This is also 600 words in class (19 popular articles)
Love rationally
2023-11-04 06:25:42
primary school

This is also 600 words in class (1)

Classrooms are everywhere in life. Where you go and where you go will be your new classroom. You will get a lot of enlightenment and learn many new things there.

Remember that time, I was bored at home, doing nothing. Suddenly, I found a small spider weaving a web in the corner, and I was attracted by her. This little spider is slowly spinning silk to catch prey. The little spider is very slow in weaving the web. It is weaving carefully bit by bit, and it is almost finished. Just when I was happy for it, a strong wind blew out of the window, which not only broke the web, but also dropped the spider heavily on the ground. I'm really sorry for the little spider, but I'm also worried about it. Is there any injury?

But the little spider bravely climbed up. It was not afraid of difficulties. It climbed up the corner again and continued to weave a web. This tenacious spirit of the little spider makes me admire it from the bottom of my heart. It weaves the web again, this time it is more tightly woven. It seems that the bad thing just now has turned into a bad thing. With the last lesson, I will be more careful this time. The tenacious belief of the little spider makes the web it weaves seem to have a heat energy, which makes the web more rigid and inflexible. Seeing that the net was about to change its previous attitude, suddenly an uninvited guest burst in. There was a fly. I thought to myself: You deserve it! But who knew that the fly was also very powerful. It rushed wildly and broke the net again.

Alas, I think the little spider will lose heart. But the little spider quickly climbed to the broken hole. I was stunned for a long time before I came back to my senses. In my heart, I secretly cheer for the little spider. Come on! After a while, the hole was repaired, and the spider checked other places, so he could finally rest. Then another unexpected guest came. This time it was firmly attached to the Internet, struggling for a long time, and did not move.

At this time, I can't help thinking of myself. I always like to do things halfway. I really should learn from this little spider. It gave me a wonderful lesson today.

"How can you see the rainbow without experiencing the wind and rain" is really true! This ordinary spider gave me a real lesson.

This is also 600 words in class (2)

A winter has passed, and grass grows in the yard unconsciously.

What inconspicuous grass! It's so rampant. I sneer and trample on them with my feet

"Please ask the property management department to cut them short tomorrow," Mom said. "Well," I said with disdain, "it's annoying and attracts mosquitoes."

The next day, we invited the property management workers to repair the grass, and the sound of the machine was very harsh.

"Damned grass, today is your end!" I stood at the door watching the grass being cut short, thinking in my heart. After a while, the grass was trimmed. When I came to the yard, the spring breeze gently brushed my face, and I smelled the fragrance of grass, I could not help but be moved!

I picked up a cleared grass on the ground. It is still so green, lying upright on my hand, with the crystal dew still vaguely visible, and the morning light shining on it, still so dazzling!

My heart trembled and was moved.

I could not help but get up and observe the grass that had been mocked and neglected by me. Although some grass is very small, its roots are very long. It firmly grasps the soil, as if nothing can shake it. Those few faint fragrant flowers, although not impressive, could not stop the demon burning in the morning light.

I thought of "the wild fire is endless, and the spring breeze is blowing again". "Think about it from another angle!" I awoke. Why do grass grow so fast and so high? Is it not because of their self-confidence, tenacity and desperate struggle?

It's ridiculous to think about yourself. I was lost because of setbacks, and I was lost because of lack of confidence. Until today, I finally admit that I don't have the unyielding, confident and strong character of Xiaocao. What reason do I have to scorn and ridicule them? Xiaocao will become an example for me to learn from, and self-confidence and tenacity will become the new coordinates of my life.

It is a good thing to get close to life and understand nature. When you taste the sweet and bitter inside, when you really start to understand something, you will understand: originally - this is also a classroom.

This is also 600 words in class (3)

This is also class 600 words (1)

