My Happiness Composition 600 words (17 selected articles)
Light smoke and mist
2024-05-28 00:39:22
primary school

My Happy Composition 600 Words (1)

"It's hard to learn for ten years. There's no end to learning." It's hard to work during the study time. Yes, without a strong will and a hard spirit, it's difficult to put into study. But is there any happiness in learning? Yes, as long as you work hard, pain will become happiness.

In the fourth grade of primary school, I began to hate learning, and my grades plummeted. In the second half of the semester, I suddenly realized that I had decided to make up for it and improve my grades.

At six o'clock in the morning of the first day, I got up hard from bed and began to recite the text, but I could only recite a little. I was too sleepy. After breakfast, walking on the way to school, I thought to myself: "God! It's so difficult to be a good student?".

In class, I really wanted to talk to my classmates again, but I still restrained myself. I thought to myself, "No, I can't talk anymore. I should concentrate on listening and paying attention.". With this thought in mind and action, I began to feel very interesting, and raised the hand that had not been raised for a long time, and answered the question. The teacher praised me, "It's very good." I was very excited. Time flies, and the last math lesson is coming. The teacher asked us to write math homework, "We must write it well, seriously, seriously, and then seriously." I thought to myself. I finished my homework with every stroke, vertically and horizontally. I looked around, but no one handed it in. "Ha, I'm going to be the boss." I thought happily. I left my seat and handed my homework to the teacher. The teacher was very surprised. I thought to myself, "The teacher didn't expect me to be the first to hand in my homework!". However, at the same time, another sense of uneasiness crept up on me, making me nervous, "Will it... all wrong?"

I thought to myself. In the afternoon, the teacher called me to the platform and said in front of the whole class: "This student writes very well, and is the only one in our class who is completely correct.". "God, it's not true." I'm so happy that I can't describe it.

Back home, I told my mother what happened at school today. After listening to this, my mother said to me, "Don't be proud, but persevere." I nodded. In this way, I persisted until the end of the term. A bigger surprise came. I got 280 points. "Is it true? It is really true." I was ecstatic.

I get infinite happiness from my study. Friend, do you still feel hard to learn?

My Happy Composition 600 Words (2)

On that day, what I got and what I lost, maybe I can never figure out this account.

One day, I played with several good friends. They played chess, which I hated most and was the worst chess game.

We first stone, cut the cloth, and decide which one to play first. If we lose, we will change to the next one. I am not familiar with every move of chess, so I always lose. I am not happy now, and angrily shouted, "I will not play!" The little partner was angry at me, and had to step back: "OK, let you." But my chess skills and their chess skills are totally different. I can't compete with each other, Unable to fit in with them, he "hummed" and left to do his own thing. I set up the building blocks alone. At first, I thought that a person was very happy: "Those fools can only play chess, hum!" But after a while, I felt that the feeling of being alone was really uncomfortable. Looking back, they were still laughing and laughing, as if to show me that we can have fun without you!

I was itching to make up with them, but a completely different signal came from the bottom of my heart, "How did you leave them just now? If you make up with them now, they will laugh at you!", One of them turned around and smiled: "Why, regret it?" I shouted angrily: "No!" "Then what are you doing back?" I didn't answer, but kicked the chessboard away. They were stunned and stared at me who was going to leave. Just came to his senses, he knocked me down and fought with me. We all went home angrily, red faced and bruised.

I was very excited. I thought I got a lot, which made their friends unable to play. But now I find that everything is too late. I not only haven't got anything, but also lost my irreparable friendship

My Happy Composition 600 Words (3)

My Happy New Year's Day 600 words (1)

My happy weekend composition 600 words

My weekend composition 600 words (1)

Sundays at other people's homes are interesting, and Sundays at our homes have a special flavor.

My mother and I got up at dawn. As soon as we got out of bed, we heard a knock on the door. I opened the door and saw that it was Dad. I hurried to invite Dad into the room. I thought, "I can have breakfast with my father today." After thinking about it, I quickly brushed my teeth, washed my face and combed my hair. Just then, my mother called out, "It's dinner." I went to get chopsticks without even wiping my hands dry, and then ran to the table quickly. "Wow! Such a good thing!" It turned out that today's breakfast had: cabbage and shredded pork noodles, six buns, three cups of soybean milk and three big steamed buns. No wonder I drool!

At last, my father and I ate voraciously. My mother laughed while eating and reminded us not to choke. My father and I said with one voice, "I see." My mother was angry and funny, and said we were like three-year-old children.

After the breakfast was finally "eliminated", our bellies were bulging like warehouses full of things. The whole family sat on the sofa to rest. I took this opportunity to discuss the lunch with my mother. I suggest reading in Red Steel City. My mother said, "Good! I'm going shopping!" At this time, my father said, "I won't go. It's better to stay in the quilt and watch TV." I took the opportunity to satirize my father: "Lazy guy." My father only smiled. At last, things were booked, and I ran to the room to do my homework.

