Composition personality (20 compilations)
Gentle and considerate
2024-05-23 05:28:25
topic of conversation

Composition Personality (1)

Individuality and creative composition

In life, work and study, we always have to touch composition. Writing composition can exercise our habit of being alone, calm our mind, and think about our future direction. Do you know how to write a good composition? The following is Xiao Biandun's personality and innovative composition. Welcome to read it. I hope you can enjoy it.

In the age of complexity, life is a baptism of self and innovation, a race between youth and pursuit. For us who have just entered the flower season, life is a mountaineering experience. Whether the scenery is beautiful or not, you should try it instead of listening to others.

Nowadays, we are all pursuing individuality and persisting in self innovation. Sometimes, life is as short as the life of a silkworm. There are countless precipitates, just for one autumn. Sometimes, it is as long as the sun and the moon change. It is said that "youth is fleeting, and there is no mistake in setting out while you are young." If you can't become a cold wintersweet, it will become a green leaf for embellishment. There is no certain choice in life, but there is a pursuit of innovation. Pursue the beauty of life and choose the road of life. Personality is the label of life, and innovation is the beauty of life. When we continue to pursue individuality, we are always at a loss. However, if we look at those magnificent and fearless advertisements nowadays, touching people's hearts and sighing people's souls without interruption, those exquisite and beautiful handicrafts will always present their value and significance in different seasons and festivals. Isn't that a kind of innovation? Valentine's Day roses. It is the youth of passionate love; Christmas Eve apples are good wishes; Spring Festival lucky money is the love of parents. People are all uninterrupted innovation and pursuit. Personality is a period of self experience. Innovation is a sublimation and baptism of self. While pursuing personality, innovation is also uninterrupted. The improvement of the electronic age. What we bring is all kinds of flowers, reds and willows. When you turn on the TV, strange novelty will come to your eyes, guiding us to pursue individuality and innovation without interruption. Only innovation can lead the improvement of the times; Only personality can go out of self in the crowd following the crowd. Innovation is not a one-time imitation, personality, not a blind pride. The so-called innovation and personality is a kind of learning in the pursuit of excellence and the choice of self.

Individuality and innovation are sometimes like a double-edged sword. While pursuing self, we should also make timely innovations. Blind self will only run counter to our original dream. In life, there is always a period of past events that cannot be looked back, and there is always a memory of youth. In this baptism of life. We will experience a lot. However, not all hard work can produce beautiful flowers, nor can we climb the top of the mountain to see the scenery we want. Individuality and innovation lie in a kind of persistence. Adhere to the intersection of self and innovation. I believe that "there will be times when the wind and the waves break, how can we set the cloud sail to help the sea?"

Composition Personality (2)

Maturity and individuality composition

In the light study, work and life, we can't help but contact or use composition. Writing composition is an important means to cultivate people's observation, association, imagination, thinking and memory. I believe that writing a composition is a headache for many people. The following is the mature and personalized composition of Xiaobian. Welcome to share.

After a certain period of spring and autumn, you seem to be sensible and understand some truth, so people around you will gradually ask you to become mature and intelligent. Your parents, your teachers, your elders... seem to say all the time: "It's time to grow up!"

But what is growing up? If we just point out the reason and judge the length, that's good. I think we have grown up. But parents often don't think so. They have a set of principles in mind: study hard, be good at both character and learning, and be "children of others". Only when we meet these standards can we grow up. Unexpectedly, we are walking on the road of "growth" according to the parents' ideas, shouldering their expectations and becoming "mature" people in their hearts. But slowly, we also lose something of our own in the process - for example, personality.

Whenever my parents talk about "other people's children", I just feel boring and tasteless. Because these people often have the same experience, the same characteristics, and even the same personality. It seems to be produced by machines in batches, batch after batch, without personal characteristics. Even so, our parents still require us to mature to this extent, which is why we "bow our heads" in "maturity".

Does maturity mean that we must lose our individuality and some shining points or characteristics? I don't think so.

I think the best way to grow is to let us choose. It doesn't matter even if we take more detours, fall down and feel confused, as long as we keep our original appearance and walk to the end. Maturity does not mean that we should lose our individuality. Of course, this personality should be harmless. Only in this way can we be truly needed by others in the future.

So, from now on, find something you like to do and discover your personality. Maybe you can dig out your talents from it, and then you will have an unexpected harvest. Keep your individuality and go on the road of maturity.

I hope that all of us can bear fruits of different shapes in the coming autumn. And on the day when we really mature, we still hold our heads high.

Composition Personality (3)

On the opening day of this year, we got together in front of the TV and watched the First Lesson of School on time.

The program began. The members of the TFBoys team appeared in our eyes, singing and dancing. It was awesome!

Then our beloved teacher Sabenin came to the center of the stage and told us that the theme was "Parents Teach Me". We also invited our first class teacher, Mr. Zhang Quanling.

Teacher Zhang Quanling said that what we should learn in this lesson is filial piety. Filial piety? Is it to repay our parents with filial piety? In order to make us understand this word better, Mr. Zhang Quanling invited Zheng Yuanjie, our children's favorite fairy tale writer, to tell us a story. This story taught me a lot. It means that example is more important than words. When we grow up, we should return to our parents.

This lesson touched me that Uncle He Hongtao took his father He Suili, a 75 year old old man, to travel around on a motorcycle to fulfill his father's wishes. He is really a filial son.

Here, I also think of my father. Grandma had a stroke a year ago. My father had to go to Grandma's house every day to cook and wash clothes for her. No matter the wind or rain, he never stopped. Until now, my father is also a filial son, and I also want to learn from my father.

The head teacher of lesson two is Mr. He Jiong. He told us that the most beautiful word was "love", and invited the former singer Qin Yong. He had to go out of the show business to take care of his sick son. Having raised my sick son for 17 years, my heart has been affected again, and my eyes can not help being rosy. This makes me understand that love should be expressed in time, not waiting! Love will let us challenge difficulties hand in hand.

The class teacher in lesson three is Miss Wang Xiaoya. She told us that "courtesy" is very important. And also invited Hong Kong star Joey Yung. She told us that we should be civilized. Civility and politeness should start from now and from small things.

In this issue of "The First Lesson of School", I learned that we should be filial to our parents. The tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop, and the son wants to be raised but the parents do not wait. All these things should start from small things and start from now on.

Composition Personality (4)

The stream in the mountains is cold, cool, and gurgling. It has no surge of rivers or majesty of waterfalls. It is not afraid of the obstacles of mountains and rocks, does not crave the tranquility of valleys, and does not love the charm of birds. However, there is no lack of strength in its slender shape, and faith in its softness. The perseverance and flexibility are Xiaoxi's personality.

The light rain in spring is intermittent and hazy. It does not have the power of autumn rain or the free and easy of rainstorm, but it contains vitality in its subtlety and is wrapped in hope. It plays the lullaby of spring with warm maternal love and outlines the celebration of spring with harmonious tenderness. The implicit greatness is Xiaoyu's personality.

Personality is a kind of character. It is not convergent and charming. It has its own challenging blood type, sharp perspective, extraordinary insight, and rebellious temperament. It treats the ups and downs of life with a critical eye, and considers the joys and sorrows of the world with a unique thinking.

Personality is a force. It enables you to look at yourself in the drift, to find yourself again when you are trapped in the public, and to meet life challenges with a heart that never bows its head and admits defeat.

Personality is a kind of charm. It shows itself in a unique way. Mount Tai is dangerous and Mount Huangshan is strange, attracting people to stop; Dongting is full of water and Qiantang is full of tide, attracting people to linger. Du Fu, who was worried about the poor people in the world, refused to beat Li Bai. Lu Xun, who bowed his head and was willing to be a willing ox, has a deeply moving personality charm, which has become the spiritual treasure of the Chinese nation, beautiful and eternal.

Individuality reflects uniqueness and sets off each other. The high mountains are strong and imposing, and the flowing water is soft and beautiful. The surrounding water makes up for the rigidity and rigidity of the mountains. The combination of hardness and softness makes it more harmonious; The moon is lonely and lonely, and the white clouds are light and elegant. The contrast of the clouds makes the moon more moving, which makes it more artistic; The grassland is open and vast, and the horses are roaring and galloping. The running of the horses makes up for the monotony of the grassland. The dynamic and static are mixed, which makes it more vital.

