600 words about longing composition (collection of 18 articles)
Fish playing near the broken bridge
2023-11-15 00:16:12

600 words about eager composition (1)

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." The same is true of success. If you want to succeed, you must work hard!

Since I entered the third day of junior high school, the pressure of learning has become greater and greater, which will engulf me like a huge monster. However, if a mistake in an exam is compared to a sharp lightning bolt, I have been broken dozens of times. When I made a mistake in a math exam, I fell from the top of my class to the bottom of my class. I was so upset that I couldn't sleep for several nights. Because a voice in my heart has been crying: "I am eager to succeed!"

The road to success is not always smooth, so I also embarked on the road to success. Looking at the red test paper, I was a little depressed, but the high school entrance exam was coming, and I had to make a great effort. For the sake of that voice in my heart, I burn the midnight oil every day and study in my seat almost as soon as I have time. Several times, when I want to give up, I will see the paper in my mind, and the cry "I am eager for success!" will ring in my ears again, so I continue to study, just to achieve success!

The sun was shining brightly that day, and birds were jumping back and forth among the trees. The sun shone on my desk through the cracks in the leaves outside the window, which was particularly dazzling. With everything ready, I confidently entered the examination room of the monthly exam. This time, I must turn over and succeed.

When I got the math examination paper, I looked at it, clenched my fist, and prayed to myself: Believe in yourself, you can do it. In the examination room, I cut through all the difficulties and eliminated all the questions. You know, this is inseparable from my usual efforts. The exam went well, and I handed in my paper with confidence.

These two days waiting for the hair roll, my heart is full of anxiety and expectation. I really hope to get rid of my former shame. Finally, God didn't let me down. I got a high score of 139 in this exam, ranking second in the class. At the moment when I came to the stage, I realized how eager I was to succeed. All these are the results of my desire for success.

The road to success is full of difficulties, but only when we are determined and eager for success can we reach the other side of success.

600 words about eager composition (2)

Long years ago, you said that we were confused, accompanied, and difficult to get together... We yearn in the middle, and grow up in the longing, like stars in the sky, endless.

Desire to understand, understanding is to know each other and ask each other, just like sunshine, rain and dew, withered trees come to spring, getting warmth and also warming others. Understanding is the encouragement of the elders to the younger generation, and the respect of the younger generation to the elders; It is not lying in a high position and scolding at will. Everything is rebellious, it is different, it is outdated, and I can't stand it; Understanding is a bridge that connects the gap, a bridge that closes the door after misunderstanding... Without understanding, there will be more gratitude and resentment in the world. With understanding, there will be more warmth and less estrangement in the world.

Desire, kinship is the skeleton of the soul, and the blood is destined to continue. The soul with only muscles and no skeleton is like mud; Kinship makes us no longer trapped, no longer suspicious, and can go deep into each other. Kinship is a green leaf, giving people passion for life; Family love is that you can feel warm even in the dark night and cold winter; Kinship is mysterious in Venus; Share joys and sorrows with each other; Kinship is rooted in the same root, not intrigues and fraternity. When God closes the door, he will inevitably open a window.

Desire, friendship is the muscle of the soul, and it warms you and me. Friendship is mutual promotion, mutual help, a wish of "I hope people will last for a long time and share the joys and sorrows of a thousand miles", a wish of each other's all-out efforts when they encounter difficulties, a rage for each other's fall, and a low-key setting for each other; It is not the mutual pursuit of success, nor the quietly leaving of failure; Friendship makes our life move. Friendship makes us colorful.

Desire is inherent in the boat of life. Desire forms the background of life. Desire is the beginning of life. The stronger the desire is, the greater the desire is. We will march forward on the ladder of hope, eager to succeed, eager to own, eager to learn from others, eager to create miracles, eager to fly, eager to stand out, eager to meet... eager to lead us to success, If you only desire but do not act, your hope will be slim. If you do not suffer from wind and frost, there will be no fragrant plum blossom. So, what are we hesitating about? Let's take the longing and set off

600 words about eager composition (3)

Every time I look back at your back, I will generate new power and want to surpass your power.

Everyone had a dream when he was young, and he wanted to be the first. This dream seemed unattainable and hopeless in the past, but this exam should completely change my view and make me more firm in this dream.

I used to take the exam with a despairing attitude, because you were so dazzling. Every time I took advantage of you to leave the classroom to relax, I would sneak up to your desk and carefully open your exercise book. As your opponent, I really hope that your homework this time is worse than mine. At least, your math and physics are worse than mine! But you always don't let others get what they want. Every time you get almost full marks in physics and mathematics, you don't give me a chance to be proud in front of you.

