Happy Ride (Collection of 15)
Happy heart
2024-03-21 06:22:01

Happy Ride (1)

Today's study tour starts from riding a bike

We rode on the road. When we passed the house of the old man living alone, I nodded to him. When we passed the shade of trees, I would close my eyes and enjoy the rare shade. When passing pedestrians, I would nod and smile to them.

Slowly, the road changed from flat to downhill. I raised my head and let the breeze blow my face, like a free flying bird, spreading my wings and gliding along the wind. Because downhill is beautiful, I almost hit a tree when I was making a sharp turn. It seems that downhill is simple, comfortable and dangerous.

After going downhill, I looked left and right. What do you think I'm looking at? I'm looking at my companions' cycling skills? It seems that there are only two or three people like me who can't keep up with the team. Others ride fast and disappear in the blink of an eye. Others drive at a moderate and even speed. Others ride slowly as they enjoy the roadside scenery. It seems that everyone uses their own "way" to ride bicycles. Thinking about it, I suddenly felt more and more difficult to ride.

Looking forward, I found that I had started to ride uphill. I quickly increased my horse power and pedaled harder and harder. My sweat dripped and dripped, and the speed of the car finally became faster. In this way, on the uphill road, I enjoyed myself and rode faster and faster. I felt tired. But somehow, this kind of fatigue was not fatigue, but happiness. Although the uphill is very tired, the downhill is very easy. But I still want to choose uphill. Because the tiredness when going uphill is full and happy

When I was going uphill, I realized that maybe learning is the same as cycling. When you study hard and make progress, you will feel very difficult and tired. At that time, you must not choose to give up. Because learning is hard, as tired as going uphill, but also as full and happy as going uphill. But if you stop, it will be like going downhill. There is no place for your hands to put your brain, and you don't know what to think. Although you are relaxed, you always feel that something is missing.

Please remember: "Every hard journey is a spiritual practice." Cycling is not only a way to pursue a healthy and green life, but also a way for us to exercise our bodies and temper our minds. Every sweaty ascent, every smooth sprint, every perseverance of riding a hundred kilometers, every persistence when we are about to give up, and every joy of breaking the limit will make our hearts stronger.

Happy Ride (2)

I love cycling. I started as a child. When I was only four years old, my father bought me a three wheeled baby bike. So, I staggered through my preschool days on this baby bike. When I grew up a little, my father bought me a scooter. Every weekend, I would ride it to play happily with my friends. During this period, I didn't cry when I fell down occasionally. I got up and patted the earth to continue riding.

Last year, my father bought me a mountain bike and began to teach me how to ride. Exercise my speed and endurance. This is a sport that makes me happy and excited.

Recently, I rode two long distances with my father's team: one was to Baoding Botanical Garden, and the other was to see peach blossoms in Shunping. I have refreshed my cycling records again and again: from the initial morning exercises in Xucun, the club activities in Anguo and Lixian, to the furthest Shunping Peach Blossom Festival.

I honed my will, gritted my teeth against the wind, and became energetic when the wind blew. I watched the rolling wheels surging in the crowd, and my red cheeks were full of smiles.

Every time I travel, I always rush ahead. In order to refuel myself, I ride my bike and yell: A gust of wind under my feet, swish forward! But after a while, sweat soaked my clothes. At this time, my father and other uncles and aunts would catch up with me with concern and let me follow them to keep out the wind for me. But I didn't want to fall behind. I would secretly cheer myself on: I was the best! hold one's own!

The most difficult time is on the way back. After lunch, we will rush back. People who are drowsy in the hot sun must grit their teeth and insist.

Since last spring, I can't remember how many roads I have ridden. In the Boye Riding Track Club, the youngest one is an old team member. I have many uncles and aunts. They are my good friends. We take care of each other in the process of riding, and don't let any team member fall behind.

