Fantastic Composition (3 Collections)
Flowing thoughts and dreams
2024-05-11 03:58:44
Junior three

Fantastic Composition (1)

Occasionally, I saw a sentence in a book, and I always felt that it was an interpretation of me, whether I was too sensitive, or I was too eager to understand... What is life in, what is psychology... I also forgot, and I also felt that I did not need to remember, perhaps not my poor memory, but I was unwilling to remember these things, I have no desire and pursuit for this world at all. My life always has some periods of baldness, which accounts for two thirds of my conscious. I don't know when it began, perhaps from the departure of my parents, perhaps from the betrayal of my friends, perhaps from the beginning it was doomed

I'm always afraid that my family will leave me. I'm always afraid and frightened. I should figure it out. I have such feelings since I learned those texts (nostalgia in autumn). The students read them as if they were reading the text in an appropriate tone. When I saw this text, I almost cried, The text does not write about the selfless love that the author deeply interprets, however, how sad and painful he is. Later, I thought for a long time and struggled for a long time. Maybe my family and I can go to a happy world together, without worries, sadness, sadness, jealousy and framing... Everything is pure and innocent.

Family love is still so simple and selfless, and friendship is not tied by any candy because it is sweet, and love will be as beautiful as fairy tales... Fantasy, is it wrong or right—— Is it the more enriched life, or the more confused and lost life... Which sentence should I believe—— Work hard in the morning, not in the sunset—— Failure is the mother of success, fantasy is the father of success.

Some people say I'm stupid, others say I'm secretive. In fact, I was just full of deep sorrow. I was dissatisfied with myself and the reality, but I kept that strong heart, which made me "survive". My "stupid" just didn't want to reveal my so-called "vicissitudes", but the more I tried to cover up, the more I covered up. Instead, it became childish.

I'm actually a little happy. Ho ho, why is this

I used to be a happy Libra and always denied that I was a Scorpio. Now, I am just a Scorpio who wants to become happy and childish and become the opposite of himself. Anyway, it is the same... Why do I believe in constellations so much? In fact, I don't want to believe it, but I'm eager for someone to understand me. It's like a bosom friend like Boya Zhongziqi. How wonderful! I can forget everything, the text I recited, the food I ate, the people I knew... How can I forget my feelings... I don't believe in friendship anymore, because in the friendship I believe, no one will be sad and bald alone for friendship, but lies and betrayal. You said that you were strong, but you didn't cry because of injury, but because of heart injury, you cry, I don't want to fall into too deep a trap, and few people will be as stupid as me. Those who are as stupid as me are also the ones who are fooled by me, and they will become the same as me later

I said a long time ago that I would not believe in friendship, but... I still can't forget the people I said I hated... I miss Scorpio, I didn't believe it, but why am I Scorpio? Why so special? Why can't you put it down like this?

I love fantasy. Maybe it's just a dissatisfaction with reality, but my fantasy has also hurt many people, but I'm used to it.

Fantastic Composition (2)

The moon crept up into the sky, and stars dotted all corners of the sky. With their weak light, they tried to light up the night. Those stars, sometimes surrounded by thin clouds, only emitted a little light. At night, it was very quiet, but from time to time there were several cicadas chirping. After a while, silence returned.

Night. Quietly, only a trace of wind broke the silence. Occasionally, a few stars emerged from the clouds in the sky. I also moved my body, and the sky made people drunk. I was no exception. I enjoyed the wonderful environment, and I felt sleepy. I climbed down, as if I heard the story Yueliang told to coax the stars to sleep, and heard the breath of the stars, Let the queen hear the sound of the moon lying down. Looking up, the moon was covered by a thin cloud, which seemed to be a living quilt. Seeing the moon was so lucky and bitter, I flew to cover the moon with a quilt. How peaceful!

It was late at night, and there was only a bright moon in the sky, and only a few stars around her danced with her. A bat silently passed by, and the spider put the silk on the corner of the wall, ready to weave a web. Moonlight illuminates the earth, how peaceful and serene.

