Dignity of Primary School Students (15 popular articles)
2024-02-11 01:31:52
fifth grade

Dignity of Primary School Students (1)

In those days, Napoleon crisscrossed Europe and paid no attention to anyone. However, San Marino, a tiny area of more than 60 square kilometers, changed his attitude. Napoleon not only allowed San Marino to continue to exist independently, but also wanted to allocate some land to it to make it more presentable. However, the San Marino people told Napoleon: "We don't want others to have an inch of land, and we don't give others an inch of land."

San Marino has taught me about dignity: first, dignity mainly comes from the weak to the strong, and from the small to the large, rather than the reverse; Second, dignity mainly comes from calm self statement rather than plea; Third, dignity mainly results from rejection rather than expansion.

Be a Listening Urn ◎ Simplify and Zhenzhen

Before listening, you must turn yourself into a jar with a wide mouth and a big belly, and brush away the old dust and dirt. No matter what it sounds like is a bunch of thorny grass or several blooming flowers, it has an ancient meaning of bearing modestly when inserted in the urn and allowed to stretch.

There is a kind of listening that needs to be selfless. Maybe it is listening to the children happily talking after school on the short bus; Perhaps it is walking into a strange landscape and hearing a piece of gossip from the season, or a stream talking to itself. After all, living in this world, there are many voices and sounds of nature.

If you hear the words that make you suddenly open, hide well in the urn, so that the urn is big enough to pickle a mountain.

Secret ◎ Youjin

Some chefs only teach students the steps when they train them, and never explain the principles of cooking in detail. In this way, students can only draw gourds according to the model, and it is absolutely difficult to derive other changes. For example, in order to maintain the delicate color of vegetables, a few drops of vinegar must be added when stir frying. However, few students ask about the truth hidden in it, which can not be understood by analogy and widely used.

If reading only memorizes "what", but does not actively ask "why", knowing it but not knowing why, then the acquired knowledge is often dead and limited. If you can cast countless "why" in a serial way, you can get into the core of the problem, and then draw inferences from one instance, thus multiplying countless.

Dignity of Primary School Students (2)

This is the sports meeting we are carrying out this semester, and it is also the 106th school sports meeting of Experimental Primary School. When all the sports have been competed, only the last one is left - Bohe.

This time, each class set will draw lots, and we will compete with each other on which class we draw. As a result, we will compete with Class Six. The rule of the competition is to draw a line next to each class and tie a red scarf in the middle of the rope. If the red scarf is pulled across the boundary of the class, the class will win. The strength of Class 6 is the most powerful class in the whole grade. Everyone in their class is tall and powerful, one by one, fat and strong. Look at our class. They are all small and thin. Some people even laugh at us because we are being treated unfairly by our family! The teachers in the other classes laughed and said, "Class 3 is bound to lose!" Teacher Fang also thought to himself that the children may lose soon after they go up. One fat child in Class 6 can weigh as much as two children, not to mention that there are so many fat children in their class.

The game began. Class Six tried hard, and the red scarf moved a little towards their class. We stayed calm, kicked the ground with our feet, leaned back desperately, and blushed, 1, 2, 3! As soon as everyone worked hard, the red scarf suddenly moved to our class. The red scarf swung back and forth in the middle. The scene in front of her surprised Miss Fang. She didn't expect that we could compete with our rivals for so long. It was amazing! At the last moment, Class 6 finally made a big effort to pull back. The red scarf was finally pulled across the boundary of Class 6, and Class 6 won the final victory. We walked into the classroom dejectedly, while Mr. Fang and other teachers laughed and applauded for us.

In fact, after drawing lots, we knew that our class would lose, but all of us tried our best to fight with our last strength. It is not important to win or lose. It is important to actively participate, because if we give up before the game, we lose our dignity. However, we actively participated and lost, but we won dignity, so I know how important dignity is!