Do you remember the mid-term exam last semester? When I was taking the math exam that day, I remember very clearly that I was sitting behind you. When the exam was about to take place, you suddenly cried with your stomach in your arms. I was surprised by your cry throughout the exam, but I felt a sense of loss and pride. The invigilator hurried over to greet you anxiously: Do you want to go to the hospital to see if you can still finish the exam? In fact, I really want to know the answer. I saw the big sweat on your face, each of which was the size of a bean, and your small face was also blue. I reluctantly said, "No problem, I will hold on". I was shocked to hear that you were so firm that even those diseases could not dampen your enthusiasm for learning. Because of this, I would be very eager to surpass you, even if it was a point.

The next day, when the results came out, I was very surprised. I looked at the bright red 148 points on your roll, and I also surpassed you as I wished, but I felt lost in my heart. But it hasn't happened since then.

You, the most powerful opponent in my life, I want to surpass you very much. I am eager for you to become the first. I am sure that I will surpass you in the near future.

600 words about eager composition (4)

Nowadays, most people are suspicious of each other and blinded by jealousy, which makes the whole world become "dirty". Therefore, I am eager for more trust between people. It is said that 56 ethnic groups are a family. Isn't trust the most important thing that a family has?

In today's society, competitiveness is unavoidable. For their own interests, they will use all kinds of tricks to make others fall for them. In a word, some people try every means to make their opponents lose the game, some people can't stand the test and give up easily, and some people stick to the end and never give up. I don't know. Aren't you tired? You are not tired. Others are tired. Is it so difficult to trust each other more? I would like to give some suggestions to people who are now starting companies: no doubt about people, no doubt about people, more trust between employees. I believe that the interests of your company will be better and better.

In today's schools, quarrels are unavoidable. For some trivial matters, we should fight with each other. For example, when there is a quarrel between students, one of them loses something, and then he must be the student who quarrels with him without thinking about anything. Without evidence, what can be used to prove that it is the disgusting suspicion? If there is more suspicion among students, isn't it difficult to make friends in the future? I would also like to say a few words to the current students: let's have a little more trust between our students, make friends with you more smoothly in the future, and have a more harmonious relationship with you in the future.

In today's families, violence is unavoidable for children's achievements. Children's achievements are really children themselves, but most of the reasons are parents. Because every time a child loses, he will be beaten and scolded. If this is the case every time, it will make the child afraid of exams and learning, which will lead to confidence in exams. Parents are also responsible for children's failure in exams. I hope that parents like this will encourage their children more and take more responsibility, which will definitely help their children develop better in the future.

I long for trust. Let's all act together!

600 words about eager composition (5)

Trust is a spring wind, which will make withered vines bloom new green; Trust is a bond that connects countless hearts. Trust is also like a blooming flower. It needs friendship as the air, loyalty as the sun, and concern as the rain.

Fourteen year old daughter had an extra lock on the drawer at some time, and often the light in the room was still on at midnight.

One day, my mother saw my daughter holding a small box mysteriously and putting it in a locked drawer. The mother casually asked her daughter, who said happily, "Keep it secret."

Mother helped her clean up the room. She found a ball of paper crumpled by her daughter in the trash can. Mother was curious to pick it up and read it. It said "I love you...", and there were words on the back that were stained with ink and could not be seen clearly. Mother was very surprised. She remembered that every night, the light in her daughter's room was on, and her daughter held the box... Mother thought something was wrong with her daughter, but she immediately thought: No, I believe my daughter, she will not... I must have made a mistake, and I firmly believe my daughter.

In the next few days, the mother did not "monitor" her daughter, but still treated her daughter as usual.

That night, her daughter came home early to help her mother with housework, and cooked her mother's favorite dishes.

When eating, her daughter brought out a box and a note from the room. Her mother was very surprised, because the box in her hand was the box that she put into the drawer mysteriously that day. The daughter leaned on her mother's back, took out the note, and read affectionately: "Mom, I love you. If I were a lotus, you would be the lotus leaf to shelter it from the wind and rain..." After reading it, the daughter smiled and said: "Mom, today is your birthday, and this paragraph was written after I repeatedly revised it. I bought this gift with pocket money, and gave it to you. Happy birthday to you!" Suddenly, Mom understood everything, the lamp and the box.

The mother was very moved and felt sorry for her daughter, so she told her daughter her original idea. After listening to this, the daughter smiled and said, "Mom, you didn't peek into my drawer, and you still trust me. It doesn't matter just to think." Mom smiled, and she smiled proudly, because she was glad that she was just thinking.

Trust is a necessary condition for people to communicate with each other. Nothing is more fortunate than being trusted; The regret of life is no more than breaking faith with others. "Trust" will make life more happy.

600 words about eager composition (6)

The sky is blue, the trees are green, and the birds are singing clearly... I saw a beautiful flower called "Peace", which needs to be treasured by the whole world. We touch the friendly face of the earth, who has the heart to destroy it with war? Who is willing to take away our familiar compatriots on the earth with cannons? Who wants blood to be the prologue of the robbery?

