Fifth grade composition speech (19 anthologies)
Walk in the rain
2024-05-28 06:21:08
fifth grade

Fifth grade composition speech (1)

Dear teachers and students

hello everyone! The topic of my speech today is "Protecting Green".

Green represents environmental protection, nature, hope and vitality... If we see green as soon as we go out every morning, how happy and happy it is. Green fills us with infinite power.

However, more and more unsatisfactory things have happened - the 'green' on the earth is becoming rarer and rarer. For their own development, people abuse resources and cut down trees wantonly. According to the data, there are as many as 1.3 billion trees destroyed every day on the earth. Without the protection of trees, one third of the world's land is threatened by desertification. Desertification is particularly serious in the west and north of China. Even our capital, Beijing, is threatened.

The desert is attacking and expanding. Human beings are gradually heading for extinction. For our own development, we must take action to protect the environment, protect forest resources, and return the earth to green. Let the green fill our eyes and let the withered and yellow disappear from our side. Protect the forest, let them stop the attack of the desert, so that we can continue to live happily.

Students, for the future of the earth, for our future, let's take action! "Don't do evil on a small scale, and don't do good on a small scale." As long as we all act, we can save the earth.

Restore green, protect the environment, only between you and me. As long as you detour three or five steps, you can leave a piece of green; As long as you turn off the tap, you can save a drop of water; As long as you bend down, you can make nature cleaner; As long as you... If more than 6 billion people in the world do this, the green will always be on the earth, and the environment will be better and better.

Let's take protecting green as our responsibility and take green as our pride. Let the earth benefit us better!

Let's take action!

Thank you!

Fifth grade composition speech (2)

Award Speech

Teachers and students:

How do you do!

We have been friendly with me for five years since the first grade, and we are very familiar with me.

In the past five years, with the education of teachers, the help of my classmates and my own efforts, I have made rapid progress in all aspects. Yesterday, I took out my five year report card and saw that my grades are improving every year, especially since the fourth grade.

I remember that in the first, second and third grades, the 'addition and subtraction' methods within 20 years were not accurate. In the class, they were always below the average, but now they are above the average! Sometimes they are still in the top 10.

At school, I never procrastinate on my homework, and I carefully and correctly do all kinds of homework and correct it in time. Listen carefully in class. So I got an excellent result in the final exam last year.

Physically, I'm not short, but my physical quality is acceptable. Since I entered the school, my body has been developing day by day. I seldom catch a cold. Every year, I have achieved excellent or good sports results.

Since I entered the primary school, I have loved my class very much. I participated in the 2004 Youth Model Competition on behalf of my school and won the third prize. Won the third prize in the school art festival card competition.

Although I have made a little progress, I am still far behind my classmates. In the future, I will start from "0" and continue to work hard to improve in all aspects. thank you!

Fifth grade composition speech (3)

Monitor's election speech

Dear teachers and students

How do you do! Today, I am both happy and proud to stand here to participate in the election of monitor.

My name is XXX. I used to be introverted, lacking confidence and courage. Especially in class, when the teacher asks questions, he is afraid of answering incorrectly, and the voice of the answer is very low.

Now I don't want to be like before. I want to change myself into a lively, cheerful, positive and optimistic child through the exercise of running for monitor this time. I hope my classmates believe me and let me have the opportunity to exercise.

This campaign for monitor reminds me of the election of the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, which has just ended. Mr. Donald Tsang's campaign slogan is "I will do this job well". Here, I also make a promise "I will do this job well".

If I am really elected monitor, I will unite other class cadres to work together to improve class discipline, health, academic performance, maintain class honor, carry out colorful activities, and enhance the collective sense of honor of students. At the same time, I will mobilize and organize students with good grades to actively help students with less than ideal grades, so that everyone's performance can be improved together, because learning is the main task of our students.

If I were elected monitor, I would become a bridge between teachers and students. Sometimes, students have some ideas about teachers or schools, but they dare not tell the teacher. Mistakes accumulate in their hearts, slowly creating a dislike for teachers, which affects the relationship between teachers and students, greatly reducing the efficiency of learning. At this time, I will timely feedback the opinions of students to teachers, and will also timely communicate the ideas of teachers with students. In this way, Our class will become an excellent class.

If I lose the election, it shows that I still have many shortcomings. I will constantly correct myself and strive for progress. I will never be discouraged and will be re elected next year.

Finally, I sincerely hope that the students will choose me as their monitor and let me be their faithful "servant".

Thank you!

Fifth grade composition speech (4)

Grade 5 Volume 2 Language Unit 3 Composition: 900 words speech for the opening ceremony

Respected leaders, teachers and dear students

hello everyone!