Finally, I finished my work. I quickly changed my clothes and went to the bookstore with my mother to read. As soon as we got to the bookstore, we found a teahouse and sat down. We asked for a plate of melon seeds and two cups of fruit treasures. We read the book. I borrowed a copy of "Lao Fuzi", which made people laugh. "I met a wolf, and the wolf ate me, but his bones were still laughing." I will not talk about more. Anyway, the happy time passed quickly, and we reluctantly went home.

My weekend composition 600 words (2)

My Sunday is relaxed and happy. It happened that my mother finished writing the paper, my father finished reading the book, and I also finished my homework. I proposed to hold a rope skipping contest. My mother agreed without hesitation, but my father hesitated. But after seeing that both my mother and I agreed, we had to say: "Well, the minority is subordinate to the majority, and I have taken YOU!

The three of us took the jump rope to the open ground downstairs. Mom said, "Who will jump first?" "Of course it's the head of our family!" I said without thinking. Dad was quite able to "refute", saying, "I'm a gentleman, and of course I should give priority to women." This rope skipping competition is about how many jumps a minute. My mother jumped first, and she jumped 256 in a row. I was very surprised. I thought: This 256 is enough for me to compete, but there is still a father behind, and the worst is to win the second place. It's my turn to jump. Because I jumped too fast, the rope didn't touch the ground. As a result, it broke several times. Finally, I looked at the counter: 169. Alas, it seems that I can only get the second place. My father gloated and clapped his hands desperately. I stared at him and saw his elation. Could he jump well? After a while, he will not be satisfied. I handed the rope to my father, who held the counter on his left hand. (Note: the counter will display the correct number only when it is held on his right hand. If it is held on his left hand, even if it jumps, it will display more than 200 numbers.) But I didn't say that I would reveal his background later. Dad is really "guilty". Let's turn around and see if he can't dance well. Mom and I turn around and Dad starts to dance

I secretly looked back at him. He was flying like a silly duck. Fortunately, there were no pedestrians, otherwise he would faint. A minute later, my father said, "LOOK! 289!" My mother was very surprised. I uncovered his background. My mother saw him cheat us and punish him to clean the floor for a month. My father had to admit that he was unlucky.

>This is my Sunday.

My weekend composition 600 words (3)

Last week was a happy day!

That day, my uncle and I came to Huanhuaxi Park to feed fish. Although the weather was not good and made us feel a bit cool, the park was still crowded and bustling. Before I came to enjoy the scenery in the park, I led my uncle straight to the Koi Pond. After buying feed, I happily found a good place to feed the fish.

There are so many fish here! There are not only many koi, but also some large grass carp. They shuttle with the pool, forming a beautiful scenery. Before I started feeding, some fish swarmed over. I opened the plastic bag with too much force. One third of the fish food in the bag fell like stars in the pool. The fish scrambled for food and made a mouth opening sound of "wave, wave" from time to time. Look carefully, ah! Rain has many colors: red, black, yellow, white, different colors; The fish vary in size: fat, thin, long, short, and various in shape. I don't know when the "fish king" also came to "join in the fun". He was very tall, and the light rain had to make him three points. But the "fish king" seems to like me very much. It keeps putting up various POSEs in front of me: after a while, it will make a big splash in the water; After a while, he opened his mouth like a child and asked me to feed him; I couldn't help but grab a handful of fish food from my bag and throw it into the water like a flower. The "fish king" was very satisfied and went to the "three steps" leisurely when he was full. When the little fish saw the "fish king", they came to grab food. Although they were not as pleasing as the "fish king", they were still a "lovely" government. I could not help throwing fish food into the pool. Suddenly, my "customers" were full, and my feed was "in short supply". Finally, I "stopped" this "sale" because of "shortage" He reluctantly left my beloved "position".

This day brought me close to nature and purified my soul. Last Sunday was really happy!

My Happy New Year's Day 600 words (2)

Class name: enter the class name directly

Today is the 29th day of the twelfth lunar month. My father and I are going to paste spring together

United. My father taught me to put the double-sided tape on the back of the long Spring Festival couplets first, then peel off the double-sided tape and stick it on the two sides of the gate. There is also a horizontal scroll above the gate. Then stick double-sided tape on the back of the square "Fu" and stick it on the door of the balcony, so that the Spring Festival couplets will be pasted and it looks like the family is very happy.

It's Spring Festival! It's Spring Festival! The happiest thing in winter vacation is celebrating the Spring Festival. On New Year's Eve, we have to eat dumplings again as usual. I saw my mother chopping meat, making dumpling skins and making dumplings in the kitchen. I washed my hands, took a piece of dumpling skin, and put half of the meat stuffing on the dumpling skin with a spoon. However, I suddenly felt something was wrong. My dumplings were like dumplings. The dumplings made by my mother are crooked and very beautiful! My mother looked at the dumplings I made and said, "Dumplings are made little by little." My mother taught me to pinch them step by step. In the evening, I finally ate my own dumplings! Although the shape is not beautiful, but eat into the mouth, the heart is beautiful.

