Steps as the topic (15 selected articles)
The wine is too sweet, you are too bitter
2024-04-18 01:44:44
topic of conversation

Steps as the topic (1)

Standing on the top, overlooking the place where Hui culture is located. Taste the beautiful scenery: get up momentum, such as galloping horses, shocking people; Its vitality, such as Wanchuan break, is unstoppable; Its color is like the ripples of the forest sea, green all over the cliffs. Forget the tiredness of climbing the steps, leaving only the comfort of the heart.

In the evening, when I was preparing for the next day's trip in the hotel, I happened to see the towering mountains outside the window, like wild fighters waiting to be conquered by others. Although it is hard to know that the only way to conquer it is to climb tens of thousands of steps, I will challenge it. Because it is both grand and steep.

The next day, when the first ray of sunshine climbed over Mount Huangshan, our journey began. The car can only take us to the foot of the mountain, the cable car can only take us to the mountainside, and the rest of the road needs to be taken by ourselves. Although it is midsummer, I still feel cold on the mountain. Looking back and looking at the distance, I found that I had been cutting and chopping mountains in the vast green sea, and huge pieces of stone piled up like blocks, forming broken peaks in the valley. The steps are at the foot, but the cliff is on the left. I walked forward carefully for fear of falling into a deep valley.

After climbing countless paths and walking through countless crooked steps, we finally arrived at the Guangming Summit. The top of Guangming Mountain is flat and broad, and you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of Huangshan Mountain. Standing on the bright roof, breathing fresh air and enjoying the beautiful scenery, it seems that you are in a fairyland. This is really a kind of enjoyment. Forget the tiredness of climbing the steps, leaving only the comfort of the heart.

I climbed tens of thousands of steps and conquered it. Step, let me learn to pay, let me stronger.

Steps as Topic (2)

"Step" is a common thing in life, which can be seen everywhere. As the name implies, steps are buildings for people to go up and down one by one. Especially in the mountain city of Chongqing, the steps are even more eye-catching, even overwhelming.

There are many steps in life. In fact, there are also various steps on the road of life. In my opinion, the essence of the invisible step is the basic tool to help oneself grow and enter the palace of success.

Just as a newborn baby knows nothing, his growth depends on the support of his parents. In the years that have passed quietly, parents' care and help have become invisible steps, allowing children to move from ignorance to knowledge and even maturity.

I remember learning a text called "One Step, One Step More" in junior high school. The hero in the book encountered difficulties in climbing due to some factors. He was in a dilemma when he was young, and clung to the mountain wall without moving. Just when he needed help most, his father appeared. The father took a flashlight while guiding his son up and down. Finally, the child overcame his fear and successfully climbed the steep mountain wall along the steps his father had paved for him.

Thus, parents can be said to be the first step in a child's life, which plays an important role in the child's future life. Secondly, we will encounter another stage in our life?? teacher. The teacher's guidance is undoubtedly the key to pushing us to another level. In the process of our knowledge accumulation, we have gained a lot. The so-called primary school, junior high school, high school, university... is the performance of our climbing these steps.

It seems that there are countless "steps" in one's life.

In fact, there are not only such steps in life, but also countless steps on the road of life and in the depths of the human mind. Such steps are like continuous gauze, stretching to the far distance. As long as we are good at finding and using them reasonably, we will be able to reach our minds one day, The most ideal new field and new goal!

Steps as the topic (3)

Gardenia is fragrant, hibiscus flowers are blooming, and the season of "weeping willow wakes the dawn on both sides" is filled with faint melancholy.

The morning air is blue, and the clouds above me weave a boundless web of sorrow, enveloping me.

I stepped into the gate of the middle school and bid farewell to the primary school where I had been together day and night. The life in the middle school was very strange, but fortunately, some former classmates accompanied me.

The first time I met the new group of Junior One, although I didn't know anyone, I still felt very friendly. Maybe it's because we have to study together for the next three years.