Colorful fireworks, crisp and loud firecrackers, red lanterns, and affectionate blessings accompanied us through a peaceful and happy New Year. With a brisk pace, facing the bright sunshine and carrying our schoolbags, we returned to the beautiful campus and began our study and life in the new semester.

Spring is the time of the year. Spring is full of vitality and hope. Only those who sow in the spring will usher in the fruitful autumn.

As a student, in the new semester, we should sow the seeds of reading.

Books are like navigators in the ocean of knowledge, driving a magic sailboat and taking us to travel in the huge ocean of knowledge. We all grew up with books. Our school attaches great importance to cultivating students' habit of reading good books, and often carries out reading activities to create a good reading atmosphere. From the book corner of each class to the Golden Ring Egret Library, which is specially opened for students, we have built a platform for our reading activities. In this semester, our school will organize a reading activity with the theme of "Let the world be filled with love - build a harmonious society together". The purpose is to guide and educate everyone to set lofty ideals, adhere to hard study, pay attention to tempering moral character, constantly broaden their horizons, dare to forge ahead and innovate, and cultivate deep feelings of loving the motherland, the people, science, and socialism. Let's take advantage of the spring breeze of this reading activity to read good books together!

As a student, in the new semester, we should also sow the seeds of love.

Love is like sunshine and rain, love is like a smiling face in spring breeze. Love is a virtue, and love is even more a force. In this warm spring day, let's love the school, consciously abide by the school rules and disciplines, and maintain the stability and order of the campus; Start from the details around, take care of every tree and grass in the school, maintain the campus health, and jointly maintain a good campus cultural environment; Let us love teachers, respect their work, cherish their efforts, respect and love each other, and create a harmonious learning atmosphere; Let us love the class, consciously participate in the management of the class, care about the affairs of the class, give play to the intelligence of each of us, form a good style of study and class, and establish a class collective that is united, friendly and enterprising; Let's love our classmates. Students should trust each other, help each other, get along well with each other, treat each other honestly, and create a warm and harmonious student relationship.

As long as everyone contributes a share of love, the school will become a paradise for us to seek knowledge.

Black hair doesn't know how to study early, while white hair regrets studying late. At the beginning of the New Year, students, let's cherish the wonderful spring scenery on the campus with the sound of books, carry forward the good style of learning of our school, which is "diligent, willing to learn, happy to learn and knowledgeable", carefully cultivate every seed we sow, and let them take root, sprout, blossom and bear fruit in this warm and harmonious campus!

Thank you!

Fifth grade composition speech (5)

V. Parents' Speech at Parents' Meeting

Dear teachers, dear parents and friends

Good morning, everyone!

Today, we gathered in Class 5 of Xinmi Experimental Primary School to discuss children's problems. It is a happy and wonderful thing.

For children, the first thing is to be healthy. If you want to be healthy, you must close the entrance strictly. Three meals a day is particularly important. As a mother of children, I always rush into the kitchen, integrating love into one knife and one pattern, and making exquisite dishes for children. There is nothing more gratifying than to see the child's "fighting" posture of gobbling up after returning home. When the child is in good health, what he can do and what he can do, we are not happy to be parents.

In learning, cultivate children's good learning habits and learning quality. We have one child in each family, which is enough to give us a headache. There are 90 children in the class, but the workload of teachers is heavy. Teaching is a tiring thing. I always teach children to respect teachers and their work. In class, we should sit up and listen, think hard, answer questions actively, and express our opinions. When you do homework after class, you should concentrate on it, not procrastinate, not be disturbed by the outside world, and complete it quickly and accurately. After the homework is completed, the child should check it first, find out the mistakes, praise the child in time, and let the child have confidence to learn well, love learning, and be willing to learn. Gradually, children will change from passive learning to active learning. If the children have a correct learning attitude, everything will be OK.

Develop good reading habits. A famous person said that a person's spare time casts his life. The difference between children lies in their spare time. As parents, we should make good use of our children's spare time and not waste it. It has the power to accumulate little and turn it into gold. My child loves reading in his spare time, and reading has become an indispensable compulsory course for him every day. Reading a good book is like talking with a master. You can learn knowledge and experience that you cannot learn in life. It also enriches the children's spiritual world and strengthens their imagination. Let the child read as many healthy and positive books as possible in his childhood, which will benefit the child for life. As parents, we have the responsibility and obligation to learn together, grow up together, and run on the road of reading with our children.

Parents and friends, don't underestimate these ten year old children. Their energy is incalculable, and their explosive power is unpredictable. Give the children a blue sky, he will soar like an eagle, give the children a clear spring, he will jump like a carp, give the children a confident wing, and he will fight in the sky!

Thank you!

November 14, 2014

Text TAG: Speech for the Parent's Meeting of Grade Five in Primary School

Fifth grade composition speech (6)

hello everyone! I went to the podium today to run for the group leader. You may be surprised, because everyone knows that my study is not ideal, and some people will even laugh. In everyone's mind, learning well is the first condition for being elected.