23、 Sugar gourd stickiness;

24、 House cleaning day; 25、 Ground tofu; 26、 To cut meat; 27、 Slaughter cock; 28、 Hair the dough; 29、 Steamed bread; Keep a night on the 30th night, and turn around on the first day of the New Year. "

When the Spring Festival comes, set off firecrackers, cover Erduo, still want to hear, close your eyes and watch. The more afraid you are, the more you like it. Are you funny

My Happy New Year's Day 600 words (3)

Today is the 29th day of the twelfth lunar month. My father and I are going to paste spring together

United. Dad taught me to stick the double-sided tape on the long

After the Spring Festival couplets, peel off the double-sided adhesive tape and stick it on the two sides of the gate. There is also a horizontal scroll above the gate. Then stick double-sided tape on the back of the square "Fu" and stick it on the door of the balcony, so that the Spring Festival couplets will be pasted and it looks like the family is very happy.

Class name: enter the class name directly

It's Spring Festival! It's Spring Festival! The happiest thing in winter vacation is celebrating the Spring Festival. On New Year's Eve, we have to eat dumplings again as usual. I saw my mother chopping meat, making dumpling skins and making dumplings in the kitchen. I washed my hands, took a piece of dumpling skin, and put half of the meat stuffing on the dumpling skin with a spoon. However, I suddenly felt something was wrong. My dumplings were like dumplings. The dumplings made by my mother are crooked and very beautiful! My mother looked at the dumplings I made and said, "Dumplings are made little by little." My mother taught me to pinch them step by step. In the evening, I finally ate my own dumplings! Although the shape is not beautiful, but eat into the mouth, the heart is beautiful.

Firecrackers on Spring Festival

Covering Erduo, I still want to hear it. Close my eyes and watch it. The more scared I am, the more I like it. Are you funny

23、 Sugar gourd stickiness;

24、 House cleaning day; 25、 Ground tofu; 26、 To cut meat; 27、 Slaughter cock; 28、 Hair the dough; 29、 Steamed bread; Keep a night on the 30th night, and turn around on the first day of the New Year. "

My Happy New Year's Day 600 words (4)

In the New Year, we paid New Year's greetings to the grandparents in the community, and Grandma Wang told me the origin of New Year. In ancient times, there was one who did all kinds of evil. One of the heroes bravely stood out and was willing to sacrifice his life with Nian

In return, the people can live and work in peace and contentment. Later, the heroes fought with Nian in the place where Nian often haunted. Finally, "Nian" was killed, and the heroes died. In order to cherish the memory of this brave man and celebrate his rebirth, people held various grand celebrations on the day when "Nian" was killed. They also set off firecrackers and posted door god couplets to drive away evil, and gradually formed a habit, which has been passed down. Since then, people have said "celebrating the New Year".

Class name: enter the class name directly

Today is the 29th day of the twelfth lunar month. My father and I are pasting Spring Festival couplets together. My father taught me to stick the double-sided tape on the back of the long Spring Festival couplets first, and then tear off the surface of the double-sided tape. Then my father stuck the Spring Festival couplets on both sides of the gate, with a horizontal scroll above the gate. Then stick double-sided adhesive tape on the reverse side of the square "Fu" and stick it on the door of the balcony, so that the Spring Festival couplets

My Happy Composition 600 Words (4)

Reading is a kind of pleasure and enjoyment.

Reading can edify your mood, relax your mind, gain more knowledge, understand more facts, and make you stand high and see far. Studying hard will benefit you for life.

Grandma Bing Xin, a famous litterateur, once said: "Read well, read more, read good books." This sentence tells us how to read more and how to read good books. A good book will make me understand a lot of truth, but also make me have a strong and unyielding spirit. Take the book How Steel Is Tempered, for example, the hero Paul. Kochagin's indomitable spirit will give me a kind of strength to make progress. Whenever I encounter some difficulties or difficulties in learning, I will think of Paul's indomitable spirit, enabling me to overcome difficulties and overcome problems.

In learning, books are also my right-hand man. One time, I was puzzled by a natural question in my homework. I suddenly remembered that there seemed to be this question in the 100000 Whys I read, so I immediately recalled, combined with the contents of the book, and finally made the correct answer. I danced with joy.

Another time, my father asked me to buy refined salt. I picked up a copy of "One Hundred Thousand Whys" and turned out of the door. As I walked, I turned around my main road and returned home. When I returned home, my father asked me, "Where is salt?" I "ah". I was so busy reading that I forgot to sell salt.

In fact, I didn't like reading before. The teacher said that we should read thousands of words of articles every day. I once wanted to read so many books and learn so much knowledge every day. Can our heads hold it? But books tell me that the capacity of human brain is 100 times higher than that of computer. A person uses his whole life time and energy to study, and his brain is also dissatisfied. So we don't have to worry about the capacity of the brain, knowledge is inexhaustible. We should enrich ourselves with books and endow ourselves with unlimited energy. There is a famous saying that people who don't read books only live in the present, while people who read books live in the past, present and future.

Students, what you hear is false, what you see is true. Hurry up and enjoy the happiness brought by reading!