It has been a week since I entered the middle school. I am no stranger to the campus, teachers and classmates. However, sometimes I will suddenly feel lonely. I have had "autism". I don't play with others, not because I am inferior, but because I am arrogant by nature, and I have been good at learning since I was young. I can't say I am one of the best, but also one of the best. So although I have the mentality of associating with others, I still look scornful on the surface.

When I came to middle school, I found that all subjects were more difficult and there were more subjects. At the beginning of school, there were more than 20 textbooks as soon as they were received. The teacher's progress in class is very fast, and sometimes a little magic lesson is almost finished.

Everything in junior high school attracts me, and a new starting point for entering the middle school is at my feet. Thinking of the high school entrance exam three years later, I told myself the day I entered middle school that I could not regret it later. Therefore, from now on, I can no longer enjoy myself and live a life of dignity and arrogance as before. I should cherish every minute of my time. My friends may be rivals in the middle school entrance exam. The reality is cruel, so is the high school entrance exam. Learning is like sailing against the current. Therefore, I must not muddle through my junior high school!

Junior high school is not the end, but a new starting point. Work hard, let the dream set sail from now on!

Steps as the topic (4)

On the way home, stepped on that step

Look, there are big and small shoe prints on the steps. Some of them have a little bit of water on them, which is not beautiful, but people can not do without it. Without it, people cannot go upstairs or downstairs.

Isn't there an elevator? It's so convenient. You can reach the floor you want in two or three seconds without physical strength. However, in case of fire, when the elevator can not be used normally, and when there are many people in the elevator, the steps become the only way for people to rely on.

Maybe no one will remember it and feel that it is too small. Or feel that it is useless, just a substitute. Only when it is needed can it help people.

In my opinion, the steps are just like those unknown grassroots workers. Although they seem small, we can't live without them. Although they can only do some small things, many a little makes a mickle, and one small thing will become a big thing. As the ancient saying goes, "If you don't sweep a house, why sweep the world?"

Grass roots workers are selfless. Such as cleaners, who have already started a new day's work before the sun rises, and who drag their tired bodies home after people fall asleep; For example, the traffic police always stick to their posts regardless of the weather. They are working in a down-to-earth manner without asking for return or whether people can remember.

I love steps, and I love working like steps in obscurity. I want to be a person like a step and silently make some small contributions to my life. I admire the spirit of the steps, as well as people with the spirit of "steps".

Steps as the topic (5)

In a short moment, many different stories may occur. At that moment, you may have taken a brave step; It may also take a sincere step; Or take a firm step. At that moment, I stepped onto a new stage.

At that time, the school will hold a math contest, and the math teacher will select the students with good scores to participate in the test. I also wanted to have a try, so I began to answer the questions carefully after I got the test paper. Time slipped away imperceptibly, and the front was still very smooth, but there were two questions behind me that I could not find my way of thinking, and I could not think of how to solve them after racking my brains. I began to worry. If I could not do it, I would have no chance to participate in the competition. Sweat drops were falling down. I didn't know what to do. He looked up and looked around, and his eyes fell on Xiao Zhang, a mathematical genius. More than half of his papers were exposed in front of me, and I could see each question clearly. The answers to those two questions were in front of me, and I hesitated to secretly copy them? Such a good opportunity is in front of me. If I copy it, I will probably be selected to participate in the competition. Copy it! Just as I was preparing to copy, the teacher's words suddenly came to my mind: students must be conscientious when doing exercises. They must not be careless. They must finish their homework independently. They must not cheat. They must be honest. When doing questions, it is to check and fill in the gaps, find out your own weak links, understand and learn the knowledge you have not mastered, and that is the greatest gain. Thinking of this, I made up my mind to be an honest student. I can't cheat the teacher or myself.

A few days later, the results came out, and the teacher announced the names of the students who went to participate in the competition. I listened with trepidation, knowing that I could not exist, but I still had a little expectation in my heart, hoping to hear my name. I made up my mind to study harder. I will have another chance next time!

At that moment, although I was somewhat lost, I was very happy because I grew up and my integrity was not lost. At that moment, I stepped onto a new level.