Yes, my study is really unsatisfactory, but I am confident of myself.

One's happiness is nothing more than contentment; The sorrow of a person is that he doesn't believe in himself.

When I am the monitor, I have my own advantages: first, I love work, and I can lead the whole group of students to be on duty, or even I can take the place of everyone on duty, so that the group of students have more time to devote to learning; The second is to observe discipline. In the past few years, people thought I was naughty, but in fact, I am not naughty at all. In my heart, I always love learning; Third, I am very popular with everyone. Nobody hates me. This is the main premise for me to do a good job in the group work.

Of course, I also have many shortcomings. I will take this as the motivation, serve my classmates wholeheartedly, learn from other team leaders, class cadres, teachers, correct my own shortcomings, improve my academic performance, and be a good student with all-round development.

Finally, please vote for me.

XX, XX, 20xx

Fifth grade composition speech (7)

Dear students, dear teachers, hello!

In this sunny season, we are ushering in the annual "June 1" Children's Day. On behalf of the school, I would like to express our warm welcome and sincere thanks to you for coming to this "June 1" get-together!

Childhood is happy, childhood is beautiful, childhood is carefree! Childhood is fleeting! Who doesn't want to have a happy childhood like the sunshine, and who doesn't want to keep the good time of childhood? Therefore, we launched this, and the first, "June 1" get-together. As the first "June 1" get-together, we take "innovative and sunny childhood" as the theme, hoping that in play, we can not only relax and enjoy ourselves, but also improve our comprehensive practical ability!

The "June 1" Festival is our own festival for children. I believe that the next moving song, funny crosstalk, comic sketches, and interesting games will bring you endless fun.

Finally, I wish you all a good time and the first "61" party will be a complete success! And I wish all children a happy June Day!

Young Pioneer's representative spoke Dear teachers and students: Hello!

Accompanied by the fragrance of flowers and dressed in festive costumes, today we gather here to welcome our own festival, the "June 1" International Children's Day. At this happy moment, I am very excited. On behalf of the outstanding young pioneers, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all the leaders and guests who celebrate the festival with us, and express my heartfelt thanks to the leaders and all sectors of society for their kind care for us. And I would like to salute you with respect. (Salute to the rostrum)

Dear counselors and teachers, in the past years, you have experienced countless cold and hot weather and sleepless nights for our healthy growth. You are hardworking gardeners, watering our growth with your own sweat; You are the candles of selfless dedication, lighting yourself and illuminating our way forward. Here, on behalf of all the Young Pioneers, I would like to express my sincere thanks and high respect to you! Let me say sincerely: Teacher, you have worked hard!

This is the fourth Children's Day I spent in Zhuzhuang Experimental Primary School. We are happy and proud because we grow up under the advanced education concept and learn from the love of teachers. We gave full play to our innovative ability, honed our will, followed the belief of making progress and never giving up, and used our achievements to repay the school and parents.

Young Pioneers, the bright prospect of prosperity is calling us. We should strive to improve our own quality, make persistent efforts at the new starting point of life, and make ourselves become the building materials needed for the construction of the motherland in the new century.

Finally, I wish the celebration a complete success! Wish young pioneers a happy holiday!

Fifth grade composition speech (8)

In this golden season, we will never forget that you took the trouble to correct your homework and prepare lessons when the lights were shining; While we are still sharing family happiness with our families, you are still helping students solve their problems. You have cultivated a batch of future talents, and you let the budding flowers bloom in your hands.

You are gardeners, and take the trouble to water the flowers every day; You are a golden key to lead us ignorant into the treasure house of knowledge; You are the spring rain, sprinkle every bit of knowledge on our hearts; You are red candles, illuminating the journey of knowledge for us.

Some people say: the love of parents makes us feel the hardships of upbringing; The love of friends makes us feel the warmth of friendship; The love of teachers, let us realize the selfless care of teachers, silent dedication of the broad!

Students, let's turn our deep love for teachers into practical actions, listen carefully to each lesson, and repay teachers with excellent results as the best gift.

Finally, let's say to the teacher: "Teacher, hard work! I wish you a happy holiday!"

Thank you!

Fifth grade composition speech (9)

Dear teachers and students

hello everyone!

In this election campaign, I want to run for the representative of the language section. From the first grade to the present, I have served as the representative of the language department for several times, so I also have rich experience in this profession.

When it comes to advantages, there are many. First of all, I like the subject of Chinese very much, so my Chinese score is also good; Secondly, I think my imitation ability is also very good. When reading, I will read out the expressions and tones of the characters in the book; Also, I once won the first prize in the Chinese knowledge contest

If I succeed in re-election, I will certainly carry forward my past advantages, correct my past shortcomings, and do a good job as a class representative. First, I will finish my homework on time, keep my writing clean, and set a good example for my classmates; 2、 When encountering problems that students cannot understand, we should be patient, try our best, and earnestly answer them; 3、 Do a good job of helping teachers and lighten their burden.