Cycling has taught me a lot: difficulties are not terrible, challenges can be successful, and the process of riding is a process of tempering the will. Whenever I arrive at the destination after a long journey, I can't help shouting: I'm coming!

Cycling makes me grow, cheerful, healthy, and feel the joy of success. It makes me understand that behind success is hard sweat and tenacious perseverance.

Happy Ride (3)

Remembering the process of growth, the sweetness comes to my heart. I grew up all the way. Thanks for the company of the car. The car is my growing partner, making my life no longer lonely.

I was seven years old when I ran into a car. I remember one summer, my parents took me to Uncle's factory to play. There was no one there. There were lush weeds on the site. There was an old two wheeled bicycle beside the weeds. Maybe it's too boring. I actually became interested in this bike and thought: It should be fun to ride a bike. You can go wherever you want on the bike. It's so awesome. I didn't care about the situation. When I pushed the bike, I pedaled on the pedal. Unexpectedly, this shabby bike was very angry. It was like a wild horse. It made me eat a big horse, and I bared my teeth. At that time, my mother came over and said to me: "My child, the important thing for riding a bike is to master the balance, hold the handlebars with both hands, pedal with my feet, and look forward." With my mother's help and my cleverness, I will ride a bike easily in less than an hour. In the empty factory, I was like a happy pony, riding a bike rampage, and the speed was getting faster and faster. I was happy to pull my throat: "Alas, I can ride a bike, cheerla!" My mother told me loudly: "Slow down, be careful." That afternoon, the broken bike brought me happiness, which could not be exchanged for any money.

As I grow older, my cycling skills have reached the level of perfection, and ordinary bicycles cannot meet my needs. I, a fashion seeker, begged my mother to buy me a new transmission car. When the white gearshift car appeared in front of me, I felt proud. I am also a car owner. My car is no inferior to BMW and Audi! Meet my friends to show off my car and show off my skills. Riding on the new gearshift, the wind whistles past my ears, and birds chirp, as if I envy my speed! This gearshift car accompanied me to school and after school, and made great contributions to me.

Now, I am obsessed with electric vehicles. When I saw the man riding an electric bike, he didn't force his feet. When he turned on the electric switch, the bike was like a wind fire wheel, moving forward quickly. So I begged my father to buy one for me. Maybe my pleading eyes moved my father, who was always stingy, and he agreed. Wow, my dream comes true. I have an electric car. However, for safety reasons, my parents do not allow me to ride in school or in school. Only on Saturday and Sunday, under their supervision, can I ride my electric bike to the open ground for fun. My mood can't stop with the speed rising. Adei, My little bike, thank you for bringing me happiness.

I hope I can grow up quickly. If I want to ride a bike, I will ride it willfully. Looking forward to growing up quickly, I also want to buy a four-wheel BMW, Audi, and travel around the world with my parents.

Happy Ride (4)

On a sunny afternoon in winter vacation, my father and I set out from my grandfather's home by bike to go to the Madahu Lake Scenic Area, about eight kilometers back and forth. We rode along the newly built road on the south bank. There were no cars on the road. From a distance, the road looked like a long dragon lying in the distance.

The road was against the wind, so it was very difficult to ride, as if a force was blocking me. After a period of cycling, I felt tired. When I was ready to give up, my father said, "Let's have a race!" I said, "OK!" The race started, but my father rode first. What a naughty father! Fortunately, I tried to catch up with him, but he suddenly accelerated and rushed in front of me. Dad reached the finish line before I did, and I lost. In this way, I don't know whether I have ridden for a long time. After a short rest, we continued to ride. A big mound of dirt blocked our way. My father suggested that we carry the car over. My father was in front and I was in the back. Later, the journey was smooth. So we came to the Madahu Lake Scenic Area. We cycled around the Madahu Lake. The scenery of the Madahu Lake in winter was beautiful! Although I have been to Madahu Lake before, I feel that today's scenery of Madahu Lake is unique, which may be related to my mood at this time! After a short rest, it was dusk. We waved goodbye to the clouds in the west. We set foot on the road home again. On the way back, the sunset accompanied us, and the reeds on both sides of the road floated with the wind. My father and I rode on the road humming songs. It was really interesting!

