Summer Sweets, Bitters and Spices (17 high-quality articles)
Looking at the sunset alone
2024-02-20 05:58:00

Summer Sweets, Bitters and Spices (1)

Unconsciously, the summer vacation has already passed half way. In the summer vacation, I also enriched my life, went to the secret room alone with my friends to explore and work for my mother... But this also made me taste the ups and downs.

Sour: That day, the sun was scorching. I came back from my aunt's house and took the No. 15 bus. I found a vacant seat to sit down. At that time, I was already sweating heavily. I thought: It's so hot that I should turn on the air conditioner for a while when I get home, and then take a cold bath. How wonderful it would be to go to the room and eat popsicles while blowing the air conditioner! So I did this, but I ate three popsicles at a time without covering the air conditioning quilt. After a while: "Yawn." I suddenly felt my throat was a little sore and my nose was running. I could not help but feel my nose sour. "Alas, I have a cold“

Tian: My grandma is over 60 years old. She has a headache recently. She feels the world shaking when she walks. My father, mother and sister and I decided to visit her. We bought some supplements for our grandparents to let them have more rest. The housework will be left to my mother and me! At first, the division of labor was clear. My mother cooked and I chose and washed dishes. After eating, I pushed all the dishes on the table. I took the initiative to wash dishes. Grandma saw me washing dishes in the kitchen on the way to the toilet. She said kindly, "Oh, my granddaughter has grown up and is sensible." I listened to this, and my heart was sweeter than honey. I should have done something for adults within my power.

Bitter: During the summer vacation, my mother applied for an English class for me, and there was a very important book: home school contact book. My mother will sign on it every day. I listen to the tape for 30 minutes. But when I had to hand in my exercise book, I didn't bring it with me. The teacher asked me to stand at the door of the classroom for one hour. I really had a hard time.

Spicy: I went to the library to read a book and came back. I found that I didn't have a key with me. I called my mother, but she was at my grandmother's house. She would arrive home in half an hour. The sun was shining on me. In this way, I waited for half an hour.

My summer vacation is colorful. There are sour, sweet, bitter and spicy.

Summer Sweet, Bitter and Hot (2)


In the morning, my father bought some catties of grapes from the vegetable market. I tasted a few, and my sour teeth trembled. My father suddenly wanted to take me out for a walk for the first time. I jumped three feet happily after listening to this, but unexpectedly, my father took me to the playground. I asked curiously, "What are you doing in the playground? Dad", and my father said mysteriously, "Keep secret". My father's mysterious tone covered the mysterious answer with a layer of gauze, until my father clenched his fists, put them on his waist, and made a running movement, I suddenly realized that my father had asked me to practice long-distance running with him. But I hate long-distance running. Alas, since we are here, we should be good to the end and send the Buddha to heaven!
After a dozen rounds, my legs are sore, my feet are sore, and my feet are sore everywhere. When I got home, I just wanted to sit down and have a rest. But before my ass reached the sofa, my father brought me a plate of sour grapes and said, "Eat some grapes to quench my thirst.".
Dad! Please spare me.
My hometown is in Shandong. Every winter and summer vacation, my parents and I go back to our hometown to get together with our grandparents. Although the journey was very tiring, I was excited like a bird, looking east and west, and my mouth never stopped, eating and talking. After a day's journey, I arrived at my grandparents' home. At my grandparents' house, I saw my aunt holding one year old Qianqian, what a lovely little sister!
Qianqian's face was plump and red, like a big apple, with big eyes and nimble water. When Qianqian saw me, she grinned and danced with joy!
In the next few days, my grandparents and I took Qianqian to play together every day. We also went to Laiyang Park to play. My grandparents said that the fruit trees grew well this year. I went to the orchard with my grandparents to pick apples and peaches and eat big red apples. I felt sweet and happy.
The study plan made during the summer vacation was still followed very well last month. This month, I went to my grandparents' home and my grandparents' home, so I didn't finish it on time and left a lot of homework behind. My mother asked me to work overtime to make up for it. I write and write every day, and I feel numb when I write. As soon as my mother found that there were still so many homework to write, she immediately became furious and chattered endlessly. I can't help it. I have to write at 11 o'clock at night to go to bed. I started writing again at 8 o'clock in the morning. If I write that I fall asleep at night, my mother will wake me up with her "Hedong Shihou". Alas, this kind of day is really miserable!
"Dinner, dinner, don't watch", my mother urged us in the kitchen again, but my father and I are watching the women's gymnastics team finals of the Beijing Olympic Games, how can we stop? I said to my father, "It's better to move my laptop to the dinner table." My father winked at me and said, "Good idea!". While eating and watching the Olympic Games, I accidentally ate a red pepper. As soon as I ate it, my mouth was like a fire. I was hot and gasped for air conditioning. My mother handed me water. I had a glass of water. Who knows, it added fuel to the fire - it was even more hot. I threw myself on the bed and tried to cool down with the quilt, but it didn't work. I took another four or five mouthfuls of rice, but it still didn't work. I just felt that the spiciness came from my mouth and from my heart. The spiciness flushed my face and made me sweat. Suddenly, I found that China had won the women's team championship. I was so happy that I jumped three feet. Suddenly, I didn't feel hot.
These ups and downs are just like Malatang. I savor a variety of life and look forward to the next summer Malatang.