My Happy Composition 600 Words (5)

What is music? Happiness is the wild goose in spring, the ice cream in summer, the fallen leaves in autumn, and the cotton padded jacket in winter... Happiness is very simple, and everyone can feel it. My happiness is to be with my sister, to be a close friend, to be a sister, whether it is crying or laughing.

My sister's parents have always been worried about her homework, so.

One night, the weather was very hot and boring. I leaned on the pillow quietly, reading. Only heard the ferocious voice coming from the living room. Oh, it's my mother's voice. "Xue Jinping, why are you so slow? It's almost 11 o'clock and you are still doing your homework. You see your sister has already finished it. When are you going to postpone it? You can't do it. Besides, your teacher didn't tell you. It's true." I walked to the door and looked at my sister who blamed herself, as if I heard her voice, how sad it was! Suddenly, I remembered that my sister had been working hard and finished her homework carefully every day. With the pressure from my father to let her master a dictionary of idioms, she should have done it slowly. Besides, he had no merit and also had hard work! The busy figure of my sister appeared before my eyes. Maybe it's because my sister's heart is in harmony with mine. Everyone has feelings. I couldn't help shedding tears, as if I had been hurt myself. I really want to help my sister, but I'm not strong enough. But, sister, come on, I will always support you.

Horse's happiness is running on the boundless grassland; The joy of birds is to fly in the vast blue sky; The happiness of fish is swimming in the deep sea with blue waves; The happiness of a candle is to burn itself to bring light to others; The happiness of knowing people is to strive and move forward in the sea of questions and try to touch the wings of hope; The happiness of sisters is to help each other, love each other, share weal and woe together. It's fate to be together. For this fate, Gemini princesses, be happy!

My happiness, small, is hidden in my heart, as well as in my sister's heart.

Everyone has his own happiness. After reading the "Happiness Forever" written by Qian Zhongshu's grandfather, I had many feelings that I could not express clearly, although I could not fully and properly understand some meaning in his words. But I immediately began to think of what my happiness is... literally, happiness means to feel happy or satisfied. But happiness in real life is felt by heart, and sometimes it cannot be explained in simple words. Everyone has their own happiness, and their understanding and feelings of happiness are also different. Grandfather and grandmother have their happiness, father and mother have their happiness, and I have my own happiness. I am a boy who likes to laugh. Relatively speaking, I am more happy. A smile is ten years old. A worry turns white. A smile means happiness. Happiness is always present in every corner of my life... when I have dinner with my family and talk happily; When I am roaming in the sea of books to absorb nutrition; When my composition was published, I saw a satisfied smile on my teacher's face; When I get good grades, I feel full of sense of achievement when I see the certificate of commendation encouraging me; When I demonstrate all kinds of great Xia with unique skills and good deeds in the illusory world of computers; When I wear roller skates like a free bird, and all my troubles are forgotten when I slide on the square at a high speed; When I dedicate happiness to everyone, and everyone is happy, I will experience the happiness of dedication; When I repay my parents with something, I will be very happy... At that time, I had a kind of wordless ease and happiness; It is also a happy thing to share with you the joy of my success. Everyone has his own happiness, which is varied. Happiness is the expression of a good mood and the prelude to happiness. When we are happy, life adds speed and smoothness. If there is no happiness, how can we talk about happiness? Then how boring life will be. Let's find more happiness! Let us add more speed and smoothness to our life, or give your happiness to more people, let them experience your happiness, and you can experience the happiness of dedication.

My Happy Composition 600 Words (6)

I just opened my friend Qing's QQ space photo album and looked at the photos in it. Those I knew and those I didn't know were still sighing. Those years, beautiful, but also gone. Probably, it is more beautiful because it is far away.

In those years, we all like to build several space photo albums. Then upload many photos. Some are even non mainstream pictures that can be seen everywhere on the Internet now. However, there is no way, we just like these things at the beginning. I like it so much that I can't resist it.

I opened one of the albums and found several photos of me. That was taken when I was in college. I couldn't help being moved. We have always been very good friends. Today, too. However, nowadays, we are no longer in the mood to put their photos in a special QQ album.

I like to chat with Qing. I like to talk about our love stories. I went to school then and now. Although I speak and she listens a lot. However, I still like it. Simply like, has become a habit.

Qing said that he has not felt happy for a long time now. Why am I wrong? I often talk about the hardships and bitterness of life. Always win her several hugs. I want her hug, but it's not about money.

Now, we really haven't seen each other for a long time. Say miss, but also more afraid of silence after meeting. Now we have no time, no ability. When we meet again, no one will think about it.

Still remember that afternoon evening, sitting on the hillside of the green and beautiful mess. I think Qing was happy at that time. Although, at that time, we always said we were unhappy. I think if there is a mobile phone, I will take many photos.

However, at that time, we didn't have mobile phones. We also feel unhappy. But, I think, we will, at least, be happier than now! Because he is young, he is a little sad and normal. But our sadness, but also with sincere happiness.

My Happy Composition 600 Words (7)

The ancients said, "There is a golden house in a book, and there is a beauty in a book." I have never believed that with a book, can you really get great wealth and happiness? I didn't understand the meaning of this sentence until I read some books in the school.