Dignity of Primary School Students (3)

Dignity means that human beings and things have their due rights, which are respected by other human beings and things. In short, dignity means that rights are respected. In fact, some highlights of human nature have nothing to do with time, nationality and age. They often maintain amazing similarities and bring great surprises. Poverty cannot be eliminated, power cannot be suppressed, and wealth cannot be adulterated.

More than 500 academic elites gathered at the 4th Global Chinese Physicists Conference held in Shanghai. However, the organizers of the conference refused to use Chinese for speeches and exchanges on the grounds of international practices. However, Professor Ding Zhaozhong, the Nobel Prize winner, ignored the ban of the organizer and insisted on using Chinese as the report, becoming a countercurrent. Professor Ding's ability to express himself in English is beyond doubt. However, through his practical actions, he broke through many obstacles, made his mother tongue pure, and safeguarded the dignity of the Chinese people and the Chinese nation.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, Qi had many disasters for many years. A rich man named Qian Ao set up a porridge stall on the roadside to help the poor who escaped from the famine. One day, Qian Ao saw a man come along listlessly, his face covered with sleeves, and shouted, "Hey, come and eat porridge." The porter looked up at Qian Ao and said, "I came here because I didn't eat the food I've been crying." After that, he politely declined Qian Ao and walked forward. Finally, he starved to death at the roadside. Since man became the world leader, he has tamed almost all animals, but he has not fed sparrows, because he has been fasting since people caught sparrows. According to Sparrow's logic, either live freely or die. Some people say that the sparrow is the most sensitive bird. Although it is insipid, even if you can kill it, it is invincible.

As a big country, China upholds dignity, which is the aspiration of the people. We should also strongly advocate that we must maintain dignity on the issue of right and wrong. In this way, the moral trend of our society will turn into a good trend. If we persist, our country and nation will be very lucky.

Dignity of Primary School Students (4)

The rain, like wildness, engulfs the earth without thinking; Thunder, like dozens of copper drums across the floor of the sky, diversifies; Lightning, waving like a silver snake, flashing like a devil. The wide rain curtain hangs from the sky to the ground, and the water spots run through the silk. The ground looks like pockmarks, and numerous pockmarks like water whirlpools, which grow and disappear with each passing day.

I called two hours ago to deliver water, but it hasn't arrived yet. I will call again before, but now it's raining so hard, I can fully understand. Casually opened a magazine, it was Qiao Ye's "Thank Life". Unconsciously, it seems that I heard the sound of knocking on the door, which mixed with the sound of rain, just like the balderdash in a dream. Listen carefully. Yes, the knock came from my door. I know it must be the water bearer. I opened the door, and it was. It was the same guy who delivered water before. His face was naive, and the rain on his head was dripping along the brim of his helmet, one point, two points. I have a feeling that I want to cry, not for the so-called integrity, but for the load of life.

After he changed the water, I gave him ten yuan and whispered, "You don't need to change that two yuan." Because there were only two yuan, even I was ashamed to open my mouth for fear that he would feel humbled by life, so my voice could not be any lower. He didn't seem to hear because I saw him fumbling for money in his pocket. I was worried and repeated my words again. This time I was sure he heard me, but he didn't say anything. He found two yuan and put it on my shoe cabinet. I was speechless. Is it because the money is too little that he disdains? Or don't you want to be looked down upon? He gently brought the door to me. I was in front of the door and disappeared into the corridor in a hurry. The wind and rain outside were still like the sound of gluttonous swallowing. I stood still and blamed myself. I think I must have hurt him.

The rain outside is still pouring out wantonly. The darkness of the night spreads in the room ahead of time. In the surging darkness of the vast desert, my self-esteem is also like a deflated rubber tire, which slowly shrinks to nothing. Suddenly, my heart is too soft to jump.

In my hand, I still opened the Thank You Life - "I thank life, it deserves my thanks, sadness, joy, deformity, regret, and I accept everything in gratitude."

I know: at this time, I am a wake-up angel.

Dignity of Primary School Students (5)

Chapter One

Flowers need bees to spread pollen, houses need debris to build, and human growth needs dignity to maintain.