This is also my naive belief 600 words ago that only by integrating the bright reading voice, the spacious classroom, the rapid bell ringing, and the book can we call it a classroom. But later I found out that I was wrong, because there are "classes" everywhere in life. Social morality is a special "classroom" in life. In recent years, a lot of crosstalks on the Spring Festival Gala just reflect the immoral behavior in our society. For example, Jiang Kun and four crosstalk actors talked about the crosstalk of fake experts at this Spring Festival Gala. It shows that some people in the society cheat those who do not know about it for the sake of reputation or money. Such a person is really pathetic. They don't understand anything but spend unnecessary money because of the deceit of these pseudo experts. Such a fake expert will be scolded, saying, "This person is a tutor!" "This person has a problem with his character!" and so on. Also, the crosstalk "Open Sesame" between Jia Ling and Bai Kainan this year also reflects social morality. The two people quarreled because they accidentally touched each other on the bus. Although this is a funny cross talk, it still shows some immoral behaviors in our society. As I often said before, when visiting foreign parks, the Chinese prompts on the slogans are even bigger than those in foreign languages. In addition, young people on the bus pretended to sleep when they saw that the old people were unwilling to give up their seats. The conductor shouted several times but no one offered his seat. The conductor had to call the roll, and the young man had to get up reluctantly. There was also a group of highly educated people who went to the interview. The interviewer came a little late, and all the people went to see the interview materials in the gap, but only one person did not. Although that person's education is not as high as those people, he was admitted. So these textbooks tell us that in order to revitalize China, we must establish such a classroom model from an early age, so that children can grow healthily under the influence of social morality. At present, the social competition is fierce, and people not only have technology but also have social morality to stand on the society. When I was young, I often watched children's channel. There will be some public service advertisements while waiting. There is an advertisement for an uncle who is running in the morning and gives help to those who are in trouble. The most impressive thing I remember is an old man riding a tricycle up the hillside road, but because the old man's strength was limited, he couldn't get on. Later, the uncle helped him push it. When he reached Pingpo, the uncle smiled at the old man and went on running in the morning. What a warm-hearted uncle. No extravagant rewards are needed. These are also classrooms, which are people's lifelong classrooms. If we want to make achievements in society, we must be polite, civilized and abide by social morality. We will gain a lot in this class.

This is also class 600 words (2)

This is also class 600 words (3)

This is also class 600 words (4)

This is also class 600 words (5)

This is also 600 words in class (6)

This is also 800 words in class

This is also a class

Yao Dingyi, Class 28, Junior One

The road of life is full of twists and turns, and the road ahead is not always smooth. Large or small setbacks always block your way and give you a heavy blow. Growing up stumbling, I didn't see a big blow on the way, but small setbacks are also common. But after all, they are insignificant. After a while, they will see a rainbow again. But only once, the frustration was like a heavy stone, which made me gasp for breath.

Maybe it's because the mildew that comes with setbacks is too thick. I lost my way in the maze full of thorns, and I was shadowed and depressed all day long.

All this was seen by my beloved grandfather. One day, with a long sigh, he sat down beside me and talked with me while drinking tea.

Child, can you talk to me so that I can share your pain?

——Grandpa's voice with a smile sounded in my ears, but I was indifferent. The room is dark, and the curtains are tightly pulled, just like my dark heart at this time. However, I felt as if a pair of eyes were looking at me, giving out the light of hope. I looked up and was meeting my grandfather's encouraging eyes.

The eyes gave me endless power. I opened my mouth subconsciously and told him in detail about my inner activities and feelings before and after the setback in a harsh voice. I suddenly said a lot of things

Grandfather listened carefully and said in a deep voice: Son, you should remember that no one's life can avoid the storm. In this case, you should face it squarely, pay attention to it, and be ready to meet it and face it. However, once you are hurt, don't get lost, just walk out firmly!

After listening, I seemed to see the light that seemed to exist or not, and the stars were twinkling in front of me. However - this flicker is just an instant. In the blink of an eye, the hope I tried to hold faded with the starlight and plunged back into boundless darkness.

Burying my head, I quietly replied: I can't walk out. The firm belief is high beyond my reach. Besides, what's the use of coming out?

Grandfather smiled, took a sip of tea, and answered with a clear voice: "You don't attach importance to it. You never want to go out. I have heard from your words that you have entered a misunderstanding. There is no one in the world who can't have faith, only people who don't believe that they have faith. Come out, you will grow up, and you will be more mature. For a person, frustration is like the cup of tea in my hand. " Waigong said while holding up his tea cup, "The taste is bitter. If you can bear it, you will gradually taste delicious".

I seemed to see the right way out of this maze. The rain that had been falling in my heart stopped, but it was still cloudy.

When he told Grandpa how he felt, he smiled knowingly. "Very simple." He went to the window and opened the curtains. A dazzling sunlight penetrates into my heart. I smiled and looked up. The exit was right ahead.

Listening to you is better than reading for ten years. This is also a special lesson. In this class, Grandpa is a teacher, teaching me the principles of life!

This is also a class of 600 words (7)

At the end of the preparation period: the seventh grade Chinese special training -- composition

[Training Objectives]

1. Fully recognize the close relationship between language and life.

2. Cultivate the interest and hobby of learning Chinese outside class, and form a good habit of learning Chinese everywhere in life.

