My 600 word composition (17 recommended)
2023-08-28 02:15:52

My composition 600 words composition (1)

I am a proud snow velvet on the top of the snow mountain. I bear the cold and open proudly; I am an eagle on the precipice. I am lonely and unruly. I am on my own, not on the sky, not on the earth, standing in the world.

I want to make a painting to be selected in the class and awarded in the school? Relying on me, I denied my efforts again. I wanted to help my parents, but they went on a business trip. I am on my way home full of troubles. Looking down at his toes, he seems to be calm, but in fact, the river is turbulent. He unknowingly arrives at home in a daze and anxiety.

Grandpa went out to meet me, and saw my silent smile gradually solidify. "What's wrong?" "It's OK. I just want to draw a picture, and I can't draw." "Why can't I draw?" Grandpa's eyes pierced into my heart through the presbyopia, "Do you want to ask someone for help again, no, you should rely on yourself as soon as possible." "I can't draw." Grandpa was silent for a while, Taking me to the yard, he bent down and searched in the grass.

"You see, this is a snail, do you remember the story?" Grandpa's words were like a ray of sunshine, penetrating my deep heart. The snail is very soft, its shell is its home, its protective cover. Looking in the direction of grandpa's fingers, a snail tried hard to climb on a weak stem. The stem was very thin, like a weak girl. The slender waist could not bear the weight of a snail. The snail is knocked to the ground again and again. It always retracts quickly into its shell. After a while, it will first extend its tentacles, and then carefully extend its head. It doesn't give up because of this. It climbs again and again, falls again and again, gets up again and again, starts again. Every time it lands, it has a shell to protect it. A shell is all it depends on. The grass is still not helping to shake. I wait and hope quietly. Perhaps it is not like an earthworm, clinging to the broad embrace of the earth; It is not a caterpillar that depends on the blue sky after its gorgeous transformation. It does not depend on the sky or the earth, but on itself.

Looking at the snail's attempts, I gradually changed my mind. Making a picture may be just a small thing, but the important thing is. I don't rely on heaven or earth, but on myself.

My composition 600 words composition (2)

On my way to school this afternoon, I lost the key in my pocket when I crossed the road because I ran too fast.

A kind uncle said, "Little girl, you lost your keys." I hurried back to look for them, but I couldn't find them anywhere. I was very anxious, afraid that my mother would scold me for always losing things when I came home. So I called my father and told him that I had lost my key. My father said, "Don't look for it, go to school." But when I saw the time, it was almost time for class, so I ran to the school. By the time we got to the school gate, class had already begun.

When I slipped into the classroom gingerly, the eyes of the whole class gathered on me. At this time, I wanted to find a place to get in. The teacher stared at me blankly. I was afraid that after class, the teacher would call me to the office to criticize me.

Fortunately, the teacher didn't criticize me, but next time I must correct this bad habit of being careless and be a careful student.

My name is Song Xinying. I'm 9 years old. I have a round egg face, a pair of meaty hands, and a sweet mouth, which is very popular with adults.

But I also have many troubles, such as I am fat. I remember one time, when we performed in a dance class, I felt so tight when I put on my dance clothes. My clothes were about to burst. I really envied those skinny people who were just dressed.

My legs are very thick, just two big pillars. Wearing the tight leg pants my mother bought for me is my most painful time, because I can't wear them any way. I really envy those people with thin legs.

However, I later felt that being fat also has its advantages. For example, when I play on the seesaw, I always put someone on the seesaw, and he can't keep it down. I won't let him down until I beg for mercy.

And when I meet someone who is fatter than me, I will say to myself: Ha ha, I am really slim!

This is me, a funny and fat girl.

My composition 600 words composition (3)

You must be puzzled by this topic. How could there be two pleas? Are they two children with the same name and surname? Ha ha, you guessed wrong. The two Xuanxuan are actually the same girl. She is nine years old and in the third grade. She likes to wear bright clothes and wear a twisted braid. Her two black eyes shine like stars in the night sky. When she smiles, her eloquent mouth reveals two tiger teeth and two dimples!

It's no more important. This little girl is me.

I am the only child of my parents, but my mother always said that she has two daughters, one at school, one at home, one is a good student who is diligent and clever, and the other is a cute baby who likes to play small.

My mother said that I cherish time and be polite in school. I am a good child in the eyes of teachers: I listen carefully in class, speak actively, and complete all my homework on time. I will get many red circles and five pointed stars in my homework book; Most of the school's entertainment activities have my shadow. Although I am very busy at school, she can feel that I am full and happy.

I am very different at home. My mother said that I was a grumpy little princess at home: I opened my mouth when food came, stretched out my clothes, and lost my temper when I was ready. My mother had to coax me to calm down. My mother also said that my learning attitude at home was very careless, careless and impetuous, and the pen in my hand was simply a wrong word planter. Even the one hour piano practice every day, I have to bargain. Once my mother says something, I will cry.

My mother often said that she hoped to have only one good daughter, that is, me at school. I think so. "Bad advice is good for action". It's time to turn two of me into one. I must let the one at school drive away the one at home, and let the one at home become the sunshine girl loved by everyone. I made up my mind secretly, Mom, one day I will be your pride!

My composition 600 words composition (4)

I, Luo Xue, an ordinary girl, have no beautiful appearance and ordinary qualifications; Without high IQ, people are indifferent. But spare that does not belong to their own sadness. In this information age with rolling wheels and rapid progress, I am as faint as a dust. I am tired, and I know that this world is not a fairy tale. I cannot become Snow White or have Prince Charming. I love moonlit nights, I love being alone, and I love watching the world aimlessly. But they, as always, ignored me.

It is such an ordinary person that I have extraordinary sadness on a planet that doesn't need ordinary things. However, a part of sadness comes from my extraordinary ability to read my heart. The existence of mind reading is also due to my sensitivity and vulnerability. My heart is so vulnerable, but hypocritically pretending to be strong and happy on the surface.

Living in such a false world, I am really tired, both physically and mentally.

Sometimes, looking at ordinary students in ordinary life, I even think I am more humble. Because there are always several levels of piano and dance. I am not good at music, chess, calligraphy and painting—— I know myself too well!

Somehow, I will float out of the world, thinking that everything is so far away from me. This is also my choice, because no one can read my heart, because I put a lock on her - a lock without a key. This lock has sealed all my possessions. No one has a key, no one can have it, never will.

Nobody "knows" me, but I "know" everyone. My eternal sadness and eternal humility exist here, on this boundless planet.

My ordinary life has begun. Looking out of the window at the gray sky, I copied the notes on the blackboard and looked at the empty classroom (all the students went to the free activity class). The hustle and bustle outside the window seems to be a distance from my planet. Just like Venus and Mars are in the same universe, but they are separated by an earth. There is no joy in my world, not even for a moment. I am used to such a life: I am never the main character in other people's movies, but just a passer-by behind me.

My composition 600 words composition (5)

I am sixteen years old this year. I am a very ordinary girl, but I am not lost.

