happy. Of course, there are also many helpless regrets and sighs. So, I would like to one day cheer in front of others, enjoy happiness, and have happiness forever.

Later, I heard that if you study hard, you will be happy in the future. So he devotes himself to reading and works hard. From time to time, I secretly taste my own sweet happiness in my dream. It takes a price to pursue happiness; I often shut myself in the room, listening to the cheers and laughter of my friends outside the window, I still kept my loneliness and persistence, often turned off my favorite TV dramas and cartoons, and walked towards the sadness and loneliness alone. No matter what you do, you always think; No matter what you do, you will think about happiness, which needs to be pursued and paid. Therefore, I often put down many things -- to be dependent on loneliness, to be close to books.

I don't know what happiness is, but just because someone said, "If you study hard, you will be happy in the future", you study hard and forget yourself. This is my childhood, a foolish but unrelenting dreamer. Later, when I grew up, of course, I knew how stupid I was. So I don't think about the happy future all day long, but the persistence and habit can never be changed. I always feel that it is a kind of enjoyment to depend on loneliness and snuggle up with books. I dare to put down many things for a goal. It is a kind of peace of mind, a unique happiness.

Gradually, there was a little taste, a little taste of happiness, that is: happiness does not need too much deliberate pursuit, and happiness is not far away. A good habit, a habit that makes you feel relaxed and happy, is itself a kind of happiness.

Later, when I was older and experienced more, everything became more mature. In fact, happiness is very simple. It is not even a habit, but a sentence, a gesture, a look or even a smile. Happiness is not just a person, it belongs to everyone, and the real happiness is actually everyone's happiness, is the happiness shared.

In the future, I will not pursue any more, but only learn to cherish and appreciate every trivial word, every tiny action, every tiny attitude, and every faint smile of others. This is happiness, because treasure and enjoy the happiness of life.

So, I said to myself, if you want to marry happiness, you should first make friends with treasure!

Notes after writing

"Happiness" is something that we often mention, think and pursue, but we often place its acquisition in the future, in the future that we don't even know what it is like. So we forget many things, ignore many things, and naturally lose many things. Just like that foolish man chasing dreams, I can't tell what kind of scene the "dream" was like at that time. It is because of blindness, ignorance, and credulity that I want to go all over the world and pursue my dreams. Naturally, sighs and sorrows often appear. In fact, there are many happy details in life. If you capture them, you will always have a kind of happiness everywhere. When you share it with others, there will be two or even more happiness, and you will naturally be happier.

As I grew up, I gradually realized something, maybe very superficial. But if I can make others happy, I will be happier.

Pursuit and Happiness (4)

Pursuit and Happiness Composition Material 1

Happiness is a wild flower that has been in full bloom on the road of pursuit, accompanying you around. As long as you lower your head, you can smell the fragrance—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

sundowners. Several floating clouds in the sky, accompanied by the red yarn, look more charming and dazzling. Human beings on the earth stare admiringly. However, the clouds are not satisfied. They want to get closer to the sun and go to the brightest place. So the clouds flew towards the sky with their long red gauze. Along the way, they talked, laughed, danced, and held a competition: the most beautiful dance, and the first cloud to reach the sky is the most beautiful. So, they made their most charming moves and danced in the sky, like fairies playing in the sky, graceful and cheerful. What a scene of happiness and joy! However, the setting sun is more and more far away from them. Finally, it disappears on the horizon. But Yun'er were not depressed because they felt how happy they had been. Later, the red yarn also went with the setting sun. The sky is quiet, and the clouds are still in the sky, waiting for the appearance of the moon

Yun'er doesn't care about whether his ideal can be realized, but about the joy and happiness in pursuit. If we can lighten the weight of the ideal and increase the joy of pursuing like Yun'er, wouldn't there be so much pressure and depression?

