Incompleteness is also a kind of beauty (19 high-quality articles)
feel for others
2024-03-28 05:35:59
Senior One
Argumentative paper

Incompleteness is also a kind of beauty (1)

The world often worships the ultimate beauty and makes everything nearly perfect, even perfect. I don't appreciate that perfect thing. Perfect things are fragile and need careful care. What I like is a unique incomplete art, as Qing Gang Zhuoxing said; Incomplete is also a kind of beauty.

Someone commented on the famous Apple logo like this; A complete apple is an apple, and an apple bitten off is still an apple. However, biting off an apple contains more complex and rich information. When people see an apple being bitten off and think, they will "pull one trigger and move a hundred". It not only restores the shape of the apple, but also thinks of a deeper meaning. I appreciate the apple that was bitten off. It is incomplete but also a piece of music of nature in the incompleteness. Incompleteness is also beautiful.

Everything in the world is God's masterpiece. In order to find you more quickly in the vast sea of people, God deliberately left beautiful marks on them. They are always unique and God's favorite.

Thinking of the Venus of Minos, why is it not a kind of deformity? Who dares to say that she is not beautiful? Venus without arms is a typical beauty, full of symmetrical charm everywhere. The lost arms exude mysterious meanings that are difficult to describe, so that people can explore and pursue what kind of posture of those jade arms can match the beautiful Venus? Perhaps it is precisely because of this deformity that Venus is more attractive! Even Mo forced Sang to sigh: "Incompleteness creates unique beauty." Because of the deformity, it is unique.

From the apple bitten to Venus, from the ending art of O. Henry's novels to Sima Qian's incomplete life. They are incomplete and gorgeous, permeated with a unique incomplete art.

When a circle walked on the road, it turned into a semicircle, which made him sad. However, when it walked on the road again, what he saw was no longer the fleeting scenery, but the beautiful scenery slowly passed by him. This kind of scenery is something I have never experienced before. He understood that deformity is also a kind of beauty.

The world is not perfect for everything. When facing more imperfections, we need to explore the beauty of imperfection. Incomplete beauty is not perfect, and what gives people is often a shock to the soul, a spark generated by the collision of the soul. Incompleteness is also a unique beauty.

The beauty of deformity is unique and gorgeous, so I appreciate it!

Incompleteness is also a kind of beauty (2)

Some people hate deformity because they like to pursue perfection. As we all know, the moon is full and incomplete, but it is also a kind of beauty.

Incomplete beauty is an art. Venus, the elegant and noble goddess of love, only breaks her arm. The shock of beauty from the soul will be completely released, which is amazing. Whether it is the calm eyes, the slightly upturned lips that outline a smile, or the perfectly curved legs, it seems that they are not as natural and beautiful as the body with broken arms. Only if it is incomplete, can it interpret the peak of human art. Incomplete is also a kind of beauty.

Incomplete beauty is a kind of luck. Beethoven's deafness in both ears enabled him to escape from the earth and away from the groundless noise, so that he could sink into his own world, touch the depths of the human soul to do soft things, and compose music as shocking as "Destiny". Incomplete is also a kind of beauty.

Incomplete beauty is a kind of hope. The reason why Canyang is beautiful is that it is incomplete. When standing in front of the window, appreciating its wonderful posture, such as blood red, there will always be a kind of inexplicable shock in my heart. It is because of the deformity that we are full of hope and desire for the future. Incomplete is also a kind of beauty.

Incomplete beauty is a demand. It is precisely because there is no perfect world, so we have to fight for it. Because of the incomplete existence in the world, we are so concerned about success, so eager to pursue the future, so we can be full of infinite vitality. Incomplete is also a kind of beauty.

In fact, life is a process from full to incomplete. I sigh about the lost carefree childhood, the lost beautiful youth, and the lost beautiful past. Life is beautiful because it is incomplete. It is because it is incomplete that people will cherish it. Love is profound because it cannot be possessed, and dreams are unforgettable because they cannot be realized. Life, always with regret, because of incomplete and beautiful.

Incomplete is also a kind of beauty.

Incompleteness is also a kind of beauty (3)

Stephen Hawking said: "I have spent my life in a wheelchair, but I still face it calmly. This calm is beauty."

Beethoven said: "I live in a silent world, but I can fill my heart with voice, so as to change my attitude towards life. This change is beauty."

Edison said: "Like Beethoven, I live in a silent world, but it is my inner understanding to extinguish the light brought to me by the brightness again and again. This inner understanding is beauty."

Liu Lei said: "With the success of the Paralympic Games again and again, my face is filled with endless joy. This joy is beauty."

In fact, for ordinary people, disability is full of endless unknowns; For the disabled, it may be a crease in the soul, or a stumbling block in the future; But in the eyes of many people who are full of hope for life, it is also the best interpretation of the soul.

The "noble" people with extraordinary treatment always want to live and give themselves opportunities, and they don't want to make progress, thinking that God cares for them; And the disabled who have experienced hardships can create opportunities by themselves, can work hard, let God see the results, and tenaciously resist the fate of inequality.

If you often see disabled people shining brightly on the stage and struggling tenaciously in life, will you feel the tenacious perseverance that attracts us? Feel that they are sending out permanent beautiful smiles in their hearts?