No one is perfect. I hope my classmates and teachers can put forward their opinions and suggestions during my work, and I will improve from them. Boys and girls, please believe me and vote for me! Your eyes are bright and your choice is correct. I will prove it to you with my actions! believe me!

Thank you!

Fifth grade composition speech (10)

hello everyone!

The new semester begins with the steps of spring. First of all, let me, on behalf of the school, sincerely wish the teachers a smooth work, good health, students a healthy growth, and progress in learning!

The new semester and new start bring new opportunities, new challenges, and new hopes and aspirations. I believe that each of our teachers and students can write a satisfactory answer to their study and work in the new school year with their diligence and wisdom.

Forty years ago, Gagarin, a former Soviet cosmonaut, traveled in space for 108 minutes in the "Oriental" spaceship, becoming the first hero in the world to enter space. The name of Gagarin is widely known. It was only an accident that he stood out among more than 20 astronauts and played a decisive role. It turned out that a week before the selection, chief designer Rolev found that before entering the spaceship, only Gagarin took off his shoes and only wore socks to enter the cockpit. It was this detail that won Luo Liaofu's favor at once. He felt that the 27 year old man knew the rules so well and cherished the spaceship he had devoted himself to designing, so he decided to let him carry out this flight. Gagarin's success began with taking off his shoes. Although taking off shoes is a small matter, it can reflect a person's quality and professionalism, which is the key to cultivating good habits. If you want to succeed, you should first cultivate good habits. 1、 Strive to be a civilized and disciplined child. Roman Roland said: Without great character, there would be no great people, not even great artists or great actors. It is the most important for everyone to develop good behavior and morality.

In this semester, the school requires students to continue to carry forward the good style of being civilized and understanding etiquette, and actively use Mandarin when talking with teachers and students. When getting along with classmates, older brothers and sisters should love younger classmates. During extracurricular activities, walk to the right when you go up and down the stairs, and pick up the paper scraps on campus when you see them. Do not make any noise in public places, and do not litter. In the new school year, I hope that students will take the rejuvenation of China as their own responsibility, consciously take historical responsibility for the prosperity of the motherland, the prosperity of the people, and their own future, and be responsible for the country, the nation, and themselves; Be a caring, kind-hearted, filial, caring for parents, caring for others, caring for society, helping each other and being good at cooperation; To be a person with lofty ideals and dedication, iron will and noble character; Be an honest, trustworthy and law-abiding person.

2、 Strive to be a good student who studies hard. The main task of primary school students is to learn. At present, we are in the golden age of accumulating knowledge. Students need to cherish time and concentrate on learning. No one can succeed without diligence. Since ancient times, many people with lofty ideals have become talented because of their hard work, and left many stories for thousands of years, such as "shining lights", "hanging beams and stabbing shares", "digging walls and stealing light", etc. Hua Luogeng, a famous mathematician in China, said that intelligence comes from diligence and genius comes from accumulation. Leonardo da Vinci, a famous Italian painter, said: One day's hard work can lead to a night's sleep; If you work hard all your life, you will have a happy sleep. They come from different countries and have achieved success in different fields, but their experiences of diligence are strikingly similar. The plan of the day is in the morning. Come to the school in the morning to study early, carefully attend every class, listen carefully, think positively, speak enthusiastically, be good at finding and solving problems, meticulously complete the homework assigned by the teacher, and complete the learning task of the day on the same day, never delay to tomorrow. In math class, you can break through difficult problems; In Chinese class, I saw your speech full of emotion and voice; In English class, I can hear your authentic and fluent pronunciation; In the science class, I saw you concentrate on the experiment; In the music class, your beautiful songs came. Only such students can move towards tomorrow's success, and such a campus is full of vitality.

3、 Strive to be a modern teenager who specializes in many things. The 21st century is a century full of competition. It needs talents with comprehensive development in all aspects. Only learning knowledge from books can not meet the needs of modern society. Therefore, we should cultivate our own expertise and skills from childhood. Actively participate in school position activities, such as drum team, radio station, various competitions and other activities in the spare time, develop the habit of diligent extracurricular reading, and constantly broaden the horizon and enrich knowledge. The school will set up a column for students' exercises on the campus network, as well as a column for book recommendation and reading experience, to provide more communication space for students who love reading. It is also hoped that students will practice writing diligently and contribute actively on the basis of accumulated reading, so that teachers and students can enjoy your wonderful exercises in various newspapers and magazines. Learning to use foreign languages and computers is a necessary skill for modern teenagers. I hope you can study hard, master modern information technology, and achieve good results in this competition. It is also important to develop a strong physique. Students should not neglect physical exercise when they are not studying. Having a healthy and strong body is the basis for doing well in learning and cultivating their talents.