In fact, pursuit itself is a kind of joy and happiness. Because the pursuit has made you sincerely pay and strive all the time, it has brought people the meaning of survival. When your efforts are rewarded accordingly and you make little progress, you will find that the sky is extraordinarily blue, the world is also extraordinarily beautiful, and you are extraordinarily happy.

I have heard such a sentence: I want to walk all over the mountains and valleys to see the heroic feelings left by heroes; I will stand at the end of the water sky and laugh at the ups and downs of all living beings. The person who said this must be very happy, because he has such lofty ideals. But sometimes, the ideal should not be set too far away, otherwise, you will sacrifice the beauty around you to pursue a moon in the water that you knew you could not reach. If you can't reach your ideal, you will frown every day, which will only give up more happiness.

If you only care about the process of pursuit, and only care about the happiness when pursuing, but not the results, then you really understand the meaning of pursuit. In fact, happiness is around you. It is like a wild flower that has been blooming on the road of pursuit, accompanying you around. As long as you lower your head, you can smell the fragrance.

Pursuit and Happiness Composition Materials 2

When God closes the window of happiness, he often leaves a door for you. However, you may have to go through the dark corridor or experience some collisions before you can find the door—— notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

The pursuit of happiness is also the pursuit of ideals. Without ideals, where can happiness come from?

What I seek is to make it easy for others to find me in the crowd. Since I was young, I have been climbing. I still remember when I was four years old, the kindergarten held a Children's Day get-together, and I also performed - telling stories. I didn't read the story by myself. I didn't know so many words. I asked my mother to read it to me again and again. Standing on the stage, I felt very proud. I heard the praise from the following parents. I feel so happy. Since then, this feeling has become my pursuit of happiness.

In grade one, I was the tenth in my class. In the third grade, I was the tenth in the whole grade. In the fifth grade, I was the first in my class. In the sixth grade, I was in the top five. At that time, happiness was just a certificate, because it was rare to get two or three certificates in a year. One certificate represents your qualification to show off to others.

In junior high school, the pursuit is to be on the list. As long as it is not a "black list", seeing my name will give me great satisfaction. I am very happy and feel happy. There will be a commendation meeting at the end of the midterm. I am very happy to stand on the stage with the certificate of merit, and the light will hit my face and body so that others can see me. Unfortunately, I am usually a "phoenix tail", but I prefer not to be a "chicken head". I will be happy to find my name in the list of awards for various activities organized by the department. I feel really happy.

I try my best to make everyone see me. In this process, I also experienced many difficulties. I have been discriminated against by other students, criticized by teachers and scolded by my mother. But it is because of these experiences that I keep moving forward and let me approach the peak step by step. In this process, tired. But more, it is the taste of happiness, so delicious, sweet and slightly sour.

Keep pursuing excellence in life and regard it as a kind of happiness. You will know that life is so wonderful that happiness can dance for you.

Pursuit and Happiness Composition Material 3

People only envy the flower of success for its present brilliance. However, at the beginning, its bud was soaked in the tears of struggle and the blood rain of sacrifice. Happiness and pursuit are inseparable.

Pursuit is pay, happiness is gain.

When a seedling sticks out of its head, a seed is planted in its heart. It is small and inconspicuous, but has a sweet and desirable name - happiness. Since then, it has worked hard to grow like every seedling and never bowed to any harsh environment. He is not afraid of wind and rain; Not afraid of cold and heat. Finally, the harvest season came, and it produced delicious fruits.

Pursuit is spirit, happiness is perseverance.

When the pupa weaves cocoons, it also weaves a beautiful dream - having a pair of wings. It spins and weaves without wasting a minute or a second. Finally, when it almost exhausted its strength, it broke out of the cocoon and the bright sun shone on its beautiful wings. However, it is not satisfied and still persists in pursuing. It flies desperately, not stopping because of the beautiful flowers, but also disdaining all the difficulties that hinder it.

Pursuit is trial, happiness is process.