Summer Sweet, Bitter and Hot (3)

The summer vacation came, and my happy life began.

There are beautiful new clothes, colorful food, and the company of relatives and friends, which can be described in one word: 'sweet'.

There are so many homework during the summer vacation that I can't breathe because of the books. It can be described as' sour '.

When the summer vacation comes, we will naturally do housework and help our mother take Xiaocheng to the morning. So we can use another word to describe it: 'bitter'.

Do your homework well, or you will be scolded. It can be described in one word, that is, 'spicy'.

In a word, summer life is full of flavor. Go and taste it carefully.

Summer Sweets, Bitters and Spices (4)

It's sunny on x, x, 20xx

Summer vacation, my mother and I can't wait to go to my grandmother's house to spend a few days at her house relaxed and carefree. Unexpectedly, I tasted all the joys and sorrows there.


I arrived at my grandmother's house, and my cousin came the next day. Cousin is very beautiful. She has white skin, big watery eyes, and a small mouth that can speak and sing. Every guest said once: "This little sister is really beautiful!" Besides, my cousin also has a good dance skill. Every time there is a guest coming, she will show a dance created by herself, which won many praises from guests. While I was very popular yesterday, I was left alone today. My heart is really sour.


Although I don't like the arrival of my cousin, I like the arrival of my cousin's mother, my fourth aunt. Every time she comes back, she not only praises me for my good memory and knowledge, but also means that I am tall and handsome. Anyway, I love what she says. What's more, she never forgets to bring me my favorite snacks when she comes back. Sometimes, she also takes me to play in the playground or eat KFC. Besides, Siyi also gave me a red bike that I had been looking forward to for a long time. The arrival of Aunt Siyi has become my festival, not to mention how happy I am!


I like Siyi. I have a good relationship with Siyi, but not with my cousin. I couldn't play outside those days when I was injured, so I had to watch TV to kill time. Unexpectedly, my cousin is a TV fan. As soon as she sees me watching TV, she immediately runs to me to grab the remote control. No matter how hard she grabs it, she can't grab it from me. When she couldn't get the remote control, she became angry, crying and complaining to my mother. When my mother saw my cousin crying, without saying anything, she took the remote control from me and put it in my sister's hand. She comforted her sister and criticized me for being ignorant. She also said Kong Rong let Li go when he was four years old, but I didn't let her go when I was so old. Alas, it's hard to be angry at both ends!


Spicy is an unfortunate thing that happened to me. I fell down on my bicycle and was badly hurt. Lying on the bed, I couldn't move, and no matter how I put my leg, it was painful or uncomfortable. At that time, I really felt like I had eaten chilli, but I didn't cry, but I had tears.

This summer vacation, gave me a deep memory, ups and downs, joys and sorrows, I have tasted.