I like this ride very much. There are both uphill and downhill roads during the ride. It was very difficult to climb, but I also persevered; Going downhill is like riding a roller coaster. This ride not only made me feel that I should stick to everything and never give up, but also let me enjoy the beautiful scenery of nature.

Happy Ride (5)

The first Sunday after the Spring Festival, the weather was very good in the afternoon. After my brother and I begged for help, my mother promised to take us to the park to ride bicycles. My mother took me and my brother to the park by motorcycle, GO!

In sunny weather, it's most comfortable to ride a bike and enjoy the cool breeze. On the way, I saw someone drawing a boat on the lake. The boat looks like a banana running around, so handsome! Others are playing baseball on the grass! As we rode, our stomachs growled. Mom took out our biscuits. They were so delicious! We sat under the bridge and wolfed down, took a bite and swallowed it directly. After ten minutes of rest, we continued on the road, wow! I'm riding outside. There's an ice cream cart! My brother and I had a good time eating ice cream and riding bicycles, but suddenly a bad smell flew to this side. It was all in a row. It was found that the water in the ditch smelled, and we were scared to leave quickly.

Before returning the car, we went to the pasture to see the lambs, roosters and ducks. An aunt gave me a bunch of long grass to feed the lambs. When I fed the lambs, my mother took pictures for us. When the sheep ate grass, it bit and pulled off, so it was hard. But to my disappointment, because the rooster did not eat grass, it could not feed it, and the ducks hid behind it, so it was difficult to find out the truth, but it was also very happy to feed the sheep, And a little scared!

I was very happy on this bicycle trip. I learned that roosters don't eat grass, sheep and ducks will eat it. I hope we can feed roosters and ducks next time.

Happy Ride (6)

I've learned to ride a bike, but I haven't been on the road yet. Today, my friends invited me to ride with them to the Olympic Park.

On the way, when the car roared past me, I was a little nervous. When we walked on the cycling road, the birds led the way in front of us, the wind blew us, the road was covered with purple lavender on both sides, and there were many unknown small wild flowers. They seemed to cheer us up, and my nervousness vanished. The sun also came to greet us, and our faces were all covered with crystal clear sweat. My friends and I talked as we rode, and we came to the Olympic Park unconsciously.

First of all, we rode a circle along the riding track. Then, we began to play sandbags in the shade. Laughter resounded throughout the park, and even bees and butterflies came to join in. Mother was a thug. We dodged and jumped in the direction of sandbags. At this time, the sandbags flew towards Zhao Yanke, and he lifted his legs lightly, and the sandbags flew past his feet, which was very dangerous! Then, the sandbags flew from behind again, and he suddenly turned around and caught the sandbags.

We had a happy ride in the happy game.

Happy Ride (7)

I have a bike. It's blue-green. I bought it last year. It's a big Giant brand. I named it "Flying Thunder", which means faster than wind and lightning.

I remember one evening, we had dinner. My mother suggested, "Let's go cycling. It's cool now." "Well, good." My father and I answered with one voice.

Riding on the "Flying Thunderbolt", we set out to the wooden building. Along the way, I felt the cool breeze and the roar of my ears. I could not help but recite a poem: "When three autumn leaves fall, February flowers will bloom. When I cross the river, thousands of feet of waves will fall into the bamboo." I am like an eagle flying in the sky, fighting heartily. At this time, I suggested: "Let's compare who can ride faster." My father and I accelerated at the same time. My mother's bicycle was left behind by my father and me because the wheels were smaller than ours and the reaction was slow. At this time, my mother indignantly sighed: "It's unfair, you guys bully me!" My father overtook me because he was riding a racing car with a transmission on the handlebar. And I fought hard to catch up behind, from the original five meters to the current three meters. Almost, finally catch up! Then look back at the mother who fell in the distance and laugh.

