New school environment (4 preferred)
Wife is a pig, don't explain
2024-02-11 06:57:22
fifth grade

New school environment (1)

Time is like the silk spun by women in the south of the Yangtze River. In my eyes, I have just entered the middle school gate and continue to walk on the path of learning.

On the first day of junior high school, I walked into my home in the next three years with full curiosity. When entering the school gate, the first thing you can see is a towering teaching building. It is wearing a red coat with several white ribbons and black lace sewn on it. Its red, like a new red sun, is full of vitality and prosperity. Suddenly, it gave me a power with passion and strength.

It is like a flame of hope, which is passed on to every scholar here with its red flame representing hope, so that we can have youth ideals; It is like a lucky cloud flower group, and will use its auspiciousness

In addition, there are green landscape lines in the new campus. When entering the campus, there are two pieces of green land in front of the teaching building, which is very conspicuous. If your eyes are tired, you may also look inside the teaching building, which can make you feel refreshed and full of learning atmosphere.

Black hair doesn't know how to study early, while white hair regrets studying late. I want to accompany the beautiful campus for three years, grow and struggle together!

Warm and affect the soul of each student, so that everyone can grow happily and healthily; It is like a pagoda of wisdom, which can enable people to fill their knowledge bags, gain more world secrets, and let us purify ourselves with knowledge.

New School Environment (2)

Minxing is a very good school in Hailing District, except for the provincial attached middle school and the second attached middle school.

On the first day of school, my heart was full of tension and longing for a new school. At first, I thought that the new teacher and the new students were difficult to get along with, but I became very good friends with them. People at the front and back tables are naturally talkative, and they can become friends after chatting. My deskmate, like me, does not like to talk in front of unfamiliar people. Once they become familiar with them, they will have many words to say.

At the beginning of school, the classroom was the first to arrive. The head teacher and the math teacher are waiting in the classroom for the students to report. I didn't observe them carefully when I arrived, they were all normal tables, chairs, blackboards and platforms. It is now discovered that there are some English words pasted on each window. Although many words have fallen, the imprint of labor can still be seen.

The second one is the dormitory. There are six people in our dormitory. When I first helped my parents move things and make the bed, none of them dared to talk. I thought I might not know them well at that time, so I couldn't talk. But when I took my clothes to take a bath, I found that I was wrong. They just didn't dare to speak because their parents were still there!

The third one is the canteen. This is the first school canteen I saw for lunch. When I was in primary school, I ate lunch at my own table. The canteen here is for 8 people, and the dishes are two vegetables, one meat and one soup. Have porridge or soybean milk for breakfast, and put a plate of eggs and steamed stuffed buns on the table. There will be a plate of fruit for lunch and dinner.

Every place here will have my footprints, and there will also be stories that belong to me. Wait and see!

New School Environment (3)

September is a new starting point. In this harvest season, I ushered in a new journey - the middle school era. In this new stage, new schools, new environments, new classes, new teachers and students are welcomed. Now let's introduce my new campus first! Please listen to me. Don't worry.

My new school is called Pingtan No. 1 Middle School. This is the best middle school in Pingtan. It is a century old school with many talents and a long history and cultural heritage. Over the past hundred years, Pingtan No. 1 Middle School has cultivated many talents. Stepping into the campus, you will see two rows of green and dripping banyan trees, two rows of banyan trees sandwiched with a cement floor of about 100 meters. Strong and straight banyan trees stand like two rows of strong and tall soil guards, escorting students into the teaching building.

Walking to the teaching building, you can see three striking characters - Hanying Building. This teaching building has seven floors in total, with cylindrical transparent glass windows in the middle. The teaching building has advanced and complete equipment and beautiful appearance. In addition, there are also geographical parks, libraries, stadiums and so on in the campus. Each building is very exquisite. There are also many clubs, such as the basketball club, the art club... which meet the students' colorful interests.

Next, let's talk about the school environment. In front of the teaching building, there is a rockery surrounded by walls. At the foot of the rockery is clear water, and the fine sand below is clearly visible at a glance. The greening of the campus is also well done. Looking around, rows of trees are full of trees. The green and flowing flower and tree art and the floor meet together, just like a lifelike ink painting. When the breeze blows, these trees shake their bodies and wave and greet you in a friendly way! These beautiful greenery is full of vitality, which makes students relaxed and happy.

Let's talk about my new classmates. I am in Class 3, Grade 1, and there are 50 students in the class (including myself). The students are very generous and humorous. If you don't believe me, listen to me! Once in a PE class, the teacher introduced himself solemnly, hoping that the students would not tell others that they were short, or at least handsome. The students in the class burst into laughter. At the end of the class, the teacher asked loudly, "If others say who your PE teacher is, what would you say?" Many students laughed and said, "That short one!" The students laughed again. In addition, my classmates are also very friendly. They don't scold students casually, but help students talk about problems they can't do.

Finally, I want to talk about courses and teachers. In junior high school, four subjects were added: morality and law, biology, geography, and history. With these new subjects, students are worried. Although there are many subjects, the teacher is very good: responsible, caring for students, and good at teaching. Under the leadership of these teachers, the students successfully completed the transition from primary school to junior high school. Therefore, I like my teacher very much.

In this new stage, I will study hard, get along well with my classmates, learn to cooperate, and run in slowly. At the beginning of school, there is time and hope. The new target is like a kite, waiting for us to pursue

New School Environment (4)

The carefree days in August have passed, and the school season - September is coming. In September, I changed from a primary school student to a middle school student, and will step into a new stage, enter the new school year, and know the new school.

The autumn wind accompanied me to the gate of the new campus. Looking from the front of the school gate, the long white clouds and the blue sky reflect the straight cement road on the campus. On both sides, tall and straight trees. With a slight bow and the wind passing, the leaves on the tree rustled like the soldiers applauding.

Walking under the tree, I was curious. With round eyes, I looked east and west at the reef. There is a geographical garden on the right. Ah! I like to discover a new land like loudly told my friends nearby. Little sunshine is scattered on us, and we go to the new teaching building together

About 50 meters further, a rockery pool is in the middle of the cement road. Looking ahead, a blue, green and red playground stopped in front of me, and the seniors were playing ball. I turned my head. The three characters "Hanying Building" were reflected in my chest. This is our teaching building.

Step up the stairs and wait for me to take another step towards the new class. I walked through the hall on the second floor and entered Class 4, Grade 7. All the strange faces made my heart pounding like a rabbit. I took a seat, took the admission notice and waited quietly for the arrival of new students. About ten minutes later, almost everyone in the class arrived. Our head teacher, Mr. Zheng, cleared his throat and introduced the class and the campus to us. The book will start to rank. I was sitting with a girl named Ah Jie. She has super short hair, a pair of slightly concave eyes, big, blink. The upper eyelashes are thick and long, and the slightly raised bridge of the nose makes her facial features very three-dimensional. At the first sight, people think that this girl is not easy to provoke, but she has an amiable, cute and smart face.

After a few days of classes, I have met all the teachers in various subjects. I like Chinese teachers and history teachers best. Chinese is my favorite subject, and junior high school is no exception. The Chinese teacher's class is very careful and easy to understand, so I am more attentive in class. The history teacher is very humorous, which is the "joy fruit" of all of us. He never makes people feel boring in class. The whole class can make us listen attentively, and when we talk about humor, it will make us laugh. Often I think: How good junior high school is!

In junior high school, I am no longer an ignorant child in primary school. I have become a middle school student. In the new school, I hope my studies can be improved step by step, and I will be admitted to a good high school in three years!