I like reading extracurricular books, especially magazines, novels, and literature. I can't stop reading books as soon as I pick them up. Once, I took a book in the book corner of my class in math class to peek at it. I took the math textbook as a cover and didn't listen to anything, so that the teacher said something in the whole class. However, at the moment of the parents' meeting, my mother was finally left alone. The teacher told my mother about my situation and said, "This is no good! It's a good habit to love reading extracurricular books, but you can't read them in class, which will affect the efficiency of listening. "When I got home, my mother gave me a ideological education and asked me to listen carefully in class, otherwise I would confiscate all my extracurricular books. So everyone called me a" little book fan ".

In fact, I have another nickname - "Doraemon". The reason why my classmates gave me this nickname is because they said that I just like Doraemon, I have a hundred treasure bags, and what they want, so when they are short of things, they will come to me to borrow them, and I always lend them generously. Therefore, some students laughed at me and said: " You are going to move your family to the school. You have all the things you need. "So the name" Doraemon "is not false at all!

I'm very careless. I always screw things up. One weekend morning, my mother went to the county town to buy clothes, and I was the only one left at home. Before she went out, she drove me to cook at home. I promised, and assured her to finish the task. At half past ten, I first steamed rice, then washed and cut vegetables. I can't be more skillful in all these things. After the rice was steamed, I started cooking again. Then I covered the pot and went inside to watch TV. I was so obsessed with watching TV that I forgot that food was still burning on the fire. After a while, my mother came back. As soon as she came in, she smelled a smell of burning. Then she called me out and said, "Look at your cooking, you know how to watch TV! If you can't do such simple things well, what can you do well in the future? Don't watch TV in the future. "It's really sad to hear my mother's accusation. Alas! It's all caused by carelessness.

This is me, the unique me, ordinary but not lost ordinary me.

My composition 600 words composition (6)

In the summer vacation when I was eight years old, I really realized the hard work of being a "housewife". And in my golden childhood, I left a brilliant mark.

That morning, I got up from my comfortable bed early. My parents went out to work. I was the only one at home. At this time, a strange idea came into my mind: I want to be a little housewife once! Just do it!

I first learned from my mother, soaked the cloth in water, and conscientiously wiped the table. After a while, my poor waist became sore. How can we give up halfway? I washed the rag with clean water, stood up again and wiped it hard. Soon, the oily table was changed and shiny!

The table is clean, where is the cabinet? With a calm face, it seems as if it is going to rain. I'm not a quitter! It took a long time. I don't know how many pots of water I changed and how many times I squatted down and stood up. Finally, the dark cloud with a gloomy face "clouds open and the sun rises"!

When I stood up again, I found that it was still so dirty! Books, magazines, throw everywhere; Muppets and cartoon figures are everywhere, and the furniture that I have worked hard to polish is also gray.

I'm busy again! First, pile the things on the tea table, table, sofa and floor together. God! It's all a hill! Then classify the toys you play with and put them away. Those you don't play with will be put in the storage box. Books and magazines are placed on the bookshelf. Alas, there is no room for them!

After all this, I began to mop the floor. First, sweep it once, and then drag it again. Hum! The whole house was cleaned by me!

At noon, my parents came home, looked at the scene of "shining golden light", gave me a big hug, said: "Beibei, this is what you did? That's great!" I smiled proudly, and I really had a sense of achievement!

In my rich and colorful childhood life, this is a thing that makes me feel proud and fresh in my memory. I find happiness in my work and add fun to my honey like life. At the same time, from this incident, I also realized the difficulties of my parents in life and their care and hard work for their families. So please be filial to your parents, do what you can for them, and share some of their hard work!

My composition 600 words composition (7)

On the day of my 11th birthday, my father bought me a box of dominoes. In the process of building dominoes, something happened, which deeply educated me.

I remember that after having my birthday dinner that day, I couldn't wait to open the box, pour pieces of white dominoes on the ground, and began to put them up with enthusiasm. I don't know whether it's because of excitement, curiosity or nervousness. I didn't put up a few pieces and accidentally met other dominoes just put together. That really taught me what it means to be "defeated like a mountain falling down". I only saw other dominoes fall asleep after one line. "One more ride", my mother encouraged me, and I started to "do" carelessly again. I tried three times, five times and two times. In a short time, dozens of dominoes were quickly lined up by me. I proudly waved to my father and mother, but I didn't want to touch my cuff. The dominoes rushed down like a runaway wild horse. At this time, I was so worried that I almost cried. "No more playing, no more playing" I cried out in frustration.

When my mother saw this situation, she came up to me and comforted me, saying, "Dad bought you a domino to train you to concentrate on your work, not to be half hearted, and not to lose heart when encountering difficulties, but to persevere." After listening to my mother's words, I still couldn't accept it at that time, but the magic of the domino attracted me. I began to pick myself up again and made up my mind that I would make it this time.

This time, I learned the lesson from the previous times. I calmed down and picked up the dominoes gently. Each time, I carefully arranged the dominoes in order. Kung Fu pays off. This time I finally got it. I stood up in fear and called out my father, mother, grandpa and grandma to share this happy moment with me. When I met the first domino, the other dominoes were like soldiers receiving the command, and one by one they began to report "number", "I succeeded, I succeeded!"

Whenever I think of the situation of knocking down the dominoes, my mother said, "We should concentrate on doing things, not be half hearted, and not lose heart when encountering difficulties. We should always have words of perseverance, because I have been deeply educated in this matter.".

My composition 600 words composition (8)

When I was a child, I always liked to take a small bench and sit on the balcony, looking at the blue sky, enjoying the early morning rain and dew, bathing in the warm sunshine, humming a light and easy to understand children's song, sometimes laughing, sometimes silent.

At that time, I was naive and liked the clear stream. In summer, I called my friends, walked in the middle of the stream with bare feet, took a handful of stream water and washed my face. From my forehead to my heart, crystal water splashed from time to time, reflecting my lovely face.

At that time, I also liked the rain, its purity and its silence. The rainy season in spring is intermittent. I ran outside and raised my hands. The dense raindrops hit my palms, chilly. Occasionally, I suddenly had a whim and ran all the way to the street to be a "poet (wet)" and feel the purity and tranquility of the rain.

When I was young, I often appreciated the cloud and its unpredictable changes. Look! A carrot has taken shape. Look! The little white rabbit was pulling up a big turnip. "Wow! The big gray wolf is coming, and the little rabbit is running!" Looking at the unpredictable cloud, I always wanted to lie on it.

I still remember my favorite game at that time - eagle catching chicken. When you are free, call a friend, step on the soft sand, play from dawn to dark, skipping, running around without getting tired. I am happy like a bird, seems to fly freely in the vast sky.

I vaguely remember when I was young, I sat on my father's big shoulder and held him tightly. "Baba, the small train is starting!" "OK, OK, sit firmly." My father said as he ran. Childish me, the corners of my mouth flow out a little sweet. At this time, I was like a small fish, riding the wind and waves, roaming freely in the boundless sea.