Personality is a diamond. We use the knife of life to carve it, because of its charm, because of its moving, because of its strangeness, it will always let the eyes of the world gather because of this beauty.

Composition Personality (5)

What is personality? The modern Chinese dictionary explains that personality is a relatively fixed characteristic of a person formed under certain social conditions and education.

How to do is to have personality? I don't understand either. Look it up in the dictionary, but there is no explanation in the dictionary. But my opinion is that no matter what one does, he or she has personality.

Picasso saw the exhibition of Zhang Daqian, the master of traditional Chinese painting, and said that Zhang Daqian had no personality of his own, and that he just blindly imitated the works of others. But I don't think so. Zhang Daqian can imitate the paintings of Shi Tao, Badashan and others, and can be confused. I think this is a great personality. How many people can do this in the world?

Therefore, we should not blindly criticize others for their lack of personality, because this will only expose our low level, because we cannot even see the personality of others. Why criticize others?

There are good and bad personalities, of course, there are also good and bad personalities, but it is hard to say which are good and which are bad, because some people say that this personality is good, and some people say that this personality is not good. Teacher Yu often said, "When viewed horizontally, it is peak on both sides of the mountain, and the distance is different from the height", which can explain this point, because the perspective of looking at problems is different, The conclusions are naturally different!

One part of personality is something that has not yet emerged from mother's belly, and the other part is acquired. As the saying goes, "A country is easy to change, but its nature is hard to change." The innate part of personality will be better, but the acquired part of personality is the key. The story of Meng's mother moving three times shows the importance of environment to the cultivation of acquired personality. I think it is difficult for a person who has lived in an environment full of gangsters since childhood to grow up without being a gangster.

Therefore, a good environment is a prerequisite for cultivating a good personality. When we live in a united class, we naturally unite. When we are surrounded by students who love learning, we will also take the initiative to learn.

"Developing individuality" is the most critical part of our school's twelve word policy, and it is also the most important. It can be seen that developing individuality is very important for us. Although it is necessary to develop personality, it is not necessary to develop any personality regardless of the situation. The development of personality we are talking about should be the development of personality that is beneficial to us, and the development of personality that is valuable to us.

What is a beneficial personality and valuable personality? I think being meaningful to myself and the people around me is valuable. For example, like the discipline committee member of our class, it is a valuable personality to be able to control both oneself and others' personality. It is a worthless personality that can affect both oneself and others by making random speeches in class like me. So she should develop her disciplinary personality, and I should curb my disciplinary personality.

In fact, I think a lot about personality, but many of my own personality is not very good, so I am embarrassed to say too much. But finally, I want to say that my personality will not change because of who, at best, it will only be inhibition, because this is also my personality.

Composition Personality (6)

When I was in high school, I accidentally read Gu Cheng's "I am a wayward child", and I still can't forget it. Can't forget his fairy tale language, can't forget Gu Cheng's pure yearning in the poem. I always feel that I am also the child in this poem, the child who is not big and unwilling to grow up.

However, fairy tales can only be found in books forever, and the cost of living in this world is endless helplessness.

My childhood was happy, without material stuffing, but full of love that gave me happiness. At that time, I always laughed heartlessly.

I always heard that God is fair to everyone. Sure enough, for me, he seemed to think that I had too much happiness, and when I grew up, he took it away and gave it to others.

My childhood ended when I was 18 years old. Since then, I gradually had strange things to worry about. One by one, I had accumulated in my original pure and relaxed heart, which made me feel more and more difficult to breathe and no longer laugh without scruple.

That year, my grandfather died of cancer. But I always forget the fact that he has left the world. It seems that he is in a trance. Until now, when I always look up at the sky, I suddenly feel sour, and then, clearly and truly understand that he is no longer there.

It seems that from then on, I began to realize that I was no longer a happy child. I began to deliberately hide some memories and pretend that life was what I imagined. The terrible thing is that I try to live in the world I imagine, but the world will not exclude me because of my imagination. I become always struggling, struggling, unable to find myself

I grow up year by year. My world, people and things in my world are also changing little by little. I can't stop my own changes, let alone the changes of people and things around me

The year my brother got married, I completely lost the castle like world in my heart.

I lost a home, but I didn't get a home. This is the knot that I can't open in my heart all the time, and I am suffocating under the pressure.

I am also married. How I wish I could have a new home to replace the complete happiness of the one I lost. However, I chose a soldier, a soldier who could not accompany me and gave me a normal family life, as my lifelong partner, to form a family that I could not call home.

I hate myself most. I'm afraid of the dark. I dare not live alone, so I can only stay at my parents' home after marriage. Can anyone feel the feeling that is hard to express? My happiness castle, my home, was suddenly not mine, and I became an outsider because of the entrance of another outsider. I understand that my continued living is extremely redundant in her eyes. I don't want to escape because I affect their new family. However, I didn't have the courage to live alone without my mother's family. I'm going crazy by myself

Until that day, when I had to leave, I packed my bags by myself... It was more dignified to leave alone than to be driven away

After nearly a year of marriage, my parents are always urging me to have children early. I'm still a child, my own. How can I accept another child that needs my care. I often think that I am unwilling and have not thought clearly about having children. However, all kinds of relatives and friends around me have taken pains to persuade them, which seems to cause a strange theory that normal people have children, just like normal people have to eat and sleep, and it is not allowed not to have children.

I don't know, most of the couples who give birth to a child are really eager to give birth to that child because they want to get the beloved candy like a child, and most of them are helpless choices against secular and public pressure.

Sometimes, I feel as if I have become more and more out of tune with the world. I always feel that I can't see tomorrow, and even the idea of leaving the world pops up in my mind.

However, I can only read Gu Cheng's poems again and again, pretending to live in the beautiful world of childhood, but I don't have Gu Cheng's courage to let the world in my heart escape from heartache forever

If one day, I can't live in my own life, I completely lose myself, and I have the courage to escape, that is really a wonderful thing for me. In my memory, I will always laugh heartlessly

Composition Personality (7)

Once upon a time, "personality" became a fashionable word.

After an era of stereotype that stifles nature, people rediscover the importance of diversity when looking at the mistakes they made in the past. As a result, "personality" has become a new slogan. "Personality" young people shouted, they can't wait to get freedom; The students of "personality" jumped with joy, although they did not fully understand the meaning of the word; "Individuality" teachers follow, and they have to change their educational ideas and methods.

Under the influence of personality wave, people's views have also changed. Words such as "You dress with a real personality" and "He has a real personality" no longer imply sarcasm, but become a great compliment. Yes, in a "personality" society, who would be willing to be mediocre?

Actually? The so-called "dress with personality" may be just a t-shirt with disordered patterns, a pair of white jeans and a pile of silver jewelry with strange shapes; The person who is evaluated as "really has personality" may be just because he can hurt others regardless of time, place and occasion.

Is that all that people are pursuing?

The real "personality" should be from the inside out. It should be a kind of cultivation, a kind of life philosophy formed after experience, which is far more profound than the external dress. Admittedly, a person's clothes may reflect his personality, but his personality will not change because of his clothes. Those who try to pursue individuality in clothing can only pursue superficiality in the end.

At the same time, the publicity of personality can not be arbitrary. Even a society that respects individuality must have the most basic constraints, such as morality and law. In other words, the premise of publicizing personality is not to hurt others, and it is to let thinking gallop rather than let bad habits breed.

When the whole society is shouting "individuality", there are too few people who really have individuality and really know how to publicize individuality.

Personality is the correct understanding of oneself and others, the determination not to drift with the tide, and the courage to face incomprehension and ridicule. Jane Goodall, a female scientist who has lived with orangutans for more than ten years for scientific research, has her own personality, although she looks like an old woman with simple clothes and a gentle face; Thoreau, who lived alone by Walden Lake to meditate and write, had a personality. Although he did not dye his hair fashionable blue, he had to work hard like a farmer. Yes, these are the unique and brave people who have made noble choices different from ordinary people and persevered.