The beauty brought by deformity is a bright but not dazzling light; A mellow but not greasy sound; A kind of calm that no longer needs to look at others; An atmosphere that has finally stopped complaining like the surrounding air

Incompleteness is also a kind of beauty (4)

Each of us is an apple bitten by God, so we are not perfect. Maybe your deformity is obvious, because God prefers your taste


Our imperfection leads to different people, and Ike is an example.


On a lightning and thunder night, a baby was born. Looking at the baby, I felt pity. The door said to the pale mother, "I'm sorry that your child has no hands or feet, but still has one foot." Suddenly, the mother of the child fainted, and the father of the child cried bitterly when he learned about this. Four years later, the child's mother woke up and received it. It was destined to change, but it could not be changed. Let's call him @. I hope he can overcome the ridicule of his peers. Ike's mouth turned upward, and the father and mother smiled slightly.

Autumn at the age of eight

Love in the sickbed couldn't go to school normally because of her inborn disability. While watching online teaching in the sickbed, the leaves outside the window covered the ground. The cool wind blew in and pulled Ike's soul out. Ike imagined walking on the yellow side and blowing the breeze. The warm sun shone on his cheeks. The sun was so selfless, I will not give you more sunshine because of your gold and purple, nor will I give you less heat because of your thick coat and short brown. Finally Ike came out of his fantasy and said loudly, "I will do what you do." Year after year goes by like this.


In the twinkling of an eye, Ike became a man with two master's degrees. He did many things that ordinary people could not do. He surfed, played football, and typed. He would give an exciting speech before he went anywhere. He was on the stage, talking about the sadness of the past, the pain of failure, the fall, and the lack of hands and feet, She tried a hundred times but failed to stand up. On the 101st time, she felt the urge to stand up, the pain of not being able to hold hands with her beloved woman, the impulse to think about suicide, and how he experienced these things that ordinary people cannot experience for so many years. He said excitedly, I did what you can and did what you can't, and I am a man born with no hands and feet, should you work harder? He said that I would not face life in the attitude of complaining, but to overcome it. The incomplete life is also a kind of Meiike, and he has no regrets in his life.

Incompleteness is also a kind of beauty (5)

Incomplete means that it is imperfect, unsound, or incomplete, but who will be flawless in life? I read such a story, it tells us,!

Once upon a time, there was a stone whose shape was like a ball, but one was missing. For this reason, he was unhappy every day and always felt that he was incomplete and imperfect. One day, he made up his mind to go down the mountain to find his missing piece.

He set out from home. He walked slowly, looking left and right, looking carefully for his missing part. Along the way, due to the lack of part, he could not move forward quickly, but he also saw the beautiful scenery along the way, made many friends and friends. That day, he was tired of walking. He came to a house and planned to have a rest. When he was resting, he met Grandpa Pen. He saw a scratch on Grandpa Pen's foot, so he asked curiously, "Grandpa Pen, Grandpa Pen, how can you have a scratch on your foot? Is it possible that you also lost a piece? Why don't you look for it?" "The scratch on my foot is to work better. If I find the missing one and plug up the scratch, I can't work." Grandpa Pen said and left. But Stone didn't understand, "Why does Grandpa Pen want to work?" He felt his head and went on his way. Through a forest, he came to a small river, and finally saw his long lost piece. After cheering, he didn't forget to put his own piece on his body.

"I'm finally perfect!" Stone cheered. Because it became a perfect circle, he ran extremely fast, so he ran all the way back home. But this time, he did not care to enjoy the roadside scenery, and was no longer able to talk with his peers and friends and exchange ideas. After pondering for a moment, he suddenly realized that he finally understood why Grandpa Pen wanted to work. Grandpa Pen wanted to make his life fuller and more meaningful! Thinking of this, he resolutely abandoned his part and started again with singing. He also wants to learn from Grandpa Pen to realize his value!

This story tells us that deformity may be a gift from nature, and physical deformity does not mean imperfection. Let's continue to discover the beauty brought to us by deformity!

Incompleteness is also a kind of beauty (6)

People have their joys and sorrows, and the moon has its ups and downs, which is difficult to complete in ancient times. " The beauty of the full moon is refreshing. This kind of psychology comes from the incomplete moon. If the moon is intact, how can people expect to be round and conceive of the moon? As the saying goes, "No gold is perfect, no man is perfect." Then why don't we keep this deformity and achieve another unique beauty?

There are steep mountains beside the calm lake. If you add a little more green, it will be more beautiful; There is a white cloud floating in the endless blue sky in the picture. If you remove that cloud, it will be more beautiful. However, if the mountain is green, there will be no sense of severity, the canvas will be smooth and flawless, there will be no real flavor, and the cloudless blue sky will have no vivid beauty.

Xi Shi is charming and graceful because of her weak willow, Yang Yuhuan is graceful and elegant because of her plump figure, Zhao Feiyan is graceful and charming because of her graceful appearance, Anita Mui is gorgeous because she lost her fragrance in her early years, and Venus is fascinated by her unique artistic charm because of her broken arm.

It turns out that deformity is also a kind of beauty.