3. Learn to collect and use the fresh language in life.

4. Recognize that "the extension of life is equal to the extension of language". [Requirements of the text]

1. Observe life from multiple perspectives and follow the traces of Chinese in a colorful world.

2. In the big stage of the society, Chinese is everywhere, expressing the unique feelings of individuals.

3. Learn to collect, select and use materials.


Topic 1: I am learning Chinese

Tip 1: Complete the topic, such as "in the newspaper", "in the game", "in the computer", "in foreign language class", etc. Tip 2: Chinese is everywhere and everywhere. You must have many experience of learning Chinese in your daily life except in Chinese class Tip 3: The key word of this composition question is "learned", It is necessary to write clearly that I have learned Chinese knowledge in non Chinese classes and cultivated the ability of Chinese

Tip 1: The key to writing a good composition is to examine the question well. We can grasp the main points of writing by grasping the key words. Tip 2 of "Chinese is everywhere in life": from the perspective of expression, the author should handle the relationship between narration, discussion and lyricism, and tip 3 of writing the part of "Chinese is everywhere in life": writing such topics well also requires the author to have rich accumulation of Chinese knowledge. For example, from TV dramas, movies, storytelling, sketches

[Relevant data]

1. Learning Chinese well is the foundation of learning everything well. (Lu Shuxiang)

2. To be my graduate student, I suggest that only Chinese and mathematics should be taken, and Chinese should be taken first. If you fail in Chinese, you can't do well in math

3. The extension of Chinese is equal to that of life. (Watt)

[Excellent examples]

I learned Chinese from computer games

Zhang Xiangyu

Chinese permeates into our life in an all-round way, and there are more ways to learn Chinese. Just as we have just accepted the teachings of Confucius on the dramatic game with a large amount of words, my biggest benefit is to know many words. And I also remember that when playing the Three Kingdoms Annals, there was an instruction in the military and political affairs called "conscription", which was really difficult for us. Then the senior classics are compulsory for middle school students, but they are not comic books or comic books. It seems that classical Chinese is still very powerful. I have benefited most from various role-playing games with the background of ancient China. In the game, I can understand the historical time in those years. In short, despite people's criticism of computer games, saying that they are harmful but not beneficial, I still believe that they really bring me closer to the language

This is also a class of 600 words (4)

A winter has passed, and grass grows in the yard unconsciously.

What inconspicuous grass! It's so rampant! I sneer.

"Please ask the property management department to cut them short tomorrow," Mom said. "Well," I said with disdain, "it's annoying and attracts mosquitoes."

The next day, we invited the property management workers to repair the grass, and the sound of the machine was very harsh.

"Damned grass, today is your end!" I stood at the door watching the grass being cut short, thinking in my heart. After a while, the grass was trimmed. When I came to the yard, the spring breeze gently brushed my face, and I smelled the fragrance of grass, I could not help but be moved!

I picked up a cleared grass on the ground. It is still so green, lying upright on my hand, with the crystal dew still vaguely visible, and the morning light shining on it, still so dazzling!

My heart trembled and was moved.

I could not help but get up and observe the grass that had been mocked and neglected by me. Although some grass is very small, its roots are very long. It firmly grasps the soil, as if nothing can shake it. Those few faint fragrant flowers, although not impressive, could not stop the demon burning in the morning light.

I thought of "the wild fire is endless, and the spring breeze is blowing again". "Think about it from another angle!" I awoke. Why do grass grow so fast and so high? Is it not because of their self-confidence, tenacity and desperate struggle?

It's ridiculous to think about yourself. I was lost because of setbacks, and I was lost because of lack of confidence. Until today, I finally admit that I don't have the unyielding, confident and strong character of Xiaocao. What reason do I have to scorn and ridicule them? Xiaocao will become an example for me to learn from, and self-confidence and tenacity will become the new coordinates of my life.

It is a good thing to get close to life and understand nature. When you taste the ups and downs, when you really start to understand something, you will understand that this is also a classroom.

This is also 600 words in class (5)

How many years are recorded in the thin growth rings? How many talents have gathered from the flowing water? In this vast world, it seems that knowledge is never absent from life, only waiting for us to carefully taste and slowly find

Blue stone, gentle wind blowing, setting sun, haunting the earth.

Go out of the house and walk on the bluestone bricks to disperse the sadness in your heart. Have you ever remembered, have you ever remembered, how many worries are there in the class of complex characters? Looking at the scroll again, the scroll is covered with sorrow. Classroom, though rich in knowledge, is boring. It's better to walk alone on the stone platform and breathe some fragrant fragrance.

I was walking gently on the path when a delicate twig and vine suddenly came into sight - the vine on the bamboo stand had already formed a melon. I was happy and walked forward quickly, trying to feel the vitality.

Suddenly, my footsteps suddenly stopped and my eyes stared at a melon and fruit on the bamboo frame and vine. The exposed part of the vine is smooth and plump, and the tender green skin emits an attractive fragrance. However, above it, the vines tightly hooked it, and the ferocious dent seemed to announce its pain. I can't bear it.

I stood in front of the melon rack, gently pushed the bamboo curtain with my hand, grabbed the cucumber with one hand, and pulled away the vines with the other hand, suddenly pulling them apart. At once, a green melon took off the hateful bondage.

I was happy for it in my heart, but when I was ready to release the shackles for the second fruit, a thump came into my ears.

When I looked back, I was surprised to find that the melon had fallen on the ground. I picked it up and felt its cold skin. I looked up and saw that it was the only stem that hung on it that could not bear the heavy load and broke.