Summer Sweets, Bitters and Spices (5)


Summer vacation is a bunch of sour grapes, which makes people shiver. Just after the exam, we ushered in our annual summer vacation, but the acid also accompanied. Sour is the homework assigned by the teacher. Look -- four "Summer Homework", eight compositions, ten excerpts,... It's just a tiring rhythm. How can I spend this wonderful summer vacation comfortably? But don't worry, because I still have


The summer vacation is a jar of sweet honey, so sweet that it makes people feel warm. A few days after the summer vacation, my father bought a small swimming pool. Every evening, I can't wait to put on my swimsuit and swimming equipment and jump into the pool to enjoy my cool time. It's very comfortable! But summer vacation is not only sweet, but also


Summer vacation is a bitter Chinese medicine, which makes people sweat. Because my academic performance has dropped again, my mother has applied for many tutorial classes for me. It's really hard! And the teacher in the tutoring class also assigned many homework, which made me write those homework piled up into hills whenever I was free, but I didn't dare to disobey my mother's order. What a dumb man! But that's not all. I also have --


Summer vacation is a piece of hot ginger, which is so hot that people gasp. Because my weight began to be overweight, my father and mother made a plan for me. Every day, I got up early and ran 15 laps, played badminton for an hour, and skipped rope for 10 minutes. I began to implement it reluctantly. I could not breathe after only seven laps. I could not help thinking with fear: I would be so tired after only a few laps. If a summer vacation passed, I must be tired and paralyzed! But there is no way for Mom and Dad to watch. I walked and then ran

My summer vacation is composed of these sour, sweet, bitter and hot things, which make my summer vacation life colorful.

Summer Sweets, Bitters and Spices (6)

This summer vacation, my life is like a bottle of five flavours, sweet, bitter and hot are included in it, each has its own taste. Now please listen to my detailed explanation.

Sour: I learned to cut vegetables, but I am not very skilled. I was cutting dinner dishes while my mother was frying delicious fish. When I smelled the fragrance, I was distracted and cut the dishes unevenly, almost cutting my fingers. My mother taught me a few words and told me how to cut vegetables. Although my mother did not criticize me, I still felt like swallowing an immature green plum, sour.

Tian: In my hometown of Luhe, I went to climb "Yizhai" and "Erzhai". I not only saw the beautiful waterfall scenery, but also picked up nearly half a bag of large snails. I cook my own food every day. It tastes special. My heart is like half a jar of honey. It's very sweet.

Suffering: I learned from the news that Zhouqu County, Gansu Province, was hit by a huge mudslide, and more than 1000 people died. The rest of the people who survived also suffered terribly. I can't help but feel bitter with them and mourn for the dead with everyone.

Spicy: I burned the food. It tastes bad. Even I can't stop frowning while eating. Although no one criticized me, I felt as if someone slapped me and my face was burning.

Before I knew it, I said all the four flavors. There are always ups and downs in life. One cannot always enjoy a sweet life. My summer vacation would not be colorful if I had lost one flavor.

Summer Sweets, Bitters and Spices (7)

"School starts, school starts..." School starts like the seasoning in the kitchen. There are all kinds of sour, sweet, bitter and hot food, and "who" is indispensable.

What about the so-called "acid"? It's just that we had a hard time waiting for this long holiday. Every time we thought about it, time passed so quickly. In a twinkling, we were ready to start school again!

What about "sweet"? At the beginning of school, I remembered that I could see this good friend and that bosom friend. I was so happy that I felt like I had just eaten honey!

What about the so-called "bitter"? When I was in the first grade again, the burden of learning would become heavier and heavier, and there would be many homework, and there would be......, so I have to work harder no matter what, otherwise I would "miss a hundred miles"! There are also students who compete with each other and do not compromise with each other. If you relax once in a while, others will catch up with you quickly. So we must develop good study habits and work hard!

What about the so-called "spicy"? As for people, there is always a good result, and there is also a backward result. My grades in the class are pretty good! But the results are good, only if you encounter some problems that you haven't learned before, you will feel helpless. You will think hard under the light, and you will feel angry and anxious. This taste is several times hotter than eating chili!

OK? The taste of "sour, sweet, bitter and spicy" is OK!

Summer Sweets, Bitters and Spices (8)

During the summer vacation, I encountered four things, which made me taste the sweet and bitter taste.


