Composition of Jindian (3 in total)
Red wine knocked over the earthly cabinet
2024-05-13 09:40:45

Composition of Jindian (1)

Read the golden classics and understand the growth composition

In our daily study, work or life, we are inevitably exposed to composition. Writing composition can exercise our habit of being alone, calm our mind, and think about our future direction. Do you know how to write a good composition? The following is a careful reading of the golden book by Xiao Bian, which is for reference only. Welcome to read it.

Erguo is a country with an ancient culture, which has a long history of 5000 years and a brutal civilization. Among them, ancient poetry is a cruel pearl. In the flood of ancient poems, Lu You wrote a poem named "The Prayer", which has been flowing for a hundred years.

The "Sign of the Son" is the best written by Lu You. When he was dying, he was still yearning for the land and the people of China, who wanted to be occupied by his father's real nobles all the time. He eagerly looked forward to the unification of his ancestors. Therefore, this poem is also a last word to earnestly warn his son. From this poem, we can see how persistent, lively and sincere the poet's patriotic feelings are! No wonder everyone who has read this poem since the Southern Song Dynasty is excited. Especially when the foreign enemy invades or the motherland breaks, it has attracted countless resonance!

In the first sentence of "When you die, you will know that everything is empty" in "Demonstrating Children", "everything is empty" means that everything can be free after death. But with the second sentence, you can turn around the idea of "but you can't see the Kyushu Communists", but the only thing you can't bear is that the lost territory has not been recovered, and you can't see the identity of the motherland. The third sentence of the poem, "Wang Shibei sets the sun on the Central Plains", shows that although the poet is very sad, he is not disappointed. He was convinced that there would always be one Song Chen's troops who would return to the Central Plains and recover the lost land. With this sentence, the poem turns from sadness to excitement. The last sentence, "No record of wild sacrifice told Nai Weng", turned to another emotion, but when we were alive, we could not see the same motherland, and that day we only wished for our children and grandchildren. So he affectionately told his son that if he succeeded, he must not forget to tell him the good news of "North China will be settled in the Central Plains".

With twists and turns in writing, this poem sincerely expresses the poet's complex thoughts and emotions at the end of his life. It not only has the endless hatred against Jin Daye's unfinished business, but also has the wavering determination and belief that the sacred cause must be achieved. Qi poetry has a sad element, but the tone is exciting and generous. The language of the poem is clear and natural, without any sculpture, but it is more beautiful and moving than the carefully carved poem.

This poem is Lu You's last will to his son. The poem expresses that an old man who is dying will never forget his country, which was broken by foreign invasion, until his death. He hopes that his children will tell him the news of the victory on the day the country is recovered. From this poem, people can feel a strong patriotic mouth of an old poet at the end of his life. This poem "Demonstrating the Son" is the patriotic spark that broke out from the starting point of his life. It can also be seen from the summary of his patriotic thinking and poetic interest throughout his life.

yes! I believe that each of us is like Lu You, deeply concerned about our motherland. As a result, the motherland is as kind as a mother, and has a broad mind... Let's thank and move the motherland! Let's try our best to add color to our motherland!

Composition of Jindian (2)

Nagging fatherly love

In my life, my father became the "nagging king" in my heart. His "nagging" sometimes makes me very bored, sometimes makes me very disappointed, and I can't listen to him. But when did we think about it? When did we calm down and think about it. So this is also a kind of love.

·Father is getting old, and people are becoming impatient. So when I was a little dissatisfied with what I was doing, he mentioned that he was talking a lot in a loud voice, which made me feel very unhappy. I left my father behind and said nothing. My father and I have a relationship because of this. The relationship is like a wall. We can't communicate. Let me tell you my story.

·It was an angry night. I was concentrating on my homework. Later, I was so tired that I gradually wanted to bend down and write on the desk. "Squeak." When the door opened, my father saw that I was lying on the desk doing my homework, and then opened his box to say; "I've been lying on the desk writing again and told you countless times. Keep your head up and don't bend over.". Glancing at his father's serious face, he said helplessly; "I know, leave me alone." I thought my father would stop talking to me, but my father was furious and said; "You are still so impatient and don't want to hear, so your eyes will be short-sighted, haven't I told you?"

Composition of Jindian (3)

Read the following materials and write a composition as required.

In life, some people are misunderstood because of telling the truth, and some people are understood because of telling the truth; Some people are hurt by telling the truth, others are respected by telling the truth... What are your personal experiences and unique thoughts about this?

(1) Please write down your experience of telling the truth in a narrative way.

(2) Please choose an angle to express your thoughts on telling the truth in a way of argumentation.

Requirement: make up your own mind and write an article. The narration shall not be less than 600 words, and the argumentation shall not be less than 500 words. The true school name and person name shall not appear.

2017 Hubei Huanggang High School Entrance Examination Materials Excellent Model Essays:

Tell the truth

After the eight day carnival on National Day, the school office unanimously decided to stay at school to make up lessons on the weekend. The news was like a cloud, which added endless complaints and helplessness to our cheerful mood.

In the third class in the morning, we welcomed the Chinese teacher. She "stroked the ruler" and surprised a flock of "gulls and egrets" who were intoxicated with the happy atmosphere after class. Immediately, she "filled the room with silence and no one dared to brawl" and pretended to listen to the teacher's teachings piously.

"In fact, it is not difficult to write a composition." The Chinese teacher drew a small circle in the air with his hands and said seriously. Everyone shouted: "Hmm." "As long as we can echo from beginning to end..." Everyone replied: "Hmm." Suddenly, everyone seemed to hear a bee buzzing. Oh, two students "biting their ears" were found by the teacher. The teacher listened attentively, looking around for the hidden sound source. Not good. The teacher "threw out his arms" and grabbed the two students' ears. They were so frightened that they had "two wars" and tears rolled in their eyes. The angry teacher sat in front of the podium and gave a command: "Write your own composition." We dare not go out. Alas, the fire at the city gate will bring disaster to the fish in the pond.

Finally, when the bell rang for the first time, I heard the leg "make a request" and "almost want to go first", but before the bell finished ringing, Mr. Hu arrived in a hurry.

Mr. Hu is a physics teacher. As soon as he came in, he uttered five words: "Make a test paper for the whole class." Ah, what a complicated question! I came to the situation of "no way out" again, which made me kick my feet. I know a lead printed test paper

I, I don't know it. I saw that all the students "stretched their necks and looked sideways". Looking at the patrolling teacher Hu, we should be alert and cooperate. This exam was really an unusual battle!

Finally, it was time to finish class and say goodbye to Newton. Our group of "gulls and egrets" flew out of the classroom. At this time, sighs, blames, and grudges were heard "all at once", "everything you should have". Among them were songs adapted by myself: I was the one who did the most homework, I was the one with the heaviest bag, I was the one who had the least rest, and I was the one who was scolded the most, Or am I

I was crowded in the crowd, my head was like a lead. Thinking that I had to relive the atmosphere of "full of silence, no one dared to brawl" in the afternoon, I could not help but confide the truth in my heart, and then sang: "I am the one who is not free at the weekend, and I am the one who is locked up during the holiday. It is me, I am still me..."