Remembering that autumn evening, I was sitting on the swing near the big tree at the door. The withered leaves were swaying in the autumn wind and floating on both sides of the swing. My father pushed me hard behind, swinging higher and higher... "Hold on, be careful to swing to the moon." "Ha ha ha, I'm going to the moon." There were bursts of happy laughter on the swing.

In my eyes, I am already a primary school student. When I grow up, I will never return to my happy and carefree childhood with academic difficulties. Now, when I think back, my childhood has come to my mind again and again, and the happy laughter has haunted my chest again and again. If I can go back to the past, I will cherish this wonderful childhood.

My composition 600 words composition (9)

I am like a bird locked in a cage by my mother. I review and review in the "cage" all day long. But, mother, what I want is not achievement, nor money, nor toys. I just want to float beautiful in the free sky like white clouds. I just want to fly and play leisurely like a bird.

Every day when I come back from school, I have to go into my "cage" to study. When my classmates come to play with me, my mother will scold them: "She still has to study. You people who don't like learning, you'd better stay away from her!" In fact, my mother, the friends I make are the top students in the class!

Learning, performance. Mom, are there only these four words in your eyes? Don't you have a few words of freedom in your eyes? Did your grandparents teach you this way in your childhood? Did you not have freedom in your childhood? Is that how teachers taught you when you were growing up? Did your parents control your freedom in your childhood?

To be honest, I sometimes hate you from my heart. Why do you always let me stay at home to practice when you go shopping? Why do you always ask me to bring my exercise book when you spare time to visit me at other people's homes? Why do you always blow your beard and stare at me when I go out to play when I finish the homework assigned by you and the teacher? Why? Why?

I know that you are doing this for me, for my future, for my future to have an iron job to support myself. But mom, do you know that now the country advocates quality education, so that parents do not burden their children. You are also a teacher, you are also a mother, and you are also our Chinese people. But how can you turn a blind eye to it, and see it without hearing it? How do you use the eyes of the old society to measure our learning? How can you use the customs of the old society to suppress our study? Mother, the idea of son preference is loyal to destruction under the education of the Party, but how can you create a new burden to the Party, and how can you create new pressure on us? We are a group of innocent children, we are a group of happy children, we do not want to become an "old society" when the motherland has just liberated itself, mother, I do not want to!

Mom, did you hear my call? Do you hear our longing for you, and do you hear our countless voices of "liberation"? You heard our

My composition 600 words composition (10)

My Dream Composition 600 Words (1)

My dream composition 600 words

A person always has his own dream and goal. A person without a dream is like an old wooden boat. He has nothing but drifting around with the wind. The person without ideal is empty in heart, just a body without soul. My ideal is to be a writer.

A writer, what a great ideal, how did he come from, and what would he experience? I often hover in my mind.

When I was very young, I was indoctrinated with literary knowledge by my mother. At that time, I was like a blind man. Before I went to kindergarten, I began to read. When my mother read a word, I read it along with her. When I got some idea of these words, my mother scrambled them all to test me. Later, my mother taught me to recognize Pinyin and syllables. All these make me excited. I also read many children's songs and unknown picture books. (In fact, my mother said that my mother had already read nursery rhymes in my ear when I was less than a month old.) By the first grade, I was already reading those non phonetic fairy tales. Make my Chinese score gradually go up to a higher level. Andersen's Fairy Tales and Green's Fairy Tales are my required courses every day. In the process of growing up, Lu Xun, Yu Qiuyu, contradictions and other writers were gradually "recognized" by me, which fascinated me. Under the influence of these literature, my dream germinated. My dream of becoming a writer like Lin Haiyin and Cao Wenxuan is getting stronger and stronger

In order for my dream seed to blossom and bear fruit, I must work hard to make my dream grow into a towering tree. How can you see the color red without experiencing the wind and rain? There is no joy of success without trying. So I bought a new notebook to record my mood every day; Record what you see and hear in and out of the campus every day; All happy and unhappy; The happy and unhappy are recorded in my diary. Accustomed to talking with friends, I also got a chance to practice writing, which benefited me a lot. I require that all my compositions should be no less than 95 points. If I write poorly, I should revise and reorganize them. If I should delete, I should keep, without hesitation, be bold and innovative, so that my writing level can be improved. I submitted the articles that I had written well. Although I lost, I also gained. In one essay collection, When Dreams Come True won the first prize in the city's primary school group, and the second prize in the county essay collection. But I can't be proud of it. My knowledge is still very poor. To be a person who knows everything, I still need to keep accumulating more knowledge. My composition is better, which can not be separated from my mother's influence and the teacher's teaching and encouragement

If one's dream is a ship, the good foundation is the rudder, which controls the ship's sailing direction; Others' encouragement is the oar, which pushes the boat forward; Confidence is the sail. Only when the sail is bulging can the ship move at full speed; Perseverance is a compass, which guides the ship. Without these things, the ship is not perfect. It is just a wooden board floating around without knowing the direction! We can't just hope for a smooth sailing; A ship needs wind and waves to be dangerous. Who is the king of navigation? It depends on now!

Everyone has his own dream at the bottom of his heart, but most people think that their dream is just a dream, and it is too illusory to reach, so they buried it deeply in their heart, and even refused to give it the chance to break the ground. In this way, how can a dream blossom?

As we all know, Deng Yaping has always loved playing table tennis since she was a child. She dreams of one day being able to show her skills in world competitions. But because of his short stature and short hands and legs, he was refused the entrance to the national team. But she was not discouraged. Instead, she turned failure into motivation, practiced her skills hard, and made persistent efforts to finally open the bud of her dream - she stood on the podium of the world champion as she wished. In her sports career, she won a total of 18 world championship medals. Deng Yaping's outstanding achievements not only brought her great glory, but also changed the traditional concept of selecting athletes only from tall men in the world table tennis world. Before Liu Xiang, who would have thought that a yellow man would one day get on the podium of the 110m hurdles? On August 27, 2004, in the men's 110m hurdles final of the Athens Olympic Games, Liu Xiang tied the record set by British athlete Colin Jackson with 12.91 seconds to win the gold medal, creating a miracle and myth of the Chinese in the short track event! After this game, he began to abandon his sleep

Forget to eat. In the 2006 IAAF Super Grand Prix in Lausanne, Liu Xiang won the gold medal in the men's 110m hurdles with a time of 12.88 seconds, and broke the world record of men's 110m hurdles that had been sleeping for 13 years! The original young flower buds, soaked in sweat, have sent out fragrance all over the world!

I have always liked Grandma Bing Xin's little poem "The Flowers of Success": "The flowers of success/People only admire her present brilliance/However, her original buds/were soaked in tears of struggle/sprinkled with blood of sacrifice." Successful flowers need sweat, tears and even blood to nourish them.

This is true on the field, but it is true in life?

Chapter 2:!!