One day, I fed my pet as usual, and found that the pet was white and green, which could not be wiped off. Is this the strange disease that Sister Menghan said? The pet wagged his tail as if to say, "Master, I'm itchy.".


On Monday, I went to take an electronic piano exam. I scored 98 points on Blue Lavender and Little Red Riding Hood; "Little Bee", "Ice Skating", "Little Star", "Little Lamb", and "Trumpet" all scored 100 points. There is a kind of unspeakable sweetness in my heart.


On Tuesday, learning to paint, I walked on the road and saw a dog chasing a little girl everywhere. I scared the dog away with a loud cry. The little girl has been crying. After a while, her mother came and said, "Why did you bully my daughter?" Alas! Her mother misunderstood me.


One Sunday, my father took me to take a roller coaster ride. It was so exciting that I fainted after a while.

Summer Sweets, Bitters and Spices (9)


"You have a big sour smell." In summer vacation, my parents often pointed to my nose and said jokingly. After hearing this, I felt very sad. Don't blame me for my lack of hygiene. I take a bath every day. The weather


In the summer vacation, I brought my brother home early to play with me. We play poker together, play computer together, play games together, do homework together and so on. In particular, my brother's voice "brother" made me feel like drinking honey


I have finished my homework, and I am tired of playing games. I have a long way to go. So I just sat on the sofa and looked at the ceiling, or stood on the balcony and looked at the blue sky and clouds. Time goes like a snail. It's a tough holiday, so "bitter"


In summer vacation, when the sun comes out, it looks like a fire. The world is like a huge steamer. No matter where you go, it's unbearable. In the nose, the breath is warm. I always feel like I'm baking and fidgeting. I always want to get into the refrigerator! I really appreciate the "spiciness" of this summer

Summer Sweets, Bitters and Spices (10)

In my eyes, this summer vacation is bittersweet

bitterness. As soon as I saw this word, I felt a little nauseated. However, I have really tasted this taste in my studies. At the beginning of the holiday, I got up at seven every morning, and at half past seven I hurried to learn Olympic mathematics. I came home at eleven o'clock at noon. After a hurried lunch, he set out from home to learn calligraphy. In the afternoon, when I got home, I began to do my homework again. After finishing my homework, it was time for dinner. I have to learn English after supper. It is over nine o'clock to return home after learning English well. I just lay on the bed and fell asleep

Sour and sweet, I will show my teeth and enjoy myself. I feel the same way when I play. Once, I saw some people riding bicycles, their nimble bodies. I can't help admiring it. Let's see how many of our classmates can ride bicycles. I'm not jealous anymore. My mother also bought one

Sour taste: When I bought it, I didn't know how many falls I had. Only then learned the bicycle.

Sweet taste: After learning how to ride a bike, my classmates and I rode bicycles in the community. Let me feel special happiness.

Spicy: I have been to this word. My nose seems to be sweating, and my tongue seems to be burning. I feel the same way in my life. I feel the same way in my life. Once I quarreled with my father. As a result, my father had something to do and went out. After he came back, I didn't know what happened to the Internet cable? It always glows red. Dad thought I was the one who did it, so he scolded me

Look, this is my summer vacation.

Summer Sweets, Bitters and Spices (11)

After another grade, the long-awaited summer vacation finally arrived. In this summer vacation, I experienced the sour, sweet, bitter and spicy life.

Sour, because my physique has become very poor, my father asked me and my fourth grade classmates to play basketball, run and skip rope. Every night when I came back to do 50 squats and 50 sit ups, I just wanted to protest. When I saw my mother's sinking face, I knew that the protest was invalid. After a week, my feet and legs are all sore.

Sweet, because I am too thin, my mother prepares two poached eggs, a piece of cake and a glass of milk for me every morning. At noon, dumplings, shredded meat and noodles are the three staple foods for rotation, and at night, milk and eggs I finally tasted the sweetness, but it was surprising that I didn't gain weight one summer vacation.

It was hard. In a twinkling of an eye, school was about to start. Second, my summer homework had not been written yet, so I tried hard to do my homework at this time, while my mother wanted me to read the four famous books. And I have to do something for my mother. It's really hard these days!