When something is still unfinished, people will make thousands of assumptions about it, one more beautiful than the other, one more specific and perfect than the other. When the results or facts are revealed in front of the world, people's assumptions are smashed naked. For example, Cao Xueqin's Dream of Red Mansions, whose ending is unknown, was originally incomplete, but it led to countless future generations of fools talking about red mansions. Forty times after Gao E continued to write A Dream of Red Mansions, it seems to give the final destination of A Dream of Red Mansions, but in fact it has squeezed people's imagination space, which is both completion and destruction. Another example is Chuan Duankang, who successfully won the Nobel Prize, "found that looking at the highest point of literature, it was a barren land.

Is it true that only perfection is beauty? Incomplete is also a kind of beauty.

Incompleteness makes everything possible, makes people turn their ideals into actions, and transcends themselves and reality. In fact, many things have no end, such as human civilization, biological evolution, scientific progress, etc., and some are just milestones that have been completed, are being completed, or are about to start. It is like a screen, which covers the uncertainty and the end behind, leaving people with endless imagination. Let us go and pursue bravely.

Beauty, which has no end, exists in the process of pursuit.

Incomplete is also a kind of beauty!

Incompleteness is also a kind of beauty (7)

In the space where we live, everything from stars to dust is bound. The earth is rotating, but its route is always fixed, and the center of the route is always the sun; The dust is so small that it can fly with one breath, but it is always bound by the gravity and will return to the ground one day.

Binding can be tangible or intangible. To tie you to a tree with ropes is called binding. Similarly, people can also be bound in a space, an invisible rope, invisible and intangible, but solid and solid, binding you with your career and family.

Binding is universal. Binding is an eggshell, which covers you in your world and makes some things unattainable. A man runs an orchard. Every year, as soon as the fruit is ripe, countless people come to enjoy the scenery and buy fruit. This person makes a lot of money. With money, he began to plan to do something he had never done before, to travel around the world, to leave this place to pursue a new life... However, his ideas were rejected one by one because he still had an orchard. The fruit trees need watering, fertilizing and weeding, and the mature fruit needs to be picked in time, so it can not be mature enough to become fertilizer for the fruit trees... So he can only stay in this orchard and he is bound by his orchard. In ancient China, there was an imperial examination system. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, there appeared the stereotyped official selection. One by one, the scholar buried his head in the book. "He didn't listen to anything outside the window, but read only the books of sages and sages". They believe that as long as they read these books carefully, they can become good officials. In fact, the things in the book are dead and unchanging, and they have been bound by the thoughts in the book.

People are bound by something, some family, some career. However, since he can restrain you, there must be something that fascinates you. As the saying goes, if you give up, you will get something. Why should you care about things that are far away? Don't people and things around you be equally beautiful and fascinating?

Incompleteness is also a kind of beauty (8)

There is no flower that will never wither in the world, and there is no forever brilliant scenery in life. Perfection is beautiful, but deformity is also a kind of beauty. It is the moonlight that illuminates the soul of the suffering, and it is a good medicine to comfort the lonely.

Pessimists make a ridiculous and unforgivable mistake: to pursue perfection everywhere. Is beauty only when it is over? Venus' plump arm was broken under the hammer of art master Rodin. Maybe it left something incomplete, but changed "!" into "......"; Maybe less passion, but more implicit. It's like turning a beautiful flower into a kaleidoscope, transforming the beauty with a panoramic view into a beauty that can't be explained in a word, a beauty that can't be explained in a word. What a clever Rodin! The fragmentary beauty he created is a model of beauty.

Venus finally made me understand that sometimes the deformity is not necessarily a spot on a piece of white jade, not necessarily a dark color in a bright color, perhaps it is just the eyes of the dragon. A hard-working mother has white hair on her head but also has kindness; An old man with deep eyes has wrinkles like water and soil erosion on his face, but it shows his wisdom and openness after the vicissitudes of life. Su Shi was demoted more than ten times in his life. He struggled in the contradiction of "I want to go back by the wind, but I'm afraid of the magnificent buildings and jade buildings, and the high places are too cold". After the pain, he had the open-minded attitude of "people have joys and sorrows, the moon has ups and downs, and this matter is difficult to complete in ancient times". Liu Yuxi was abandoned in the bleak land of Bashan and Shushui for 23 years. Lonely, he still showed optimism of "thousands of sails passing by the side of the sinking boat, and thousands of trees in front of the diseased tree". Twilight hides the fiery sun, adding to the spectacular sunset of the long river; The beaming full moon has been bitten off, but it has the freshness of crescent moon; The rainbow that has experienced the baptism of the storm is more colorful, and more inspiring.

Therefore, in the face of disability, we must face it bravely first. Don't be discouraged and depressed. On the contrary, understand that it is because of it that we can see the wonderful scenery on the rough road of life. You should know that life is not incomplete and regretful, maybe it is just as light as water.

In the face of disability, we should also have a calm attitude. It's also roses. Some people see the thorns on the flowers, others see the flowers on the thorns. That's because people's mentality is different and their focus is different. Some people say life is tired, some people say life is boring, some people say life is beautiful. I like this summary of life: after looking for thousands of reasons, I found that life is different from others in our vision. It is not the difference that life has given us, but that our mind is full of two words - calm. It is the optimism after disappointment, the confidence in insipid, and the spirit bred from the incomplete matrix. Only those who really love life can see it.

Face the deformity with a calm mind, and experience the beauty of the deformity! In that way, which place in the world is not a paradise? Which moment should not be treasured?