Everyone has a dream, which everyone yearns for. And the life of people without dreams will be empty. But dreams always change with the progress of thought.

When I began to remember things, I had a dream. I hope I have money. The adults asked: "Boy, this is a great dream. What are you going to do with money?" "I'm going to buy chocolate" "If you have a lot of money?" "I will buy a lot of chocolate" "If you have unlimited money?" "I will buy the chocolate factory." We were really innocent when we were young, With a kind childlike innocence, happiness and happiness are a constant movement.

When I was young, I had a dream. I hope I can become a kite, floating in the blue sky, and then slowly fall down. At that time, I liked to play with my friends on the green grass. I often chased the blue sky and white clouds, let the laughter float with me, and had colorful dreams all day long.

When I read, I have a dream. I want to have a basketball; When I hold the basketball, I want a football; When I play football, volleyball has become my pursuit. When another dream comes true, I believe that the dream is not far away from me. As long as I play childish, the dream will come true.

Gradually enter primary school, middle school, high school. The more you feel the existence of pressure, the less illusions you will have. You will only know how to read books without those happy notes.

When I was sensible, I had a dream. I hope I don't have a lot of homework to do every day. The time for playing is little by little deprived, while 40% of our day is confined in the classroom, and we spend a lot of time studying. But facing learning, it is still a vague understanding.

As the saying goes, "It's hard to be confused". The understanding of things has also developed from feudalism to capitalism. The bigger the people, the more they feel that their views are right.

When I began to rise, I had a dream that I could become a top student and get many awards; I can be praised by my family when I return home; Be recognized by teachers in school; Be able to stand out from other students; In everyone's eyes can become a recognized good child. However, gradually, I found that the realization of this dream can not rely on playing childish. After that, I learned to struggle.

Dream is like a seed planted in the soil of "heart". Although it is very small, it can take root and blossom. If there is no dream, it is like living in the desolate Gobi, desolate and lifeless. With a dream, there is a pursuit, a goal, and a dream, there is power. It will urge people to move forward. Maybe they will encounter numerous setbacks on the way to realize their dreams, but it doesn't matter. They fall down and get up and move forward for their dreams. After all, the future is created by themselves.

Part III:

Everyone has a dream. Some want to become an astronaut like Yang Liwei, go into space, travel freely and explore the mysteries of space; Some want to be omnipotent engineers, designing and building high-tech bridges and skyscrapers; Some want to be skilled doctors to overcome medical difficulties and let more people stay away from the pain of diseases; Others want to be famous singers and sing beautiful songs for everyone around the world... I have a brilliant dream, that

It is to be an Olympic champion like Liu Xiang, a sportsman.

When I followed the national team and wore sportswear with the five-star red flag logo, sandwiched among sprinters in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the United States, I stepped onto the 2012 Olympic Games with great courage and full of the ardent expectations of the national people. When I went straight to the end like an arrow leaving the string, the world's Olympic athletes in yellow, white, brown and black were all left behind by me. Sweating, I became more confident, clenched my fists and cheered myself on: "I must surpass them! I can do it! The Chinese will win!" When the solemn five-star red flag floated high above my head, when the magnificent national anthem of the People's Republic of China played for me, when the dazzling gold medal was hung around my neck, When I wore a wreath of crisp olive branches on my head, I looked at the American and Japanese players casting envious eyes on me, and tears filled my eyes. I ran round and round the track with the five-star red flag in my hands. The whole audience cheered for me, the Chinese people cheered for me, and the Chinese people around the world cheered for me! I win, the Chinese win! I finally won the honor for China and added another gold medal to China's gold medal list! I jumped happily. My teammates lifted me up and threw me in the sky

It's great to be an Olympic champion! I am simply immersed in my brilliant dream. However, I know that this is just a dream. In order to realize this dream, I must make great efforts. In the future, I must strengthen my exercise, actively participate in a series of sports activities such as the sports meet and cross-country race organized by the school, study hard, arm my mind with knowledge, eat the hardship that ordinary people can't eat, sweat that ordinary people can't, and surpass others in willpower and perseverance. Starting from me and starting from now, I think I will be able to win a real gold medal in the Olympic Games in the near future and realize my brilliant dream!

Believe me, the solemn five-star red flag will be raised for me, and the magnificent national anthem of the People's Republic of China will be played for me!

Everyone has his own dream, I am no exception, and there are many more. When I see the graceful movements of dancers, I want to be a dancer; When I see the painter's lifelike picture, I want to be a painter; When I see that doctors can heal the wounded and save the dying, I want to be a doctor; When I saw teachers everywhere, I wanted to be an engineer of the soul. My dreams are constantly changing as I grow older and what I see and hear. But my dream will not change in the end, and I will work hard to realize this dream.

When I first read the introduction of Robinson Crusoe, there was a problem that always haunted my ears. How did Robinson overcome this ordeal and finally return to his hometown? After carefully reading this book, I knew the answer - the fearless courage and strong listening perseverance made Robinson a desperate situation.

Robinson's courage to overcome all the difficulties is really admirable. On September 30, 1659, Robinson was shipwrecked and overturned during the voyage. All the others were spared, but he was exiled to a desert island. Think about what would happen if you lost your courage and were isolated from the rest of the world, and there were no people, beasts and savages? What will happen if no one helps? Although Robinson also had a period of fear, he did not wait to die, but spent nearly 28 years on the island by courage, which can be said to be a miracle.

However, courage alone is not enough. It's hard to stand alone. There must be wisdom to match. The reason why Robinson can survive is wisdom. This is his second weapon. With his wisdom, he created "country houses" and "seaside houses", planted rice, domesticated sheep... and managed his own life. But if there is no wisdom, everything is likely to be in vain, and it is likely to encounter misfortune.

Robinson's courage and extraordinary wisdom to overcome everything, I recalled that I faced all kinds of difficulties without fear

Fear. Let's take my third grade as an example. That summer vacation, I went to the ecological farm and came to the place of play. My mother told me to walk the tightrope and bravely walked there. However, when I met difficulties, I was worried, and my mind was blank. I couldn't calm down. Compared with Robinson, it was really different.

Courage is as indispensable as wisdom. It is a good partner. Courage is a ship, and wisdom is a sail. Together, they can strengthen, so that a sailing ship can sail on the sea.

My Dream Composition 600 Words (2)


My composition 600 words composition (11)

My daily composition is 600 words (1)

One day for me

Today, we started school. As soon as I arrived at the class, someone said, "Look, Wang Nuo is coming." Even Miss Huang said that I am very popular, and there were so many people saying hello to you as soon as I entered the door. I smiled and looked for a place, but I didn't find it for a long time. Finally, it was Orange Wei (my deskmate) who raised his hand that I found my place. Many people laughed, and I also smiled.