But what I don't want to happen always happens.

The war between the United States and Iraq broke out in 20XX, and the tragedy began on a cloudy day in March. The Iraqi battlefield was completely immersed in the sound of gunfire and crying, and the criminal killing was indiscriminate, including many innocent civilians. The war is still going on. The purpose is not so simple anymore. Who is behind this heinous war? Benefits.

The war between Israel and Hizbullah has affected more civilians. They were deprived of their right to live, and finally became victims of the war. Suicide attacks, hostage taking, etc. are all around people's lives. The most frightening thing is, will the Lebanon Israel conflict only be the prelude to a more tragic war?

"The sky is still cloudy, pigeons are still flying, who can prove the love and life without tombstones? The snow is still falling, the village is still peaceful, and young people are disappearing in the birch forest." The evil of war endlessly destroys people's lives and hearts. I walked through layers of mist, and time came to that picture. This is the battlefield of evil. I see, I see. In the ruined towns and the devastated suburbs, lovely children lost their kind mothers, young wives lost their dependent husbands, fathers lost their most beloved children, and trees had to leave their beloved soil... The restless and confused eyes can no longer find a warm home, but can only look at the misty sky: the people who block your progress, Should we sleep forever?

All this is terrible, war is terrible!

When will the world turn swords into plowshares? The initiators and participants of the war, let go of your weapons and recover the kindness that has been lost for a long time; Get rid of evil and loneliness behind false justice. Otherwise you will end up in a country of sin! When we are all in the cool wind, take out the most true love in our hearts to be with the sun, and give a beautiful smile and tolerant attitude to the right and wrong around us. Even the most sharp contradictions can melt, and everything will become more beautiful.

No more wars. I was afraid that before I could cry, the laughing bullets would take away my temperature. Let us guard peace and innocence together with the dove of peace on our arms.

600 words about eager composition (7)

From childhood to adulthood, everything I did was decided by my parents, and my life seemed to be wound up by them and kept rotating. At two and one line every day: home school, school home. I can't stand the same pace of life, so I began to disobey them.

Every day when I came home from school, I began to walk around with my friends. So, when I came home, my parents often asked me: "How did I come back so late?" "Was it left by the teacher?" Their repeated questions haunted me day and night, like an invisible chain locked me tightly. Let my answer change from "No, I came back with my good friend today." to "What do you think?" It is because of my change of attitude that they have to pick me up.

At the beginning, I was very happy because my family had to cross a crossroad to go to school, but as time went on, the changes in the content of the conversation made me feel that it was a kind of suffering, because my mother asked some questions, and there were many new questions, I really don't know where she came from so many questions.

Usually, our conversation is like "Are you happy at school today?" "OK" "What is it?" "Have you taken the exam?"...... I don't want to answer these questions again, so I answered my mother with a silence of "Speak! Have you taken the exam?" Her mother's words were angry, "No, you are bored! You asked me yesterday, how can I take the exam today and tomorrow? You are not tired! " I'm impatient. The dissatisfaction accumulated for a long time is like a level 12 volcano eruption. So, after that, every day the way out of school was accompanied by our quarrel. The final result is that nothing can be done without their approval.

I remember once saying, "You are so strict with me, you are not free at all." In retrospect, the freedom I want is just an excuse for playing, and parental control has played a great role in the present. I really want to go back to the past and say to them, "Sorry, what I want is not freedom, but your understanding." Of course, I also want to understand you.

600 words about eager composition (8)

I am a bird eager to fly. I have been eager since I was born. When I was very young, I was fearless and wanted to compete with the storm, but my parents always refused to let me go. They were afraid of losing me. They knew that before the plumage was full, they could not defeat the storm in any way. Unconsciously, this became my dream.

I am a bird eager to fly. When I was young, I grew up and had more feathers, so I began to defy my parents' discipline. I think: parents must be frightened. After setbacks in their age, they dare not let me accept challenges and face success. So my dream is deeply imprinted in my heart.

I am a bird eager to fly, with sharp edges and corners. Although I knew that the imprisonment of the outside world was love, not harm, I still ran out secretly on a stormy night, spread my wings, and wanted to fight with the storm. Unexpectedly, it didn't pay attention to me at all. Lightning and thunder thundered, and rain relentlessly hit my body and wings. I couldn't fight anymore, and I fell down.

I am a bird eager to fly. Even though I have tasted the taste of failure, I still come out on a stormy night and let the storm bring me down. Suddenly one day, after being knocked unconscious by the storm, I woke up slowly and heard my parents' conversation: "Why is this child so headstrong? I know" "Yes, the birds are so small, why?" I turned my head, smiled bitterly, and said: "It's not headstrong, it's tenacity. I can't give up, because this is my dream." My parents looked at me deeply, and flew away, I think I have grown up.