Students, let's start from now on, take the new semester as a starting point, study hard, take every step steadily, and welcome every new start with a new look.

Fifth grade composition speech (11)

What we are talking about here today is not to investigate the reason? Whose responsibility? Instead, we want to talk about the enlightenment of such an event to us. The Sanlu milk powder incident has exposed around us. There are always some unscrupulous producers and operators who are obsessed with profits and are producing and selling food that will lead to disease or even death. Our primary school students may be the biggest victims due to the lack of food safety knowledge.

Today, we make use of the speech time under the national flag to give the following suggestions to the students, hoping to help them.

First, the problem of eating snacks. Some students like to eat snacks very much. It can be seen from the crowded staff at the gate of the small shops around the school in the morning and evening. But one thing should be reminded to students: the sanitary conditions and facilities of the manufacturers and workshops of these small foods sold by the vendors are relatively poor. Measures to prevent flies, dust and rats are not in place. Eating this kind of food is easy to get sick. Some snacks and snacks are of poor quality. For example, some popsicle ice and jelly may also be made of "three essence water". The so-called "three essence water" is the mixture of saccharin, essence and pigment with water. These things have almost no nutrition and are harmful to some extent. Some food ingredients are poor or deteriorated. In order to cover up the defects and odor, the processors deliberately add some spicy flavor, so that you can't eat the odor; Or deep fry. The oil is of poor quality and is used repeatedly. It is dangerous for students to eat these things: they may have diarrhea, and they may also get cancer if they often eat more fried food for a long time.

Second, health habits. Some students have some bad habits, such as not washing hands before meals and after defecation, drinking raw water, grabbing food without washing dirty hands, spitting, etc. We know that there are many germs in hands, nose and sputum. Science has proved that there are many bacteria on the hands. One palm can have 400000 bacteria, and one gram of nail dirt can have 4 billion bacteria. Therefore, we should pay attention to hand hygiene. Frequent hand washing is a good way to maintain hygiene, which is very important and is a key link to prevent disease from entering by mouth.

Students, food safety concerns you and me. Correct prevention and good hygiene habits are the key. I hope that each of us can establish a food safety awareness, so that a healthy life will always accompany us.

Fifth grade composition speech (12)

I'm Wu Chulan from Class 8, Grade 6. It is a great honor for me to speak on the stage today as the representative of the Four Good Teenagers.

In his congratulatory letter to the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Young Pioneers, Grandpa asked us to keep in mind the great trust of the party and the people, and to develop comprehensively in moral, intellectual, physical, and aesthetic aspects, "to strive to be a good boy who loves the motherland and has lofty ideals; to strive to be a good boy who studies hard and pursues progress; to strive to be a good boy who is excellent in both character and learning, united and friendly; and to strive to be a good boy with strong physique, lively and cheerful."

As the saying goes, "A strong youth makes the country strong, and a rich youth makes the country rich". I always remember the "eight honors and eight shames", set an example, love the motherland, establish the lofty ideal of enriching the country and strengthening the people, and persevere in the struggle!

Since I became the monitor, I have been able to work and study without mistakes. I listened attentively in class, took notes carefully, and did my homework easily; Usually, I often share my worries and work for teachers. After serving as the brigade committee, I was even busier. But I never do anything disorderly, but do a good job of preview and review at home, so that I can listen to classes and do homework faster, so that I can have enough time to work

As a group, solidarity and fraternity are its essence. I will not quarrel with my classmates for a small matter, nor abandon the collective interests for my own interests. And good morality is the driving force of this group. Morality is fundamental and vital to life. I see teachers saying hello every day, see garbage picked up on their own initiative, and encounter uncivilized students come forward to persuade.

As the saying goes, "body is the capital of revolution", students should be energetic, lively and cheerful. Although I am a little girl, I love every kind of sports and can do almost everything. I often dance on the playground. This time, I participated in the table tennis match and won the first place in women's table tennis; I also participated in the sports meeting and worked hard on the sports field... Only in this way, strong physique and strong perseverance will always belong to us!

In school, I always encourage myself with the requirements of "Four Good Teenagers", and striving for "Four Good Teenagers" is my eternal goal!

Boys and girls, "Four Good Teenagers" is not a dream. As long as you work hard, you and I here can do it. Believe in yourself, dare to surpass, four good teenagers are waiting for you!

thank you!

Fifth grade composition speech (13)

Speeches of cadres in the election campaign (I)

Dear teachers and students

hello everyone!