Spicy. Because I write very fast, I finished my homework in only a few days. At that time, my mother asked me to go to my grandparents' home to live in order to let me read quietly. At first, my grandparents were still at home, but later, my grandparents were going out for a long trip, leaving me at home alone. Eating became a problem. I gritted my teeth and began to learn to cook by myself, Although the fried egg turns black, the boiled rice is still hard, but I am very happy

My summer vacation is very interesting. I like my holiday life.

Summer Sweet, Bitter and Hot (12)

For me, this summer vacation is a summer vacation with five flavors, which makes me remember.


On a sunny and sunny afternoon. I went to the pedestrian street square with my good friends. Suddenly, a kid on a skateboard flew over and fell to the ground. I helped him to get up, but he shook his hand ungratefully and said fiercely, "You made me fall!" Then he left angrily.


On August 5, my family and I went to Yangjiang Hailing Island to play. The water there is like a dark blue mirror. We splashed water there, held swimming competitions, and miraculously caught energetic flying fish. The waves there are like an aggressive man coming. The seafood there is superb. The fat and tender fish meat, the crispy and soft shrimp meat, the fresh hairy crabs... that's called "three thousand feet of saliva"!


I still remember that I went back to the countryside to do farm work for a week, not to mention how hard it was, but it was mostly tears: I followed my grandmother to harvest ears of grain. The fields looked like a golden ocean, and harvesting ears of grain also paid attention to skills. If I cut ears of grain, it would be troublesome. It is the heaviest to carry firewood. "Hey, hey," every step is extremely difficult. When carrying water and drenching vegetables, water drops always run on my body mischievously, making my whole body wet.


In the summer, my father and I went to play on the glass plank road in Zhangjiajie. That's a thrill! Glass is transparent, Looking down, there are deep canyons and steep cliffs, which are unfathomable. There are extremely sharp rocks all around. Keep walking, keep walking, and my heart is pounding. I want to walk, but I'm afraid, because I haven't walked such an exciting road at ordinary times!


If there is happiness in this world, there will also be sadness. Not surprisingly, I also experienced it. In the afternoon of the first three weeks of school. I play in the park with my neighbors, and I don't know how happy I am. I bumped into him accidentally, and I helped him up in a hurry. Who would have thought that he was so stingy? I pushed my body away forcefully and walked away angrily. Finally, I said, "I have broken up with you!" These words hit my heart hard. I finally felt what it was like to lose a friend.

This summer vacation has given me a taste of life. I learned that life is not only troublesome, but also happy, hard and easy... But I also feel how meaningful it is.

Summer Sweets, Bitters and Spices (13)

Look forward, look forward, the annual summer vacation has come, my mother and I are going to grandma's house, the summer vacation at grandma's house is really colorful!


When I came to Grandma's house, I saw my cousin and four aunts coming. I didn't expect that my cousin would also come. I was very unhappy when she came, because my cousin could dance. Every time a guest came, she would show a dance created by herself to attract the guests' eyes. Everyone left me alone, which made my heart sour.


Every time she sees me, she says, "Xiaohui, you have grown tall and handsome, and you have learned so well..." I am so happy to hear that. It's like eating royal jelly. Anyway, I love what she says. And every time she comes, she will bring me many snacks that I love. Sometimes she will take me to KFC. She is so kind to me. I'm so happy!


On that very day, I was injured and wanted to pass the time, but I didn't expect my cousin to be a TV fan. She wanted to grab the TV remote control from me. If she couldn't grab it, she would make noise and cry. She told my mother, and her mother would grab the TV remote control from me. She handed it to her sister while nagging: "Kong Rong will let pear grow when she is four years old, and you will not give it to her sister when you grow so big." As soon as her sister grabbed the remote control, He made faces at me and watched TV with relish. My heart is bitter!


Unfortunately, I fell down while riding a bicycle and hurt my leg. What's more, my leg hurts no matter how I put it down. It feels as hot as being burned, and it hurts me to death. This made me unable to put it or lift it. It was really a mouse that was put into the refrigerator - both ends were angry and cried out in pain.