I closed my eyes and saw the dents and strong vines. I opened my eyes and realized something.

It turned out that I had killed it. I put the melon on the melon rack and tasted it carefully. These dents are not ferocious, but a sign that the melon struggled when it grew up! Only when you are really squeezed and honed can you grow stronger! Only under the restraint of vines can we fight back and become more brave!

People, why not?

Nature! Thank you for giving me this lesson. Unexpectedly, say goodbye to wordiness, this is also a class!

This is also 600 words in class (6)

In life, there are countless teachers and classrooms, which may not be the classroom in school, but what you experience in life also gives you lifelong knowledge.

One day, my parents were not at home, and I was the only one at home. When I got up, I looked for food everywhere in the refrigerator. I touched my crying stomach and said, "This mother is really good. She won't leave me anything to eat after leaving," I complained. But I thought: I had to rely on my own hands to complain without filling my stomach. I picked up two raw eggs in the refrigerator and went to the kitchen. Once I got to the kitchen, I didn't know what to do. So I recalled the scene when my mother scrambled eggs: first, wash the pan, then slowly pour the oil in, beat the eggs, and slowly put them down. But despite my clear memory, I still broke the egg "Dong". I thought I could not do it. When I was about to give up, the familiar footsteps slowly approached me. When I looked back, it was my mother who had come back. When she heard the noise and walked into the kitchen, she was surprised to see that the kitchen was in disorder and egg white was everywhere, When my mother asked me what was going on, I told her, "I'm hungry and want to get something to eat, My mother saw that I didn't move, so she picked up an egg, patted it, and put it into the bowl. I knew that my mother was demonstrating. I looked at it carefully. I got up the courage and patted the egg. Unexpectedly, I took it upside down. A dozen hit the ground. I looked at my mother's eyes, and it seemed nothing. I picked up another egg and tried again, I poured the eggs out of the bowl, slowly, and then beat the eggs down after seeing clearly. I closed my eyes, and then opened them. It was successful. I finally succeeded, and I could do another thing. How happy I was!

One success means that I have learned another thing. I am no worse than anyone. This thing tells me that there are many teachers in life. Maybe you have never found them, but they really give you knowledge. In the kitchen, not only the kitchen, but also the classroom.

This is also a class of 600 words (7)

When you walk past the cinema, the thick smell of popcorn seduces the tip of your nose; When you come to the stall and buy a pot of popcorn, you can't wait for the golden appearance.

But have you ever thought about how much effort and time it takes to buy such a popcorn?

When I was a child, Abba brought a bag of popcorn. I watched it go round and round in the microwave oven. I put aside my troubles and had only the desire to eat. When we grew up, when we came to the cinema, we begged our mother to buy us popcorn. Although no longer naive, but did not feel that the hard won popcorn.

Now when I came to my grandmother's corn field and stood in the golden corn field, staring at the swaying corn in the wind, I deeply sighed: Ah, ordinary corn is the true face of popcorn. Now when we eat popcorn, we should thank nature.

We are all urban children who have never experienced the hard work of farmers, but when it was still a seed, it was still very weak and silent. It could only thrive when it was nourished by rain, shined by the sun, fertilized by farmers and cared for meticulously. It is possible that the stone at the beginning of a certain zenith pulls out green buds to welcome the first ray of sunshine. One month, two months, three months... it will mature in autumn.

Plants, like human beings, will gain only through hard work and patient waiting. I remember in grade 3 and 4, our class studied the growth of mung bean sprouts without water. At the beginning, I was interested in putting mung beans on paper towels and wet paper towels, wrapping them carefully, and taking them out every once in a while to see if they grew. One day later, I looked forward to opening the paper towel and found that there was no change in it. I was very disappointed and left without looking back. One day, two days, three days... When I wanted to throw it away, I unexpectedly found that the mung bean had taken off its shell and stuck out its head. At this time, I saw the charm of life. It occurred to me that only by giving can we gain.

As the saying goes, "The world will not fall into the pie". If you want to reach the other side of success, you can only gain by making efforts.

Every place in our life is our classroom, and everything is our teaching material. We can benefit from the truth and knowledge of life in the classroom of nature.

This is also class 600 words (8)

There is knowledge everywhere in life. In addition to learning in the classroom, we can also learn a lot of knowledge that we can not learn in the classroom in our daily life. As long as we are a conscientious person, we can observe life carefully. I felt the charm of science and increased my knowledge in a happy play.

