What kind of youth composition (5 recommended)
Sea breeze in summer
2023-08-08 00:50:23
Senior High School Entrance Examination
topic of conversation

With what youth composition (1)

Failure is failure, no excuse, regret is useless! I am doomed to go through the June of Xuehai, so I am not sad! College entrance examination, I want to face you with a new heart! In front of you, I never existed. Now I want to focus on you! Enough fun, enough madness... I won't demand anything, but I must! Thank you for letting me know my narrowness and what is serious! Random let me miss a good opportunity, but it saved my heart that has not yet died, a heart that is almost away from learning! Looking back on spring and bowing down to summer, the wheel of destiny turns endlessly, and passion shines in June!

From this moment on, the sleeping soul must open its eyes and see itself clearly! No matter whether the ending is perfect or not, just ask for your youth!

I will fight for it in the remaining 55 days. I believe there will still be miracles tomorrow!

Your own tomorrow is in your hands! Once has become a memory, intoxicated with the memories of me have been awakened, friends, work hard!

Flowers will open again when they are withered, and youth will not come back after leaving! Ignite the flame of your own struggle and burn to the end!

Don't ask whether the result is perfect, just ask yourself to have no regrets!

With what youth composition (2)

The next semester of grade three, our school has many interns, and our class has four interns. They are not only beautiful, but also very cute! They are Miss Liao, Miss Zhang, Miss Wu and Miss Zhong. Mr. Liao teaches us science, Mr. Zhang teaches us art, Mr. Wu teaches us music, and Mr. Zhong teaches us English. They are so kind to us!

We all like Miss Liao's lessons. They often do experiments for us, and often make us laugh. We can't keep our mouths shut.

In class, Mr. Zhang often helps us to solve difficulties together, teach us how to make, and let us learn many handicrafts.

When Mr. Wu was in class, there were mysterious gifts every time, so we had to sit down well, because everyone wanted to get the teacher's small gifts.

In class, Mr. Zhong always lets us learn new knowledge and skills from playing.

These four teachers seem to be the "Magic Four" in the film, which has brought us all kinds of knowledge, brought us joy, and left us good memories! They are not only our teachers, but also our sisters. Last time, when Mr. Wu left, everyone still had a runny nose and a handful of tears. They cried bitterly.

Goodbye, my teachers. Goodbye, my sisters. I will always remember you. I hope you will not forget our lively and lovely students!

With what youth composition (3)

Youth is a bright sorrow.

I stood on the bank and watched the scattered days and nights that made up my whole youth flow irretrievably from my eyes at a constant speed like flowing water.

I watched my youth on the other side of the river, looking calm and sad.

Guo Jingming said so in his book.

I think there is a reason for his fear and anxiety. Youth always fills every gap in our life, so that we can't see or touch it, but we can feel its existence all the time, and feel the vitality and happiness it brings us. But if you are not careful - just careless, youth will slip away from your palm at any time. There were no signs, no consciousness, just walked away. I walked quietly, just like when I came. What remains is a smile and a cry; Is happy, is sad; It is mature, it is simple... So, we are so eager to keep it, we want it to stay a little longer - even for a second.

Some people say that youth is like a devil, it torments the heart to pieces. But I don't think so. Youth, what a beautiful and clear word! At the sight of it, my heart is as soft and comfortable as a breeze, and even my thoughts will become soft inexplicably. Because it has brought us countless accidents and surprises, we have unknowingly changed from an ignorant, impulsive and wayward child to an understanding adult. We have to thank it sincerely, don't we?

Youth, bearing too many dreams and realities, let us step by step in the training towards a bright future, adding another beautiful scenery to the title page of our life. We are delighted, we admire, because we have youth.

Of course, youth without laughter is incomplete, and youth without tears is even more incomplete. We have cried, grieved and suffered. But those are just like a variety of adjustments, which have deployed a colorful life and also rendered a colorful future. Many years later, when we look back at youth, we can see clearly that the tears at that time were just a small test of youth for us to become more mature, more stable, and more able to withstand setbacks and difficulties.

The hands on the clock didn't stop, so we kept walking. It is a mistake to stay where we are. We should constantly say goodbye to some people and things, and then chase after them without stopping. In a flash, I found that those who tried hard to forget were really forgotten. Perhaps, as Guo Jingming said in his book, forgetting is our irrevocable destiny. But if one day, in fact, there will always be a day when youth really leaves us with a smile from the fingers and from the side, what will we do? Is happy, is sorry; Or is it forgetting or lingering? I think that when youth disappears from our lives like flowing water, we will be sad, will we cry, will we be sad? Because once -- once it accompanied us through our flowering spring, through our scorching summer, through our lonely autumn, through our hallucinatory winter, leaving so many beautiful memories that cannot be forgotten.

Therefore, cherish your youth and don't feel sorry and sad until you lose it. It is not until you have traveled all over the mountains and rivers and passed through the four seasons that you find that youth like water has always been around you.

With what youth composition (4)

Some people say that nothing is immortal, only youth is immortal. Others say that young people do not believe that they will grow old one day. This feeling is actually naive. We deceive ourselves with the belief that we will live forever like nature.