I experienced an unprecedented and colorful summer vacation at my grandmother's house, and experienced the ups and downs of summer vacation. No matter what I experienced, it was interesting and happy!

Summer Sweets, Bitters and Spices (14)

Summer vacation is both happy and colorful for us. During the holiday, only the combination of work, leisure and study can enrich our life. My summer vacation is also colorful, like a Wuweiping bottle, full of ups and downs.

The "hardship" of summer life

Like many parents, my parents would ask around and sign up for an interest class after the holiday. However, the "etiquette training class", "sanda class", "Olympic math class", and "composition class" have been involved. When I think of them, I feel dizzy and weak. Fortunately, my final exam scores were relatively good, and I finally eased a little under my hard work. However, the "interest classes" still bothered me: I got up at 6:30 in the morning, ate in a hurry, rushed to the classroom without stopping, studied drowsily in the hot air for two hours, then ushered in another classroom, and then welcomed the hot and tired "shock wave" again. Alas! This is really hard for me!

The "acid" of summer life

Something unexpected happened. Unexpectedly, the interest classes didn't bother me enough, and the "weight loss plan" followed. Because I was overweight, my mother decided to supervise me to lose weight. 1、 Second, I must be doing sit ups. In order to eliminate my "swimming circle", my mother took my sister-in-law's advice, and had to do 250 times a day. In the stuffy room, I was sweating and panting, and my back was sore after a day. But this is not enough, but also swimming fitness! Such "devil weight loss" has made me almost tired and prostrate. That waist is really "sour"!

The "Spicy" of Summer Life

After drinking sour "aged vinegar" and eating bitter "balsam pear", now I want to taste "red pepper". This "red pepper" is nothing but doing housework. In the hot summer, when working in the hot sun, you are either sweating or blushing. You can wring a basin of water out of your clothes. Can you not be "hot"?

The "sweet" of summer life

Ah! After tasting all the hardships, I can finally drink the sweet "honey water"! Retract in the air-conditioned room, hold a good book in your hand, and enjoy yourself. Let books teach us rich knowledge, let books evolve our hearts, let books edify our emotions... How can we not travel in the sea of books without "sweetness"?

This is my summer vacation life. I believe that with Wuweiping, my life will become full and interesting!

Summer Sweets, Bitters and Spices (15)

The tense final exam ended, and we ushered in a colorful summer vacation. For me, this summer vacation is rich and colorful, sweet and bitter, with all tastes. Why do you say that? Listen to me slowly.


Because the physical education exam was not ideal, my heartless father made a fitness training schedule for me, and asked me to persevere every day until the beginning of school. When I took it over, I was immediately dumbfounded: every day, I did 50 squats, 1500 meter long runs, 100 rope jumps, 1000 hula loops, and 50 sit ups. My God? I can't stand it! I protest! However, as soon as I saw my father's face with the words "protest is invalid" on it, I had to do it. One week later, my whole body was very sour, and my heart was very sour.


Oh yeah! My mother showed her mercy to take me to Kunming. I'm so happy! The day before yesterday, I was so happy that I couldn't sleep. I planned the activities in my mind: first, I would go

Eating McDonald's, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Delux, Pizza Hut, this drive is far from even a 'delicious'. I must have enough to eat this time. Let's put it aside first to lose weight. Well, then I will go to the amusement park to play roller coaster, Ferris wheel Wait, we must stimulate enough this time. Finally, I will go shopping crazily in the department store. ha-ha! How cool! I laughed regardless of the image of a lady, and my heart was sweeter than honey!


I started playing the piano at the age of four, and it has a long history of eight years. This year is my eighth grade exam day. Alas, I have to dedicate one month's precious summer vacation time to the exam selflessly. Unfortunately, I get up at 8 o'clock every morning and go to the teacher to practice the piano. It's not easy to go home for dinner at 12 o'clock at noon! The good times are not long. I have to go again at 2 p.m. and then come back at 6 p.m. It's like this every day. It seems that I have been studying for another month. Alas, it's hard to say!