In the face of their achievements, I would like to say that those who are dressed in strange clothes, moaning without illness, vulgar and superficial are not qualified to talk about "personality".

Composition Personality (8)

You curl up from the Himalayas, with a holy and sad atmosphere of icebergs and snow lotus; You are late from the Jiangnan water town, and there is a gentle and jade like temperament hidden in your actions; You came slowly from the northwest desert, and the cold wind could not stop your loud and graceful singing.

Everything in the world, or a corner of an iceberg, or a small bridge; Or the autumn scenery outside the Great Wall, or the northern customs; Have their own unique side. God, the omnipotent creator, endows each kind of creature with personality and makes it reflect unique light.

Life is like a cluster of cherry blossoms. The flowering period is very short, but it shows the beauty of life to the fullest, so that its life makes people understand the meaning of thick accumulation, thin hair, and keeping a low profile. So the meaning of life is to leave a beautiful figure in the world. Whether you can see someone who would rather die than surrender for justice and dignity than lower his noble head and finally get killed in the battlefield of history. Their bright personality contains justice and dignity. Do you see some women sentimental, pinned on falling flowers, and asked for sorrow in Meng boat. Their emotional dignity and sorrow for leaving the state affairs deeply moved future generations. This is a kind of personality, which includes the understanding of love and the criticism of history. Do you still see the heroic spirit of throwing your head and blood on the battlefield in ancient and modern times; Have you found the fresh heart of the martyrs in the thousands of dead bodies on the battlefield where horses galloped, and in pools of blood, they must still be worried about their wives and mothers and crying children at home. In the long river of history, they shine in the dust swept away under the hoof of time.

Time accumulates the light of time, and also sharpens the edge of the writer's writing. The thin pen in Lu Xun's hand was a revolutionary bayonet, which aroused the awakening of Chinese people with pain. Zhang Ailing expressed her sobriety with her unique female delicacy in the background of Shanghai's bustling city. Ba Jin publicized the enthusiasm of young people to seek independence and self-improvement under the situation of the Chinese nation's internal and external troubles, backwardness and being beaten.

Individuality is a blade of light and sword shadow in chaos, splitting right from wrong and clear. Individuality is the white space left in the splash ink painting, the clean root of the lotus growing from the mud, free from worldly evil. Individuality is the mainstay that still stands in the mighty flood and sticks to justice and responsibility. Personality is like gold in the sand, shining with endless luster.

The world is colorful, and everyone's life is labeled with the same label. We should bloom our own beauty and let the monotonous and mediocre world shine because of your existence.

Composition Personality (9)

He is my Chinese teacher, neither tall nor low, nor fat nor thin. He is so ordinary. It is because of his personality that he becomes likable. I believe you will like him after hearing these stories. Our teacher is a fastidious person. Well, the bell rang for class. The teacher took the textbook to the podium and looked at the blackboard for a second: Who is on duty today! Well, the old man ran to the platform with a red face and got busy. The teacher pointed at the corners of the blackboard without letting a speck of dust go.

I have seen that he pays attention to talking about his humor.

It was an afternoon of autumn rain, and the teacher was giving us a lesson that seemed more important than national events, rather than ordinary. A late classmate shouted: Report. Interrupted our class, we talked about the destruction below, he ended, the teacher changed his anger this time. When the teacher saw us talking privately, he said that what interesting things were more interesting than class, and took me to play after class. The teacher said this, but it was nothing, but our whole class burst into laughter.

The teacher's humor can't hinder his preciseness.

Every time after school, the teacher would sit in his office and roll up our homework, and his pen would draw on our homework. Whenever we are all right, we will see a smiling face at the bottom of this page. Whenever we are wrong or a little bit wrong, the teacher will think about why we are wrong, and then let us correct it. When we correct it and hand it to the teacher, you will see a smiling face and a line of small characters. Next time, try your best

This is our teacher. I believe there are teachers like us around you.

Composition Personality (10)

As soon as the bell rang, there was a close atmosphere in the classroom. With eager eyes, the students watched the teacher walk from the door to the platform. Just after the class, some students raised their hands high. The teacher smiled and said, "Now, please come up and introduce your group. Which group comes first?" As soon as the voice came down, countless pairs of hair trigger hands sprang up like mushrooms, and the students' faces were filled with confident smiles.

The first group is Chen Junyu and his group. Chen Junyu went to the stage with undisguised excitement, clicked on the big screen to open the PPT that was copied in the computer during the last class break, and showed their group to everyone in the class with a loud but passionate voice. Everyone listened carefully, as if they were learning from their group's strengths and thinking about their speech for a while. There was no look of disdain on the faces of the students, but only a sunny smile. The smile seemed to be an appreciation of the speaker, and also seemed to be a confident smile - "I will definitely surpass you!" The speaker was so calm, confident and excited, as if he was telling a beautiful and moving ancient legend. After the speech, his twinkling pupils showed the joy of success. At the same time, his eyes seemed to say to everyone: "It's up to you!" The students all applauded vigorously, as if they had to beat their hands red and swollen before giving up.

The teacher's upper and lower lips moved slightly, as if to say something about the problems mentioned in the speech just now. Before her eyes turned to the blackboard, three or four students scrambled to move away from the tables and chairs, rushed to the blackboard, grabbed the blackboard eraser and erased the mathematical formulas on the blackboard. The teacher hesitated for a moment and asked, "Where is the student who cleans the blackboard in your class?" Everyone coincidentally turned their eyes to the empty seat - he was ill

Next, the students did not want to be outdone. One by one, they came to the stage to make speeches. No one chose to shrink back and hide themselves in the crowd. Every figure is unhurried; Every figure is in high spirits; Each figure is a fusion of passion and confidence; Every figure stands in the warm applause

Our class is a passionate class, and students encourage each other;

Our class is an active class, and students play a role in promoting each other.

Speaking of the girls with personality in our class, that's great! What sounds good is "personality", and what sounds bad is "barbarism". They are really ruthless when they fight boys! Why, don't you believe me? If you don't believe me, listen to me carefully. Come closer. I don't want them to hear.

"Stop!" Listen, the "personality" girls in our class are beating the boys again! Then, I only heard the sound of "Pi Li Pa La". Needless to say, the boys were unlucky! Not that our boys are cowardly, but that the girls in our class are too strong! What are you rubbing the sutra and breaking the bone hand, and seizing the nine yin white bones? Let's start the Jianghu again! That's really -- dogs and chickens are restless~but the most powerful thing is "women besiege"! That situation is really beyond comparison! I accompanied a boy, Liang Xin, once "enjoyed" it. At that time, as long as you stood 30 kilometers away, you could hear it (at that time, my ears were almost deaf, and I also besieged him)!

"I warn you, don't bully * * again in the future, have you heard me?" Look, Wu * * in our class is warning the boy Deng * *!

Although the girls in our class are barbaric, their academic performance is much better than that of the boys! (Don't tell them anything I said above!)

Unique is your clothes. Fun is your pants. Personality is yours. Pillars are shoes.

Sitting in the middle school entrance examination room, I breathed the tense breath, which closed my heart lightly.

Dust laden memories come to my mind like a tide. When I think of our class, I giggle. Personality is our pillar.

XX Notice

Students, a mobilization meeting will be held at the gym at 5:00 this afternoon. Please line up with your own benches to enter. No absenteeism is allowed.

Miss Xu

X month X day

These notices are often hung on the blackboard because we, Mr. Xu, are literati who like to use pen instead of mouth, and also let us practice our pen talents. But after the conference, Mr. Xu communicated with the headmaster and came back with a piece of paper:

XX Notice

After my communication with the headmaster, I found that our class still had some shortcomings. I hope the students can express their opinions and hang their opinions on the back blackboard.

The students were so excited that they poured out their sufferings. At the same time, they began to reflect on their own problems in life and learning.