There is a pursuit, there will be results, but the results are not necessarily successful, it is more likely to be some kind of perception, some kind of perception close to success. Because pursuit is a kind of attempt, which can make you feel the pain after failure, and also let you experience the infinite joy after success.

As long as there is a way ahead, hope will always appear; How can you feel sweet without pain; Unlimited joy is not everlasting. A little carelessness will bring you back to the starting point. Pursuit is an attempt. No matter whether you are successful or not, the process can prove that you have experienced it, and the process of this experience is happy.

The flowers of happiness always bloom on both sides of the road of pursuit. Only by continuous pursuit, effort and sweat, can we finally achieve happiness; However, those who are unwilling to strive and forge ahead and try to win happiness for nothing can only draw water from a basket of bamboo in the end.

So I want to say: "Happiness depends on yourself."

Pursuit and Happiness Composition Materials 4

In this world, there is no absolute right or wrong, because we are selfish enough, because each of us desires happiness, and each of us has the right to pursue happiness.

No one is only fooled by fate and abandoned by God. Because we are all pure children who work hard for emotion.

In our life, we always make up for our life with some mistakes we have made, so that it will be more brilliant without losing color.

As long as we have experienced, we will know how to absorb experience and the road to success. More importantly, we should understand the meaning of success, not only to get returns, but also to experience the process of failure. Even if the outcome is not perfect, we will never regret, at least we have tried. If you only know hearsay and don't experience it yourself, then even if you succeed, it is meaningless.

In the process of growing up, we will gradually become mature in the big and small mistakes, and gradually understand repentance and want to atone for sins.

A man without fault is not a perfect man. God gives us life so that we can accept the joys and sorrows of life, instead of being a pure and holy angel forever. We are all unique works created by God in this world.

In the near future, each of us will be able to get the only highest luck in the world. Don't be afraid, don't worry, your happiness will come, but it is a little late.

Therefore, each of us has the right to pursue happiness, and each of us has his own happiness.

Pursuit and Happiness Composition Materials 5

Everyone has happiness, depending on whether you have realized it with your heart. Everyone has his own unique happiness proposition, you have it, and I also have it.

I am a special person. I have different happiness ideas from others. They will change with my mood and also with the seasons.

My seasonal happiness proposition is full of my personal characteristics. In summer, as long as I have ice cream and cool ice cream, you will see that I can't close my mouth and be satisfied with the smell of summer.

Spring is the season when flowers are in full bloom. Don't stay in the house, throw off your heavy winter clothes, go out and stretch your muscles!

Happiness needs to be found by yourself. Someone who eats a piece of ice will have a happiness index of 100%. Don't be greedy, and you can get the maximum satisfaction. Some people are never satisfied, pursuing one goal after another, tired to death, not happy at all.

Happiness is very simple. As long as you make reasonable wishes, don't "fool talk in dreams". You will find that happiness is easy to get.

Come on! Let's pursue happiness together. Don't let go!

Pursuit and Happiness (5)

Pursuit and happiness composition 1:

One lazy autumn afternoon, when there was really nothing to do, he went for a walk in the street.

The sun wrapped me, and there were not many pedestrians on the road.

Suddenly, at the entrance of an alley that I had never noticed, I found an antique wood shop. I went in full of curiosity.

The autumn sun shone on the rough wood grain, like fried chestnuts, bursting out a dry and lush fragrance. I felt as if I had suddenly returned to the ancient times in that refreshing fragrance. I was vaguely aware that I could see the primeval forest blocking the sky. I saw the first man cut down the green sky with an axe, and the wood incense rushed to the whole forest. The man was almost shocked, but something disappeared forever. Now think about it, it should be the happiness and mission of living when trees grow upward. Each tree is a bottle of ointment that has been stored for a long time. Once it is unsealed, it will smell uncontrollable, just like people who are pregnant in October can officially add color to the world. Each growth ring is an ancient fu, which can stand the most careful and exquisite recitation as the age increases.