How happy to ride!

Grade 6: Wei Zhigao

Happy Ride (8)

Last Sunday afternoon, our class carried out an outdoor activity - cycling. In the whole outdoor cycling activity, one of my favorite is to ride from the parking lot of the Flower Expo to the Moon Bay of West Taihu Lake together. It was such a happy journey

Under the organization of Mr. Feng, the leader of the team, and his parents, our cycling team first crossed a road and lined up on the non motorized lane in an orderly line. I put my hand on the handle and looked ahead. As Teacher Feng shouted "Start riding", I stepped down with joy. Our small motorcade is marching happily on the road. Along the way, we were carefree and free. At this time, we were like happy elves with no worries, and the grass and flowers around us became especially lovely! I tried to ride my little bike and talk with the people next to me. "Chen Cheng, can you ride with one foot?" I asked with a smile. Chen Cheng said in a positive tone, "Of course not." I said, "I can, but I'm a bit slow, ha ha..." Everyone laughed and cheered, and none of them had the serious expression of being on the road for the first time. Girls sing while riding, like happy birds; The boys kept cheering in their ears, as if they were cheering on the students who fell behind!

We rode to the Moon Bay of the West Taihu Lake in such a magnificent way, but we did not expect that the 4.3 km journey would be so fast! After putting away our bicycles, we arrived at the West Taihu Lake just after riding, and immediately felt a sense of open and extraordinary comfort. Standing by the lake, looking at the blue sky and white clouds, I saw waves coming into my eyes. Ah, it was beautiful! We also picnicked on the grass, played, and enjoyed the fresh air outdoors with our parents.

Do you think I have fun this time?

Happy Ride (9)

"Lala la, I'm going to ride happily --" Early Sunday morning, I hummed my own songs and couldn't wait to ride a bike. Because I want to participate in the "Green Travel" activity with my friends.

Along the way, I enjoyed the beautiful scenery while riding happily. Eh! I suddenly smelled a faint fragrance. When I looked up, it turned out that the osmanthus flowers on the roadside were in bloom. The fragrance was overwhelming and refreshing. The leaves on both sides of the road slowly turned yellow, and some flew down in circles, like golden butterflies dancing. I can't help being intoxicated with the charming autumn scenery.

Look, the beautiful Jiangyang Bridge is ahead. From a distance, it looks like two rainbows hanging in the air. I tried hard to ride on the bridge, but the slope of the bridge was a little too steep for me to use. What should I do? If I don't ride, the car will back off. "Come on, come on!" The boys encouraged each other, and we pushed hard and finally got on the bridge. The feeling of getting off the bridge was much better. I gently grasped the brake with my hand and let the car go down the slope. At this time, the whole person felt like flying. It was wonderful.

Riding and riding like this, although I'm tired, I secretly encourage myself to work hard and not give up easily. No, I saw the magnificent Wanfu Bridge again. Seen from a distance, the bridge is really spectacular! Two tall towers stand in the middle of the bridge, and four big iron cows sit bravely beside it, as if they were guarding the bridge. It's said that I can climb the top of the tower to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Yangzhou in the future. I really hope I can go sightseeing myself.

This cycling activity is really interesting. Children, do you want to come here again? Let's join next time!