1. The class is noisy after class, so they can't face the high school entrance exam with peace of mind.

2. I didn't do my homework carefully and carelessly, so I need to correct my shortcomings and omissions.

3. Review without planning. Make a reasonable review plan and be in order.

4. The spirit is often not inspiring, and we should unite to overcome the high school entrance exam.


X month X day

Look, our class is a literature class. Writing takes the place of speaking. We can't find the same personality as our class in China. This is the symbol of our class. Don't underestimate it. It makes our class's composition level greatly improved. Other classes envy it and people admire it!

The vigorous messenger, the ostrich helped me. The blackboard is full of happiness of our class, and the teacher's advice from the flying wooden horse. These memories are carried to connect your expectations and the personality of our class. Clothes+pants+shoes=personality. Do you envy the personality of our class?

[Comment] It is difficult to write "our class's personality" brilliantly. However, the little writer closely follows the class personality - writing instead of writing, which fills the story and interest of the article, and can catch the readers' eyes at once. Although the words are like water, like tea, without rich colorful colors, they are truly refined, so that the class of personality has left a deep impression on the hearts of the readers. As the general outline of the full text, the title has a clever reference at the end of the text. But it is just the inscription, which has little connection with the article, and is suspected of being divorced from the theme of the article.

Composition Personality (11)

Class personality composition

The bell rings ", class is over. The students quickly returned to the classroom, took out their math books, sat upright, and waited quietly for the teacher to come to class.

The teacher walked quickly to the front of the platform with light steps, put down the book gently, and said in a sweet and euphemistic voice: "In this class, we will learn symmetrical figures! Please open the books!" The teacher asked kindly: "Who knows what symmetrical figures are?" The students immediately "brushed" their hands up, and I was no exception, half squatting, half standing, and raised their hands high. The teacher scanned the classroom once and said slowly, "Hmm... Zhou Yongxin, you answer." I stood up with a "Teng" sound, looked at the math book, raised my head and said loudly, "Symmetrical figures are patterns on both sides, and the size is equal!" The teacher nodded with satisfaction and asked kindly, "OK! Sit down! What words are equal on both sides?" The students scrambled to raise their hands, all eager to try, staring at the teacher, as if shouting: "I'm coming! Teacher, I'll answer!" The teacher pointed to Huang Yaqing, and said softly: "You answer." Huang Yaqing immediately stood up and confidently said: "Many words such as' Wang ',' Tian ',' Sun ',' Quan 'are symmetrical." The teacher gave a thumbs up and praised: "Hmm! Not bad! Not bad!" Then (turned around) drew many patterns on the blackboard, let's judge which is a symmetrical figure. (The language is simple and unadorned, but there is no lack of vividness. The specific description of actions and expressions serves as a foil to the classroom atmosphere and truly represents the classroom scenes.)

After staring at the pattern closely for a while, the students enthusiastically raised their hands. The teacher smiled and said, "Chen Yan, Li Fangfang and Tu Jianqiang, come out and do it!" The three of them went to the platform with confidence and quickly wrote the answers one by one. The teacher looked at it and smiled brightly: "Good! All right! It seems that you all know what symmetrical figures are and have mastered this kind of knowledge. The following is the time for you to communicate and study with each other!", Ask if you don't understand. (The description of classroom conditions in different periods is vivid and vivid.)

"Ringing bell", a lively math class passed hurriedly with the bell. The teacher has gone out of the classroom, but the students are still interested in talking about the math lesson just now

Although we are a newly formed class, we will certainly be a group that loves the school, is united and diligent, has a strong style of study, and is full of vitality. We will maintain our warm home with family and friendship, influence everyone with tolerance, and form a team spirit of unity, cooperation, hard work and progress under the inspiration of the class style. This spirit will encourage us to move forward and form a strong class cohesion. How many times have we bathed in the morning light and walked through the sunset? We have gone from innocent childhood to young and energetic youth. Maybe we are young and full of vitality, maybe we are still young, but we are brave to challenge difficulties. Learning is not a 100 meter dash on a whim, but a marathon to measure our determination and perseverance. The strong style of study makes the students in our class like a roc spreading its wings, flying higher and higher. We firmly believe that this group will be full of harmonious atmosphere, not embarrassed by strangers, not lonely due to maladjustment, not irritable due to intense learning, and not alienated from each other due to estrangement. With the passage of time, we will gradually grow with our class under the leadership of the head teacher, and gain more knowledge and friendship.

Composition Personality (12)

Personality youth

Under the romantic camphor tree, a group of ignorant children gradually grow up, until finally one day, the children grow taller, you will find that, yes, the air is full of youth.

We laughed and walked. Hand in hand, shoulder by shoulder, with the experience of cooperation with youth, sacrifice the altar with life. We laughed and walked. See the snow melt, see the winter go and spring come, see the colors of the season being splashed into a colorful picture by us. We cried and made troubles. On the way to the sun, we also had resentment and hatred, just gently wipe away the tears, and will eventually re bloom the smile in March.

We cried and made troubles. The rain beats on the eaves of plantain trees and hearts, watching the wind blowing the rain dance, listening to the rain playing on the drum face. I heard the call of life faintly, so I rearranged my luggage and embarked on the journey of going away.

Our eyes are very dark and bright, emitting dazzling light. Our hair is very dark and long. Excellent composition writers are beating the flame of youth. Our footprints are very small and deep, and our stories are many and long

Our youth is not very long, and it is not very long. "The green bird will not leave a trace, but I have already flown" We will not forget the watch under the camphor tree, the throb of youth in the campus playground, the youth will not forget, and the camphor tree will not forget.

I use colorful lines to connect the seven colors of youth. The days we have gone through are full of individuality and publicity.

Composition Personality (13)

Make your personality known

In life, personality publicity is not easily recognized and accepted by most people. Many people prefer to follow the old law of "silence is golden" rather than publicize their personality in public. The reason is simple. They are afraid of being laughed at by others, losing face and lacking confidence. Others say that it is a sign of modesty not to publicize oneself, but excessive modesty is another kind of hypocrisy.

In class, we often see such a scene: when the teacher asks questions, the students "shua" and all bow their heads. The students who are called by the teacher to answer the questions are accurate, but their tone is barely shy. They are afraid of being laughed at by their classmates if they answer the wrong questions, and they have no courage to publicize their personality.

The soil full of flowers in May exudes intoxicating fragrance, which is a publicity; The brook flowing under the ice rock runs stubbornly, passes through the rocky valley and boundless grassland, and converges into the huge waves in the river, which is also a publicity; Midnight is full of stars in the sky, and there is no fear of the desolation of the night. There is bright or dim light shining in Hehan, which is also a publicity. Publicity is strength, sincerity, spirit and courage. Publicizing your personality will help to fully display your self-worth, make your heart more open and open.

But publicity should be accompanied by concealment. Only in the right phoneme can strings play beautiful melodies, and only in the right environment can seeds sprout vitality. At the right time, you can make yourself known and relax in a moderate way, and you will get unprecedented confidence and courage, and also get sincere resonance. Let your heart enter a proud and happy world.

Make your personality known

Everyone has his own unique personality. Only by making his personality known can he deduce a different life; Only by publicizing personality can we get endless happiness; Only by publicizing personality can we achieve great success. This is the strength and publicity of personality.

Publicizing personality is Tao Yuanming's spirit of "not giving up for five measures of rice".

Tao Yuanming is indifferent to fame and official integrity. He is unwilling to join forces with corrupt forces and lives a reclusive life. Tao Yuanming, who has passed "40 years old", was persuaded by his friends to serve as the county magistrate of Pengze again. Shortly after his arrival, he met the governor of Xunyang County who sent mail to check his official duties. Liu Yun was famous for his ferocity and greed. The county magistrate said, "Let's welcome him with a belt." Tao Yuanming sighed, "How can I bow down to the children in the countryside for five buckets of rice?" Then he hung his hat and left, resigned and returned home. Since then, while studying for literature, he has devoted himself to farming, which is Tao Yuanming's strong personality of not fearing and bowing to the powerful.

Publicity of personality is Li Bai's arrogant and unruly attitude of "Anneng beats the brows and bows the waist to deal with the powerful".