"Reading" is such a familiar but seemingly remote word. In the six years of study and life, we read books almost every day. But when I heard the teacher said that he hoped we could read some big and thick classics carefully, I was not suddenly full of curiosity, but like carrying a big stone on my back, full of oppression.

With the idea of completing the task, I began to read the first book. I wanted to read it at a glance and get rid of this trouble. Somehow, my mind gradually changed in the middle of reading. As soon as I finished my homework and was free, the first thought was to read a book, even to eat and sleep. The appeal of the book is so strong that I have to be convinced of it.

I can't wait to read the second and third books. I am like a thirsty sponge sucking the nectar desperately. The books fill my spare time.

Some of the books are not material wealth, but a huge spiritual wealth that will benefit you a lot. Just like reading Robinson Crusoe, it makes me understand that when I face difficulties bravely, the bright hope may become reality; Just like reading Boy Jarry, it let me see an optimistic and upward boy image, Girl Diary, which made me familiar with a girl's physiological and psychological change process; "Grass House", which made me and Sangsang experience his unforgettable six years of primary school life, and let me receive the enlightenment education of life; If You Give Me Three Days of Light, it taught me how happy it is to have health... Books have permanent charm. They are like bright magic lamps, giving us warmth, light, direction, wisdom and strength. Therefore, books benefit me immensely, make me happy, I read, I am happy, and books will accompany me for life.

Grade 6: Cai? Yao

My Happy Composition 600 Words (8)

Whether in school or in society, we often see the figure of composition, which can improve our language organization ability. Do you know how to write a good composition? The following is a collection of 600 words of my growth and happiness composition, which I hope will be helpful to everyone.

Happiness is like a cheerful song; Happiness is like a clear stream; Happiness is like a bird singing in the treetop; Happiness is like a spring breeze. Some people think happiness is rare, but in fact, you can find a trace of happiness as long as you experience everything in life with your heart.

Time flies. In a twinkling of an eye, I am already a sixth grade student. In the six years of primary school I experienced, I felt a lot of happiness.

There are two things that make me most happy.

The first thing is that a few months ago, I took the "Little Yingxing" enrollment exam. The exam is divided into two rounds, the first one is to test culture, and the second one is to test talent.

Before the exam, I studied hard at home. When it comes to the exam, few people will fail. After the exam, I walked out of the exam room with confidence.

Half a month later, "Little Yingxing" will take the talent test again. Compared with the previous round, I am not very confident, but I still silently said to myself: "Don't be nervous, don't be afraid, and be confident of yourself." When I showed my talent, I tried to control myself not to be nervous. When I came down from the examination room, I felt a long sigh of relief: "Kung Fu does not fail those who have a heart."

Finally, in my daily expectation, a few weeks later, I got the 'admission notice' of "Little Yingxing". When I got this, my heart was filled with infinite happiness and excitement. After school, I can't wait to go home and share the happiness with my family. After I told my family about it, they were all very happy.

The second thing is that some time ago, the head teacher came to me with a smile. I was wondering, and the head teacher said to me with a smile, "Yes, it was published in the newspaper." Then he took out a "Reading Guide for Primary School Students" from behind. I took the book from the teacher and couldn't wait to open it to find it.

In the following week, I received three more publications that published me.

What pleased me most was that mine was published in my favorite "Little Master"! When my parents knew it, they hugged me and kissed me with saliva.

These are the two happiest things I experienced when growing up.

My Happy Composition 600 Words (9)

Happiness - the highest level of spiritual relaxation, happiness, is the warmth of the elderly and children when they get together; Happiness is the kindness of grandma when she falls; Happiness is the recklessness of friends when they play together; Happiness is 100 points on the children's test paper... There is more than one way to be happy. It is the simplest and purest.

A psychologist once said: "Happiness is the panacea for prolonging life. It will relax people's mind and relax their nerves, so that they can promote blood circulation and prolong life." Indeed, only happiness can throw away all worries. Happiness is also a kind of germs, which can spread rapidly at any time and anywhere. Even if you are strangers to each other, you will get to know each other in a sea of people because of one word and one action. There is another saying: "To be happy with others is to be happy with yourself." When others are unhappy, you should make them stop frowning. Believe me, when his face shows that brilliant smile, you will be happy as well, from the heart.

Once, my deskmate failed in the exam and kept a straight face because the teacher was about to pass the class to approve the wrong questions. He couldn't, and he didn't change any of the questions. At this time, I became a "teacher" once as a deskmate and a representative of the Chinese class. I took his test paper and looked at it roughly, and found that it was all about turning questions. I took a pen, analyzed the reason of the wrong question with him, and drew out the key words on the question one by one. After a while, the test paper was full of red ink. In the classroom, he carefully showed the test paper to the teacher for fear of correcting a wrong question, but instead of criticizing him, the teacher praised him for being serious about changing the question, which is an example for everyone! His face covered with "dark clouds" finally showed a long lost smile. He said: "Thank you, Dudan! I'm happy now!" I think this is what I should do, but at the moment when he smiled, I couldn't help laughing from my heart.