Happy Ride (10)

One morning, I got up early. My father said, "Today, I will go to Doctor's Hill for a visit." Yeah! I shouted.
After lunch, we set out. My aunt also went to Doctor Hill. So, we rented two bicycles to ride in the doctor mountain. On the way, I was very excited. I thought: What's good about going to Doctor Mountain? Unconsciously, I was still dreaming when I went up the hill. Suddenly, the bike shook violently, and I was awakened by the stones on the ground. I looked at the slope so high that I was a little scared. Although I can't reach the step board when I sit, I still stand without even sitting. After going up the slope, we went down the slope. I didn't know my aunt had caught up with us. I suddenly said, "I want to change my position." So my parents agreed. It's my turn to take the last seat. Mom is in the middle, and Dad is still in the original position. The speed is much faster now. Maybe this streamline from big to small will be faster!
I saw my aunt riding a bicycle very leisurely. I think they are! They said proudly, "You are so slow!" They said, "Hey, how quickly did you catch up?" They also made a move. I'm about to catch up, but I won't let them catch up easily. I stepped on the accelerator with all my strength, much faster than before. Hum, you want to chase me? Cultivate for another 100 years! Then we went up the hill, which was much slower than before. We trampled desperately. They caught up again! This time they stepped on the "accelerator" with all their strength without leaving any effort. I stepped on them with all my strength and caught up with them again. They shouted at us: Can't you slow down? I can't see you!
We went around one mountain after another, riding happily!

Happy Ride (11)

It's really hot today. After dinner, my mother suggested going outside for a bike ride. After going downstairs, I rode my beloved red bike to Binjiang Park for cycling. Wow, there are so many people in the park! Some children are skating; Some are cycling; Some are playing skateboards. Adults are walking, chatting and playing badminton. A breeze blew, which was extremely cool. I was sweating just now and felt much cooler.

I ride my bicycle through the crowd, feeling like a happy bird.

Happy Ride (12)

Have you ever experienced riding a bike to enjoy the scenery when night falls? Relax in the moonlight? If not, I suggest you try it.

The setting sun dyed the sky red like maple leaves. The lake water is no exception. It is very red. I'm afraid that if you approach it, you will be burned. Under such a scenery, we embarked on a cycling trip, and slowly the sunset disappeared in the horizon.

You may have a question: what scenery can't be seen, what things can't be known, and what things can't be experienced in this information developed world. Don't worry. Listen to me carefully.

We lined up in a straight line, one after another, and four cars looked long. However, they didn't feel crowded at all, and they were dexterous in the crowd. They were erratic, accelerating and decelerating from time to time. It seems that I am drunk. If I drink a little more, I am afraid I will be "drunk on the battlefield". The wind roared past my ears (woo~woo~), as if to cheer up. There was an overwhelming momentum, so we accelerated down.

In the moonlight, this mirror competes with the moon, bringing a ray of brightness to the night. The lights around the lake wrapped it like a necklace, gold and silver.

If you keep riding forward, you will lack some fun. So we are like cavalry, galloping on rivers. Stepping on the fallen leaves, they made a clear "click" sound, and then the sound came out one after another on the earth. A middle-aged man picked up the fallen leaves with both hands and threw them at the sky. We were like photographers, and pressed the shutter. Pictures of laughter were recorded, and laughter echoed on the earth. The leaves slowly whirled in the sky.

When I was tired, I sat down on a higher hill to drink water and chat. Under the back light, there were shadows of cars and people on the grass, and the shadows seemed to be frozen, and the four hands raised their glasses together. "Raise a glass to invite Mingyue, and make three of them." "No, five of them are OK." We laughed happily again.

The moon sways in the lake, with the breeze blowing the leaves and grass, but also blowing the hearts of everyone. I have experienced the happiness of riding, have you?

Happy Ride (13)

I ride my happy composition

In life, work and study, we are inevitably exposed to composition. According to the different styles, composition can be divided into narrative, expository, practical and argumentative. So the question is, how to write an excellent composition? The following is my happy composition of riding for everyone. Welcome to read and treasure it.

"Lala la, let's go! Let's go! I'm going to start riding a bike!" In the afternoon of Saturday, I hummed my own song and couldn't wait to ride on my beloved "Xiao Huang". Today, I'm going to ride on the Songyin River Greenway with my parents.