At noon one day in the summer vacation of the third grade, when my mother was cooking, she found that she did not buy vegetables, so she gave me 5 yuan to buy cold dishes in the market. I was excited to come to the busy food market. I saw a shop in front of me that bought cold dishes. There were many customers there. I thought, "The cold dishes in that shop must be good." When I arrived there, I used my small body to jump in the crowd. I said to my aunt, "Auntie, I want to buy cold dishes for 5 yuan." When my aunt was mixing, a breeze blew, A smell of cold dishes came to my nostrils. I smelled the smell, which really made me drool. I really wanted to get a piece to eat. Finally, the aunt mixed it and gave it to me, but I didn't give the money to the aunt. Then I turned around and jumped out of the crowd again. I quickly ran to the gate of the community and stopped. I was so tired that I gasped for breath. I quickly opened the bag and smelled the fragrance again. I couldn't wait to take a large piece of food with my hand. Ah! It's really delicious. Finally, when I got home, I slipped into my mother's bedroom without her noticing and put 5 yuan into my mother's wallet. Then I thought carefully about whether I was going too far. Then I honestly told my mother about it. My mother was very angry, so she told me the truth of being a man and told me that I would never do this again. From here I learned the truth of dignity.

Ah! Dignity makes people not ugly, but also makes beauty eternal.

Chapter 2

A person with human dignity must respect all human dignity. Similarly, if you insult one person, you insult everyone and yourself.

Napoleon, who had defeated the anti French alliance several times and built an arrogant achievement, after conquering a small country, said proudly in front of the monarch of the country: "If you surrender to me, you can get anything you want in the world." Unexpectedly, the monarch said: "I only want to get that inch of land under your feet." This story tells us, No matter how small people or things are, they have dignity. Anyone who wants to trample on the dignity of others is just embarrassing himself.

Let's take another example that we like to see. On the court, if one player talks to the other player in order to change the situation, he has no respect for the dignity of the other player. Then the attacked player may have two kinds of responses. One is that hot blood rushes to the forehead and directly tells the other party with his fist how stupid his behavior is. The second is to still respect the opponent and win the game with your own strength, so as to make the other side shut up. There is no need to think about the result of the first kind of behavior: being suspended, fined, and bombarded by the media after the game, which not only failed to protect their dignity, but also caused more losses. The second method is different. It can not only win the game, but also gain the respect of others.

Maybe someone will ask: Is a person's' dignity really so noble that it cannot be damaged?

In fact, each of us has defects in some aspect, such as rights, property, knowledge, appearance, etc. When you are in a weak state, you often feel inferior, but your dignity will come out and help you overcome this inferiority, so that you can stand in this society frankly.

Therefore, when you damage the dignity of the other party, you actually hit the weakest part of the other party. How can it be tolerated.

Therefore, the most important thing in dealing with people is to respect each other and maintain their dignity.

But there is such a person in the world who has no sense of dignity and reason. Once I meet them, I don't know what to do. Because I believe that the only basis for communication is a sense of dignity, and the only weapon for fighting with people is reasoning. I have to believe that there is an infinite distance between such people and us. For such people, we should not remain silent, but tell them the true meaning of life from actual actions.

Dignity is the lower limit of being a person. Only those who protect their own dignity and that of others will be respected by others. But at the same time, dignity is the upper limit. It is the most noble part of human spirit, and it is not allowed to be touched easily. Therefore, the degree and scale of dignity are crucial to us. Dignity, sometimes like a naughty child, can neither be too indulgent nor too strict. When you smile at him, he will give you a sweeter response.

Dignity of Primary School Students (6)

Retain dignity and win respect

Respect comes from others as well as from self. Only when self retains its own dignity can it win others' respect. A person who has no dignity or values others' dignity will never be respected by others.

About a year ago, I read an article and was deeply moved after reading it. The article wrote a story about a Chinese girl suing an American banker. This Chinese girl is studying in the United States. Like most Chinese students, her family can hardly afford her high tuition fees. Therefore, she must support herself and complete her studies by working while attending school.