Steps as Topic (6)

Time has faded away. I don't know how long it took to rely on our memories. Zhizhi is such a season again, which brings me nostalgia. I don't know which leaf fell into the fleeting years of memories, evoking those days that are as far away as dusk. Sometimes I always sit there quietly alone, and then a lot of things float in my mind, which are all memories. I can't tell whether the life of ninth grade is tired or bitter. Maybe there are both. Maybe not. Maybe it's just that time is tight. Think about it. In addition to the classrooms, dormitories and canteens, to be honest, even going to the toilet should be scheduled.

Every night, I have to extend a self-study period. Every day, I will look at the teaching buildings standing in the darkness in front of me. I feel so quiet and empty, and I understand that "people go to buildings empty". Squat down and look at the long corridor in a trance. The bright and dazzling lights in the classroom, no matter how hard you try, can only illuminate one end, which is humble and ridiculous.

Those habits that were once left behind are still kept today, just performed by one person repeatedly.

Another such season, autumn and winter alternate. Fallen leaves covered the whole earth.

I want to cry when I think of everyone in Grade 8. At that time, we were all a confused child who always thought that we had grown up. Every morning we would stand at the end of the corridor and watch the rows of unknown trees outside the school gate, their leaves falling one by one; Feeling a little melancholy. I still remember that every day we have to go to the toilet on the east side of the school, and it is in the evening. There is no light in that section of the road, just the subtle light of the teaching building handouts. When I went back, I didn't know if I had a heart to heart and kept silent with each other, quietly stepping on the edges and corners of each step, gradually moving from darkness to the full teaching building filled with classroom lights.

Now I still repeat, stepping on my own steps, trying to climb to the bright place, but I can't find it.

Quietly and quietly, sink in here.

Steps as Topic (7)

I slowly climb up like a snail. Although it's very slow, it's fun.

The first step, when I was a child, I was still hazy about everything. I only remembered running around the street in open crotch pants, like a devil in the world, and nobody dared to provoke me. Sometimes parents will do something big if they don't follow their own rules. At that time, they didn't know that it was actually the closest person.

Slowly came to the second step, when I met the most feared person, the teacher. He turned me from a naughty and mischievous child into a docile sheep, and led me to the right path of life. I set sail, followed the right path, and constantly sprinted to the peak.

The third step, in a twinkling of an eye, has become a member of junior high school students. On the first day of the lunar new year, we are new to each other. We are very strange to each other and don't make much of our personalities. We seem to sneak in the dark, step by step, for fear of taking a wrong step. The second day of junior high school was a rebellious period of age, which made me become a dissolute prodigal son. I don't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick. I always pursue my own happiness. It seems that the whole world is against you. At this time, it seems that he lost his way in the sea and has quietly embarked on a road of no return. In the third day of junior high school, my parents' hard teaching and the teacher's hopeful eyes combined with my repentant mind, which seemed to be a gust of wind, blowing me back to my original place, blowing away darkness and bringing dazzling light. I will mount a long wind some day and break the heavy waves, and set my cloudy sail straight and bridge the deep, deep sea. It's not too late. It's time to wake up.

Now, I am riding on the wind and breaking the waves towards another step. It seems that there is the most precious treasure at the top of that step.

Steps as Topic (8)

What is an ancient town? Ancient houses, trees and roads, naturally, also need ancient steps.

The ancient town is built along the mountain, where there are naturally many steep steps.

We visited the ancient town from top to bottom. Along the way, it seems that only a small section of the road in the middle is flat, and the rest are steps.

When I went down the steps, I heard the occasional "ghost crying and wolf howling". Follow the sound and know that this is the moaning of the punished frog leaping students, step by step, I really do not know how many steps this walk.

The steps are not only many, but also very steep. Every step I take, I feel that there is a big gap. When you walk back, you walk from bottom to top. It's different from the feeling of taking two or three steps at a time.

The steps in the ancient town are not as smooth as those in the school, because the steps in the school are polished to be smooth. In Mr. Li Senxiang's "Steps", the steps in the ancient town are like three big bluestones at the beginning, with many small pits on the surface. If it was rainy that day, you might see many pits on the steps.