Once when I was playing with my brother at my aunt's house, he said he would do an interesting magic trick for me. My brother took out a bowl, poured some tap water into the bowl, and then sprinkled a little pepper on the water surface, and the pepper evenly floated on the water surface. My brother asked me to put my finger into the bowl. I doubtfully put one finger into the bowl, but there was no change in the bowl. Looking at my blank face, my brother said mysteriously, "It's time to witness the miracle. You should look carefully." Then my brother put a finger into the bowl just like I did. At this time, a magical scene happened. The pepper was like being enchanted. It immediately spread out and retreated to the edge of the bowl. Surprised to see me, my brother said, "I can still let it return to its original appearance." My brother took some white granulated sugar and slowly poured it into the middle of the bowl. Indeed, the pepper powder "ran" back and was evenly distributed in the bowl.

I was very curious about the magic, and pestered my brother to tell me the secret. My brother told me that the secret of this magic trick was that he dipped his finger in soapy water before putting it into the bowl. The scientific principle is that the surface tension of different liquids is different. There is tension on the water surface, and pepper will expand and disperse when it is scattered on the water surface. The surface tension of soapy water is small. When the finger dipped in soapy water reaches into the center of the bowl, the surface tension of the center of the bowl becomes smaller, and the pepper will be dragged by the water with greater tension around the bowl, so the pepper will retreat to the edge of the bowl. Similarly, the tension of sugared water is greater than that of water. After sugar is added in the middle of the bowl, the sugared water pulls the pepper back.

There are classes everywhere in life. As long as we observe carefully, we can still learn a lot

This is also a class of 600 words (9)

As long as it is a classroom, it is inseparable from the word "learning". When I was young, I thought that only schools had classrooms, but now I think that classrooms are everywhere.

This is the second time to sell newspapers. Last time, I worked with my father several times before he agreed that I should take money from my own home to the school to "pay". But this time, my father must let me go to the street to sell newspapers for money. At first, I refused to go, but my father said: "If you go, there will be a lot of gains, because you first entered the society; but if you don't go, you will not only be unable to give a job to the teacher, but also lose face in the class!" After hesitating, I changed my mind, "I don't want to lose face in the class." I said to myself and went out.

When I walked into the street, I hesitated to speak. It's getting dark, but I can't sell a newspaper and I can't pay a job to the school! So I got up the courage to stop an aunt and asked, "This... this aunt," after taking a breath, I asked again, "Do you want to read the school newspaper of Shidai Primary School?" The mother looking aunt stopped, looked at the newspaper with interest, and asked, "Can you lend me a look?" "Of course." I happily handed the newspaper to my aunt, I thought: this business may be successful! Aunt thought for a while, as if moved, and asked: "How much is it?" I replied: "Two dollars." Aunt hesitated for a while, with a puzzled expression on her face, and I made a small calculation in my heart: it's over, God bless, we must buy it! At the same time, my face was a little panicked and seemed a little overwhelmed. After a while, my aunt finally said something reassuring to me: "OK, I'll buy one." She gave me two yuan. "Thank you!" I took the money and was very happy. I turned around and called my father to report my happiness.

In a society full of competitors, if you want to stand out and create wealth, you must be brave. In this cool afternoon, the society told me that society is also a classroom.

This is also class 600 words (10)

There are classrooms everywhere in life. This big classroom has taught me knowledge beyond books. I found that the road is also a classroom.

One day, my mother asked me to go shopping in the supermarket to prepare a delicious meal at home. On the way to the supermarket, I passed a construction site, and a pile of bricks blocked my way. The construction team was really irresponsible. It was ok to throw the stones down from the building. They put a lot of red bricks on the roadside, and a few big pieces fell on the non motorized lane. If you accidentally stumble over the person who drives the battery car, you will be unimaginable! However, no one paid attention to them even though they were so dangerous. It seems that the drivers are very skilled. Occasionally, I stumbled over a stone and immediately adjusted my car to move on. He kept complaining: Ouch, what's the matter? How dangerous it is to put stones here! Everyone complains when driving here, but they all go around in order, and naughty children climb over. Just when I couldn't walk, a sister who was driving a battery car stopped, stopped the car at the roadside, walked to the pile of bricks, bent down to move the bricks. She bent over, combed her long hair to one side, lifted a stone to the roadside, got up and went back to the brick, laboriously lifted another brick to the roadside, and went back and forth for many times until all the bricks were moved to the roadside. Her forehead was covered with glistening sweat, her hands were covered with dust, and she disappeared into the crowd after riding the battery car. I want to say thank you to my sister too late. People were puzzled by the sister's behavior. People looked at each other without making any noise. Maybe they were ashamed of the girl's behavior. People were still driving on the open road.

How unselfish that sister moved away the bricks that affected everyone's progress! It is for people who know how to help others without seeking return that society will become more beautiful. This thing taught me how to give. The road is also a classroom. Classrooms are everywhere.

This is also class 600 words (11)

A winter has passed, and grass grows in the yard unconsciously.

What inconspicuous grass! It's so rampant. I sneer and trample on them with my feet

"Please ask the property management department to cut them short tomorrow," Mom said. "Well," I said with disdain, "it's annoying and attracts mosquitoes."