Incompleteness is also a kind of beauty (9)

There is no flower that will never wither in the world, and there is no forever brilliant scenery in life. Perfect is beautiful, but incomplete is also a kind of beauty. It is the moonlight that illuminates the soul of the suffering, and it is a good medicine to comfort the lonely.

Although the English exam did not achieve the desired score, I think it is also a kind of progress. Although this is a deformity, I think it is better than perfection as long as I dare to change the deformity and make it a landscape.

A Symphony of Destiny has inspired several generations. Looking back on the author of this tune, we are awed by him. The pain of deafness did not break his will, on the contrary, it became the power for him to "seize the throat of destiny". When we are intoxicated with the wonderful artistic conception of Moonlight Sonata, can we think of the hardships of Beethoven's creative process? This great man in the history of music has left us immortal movements in the most difficult days of his life. Immersed in it, we were deeply moved by him and deeply impressed by Beethoven. Beethoven's hearing disability did not mean that he gave up, but inspired him to create an immortal myth. It is precisely because of his defects that we have a reason to look up to him. Beethoven finally made me understand that sometimes deformity is not necessarily a spot on a piece of white jade, not necessarily a dark color in a bright color, perhaps it is just the eyes of the dragon.

No one in the world is absolutely perfect. However, if you regard your imperfection as a goal to overcome and create a unique regret, it will become your symbol and a unique landscape for others to look up to.

Indeed, deformity is also a unique beauty, as long as we use it to change.

Incompleteness is also a kind of beauty (10)

This year's holiday, our family went to Wangcheng Park to play. Just entering the park, I saw a group of people whispering together. Looking around, a middle-aged man was drawing attentively there. At this time, there were many people around him, but the brush in his hand did not stop because of the noise of the environment, and he still wielded freely there. Out of curiosity, I also carefully observed the man.

At that moment, I was deeply impressed. It turned out that this middle-aged man was different from ordinary people - his left arm was disabled, only about 20 cm long. However, this middle-aged man did not seem to feel inferior because of his left arm at all. Instead, he exposed his arm in the scorching sun, as if the defective left hand was his pride. I can't help but be shocked by the man's elegance.

"If your left hand is not disabled, it will be more beautiful! Is it not?" said a young man with a disrespectful face. When the middle-aged man heard this, he was stunned at first and then smiled brightly, Then he said quietly: "This disabled left hand has made me lose a lot, but it has taught me to face all kinds of bad luck in life with an optimistic attitude. Over time, it has become the source of motivation for me to work harder and upward, so that I understand that 'deformity is also a kind of beauty'. I should thank this disabled left hand, rather than hate it."

The middle-aged man's words shocked people, and everyone gave a thumbs up. The middle-aged man just smiled shyly, and then bent his head to paint seriously.

When I looked back, I saw that the malicious questioner was blushing and embarrassed, as if he wanted to get into a crack on the ground. "Alas, this is not the good young man?" My heart was happy. "This is really self inflicted. Who let you say such ugly words!" At this time, the young man seemed to make a big decision - he first walked up to the middle-aged man, looked down with shame, and said: "Sorry!" "What did you say? I can't hear you!" A loud voice in the crowd shouted, and there were angry voices all around.

"Sorry, please forgive my offence." "Never mind, I'm used to it." The middle-aged man said calmly. "Thank you, I'll go first." The young man said and flew away. "Ha ha --" Another burst of laughter broke out in the crowd.

It turns out that deformity is also a kind of beauty.

Incompleteness is also a kind of beauty (11)

You must know, "The Western Goddess Venus"! I once heard that many great sculptors tried to add arms to this beautiful woman, but the world was amazed at the result that no matter what posture of arms, the original shining Venus no longer has the kind of implicit, mysterious and refined temperament. People say that the most important reason why Venus is so charming is because of her broken arm, which makes beauty no longer pure, and makes people have countless associations from incomplete beauty. Therefore, we have to admit that deformity is also a kind of beauty!

Incompleteness breeds great history!

You see, the incomplete bonsai on the platform may have fallen into the valley of death, leaving only one remnant. Just like a candle has burned all its life, leaving only a pool of wax oil. But seeing its branches and leaves today, perhaps you can remember not only the end of its life now! Perhaps you will remember how it struggled before dying; You will remember how beautiful flowers or lovely fruits it once had when life was most vigorous; You will think of the vigor and enthusiasm of youth when it just sprouted; Even, from its withered branches and the rough spots on the branches, you can think of how many ups and downs and vicissitudes of life it has experienced. Perhaps, it has also experienced the sweetness and joy of life, but now, it has died quietly, no longer has a trace of concern for the world, but its emotionless twigs can still leave infinite reverie for the world. Why? Because it once had a great history. Yes, any life in the long history is just a flick of the finger. When a life ends, it will disappear forever in the world. But the same thing, disappearance, has a different meaning. Some lives disappear when they disappear, leaving no trace of fluctuations and traces to the world. This kind of life seems to have gone through a lifetime, but it is actually zero. However, some lives can transform the world, the world and the future! I remember Gorky once said: "A person's spirit, character, achievements, contributions... constitute his soul." Although the passing of such a life is incomplete, just like the pot of flowers on the podium, through this incomplete, exhausted life tells us a great history. Incomplete has a great history!