Happiness is really simple. It comes from the bottom of your heart, from every corner of your body, and finally condenses into a force that bursts out of your soul. You see, happiness is everywhere, where there is innocence, there is happiness; Where there is kindness, there is happiness... Happiness is an indispensable seasoning in life. Let's work together to find happiness, create happiness, and pass it on!

My Happy Composition 600 Words (10)

The story of growing up is like a song. The story is a staff, and we are the notes; The story of growth is like a fountain, constantly pouring out new springs; The story of growing up is like the grass in spring, which keeps popping out its curious head; Growing up, you will find the joy of childhood. Here I also have two interesting things to share with you.

I remember when I was in kindergarten, I saw my mother put lipstick on the mirror before going out every morning. I was very curious, so I ran to grab the lipstick and said, "Mom, I want to put lipstick on, too." After listening to this, my mother said, funny and a little angry, "You can't put lipstick on, kid." I wanted to spank my little butt, so I ran away.

Finally one day, my parents went out and left me at home alone. I remembered the lipstick and ran into my mother's room to find it. I happily pulled out the lid, spun out the lipstick and wiped it excitedly. Suddenly in the mirror, I found that my mouth became very scary, blood red. I was so scared that I cried loudly. At this time, my mother came back and immediately opened the door. When she saw that I had made myself look like a red monster, she couldn't help laughing. Since then, I never touch my mother's lipstick again. Now I think I was really naive at that time!

Another thing is that I was quite impressed.

One morning, Mom and Dad were brushing their teeth, and there were many white bubbles on their mouths. I thought it was fun. I thought Mom and Dad were brushing their teeth with soap, and soap was edible. One day, when I was idle at home, I brought a piece of soap. I smelt it. There was a very fragrant smell, and I couldn't help biting it. Soon, my stomach began to ache. The pain made me scream. At this time, the neighbors next door were awakened, and they ran to see what had happened. Seeing me lying on the ground, they immediately sent me to the hospital. When Mom and Dad arrived, the neighbors told them about it. My parents said to me heartily, "Silly boy, soap can't be eaten." Until now, I still regret that my naughty behavior worried my parents.

But now I feel that those pictures are not only vivid pictures, they have become notes, which compose moving melodies for my childhood.

My Happy Composition 600 Words (11)

If friendship is an evergreen tree, it must be watered by a clear spring from the heart; If friendship is an invincible flower, then what shines on it must be the sun rising from the heart. Friendship needs to be listened to with heart, friendship needs to be watered with true feelings. Learn to listen and cultivate diligently, and the door of friendship will be opened for you.

I have pure friendship, I am happy!

I remember that when I graduated from primary school, a friend of mine wrote some words on the classmate record: "Sometimes you ignore me, sometimes you care about me. But I also want to go back to the old us very much, but I don't know whether there is still a chance? I wish you a happy heart, and I hope our friendship will last forever!" When I accidentally saw these words, Tears welled up like a spring

At that time, when we were in the fourth grade, we used to be very good friends, almost inseparable from each other every day. Because of some trivial things and other friends' "instigation", the friendship between me and her gradually disappeared. I often was very indifferent to her

Later, we finally made up again, and I said to her: "Let's not go back to the past, we should be better than before, better than now!"

Friendship precipitates slowly and inadvertently, like a jar of good wine, the longer the more mellow. In the rush of time, although some friendships will fade with the passage of time, I believe that this sincere friendship will become a precious memory of my life, just like a door that opens to you, not only letting you see the flower path, but also giving you a happy mood!

Friendship is actually very simple! Cherish just for having; Only have and happy!

My Happy Composition 600 Words (12)

Now the mayor is appealing to citizens to "create culture and create health". As young pioneers, how can we stand by and watch? We Young Pioneers must help!

On a hot summer day, Miss Shuxiang led us to a place full of fallen leaves. "Some leaves even rotted! We were greeted by flies and mosquitoes flying all over the sky. Well... they are too hospitable! We went to get the labor tools, and one by one we were eager to clean. Everyone is taking serious tools, and I? Ah! What I took was a very similar weapon of Pig Bajie - six tooth harrow. However, even so, since it is a labor tool, it will certainly have its own use!

Gradually, everyone began to work together to clean. We work hard without complaint. No matter how passers-by look at us with interest like watching a play, or how they point us out, we never forget our original intention - to create culture and create health. The scene is really hot!

Some, like me, are raking out broken stones with a six tooth harrow; Some are using shovels to shovel and level the soil; Some are using pickups to pick up some disgusting dirt, or the garbage covered by a lot of mud or attached by flies and mosquitoes, and then put it into the garbage can. Although this kind of pickup is slow to pick up things, as long as he perseveres and has perseverance, he will be able to use it to pick up quite a lot of garbage. Moreover, people feel fresh about this novel tool, and they are not afraid of hardship or fatigue. Although I didn't get this tool, I still worked meticulously... After I finished my work, I was already sweating heavily.

After an hour and a half of hard cleaning up the "battlefield", we have sweated heavily, but the place where there used to be a lot of garbage is now clean. Looking at the clean place, I feel happy.