Later, it was introduced that the girl was employed by an American old lady. She helped the old lady to do housework. Then the old lady paid her the necessary wages and provided her with food. Although the old lady's requirements were very strict, she worked very hard, but the food she ate was too bad. It was all left over by the old man the day before, and then she could eat it after being burnt. One day, she really couldn't eat this kind of food, so she bought a bento and a chicken leg to eat. But when she came to the door, the old lady grabbed it, threw it on the ground, and prohibited her to eat. She felt very angry, argued with the old lady, was met by her banker's son, and insulted the girl rudely.

After this happened, the girl felt greatly insulted and decided not to take the job and find another way out. When she asked the old lady for her due remuneration, she not only didn't get the money she deserved, but also was beaten by the old lady's son for no reason, resulting in serious injury.

Since then, she started her lawsuit for a year. Because her financial resources were not allowed, she could only defend herself and read some relevant legal materials. On the one hand, she should not delay learning, but also work to earn money to support her life. Because she sued an American banker, and I had no lawyer, the case was repeatedly refused to understand and hear. At the final hearing a year later, when she stood in the court to state the whole process, all the audience were shocked by her words. Finally, the American banker had to apologize to the Chinese girl in front of everyone and pay compensation.

The girl took the money and threw it into the air. She said loudly, "What I want is my dignity. Don't think I only want the poor money.".

Dignity of Primary School Students (7)

Whenever I pass that street, I will think of the little girl who set up a stall to sell melons, and her firm and powerful words

I remember that it was a bitterly cold winter afternoon when I went to the market to buy food. "How much is this melon?" I asked carelessly. "Two yuan and fifty cents." "Make it cheaper." I began to bargain. "Sister, come and buy my melons. My melons are very cheap and just picked, but they are fresh!" A tender and kind voice came from the side. I glanced at her with disdain and thought: I am only five or six years old at most, and I have learned to "sell melons and boast"! I bought her melon and looked at her carefully: her neat short hair, a pair of big eyes with water under her curved eyebrows, and what was not good enough was the clothes made of worn-out calico and the shabby shoes. I sneered in my heart: What a bumpkin.

Because it was winter, the sky was soon covered with a black veil, and the howling cold wind made people feel piercing. The little girl only wore two thin singlets, shivering with cold, and sneezed several times. Her little hands were red, like radishes just dug out. She looked at the dark sky and seemed to want to close the stall and go home, but after counting the few bills, she gritted her teeth and persevered. My heart ached, and I felt pity for her. I quickly walked up to her, took out a bill and handed it to her: "Little sister, you haven't eaten yet, take this money to buy some food. It's cold and dark, and you should close the stall and go home early." A ray of hope flashed in the little girl's eyes. She was happy to take the money, but her hand suddenly withdrew in mid air. She pondered for a moment and shook her head firmly: "Sister, thank you for your kindness, but I want to earn money by my own efforts!" The little girl said understatement, but I was shocked. I thought about this sentence repeatedly on the way home, as if I realized something and found a special beauty

Now, the little girl doesn't set up a stall there, but what she said at that time often echoes in my ears. From her, I saw a special beauty - dignity.

Dignity of Primary School Students (8)

"The rich and the poor cannot be prostituted, the poor and the lowly cannot be moved, the mighty cannot be subdued, and this is a great man." This classic saying is from Mencius, which tells us that we cannot bow to evil forces in any case, and it also makes us understand the importance of dignity.

Today, we learned the article "The soul of self-respect is looked up to". After reading it, I was extremely touched. The hero of the article is Xie Chengzhong. He is a disabled person. Maybe such a disabled person is an ordinary person in our eyes, but he has walked out of an extraordinary life.

What did it originate from? Is it encouragement or inspiration? Maybe it is included in it! But he is more for his dignity. He has learned to walk, learn, and understand the future. With dignity, he has created a glorious life for himself.