The flower on the podium is still quiet and quiet. It seems to be telling us about yesterday. Its roots seem to have withered and its lower body has withered and yellow. But what I can see more clearly is a bunch of new green on its head. Although this is the pattern of life, it is the cluster of green shoots of hope that miraculously sprouted my heart in that moment and gave rise to an unprovoked confidence, A kind of heroic beyond life is the "spark" of your life! Thus, my mind leaped back to the hard years of old China. When the fate of a country was like this withered branch and withered leaf, it was that new green that lit the fire of hope of the people. What this green shows to the world is the ever rising and never failing vitality. Even if the hardship is higher than the sky and deeper than the sea, as long as you have this "green", no difficulty can be conquered.

At this time, my thoughts were drawn very long. From this pot of flowers, I saw a lot and thought a lot. Is it only the deformity left to people?

Incompleteness is also a kind of beauty (12)

God has given you beautiful looks, but not broad ideas; God has given you deep wisdom, but not a healthy body. If the moon is full, it will lose; if the water is full, it will overflow; Honor and disgrace depend on each other, and happiness and misfortune depend on each other. As the saying goes, "no gold is perfect, no man is perfect", nothing is perfect.

But this does not prevent us from creating and appreciating beauty, because deformity is also a kind of beauty.

When it comes to fragmentary beauty, people immediately think of Venus Brokeback.

In 1820 AD, on the Greek island of Milos, Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, returned to earth with a shocking deformity. The Venus with broken arms has brought people some regrets, but more of it has left people with defects of lofty aesthetic value full of boundless imagination, "including endless dreams", which has attracted some people's excitement and respect for this kind of incomplete beauty even to an unstoppable state.

Undoubtedly, people's love for Venus with broken arms is not only a profound exploration of beauty and rational thinking, but also a reflection of people's social psychology. People often don't know how to cherish what they have got, but when it is lost, they suddenly find its value. Therefore, the fragmentary beauty is in the final analysis a kind of blank beauty, a kind of fuzzy beauty.

Incompleteness is not beauty. Incomplete is an objective existence, a natural misfortune, and a failure. For example, a calligraphy work with stains, a painting work with half torn off, or a handicraft work with a corner cut off.

But deformity is the perfect counterpart. What deformity brings to the work is not a beautiful display, but a strong contrast with beauty. The "white cloth" in calligraphy and the "incomplete edge" in seal cutting are typical incomplete creation. Wang Guowei, a native of the Qing Dynasty, pointed out when talking about competition: "There is a creation and a writing situation. This ideal is divided from realism. However, it is difficult to distinguish between the two. Because the situation created by a great poet must conform to nature, and the situation written must also be adjacent to the ideal."

Incompleteness is not beauty, but it can bring beauty. The broken arm Venus is recognized as the beauty of imperfection, but the beauty is not imperfection, but the helpless sigh of imperfection. What Venus Brokeback brings to people is the beauty of reverie and the pursuit of perfection.

Incompleteness is not beauty, but it can get beauty. "The moon is cloudy, clear and round." The incomplete moon shows a process beauty. The moon has gone through the process from incomplete to perfect, and people will get a kind of enjoyment of pursuing perfection.

Incompleteness is not beauty. But deformity can create beauty. The performance of Thousand Hand Guanyin by the deaf mutes has aroused great interest, but what it brings to people is the extraordinary expressiveness and hardships behind the scenes shown by the disabled, and more importantly, it is people's admiration of the actors and praise of their acting skills.

Without broad thoughts, you can enjoy your beautiful appearance; Without a healthy body, you can fully display your profound wisdom. When the moon is full, you should think about the waning moon. When the water is full, you are afraid of overflow; Glory often remembers shame; When fortune comes, disaster should be prevented.

Incompleteness is not terrible. What we should do is to learn to appreciate beauty, taste beauty and create beauty in the deformity.

Incompleteness is also a kind of beauty (13)

Each of us is an apple bitten by God, so we are not perfect. Maybe your deformity is obvious, because God prefers your taste

Our imperfection leads to different people, and Ike is an example.


On a lightning and thunder night, a baby was born. Looking at the baby, I felt pity. The door said to the pale mother, "I'm sorry that your child has no hands or feet, but still has one foot." Suddenly, the mother of the child fainted, and the father of the child cried bitterly when he learned about this. Four years later, the child's mother woke up and received it. It was destined to change, but it could not be changed. Let's call him @. I hope he can overcome the ridicule of his peers. Ike's mouth turned upward, and the father and mother smiled slightly.

Autumn at the age of eight

Love in the sickbed couldn't go to school normally because of her inborn disability. While watching online teaching in the sickbed, the leaves outside the window covered the ground. The cool wind blew in and pulled Ike's soul out. Ike imagined walking on the yellow side and blowing the breeze. The warm sun shone on his cheeks. The sun was so selfless, I will not give you more sunshine because of your gold and purple, nor will I give you less heat because of your thick coat and short brown. Finally Ike came out of his fantasy and said loudly, "I will do what you do." Year after year goes by like this.