I also heard the message from the incense. The dead trees told me that every moment of life is happiness. I thought, I don't lack anything, I have a whole street of late autumn sunshine, and free heavy fragrance, so that they and life condensed into the most wonderful feeling of life - happiness. Right now, happiness has inadvertently revealed its hidden figure.

Indeed, the thing that makes people happy is definitely not a pile of wealth. The thing that makes happiness come into being spontaneously is so simple that it is life.

Think about it, when you complain that shoes don't fit, someone doesn't have shoes; When you complain about having no shoes, someone has no feet; When you complain that you have no feet and God is unfair to you, do something meaningful. At least when you have nothing, you still have life and you can love others.

At least, we are alive.

Don't waste time on meaningless complaints and curses. We still have life. Every moment we live is happy, because we don't have to sleep in the cold land.

Happiness is now. Cherish this easy to get happiness.

Pursuit and happiness composition 2:

"What is happiness"? Perhaps most people have asked such questions. In my opinion, the goddess of happiness is fair. She gives happiness to everyone in the world. We should not always envy others' happiness, otherwise, we will lose our own happiness.

In the 1980s, there was a song that sang across the country: "No flower fragrance, no tree height, I am a grass nobody knows, never lonely, never troubled, I am a......". Is the green grass unhappy? no It is happy. Although it is not tall, strong, fragrant and charming, it never feels inferior or worried about it. On the contrary, it lives a full, happy and carefree life. It is proud that it can add verdant green to this vast and colorful land, is also proud that it can set off the gorgeous flowers, and is also proud that it can contribute to the ecological balance.

In real life, there are often some people who are looking for happiness. They think they are not happy. People living in wealthy families have no worries about food and clothing, and their parents take good care of them, However, they are not happy because they are in the midst of happiness. "Instead, they try their best to pursue stars. In their eyes, it is happiness to see stars or take photos with them. Such people can be seen everywhere in busy cities. They do not find happiness, but blindly pursue happiness, never knowing that happiness will come to nothing. Poor children also have different views on happiness. Poor children living in the countryside. Some of them complain that they were not born in a prosperous city and a well-to-do family all day long. They envy others when they see that they are well fed and dressed and have a harmonious and happy family. They have a sense of inferiority in psychology, thus losing confidence in learning and life and living in an empty world. The other strong children, who are also poor, also envy other peers who live a good life from time to time. However, they turn envy into motivation to study hard and are always better than others in learning. Therefore, they find their own happiness: although they live in poor villages, there is no colorful city, but there is fresh air to breathe, There are beautiful wild flowers to enjoy, lovely fireflies shining in the starry sky of Yewang, clear streams flowing happily in the mountains, fishing by the river with friends on weekends, picking wild fruits and flowers in the mountains... What a happy life that only rural children can enjoy!

Change our attitude, change our perspective, we will find our own happiness, cherish happiness, understand happiness, and we will have a happy life.

Pursuit and happiness composition 3:

Happiness is valuable. Only when you know how to cherish and grasp it, can you live a happy life.

It is because the eagle knows how to cherish its vigorous wings that it can fly in the blue sky; Grass can realize its value because it knows how to cherish the land under its feet; Tang Taizongzheng, because he knew how to cherish Wei Zheng, was able to achieve the legend of Zhenguan governance. We should also learn to cherish and cherish what we have. Everything we have will benefit me immensely and make me happy all my life.

Happiness actually surrounds us. All human beings have free sunshine and air, which is our happiness. Most people live in a peaceful environment, which is the happiness of most of us. As students, we can learn a lot of knowledge, which is also our happiness. These happiness are so easy to enjoy, shouldn't we be grateful for it and cherish it?

Cherish what we have, we can live a healthy life, live a carefree life and master the way of life, so this is our most basic and rare happiness!

How many people in history ended up in disgrace because they didn't know how to cherish happiness.