Among the ancient Chinese poets, Li Bai is a man of backbone. Although he ardently yearns for fame, he also has his own principle, that is, he must maintain his independent personality and dignity; Otherwise, he would rather give up than accept the "food in distress". He was born with a lofty character. He would never grovel before others, but would "meet princes" on a par with princes and dignitaries. So during the period of worshipping the Imperial Academy, he dared to ask Gao Lishi to take off his boots and let Princess Yang study ink; He even "claimed that his ministers were immortals in wine, and the emperor could not get on board". When he was excluded by the dignitaries, he angrily declared that "Pine and cypress are alone, and it's hard for me to be happy". "Anneng broke down his eyebrows and stooped to deal with the dignitaries, making me unhappy?" This is Li Bai's strong personality of never giving in.

Publicizing individuality is Madame Curie's detachment of "honor is like a toy".

Madame Curie is famous all over the world, but she seeks fame rather than profit. She won numerous awards in her life, but she didn't care. She could have enjoyed any grand prize or any honor, but she regarded fame and wealth as dirt. She donated the prize money to scientific research and France in the war, and gave those medals to her 6-year-old daughter as toys. One day, one of her friends Einstein came to her house to visit her. Suddenly, he saw her little daughter playing with the gold medal just awarded to her by the British Royal Society. He was surprised and said, "Madam, it's a great honor to get a medal from the British Royal Society. How can you play for your child?" Madame Curie smiled and said, "I want the child to know from an early age that honor is just like a toy, which can only be played with. You can never pay too much attention to it, otherwise you will achieve nothing." This is Madame Curie's strong personality of being indifferent to fame and wealth.

The power of personality is endless. It can be used to publicize personality or gain success, or to publicize personality or suffer failure. However, publicizing personality is not to do whatever you want, but also to restrain.

Personality runs through a person's life, affects his life, and also determines his destiny. Publicizing personality will leave a regretless interpretation and brilliant stars in life.

Make your personality known

Since ancient times, there have been too many people, but they have their own characteristics, and they publicize their personality.

Ordinary people

Without the care of flowers and applause, and without the entanglement of disease and pain, the life of ordinary people is so calm.

Perhaps a life without pride is a deficiency, and a life without poetry is a defect, but ordinary people are not depressed because of it. Don't you see that the gardener on the three feet platform preaches, teaches and dispels doubts day after day; Don't you see that the sentinels in the vast desert stick to defend the country year after year; Don't you see that the pilots in the blue sea and sky are tirelessly practicing to strengthen our national defense.

Ordinary people have a gentle attitude, indifferent to the wind and rain, smiling at life, can not be mad because of happiness, not sad because of disaster.

Ordinary people show their individuality.

One hundred years of loneliness

When the earth was tightly wrapped by the dead night, a lonely meteor passed by, and the fire burned through half of the sky, attracting the sunshine several meters after a hundred years.

Bruno chose personality, which means he chose to rebel against society. He turned all the enthusiasm in life into a few meters of sunshine, which pierced the black hole of the church relentlessly and resolutely, and showed the darkness and ugliness with light. He is alone but fearless, surrounded by loneliness but willing to be swallowed. But dark clouds cannot hide the sun, yes, they cannot! The fall of popularity indicates the coming of the dawn. A hundred years of solitude has fulfilled the truth since ancient times and the publicity of personality.

Eternal Poet

Perhaps the misty rain of Tang Dynasty moistened his heart, perhaps An Shi's iron hooves hurt his mind, or perhaps the sharp edge of life tempered her personality. The gloomy and vigorous writing style can not cover up his personality, and the turbulent life can not destroy his feelings of worrying about the country and the people. Du Fu perfectly interprets the combination of personality publicity and social needs with his poems that have been famous for centuries, his emotions that have gone through vicissitudes of life, and his melancholy and heavy style.

Du Fu's personality is a heavy cumulonimbus, and his value lies in nourishing everything. Combined with the needs of the society, Du Fu's personality is known for centuries.

Composition Personality (14)

The so-called "no rules, no radius". This circle reminds me of following rules, being stable and being standard. Some people think that this is rigid. Because they prefer the latter circle, they think that this is the publicity of personality.

What is the publicity of personality? Jay Chou's hand dancing nunchaku singing "Hum, ha, xi" is a kind of personality; It is a kind of personality for women to stand and play erhu in Twelve Orchestras; Van Gogh's Sunflower is another kind of personality... In fact, personality is to show your own style, talent and opinions... We should admit that personality is conducive to personal development and social progress. However, nowadays, some people blindly imitate others and pursue the so-called "fashion"; In my opinion, a "cool" expression and a "dazzled" posture are not the publicity of personality, but a superficial show. Just imagine, when walking on the street, everyone has a small beard like Jay Chou, wears sunglasses, and puts on a face of "personality", then we must be monotonous, dull and colorless around us, which will return to the "round" circle, reaching a common character. If you blindly imitate others, you will lose some of your own true self style. In fact, the social stage is colorful. Why go to the bottom to argue about the flower heads in the Red Chamber? Isn't it because of the dignity of Baochai, the elegance of Daiyu, the openness of Xiangyun, the loftiness of Miaoyu, the fierceness of Xifeng, the beauty of Qingwen, the intelligence of Zijuan, and the delicacy of Pinger that the Grand View Garden can become famous, and the Dream of Red Mansions can become brilliant? Isn't it because there are so many people with different personalities that this diversified and rich social stage is formed? Therefore, the "personality publicity" we advocate must be aimed at the inner and potential of the self. Only by sincerely and honestly showing ourselves and publicizing personality can we become a dazzling star and rise on the stage of life like the second picture.

However, it is not enough to advocate "individuality publicity". The publicity of personality must be restricted by the morality and law of "roundness". Just like the high school rule that we girls can't wear long hair, this is actually a suppression of personality. But just imagine that there are red hair, blond hair, and even green hair with different hairstyles. What kind of campus is that. The reason why the school stops it is that such "personality publicity" is not in line with "the personality of high school students". Therefore, personality must also conform to the specific era and background, which will be limited by the rule of "round". Of course, the restriction of "circle" should also be reasonable, giving "humanity"; The regulations on "circle" should also be adjusted according to the changes of the times and the surrounding environment. Only in this way can the publicity of personality be understood and supported. Only in this way can the social stage shine, be colorful, and the rising stars can shine with the sun and the moon!

The wind sweeps through the water, leaving ripples; The sun, through the clouds, leaves a trace of warmth; Years pass through the woods, leaving rings of growth... So friends, what should we leave behind when we walk on the stage of the times? We should leave behind the pride of youth and the footprints of seeking dreams; We should stay true to our own style and personality, and we should stay unrepentant interpretation and star brilliance!

Composition Personality (15)

Whether in school or in society, we are all familiar with composition. Writing composition can exercise our habit of being alone, calm our mind, and think about our future direction. There are many considerations for composition. Are you sure you can write? The following is a carefully organized personal composition of life, welcome to read and collect.

Li Bai walked through the poems on the page, and half of the Tang Dynasty was in full bloom. Immortal pride, charming and elegant; Zhuge Liang planned strategies in the account of the Chinese army, paid three visits, and was loyal. keep loyal and devoted to the last; Lord Yue Wuhou looked up to the sky and screamed, "Wait for the beginning, pick up the old mountains and rivers, and face the sky". Brave words are powerful. The spirit of the Chinese nation for five thousand years is probably composed of these detached lives. The life of these personalities has been changed through history. It is bright and dazzling, and has been sung by later generations

The life of individuality lies in detached thoughts. Ruan Ji is rampant, crying in despair, detached from etiquette and law, and disdains official career. Isn't this a kind of wisdom that transcends the times? After Ruan Ji's mother died, Ji Kang played the piano and came to see Ruan Ji's mother off under the strange eyes of others. Isn't that an idea that transcends the times? Zhuge Liang, in the turbulent times of treachery, ploughed the land, walked in the fields and performed the world's potential, and lived in Longzhong for a long time while waiting for three times. Isn't this a great structure that transcends the secular world? Detached thoughts are like the eyes of life. Thought determines the personality of life. If a person's mind can not escape the shackles of the times, it is doomed to be "devoid of all people"; On the contrary, thinking is beyond the times. Although there are many people who have different views, don't care about them. They are looking at your personality.