In the twinkling of an eye, Ike became a man with two master's degrees. He did many things that ordinary people could not do. He surfed, played football, and typed. He would give an exciting speech before he went anywhere. He was on the stage, talking about the sadness of the past, the pain of failure, the fall, and the lack of hands and feet, She tried a hundred times but failed to stand up. On the 101st time, she felt the urge to stand up, the pain of not being able to hold hands with her beloved woman, the impulse to think about suicide, and how he experienced these things that ordinary people cannot experience for so many years. He said excitedly, I did what you can and did what you can't, and I am a man born with no hands and feet, should you work harder? He said that I would not face life in the attitude of complaining, but to overcome it. The incomplete life is also a kind of Meiike, and he has no regrets in his life.

Incompleteness is also a kind of beauty (14)

There is no flower that will never wither in the world, and there is no forever brilliant scenery in life. Perfect is beautiful, but incomplete is also a kind of beauty. It is the moonlight that illuminates the soul of the suffering, and it is a good medicine to comfort the lonely.

Although the English exam did not achieve the desired score, I think it is also a kind of progress. Although this is a deformity, I think it is better than perfection as long as I dare to change the deformity and make it a landscape.

A Symphony of Destiny has inspired several generations. Looking back on the author of this tune, we are awed by him. The pain of deafness did not break his will, on the contrary, it became the power for him to "seize the throat of destiny". When we are intoxicated with the wonderful artistic conception of Moonlight Sonata, can we think of the hardships of Beethoven's creative process? This great man in the history of music has left us immortal movements in the most difficult days of his life. Immersed in it, we were deeply moved by him and deeply impressed by Beethoven. Beethoven's hearing disability did not mean that he gave up, but inspired him to create an immortal myth. It is precisely because of his defects that we have a reason to look up to him. Beethoven finally made me understand that sometimes deformity is not necessarily a spot on a piece of white jade, not necessarily a dark color in a bright color, perhaps it is just the dragon's eyes.

No one in the world is absolutely perfect. However, if you regard your imperfection as a goal to overcome and create a unique regret, it will become your symbol and a unique landscape for others to look up to.

Indeed, deformity is also a unique beauty, as long as we use it to change.

First day: Chen Mingxuan

Incompleteness is also a kind of beauty (15)

God has given you beautiful looks, but not broad ideas; God has given you deep wisdom, but not a healthy body. If the moon is full, it will lose; if the water is full, it will overflow; Honor and disgrace depend on each other, and happiness and misfortune depend on each other. As the saying goes, "no gold is perfect, no man is perfect", nothing is perfect.

But this does not prevent us from creating and appreciating beauty, because deformity is also a kind of beauty.

When it comes to fragmentary beauty, people immediately think of Venus Brokeback.

In 1820 AD, on the Greek island of Milos, Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, returned to earth with a shocking deformity. The Venus with broken arms has brought people some regrets, but more of it has left people with defects of lofty aesthetic value full of boundless imagination, "including endless dreams", which has attracted some people's excitement and respect for this kind of incomplete beauty even to an unstoppable state.

Undoubtedly, people's love for Venus with broken arms is not only a profound exploration of beauty and rational thinking, but also a reflection of people's social psychology. People often don't know how to cherish what they have got, but when it is lost, they suddenly find its value. Therefore, the fragmentary beauty is in the final analysis a kind of blank beauty, a kind of fuzzy beauty.

Incompleteness is not beauty. Incomplete is an objective existence, a natural misfortune, and a failure. For example, a calligraphy work with stains, a painting work with half torn off, or a handicraft work with a corner cut off.

But deformity is the perfect counterpart. What deformity brings to the work is not a beautiful display, but a strong contrast with beauty. The "white cloth" in calligraphy and the "incomplete edge" in seal cutting are typical incomplete creation. Wang Guowei, a native of the Qing Dynasty, pointed out when talking about competition: "There is a creation and a writing situation. This ideal is separated from realism. However, it is difficult to distinguish between the two. Because the situation created by a great poet must conform to nature, and the situation written must also be adjacent to the ideal."

Incompleteness is not beauty, but it can bring beauty. The broken arm Venus is recognized as the beauty of imperfection, but the beauty is not imperfection, but the helpless sigh of imperfection. What Venus Brokeback brings to people is the beauty of reverie and the pursuit of perfection.

Incompleteness is not beauty, but it can get beauty. "The moon is cloudy, clear and round." The incomplete moon shows a process beauty. The moon has gone through the process from incomplete to complete, and people will enjoy the pursuit of complete.

Incompleteness is not beauty. But deformity can create beauty. The performance of Thousand Hand Guanyin by the deaf mutes has aroused great interest, but what it brings to people is the extraordinary expressiveness and hardships behind the scenes shown by the disabled, and more importantly, it is people's admiration of the actors and praise of their acting skills.

Without broad thoughts, you can enjoy your beautiful appearance; Without a healthy body, you can fully display your profound wisdom. When the moon is full, you should think about the waning moon. When the water is full, you are afraid of overflow; Glory often remembers shame; When fortune comes, disaster should be prevented.

Incompleteness is not terrible. What we should do is to learn to appreciate beauty, taste beauty and create beauty in the deformity.

Defects are not necessarily a kind of beauty. There is a water bearer who has two buckets. One bucket is intact, and the other has a small crack. After each long haul, the intact bucket can always deliver a full bucket of water from the stream to the master's house, but when the cracked bucket arrives at the master's house, there is always half a bucket of water left.