The first lesson was English. We learned 17 lessons. I missed so many lessons before, so I couldn't keep up with them. I just followed them. The second class was originally a math class, but the math teacher went to the class and asked us to write an exercise book. I saw that Orange Wei wrote more than I did, so I tried my best to write. Miss Liu stayed to do her homework. I was a little relaxed in the Chinese class, because I had already finished the preview at home for what Mr. Huang was going to say today, and I had also finished writing what I was going to write at home today. After I read the Chinese book once, I talked with Zhang Chang about the practical tasks (that is, Mr. Huang asked us to find birds, and our group wanted to find eagles). I was the team leader, and I wanted to assign tasks to them. The last class was music, but it was occupied by Miss Huang

Miss Huang left us homework and school was over.

My day is very ordinary, but this is a unique day, because this is my day

On the language. Finish the last lesson.

PS: Double click to get the document, ctrl+A, ctrl+C, and then paste it into word. Sorry for not providing the word version directly.

My daily composition is 600 words (2)

My daily composition is 600 words (3)

One day for me

I am a careless child.

When I get up in the morning, I look at my watch first. My goodness, it's 6:30! Why didn't Mom wake me up? So she had something to do this morning and forgot to ask me to go straight to work! What should we do? Am I being criticized for being late? I am unwilling to put on my sweater and sweater. It's so awkward! If you wear it backwards, you should wear it again. Where are the socks? Upstairs, right? I went upstairs and found the door locked. It's broken. My mother always keeps the key in her hand. I want to get a pair of socks inside. Suddenly, my foot seemed to step on something, and I subconsciously picked it up. Ah! It was another sock that I put on my feet like a treasure. I finally went out. Oh, where's my schoolbag? There are no car keys. I haven't combed my hair yet! Hurry home and find these. I took my comb and "brushed" it a few times before I finished combing my hair. I didn't know where the unlucky guy was left by me. After getting on the bike, I almost "flew" on the road at a speed of three or four miles.

When I got to school, there was no doubt that I was late. The teacher was not in the class. Fortunately, he was not found. When I checked my homework, I found that I didn't bring my homework. Fortunately, the teacher did not check the homework! Good, I'm God's favorite! It's really good for me to hurry up.

I am busy in the morning and at night. I am a busy person.

I was busy after school in the evening. I was not on duty, but I was entrusted by my friends to sell coolies! It seems that luck is unparalleled. It never rains but it pours. My bike is out of gas. I think it's really amazing that I came here so fast in the morning!

This is my day.

My daily composition is 600 words (4)

One day for me

Date: April 4, 2013

Zhu Yijia, Class 2, Grade 3, Nanxinzhuang Primary School, Jinan City, 10

In my colorful childhood, there was a happy day, a lucky day, a sad day, and a happy day.

On the morning of Tomb Sweeping Day, my mother and I went to the zoo by bus. When I got off the bus, I bought a bag of chicken willows and a big, strawberry flavored cotton candy at the gate of the zoo.

As soon as you enter the door, the first thing you see is "the best cow in the world". The copper cow is 15 meters long and 15 meters high, weighs about 30 tons, and is placed on a base 18 meters long, 8 meters wide and 1.8 meters high. This sculpture is the largest bronze bull sculpture in the world and is known as "the best cow in the world". While eating, I talked with my mother and watched the Giant Panda House first. Because I like giant pandas very much, this time I came with my mother, mainly running for giant pandas. The hall is crowded with people. It's impossible to move forward. I had a lot of effort to get in front of the giant panda. The giant panda is hairy, its head and belly are white, and its chubby belly is very cute. It has short limbs and is dark. Around one pair of big eyes and two big dark circles, it seems to be wearing a pair of big sunglasses. It also has a pair of D shaped black ears. It can eat 20 kilograms of tender bamboo every day, which is really delicious! When it eats bamboo, it is funny. With its head tilted and its arms tilted, it not only eats bamboo leaves, but also eats tender bamboo poles. It is said that giant pandas can climb up and down when they are young, but they can eat and sleep when they grow up. It's really boring. Giant panda is my favorite animal, it is also a national treasure! Later, we went to see lions and tigers. Because it was noon, they were all sleeping. We saw camels again. Camels have no attractive appearance, but they are pure inside. It doesn't have the colorful and beautiful patterns of zebras, nor the majestic head and proud and round eyes of lions. What it has is only rough rolling camel hair, too small a head that seems unable to think much, and nearly dull eyes. In this very ordinary body, there is a warm and firm heart beating. This heart beats for people's service until the end of life.

In the small zoo, I wanted to play with the rabbit, so I bought feed and entered the rabbit's paradise. I deliberately raised the feed. The rabbit raised his hands, jumped up his hind legs and ate it. When we came back, we went to the Giant Panda House to have a look. This time, there were fewer people. It was getting dark, and my mother and I went home happily by bus.

This is a happy day for me, and also a full day for me.

My daily composition is 600 words (5)

My Day My name is Chun Chun. I am a fifth grade student. Like many friends of my age, I got up at 6:30 in the morning, folded the quilt, cleaned up, dressed neatly, and tied a bright red scarf to go to school. In school, I seriously attended every class, but I especially liked music and art classes. I could say that I was fully engaged in class. When class was over, Together with my classmates, I made full use of the limited ten minutes to play, jump, and have fun, making the next class more energetic. After school in the afternoon, I went home with my classmates who lived near my home. The first thing when I returned home was to review my lessons. I could concentrate on my homework, Neither reading nor writing is careless at all. My mother always smiles with satisfaction when she signs my homework register book. In the evening, it is my most active time to watch TV, listen to music, or read extracurricular books. In a word, if there is anything suitable for me to watch and listen to, I can get the consent of my parents. Of course, the most important thing is, It is to tell my parents the most impressive things in the day. In a word, like many children, I make every night of my family full of laughter and laughter, bringing great joy to my parents. At nine o'clock, I will go to my little bed and soon fall asleep. This is my day, how about it? Have a good time. As long as you do your best in a day, you will not only make yourself happy, but also make everyone happy!

My daily composition is 600 words (6)

My day I closed my eyes one day, lay comfortably on the bed, stretched my limbs, recalled the day, and enjoyed the pleasure brought by hurry. In the morning, when the first beam of sunshine shines into my room from the window, a new day begins. It is a hurried and happy day, and it begins like this. Open the curtains, walk into the balcony, breathe the fresh air, and feel the warmth of the morning sun. Back in the house, the heavy homework rushed to me, and I could not hide it. Today's task is still heavy. It's better to write quickly than think about it. It's hard to think about simple things, and let go of every question. I'm so worried about my biology homework that I can't find it in all the books. Alas, I really want to go out and play for a while, but I still have a lot of homework to write! I continue to write. Every time when I am addicted to writing, I have a difficult question, which makes me unable to start, so some questions even need to be written for N minutes. Chinese homework is the most troublesome, especially reading. It's really not good to be impatient. I carelessly scanned it three times without finding the answer. I carefully scanned it once, and the problem was solved. Maths is my strong point, but some problems also make me confused, and the answers become infinite decimals. The most hateful thing is the wrong question. The answer is "6.5 people". I really admire the teacher who made the question. One person can divide it in half. Ha, after solving so many "stumbling blocks", I finally finished all my homework. I feel relieved and can finally open my heart and do whatever I want. I looked up and saw that the sun was ready to set. I sniffed. Oh, it was time for dinner. Although the learning task of this day is heavy, it gives me confidence, patience to solve problems, and makes my life more fulfilling. Before I knew it, the day passed. A day goes by quickly, but each day is different, and the meaning is also different. May you cherish each day. Junior 1: Wuji Sword Saint js

My daily composition is 600 words (7)

Easy composition My one-day composition guide

Students see my day this topic is too tacky, too common. In fact, no matter how common the topic is, you can write good articles.