The life of personality still lies in an optimistic attitude. Su Zi was demoted and went boating on the Red Cliff, leaving behind such ancient famous lines as "the mountains are high and the moon is small, and the water is clear", "the breeze is slow, and the waves are not rising". Isn't this an optimistic attitude towards life? Du Fu was relegated to the Eastern Mountains, leaving the heroic words of "I will be the top of the mountain and see the small mountains"; Isn't this an optimistic attitude towards life? Although Beihai is on credit, it can be accepted by Fuyao. During the Suwu Battle Festival, it has been herding sheep for 13 years. Isn't this an optimistic attitude? Optimism is like the wings of life. Optimism or not determines whether you can grow up in setbacks, laugh at life in setbacks, and live a life of personality in the world. Optimistic people can be remembered in the history of heroes, and can grasp the sun and the moon in the wind.

Having an optimistic attitude and detached thoughts is like having two wings at the same time to achieve life takeoff; It is like having sunshine and rain at the same time, blooming wonderful life.

Composition Personality (16)

In the ordinary and light daily life, many people have had the experience of writing compositions. They are no strangers to compositions. With the help of compositions, people can achieve the purpose of cultural exchange. I believe many friends are very upset about writing compositions. The following is a guide to writing personal compositions that I collected for you. I hope it can help you.

From the beginning of writing in primary school, we first wrote narratives. Until junior high school, we continued to write narratives. Narratives can be divided into two categories: people writing and narration. How can we write characters more vividly? Here, we will introduce a method that can make the article alive - detailed description.

We know that the vitality of narrative lies in the description of details. What many students lack in their compositions is not the ability to write something completely, but the ability to capture and describe details. This makes the article dull and inflexible without any appeal.

1、 What is detailed description

Detail description refers to the vivid and detailed description of the subtle and specific typical plot in life, which is specifically permeated in the description of characters, scenery or scenes. For example, we can trace every move of the person, the specific link of the development of things, and the small objects in the environment. It is the most vivid and expressive technique. It often tells the truth, goodness, beauty, falsehood, ugliness and evil of the characters in a wonderful way, so that readers can appreciate and evaluate them. The position of detail description in the article description seems to be idle or superfluous. It is irrelevant and dispensable; However, they are all carefully set and arranged by the author and cannot be replaced at will. An article, with the proper use of detailed description, can set off the environmental atmosphere, portray the character and reveal the theme.

The main function of character detail description is to portray the character and shape the character image. Each vivid detail is like a cell in the human body. Without it, people will lose their lives; If the article is short of details, the characters will lose their flesh and blood and look.

2、 Types of character detail description

1. Description of dress details. For example:

(1) Although they are wearing long clothes, they are dirty and torn. It seems that they have not been mended or washed for more than ten years. (Kong Yiji by Lu Xun)

(2) Mr. Fujino, it is said that his clothes are too musty, and sometimes he forgets to wear a bow tie; Their words are probably true. I saw him go to the classroom once without a bow tie. (Lu Xun, Mr. Fujino)

The above sentence (1) describes that the long gown is dirty and torn, and has not been washed or mended for a long time. It not only shows that Kong Yiji is poor and has only one long gown, but also shows that he is lazy and refuses to even wash or mend clothes. He refused to take off such a long gown for fear of losing his status as a scholar. The detailed description of this dress reveals Kong Yiji's characteristics of laziness and face saving, and deeply reveals Kong Yiji's social status, ideological character and education. Sentence (2) refers to the story of Mr. Fujino told by the students who stayed at the same grade. On the one hand, it shows Mr. Fujino's simple life, on the other hand, it shows his easy-going, informal, careless and careless character.

2. Verbal details. For example:

(1) Mother also often said that as long as this kind Yu Le came back, our situation would be different. He is really a man of ideas. (Maupassant's My Uncle Hule)

(2) Then the mother said unhappily: I'm afraid of hurting my stomach. You can only buy some for the children. Don't eat too much. If you eat too much, you will get sick. Then he turned to me and said: As for Joseph, he doesn't need to eat this kind of food. Don't spoil boys. (Maupassant's My Uncle Hule)

The above sentence (1) shows that Philip and his wife have heard that Yu Le has made a fortune outside, and they have changed their views on him because of his economic status. They place their hope to change the family's financial situation on him and hope that he can return as soon as possible every day. It fully shows the selfishness, greed, vulgarity, coldness and mercenary characteristics of the Phillips. Sentence (2) is a grandiose expression of mother: in front of the two girls and their son-in-law, they seem to cherish themselves and care about others; To love children and pay attention to education is to take into account face and save money. The hypocrisy and stinginess are exposed.

3. Description of action details. For example:

(1) Confused, Kong Yiji stretched out his fingers to cover the dish, bent down and said, "Not much, I'm not much anymore.". (Kong Yiji by Lu Xun)

(2) He didn't answer, so he gave out nine pennies. (Kong Yiji by Lu Xun)

In the two sentences (1) and (2) above, the verb "cover" accurately describes Kong Yiji's forced and helpless' action when he gave each child one of his few fennel beans and the children refused to leave after eating the fennel beans, which shows his kindness. Pai's movements vividly revealed Kong Yiji's pedantic character, which was extremely poor but still wanted to show off.

4. Description of psychological details. For example:

They won't force these pigeons to sing in German! (Dude's Last Lesson)

When little Franz heard the pigeons cooing on the roof of the school, he showed his deep feelings of contempt, hatred and cherishing the language of his motherland for the despicable act of the enemy's banning French teaching.

5. Description of demeanor details. For example:

They then went on to say, how can you not even get half a scholar? Kong Yiji immediately appeared depressed and uneasy, and his face was covered with gray.

Kong Yiji was deeply aware of the secret pain of the failure of the imperial examination. Unfortunately, the secret pain was poked by others, and his poor self-esteem was falling. The expression description here vividly and delicately depicts the spasm and struggle of his heart when the secret pain was poked.

3、 Several issues to be noted when writing details:

1. Select typical details.

The more detailed description in the article, the better. The detailed description should be able to grasp the typical details, and should choose something that is representative, general and can reflect the profound theme. Only in this way can it be more extensive and help to highlight the center of the article, thus leaving a deeper impression on people. For example, Lu Xun wrote several times in Blessing that the Fourth Master of Lu frowned. This subtle change in facial expression deeply exposed the reactionary position and ugly soul of feudal gentlemen who hated widows and maintained the old ethics.

2. Observe things carefully.

To make the description vivid, in the process of observing things, we should mobilize our various senses to make very careful observation of things. Everyone has different personality characteristics, so everyone speaks and works in different ways to reflect their own personality. What we should do is to observe carefully, and then accumulate it as writing material. The way to write people is like this. When detailed description is used to describe scenery and objects, it is necessary to grasp the characteristics and changes of scenery.

3. The detail description should obey the needs of the performance center, and strive to make the details have profound significance.

Detail description is a way of seeing the big from the small. Although the weight of details is light, the capacity is large. When we choose details, we should start from the details, focus on the big picture, and see the big picture in the small, so that the small details can reflect people's ideological situation and social style.

4. The description of details must be typical and true.

The so-called truth means that the detailed description can accurately and vividly reflect the characteristics of personnel in real life. The so-called typical refers to the details described, which are widely representative and can reflect the general and the whole through individual and small things, and reveal the essence from the phenomenon. For example, Zhu Ziqing's description of his father's struggling appearance and action when climbing the platform in "Back" highlights his father's selfless love for me, which makes every reader moved. His success lies in his careful observation and accurate expression of his father's actions.

5. Refine words carefully. In the description of details, we should choose the appropriate words, in order to win more with less, and even a word vivid.

6. Use rhetoric skillfully. The use of figures of speech such as metaphor, personification and exaggeration can enhance the vividness of language, change abstract into concrete, and make invisible into tangible.

