One lesson 600 (16 compilations)
2023-09-10 07:21:12

One lesson 600 (1)

"I heard that we are going to have a class with Mr. Jiang!" "That's great!" "Wow!" The class suddenly burst into flames, and each student's eyes sparkled with light, and his face was filled with a bright smile like flowers. We have been looking forward to that day coming soon, and we are going to be "lovesickness"!

Day by day, tomorrow will be class! To tell the truth, I'm still a little excited! At 5 o'clock in the morning, I woke up and tried to get rid of the "sleepers". Seeing that I woke up so early, my father said mistily, "Let me see if the sun is coming out from the west. What day is it today?" It was not easy to wait until my father finished washing, just like mosquitoes. When I arrived at the ladder classroom, there were no empty seats and I almost fainted! I sat on the chair with a little excitement in my heart.

"Let's discuss what we should do when discussing?" "Hmm? I'm special? This also needs to be discussed?" I'm not sure. "Everyone stands up to discuss, and each other should not exceed 40 cm." Wow! How interesting! Shouldn't the teacher let us sit and talk? I can't control so much. I feel an impulse to play games. I wonder if I'm dreaming? After a while, after reading the text, the teacher asked again: "Does the wife's son read the third tone or the soft tone?" "Read the third tone, because there is a wife and children." I thought this question should end. Unexpectedly - "Just two people?" "There are many people." "How many?" "Just a large group of people." Zou Xiaoya panicked for a moment, I couldn't help laughing, and the other students' mouths slightly rose. The teacher said, "I know, there are many wives and children." The whole classroom laughed and we were all amused by the teacher's "brilliant explanation", and we also liked the magic teacher more and more. It seems that with a wave of his hand and a word, he brought me into the magical world of classical Chinese.

When there is a gathering, there is a separation. After class, the business comes quietly. It seems that I am staying here, and the students are reluctant to leave. Just the bursts of laughter and smiles always around my ears... How can we forget this interesting lesson?

One lesson 600 (2)

Although I am only in the fourth grade of primary school, there are more than ten teachers who have taught me. Among these teachers, the most unforgettable one is Mr. Zhou.

Mr. Zhou was my third grade Chinese teacher and head teacher. She is young and beautiful, has a slender body, dark hair, and a pair of eyes that are always full of smiles; She likes singing and dancing, and writes beautiful characters; She is gentle and kind-hearted, and she cares about us as much as possible.

One thing is still fresh in my memory.

At that time, I had just transferred to the No. 1 Primary School in Yumen Town. Teacher Zhou was giving us a Chinese lesson vividly. I suddenly felt sick and could not help but "live broadcast" in the classroom - vomit. Teacher Zhou was so frightened that his face suddenly turned white. She didn't care about anything else. While calling my father, she was busy wiping for me. After my condition slightly improved, she sent me to the hospital again.

Dad came to the hospital, asked about the situation, and repeatedly thanked Mr. Zhou. Mr. Zhou touched my head and said, "This is what I should do, as long as the child is free." I will never forget this in my life.

Mr. Zhou is very humorous. When we are unhappy, she will tell us jokes until we laugh. So when we are happy, we are willing to give our happiness to Miss Zhou, so that she can be happy with us.

Teacher Zhou also attaches great importance to cultivating our personality and expertise. Under her careful guidance, I have won two awards in the school Red May Art Festival, and many students in our class have also won awards.

In class, teacher Zhou has a teacher-student relationship with us. She is very strict with us and never misses a single wrong character; But during the break, she is our good friend and often plays games with us.

Although I have transferred to another school now, Miss Zhou's voice, face and smile often appear in front of my eyes, and her earnest teachings often ring in my ears. I will miss you forever, Mr. Zhou.

One lesson 600 (3)

One Friday afternoon, I was playing in the classroom. Suddenly, the voice of "yeah" came from behind me. I felt very strange. I pricked up my ears and listened carefully to the man saying, "Go to the multi-function classroom for English class!

Everyone quickly packed up and rushed to the multi-function classroom.