When writing a big composition, some small pieces should be more rigorous, at least six hurdles. The first level is to examine the topic

Our topic today is my day. Let's examine the topic first

The article should be written in the first person

My day, what will your day be like? Then through this topic, we will find that it is a composition about what people, things or scenery, animals or other things

It's about writing things. What happens in your day is different for everyone. What happens in a day is very different. Right? Can you write down everything? It can't be written down like a daily account. But when writing, we must pay attention to that what we do in a day can't be written down yesterday, tomorrow, the next day When writing off the topic, we can write in chronological order, which is the key

The second level Select the material level

The material is what you want to write. Many things will happen in a day. You can't write down all of them. So, you need to choose a few of them to write about others

PS: Double click to get the document, ctrl+A, ctrl+C, and then paste it into word. Sorry for not providing the word version directly.

My daily composition is 600 words (8)

One day for me

When the sun had not yet shown its face from the east, I ended my dream journey with the clear and pleasant song of birds. In the morning, the air was particularly fresh. I stood on the balcony, and the morning wind stroked my hair and brushed my

On my cheeks, the summer heat of the night suddenly disappeared. After I washed, I put my schoolbag on my back and went to have breakfast.

The sun rose slowly from the east, and the warm sunshine fell on the earth. I stepped on the tree lined path of the school. On both sides of the path, osmanthus flowers were exuberant and fragrant. With a thirst for knowledge and questions into the paradise of learning. There, we drove a ship full of questions, all striving to cross oceans to reach the slope of victory. In this way, time slipped by quietly, we had another lesson, but I tasted the joy of success. I know that I have taken another step forward.

During the break, the students relaxed themselves heartily. They talked and laughed, but it was lively. I don't know who said what, some students bent over with laughter and could not get up on the table; Some smiled so that their eyes narrowed into a line; Some even ha ha

My composition 600 words composition (12)

My mother 600 words (1)

My mother's 600 word composition

My Mother's 600 Word Composition (1)

There is one of the most beautiful voices in the world, and that is the call of mother. When I think of this sentence, it seems that I have entered a painful picture, thinking of the suffering mother.

Whenever I feel pain in love, when I close my eyes, I can catch the delicate moonlight, as if I went back to my hometown to see my mother.

In the famine years, the thin mother used her trembling hands to support the hope of tomorrow, and she would feel sad in the wind.

In the time of illness, I put pain in my heart but shed bitter tears in the corner. The weak light in the deep of that cold night, the rough hands, but the new clothes woven by children left their concerns hidden in their hearts.

In the rich era, I will never forget the sadness of the past, whether the lush wild vegetables still have the laughter of the past. Now, time erodes the memory of the past, but it cannot take away the words you told.

No matter where I am, my hometown is always engraved on my palm. There are endless threads and childhood fantasies. In the dreamy landscape, your eyes are always rippling.

You are like a high mountain. No matter how difficult I am, you are always the barrier I rely on. Your towering body protects me from wind and rain without seeking return. You don't know your son's mind, but you know how to take care of him; You don't know how to educate me, but you know how to care about me.

You have nurtured me like a spring that is not old, but has finally aged your face.

You are old, time has wasted your body, time has taken away your face, but you have returned to your youth. You are old. From your silver hair, I understand your concern; You are old. I can see your hard work from your deep wrinkles.

Mother, why is the night with you so beautiful? Why is your dream so sweet?

The arm of a loving mother is composed of love. How can a child sleep in it without being sweet—— Hugo

My Mother's 600 Word Composition (2)

In this colorful world, it is not easy to be a mother. Without hard work, labor and sweat, how can you be a competent mother? Therefore, it is not easy to be a mother. Since I was born, my mother has worked hard for me; When I was brought up, my mother did her best.

>Four Seasons Symphony

When I was in primary school, my mother rode a bicycle to pick me up in the spring when birds were singing and flowers were fragrant; In the scorching summer, my mother's eyes were shining on her head to shield me from the sun; In the autumn, my mother stood by the door every day, waiting for me to return: in the rainy and snowy winter, my mother endured hunger and cold, asked for warmth, and bought clothes for me. Do you think it's easy to be a mother?

Middle School Four Step Poem

When I was in middle school, the curriculum was more intense. I got up early and returned late every day, while my mother got up early and went dark even more than I did. After I got up in the morning, there was hot food on the table; When I came back from school at night, a cup of hot milk was waiting for me on the table; When I was sick, my mother's haggard face was a bit more anxious; When I was in a bad mood, my mother tried her best to comfort me. Do you think it's easy to be a mother?

Spring wind turns into rain

Once, I made a very serious mistake. My mother was very angry. There was never such an expression on her face. My mother reached out and hit me. At that time, I was very afraid. But she resisted. She reasoned and moved with me. Finally, I finally understood the seriousness of the matter and never made the same mistake again. Do you think it's easy to be a mother?

Moisturize things silently

Mother, I am sad, you are more sad; My heart is happy, so are you. You always leave good things for me to eat and good clothes for me to wear, but you are reluctant to eat and wear. Sometimes I get angry with you and quarrel with you. I know you are very sad at this time, but you always feel sad in my face, but you hide in the room alone and sob. For me, you hold back your anger and sorrow. It's not easy for you. Your greatness, your fraternity, and what you did let me see your dignity, your calm, and more importantly, your love for me.

It's not easy to be a mother. It's none of my business to care about my daughter. I pick her up in spring, cover the scorching sun for her in summer solstice, wait for her in autumn, add clothes for her in winter, be anxious for her when she is ill, and relieve her sorrow when she is hurt.

Mother, it's not easy for you!

My Mother's 600 Word Composition (3)

My mother is very strict with me at ordinary times. No matter what she is doing, she must be close to perfection. It started when I remembered something, from learning to walk to teaching me to draw circles patiently (I later learned that this was to develop the coordination ability between brain and hand). From childhood to the present, she, my mother, has paid a lot for me, but I haven't given her anything in return.

In the past, I still remember clearly that every first time I was accompanied by my mother, from the first time I cycled to the first time I played badminton, and even a very small and insignificant growth, she would be very excited - maybe this is mother's instinct.

My parents are the people who accompany me most. They give us happiness and accompany us from the first time to every time.