7. Use punctuation:

Lu Xun's novel "Hometown" created a typical image of a simple farmer who was deeply exploited and oppressed - Runtu. In the language description of Runtu, the novel skillfully uses punctuation marks to show the changes of Runtu in the past 20 years. There are six sentences in total, among which there are nine ellipses. Two things that impress people are as follows: (1) When I met him, Runtu was respectful and said: 'Lord!' (2) When I asked him about his situation, he just shook his head and said, 'It's very difficult. The sixth child can also help, but he always needs money everywhere without enough food and peace, and the harvest is bad without rules'. The first sentence is about the changes of the leap soil, saying "Master"! It has destroyed their simple friendship in the past, and there is a sad thick barrier between their emotional exchanges. An ellipsis is a true and delicate expression of the contradiction between the land and the land, the painful psychology and the deplorable and sad changes. The second sentence clearly describes the social root of the change of Runtu's character. The ellipsis shows that his voice is low and intermittent, and he has a hard time. It was the famine, high taxes, soldiers, bandits, officials, and gentry that tortured him into a puppet, leading him to the abyss of numbness and dullness. In this ellipsis, soaked in the blood and tears of Runtu, it contains countless sorrows of life.

In a word, although the details are small, its role should not be underestimated. A good description of details can make the characters distinctive and vivid, and enhance the authenticity, vividness and appeal of the content. The detail description is a point in the scene, without which the scene cannot be formed; It is also a bead in the plot. Without it, the plot will not be coherent.

Composition Personality (17)

The so-called "personality" can be seen literally: personality is your unique personality! However. It is such a well-known problem, but some people think it is so complicated.

First, let's talk about Jay Chou, the little king of popularity. This is a representative of personality! Not to mention countless boys and girls, even old ladies have to catch up with the fashion of JAY. I met one the other day.

"Oh, old lady Liu, do you think I am really old? I have lived for most of my life. For the first time, I heard that there is such a thing as a double stick. That day, my little grandson came back with two rolling pins, and the dance chattered from there. The two rolling pins were shaking around in front of his head and behind his head. Seeing that they were going to fight each other, I quickly shouted, 'Grandson, you take two rolling pins to roll noodles Why are you beating yourself with the staff? ' He almost worried with me and said, 'What? It's called a double stick, something of our new human being '. I almost laughed. It turns out that the two broken rolling pins are called double sticks. Now children can really invent it. By the way, it's the classmate Zhou whom my grandson often mentioned. Thanks to him! " When I heard this, I almost fell down. Wow, what's the age? Even the double stick can be heard for the first time. It's too lonely to ask! Besides, the double stick was not invented by Zhou Dong! I feel dizzy

Hey hey, a little joke, please don't blame JAY fans! Of course, JAY himself can say without scruple: "Every move of mine can become a new generation of POSE!" Who would say that is not true? With a flick of the thumb and a movement of the mouth, the head of the Great Wall overwhelms the tail of the Great Wall (a bit exaggerated), which is really "one finger is worth a thousand pounds"! Unfortunately, JAY's personality has attracted countless imitators: a cap with a flat tongue, a single eyelid, and a mustache that has not grown for several days. They dare to go to the street and sing "hair like snow" when they walk in tune, forgetting words, and can't pronounce words clearly, like being caught on the tongue by a mouse trap. However, let's not mention that the rate of return is very high, but it's either a mocker or an angry person. It's not good. It's not good. Ah, murder! Hundreds of millions of people with sticks chased the man and said:

"Whose son of a bitch is violating the traffic order? You don't have to look. Several taxis collided behind. You are the traffic accident victim. You can see where you are going..."

Alas, alas, another soldier died. But you are too. Even if there is a song called "Sing as you like", you can't come out to frighten people. Now, you are really "throwing bombs in the toilet? Arousing public anger"! As the saying goes, you should know yourself. This is not a strong argument! Pay attention to the image in the future. It will ruin the appearance!

More interesting is still behind! that day, Our neighbor's aunt complained to me: "I don't know what happened upstairs last night. It was the killing of pigs at home, or the child who failed the exam and was beaten. All night, I heard people howling, 'What platform do I open with my right hand and take out a knife? Ha ha ha ha...' I almost fell into the toilet. Alas, I'm so unlucky... "Alas, poor aunt, it's all imitation. It's not my real talent. I'm so embarrassed to take it out? It's amazing! Anger! It's too scary to imitate and frighten people under the blind pursuit! What should I do! Otherwise, how could it be worthy of being called New New Human!

Composition Personality (18)

Everyone has his or her own unique personality, and publicity of personality can lead to different lives. However, publicity of personality does not mean doing what he or she wants, which means that he or she does not understand the correct meaning of publicity of personality. Only by understanding self-discipline can success be achieved.

Asimov is a world-renowned science popularization scientist who has created 470 works in his life. In 1958, he resolutely said goodbye to the platform and laboratory. "Doing what I want to do is not necessarily the best thing." This is the reason why he gave up his professorship. Some people said Asimov "inflated himself like the Empire State Building in New York", but he just acted in his own way and "was not modest". In response, he said, "Unless someone can prove that what I said seems to be arrogant is not true, I will refuse to accept the so-called accusations of arrogance." In fact, Asimov is strictly prohibited in academic research, and is good at self-discipline in conduct. Publicity of personality and restraint of self are both reflected in Asimov, but is there an inevitable opposition between them?

Indeed, everyone's personality is different, that is, everyone's destiny and life are different, and they have different lives, which depends on people's attitude towards life. Maybe you don't know how to publicize your personality, but you know how to restrain yourself. As time goes by, you will easily find the boring side of life, but you actually give it all to yourself. Maybe you know the relationship between the two and can play well, but there is more or less pressure on you from the outside. There are always many helplessness in life. Like Asimov, how many people know that he wants to experience life in this way? You should know that, as a sail, it is necessary to go to the distant horizon to pursue your dreams, face all kinds of pressures and hardships, and be brave to accept challenges. Through some life experiences, you can develop a spirit and personality as strong as steel and as soft as water. In this process, we must publicize our own personality, stand on the bank of history and trace back to every person who has chosen eternity. They always made brilliant achievements in their short lives, so they will not regret for life. Their moment has become an immortal light. Make your personality known and do what you want to try. The road at your feet is always the shadow of the past and the present. We must not leave more regretful shadows in our short life. Life is not a digest. It will not accept insipidity. It only collects wonderful things. If we give up our goals and dreams just because we are too constrained, how sad and regrettable will it be? How high will we climb? What kind of dream can I be proud of? We have experienced a lot of ups and downs in order to disobey the fate of the arrangements and live a more exciting life. Make your personality known, don't let life always lead you, ignorant old people, where is the original persistent heart with dreams in the end?

Life is like a song. We should sing with vigour and show ourselves, but we should not forget to publicize our individuality and restrain ourselves, and the variety will not be reduced.

Discipline yourself. If personality is a glass, we can play with it to the fullest, but don't let it break. In fact, it doesn't matter if it breaks. The key is not to let it hurt your hand. Self restraint can be said to be cautious, and we should consider doing things again and again to avoid mistakes. Since we are all afraid of failure and don't want to experience too much pain, we should restrain ourselves even more. Mr. Lu Xun once said, "There is no way in the world, and more people will become the way. But don't forget that life is as easy and simple as opening a road? Maybe we will not pay much for our failure. But life is different. Maybe a failure will cost you a heavy price. Whether you can bear it or not, it will not pay any attention. But don't complain about the cruelty and injustice of life, because pain is your own carelessness. Yes, an carelessness may lead you to die in the abyss, and how confident are you that you will not fail? Therefore, if we want to try not to fail, we must learn to restrain ourselves and be careful.

Wandering thoughts cannot reach the other shore where the subtle fragrance floats in May. We must learn to restrain ourselves while publicizing our individuality, and we must not give up one or the other. Please don't "trample on yourself" and regard life as a broken iron. To be a smart person, you should learn to publicize your personality and restrain yourself.

Composition Personality (19)

The world is a kaleidoscope of colors, and the life it reflects is also colorful. Nevertheless, each of us should also live out our own personality and add our own beautiful color to our life.

For a long time, we have a "fine" tradition of "great unity". Our life habits are neat and uniform. We have "four books" and "five classics", we have "eight part essays", we have a uniform blue cloth Chinese tunic suit, and we have a national past. We have too many unified models.