The next day, we invited the property management workers to repair the grass, and the sound of the machine was very harsh.

"Damned grass, today is your end!" I stood at the door watching the grass being cut short, thinking in my heart. After a while, the grass was trimmed. When I came to the yard, the spring breeze gently brushed my face, and I smelled the fragrance of grass, I could not help but be moved!

I picked up a cleared grass on the ground. It is still so green, lying upright on my hand, with the crystal dew still vaguely visible, and the morning light shining on it, still so dazzling!

My heart trembled and was moved.

I could not help but get up and observe the grass that had been mocked and neglected by me. Although some grass is very small, its roots are very long. It firmly grasps the soil, as if nothing can shake it. Those few faint fragrant flowers, although not impressive, could not stop the demon burning in the morning light.

I thought of "the wild fire will never burn out, and the spring wind will blow again"‘ Think about it from another angle! " I awoke. Why does the grass grow so fast and high? Is it not because of their self-confidence, tenacity and desperate struggle?

It's ridiculous to think about yourself. I was lost because of setbacks, and I was lost because of lack of confidence. Until today, I finally admit that I don't have the unyielding, confident and strong character of Xiaocao. What reason do I have to scorn and ridicule them? Xiaocao will become an example for me to learn from, and self-confidence and tenacity will become the new coordinates of my life.

It is a good thing to get close to life and understand nature. When you taste the ups and downs, when you really start to understand something, you will understand:——

This is also a class.

This is also class 600 words (12)

I accidentally saw a grass. I was surprised. Grass, you are just an inconspicuous seed in the moist soil of the earth, but you are tenacious to survive in the cracks of the stone. You stand proudly in the wind, frost, rain and snow. When the fire started, you were waiting for another spring. You are telling me: you want to grow, you want to shine, you want to be full of vitality, You are not afraid of big rocks, rain, snow, wind and frost, fire, wind and waves. You just want to make your life bloom, bloom!

As I walked, I saw a big tree, and I was surprised. It was an old tree that had gone through the vicissitudes of life. The bent branches were full of veins and vertical and horizontal lines. In summer, the sun is scorching the earth. Your broad mind, strong arms, and thick green shade bring us hope. Your green color not only adorns time and space, but also gives people a bit of cool, so that we can safely spend the hot summer. Your selflessness and broadness often move us!

I followed the sound of running water and saw a brook. I was surprised. The brook, your gurgling water, made me very comfortable. Your clean and cool water made me very happy. You are happy, but that big rock has become your obstacle. I asked: would you make a detour? You said your road would not change, you said you would cross it, why do you persist in such a difficult situation? You said your life should be wonderful and not be frightened by difficulties!

I like this nature, which is also a kind of classroom. I sit on the reef, watching the grass grow happily, the trees selflessly offer shade, and feeling the comfort brought by the stream. They let me learn to be tenacious, dedicated, and fearless of difficulties. Isn't this beautiful nature also a kind of classroom?

This is also class 600 words (13)

I remember when I was 8 years old, one day the weather was very hot, and the whole earth seemed to be trapped in a big pot, which made people feel uncomfortable. The cicadas on the tree kept shouting, as if they were saying, "It's so hot! It's so hot!" Alas! The strong sun shines on my head, and even my hot hair can be fried with eggs.

So I had to beg my mother to buy an ice cream for me. Unexpectedly, my mother took 5 yuan out of the bag, smiled, and said to me: "You have grown up, you can't rely on your mother for everything, and you should learn to be independent. This time, you can try to buy an ice cream yourself, So I was reluctant to go out of the house slowly with 5 yuan to buy ice cream. I was afraid all the way.

I finally came to the ice cream shop. After a while, I mustered the courage to whisper to the ice-cream lady: "Aunt, can you give me a vanilla ice-cream?" My voice was as low as a mosquito. So, the ice-cream lady didn't hear me and was still busy. I really wanted to go home, but when I recalled the delicious ice cream, I stopped my feet again. While I was hesitating, a younger sister than me walked up to the ice-cream lady and said, "Auntie, please give me a strawberry ice-cream." "Yes, here you are!" The aunt smiled, and the younger sister handed the money to her and ate the ice cream.

At this time, I seemed to have an angel and a devil in my ear. The angel said, "It's OK, kid, take a brave step!" The devil said, "Go home, don't buy it, you dare not go." I still believed the angel, mustered up courage and said to my aunt, "Aunt, can you give me a vanilla ice cream?" The aunt took my money, I was given an ice cream.

I took a bite, and suddenly, a warm current flowed all over my body. This time, I overcame timidity.

This is also a class, which taught me to be brave and overcome timidity.

This is also class 600 words (14)

What inconspicuous grass! It's so rampant. I sneer and trample on them with my feet

"Please ask the property management department to cut them short tomorrow," Mom said. "Well," I said with disdain, "it's annoying and attracts mosquitoes."