Isn't this my creation? Am I happy?

My Happy Composition 600 Words (13)

I heard my mother say that when I was babbling, when I heard the music, I could not help twisting my body to the beat. When I saw the singing and dancing programs on TV, I danced and became intoxicated with them. My mother found that I had a special liking for dancing, so she sent me to the dance class and let me enter the dance world.

As the saying goes, "One minute on the stage, ten years off the stage". From the beginning of training, I realized that dancing is not only a brilliant performance on the stage, but also a boring basic skill training for ten years. Many people did not persist and gave up in this round. My perseverance supported me through this hurdle, for which I paid a lot of sweat.

Every time I bent down and rolled over, I really felt the joy of dancing, which was far more difficult than practicing basic skills!

Last year, on the "June 1st" Festival, the dance teacher wanted to rush out the Mongolian dance "Auspicious", and we actively engaged in rehearsals. One of the movements requires me to get up from kneeling to imitate the way wild geese take off. My back is not strong enough to get up. I thought: If not, it doesn't matter if I don't participate in the performance. When I returned home, my mother saw my dejected face and asked, "What's the matter? What's the matter that makes you unhappy?" I said angrily, "It's not dancing!" My mother searched the Internet for information and helped me find a variety of ways to exercise my back strength. She practiced with me and taught me that persistence is victory. Slowly, I can get up with difficulty. Suddenly, I danced with the melodious music. I felt like a wild goose flying over the grassland, completely immersed in the dance melody. I succeeded! Very excited!

Dancing has not only strengthened my body, but also my will, and made my growth more confident and happy! I love dancing!

My Happy Composition 600 Words (14)

I'm a little bookworm. I'm usually busy studying, and I don't have more time to read. In the summer vacation, I can spare a lot of time to read books. I can even borrow my favorite books from the library, swim in the sea of books, and eat spiritual food.

I'm also a swimmer. Swimming is the best exercise that can make me grow tall like a young tree. Usually I have to go to class, which almost takes up most of my time. In the summer vacation, I can swim freely in the water again.

This summer vacation, my sister and I went to Dapu Water World. Along the way, we were both excited and excited. All the events in the Water World have water. The most exciting ones are the "tsunami" and "curve slide". So good play! Both sides of the slide have been spraying water. Like a small loach, I "chuffed" down from the long slide. I screamed with fear and my whole body was nervous. When I got off the slide, my sister immediately complained and laughed for a long time. Then we came to our favorite Tsunami Pavilion. This project is our first time to play. We have no experience. My sister choked a big mouthful of water. When my sister responded, the second tsunami was coming at her. I shouted: "Sister! Be careful! " She grabbed her hand and ran to the bank, but it was too late. I was "lifted" like a roller coaster. The tsunami roared again and again like a giant. My sister and I jumped up again and again Very happy!

Every summer vacation has many happy memories, but this year's summer vacation is the happiest holiday.

My Happy Composition 600 Words (15)

In the field, I was laboriously harvesting the harvest rice, watching the grains of rice being transported home. My parents looked at the harvest, smiling happily, thinking of the previous hard work, no matter how hard, no matter how much sweat. I give, I am happy.

In the garden, looking at the seeds planted last year, they finally bloomed in this spring. It's really true that heaven pays the man who wants to. I will take good care of them every day, help them prune and cut leaves, water and fertilize them regularly, and give them enough sunshine and an adaptive environment. The flowers come out with bright colors, beautiful faces and attractive fragrance. I feel very happy because I have worked hard.

On the playground, a burst of laughter and laughter, several friends gathered around, talking and laughing. Looking back on everything before, I feel happy that I have these friends. We knew everything before, and everyone will know something. I treat them sincerely, and they will not lie to me; When someone encounters difficulties, I will try my best to help her. When I have difficulties, they will help each other out of their pockets; When encountering difficulties in learning, everyone will try their best to help her, and everyone will discuss together to find answers. I got the friendship, because I gave my heart and got the friendship, I was very happy.

In learning, I have experienced many hurdles. I spend most of my time on learning. I focus on every question and every word. For my own study, I want to do it well. Finally, I have made good achievements in my study, and my hard work has finally yielded results. I am very happy.

I know that pay is a gain, only pay can have a gain, pay is a virtue, pay is happy.

My Happy Composition 600 Words (16)

First of all, let's start from the beginning. Since I entered the master's house, the master has been listless all day long. His friends often advised him to say, "A man must have ambition!" But he always replied lightly, "Alas, it's OK, there's plenty of time."

Until his second baby son was born three months ago, he suddenly realized that he had to fight hard, otherwise what should the two children do. He seemed to have an epiphany.

On that day, he suddenly announced solemnly: "I have decided that I will fight, and I will redouble my efforts!" The master said it and did it. The next day, he got up at 6:30 in the morning and began to type documents in front of the computer desk. The words on the document are like rows of soldiers standing there, seemingly witnessing something. At noon, his first child was going to ask him to eat. But when he came to the room, he found that his father was pounding the keyboard like a "keyboard man". He went to have a look! In just three hours, my father actually completed five documents. At night, he still sat at his computer desk, tapping the keyboard, and didn't go to bed until more than 12 o'clock.