I am a bird eager to fly. After many setbacks and tribulations, I have grown up. I have plump and strong feathers. Maybe it is time to challenge again. So I rushed to the sky in the stormy night, the dark gray rolling sky. The storm seemed to be afraid of me. The lightning was dazzling, the thunder was deafening, and the rain hit me hard.

I am a bird eager to fly, so I am not afraid. I fly freely in the storm and fight bravely. Finally, I see the dawn in a corner of the sky, I fly hard, and I touch the light! I am exhausted and dying. The birds gave me the title of "the bravest bird", and the birds cheered my victory. I only looked at the sky. That was my dream, and I was more serene than my eyes.

Someone sighed and said, "Is it worth it?"

Is it worth it? Is it not worth it?

600 words about eager composition (9)

Everyone has a golden childhood. My childhood was colorful. When I was young, I lived in the countryside with my grandparents. The colorful pastoral scenery renders my childhood into many colors. My childhood, spent in nature, is also like nature so beautiful, so emotional!

Spring is the most beautiful. Walking on the edge of the field, the huge vegetables are fat and green, spreading far away; The lentils on the ridge are like a purple moon; The small trees in Siye are like guards guarding the land silently.

Under the moisture of spring rain, bamboo shoots sprouted sharp points, grass slowly drilled out of the ground, and rape flowers gradually opened. The terraces became big golden carpets, and the smell of vegetables and flowers was thick around them. The bees were hovering over the flowers, and the butterflies were dancing in the sea of flowers. Grandfather and grandma are working in the fields, while I am chasing and fighting with my childhood partners in the golden ocean. Our laughter always echoes in the sky over the fields. We will catch crickets on the lawn, catch loaches in ditches, and catch fish in rivers.

How happy and free childhood life is. I remember watching sunset clouds. When evening comes, my brother and I will climb the hillside and look up at the western sky. At first, the sky was still blue and the sun was bright. Later, the sun slowly turned orange red, fell down, and finally hid behind the mountain, emitting colorful light, reflecting clouds in all colors, red, pink, purple, yellow. The sunset dyed the whole sky red. The roof, the fields, the river and the whole earth seemed to be covered with gold powder. We felt dizzy as we pointed out the changing sunset glow. With sunset above and mountains below, it really looks like a three-dimensional magnificent picture.

However, my childhood can only exist in my memory, and I can't go back. The countryside of childhood no longer exists, and children in childhood have lost their leisure. The countryside has been demolished, and a large area of economic development zone covers the original colorful fields; Very young children go to the city and enter the spacious and bright classroom, but every day they have a very tight class and do their homework in a hurry. And I, the little girl who used to be so lively and playful, have already become silent. The pressure of study is getting bigger and bigger, the homework is getting more and more, I often feel annoyed and depressed. I even became indifferent and introverted. The happy and relaxed atmosphere of childhood has long gone.

I am eager to return to my childhood. Unfortunately, things and people are not the same. Only memories can give me some comfort!

How long has it been since I last looked up at the western sky?

600 words about eager composition (10)

For the time being, meeting each other is like a dream, lazy to think. The dew is thick, the flowers are thin, the sweat is thin, the clothes are light, and the dream shadows are in pairs, laughing at the empty apricot beams. When the years of Suri's fingertips turn over the history of the past, I am eager to hear you sing.

I am eager to listen to your singing in the distance, and to listen to the deep softness of "deep without question, thanks to the east wind for thousands of years". Know my meaning and feel pity for you. Your tenderness is like water, and you must ask the sky; Fragrant mist is thin, through the curtain, you romantic, melancholy pool pavilion. You didn't mean to stand out from the crowd. You just wanted to lean on the railing and weep. But "the country is unlucky and the poet is lucky, and the words begin with the vicissitudes of life". How do you know that the red candle back and embroidered drapery will make you sad in the festival, and your dream will last forever; Too hasty, hate also with, you sing a song, turn the candle floating Peng. I don't want you to look at the moonlight and the full spring breeze. I just want to see how many tears will break my heart. So, I heard you sing "The old country can't bear to look back", and I heard you sing "How can I be alone in ecstasy", which fully shows the beauty of the Southern Tang Dynasty queen.

I am eager to hear you sing in a low voice when you are far away, and hear the innocence of "too soft to fall, too thin to dance". The wind is rustling, drunk and boring, you work hard to pity the moon, and the swallow is still there; Covering the screen, hanging green sleeves, you meet according to the appointment, whispering at dusk. You didn't mean to fight on the battlefield, but you just wanted to be grateful for the east wind blowing down Jiaohong. But "if life is just like the first sight, what's the sad autumn wind painting fan", how can you think of the rustling leaves, tears like tide, who will judge your charm and cut the autumn tide; Mountain, water, you point temples frost micro, red tears steal down. I don't want you to look at the moon and the west wind moving the flower protection bell. I just want the word "mandarin duck" to be merciless. So, I finally heard that "I judged the dreamer for Iraq", and finally heard that "what is the most fascinating thing in my memory", flying in the tranquility of Nalan Rongruo.