The next day, we invited the property management workers to repair the grass, and the sound of the machine was very harsh.

"Damned grass, today is your end!" I stood at the door watching the grass being cut short, thinking in my heart. After a while, the grass was trimmed. When I came to the yard, the spring breeze gently brushed my face, and I smelled the fragrance of grass, I could not help but be moved!

I picked up a cleared grass on the ground. It is still so green, lying upright on my hand, with the crystal dew still vaguely visible, and the morning light shining on it, still so dazzling!

My heart trembled and was moved.

I could not help but get up and observe the grass that had been mocked and neglected by me. Although some grass is very small, its roots are very long. It firmly grasps the soil, as if nothing can shake it. Those few faint fragrant flowers, although not impressive, could not stop the demon burning in the morning light.

I thought of "the wild fire is endless, and the spring breeze is blowing again". "Think about it from another angle!" I awoke. Why do grass grow so fast and so high? Is it not because of their self-confidence, tenacity and desperate struggle?

It's ridiculous to think about yourself. I was lost because of setbacks, and I was lost because of lack of confidence. Until today, I finally admit that I don't have the unyielding, confident and strong character of Xiaocao. What reason do I have to scorn and ridicule them? Xiaocao will become an example for me to learn from, and self-confidence and tenacity will become the new coordinates of my life.

It is a good thing to get close to life and understand nature. When you taste the sweet and bitter inside, when you really start to understand something, you will understand: originally - this is also a classroom.

This is also class 600 words (15)

That day, my parents and I went to the Botanical Garden to play together. The staff said that there was an Epiphyllum Exhibition tonight, and everyone was welcome to watch it.

With the arrival of the closing time of the Botanical Garden, everyone went to the Epiphyllum area which was closed during the day to wait for the flowers to bloom. Epiphyllum with a cool personality, because it is unwilling to compete with a hundred flowers in the daytime, it only blooms in the quiet night. Just after 9 p.m., the petals began to quiver gently. Slowly, the purple coat slowly opened, and the petals relaxed. It seemed that something in the flower core wanted to open it, but it was bound again. I know that it will not just give up, because it wants to bloom its life to the end, and nothing can stop it

The snow-white petals gently poked out from the receptacle, one, two, three... The tightly held petals slowly spread out every few minutes, and soon the Epiphyllum reached its limit. At that moment, my heart was suddenly struck by the beauty of this life. It was a wonderful life. It was not only the beauty of the world, but also the perfection of "only in the sky".

But the perfection, obstinacy, and brilliance cannot last long. The world is not perfect, so God can only grant a short life to Epiphyllum.

Shortly after midnight, Epiphyllum has just shown its charm to people and will begin to wither. Watching the petals wither one by one, my heart is empty. Although full of disappointment and regret, my mind has long been filled with the shadow of Epiphyllum, and there is no place for other flowers

Epiphyllum leaves its most beautiful moment in the world, just like fireworks. It blooms brilliantly, and leaves quietly.

We should also like the Epiphyllum, leave the most beautiful and wonderful self in the world, even if we will eventually leave regret, but never regret for our efforts!

This is also class 600 words (16)

The line of sight drifts to the left, and through a thick layer of glass, there is another completely different world outside. With hurried faces and cars constantly emitting black exhaust, it seems that black and white films of the 1930s can be seen hazily.

"Hey, wake up, we have arrived." A steward appeared in front of us.

I looked around and found there were no other passengers. I stretched out and got off the car with the heater on. A cold wind blew, and I could not help shivering.

So I walked on the street corner at the beginning of the lights, still people in a hurry, walking in the city forever busy creatures.

But unconsciously, I walked back to this platform. It is both the beginning and the end. Every day, we are full of people of all kinds. Finally, we will return here at dusk and return to the starting point. It starts here and doesn't end there. This is the full meaning of the platform.

Some people say that life is like a one-way ticket, there is always a starting point, there is always a destination, there are always people to meet and things to experience. With a sense of expectation, we set out in the morning light. The scenery along the way is endless. Let different people get on the bus, and then let them get off at different stations. From the rearview mirror, we can see their figures gradually blurred. It's always like this. Finally, it disappears. Just drive straight ahead, and I can see the terminal station in front of me, clear and vague.

I like to take the bus, and then wait until all the seats are empty before getting off the bus at the terminal. In fact, it's still not enough. But there is no bus that never arrives, is there? Just like the journey of life.

With a satisfied smile on his lips, he still has more than enough, but it is enough. It is one classroom after another, and it is the classroom that makes people understand life.

Every bus is actually a classroom.

This is also class 600 words (17)

I have been to the magnificent Forbidden City and the Great Wall which stretches for thousands of miles; I have seen the magnificent Terracotta Warriors and Horses, and Wutai Mountain surrounded by cigarettes. But no matter where the scenic spot is, it can't compare with the uncanny workmanship of nature and the eternal morning in my heart.