At the beginning, he was a disabled person and a person suffering from polio, which was unavoidably repugnant. His leg bone was also broken many times, which was shocking. you 're right! His disability gave him a lot of inconvenience, but he was strong and did not cover his life with a shadow. He began to learn how to "walk". Maybe in our eyes it was just like a beggar crawling. After many difficulties and frustrations, gradually he learned to overcome difficulties, and finally he stood up! Who can imagine how much sweat and hardship he has paid to stand up and have dignity? It can be said that there are countless. We should applaud him, and at the same time we should learn from his dignity!

Dignity is a universal word. For its sake, many people did not bow to their fate, but faced oppression and threats. Those people had no choice but to die rather than surrender. How many people, in order to live in obscurity and enjoy temporary glory and wealth, leave behind the so-called dignity and willingly submit to others? Too many people have dignity, and too many people have lost it. For the sake of immediate interests, they killed it by themselves. More people, in order to win the sympathy of others, kneel on the cold road and beg. Indeed, there are too many rights and wrongs in the society, some to support their families, some to sneak around, some to show off... "We should have dignity!" This sentence is easy to say, but difficult to do. We more often use our own practical actions to realize it.

Since ancient times, too many people have not succumbed to evil forces, just for dignity. What an atmosphere Tao Yuanming didn't give up for five bushels of rice; Zheng Gan, a violin master in China, is so tall for the dignity of the motherland. They have all defended their dignity with practical actions. Can we write our glorious history on this historical stage? I believe we will! Don't disappoint the infinite expectations given by the President. "Let's count the celebrities and look at the present!"

Dignity of Primary School Students (9)

A dignified person must respect all dignified personality. Similarly, if you insult one person, you insult everyone and yourself.

Napoleon, who had defeated the anti French alliance several times and built an arrogant achievement, after conquering a small country, said proudly in front of the monarch of the country: "If you surrender to me, you can get anything you want in the world." Unexpectedly, the monarch said: "I only want to get that inch of land under your feet." This story tells us, No matter how small people or things are, they have dignity. Anyone who wants to trample on the dignity of others is just embarrassing himself.

Let's take another example that we like to see. On the court, if one player talks to the other player in order to change the situation, he has no respect for the dignity of the other player. Then the attacked player may have two kinds of responses. One is that hot blood rushes to the forehead and directly tells the other party with his fist how stupid his behavior is. The second is to still respect the opponent and win the game with your own strength, so as to make the other side shut up. There is no need to think about the result of the first kind of behavior: being suspended, fined, and bombarded by the media after the game, which not only failed to protect their dignity, but also caused more losses. The second method is different. It can not only win the game, but also gain the respect of others.

Maybe someone will ask: Is a person's dignity really so noble that it cannot be damaged?

In fact, each of us has defects in some aspect, such as rights, property, knowledge, appearance, etc. When you are in a weak state, you often feel inferior, but your dignity will come out and help you overcome this inferiority, so that you can stand in this society frankly.

Therefore, when you damage the dignity of the other party, you actually hit the weakest part of the other party. How can it be tolerated.

Therefore, the most important thing in dealing with people is to respect each other and maintain their dignity.

But there is a kind of people in the world who have no sense of dignity and reason. Once I meet them, I don't know what to do. Because I believe that the basis of communication is a sense of dignity, and it is reasonable to fight with people. I have to believe that there is an infinite distance between such people and us. For such people, we should not remain silent, but tell them the true meaning of life from actual actions.

Dignity is the lower limit of being a person. Only those who maintain their own dignity and preserve the dignity of others can be respected by others. At the same time, dignity is the upper limit. It is an expensive part of the human spirit and cannot be easily touched. Therefore, it is very important for us to grasp the degree and scale of dignity. Dignity, sometimes like a naughty child, can neither be too indulgent nor too strict. When you smile at him, he will give you a sweeter response.

Dignity of Primary School Students (10)

A scholar prefers death to humiliation. Since ancient times, China has regarded dignity as more important than life. Why? Because dignity is a person's personality and the soul of a nation, dignity is invisible and priceless.

Dignity is valuable. People who lose their dignity are incomplete.