Our ancestors lived in a variety of rules, what is that? That's a mountain! That is the mountain where people pay their blood and tears. Jiao Zhongqing has hung up the southeast branch, and Lu You can only sigh "a cup of sadness, several years of separation, wrong." Even the Taoist monk Fahai is going to do something to beat the mandarin ducks. They were forced by the "unity" in the secular world, and lost their "individuality". The later generation lives the life of the previous generation, repeating the life of the previous generation. "Personality" seems so pale and powerless in their life, and the same paleness!

Now let's look at the new era. How many young men and girls in the world are in their prime. They blindly imitate the hair style, makeup, and clothing of idol stars, and also proudly defend themselves: "This is called fashion, with personality, what do you know?" In fact, it is not true. Idol stars should be models for everyone to learn from, We should learn from their noble internal quality and successful experience, and should not blindly imitate the superficial appearance. Those who follow the trend blindly have misunderstood the true meaning of "personality", but they do not know that they have been far away from the true "personality", and have long lost their youth and personality to the bottom of the abyss!

When the warm wind blows, the land of China is full of strange things and life shows its true colors. Some people wear tattered jeans, some sing rock and roll, some take models and actors as their professions and no longer suffer criticism, and some become happy fat houses. People begin to live according to their own wishes, no longer need to consider others' criticism, and live out their own lives and become personalities, which has become the pursuit of many people. How beautiful! With colorful clothes, various hairstyles, detached rock music, strange neon lights, and strange ways of life and work, you will feel that life is very colorful and interesting. Life changes every day and is fresh every day. You will also sigh: life with full personality is really good! Worth it!

With personality, you will find that your life is wonderful and your potential is great; You will find that you are more and more attractive; You will find that personality is the sign of life. If you lose your personality, you will be as dull as boiled water in the eyes of others. If you lose your personality, you will be difficult to succeed in your career, because you have no special place or place beyond others. If you lose your personality, you can only live in the shadow of others, move forward without vitality, lose your true nature and lose yourself.

Society is rich and colorful because of personality, life is full of flavor because of personality, and life shows its true self style because of personality. We should live from our own personality and bright colors. Because that is the sign of life, with personality, we are ourselves!

Individuality cannot be lost.

Composition Personality (20)

Personality composition 1:

He is my Chinese teacher, neither tall nor low, nor fat nor thin. He is so ordinary. It is because of his personality that he becomes likable. I believe you will like him after hearing these stories. Our teacher is a fastidious person. Well, the bell rang for class. The teacher took the textbook to the podium and looked at the blackboard for a second: Who is on duty today! Well, the old man ran to the platform with a red face and got busy. The teacher pointed at the corners of the blackboard without letting a speck of dust go.

I have seen that he pays attention to talking about his humor.

It was an afternoon of autumn rain, and the teacher was giving us a lesson that seemed more important than national events, rather than ordinary. A late classmate shouted: Report. Interrupted our class, we talked about the destruction below, he ended, the teacher changed his anger this time. When the teacher saw us talking privately, he said that what interesting things were more interesting than class, and took me to play after class. The teacher said this, but it was nothing, but our whole class burst into laughter.

The teacher's humor can't hinder his preciseness.

Every time after school, the teacher would sit in his office and roll up our homework, and his pen would draw on our homework. Whenever we are all right, we will see a smiling face at the bottom of this page. Whenever we are wrong or a little bit wrong, the teacher will think about why we are wrong, and then let us correct it. When we correct it and hand it to the teacher, you will see a smiling face and a line of small characters. Next time, try your best

This is our teacher. I believe there are teachers like us around you.

Personality composition II:

Seeing that spring is approaching day by day, Grandpa Winter will take the cold handsome boy away, and Miss Spring will come soon. At this time, the teachers always ask us to praise spring, praise spring, but my spring girl really has some opinions.

This is a very unique girl. In fact, she has always been so special, but I didn't feel it when I was young. This year, I found that Miss Chun has several characteristics: bad temper. Love to cry, love to dress up.

First of all, let me explain why Miss Chun is so bad tempered. Spring girl, who has always been gentle and elegant, has just taken office. Maybe she has too many worries. She can't handle it, so she is very impatient. Sometimes she can't bear it, so she will roar a few times. This voice becomes deafening Chun Lei.

Just after the spring thunder that announced the arrival of Spring Girl, it began to rain. The raindrop as thin as a cow's hair is nothing else. It is a crystal tear drop of Spring Girl. Spring girl cried because she was unfamiliar and lost her way, but the tears woke up everything: grass raised her head, flowers showed their lovely smiling faces, insects and birds sang beautiful songs, but this also showed that Spring girl also loved to cry.

Spring girl, who finally found her home, is about to start her compulsory course: dressing. The spring girl without dress is already very beautiful, but the dress will add a bit more beauty: eyebrow pencil draws grass, grass becomes green and green; lipstick smears flowers, flowers become red and red,; When the powder cake is applied to the small tree, the ice and snow on the branches of the small tree melt and sprout; When the lip liner pen reaches the river, the river immediately trickles down, and the little fish scramble to jump up; When mascara is applied to the sky, the sky becomes bluer, attracting lively and clever swallow

By the way, I forgot to say that Miss Chun is the direct disciple of Monkey King! Monkey King will spread sleepiness, so will Spring Girl. In the dead of night, he began to spread sleepiness, so people fell asleep in the morning. Therefore, there are several more students who are late outside the classroom

This is the girl with personality, don't you think?

Personality composition 3:

Once upon a time, I knew the word personality, so I quietly wrote in my diary with a tender pen: Sometimes, I am as casual as a T-shirt on my body; Sometimes, I am as free and easy as a ponytail tied on my head. Although I have no sentimental temperament, strange imagination and passionate writing, I write my own voice, and I am real and full of personality.

Bathing in the morning breeze and smiling at the sunrise, I stepped into the threshold of high school, and a feeling of excitement and a bit of frustration grew. I went to high school, and I am no longer a child.

I am myself, an independent person. I don't want to be bound, but I will not indulge myself. I like watching the sunrise and sunset, which shows the reincarnation of all things; I love watching the dripping springs and waterfalls, which interpret the changes of the world; I love the wind, frost, rain and snow of the four seasons. From there, I get the enlightenment of life; I love the green trees and red flowers in nature. From there, I learned that I am also a member of decorating this magnificent world.

I love reading Xu Zhimo and Yu Qiuyu, but I prefer Sanmao, Zhang Ailing and Shu Ting; I love to be reborn with Guo Moruo going to Fenghuangnirvana, and I love to sigh with Cao Xueqin for the twelve beautiful women in Jinling, and I love to gallop in Mozart's music.

I am myself. I am not arrogant before honor, nor belittle myself when criticized; I can hold my head high in the cold eyes, and sing loudly when I fail. When happy, I shed a string of silver bell like laughter; When I am sad, I don't mean my tears. I admire the strength of plum blossom, I admire the pride of pine and cypress, I am passionate about the attachment of weeping willows, and I love the love of red beans.

I am me, I cry and I laugh, but I don't indulge; I forbear to let go, but I am not cowardly; I mourn and sigh, but I will not yield. I am naive in my maturity, simple in my complexity.

This is me, a girl with personality.

Personality composition 4:

I love dogs and all the dogs in the world, but my favorite is the dog with the most personality in my community.

The dog came about two months ago. When he first saw us, his hind legs kicked on the ground, and his front legs jumped at us, pulling the chain and barking at us. We were scared out of our wits, so we had to turn a big circle when entering and exiting the door. Now it's OK. When I get home from school, it wags its tail at me. But when it saw a stranger and a car, it used its stunt. Its front legs were off the ground, and its back legs were on the ground. It didn't stop barking until the stranger walked away from the car.

Although the dog was very polite to me, my mother also repeatedly stressed that I should not approach the dog. A few days ago, I saw him lying on the ground, listless. I asked my mother if the dog was ill? My mother said no, I was not sure. I didn't know it was not sick until I saw it saying hello to me after school one day. Maybe it wanted to rest!

This is the dog with full personality in our community. Do you like it?