At first, I thought that the owner would "fish in three days and bask in the net in two days", which would not last long.

The next day, he yawned several times. I thought to myself: now the master should give up his efforts. Surprisingly, he continued to stare at the screen after yawning, quickly tapping the keyboard, sorting out one file after another, and never stopped.

In this way, day after day, he worked hard. At this time, I seem to feel that the master has really changed, become more diligent, become more diligent, know how to persist, and have a sense of responsibility. Seeing the change of the master, I was very happy, very happy.

Well, the master's salary has increased several times, and my belly is getting bigger and bigger. I feel happy from my heart. No, the master has stuffed money into my stomach again. I have to open my stomach quickly

My Happy Composition 600 Words (17)

My happy time

Everyone has the happiest time, and my childhood has countless happy times.

When I was eight years old, I was very envious when I saw that my peers could ride bicycles and ride so freely on roads and paths. I gradually fell in love with cycling.

It was a weekend evening, and that day was also my happiest time. I sat alone on the stone chair in the square. Suddenly, a girl on a bicycle called me and asked me to ride a bike together. I was extremely embarrassed when I heard that I had never touched a bicycle, let alone ride it. I said quickly, "Sorry, I can't ride!" After that, I ran home with a red face. At home, I have been begging my mother to buy me a bike, and I must learn it. Seeing that I was so confident, my mother promised to buy me a bike.

"Wow! What a beautiful bike!" My mother did not make a mistake. She had a bike at home. When I saw the newly bought bicycle, I felt very happy.

Looking at such a beautiful and brand new bike, I can't wait to take my father to the square to go to school to bike. The first time I rode on a bicycle, I was afraid and happy. My father held the front of the bike, and I stepped on the pedal to ride! I feel used to riding, and gradually become proficient. But the unlucky thing happened again. When I was riding on the way, I saw a big stone. The brake didn't brake well, and it was hit. The car overturned, causing me to fall all over. Ah! It was really unlucky, but I was very strong. I didn't give up and continued to ride.

The second time I cycled, I was very lucky. I could ride on my own without much effort. This time I made several circles around the square, and stopped at the fourth circle. My father praised me: "Well, it's really my daughter. She's really smart."

You see, this is my happy time!

My happy time

Although time always passes quickly, happy times can stay in our minds.

The happy time in my memory is in the autumn of one year. Mother decided to take us to pick mulberry before her sister's college entrance examination. One is to relax my sister's mood, and the other is to let me experience the beauty of nature. The place my mother took us to is the mulberry base in Hengdian. On the way to the base, my sister and I decided to have a picking competition!

As soon as we got off the bus, we saw strings of red purple and purple black mulberries. My sister and I were so excited that we couldn't wait to pick up the basket in the trunk and run to the mulberries. My sister and I hung a special basket rope around our necks while selecting the blackened mulberries. My mother said that only the blackened mulberries are sweet. Because it was noon, we were sweating in a short time. However, both of us are strong, so our sisters continue to pick mulberries.

Ten minutes later, I saw that my basket was full of mulberries, so I returned to the car. Unexpectedly, my sister was already waiting for me in the car. I looked at my sister's basket. Boy, it was full, maybe more than me. I had a brainwave and said loudly: "I announced that before the game was over, my sister interrupted me:" Wait, I have something left! "After that, my sister took out a bag. Boy, another bag is full. I feel dizzy. I was thinking about it when my sister said, "Well, now you should admit defeat?" Alas, I had no choice but to admit defeat to my sister. However, although I lost, I was still very happy, at least I also paid sweat for this basket of fruits.

Happy times are always beautiful. What we can do is to put these times in our memory and look forward to a better future!

My happy time

Everyone has a happy childhood. There must be happy times in a happy childhood! My happy time was when I was nine years old.

One summer when I was nine years old, the sun shone on the water, shining silver. Of course, swimming is the happiest thing in summer.

That afternoon, I was walking happily to the swimming pool in the community, and vaguely heard someone calling my name behind me. When I looked back, it was my father who was going to take me swimming. I jumped three feet high with joy.

We walked in and had a look. It can really be described as a sea of people. I found a place with few people and went under the water. In fact, I don't know how to swim, just walk around in the water. This time my father came here, it's great to let my father teach me!

My father asked me to hold my breath in the water first, and my head came out of the water in less than five seconds. My father smiled and said to me, "As long as you practice repeatedly, you will make progress, and you must not lose heart." After listening to my father's words, I mustered up the courage again and tried again. As I practiced, I thought of this sentence in my mind. This time, it was much longer than the last time.

After practice, my father began to ask me to splash on the water. The bigger the fight, the better, so that I could move forward faster. I only played twice, and my feet began to feel sore and numb. But you need to practice very well. I tried my best to get through.

After I finished these two events, I can't wait to swim once. I swam once in a place where there were few people. It was much better.

My happy time is on this day. Learning to swim has taught me that if you want to succeed, you must persevere!