The steps in the ancient town are not as flat as those in the school, and it doesn't matter if the school spans three steps, which is also related to the smoothness of the steps in the ancient town.

It seems that the ancient town can be short of anything, but it may not be an ancient town after it is missing. Ancient roads, trees, houses and steps are indispensable.

Steps as Topic (9)

In a flash, the sky is gray; Flowers, thanks; It's raining; Heart, cold.

This is the first exam for entering the second year of junior high school, but I did not enter the threshold of 200. Looking at the teacher's suspicious eyes, I understood that when I fought against the wind and waves, I lost. Looking at the students around me excited about their good results, my tears were even more unbridled.

I dare not face my parents. I will feel more sad when I look at their helpless eyes. My parents sent me to a key middle school in order to let me have a better learning environment; In order to let me eat well, send me sweet and delicious food; In order to let me concentrate on my study, Grandma didn't tell me when she was sick. But I fell outside the threshold of 200 with an "amazing" result.

I stayed there, thinking, wandering...... I could no longer tell whether it was rain or tears that hit my face, and my heart felt cold.

I got up the courage to call my mother. "Mom, my grades are very bad. I was in the queue of more than 200. I......" My mother didn't say anything, but I heard her cry. I knew she must be very sad, but my mother said one thing: "Failure is the mother of success." At night, lying in bed, my mother's words have been lingering in my ears. I know that my mother must have a reason to say that. "I see!" One failure does not mean failure forever. If you fall, pat the soil on your body and get up. Take this failure as a lesson, don't do it again next time, face it calmly, don't be discouraged, stand up again and set out for tomorrow. Suddenly, the sky cleared up; Flowers are blooming; The rain stopped; People, happy.

I pay attention to the warm sunshine and rush to the teaching building carrying my dream to start my new day. Wind and waves, let me learn to be strong; Wind and waves, let me dare to face the reality; Wind and waves, let me grow up slowly.

At that moment, I stepped onto a new step.

Steps as Topic (10)

"Persistence is victory" You must have heard this sentence, but few people can really do it. I am often a "general" in the "army" that gives up halfway.

At the beginning of the first half of the fifth grade, I joined the track and field team. At the beginning, I thought that as long as I ran a few laps in the playground when I was studying on my own, I would not have to study on my own and would not be too tired. It was really "killing two birds with one stone". Unexpectedly, on the first day of training, I found that my wishful thinking was wrong.

That day, the teacher gathered us together at the whistle, and then gave an order: "Run around the playground ten times in ten minutes." Hearing this sentence, we suddenly felt like a thunderbolt in the clear sky. But it was too late to regret. We ran red faced and sweated.

Before we had a rest, the teacher gave a new order: "Everyone leaps 50 meters, ready --! Start!"


As for the following projects, I am too tired to remember.

For several days in a row, I had never experienced such intensive exercise, and I felt that I could not hold on. My mother and I said that I wanted to quit the track and field team. But my mother didn't support me as before this time, but she encouraged me to persevere. Don't think of retreat when encountering difficulties. She also said that persistence is victory.

The next day, I forced myself to train again. To make matters worse, it was raining again. The cold rain kept hitting me on the face, but when I thought of what my mother said, "Persistence is victory", I clenched my teeth and persevered. Finally, I completed all the training programs. Since then, I have never missed training.

At that moment, I persevered, I felt that I had won, and my heart was full of joy. At that moment, I stepped onto a new step.

Steps as Topic (11)

The third day of junior high school is undoubtedly a nightmare, a storm and a hard journey for every junior high school student. For me, the third day is the ladder to success.

"All Grade 3 students in junior high school should go to the playground for training immediately after hearing the broadcast." This notice was like a "broom star", which made the whole class dejected and wailed. I stood on the runway and looked at the runway that seemed to be infinitely extended, and my palm was already sticky with a cold sweat. At the command of the teacher's whistle, we were like ducks being driven out of the fence, and we had to take photos without fail. The first three laps were OK, but when we came to the second two laps, I felt as if thousands of ants were eating my heart. It seemed that the stones weighing thousands of kilograms were under our feet, and we could not run far no matter how we ran. The throat was even more uncomfortable, and the sweat on the forehead ran down my cheeks to my lips. I tasted the taste with sudden whim - bitter and astringent. At this time, I had an idea in my heart: give up. But Xia Niu rushed in front of me, and I was shocked. She usually ran last. What happened today? No, I can't admit defeat. There is only one idea in my head: keep running. As long as I step forward, I will be one step closer to the end. In this way, I persevered and completed various trainings again and again in this spirit.