Along the way, while appreciating the beautiful scenery on both sides of the Songyin River, I hummed a song and rode my bike happily. There are many unknown flowers on both sides of the greenway. When a gust of wind blows, colorful flowers are like a group of colorful butterflies dancing in the wind. The birds in the trees chirped and sang happily. A group of egrets are flying freely and leisurely in the shade of pines. It reminds me of Du Fu's poem, "Two orioles sing in the green willows, and a line of egrets goes up into the sky". On the grass beside the stream, a group of old scalpers are eating grass leisurely. Egrets stand quietly beside the old scalpers, just like a beautiful painting. On the way, we saw many people riding, walking and running on the greenway. Everyone praised the beauty of Songyin River! I am also intoxicated with the beautiful scenery.

"Here we are, here we are, Mom and Dad. Look, there is our net red bridge in Songyang ahead," I shouted. The "Wanghong Bridge" spans both sides of the Songyin River and looks like a castle on the water. I sped up to the "Wanghong Bridge", but the slope below the bridge was so great that I couldn't ride it with any effort. When I wanted to give up, my parents encouraged me without interruption, and finally I rushed to the bridge. When I got to the bridge, I got out of the car, looked at the beautiful scenery around the "Wanghong Bridge" and thought that I was now the prince in the castle.

We ride and ride, although very tired, but I still continue to encourage myself, to work hard to adhere to, do not give up. Cycling is a meaningful flow. Let's go cycling together next time, kids!

Happy Ride (14)

"Lala la, I'm going to ride happily --" Early Sunday morning, I hummed my own songs and couldn't wait to ride a bike. Because I want to participate in the "Green Travel, Happy Ride" activity with my friends.

Along the way, I enjoyed the beautiful scenery while riding happily. Eh! I suddenly smelled a faint fragrance. When I looked up, it turned out that the osmanthus flowers on the roadside were in bloom. The fragrance was overwhelming and refreshing. The leaves on both sides of the road slowly turned yellow, and some flew down in circles, like golden butterflies dancing. I can't help being intoxicated with the charming autumn scenery.

Look, the beautiful Jiangyang Bridge is ahead. From a distance, it looks like two rainbows hanging in the air. I tried hard to ride on the bridge, but the slope of the bridge was too steep for me to use. What should I do? If I don't ride, the car will back off. "Come on, come on!" The boys encouraged each other, and we pushed hard and finally got on the bridge. The feeling of getting off the bridge was much better. I gently grasped the brake with my hand and let the car go down the slope. At this time, the whole person felt like flying. It was wonderful.

Riding and riding like this, although I'm tired, I secretly encourage myself to persevere and not give up easily. No, I saw the magnificent Wanfu Bridge again. Seen from a distance, the bridge is really spectacular! Two tall towers stand in the middle of the bridge, and four big iron cows sit bravely beside it, as if they were guarding the bridge. It's said that I can climb the top of the tower to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Yangzhou in the future. I really hope I can go sightseeing myself.

This cycling activity is really interesting. Children, do you want to have a happy ride? Let's join next time!

Happy Ride (15)

On the way, when the car roared past me, I was a little nervous. When we walked on the cycling road, the birds led the way in front of us, the wind blew us, the road was covered with purple lavender on both sides, and there were many unknown small wild flowers. They seemed to cheer us up, and my nervousness vanished. The sun also came to greet us, and our faces were all covered with crystal clear sweat. My friends and I talked as we rode, and we came to the Olympic Park unconsciously.

First of all, we rode a circle along the riding track. Then, we began to play sandbags in the shade. Laughter resounded throughout the park, and even bees and butterflies came to join in. Mother was a thug. We dodged and jumped in the direction of sandbags. At this time, the sandbags flew towards Zhao Yanke, and he lifted his legs lightly, and the sandbags flew past his feet, which was very dangerous! Then, the sandbags flew from behind again, and he suddenly turned around and caught the sandbags.

We had a happy ride in the happy game.