I am eager to listen to your singing in the distance, and listen to the meditation of "the festival is full of sunshine again, and the midnight is cool.". People quietly, the moon depends on, you move the shadow of flowers on the moon, the dream breaks and does not return; Planting plantains and sweet scented osmanthus, you can lie down to watch the new moon and comb your hair day and night. You didn't mean to be separated from each other. You just wanted to smell the green plum like glue. But "the jade thin sandalwood is light and endless hatred, and the Qiang people in the south tower should not blow". However, the smoke and light are thin and the plane trees fall, and you are still autumn and lonely; Autumn is already late, people return early, you are a kind of Acacia, two idle sorrow. I don't want you to know whether you are green, fat, red or thin. I just want to get to know you when you are sad. Therefore, I finally heard that "there is no way to eliminate this situation", and finally heard that "things are different from people and everything is not right", and the tactfulness of the desolate Yi An hermit.

I am eager to hear you sing the sad spring water flowing eastward, I am eager to hear you sing the endless blue and sorrowful brocade book sent in the cloud, and I am eager to hear you sigh the sorrowful journey back in the snowy night. Accompanied you to walk this rough road, I finally heard you whisper.

600 words about eager composition (11)

Being strong is the flower that tries to grow after the storm. Strong, is the snail who still tries to crawl after slipping. Being strong is the butterfly of being strong.

Flowers, it is often said that we are the flowers of our motherland. But I don't think so! Maybe before the storm came, we had to hide at home! Maybe, before the setback comes, we have given up! This is the attitude towards life of most of us (including me). But from now on, I have come to my senses. I think why not try to realize this sentence? Why can't we be as strong as flowers? If we try to learn from flowers, maybe we will achieve it! So stop talking nonsense and act quickly! In the future, I am eager to be as strong as flowers.

Snail, the weak body carries a heavy shell and climbs up step by step! That is what people see as strong. Although it is slow and hard to climb, it has not given up the courage to move forward. The hope of life is still so strong. Because it knows that as long as it is strong, it can reach its goal. Snail, an animal that can be trampled flat by us, has made me admire him for a long time. Climbing, although slow, can always climb to the end, line, although fast, but not strong, always give up. As the saying goes, if you don't hurry, why thousands of miles? Yes, persistence is just two simple words, but it is so precious to me. I am eager to become as strong as a snail

What a long process it took for a butterfly to grow from a caterpillar to a butterfly (for it), but he always insisted on this goal. But it has always been strong and persevered for this goal. Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as it is willing to climb, this is a saying. The butterfly is like this. Finally, she grows into a butterfly, flies into the blue sky, sees a more beautiful world, and the fresh air infects it everywhere. This feeling is so cool! I long to be as strong as a butterfly.

Life is nothing difficult, live strong! I long to become a flower, strong through the storm. I am eager to become a snail and crawl strongly. I am eager to become a butterfly and fly to the blue sky.

600 words about eager composition (12)

Time passed quickly. I had spent five years in primary school and entered junior high school before I knew it. With the heavy and intense study, I am more and more eager to have enough time.

I am eager to have enough time. My father and my mother worked hard to bring up my brother and usher in our twin sisters. For more than ten years, they have not had a moment's rest. I can't bear to see my parents working hard and busy every day. I hope that after finishing my homework, I can have enough time to help them do some housework, so that my parents can have a good rest and enjoy a good leisure time.

I am eager to have enough time. In this way, in addition to my homework, I can also learn more knowledge, browse useful extracurricular books, broaden my horizon, and exchange my learning experience with my partners. Now, I am often bound by my homework. I have no choice to learn. I just brush, brush, and brush questions every day. Even in my sleep, I will be awakened by examination papers.

I am eager to have enough time. During the holidays, I can travel all over the country with my parents. Go to the top of Mount Tai and experience Du Fu's heroic spirit of "seeing all the small mountains"; Go boating on the West Lake, and feel the "mountains are empty" and "billows are clear" in Su Shi's eyes; Go to the desert and witness the "desert smoke" and "long river sunset" in Wang Wei's poems; Go to the bank of the Yellow River to experience the magnificence of "boundless falling trees". I really want to have enough time to banish myself, stay away from homework, stay away from exams, and find the dream land of peach blossom.

I am eager to have enough time to get rid of the shackles of homework, to care for my family, to roam freely in the sea of books, and to go to a distance I have never been to. How wonderful that would be!