Once a junior two student asked me what life was like in junior three, and I said, "It's boring and tiring." So how should you deal with it? "He asked again. I took a deep breath and said firmly:" I will move towards my goal step by step with an attitude of never giving up. The life in the third day of junior high is still going on, and we can only take the steps of the third day of junior high well with a mindset of facing difficulties.

Steps as Topic (12)

It was disappointing that I failed in the final exam of the first semester of the first year of the junior high school, but it did not affect the normal life of the so-called optimist. It was still fun and I had to deal with my homework.

Next semester begins, my parents will send me to school and go to the dormitory first. I looked at this familiar and unfamiliar environment. Suddenly, a figure came into my sight, time stopped flowing, and everything around was frozen in my eyes. Only that figure was slowly moving, carrying a big burden on his back, climbing the stairs step by step with difficulty: one step, two steps, three steps... "Dong, Dong, Dong..." The sound of heavy footsteps pounded my heart heavily, The originally tall body was pressed to a small size. It was Dad.

After helping me make the dormitory bed, my parents left. I leaned on the windowsill to see his faraway figure: the evening wind blew the white hair between the other temples, smoothing the scars left by the years. The sharp man standing in front of me has been smoothed down by time. His sharp edge has been buried and he is getting old.

Looking at it, tears filled the whole eye socket, like glass debris with a trace of cold light, and shed tears.

The burden that still fresh in my memory was full of the whole family. Although I could not replace him, I made the steps under his feet: the first monthly exam, the second place, which was really gratifying.

Dad, I am your step, you are above me, and you are my eternal dawn.

Steps as Topic (13)

Pulini once said that in the duel of hope and disappointment, if you hold on with your brave and determined hands, victory will belong to hope.

I saw a video of a group of ducklings climbing steps. There are three steps, but the height is different. The mother duck waits for the arrival of the babies on the highest step. First of all, a duckling jumped up to the second step in a flying leap, but it could not go to the third step for half a day. The partners behind him also followed him to the second step. He was worried. The mother duck saw that and she pointed out a place for the duckling who first came to the second step to let the duckling jump. Sure enough, the duckling jumped up easily. Later, one, two, three, four... When there were only three ducklings, two of the three jumped to the third step, leaving the last one.

The last duckling seemed to want to jump up, but he fell on all fours. The duckling who had already gone up seemed to laugh and said, "You are too stupid, give up!" But he did not give up. He used all his strength to jump up, and a miracle occurred. The last duckling also went up the third step. The last duckling was very proud, and the mother duck smiled and happily took her baby home.

Ducklings have steps in life, and I also have steps in life. My sports are very bad, because I am too fat, but I believe that as long as I exercise more, my sports will not be bad.

Everyone's life will have steps, but I hope that we can all work hard to climb the steps. "As long as the effort is deep, the iron pestle will be ground into a needle." I believe that as long as you work hard, there is nothing you can't do!

Steps as Topic (14)

As the saying goes, "When people go higher, water flows lower.". Let's work hard all the way to climb high!

Since we can understand people's words, parents have been indoctrinating the concept of self-improvement and learning to be good people. The deeds of neighbors, relatives and friends who show their faces will become an unavoidable topic in daily life. In that case, whether you understand it as envy or jealousy, it will make you feel that if you can do it, you will also be envied by others. However, the logic of life tells us that no one can casually succeed! From small to large, which of us has not made hard efforts? As Tian Shirang, we may not have the ambition of going to the Hall of the Son of Heaven, but at least we should have some thoughts about our wife warming the kang head, right? There may not have been any hopes of being a great master of science and art when attending the class, but it is an indisputable fact that we try to be a good student favored by teachers and recognized by students. It is for these even a few small inconspicuous goals that we trudge painstakingly. The process of trekking is just like climbing up a step by step. You always see a higher step just after crossing a step, and step by step, leading to a far and far place.