Mother is always the person who cares and loves us most. Mother's hobby is like coffee. It's bitter when you just drink it. When you slowly taste it, you will find that it is sweet, because the sugar deposits at the bottom of the cup. The same is true of mother's love. Her love always makes us unable to understand. When we have more profound memories and taste of ignorance, we can feel that love is condensing in our hearts. No matter how subtle things are, we can also feel mother's love, even if it is a smile when we send an umbrella in rainy days.

When I find that I have grown up, my mother's smile will be more brilliant, and her child will always be the first

I. Although my mother may be strict with my outlook on life and behavior, when I was sick, my mother cared about me very much.

Once I caught a cold and had a high fever. My mother used a thermometer to take my temperature. The result was a high fever. It was about one o'clock in the morning, but my mother didn't give up because it was too late. She ran to the hospital to prescribe medicine for me. When I returned home, I didn't catch my breath, so I hurried to take the medicine brought back from the hospital. After taking the medicine, I fell asleep again. The next morning when I got up, I saw my mother's eyes were red and she was very tired. She was afraid that I would have any discomfort at night, and she didn't sleep all night.

A mother's love is priceless. She will always be a silent and selfless dedication to her children.

My mother 600 words (2)

Replace the first paragraph with; "There is only a mother in the world, and a child with a mother is like a treasure, which is thrown into her arms, and happiness cannot be enjoyed..." Whenever I hear this song, I will think of my mother. Her love for me is so true, and how warm and sweet this meticulous love is! Replace the second paragraph with; Mother has a slender body, two crescent like eyebrows on her long face, and red blood in her bright eyes. That's because she works more, sleeps less, and works hard. Whenever I do my homework, when she is still with me, I always look at her and say painfully, "Mom, don't accompany me, go to bed first, and I will wash myself and sleep after I finish!" Mom touches my head, smiles and says, "My dear son, Mom is not tired, you should write your homework carefully." Mom has a flat nose, a talkative mouth, and speaks in an orderly manner, It will always convince me. Her curly hair is like a staff, and when she blows them, she will dance. It's very beautiful! Replace the third paragraph with; Mother not only looks beautiful, but also loves me meticulously! The fourth paragraph should read:; My mother's love is like a small alarm clock. Every morning, my mother is busy getting up, boiling water, cooking breakfast, hot milk, and calling me to get up... When I rub my sleepy eyes, I always wonder how my mother can get up so early every day? I remember another time, when I was ill, I was lying in the hospital bed, and my mother was always with me. She was always busy. Get me a thermometer, get me water, get me medicine, peel fruit... She seems to be more anxious and haggard than I am on the sickbed, get me water, get me medicine, peel fruit... She seems to be more anxious and haggard than I am on the sickbed, because the disease is on me, but it hurts in my mother's heart. Replace paragraph 5 with; Maternal love is ubiquitous, selfless and great. When sad, it is consolation; When depressed, it is hope; When weak, it is strength. It is the source of sympathy, love and tolerance. As long as you feel and experience carefully, you will be in the ocean of love. Add the sixth paragraph; Mother, you are the source, the diary I can never finish writing in my life, and the poetry I can never finish singing!

My mother 600 words (3)

My mother 600 words (4)

My mother's composition is 500 words

"Only mother is good in the world, and a child with a mother is like a treasure..." We can sing this song. Yes, only mother is good in the world, and my mother is also good to me. She is not very tall. She wears a long braid and has big black eyes. He looks energetic, but he is tired. Not only do I have to go to work, but also help my father in the restaurant. After finishing the work, I should also care about my study. Once I did very badly in my math exam. Once I got the exam paper in school, I felt like five buckets of water - up and down, afraid of being beaten at home. Now I'm not in the mood for class. I've been thinking about it. When I got home from school and finished my homework, I picked up the test paper and asked my mother to sign it. When my mother saw the test paper, she immediately raised a hand. I thought she would hit me, so I immediately closed my eyes, But this hand was on my shoulder and said, "Zhao Shuyi, you didn't do well in the exam this time. It's OK. I believe you will do well in the exam next time. Let me analyze the questions with you, And I was strictly required to copy the wrong words twice. This is my mother, a medium-sized mother; A painstaking mother; A mother who cares about my study. "Only a mother is good in the world, and a child with a mother is like a treasure..." This song echoed in my ears again.

My mother 600 words (5)

She, my growing angel

My composition 600 words composition (13)

I believe everyone has heard such a song. I am myself, a firework with different colors. A girl of 1.63 meters is a little fat and likes to smile. Sometimes a faint pear vortex will appear on her cheek. A head of black hair, which used to be at the bottom. However, now it has been cut, only to reach where the shoulder is below. Yes, if you see such a girl, it's me.

Maybe everyone has a common problem, yes, that is, achievement. When I go to other people's homes, my uncles and aunts will always ask me the first time, how was the exam this year, how was the pressure on me to study, which school I want to take the exam in the future, and so on. Of course, when others ask me these questions, I will not be depressed because I am optimistic. They say I love to laugh! My performance is very average. How to say, it should be medium, quite stable, neither up nor down. When I rise, I will rise by two or three places. When I fall, I will also fall by two or three places.

In my class, many people like to stay with me very much. Why? First, because I'm easy to get along with. Second, I love to laugh, and many people are attracted by my laughter. In my class, my deskmate is the type who likes to laugh sometimes and doesn't like to laugh sometimes. Sometimes the laughing point is high, sometimes the laughing point is low. Therefore, we have always doubted whether he got a kind of thing called schizophrenia. Sometimes, we both have a low point of laughter. When we encounter something funny, we will laugh all the time. I can't stop listening. But sometimes, I am the only one laughing, because sometimes, his point of laughter is really very, very high. In addition, his cartoons are super beautiful, especially those cartoon characters with big eyes, double eyelids and long hair. What he draws is really super beautiful. He likes to draw some cartoon characters. However, I prefer sketching or sketching. Sometimes, I will go out with him, and we will buy a lot of delicious food.

I am me, the fireworks with different colors. This is me. Each of us is different, so please don't imitate others to live. It will be really tiring. I believe you will know me better after you read this article. I will work hard to be the most perfect myself. come on.

My composition 600 words composition (14)

I am not only a good performer, but also eloquent. People who know me call me "Xiao Tiezui". I am not a fake name! When I was a sophomore, I went to participate in the Shanghai "Hand in Hand Cup" Story Grand Prix and won the "Silver Award"! When I was in the second grade, Mr. Xiong, who had always been very fond of me, asked me to participate in a story telling contest. I thought to myself: Ah? I even want to participate in the story telling contest in Shanghai. When the time comes, I must be a master. Can I do it? So I told my mother what I thought. My mother comforted me, "Don't be afraid. My daughter's name is" Xiao Tiezui ". She can talk about the dead alive. Then you will win the prize for stage fright." So my mother signed up for me. Under my mother's guidance, I opened a picture of pigs eating watermelons.