I am student x of Class 2, Grade 5. I am very happy to come to this platform. I stand on this platform to run for monitor. I am a girl who is more careful and patient than boys. I have both advantages and disadvantages, such as: I am careless and not quick in doing things. But someone said, "No one can throw his habit out of the window, but he can drive it downstairs step by step." I will also drive my bad habit downstairs step by step. Although my grades are not the first in the class, I became the monitor, and I will try my best to improve my grades step by step.

I have won many awards, such as the first and second prizes in the composition contest, the first prize in the English contest in Guangxi... If I become the monitor. If there are differences between students, I will use my method to adjust; If a classmate asks me a question that he doesn't understand, I will humbly teach him if I can, and if I can't, I will discuss it with him

If I become the monitor, I will try my best to carry out the above plan; I will turn the classroom into a loud book; I will do what the teacher said, "When the bell rings, the classroom will be quiet." I will manage the students well; I will

When I became the monitor, I would try my best to complete the task assigned to me by the teacher. I would listen to the teacher's advice and change it modestly. I hope teachers and students can trust me.

thank you!

Speeches of candidates (II)

Dear teachers and students

hello everyone!

I'm from Class 5 (3). Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to listen to my election speech. As the saying goes, "A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier." Today, I want to run for the position of monitor.

Why do I have to run for monitor instead of having so many good positions? Because I think being a monitor is a sacred and great position. Whenever I see some students looking sad because of the "roadblock" of a difficult problem, whenever I see the teacher's dilemma face, whenever I see the poor student holding the ugly test paper, I can't help feeling sad, Thus, he became more determined in his mind to be a monitor.

On the eve of an exam, ××× at my next table looked sad and sighed all the time. Of course, I knew the reason why he had poor grades and would be slapped every time his grades came out. Suddenly, an idea flashed in my mind. I can help him! With the idea of trying, I helped him. In the next exam, he unexpectedly scored more than 90 points!

In addition to helping my classmates with homework, I also take the initiative to work every time to become a good child at home and strive to be a good student at school. If I become a monitor, I will do my best to serve you; If I became the monitor, I would certainly become a good "leader" and a good "subordinate" of my classmates; If I became the monitor, I would be the teacher's "little assistant" to share the class affairs for the teacher ------ but if I didn't become the monitor, I would not be discouraged, and I would certainly work harder to improve my own shortcomings.

The famous politician Dale Carnegie once said, "Don't be afraid to sell yourself. As long as you think you are talented, you should think you are qualified for this position." Although there are many people running for this position, I believe I must be the most suitable person. Please give me a valuable vote!

thank you!

Speeches of cadres in the election campaign (III)

Dear teachers and students

hello everyone!

Today, I am honored to stand here to run for class cadres. Whether successful or not, I believe that my words can be remembered by everyone. As the saying goes, a soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier. In my opinion, students who do not want to be cadres on duty are not good students.

As the old saying goes, dragons cannot live without their heads. As the old saying goes, you should plan your own affairs when you are in your position. I have many advantages, such as keeping classmates in my heart and thinking for them; Another example is friendship and unity with classmates; Another example is serving students wholeheartedly. Make contributions to the class. I remember once, when a backward student could not answer a question, I gave up the rest time of my courseware and patiently told him that question. Another time, I saw a lot of garbage in the corner of the classroom. When I came to school, I swept the floor with a broom alone. So please vote for me.

If my classmates make me a class cadre, I will let the students who have learned well make up for the students who have learned poorly; If the students let me become a class leader, I will let everyone do some activities after class to make the students more united and friendly; If the students let me become a class leader, I will let them do a copy of the newspaper every week, which can not only train the students' practical ability, but also let everyone know more about public welfare undertakings and make contributions to the society in the future; If the students let me become a class leader, I will hold a speech activity every week, which can exercise the students' language organization ability.

Please don't hesitate any more, and raise your vote to me! I won't let you down. I will make our class the best class in the school.

Thank you, my speech is over. I wish you all good health and progress in your studies.

Fifth grade composition speech (14)

Speeches of cadres in the election campaign (I)

Dear teachers and students

hello everyone!

In this election campaign, I am running for the position of study committee member. In the class, the study committee members should play a leading role in learning and be serious and responsible for learning. We should make learning that is not fun in the eyes of some students full of fun, let learning move, and let them also love learning.

Although my grades are not the best in the class, I believe I must be the hardest. Every day, I will conscientiously complete the homework assigned by teachers of all subjects, and strive to reach the standard at one time. If not, I will listen carefully when the teacher judges the prize, find my own shortcomings, and improve myself. We should take teachers' requirements seriously. I will work harder on my lessons that are not ideal for my exams, so that my scores can advance by leaps and bounds, catch up with everyone's pace, and strive for further progress in everyone's pace to become a good example for everyone to learn from.