The road of life is long or short. We walked all the way up the stairs. When I felt that I had reached a certain height, I wanted to stop to rest and look at the fellow travelers who were left behind, but I found that the pursuers swarmed in, and then I saw that the pioneers who came to the front were still moving forward, climbing higher and higher. I can't help but go on the road without taking a breath!

Who makes us unwilling to be mediocre? Who can't resist the temptation of heights? Isn't it true that sages have warned us that "high places are too cold"? When I was very young, I heard the philosophy of "people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong" and "the rafters that stand out are rotten first"? Why do they rush forward like moths to the fire?

It is not strange to feel puzzled. Because we have unknowingly injected an element into our own blood, which has already been internalized into our characteristics! It is like a bloodthirsty beast smelling the smell of its prey. Even if it has no appetite all day long, it will still rush forward as always. Constantly climbing and challenging the infinitely upward steps, for nothing else, seems to be in order not to make the steps that have already been crossed meaningless, or to count how many steps there are still. This is the destiny of life!

Although we know that the upward steps are always countless, and although we are tired, we are already on the way. No matter how rough the road is, no matter how many steps are ahead, the belief of "going up" is like a beacon that guides us forward. As long as that beacon has an eternal light, we can never stop moving forward!

Steps as Topic (15)

It rains one after another during the Qingming Festival. This is not true at all. I had nothing to do at home, so I took an umbrella and went to the small supermarket not far from home.

The boss is very good at recognizing people. When she saw me collecting the umbrella at the door, she handed me a plastic bucket and said, "Put the umbrella here, little girl, the yellow peach can you want has arrived again!" She smiled at me and showed her eyes to the shelves beside. "OK, thank you!" I went there, and sure enough, there were rows of small yellow cans in front of me. This touch of yellow brings my thoughts back to a long time ago.

At that time, this small supermarket was just a small facade. The landlady has never changed her enthusiasm since then. Most of the time, the shop is deserted, and she is only seen tidying up the shelves and cleaning up. When such a small store opens, everyone around knows that it will be closed soon. We are more accustomed to shopping at another food store closer.

I walked into that familiar food store that day, and after several rounds, I still couldn't find the yellow peach can I wanted, so I had no choice but to ask the cashier for help. Her answer was just a faint "no". I left disappointed, and suddenly remembered the new store in front that we didn't look forward to, so I walked around with a trace of hope. The search was fruitless, and I was even more disappointed. Turning around to leave, the landlady called me, "What are you looking for, little girl?" "Canned yellow peaches." I replied, without expecting her to show much. She frowned as expected, but quickly stretched out and said with a smile, "This is really not true, but rest assured, I call to purchase goods, and it will be there in a few days!" I was shocked, the proprietress... really friendly. She seemed to see my surprise and said apologetically, "At the beginning, I didn't know what you wanted. Take your time. I can always make this store better step by step." Her voice was not high, but her voice was firm, which moved me inexplicably.

Later, as she said, I finally got the goods I wanted in a few days. I also watched her business become more and more popular day by day, and her store gradually expanded. People were enthusiastic about her. Her smiling face preferred to take a few more steps to buy things in her store, while another food store changed its brand into a dry cleaning store at some time.

When my thoughts flew back, I bought some honey jars of yellow peach, took some things with me, and went to pay the bill. When I looked up, I saw a small blackboard hanging on the wall, which said: "Dear, our microblog is online, what you want to eat at any time @ us, please pay attention!" I was surprised, the boss is so popular! When she noticed my eyes, the proprietress was a little shy: "My daughter made this... she said it was good to contact you. I think what I want to do when I am young, but if I think everything has its first time, try it!" She took out an umbrella for me and sent me to the door of the store.

I walked down the steps in front of the door, turned around and waved my hand. She stood at the top of the steps, smiling and smiling in the rainy days.