Man is human because he has dignity and soul. The value of man lies in his dignity different from that of other things. Hemingway said, "A man is not born to be defeated. You can kill him, but you can't defeat him." For Hemingway, who has something tough, invincibility is his dignity, and he is invincible, Because he can't lose his dignity. "Up to now, Xiang Yu has thought of Xiang Yu and refused to cross the east of the Yangtze River." Xiang Yu, the overlord of the Western Chu Dynasty who once dominated the world, killed himself by the river and refused to cross the Wujiang River. Isn't that to protect his dignity? He thought it was not Xiang Yu's job to cross the river and live through humiliation. If he did that, he would not be Xiang Yu. He would not be a complete person without dignity.

Dignity is priceless, and the nation without dignity has no cohesion.

The national dignity is the soul of the nation and the source of national strength. The national dignity enables everyone to unite as one. Therefore, the ethnic people will also fight against the hero Qi Jiguang at any cost for the sake of national dignity, defend the national dignity, form their own Qi family army, and vow to fight with the enemy, and fight against the Jin people at any cost, Isn't it also to protect national dignity and national cohesion to punish the internal and external collusion of our own people and make the nation unite and lose their lives?

Dignity is priceless, and a country without dignity will decline or even perish.

National dignity is undoubtedly more important than personal dignity. It is the soul of a country. The loss of national dignity not only destroys the sovereignty, but also seriously shakes the international status. Therefore, it is everyone's responsibility to safeguard national dignity. Lin Zexu's smoking ban in Humen is an example of the Chinese people's protection of national dignity against imperialist aggression. The heroes of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom fought against the emperor and were wiped out, This is the heroic act of Chinese people who can't bear the humiliation and loss of dignity of their country and go into decline! Xiaoping strives to recover Hong Kong and Macao in order to safeguard national dignity, erase historical humiliation and seek national development.

Dignity is priceless. Each of us should defend our own, national and national dignity.

Dignity of Primary School Students (11)

Everyone has a heart of dignity. However, some people who are vulgar in appearance but noble in heart are often discriminated against and lose their dignity. So brighten your eyes and open your mind so that everyone can have a dignity.

Do you know the famous poet "Xie Fuchenke"? Once the Czar summoned him, everyone else bent down and bowed, but he stood still. The Tsar was furious and asked him, but he answered without fear, "It's not I who want to see you, but you who want to see me. If I bend down deeply in front of you like these people around me, how can you see me?"

Yes, although this remark is insipid, it benefits a lot. He retained his dignity and did not bow to your officials easily. His heart of dignity was still burning, and his soul stood forever!

So many people from ancient and modern times have retained a dignity for themselves. lately. On an empty bus, an old man staggered onto the bus carrying two bags. When I was about to pick up my wallet, the car suddenly started, and the old man shook twice. Then there was a noisy mocking sound on the car. I had to turn my attention to the old man. He was dressed in rags and two old bags, which seemed to be full of garbage cans.

Then, the driver sent a sudden brake, but before the old man got down, the driver left the driver's seat to open the door and threw the old man's things out of the car. The old man panicked and said, "This is all money." At this time, the passengers on the bus were indifferent and watched the scenes happen. The old man took out the fare from his pants pocket and threw it into the coin box with his anger. The last scene of the old man getting off the bus explained the meaning of dignity.

Old people also have dignity. Dignity neither grovels to others nor allows others to discriminate or insult. Of course, in life, as long as we know how to know shame, we will cherish our self-esteem and take the initiative to safeguard the dignity of others.

So, here, I appeal to all of you to open your heart, learn modestly, try boldly, constantly surpass, enhance your own strength, and be a dignified person. I hope everyone has a dignity!

Dignity of Primary School Students (12)

There is a cruel saying, which is called "people are more damned than people, and goods should be thrown". It means that the quality of life and goods used by people will make the weak party extremely embarrassed if compared.