So I looked at the picture and wrote an article. Then I asked our Chinese teacher, Mr. Xu, to revise it. The story is even more fascinating because of Mr. Xu's clever writing of flowers. When the story script is finalized, I will get up at 7:00 every morning and read the recipes for about half an hour each day. After going to school for a week, I recite the story by heart, and add actions. After several weeks of hard preparation, I have a sense of success. The competition began. Many players were preparing for the competition, and I was no exception. The competition began, and the staff began to call the number. I was "31905". This is me. I heard "31509, 31504, 31505 come in", so I walked in happily.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw several judges sitting there arguing for classics one by one. I began to feel nervous, so I sweated on the seat. But when I saw that other players were not as nervous as I was, I hurriedly took several deep breaths. It's my turn. I said to myself, "Liu Tiezui, you must be able to do it!" I mustered the courage to speak in an eloquent manner. Later, I put up a shed to imitate the Monkey King, and said in a shrill voice, "You pig Bajie, the master asked you to find something to eat, but you stole watermelon here." Later, I imitated pig Bajie in a gruff voice, "I said that who didn't speak civilization had caused my old pig to fall so badly. Ouch, ouch!" I talked with relish. After the lecture, a judge teacher kindly said to me: "Well done! Keep going!" I was very happy after listening. A few months later, I received a letter from the organizing committee of the speech contest, which said: Congratulations, did you win the prize. I hold the notice and feel great.

My composition 600 words composition (15)

I am happy because of simplicity.

I live a simple life every day when I go to school, eat and sleep. In fact, for me, my needs are very simple, just give me more sleep time is enough. After a day of study and life, I returned to the dormitory without saying a word. After cleaning, I fell on the bed and fell into my dream for a long time. This time is my happiest time.

Today, I have a space that really belongs to me and my parents, teachers and children. I will share every day with you. I hope to see what you are doing every day. Is it as happy as I am?

We have the love of parents at home, the care of teachers and the friendship of children in kindergarten. We hope that we can have sincere exchanges, learn from each other, support each other, and let us take off together at the starting line of life!

Yellow skin, two thick eyebrows. Big eyes, short hair, tall and thin, playing all day long, like a happy bird, this is me.

Why am I so happy? Because I have many hobbies. I love drawing, playing games, catching small animals, and talking about brain teasers. Take small animals for example. Our family will soon become a small zoo. There are goldfish, crabs, earthworms, ants, frogs, and you can hear them in concert at night.

In order to catch small animals, I have to finish my homework first, and then go to catch small animals, which is very happy.

I understand that God is fair, and everyone in the world only needs 24 hours a day. However, happiness is shaped by myself. I want to live happily every day.

I want to give myself happiness and give others happiness at the same time.

I, just me, a happy me.

I am very happy. Happiness makes people healthy and young; Can encourage you in difficulties, can persuade you in sadness

As long as you have a happy heart, you can be happy every day. Get up in the morning, not late, happy; After breakfast, it's delicious and happy; The bus is on time, waiting fast and happy; Come to school, not late, happy; Start class, learn knowledge and be happy; Class is over, start to play and be happy... As long as you have a happy heart, happiness will always exist in your heart, and happiness will accompany you every day.

My composition 600 words composition (16)

I love books. I like to travel in the sea of books. I have an indissoluble bond with books.

Books are my good teachers and friends. They bring happiness and happiness to me and make me understand the truth, goodness and beauty; Learn to recognize false, evil and ugly. In my book sea, I have broadened my vision and cultivated my sentiment. I have a special liking for books.

When I was four years old, I was exposed to books. Fairy tales with pictures and texts always make me love them. After I entered the university, I read more books: Snow Wolf, A Dream of the Wolf King, Gorky's My University, Mother, Childhood, On Earth, How Steel Was Tempered, and the four famous books Journey to the West, The Water Margin, and The Romance of the Three Kingdoms deeply attracted me. I devoured it with ecstasy and read it vaguely. I read books when I eat and when I walk, I make a joke about it.

Once, I went to my cousin's house by bus, and sat on the bus to watch "The Wolf King Dream". The car was driving, but I was attracted by the fierce fight for the Wolf King in the book. When the bus arrived, people got off one after another, but I was sitting on the bus reading. Another group of people got on the bus again. I didn't know it was moving slowly. After a while, the book was finished and the bus arrived. After getting off the bus, I found that the tall buildings in front of me were so familiar. The bus had returned to the departure station, and I made a round trip bus.

Another time was even more ridiculous. I was amused by the antics of Monkey King while watching Journey to the West at lunch. My cousin saw that I was so involved, so he put the bone he had chewed into my bowl in a mischievous way. I didn't know anything about it, but I even picked it up and continued to chew, causing everyone to laugh. However, my brother raised his head in a daze and asked, "What are you laughing at?" The family laughed even louder. Later, my parents laughed at me for being a bookworm, my cousin said I was a bookworm, and my friends "complimented" me as a bookworm. But I have accumulated many good words and sentences, famous sayings, proverbs, allegorical sayings, adjectives, synonyms, antonyms and so on, which are easy to use. Although I lost a lot of time, I feel "worth it".

Because I love reading, my reading level has improved greatly, and my writing level has gradually risen. When I received the contribution fee sent to me by "Flower Season" and got full marks on the examination paper, I laughed and applauded for "reading like life". Good books grow with me.

My composition 600 words composition (17)

I am a simple and pure girl. Like ordinary people, I like listening to music and yearning for something unrealistic. I often find some empty places alone and sit quietly listening to songs, sometimes singing along.

I envy those online celebrities who use Apple 6s and have six digit QQ. Both the space and QQ are members who can sing. They are rich, have countless fans and have high looks. And, don't go out to earn money. Maybe you will think that I am a little girl who is very vain, but this is human nature and likes some beautiful things.

Every day when watching them talk in the space, there will always be many people like or forward, looking at the eye-catching member logo and mobile phone logo. I don't know whether they envy me as much as I do. Online celebrities are equal to stars. Stars are very handsome. Stars are just a profession. Why do they have a different life? I often think like this, but I never get the answer.

I imagine they can make money through mobile phones and computers. I want to become an adult. I shop online, like more than 100 people, and master one or two foreign languages. You may think this is unrealistic, but we are all post-00s. You can scold if you want. We are ready to treat the post-90s like the original post-80s generation.

I yearn for the life of writers. Professional online writers earn money by writing novels. It sounds unfair, but it provides people with a way of leisure and entertainment, doesn't it?

I often think that many years later, I am mature and still have no boyfriend, but I have a pen friend I have known for a long time. Occasionally, I stayed up late with my female and male friends, or I wrote a script. I slept from the second half of the night until noon. The rest time was not regular at all. In the afternoon, I went shopping with my sisters and ate all kinds of snacks. I will also have a rest on weekends. I will never turn on the computer on weekends. I will travel with girls on weekends.

This is the life I want, but it will not be realized. Times are changing, and wishes are becoming difficult. But I never want to be a teacher again.