For two years, the water bearer has been carrying one and a half barrels of water to the owner's house every day. Of course, a good bucket is very proud of being able to deliver a full bucket of water, while a broken bucket is very ashamed of its own shortcomings. It is sad that it can only take half of the responsibility.

After two years of failure, the broken bucket finally couldn't bear it, and said to the water bearer beside the stream: "I'm ashamed, I must apologize to you."

"Why?" asked the water bearer. "Why are you ashamed?"

"In the past two years, because the water leaked all the way from my side, I can only send half a bucket of water to the master's house. My defect makes you do all the work, but only receive half the results," said the broken bucket.

The water man felt sorry for the broken bucket. He said with love, "We are going back to our master's house. Please pay attention to the roadside."

On the way back, the broken bucket suddenly brightened up. It saw colorful flowers blooming all over the side of the road, bathed in warm sunshine, and this scene made it happy a lot.

But at the end of the road, it felt uncomfortable again, because half of the water leaked on the road! The broken bucket apologized to the water bearer again.

The water bearer said gently, "Have you noticed that there are only flowers on the side of the path, but there are no flowers on the side of the good bucket? I know you have defects, so I make good use of them. I planted flower seeds on the side of the path. Every time I come back from the stream, you water the flowers for me. For two years, these beautiful flowers have decorated the master's table. If you are not like this, there will not be so many beautiful flowers on the host's table. "

When there is a small gap in life, it is a beautiful thing. People often complain that life is not perfect, which is also not satisfactory, which leads to depression and tasteless life. In fact, damage or defect is often an opportunity for us to enter another kind of beauty. Imperfection is a part of life, while defect is another kind of richness and enrichment of life. Each of us has shortcomings. The important thing is how we look at it, how to transform these "shortcomings" into "advantages", and how to make good use of these "advantages" to achieve better results. Facing up to defects, some defects are just good, which is a beautiful advantage and inadvertently creates another kind of life.

The small deformity in life, like Venus, is more elegant, special and beautiful because of the defect of broken arm; It is more interesting and beautiful

Incompleteness is also a kind of beauty (16)

There is an iron ring that accidentally lost part of itself. Because it is incomplete, I can't roll fast, so I enjoy the beautiful scenery around and make many friends. Life is full of happiness. Therefore, deformity is also a kind of beauty.

Incomplete beauty is an artistic realm. The statue of Venus, the god of love known to the world, has no arms and is an incomplete piece. However, many sculptors found that they were powerless after observation and research. Because no matter how it is designed, after putting her arms on, she can't keep her original temperament. Admittedly, after putting her arms on, she was complete, but she was not perfect. Just as we would rather keep a pot of flowers with dead branches than decorate our bedroom with a pot of fake flowers, the deformity is so beautiful.

Incompleteness is a wake-up call. The Yuanmingyuan, the crystallization of the hard work and wisdom of the working people of our country, was looted and burned by the British and French Allied Forces, leaving behind ruins and holes. So someone proposed to repair it to carry forward the vastness of our Chinese culture. What a bold idea, full of patriotism! However, it was rejected not because there was too much waste, but because it can make us remember the past humiliation, remember the past, learn from the future, and inspire the Chinese people to strive for the revitalization of China. The deformity shocked us so much.

Incompleteness makes us more beautiful. Meteors pierce the night sky, I missed my wish; When the waves hit the rocks, I missed my blessings. I missed too much. But when you keep listening with both ears and look into the distance with both eyes, you lose the beauty around you, just like a person who only looks down on the road, missing the brilliant mountain flowers and beautiful scenery along the way. Don't pursue perfection, learn to feel with heart, and you will find that the songs you sang, the hands you held, the people you loved, and the so-called past are all beautiful.

Incompleteness is not an inferiority complex, but a different attitude towards life, which can relax your mind. Incomplete, make Venus endless, make Yuanmingyuan unforgettable, make our life more beautiful. Taste life, taste incomplete, you will find: incomplete so beautiful!

Incompleteness is also a kind of beauty (17)

God has given you beautiful looks, but not broad ideas; God has given you deep wisdom, but not a healthy body. If the moon is full, it will lose; if the water is full, it will overflow; Honor and disgrace depend on each other, and happiness and misfortune depend on each other. As the saying goes, "no gold is perfect, no man is perfect", nothing is perfect.

But this does not prevent us from creating and appreciating beauty, because deformity is also a kind of beauty.

When it comes to fragmentary beauty, people immediately think of Venus Brokeback.

In 1820 AD, on the Greek island of Milos, Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, returned to earth with a shocking deformity. The Venus with broken arms has brought people some regrets, but more of it has left people with defects of lofty aesthetic value full of boundless imagination, "including endless dreams", which has attracted some people's excitement and respect for this kind of incomplete beauty even to an unstoppable state.

Undoubtedly, people's love for Venus with broken arms is not only a profound exploration of beauty and rational thinking, but also a reflection of people's social psychology. People often don't know how to cherish what they have got, but when it is lost, they suddenly find its value. Therefore, the fragmentary beauty is in the final analysis a kind of blank beauty, a kind of fuzzy beauty.

Incompleteness is not beauty. Incomplete is an objective existence, a natural misfortune, and a failure. For example, a calligraphy work with stains, a painting work with half torn off, or a handicraft work with a corner cut off.