600 words about eager composition (13)

Life is a big tree, and self-confidence is like providing nutrition soil under the tree to provide power for life. And I have been blessed with confidence.

I remember one time, there was a speech contest held in the school, and each class needed to send a student to participate in it. When the teacher talked about this in the class, the students all rushed to sign up. I thought: these people are really stupid. Who will go to make a speech? It's not humiliating enough not to win the prize. The teacher's eyes turned for a week, stopped at me, and said, "Just you, give you a chance to exercise, let you exercise yourself." I said, "Ah? Let me go? I don't usually like talking, how can I go there? Can you change someone?"

However, the teacher will not change my decision to go no matter what. So I have no choice but to prepare for this competition. On the playing field. Looking at others' confident attitude, I regretted the speech. Why didn't you tell the teacher that you would never go there? This is good. I don't know anything. How can I compete with them! I was completely lost. What should I do. For the first time, I understood the meaning of the word Zhang Huangcuo.

I don't know when the teacher stood quietly beside me. She seemed to see my uneasiness. Looking at me, I said: "Now, you don't have much time to be nervous. Now you only have to face it with confidence. You have to believe in yourself. As long as you have confidence, you will play well. You have made sufficient preparations. Don't distrust yourself or give up easily."

What the teacher said made me think deeply. Since ancient times, heroes have gained brilliant achievements with confidence, and thus become famous all over the world. I'm ready. Why not face it bravely? At least try it instead of playing the "retreat drum" here.

When I think of this, my previous tension and uneasiness have all disappeared. I bravely walked to the podium. The result is needless to say. It's also very good. All my classmates applauded me, cheered me, and smiled happily for my confidence. At that moment, I understood the power of self-confidence

The goshawk fights in the sky because of confidence, and the shark can swim in the sea because of confidence. 1 The king has a position because of confidence. I am making progress because I have confidence!

600 words about eager composition (14)

After the tense final exam, I have a free life again. The "Doodle Doodle" alarm clock impatiently urged me to get up again. Open my sleepy eyes and look at the alarm clock. It's only 5:00! When the alarm clock was turned off, the sleepy eyes that I finally opened slowly closed like a shutter.

I was still talking about my life ideal with Zhuge Liang, and was awakened by a bunch of dazzling sunshine. Habitually looking at the alarm clock, bad! It's 9 o'clock! I "Teng" stood up, opened the wardrobe, grabbed a dress and a pair of pants, and put them on my body. Go straight to the bathroom. Squeeze the toothpaste, pick up the toothbrush, and start to "serve" the teeth. Looking at me with a white beard growing in the mirror, I began to imagine that after brushing my teeth in the future, I pulled down the towel, wet it, wiped it on my face, and then threw it on the shelf, "Ha ha! Free!"

In the protest of my stomach, I went downstairs and saw the breakfast at a glance: fried stuffed buns, the beef inside is delicious, and the scorched part outside is perfect! After tasting breakfast slowly, don't forget to sneak into the kitchen to get a popsicle. Hmm, a beautiful day is about to start! Licking the cool and delicious ice lollipop, I started my learning journey. Opening the Idiom Dictionary, I tried to memorize the meanings and explanations of twenty idiom words. I was secretly happy to learn new knowledge. After eating the ice lollipop, I recited the idiom. I try to climb the peak of the world literary classic A Dream of Red Mansions.

The exquisite language art and fascinating story plot make people cannot help sighing: "Language is wonderful!" Although it is very hard to translate word by word, and I look up words I don't understand in the dictionary, I still feel happy.

The self-study time is over, and I have a rest time. Turn on the computer, play a rock song, and instantly feel excited and full of power! Play a quiet song, and instantly feel attracted by this ethereal voice. Put on a warm song, and instantly feel warm and comfortable as the sun. I can't help but be intoxicated with the song and sing with them. After the rest time, I started my study trip. Seeing the joys, sorrows and sorrows in the book, I was deeply infected and slowly integrated into it, but I could not extricate myself

Summer life is like a piece of white paper. I try my best to paint my own color on it, so that I can have a colorful free life like colorful candy!

600 words about eager composition (15)

Freedom is a sail sailing in the sea, always under the control of oars; Freedom is the fish in the sea, always under the control of water; Freedom is a tree on the ground, always under the control of the earth; Freedom is the fruit of a tree, always under the control of branches. I long for freedom, I hate bondage.

Don't sail in the sea. The strong wind gathers black clouds, which roar in the sea, and the waves roll and surge. There is a lonely boat floating in the endless sea. The bow swayed left and right, and the direction could not be seen for a long time. The bow roared with trembling sails, scolding him for always going in the wrong direction. Fan helplessly pierced the dim eyes with tears, not only tears, but also sea water. The bow roared crazily, and finally Fan could not bear it. He begged God to release his shackles. The strong wind made the sail puffy, and the sail could not hold on. His tattered body was blown away from the ship by the strong wind. Fan was very happy because he finally got rid of the shackles and regained his freedom.