How beautiful the quiet summer night is! It seems to have a kind of magic power, which can transform the earth. People are drunk, as if it can make everyone feel warm. A wonderful night, a quiet night, this night will become a new chapter in my heart.

[Chapter 2: Composition of Starry Night in Summer]

On summer nights, I sat on the grass, looking up at the stars in the sky. The stars in the beautiful starry sky are blinking their eyes mischievously, which is extremely beautiful. I am deeply intoxicated with the beautiful night sky.

In the blue night sky. The stars twinkled. Looking at those stars, I remembered the twelve constellations mentioned in the book. I know Orion, Cancer, Scorpio and so on. Look at Orion in the north sky. It is really like a hunter, holding a stick, bending down, leaning forward slightly, leading the hunting dog to fight with Taurus. Look at the Scorpio in the south, holding a pair of pliers with its tail up, really like a scorpion. Some constellations in the sky look terrible, and some are very interesting. They are really different.

Looking at the beautiful starry sky, I remembered two sayings: how many people there are on the ground, how many stars there are in the sky. Whenever someone dies, a star in the sky will fall. "

The starry sky is full of magic and mystery. The beautiful summer night starry sky makes me intoxicated.

[Chapter 3: Composition of Starry Night in Summer]

One summer evening, the moon had not yet risen, and there were many stars. I moved my grandmother's bamboo bed to enjoy the cool under the mulberry tree. The cool breeze brings the fragrance of rice. My head leans on the pillow, looking up at the pearly sky

After a while, the moon, like a shy girl, peeped out half of her face from behind the hill and peeped at the world secretly. She must have seen me, the little man lying on the bamboo bed. Is she smiling at me! Slowly, she finally showed her face from behind the mountain. It was so pure and beautiful. The bright moonlight flew down, and the earth became a white world. For a moment, all the stars hid shyly. Only a few bold stars still stood bravely on the sky curtain. I don't know whether they were trying to keep company with the moon or to compete with the moon?

Such a summer night, such a starry sky, how can it not be fascinating!

Fantastic Composition (3)

One day, I gently asked in my fantasy ear: "Why can't I get what I want every time?" The fantasy slowly put its hand on my forehead: "Because I am an illusion!" Then I lay on its soft legs and enjoyed the touch it brought me. He suddenly flicked his hand carefully on my forehead, "Because I am a fantasy, what I give you is only illusory, not real." He paused. "Do you think I am redundant?" "How? No!" I rolled up, grabbed its hand, and let it rest on my face. I kissed the back of his hand from time to time, which made me feel a cool breath coming from this place of nothingness.

"No," he suddenly took his hand out of my palm and cried out, "You have begun to give up me!" He slowly lowered his voice! I can't loss you. It seems that it has understood my heart, but it has not responded to me for a long time. I tightly locked its eyes full of tears, it has been avoiding me! I have been searching for the slightest change of it, and dare not fall. It is still so beautiful, and its every move is deeply engraved in my heart.

But it gradually disappeared from bottom to top. "Tell me, what do you want most?" "It's you!" I answered without thinking. "No, what you want most is yourself!" Its thin lips have disappeared, but that sentence is still turning in my mind. All that remains is the eyes that have been staring at me all the time

I didn't answer, it's also a default! Now with the twinkling eyes, I read its sadness. At this moment, I feel infinite loneliness, loneliness and sadness! That's all it left behind.

"Ah!" Suddenly, I felt that my shoulder had been beaten again, as if full of youth had fallen on my shoulder. I turned around in surprise. Could it be... But I suddenly found that the girl standing in front of me was ruddy, cute, and thought-provoking! "And me! My name is Dream!" He put his arm on my shoulder, like a brother, very enthusiastic. "I..." "You don't need to say anything." He put his warm hand on my lips. "Remember what he said to you?" I nodded. "Then let's start together in that direction!" he said. It took my hand and ran forward to the Xuanhong sunrise rising from the east.

Since then, I have been missing my fantasy all the time, and I have been immersed in a passionate love with my dream all the time!

Yes! I admit that I was attracted by the dream from the very beginning. From the moment it took my hand, I decided that I would love her with my whole life!