This summer, my parents were very busy with their work. They worked overtime, went on business trips, and didn't have time to go home, cook, and clean up. My clothes came out, and the daughter of a thousand began to learn how to buy, fry and cook food. At the beginning, she made a lot of jokes, such as: no salt was put into cooking, fried eggs were fried into black eggs because of too long time, and cooked rice was not cooked (because I didn't press the button) At that time, my face was always hot.

What about? My summer vacation is wonderful, isn't it great? How was your summer vacation?

Summer Sweets, Bitters and Spices (16)

For our pupils, everyone's summer vacation is unique. Of course, my summer vacation is different!


When you are wronged by your friends, scolded by your parents for no reason, or punished by your teacher for your wrong homework, do you feel bad?


Maybe when your parents are not at home, you can lock yourself in the house and enjoy playing with the computer. Maybe you can carry your travel bag alone to explore. Maybe you can go to the suburbs to soak in hot springs with your friends. Maybe you can do whatever you want. Maybe your parents can give you a lot of money to buy snacks. You will feel very happy and the whole person will be very relaxed, How sweet China Daily is this summer vacation.


When you failed in the exam and were punished by your parents; When you lose your best friend, when your teacher doesn't pay attention to you, when you lose your position in school, when your friends despise you, when you play games late at night, get up late the next day, and are dragged to school by your parents, do you want to find a wall to hit? He said to himself, "Why is the summer vacation so hard?"


When I was about to have class, I was called by the teacher because I didn't recite the text, and I especially wanted to find a place to get in. When the summer vacation was about to end, I didn't finish my homework and my mother found out; In class, I answered the question the teacher had just said but could not answer it. When I was scolded by the teacher, I felt like I had knocked over a bottle of Chinese medicine.

Now you know, the bottle of summer vacation is in your hands. As long as you work hard, you will have a colorful summer vacation!

Summer Sweets, Bitters and Spices (17)

What a long summer vacation! In the free summer vacation, I kept feeling the strangeness of life. So, I would like to share the taste of summer vacation with you. In fact, it has all four flavors. Each flavor symbolizes the uniqueness of summer vacation and my good memories.

Acids. When summer comes, mango trees are full of immature mangoes. Because I was greedy, I climbed up the tree to pick the unripe mangoes and eat them. A "Mengniu is very sour and sweet" taste was in my stomach. This is the sour taste.

Sweet. Today, Grandma's longan harvest is great. Grandma asked me to go back to pick longan. I took a stick and beat the branches that were hung down by longan. Longan fell one by one, and it took half a day to harvest the longan. I lay on the green grass, looking at the blue sky and eating sweet longan. Don't mention how sweet it is.

Bitter. Summer vacation arrived, I got up early in the morning to help my parents farm. Dad said: "You are still young, grow up and then go!" "I will not do it." Dad had to let me go. When I got to the field, my father said, "Plant five trees in each row." When I got to the second row, I was already sweating and out of breath. Who knows the weather is not good, I slipped and fell in the field. It took me nine cows and two tigers to climb up, and I was already a clay doll. At this time, how I want to have a rest! I can see my father is still planting in the field silently, so I have to bite my teeth and stick to it... Let's finish! The work is over! My legs seemed to be filled with lead, dragging my tired body, walking with my father and mother on the way home...... I finally felt the taste of "I can't say anything about suffering".

Spicy. In summer, the hot sun burns the earth. The wheat in the yard hasn't dried yet. My mother said, "Don't go out to play until the wheat is dried." I had to pretend to agree to my mother's request. As soon as my mother's front foot went out, my back foot ran out to play with my partners. I had a good time! Boom, boom, just as it was clear, the sky began to rain cats and dogs, but the heavy rain did not affect our fun. We played water war and hide and seek in the rain. The promise to my mother had already disappeared. When I'm tired of playing, I'll go back to the yard and have a look. God! The wheat was washed away by the heavy rain, and my mother was busy collecting the remaining wheat. Although my mother didn't blame me, her fierce eyes made me ashamed. There is no shadow of the sun in the sky, but my face is hot. Spicy is just like this!

The aftertaste of summer vacation is complicated, with sour, sweet, bitter, and spicy feelings. It's really like four flavors of candied haws!