Xia Jie and Shang Zhou gained the supreme ruling power by inheritance. They did not cherish this privilege to benefit the people, but used it to oppress and persecute the people. The final result was that the people overthrew them.

The rulers of the late Qing Dynasty were complacent and arrogant. Foreign envoys sincerely make friends with them, but they shut others out and shut the country down. As a result, others have developed into the industrial revolution, and science and technology have developed rapidly in the era, while China has lagged far behind the world, resulting in being forced to open the door of China by foreign invaders and becoming a "cash cow" for foreigners. Forty million Chinese compatriots are in deep trouble.

Happiness is all around us. The goddess of happiness will care for those who know how to cherish it.

Maybe some people think that he is not happy at all, accompanied by suffering and frustration, failure and tears. Where to cherish? But the great man said, "Suffering is a university." Yes, in the suffering and setbacks, we have cultivated our will, strengthened our perseverance, and enriched our life experience. Isn't this a blessing in disguise? Failure only allows us to gain experience and lessons. If we can change our attitude, face it calmly, and learn "nourishment" from it, we will succeed, and happiness will follow.

Cherish what you have, especially the happiness you have, so that life will be wonderful, like a rainbow after rain.

The pursuit and happiness of composition 4:

Life should have pursuit, and the process of pursuing ideal is extremely happy, because it is the essence of the meaning of life.

Once upon a time, I was dazed by repeated difficulties, slowly lazy my mind, aimlessly wasting my time and youth. When I read How Steel Was Tempered, my heart was activated by Paul's enthusiasm for life. It was he who made me understand that life needs pursuit and struggle, so that I can temporarily remember my life without feeling empty.

Yes, there should be pursuit in life.

Chen Sheng, working as a servant, said that "princes, generals, ministers and ministers have seed". "The bird knows the ambition of the swan", which is his pursuit of life. It was this ambition that inspired him to rise up and lead the first peasant uprising in Chinese history, which can be described as the first person in ancient and modern times. Chen Sheng's pursuit is ambitious, and whether he can achieve what he wants or not, just because he has such ambition, he can also be called a brave man. If he could fight for his goal, he would not be afraid to die. Maybe someone pitied Chen Sheng and lamented his failure. I think he needs no sympathy, but our own pity. Although he is a farmer, he can still aspire to the future, and he will eventually be proud of the world. How heroic and majestic he is! Even though he is dead, he is still awe inspiring! We admire the ancients, but as modern people, how can we lose to the ancients? Therefore, the pursuit of life is the key to realizing the meaning of life, and we must aspire to it.

Happiness is a feeling, a drop of water from the pure spring of human heart without any impurity, with which your heart becomes sweet.

Life is full of hardships and difficulties. It is happiness to cut through the thorns and fight ceaselessly for your ambition. Einstein said well that it is happiness to do what you like all your life. However, people can't always do as they wish. On the way forward, the fog is always heavy and the poor roads are crowded. Your faith and your pursuit determine your life choice. Remember, life is in your own hands, and no one can help you. It is a great happiness to choose a path of your own life according to your own will, and walk steadily.

In the dark night of the sky, silently ask the sky: where is happiness? A voice will tell you that the road is at your feet, and happiness is in front of you

With the spring breeze, read your ambition to the heaven and earth, make your wish for this life, and go to ride the wind and waves with the fragrance of happiness. Please firmly believe that there will be a time when you ride the wind and waves, and there will be a shore in the vast sea

Pursuit and Happiness (6)

Flying fish on the sea can reach any place they want to go by swimming, while flying in groups often attracts seabirds to peck. People are puzzled about its behavior. A poet explained: "They yearn for the beautiful sky, so they usurp the privileges of birds at the cost of life."