Don't be the fruit on the tree. Before he opened his eyes, the tree bar forced the fruit to grow up quickly. The fruit was very tired. He had not woken up yet. Since he was born, the tree bar forced him to grow up quickly. In the future, he will be able to sell to other countries, Shutiao said, but the fruit is very tired, and he has no strength to absorb sunlight. water content. He knows that he needs a rest. So the fruit didn't listen to the branches and slept until it woke up naturally. When he woke up, he found that he had grown up. The land under the branches said that rice should stutter and you should be a little longer. The fruit understood what he meant, but the branches did not understand. He made the fruit absorb sunlight and water even more. The fruit is too tired. He tried hard to get rid of the bondage of branches, and finally, he flew. Fruit was very happy because he knew that he was free and was no longer bound by branches.

I don't want to be a fruit on a tree, or a sail on the sea. I don't want to be bound. I want to be free, because only when I am free can I grow up healthily. Therefore, I long for freedom and freedom.

600 words about eager composition (16)

"Bored, bored, bored!"

"Another passing score. Is my IQ really inferior to others? Is it my destiny to fail?" I beat myself in agony. At the thought of the disappointed eyes of the teacher, my heart seemed to be pricked by someone and squeezed together.

For today's exam, my mother cooked chicken soup for my health every day, and my father bought me the latest guidance book. Even my usual trouble making little brother was coaxed to play elsewhere. I also worked very hard to study late every day.

But as soon as the test paper was handed out today, I was still fooled. Seeing the lines of words, figures, figures and charts on the test paper is like an inextricable mystery from outer space. It is also an extravagant hope to understand the requirements of the question, let alone do it. So I have been defeated again and again. I wanted to block something, but at the thought of my mother's gracious instructions and my father's expectant eyes, my little brother asked me to come back with full marks when he left. But now I can't do so many questions. How can I repay their expectations? Will Dad still trust me? What would my mother say about me? What will the teacher think of me. At the thought of these, my head is much bigger, but the more anxious I am, the less I will. Looking at the students around me, I felt uneasy when I heard the rustle of writing. I thought that this time I would definitely be behind again. What should I do

Ding Lingling, the bell after class, woke me up. I had no choice but to hand in the examination paper. Seeing the students talking about the exam, I walked out of the classroom like an ugly duckling, head bowed and listless.

A gust of cold wind blew, and I could not help shivering. I felt the cold I had never felt before, from outside to inside. I don't know when several fallen leaves fell on me. Could they have been abandoned by the big tree. I suddenly felt that I was like a leaf and lost my direction. But in my heart, there is a voice constantly crying, "Why is success so difficult!"

How I wish I could succeed next time!

600 words about longing composition (17)

A beautiful desire in the world

The stars are all over the sky, and the bright moon is in the sky. For the dark night, it is their heart's desire; There are endless ripples in the fine stones of fish. The desire for serenity is in their hearts; Swallows flying and birds chirping, perching in trees, are longing for the sky in their hearts. The pure white and flawless atrium like glass becomes colorful because of the desire, and it is also because of the desire that the white snow turns red.

However, in my heart, the beautiful desire will be the most rare thing under the blue sky?

Looking at the dazzling clothes of friends around me, the bustling city, and the amount of money my parents have saved painstakingly, I know that they will not enter my heart, nor will they be the most beautiful desire in my heart.

It was another day when I turned into an alley in a dull and procedural way. Far away, far away, my parents' figures became clearer in the setting sun. When I saw them, they walked forward happily. It was hard to restrain the smiles that were blooming on their faces. They would not be the best looking people. Their eyes were covered with wrinkles. They would not be the youngest people. Their eyes were red day and night, His face was suntanned.

At that moment, even though their simple smiling faces were so "thin", a stone was thrown in my heart, and countless ripples rippled away.

Although time is a knife that makes age and beauty go down, it can't obliterate the most sincere feelings in our hearts. That kind of eternal brightness, refreshing people's hearts, is not exactly what I have been looking for!

Life suddenly has an "exclusive motor", which has unlimited power. Because every time I see their laughter, all the pain is relieved, and all the setbacks are found a way out.

The source, however, is just a simple smile.

It is night. I look up at the stars, listen to cicadas, spit melodies, fish in the water, have the serenity of the night, birds chirp, have a free heaven, and my heart has the most beautiful desire - parents' smile.

Longing for friendship

The deep voice of the cello is like a river. The left bank is my unforgettable years, and the right bank is my shining youth. Those years that we once thought we could never forget are forgotten in the process of our obsession. I still firmly believe that two parallel lines will meet one day.