On that sunny morning, three "uninvited guests" were welcomed to the silent park. They came to feel and enjoy the nature under the warmth of the sunrise.

Through the winding footpath under the shade of trees, smelling the fragrance of charming flowers brought by the spring breeze, we opened our hands to welcome the embrace of spring. All three of us were intoxicated and fascinated by the beautiful nature. Who can't sigh at nature, a great special engineer, after touching the leaves that still have dew, looking up at the tall trees that are still sleeping, and listening to the birds that are still a little sleepy?

Gently sit by the lake, watching the ripples in the water, while picking a green leaf to enjoy its leaf patterns. It is undoubtedly a lesson, an unforgettable lesson, to feel the influence of nature in the morning breeze. Stepping on the muddy path, the rain god's care has not dissipated last night, the light mist has gradually dissipated under the rising sun, leaving only a thin layer of moisture, wet clothes, highlighting the rain last night. Looking closely, I will find that there are many petals under the flowers. It is really "the sound of wind and rain at night, how many flowers fall." At this moment, I seem to see the dance of spring. In the garden, spring ripples!

Whether it is a towering tree or a vibrant grass; Whether it is the water rippling lake or the land full of spring, it is all carved by nature day and night, knife by knife. All the beauty turns into a shower, moistening my heart, and making me grow and understand in the embrace of nature!

This is also a class!

This is also class 600 words (18)

The weather at noon is very sunny, and the sun shines on everything on the earth, and our school also ushered in a grand English Food Festival. We moved the desks and chairs to the playground to form a circle, and put some small toys and other things out. When we took out the hamster, it was swept away. The Simi Dew of Lin Mingxuan's group was also sold out at once. Look at other classes, they also put out the strange things in their own group, waiting for the official start of the food festival.

After a long wait, the Food Festival officially kicked off. Every class took out their things with their hands and feet, fearing that others would miss their stalls. The same is true of our class. Each group has put out delicious food. Our group also brought out the barbecue pot that had been hidden for a long time, and then took out the food materials that had been strung earlier. Seeing the attractive ingredients, soon the stall of our class was surrounded by people, and money was handed to the cashier continuously. Seeing that money keeps coming into our pockets, our hearts are in full bloom. My deskmate danced while baking in order to make the atmosphere, and shouted, "Come on! Our strings are delicious!" Look at other groups, they are also very busy, and the scene is really lively!

But as time went by, the students were full, and the number of people came gradually decreased, but the sun did not waver, burning the earth. The students were sweating one by one. Some respected students worked hard under the sun. The salesman shouted hard, but the customers did not seem to increase. We were all exhausted. The original happy and excited heart was only tired. We gradually realized the hard work.

Indeed, some people work so hard to earn enough money to support their families? These hours of hard work have also taught us a lesson.

This is also class 600 words (19)

The streets are sparsely populated, and even cats and dogs are "staying indoors" - I'm afraid they may burn their feet. The sweat all over his body has been burned dry. His body is entangled with his clothes. His feet and shoes and socks are integrated. When he walks, he feels like stepping on a wet cotton towel. He is sick of the weather.

I am not made of real gold, nor am I the Great Sage of Heaven. I can't stand the fire. I just want to take a taxi and go home early.

It took a long time to stop a tricycle. I had no choice but to make do with it. As soon as I got into the car, I regretted that it was as hot as a steamer. There was no air conditioner in the car, and the "squeaky" small electric fan could only send warm air frequently.

"Where to go?" "XX Community." "Good!"

He responded cheerfully. As soon as he stepped on the accelerator, the car started. The wind poured in from the window, then I felt a little cool. After running for a while, he opened his throat and roared out some dialect songs that I didn't understand, which added a bit of interest to the world that seemed veneer because of baking.

Having nothing to do, I began to look at him.

He was wearing a long sleeved military uniform blackened by the accumulation of stains. There was dirt on his ears and neck. Sweat flowed on the stains, like pulling several black lines. On his heel, a scar wound wound like a canyon to his lower leg. He was dragging a pair of slippers on his feet. Every time he stepped on the oil door, it would "squeak". From the mirror in the car, I saw his grinning mouth. He was singing while stepping on his feet to beat the beat, so his rubber slippers also "squeaked" to sing.

I'm so happy. I must have made enough money today!

"Here we are!" "How much is it?" "Four yuan."

I handed him the money. He opened an old leather bag and put the money in it. I glanced at the bag. There were only a few coins lying in it sporadically, a little surprised. After getting off the bus, he drove away with singing.

I wonder: isn't the happiness of the coachman just earning more money? Why are you so happy when you don't make money in this hot weather?

When I think about it silently, I seem to understand something. Who says happiness needs reason? A split mouth is enough. Happiness lies in the supremacy of spirit, not limited to material enjoyment. The coachman taught me the secret of happiness at that moment.

This is also a class.