The joy of pursuing ideals made moths and flying fish forget about death and make people gape. What's the complaint about "seeking benevolence and getting benevolence"? Isn't the meaning of life in the process of pursuing? Maybe pursuit does not mean success, and maybe pursuit will bring pain and disaster. However, Wang Guozhen said well: "I only know that once I have decided to die, I will not return."

In front of the never-ending pace is a cluster of thorns. The incomparably beautiful youth brings shining life.

Although he was "drunk all over the world, turbid all over the world." Qu Yuan "would rather die in exile" rather than "change his mind and follow the custom". Despite his conservative's crazy resistance, Wang Anshi pondered: "Those who can't reach as far as they want can have no regrets." He raised the banner of "Xining Reform". Although he was full of feelings of being a child and no one understood, Lu Xun "recommended Xuanyuan" in his unique way.

When these people with lofty ideals blow the horn and rush into the endless darkness, they do not have no idea of the resistance they may encounter and the pain they will suffer. Their pursuit of rewarding us is never easy. They have experienced the torture of the soul and the struggle of the soul. They have thought of all possible results and made the worst plan. However, once they have made a choice, they will no longer have a trace of hesitation and resolutely adhere to the path. Their lives became stars shining in the boundless darkness.

Happiness is what everyone yearns for, but when it is not in pursuit, such happiness will not make people cherish it too much. Perhaps the meaning of marrying happiness is here? Gao Liang's children won't pay any attention to the fine clothes and delicious food. The reckless heroes cherish their family fortune. Han Gaozu said, "Weijia is going back to his hometown." Before his smile could bloom, he sighed again: "Ande warriors are guarding everywhere."

We pursue happiness, because it does not allow the slightest gift. Angels can only save the soul of self-improvement. Buddha also said that everyone should become a light to shine on themselves. What is sweet, what is bitter, who can say? When you stand proudly on the top of Mount Everest, the hardships of climbing are also part of your happiness. When you look back on the past, you can also be proud to say that I worked hard.

Youth is never mediocre. When you lose your goal, your eyes close and your wings droop. You have to ask yourself, are you really young? We have young and determined eyes, strong limbs, and the same young spirit that is not afraid of failure. In this way, life, which belongs to us only once, shines brightly.

Pursuit and Happiness (7)

Later, I heard that if you study hard, you will be happy in the future. So he devotes himself to reading and works hard. From time to time, I secretly taste my own sweet happiness in my dream. It takes a price to pursue happiness; I often shut myself in the room, listening to the cheers and laughter of my friends outside the window, I still kept my loneliness and persistence, often turned off my favorite TV dramas and cartoons, and walked towards the sadness and loneliness alone. No matter what you do, you always think; No matter what you do, you will think about happiness, which needs to be pursued and paid. Therefore, I often put down many things -- to be dependent on loneliness, to be close to books.

I don't know what happiness is, but just because someone said, "If you study hard, you will be happy in the future", you study hard and forget yourself. This is my childhood, a foolish but unrelenting dreamer. Later, when I grew up, of course, I knew how stupid I was. So I don't think about the happy future all day long, but the persistence and habit can never be changed. I always feel that it is a kind of enjoyment to depend on loneliness and snuggle up with books. I dare to put down many things for a goal. It is a kind of peace of mind, a unique happiness.

Gradually, there was a little taste, a little taste of happiness, that is: happiness does not need too much deliberate pursuit, and happiness is not far away. A good habit, a habit that makes you feel relaxed and happy, is itself a kind of happiness.

Later, when I was older and experienced more, everything became more mature. In fact, happiness is very simple. It is not even a habit, but a sentence, a gesture, a look or even a smile. Happiness is not just a person, it belongs to everyone, and the real happiness is actually everyone's happiness, is the happiness shared.

In the future, I will not pursue any more, but only learn to cherish and appreciate every trivial word, every tiny action, every tiny attitude, and every faint smile of others. This is happiness, because treasure and enjoy the happiness of life.

So, I said to myself, if you want to marry happiness, you should first make friends with treasure!