But deformity is the perfect counterpart. What deformity brings to the work is not a beautiful display, but a strong contrast with beauty. The "white cloth" in calligraphy and the "incomplete edge" in seal cutting are typical incomplete creation. Wang Guowei, a native of the Qing Dynasty, pointed out when talking about competition: "There is a creation and a writing situation. This ideal is separated from realism. However, it is difficult to distinguish between the two. Because the situation created by a great poet must conform to nature, and the situation written must also be adjacent to the ideal."

Incompleteness is not beauty, but it can bring beauty. The broken arm Venus is recognized as the beauty of imperfection, but the beauty is not imperfection, but the helpless sigh of imperfection. What Venus Brokeback brings to people is the beauty of reverie and the pursuit of perfection.

Incompleteness is not beauty, but it can get beauty. "The moon is cloudy, clear and round." The incomplete moon shows a process beauty. The moon has gone through the process from incomplete to perfect, and people will get a kind of enjoyment of pursuing perfection.

Incompleteness is not beauty. But deformity can create beauty. The performance of "Thousand hand Guanyin" by the deaf mutes has aroused great interest, but what it brings to people is the extraordinary expressiveness and hardships behind the scenes shown by the disabled, and more importantly, it is people's admiration of the actors and praise of their acting skills.

Without broad thoughts, you can enjoy your beautiful appearance; Without a healthy body, you can fully display your profound wisdom. When the moon is full, you should think about the waning moon. When the water is full, you are afraid of overflow; Glory often remembers shame; When fortune comes, disaster should be prevented.

Incompleteness is not terrible. What we should do is to learn to appreciate beauty, taste beauty and create beauty in the deformity.

Incompleteness is also a kind of beauty (18)

But this does not prevent us from creating and appreciating beauty, because deformity is also a kind of beauty.

When it comes to fragmentary beauty, people immediately think of Venus Brokeback.

In 1820 AD, on the Greek island of Milos, Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, returned to earth with a shocking deformity. The Venus with broken arms has brought people some regrets, but more of it has left people with defects of lofty aesthetic value full of boundless imagination, "including endless dreams", which has attracted some people's excitement and respect for this kind of incomplete beauty even to an unstoppable state.

Undoubtedly, people's love for Venus with broken arms is not only a profound exploration of beauty and rational thinking, but also a reflection of people's social psychology. People often don't know how to cherish what they have got, but when it is lost, they suddenly find its value. Therefore, the fragmentary beauty is in the final analysis a kind of blank beauty, a kind of fuzzy beauty.

Incompleteness is not beauty. Incomplete is an objective existence, a natural misfortune, and a failure. For example, a calligraphy work with stains, a painting work with half torn off, or a handicraft work with a corner cut off.

But deformity is the perfect counterpart. What deformity brings to the work is not a beautiful display, but a strong contrast with beauty. The "white cloth" in calligraphy and the "incomplete edge" in seal cutting are typical incomplete creation. Wang Guowei, a native of the Qing Dynasty, pointed out when talking about competition: "There is a creation and a writing situation. This ideal is separated from realism. However, it is difficult to distinguish between the two. Because the situation created by a great poet must conform to nature, and the situation written must also be adjacent to the ideal."

Incompleteness is not beauty, but it can bring beauty. The broken arm Venus is recognized as the beauty of imperfection, but the beauty is not imperfection, but the helpless sigh of imperfection. What Venus Brokeback brings to people is the beauty of reverie and the pursuit of perfection.

Incompleteness is not beauty, but it can get beauty. "The moon is cloudy, clear and round." The incomplete moon shows a process beauty. The moon has gone through the process from incomplete to perfect, and people will get a kind of enjoyment of pursuing perfection.

Incompleteness is not beauty. But deformity can create beauty. The performance of Thousand Hand Guanyin by the deaf mutes has aroused great interest, but what it brings to people is the extraordinary expressiveness and hardships behind the scenes shown by the disabled, and more importantly, it is people's admiration of the actors and praise of their acting skills.

Without broad thoughts, you can enjoy your beautiful appearance; Without a healthy body, you can fully display your profound wisdom. When the moon is full, you should think about the waning moon. When the water is full, you are afraid of overflow; Glory often remembers shame; When fortune comes, disaster should be prevented.

Incompleteness is not terrible. What we should do is to learn to appreciate beauty, taste beauty and create beauty in the deformity.

Incompleteness is also a kind of beauty (19)

Soon the curved moon broke free from the dark clouds. It looks like a sickle and a bit of biscuit, giving people a desolate and quiet feeling. "How long have you not seen the moon like this?" I couldn't help asking myself. Yeah! As we are on the way to school, we have forgotten something since I don't know when. Because in our eyes, there are only "scores and achievements". So, I often think: What on earth do people live for?

For future work? For the family? Or for

Money? OK, even if you get it later. But your friends and relatives are far away from you, and finally your life is slowly dying... Just ask, is this life meaningful?

I thought: "Nothing in the world is perfect, just like the waning moon in the sky... And we, perhaps, should also look at things in a different way. Just like the moon, if every day is very perfect and flawless, people will have so many feelings of appreciating the moon!

Just like our life, only when we lose, can we find someone

Alas, 'incomplete' may also be a kind of beauty! " Think of

Here, I am relieved

Quietly, I put down my pen. Maybe not

Want to break the illusion in your heart