If I succeed in the election, I will help the monitor and squadron leader to do well in everyone's performance, and help the students with poor performance, so that they can catch up with everyone's pace and keep up with the teacher's progress. Take the lead and do your job well. We will not regard it as a burden, but as an honor and a responsibility. Don't think you are superior to others because you have this position, so you can control others. If I did not run for office, I would not be sad or discouraged, because everyone found that my efforts were not enough. Whether I am not elected as a study committee member or not, I will listen to the teacher carefully, not whisper with my classmates, and review the content of the last lesson carefully after class.

Speeches of candidates (II)

I am. I am honored to run for the class cadre. This time, I am still running for the class study committee member. I once served as the health committee member of the class, and thus was awarded the "excellent class cadre" of Futian District. In the past year, I served as the study committee member of the class, allowing me to accumulate rich experience in managing the class. I see the teacher working hard for us every day, and I also want to contribute to the class.

If I become a study committee member, I will certainly help those students who have difficulties in learning to improve their performance; If I become a study committee member, I will manage the naughty students in my class and let them learn to abide by the school rules; If I become a study committee member, I will also be a good teacher's "little assistant" and actively assist the teacher in class learning; If I become a study committee member, I will listen to the opinions of other students, and humbly ask those who are better than me to speed up their own pace of progress; If I become a study committee member, I will constantly improve myself and enrich my knowledge in learning practice; If I become a study committee member, I will constantly find out my own gaps and correct my mistakes in time; If I become a study committee member, please support me, because I know that my achievements are inseparable from everyone's joint efforts; If I become a study committee member, I need everyone's encouragement. If I accidentally make a mistake, please forgive me. I can do better with your kind criticism.

Boys and girls, please vote for me. I will not let you down! Finally, I ended my speech with one sentence. The ancients said: "God rewards diligence". I believe that through the efforts of me and everyone, our class will be able to usher in a fruitful tomorrow.

Speeches of cadres in the election campaign (III)

Dear teachers and students

hello everyone! Mr. Napoleon once said, "A soldier who doesn't want to be a marshal is not a good soldier." Today, I will not only be a marshal, but also be a successful marshal who can benefit the students here - your monitor.

Although it is not certain that I will become the monitor, as a member of Class 5 (4), I cannot watch Class 4 slow down and become an insignificant person. I also want to serve the class and put forward a better idea to portray a clean five (4) class. Therefore, please trust me at home and recognize me. Don't think I can't do it. Since I want to do it, I will be responsible for you. Please vote for me!

First of all, I am a person with two minds. The "three hearts" refer to the heart of progress, peace and tolerance. Self improvement will make me improve day by day, constantly improve myself, and ensure to carry out and complete the class work in high quality and efficiency. Peace of mind will allow me to treat with a broad and ordinary mind regardless of success or failure, and ensure that I can resume work quickly. Tolerance can make me an effective communication platform between teachers and students, effectively accept others' opinions, cooperate in class work, and even be open-minded and calm. Its "two meanings" refer to creativity and poetry. Creativity refers to creatively guiding the publicity committee to arrange work. Poetic means being unprepared when working twice!

I also have many unique views on the development of class work: 1. Be disciplined, organized, efficient, self-motivated, cohesive, confident, creative and team oriented. (Eight Haves) 2. No moisture, no shield, no selfishness, no crooked thoughts. (Four None) 3. Do your best and do your best. (III) 4. Discuss learning problems in groups and twist them into a rope. (Team)

If I am lucky enough to be elected, I would like to thank everyone here for giving me the opportunity to try. At the same time, I will actually complete the task, plan and practice the goals, and ensure that I can get on track in a short time.

Maybe, in the eyes of the students, I am not so perfect, but there is no defect that can not be changed. Please believe that I vote for me. Thank you for being at home. My speech is over.

Fifth grade composition speech (15)

As we all know, people in the society are paying less attention to hygiene. This person throws some paper scraps, and that person spits sputum; This man threw a piece of watermelon skin, and that man dumped garbage in the river... These bad practices are rampant in society. Gradually, people became the "underlings" of these bad practices. These unhealthy tendencies also began to spread - to the beautiful campus "guests". As if they had an infectious disease, the students threw rubbish everywhere and became "ugly" on the beautiful campus. Not paying attention to hygiene has become a habit of students.

I became the health committee member to let students get "medical treatment" and begin to repent and protect the environment. And I'm sure of that. First, I have always had great prestige, and I believe that my classmates will listen to me; Second, I have good popularity, many friends, and enough organizations to protect the environment.

Students, if I become a health committee member, I will hold a class health conference to let students talk about their views on the word "health", and then persuade students who do not protect the environment according to their views. I believe it will have great appeal; I will also set an example by actively helping health teachers to do health work... I hope that students will also take action.

Fifth grade composition speech (16)

Dear teachers and students

hello everyone!