As a little boy, he cried to his mother when he saw that other people's feet were far better than his own sleeping place. This fact is painful and tangled. Fortunately, the little boy has a good mother who can compare with Meng Mu. This mother gave her children unforgettable teaching that people should have dignity when they live. With dignity, they can have the best life.

What is dignity? The dignity of a person is to live in a way that people can look up to and admire.

How can people look up to it? How can we be admired? I think that to be admired, we must have integrity and good conduct, profound knowledge, unswerving dreams, the awareness of innovation, the spirit of indomitable struggle, and hard work

With these, we will know how to compare with others. Compared with material wealth or health? Compared with status or moral cultivation In real life, people with more material wealth and higher status may not be healthy or virtuous. Their life may not be meaningful and they may not be respected by others. If people live only to compare material life and laziness with others, then such people will inevitably be despised. Living in the world, people are always greedy for other people's wealth, and will inevitably be humble in order to get charity from others, which will always be looked down upon.

Sima Qian has no dignity if he wants to compare his physical integrity with others, but he is indomitable when comparing his contribution to Chinese culture. Li Bai and Du Fu have no dignity compared with the size of their official positions, but if compared with poetry and personality, Li Bai and Du Fu will be immortalized forever. They will write 800 words of argumentative high school composition on dignity topics forever. Compared with wealth, Ho Shen can even surpass the royal family, but compared with the contribution of the country and the nation, he will always be a historical sinner. Compared with his appearance, Wang Jingwei is also very handsome, but he is notorious for selling.

If we can achieve the goal of "a son does not dislike his mother's ugliness, and a dog does not dislike his family's poverty", then the son is a dignified son, and the dog is a dignified dog. A person has no choice of nationality and hometown, parents and families, intelligence and talent, height and appearance. However, we can choose which path to take and how to spend our life.

Mencius' choice of neighbors requires Mencius to live in comparison with knowledgeable and ambitious people; It requires Mencius to live with dignity. The little boy mentioned above, namely Fu Lei, was lucky in his childhood. It was under the influence of his mother's education that he kept working hard and finally became a great translator respected by a generation.

Never abandon yourself. People should live with dignity!

Dignity of Primary School Students (13)

Socrates of ancient Greece once said: "A person can achieve only if he has self-esteem and self-confidence." Yes! If a person has no self-esteem, what will others think of him?

On a sunny day, the sun shines on the earth. My mother and I went shopping on Chunxi Road. I saw many young beggars begging. Some knelt on the ground and said, "Give me some money. The beggars were all in rags and their faces were covered with dust. This scene made people have to put a few yuan into the broken bowl.

Suddenly, I heard a beautiful song from the sky. The notes pulled from the violin jumped into the sky along the "track" happily. I wanted to be attracted by a big magnet. Ah! I was shocked! It turned out that he was a child of, and he was as old as me. He spread a piece of rotten and black paper on the ground and wrote a few words on it. It seemed that he was a child in a city without money and wanted to work as a performer to earn money and study.

I listened and was intoxicated. I threw a dollar or two to him. I not only remembered that he was a child, but also a man with dignity. He knew that dignity was the lifeblood of life and the foundation of all values. Why don't I vote for other beggars? Because I despise their young people. They kneel in the tenth place one by one and throw away their dignity.

They do not know that human beings are given a job, that is, the growth of dignity. If they still have conscience and can behave like little boys, please stand up and be an upright person to protect your dignity. The boy did not kneel to the ground for his dignity. He wanted to earn money by his own strength.

Dignity will make people no longer ugly, dignity makes beauty eternal, and dignity is the reason for people to live. Dignity is the need for a balance between people, just like nature. People who don't respect others will only cause boredom in the end.

Dignity of Primary School Students (14)

What is dignity? For the word "dignity", there is only one sentence in the dictionary - "respectable status or status", but I am not satisfied with this simple and abstract conclusion. So, with questions, I came to the long river of history to find a more complete answer.