Every time I recall the moment when we met, I can't help laughing. Two innocent hearts, two young hands and two charming smiles hold us together. Maybe this is fate.

I like to take you in the garden in spring, smell the fragrance of flowers, and have a long talk with you; I like sitting on the grass with you on summer nights, holding my knees to look up at the stars, and enjoying the romance and distance of the starry sky; I like the way your eyelashes flash in the sun. It seems that there are elves dancing on tiptoe.

The song is melodious, the feeling is melodious, and the meaning is melodious. You, my dearest friend, with a kind greeting and a sincere handshake, like a spring breeze blowing my heart, like a spring spring flowing into my heart, you opened the window of my heart, and I stepped on the oasis of friendship.

However, it was the reunion and the separation. On that rainy day, you told me sadly that you were leaving! It was like a bolt from the blue. My heart seemed to fall into the abyss, so lonely and helpless. Touching the wall wetted by the rain, my cold fingertips felt dull pain, and my heart swam through a trace of sadness, deeply stabbing my heart.

All the friendships, all the good memories, all the tears and hugs, all the unforgettable years rushed to the grand death on that rainy day.

I drifted off the street in a trance, letting the rain fall on me mercilessly, cold and piercing. A good friend is like an umbrella to protect you from the wind and rain. If you suffer from snow in the distance, I pray that God will let the snow fall on me. You are the eternal flame in the bleak cold night, giving me the warmth of friendship and great support and encouragement.

Looking forward to the heaven - sincere and pure friendship in the world!

Desire for recognition

The road of life is endless, like the boundless ocean and grassland. Humans are animals that naturally need to be affirmed by others. Their recognition, support, admiration and envy are all things that make them happy. Humans never come to be tired of others' affirmation of them. They are like greedy gluttons. There is no one who does not want to be affirmed by others. Everyone is clamouring for their affirmation.

I was sensitive to the evaluation of others when I was young. Maybe I will listen to your poor evaluation of me without changing my face, but my heart turns upside down and tells myself that I don't care so much. Maybe I can fool everyone, but I can't fool myself. After listening to this, you may not agree to continue to do your own thing, but your heart is different from your appearance. You will always find an opportunity to try this thing again, crazily, until you can do it well and get approval from others.

My heart is in great need of being recognized and affirmed. It is a natural instinct. People are born with things like spiders who are born to weave webs, birds and bees who are born to build nests... The first time I was recognized in my memory was a very small thing.

When I first remembered something, I didn't know why. I took my grandfather's old broom and swept the floor in his bedroom. How young I was when I just remembered. I remember that I was not as tall as my grandfather's door lock, and I was sweeping with a broom that was much taller than me. The floor of Waigong's house was not paved with floor tiles. I took the broom handle and poked on the ground almost horizontally. Oh no, actually I was sweeping the floor. It was just because I was small and didn't know how to control my strength that I was poking the floor mischievously with my broom.

But later my grandfather praised me, saying that I had grown up and understood, and politely avoided the useless thing that I "poked" with my broom. But I was very happy to hear that.

In this way, I was fascinated by the feeling of being praised and affirmed, and the feeling of pride. Now that I am in junior high school, I will work harder to fill this bottomless hole that needs to be affirmed by others.

600 words on longing composition (18)

Children's dream

Urging flowers to bloom

Whose hope

Flapping their wings

Just wait for the wind to pass

Leave Guduoer to sing

With a "quack", I announced my arrival. The girl with strange ideas in her mind began to pursue her dreams.

When I babbled, I hoped to stay in my mother's arms forever. As soon as my feet touched the earth, I was eager to fly on the grass like a pony. Even my sore legs told me, "You can't be impatient!" I never gave up my dream.

Time flows quietly. When I walk on the road and see my little brothers and sisters in red scarves queuing up to go home, the drum in my heart rings again. It hurriedly cries, "Hurry, I want to be like them."

The first time I stepped into the place called "school", my heart began to sink. This is such a terrible place: there is no familiar sound and shadow of parents, only piled books and my tall cold desk. At this moment, a smiling face appeared and she said softly: "Children, let's come to class."

Only then did I know how fascinating the classroom is!

Gradually, I understood those beautiful fairy tales. I spelled the story of the little mermaid carefully, and cried with her. I began to yearn for: I want to learn, I want to have the knowledge to read this book Andersen.

Science leads me into another world. There is no childish idea in childhood here. Instead, it is for the ideal of the whole human being. Microsoft technology, gene technology, aerospace technology?? They are like a huge magnet, deeply attracting me.

I know that my desire has turned into an ideal - I want to travel in the world of technology.

As a result, I spoke enthusiastically in class; Under the desk lamp, I reflected my hard exploration.