I'm Yang Yifan from Class 51. I'm honored to win the National Bronze Award for Calligraphy. When I heard that I had won the prize, I couldn't believe my ears; When I got the shining cup, I couldn't believe it was my honor! I have been envious of the people who hold trophies on TV since I was a child. My dream is that I can have them one day. Today, my dream has finally come true! I can get this honor, and one half of the credit belongs to my beloved teacher.

Just two weeks before the competition, Teacher Meng made his lunch break time for us to practice every day. Every time I write a word, Teacher Meng will severely point out the shortcomings and ask me to correct them. Sometimes I have to write three pieces of paper in one word, which is why I can win the prize. If I keep practicing like this every day, will my luck and hardship be wasted? During the competition, I also made mistakes. One of my classmates accidentally touched me. I made a careless stroke, and I thought I would not win the prize, but I won the bronze prize!

There are still many shortcomings in my handwriting. I must work hard to practice calligraphy in the future to create a brilliant future!

Thank you!

Fifth grade composition speech (17)

Dear teachers and partners:

hello everyone!

My name is Bao Kexin. Today, I made my first speech on the platform, and my first speech was to run for monitor. At this moment, I am very excited and nervous. The monitor is a position that many students aspire to. It needs a capable and caring person to take it. I believe I have this ability. I was a monitor in grade one or two. Do you want to continue to give me this opportunity? Let my childhood diary leave wonderful memories of serving the whole class! I am warm and cheerful, love the collective, unite classmates, and have love. My shortcoming is that I look down upon poor students and don't like to listen to others' advice. In the future, I will get rid of these shortcomings.

If I win the election and become the monitor, I will do this work with great energy and clear mind. I will hold a series of activities such as recitation, speech, and so on. Of course, I won't say much more. I think we should all be doers, without those beautiful words to modify. If I lose the election, it shows that I have many shortcomings, and I will continue to improve myself.

Work has tempered me, and life has shaped me. Dale Carnegie said, "Don't be afraid to sell yourself. As long as you think you are talented, you should think you are qualified for this or that position.".

Students, trust me, support me, please vote for me, thank you!

Fifth grade composition speech (18)

Dear leaders, teachers and students

hello everyone!

Golden September, sunny, cool autumn wind. In this harvest season, we welcome the opening ceremony of the new school year. Here, on behalf of all the new students, I would like to extend a warm welcome! At the same time, I also express my best wishes to all the new and old students: I wish you all good health and academic success!

Since the beginning of the new semester, our campus has been filled with a festive atmosphere. In the near future, students will have classes in the well-equipped and modern teaching buildings. That's a great feeling. In recent years, great changes have taken place in our school all the time. Who can not be proud and cheer for this?

All the time, leaders and teachers have been working silently and selflessly to create a beautiful campus environment for students and create good learning conditions. The school is developing day by day and the environment is improving day by day. But have you thought about it? If the school wants to develop, its image should be tall. The efforts of teachers alone are far from enough. We need the joint efforts of you, me, him and everyone. Your words and my line shape the beautiful image of the school. Every Young Pioneer's behavior is related to the honor or disgrace of the school, and shows the school's taste.

Students, when you start your first day of study with your schoolbag on your back in the morning facing the sunrise, you should look up, you should stand tall, cheer up, be confident, and your heart should be filled with a great determination; On your way home from school, you should touch your schoolbag and ask yourself what you learned today? Have you wasted a day? Is it a step closer to your magical dream, great ideal and beautiful wish?

Students, let's follow the autumn, pick up a small brush, and describe life more beautiful. Let's fly our hearts and sing a song of spring.

Finally, I wish you all the best in your new starting point and new voyage!

Thank you!

Fifth grade composition speech (19)

Grade 5 Volume 2 Language Unit 3 Composition: My Splendid Speech 300 words Teacher, students:

hello everyone! I am Yang Xiding, the "astronaut" in teacher Li's mouth; The "snow cake" in the mouth of students. I like "astronaut", but also like the friendly title of "snow cake".

I like reading. Reading is my greatest hobby. I regard it as an indispensable nutrient. When I meet it, I can't put it down. Reading makes me feel infinite fun, brings me endless knowledge and wisdom, and also makes me confident and composition advances by leaps and bounds. Mr. Wang, the former head teacher, praised me for having a unique perspective and beautiful writing style, and often being able to write wonderful masterpieces.

I can speak standard Mandarin, which fully meets the strict requirements of our school: speak standard Mandarin and be a civilized westerner. Here, I propose that everyone should develop the habit of speaking Mandarin, create a new learning environment, and let the "wind of Mandarin" spread throughout the campus.

I unite classmates and respect teachers. I always use my sincerity to win others' welcome.

I hope the above highlights of me will never fade in everyone's eyes. Please supervise!