Guided by the old man of time, I walked along the long river of history. First, I saw an old man with gray hair and beard. With frost and snow hanging on his face and body, dressed in shabby and shapeless clothes, and carrying envoys, he was herding sheep on the edge of the North Sea, where the wind was biting. "I know that he is Su Wu of the Han Dynasty," I said with infinite admiration. "Right?" Old man Time said, "He is Su Wu. He can resist the temptation and refuse to surrender in the face of high office and high salary; he can choose to die in the face of the test of life and death and also fulfill his mission; in such a harsh environment, his spirit of not bowing to the knees and being unyielding is respectable, and his actions also make the Han Dynasty more dignified. "It is dignity to make efforts in all directions and not insult your life", and to dare to sacrifice for this purpose. "

Under the guidance of Old Time, I came to another place. Maybe it's a bad year. There are starving people everywhere. I saw an old man in rags crouching in the corner because of extreme weakness. How he needed something to eat. At his side, a well-dressed rich man was holding a bowl of rice in his hand, twisted his neck to one side, and said to him in the tone of a savior: "Hey, come and eat?" The old man did not lift his head. He was powerless but dismissive, and replied: "I came to this point because I didn't eat this food." Finally, the old man died of hunger. Time old man said to me: "The old man would rather die than accept insulting alms from others. The real dignity is the courage to say the words' don't eat the food from scratch 'in a difficult situation?"

As I walked, I saw some officials at the end of the Qing Dynasty. They seem to have "dignity". In front of the people, they shout loudly and show off their prowess, showing a look that cannot be looked at. They also do not forget the crazy oppression of the poor working people who suffered from war. But in front of the invaders? However, they are also obsequious and obsequious. They even regard foreigners as more important than their parents. When foreigners come, they treat them humbly for fear that they will be angry if they are poorly served. I was gnashing my teeth with anger when I looked at them. Old Time said to me earnestly: "These people not only have no spirit of resistance against the invaders, but they try every means to please them, without any integrity. Even if they live in the beautiful scenery, they can not be said to have lived with dignity. The spirit of anti aggression of 'when do you want to take a sharp trip and cross the Qinghe Luohe River with a whip' is the real dignity."

Following the old man with rich experience, I came into contact with many people and things, and constantly had a new understanding of "dignity". Finally, I understood "what is dignity".

It is the integrity, quality and backbone that cannot be sold under any circumstances and cannot be lost in any way.

Dignity of Primary School Students (15)

A long time ago, a young Norwegian man traveled across the sea to France. He wanted to apply for the prestigious Paris Conservatory of Music. During the exam, although he tried his best to give full play to his level, the examiner failed to admit him.

The penniless young man came to a busy street not far from the college, tightened his belt and played the piano under a tree. He played one song after another, attracting countless people to stop and listen. The hungry young man finally picked up his own piano box, and the onlookers all took out money and put it in the box. A rascal threw money at the feet of the young man contemptuously.

The young man looked at the rascal, bent down and picked up the money on the ground, handed it to the rascal and said, "Sir, your money has been lost on the ground." The rascal took the money and threw it at the young man's feet again, arrogantly said, "This money is already yours, you must take it!" The young man looked at the rascal again, bowed deeply to him and said, "Sir, thank you for your support! You lost your money just now. I bent down to pick it up for you. Now my money is on the ground, please pick it up for me! " The rascal was shocked by the young man's unexpected behavior, finally picked up the money on the ground and put it into the young man's piano box, and then walked away in dismay.

There was a pair of eyes in the crowd who had been watching the young man silently. He was the examiner just now. He took the young man back to the college and finally accepted him. The young man's name was Bill Sardin, and later he became a little famous musician in Norway. His representative work was Raise Your Chest.

When we are at the bottom, sometimes we will incur some groundless contempt; When we are struggling for survival, we sometimes encounter people who trample on you wantonly. It is our instinct to fight tit for tat, but it often makes those who lack knowledge and virtue even worse. It is better for us to respond rationally and show and maintain our dignity one by one. At that time, you will find that any evil will not have a firm foothold in the face of justice.

Sometimes, what you bend down is your waist, but what you pick up is your priceless dignity.