Special group analysis: the core meaning of the material must be accurately grasped in the feed composition of "philosophical materials"

In the composition of the college entrance examination in 20__, the selected "material" is "story", which is referred to as "cave, candlelight and butterfly" for short. This kind of narrative essay with people and things, beginning and end, because "image is greater than thought", it has very rich meanings, sometimes as many as dozens. For this reason, we do not require candidates to determine the "core meaning"; This kind of "determination" often has different opinions and is difficult to seek consensus. However, we have defined the "meaning boundary", that is, in a relatively broad range, candidates can choose a meaning and write. Last year's "meaning boundary" was: man and nature; Human and society; harmonious; Balance; Beauty. As long as one of the above points is involved, it is relevant; If it comes to other aspects, it is a digression. For example, if you are asked to write about Jiangsu people, you can write about one person or some people in southern, central and northern Jiangsu, but you can never write about Anhui, Shanghai and other provinces and cities.

At the stage of preparing for the college entrance examination in 20__, most regions and schools have adopted "story" materials for training, such as a company executive climbing a snow mountain, an archaeologist looking at a bronze mirror, a frog frozen on the ice, and so on. Almost no one thought that there was another kind of "material" that was philosophic, which was "seeking the sword by cutting the boat". The lesson is that you must carefully read the "Examination Instructions"!

This year's composition test paper appeared, locking the "philosophy". Since it is "philosophy", it has to be "rational". No matter how long and how short the article of rational can be, it can not be "polycentric". It can only have a "core meaning". Therefore, this year's essay review is different from last year's, and we can no longer rely on the "meaning boundary"!

"Youth" and "immortality" are good topics. Eighteen or nine year old senior three students are in their prime of youth, so they must have something to say. Young people believe that "youth is immortal", while old people may sigh that "youth has passed", so there are many excellent compositions in this college entrance examination. The common feature of these excellent compositions is that they closely follow the "core meaning" and make in-depth analysis or vivid description.

Among the seven compositions published here, Youth Never Fades has established a quite good "central argument", which is thoroughly analyzed and worth learning from. The special "brief comment" is as follows:

This article is a normative argumentation. Focusing on "youth" and "eternity", it is completely to the point.

Remarkably, the author puts forward a rather novel and profound central argument: youth is not a "stage" of life, but a "state" of life. This generalization and refinement is in line with the essential characteristics of youth. Indeed, youth is by no means a "post station". It is simply a poetic feeling, a vision, and a supernatural "state" of homesickness, happiness, and pursuit of a spiritual home!

It is valuable to be able to find and capture such wonderful arguments tactfully in the exam room where you are in a hurry to answer your questions.

Another advantage of this article lies in the decomposition of "sub arguments" from different perspectives: to maintain youth, one must have an optimistic and cheerful heart; Learn to "forget"; Be more calm. The "learn to forget" here is quite pertinent and full of oriental wisdom. It is estimated that few examinees can mention it.

Today's high school students can't "decompose" and "analyze" when writing argumentative papers. They carry wood in the alley and go straight to the end: in addition to the central argument, it is the central argument! This article can provide useful reference.

The author uses simple and plain language to explain, which seems to lack "literary grace" but not lack of wit in wording, such as; Some people become "little old people"; "Yunnan Baiyao" for treating scars; Su Dongpo's wonderful state - "delicious food, poetry and books, singing the river going east", etc.

With what youth composition (5)

In many of my words, I unconsciously wrote about the youth of "me": a two-story teaching building with red bricks, red tiles and paulownia trees in front of it. In May and June, the flowers are light purple. When the trees are in full bloom, it is like shaking a purple wind bell. At that time, we were 17 or 18 years old and studying in the middle school of the town. Regular classes and classes

Eating and sleeping are like sunny days every day. However, the worries of youth are like dark vines. It is difficult to talk with others about their growth. At that time, I was a silent girl. My favorite thing to do during recess was to watch the flowers bloom and fall outside the window. The heart is slightly moist, slightly painful, inexplicably. There is a girl who likes to wear green clothes in the next class. She is always jumping, playing badminton with boys in the open space in front of the building. The tail of the horse at the back of her head followed her swinging body and jumped up and down. She runs in the sun, like the wind, rhythmic and enviable. I want to have her lively. One day, she suddenly left school without saying a word, which made the whole campus in an uproar. Her parents came to school. Her mother always said with tears in her eyes, "We are the only daughter. We will give her whatever she wants. What is she not satisfied with?"? A few days later, the girl came back without mentioning why she left school. She was still playing badminton with the boys on the open ground in front of the building, running and jumping. Everything seems to be the same as before, but it is different. In her jumping figure, there is something called vicissitudes. I saw her with my own eyes, sitting alone by the river in front of the school gate in the evening when the sunset fell, crying. When I was writing the article Blue and White Porcelain, I thought of that girl. She was my rice heart, or my rice heart, that was her.

That is the loneliness and pain in youth, profound. When I opened a girl's blog, I saw her blog article "I cried today", which talked about some troubles and annoyances in youth. I smiled and left such words behind her: everything in youth, even pain, is good when you recall it years later. I would like to cherish it. Blessing! The growth of youth should have experienced some pain. When you pass a period of youth, please don't walk through it with indifference, but bend down your body, listen, and comfort. They may not need much, just your understanding.