Entering the classroom, everyone was dumbfounded: the classroom was very large, the desk was a computer, and behind the desk was a big screen. Under the platform, 8 rows of silver gray tables and chairs were placed neatly. There are about 10 rows of blue sofa chairs in the back, where the teachers and leaders are sitting.

After class, Mr. Wang walked onto the platform in high spirits and said to us, "hello class!"

We all said, "hello misswang!"

After saying hello, Mr. Wang gave us a lecture. First, we were taught an English song. Then, the teacher let us play an interesting game: driving a small train. The teacher made a small train appear on the big screen. She wanted a classmate to control the mouse on the platform and start the train. I quickly raised my hand to start the small train. Unfortunately, the teacher didn't call me but Zhang Yifei. He swaggered onto the platform and dragged the English words under the small train onto the appropriate train carriage with the mouse, so that the words in the carriage could be arranged into a sentence. When he finished arranging English sentences, the small train started. Later, the teacher asked another student to drive a small train, and the game ended. What a pity!

I didn't drive a small train. After the game, we watched an English video, reviewed the English words, and were reviewing, "Ding Lingling" class was over. "Why is this class so fast?" I sighed.


If only every class were taught in the multi-function classroom!

The time of class is as fast as lightning, and the content of class is so attractive. Who is not happy!

One lesson 600 (4)

No matter Chinese class, English class, or math class, they can't compare with the most unforgettable class - open physical education class. Because this open class is only through a few games, but through these games to consider the reaction ability, solidarity and cooperation ability of students and mutual trust between students.

On Thursday morning, our class put on their uniforms and gathered on the playground. After a while, a female teacher in red sportswear came to us and began to give us lessons. I peeked around secretly, wow!

Many teachers are watching our class, including our headmaster. Although all the students are full of energy, they also seem to be nervous for fear of making any mistakes. Fortunately, the female teacher gave us a very easy lesson, so that we soon "found" the feeling back. We started to play a game called Reverse Direction, which is not so much a game as a test of our reaction ability!

That is, when the teacher says big watermelons, we will make small watermelons. When the teacher says small watermelons, we will make big watermelons. Although this game sounds very simple, it is actually very complicated. If you are not careful, you will make mistakes and make everyone laugh. After several rounds of competition, many students were confused and "caught" by the teacher one by one. In the end, there were few students left. After the first game ended, we began to play the second game. Each of us took a card, and then went to find another partner to play basketball, to compare who played better. The last game item is to take the basketball to the opposite side and put cards. The group with the fastest speed will be the first. After a fierce competition, our group finally won the second place in the competition. The members of our group are very happy.

When we are still immersed in the joy of the game and the joy of victory. "Du", the teacher's whistle sounded, and the unforgettable lesson ended like this. Students all hope that there will be more relaxed and meaningful lessons in the future!

One lesson 600 (5)

On Friday morning, we have a PE class. It was sunny that day. Although it was winter, there was no cold wind, no snow, so I didn't feel cold. When class began, the teacher said to us, "Boys and girls, shall we play games today?" My classmates and I shouted excitedly, "OK". Playing games is the most desirable thing for students. In this tense review stage, the game makes all the students excited.

First, the teacher announced the rules of the game. 1: Each person can only say one word and cannot repeat it. 2: Don't laugh at what others say. 3: In a group of four, the first three people each say one word, and the last one connects the three words. The game started, and the four students who came out first stood in front of the team. The first student said: Eat. The second student said: Zhang Dong. The third student immediately said: Hai Li. The fourth student said the result of the word connection: Zhang Dong eats in the sea. The students burst into laughter. Smiling, I saw the teacher's serious face and remembered the rules of the game that the teacher had said in advance. I immediately covered my mouth, but couldn't help laughing.

The second group started. The students learned from the last lesson, and this time they were a little cautious. The first student said: fish. The second student thought for a while and said: Land. The third student said: Walk. The fourth student's connection is: fish walk on the land. The students who were also provoked smiled with their mouths covered.

It's finally our group's turn. I was the first to appear. I said a simple word: people. The second student said: drink water. The third student said: In the pit. The connection is: people drink water in the pit. Ah! We also discussed not to say the word connections that let students laugh at us, but failed to jump out. The students laughed again. I secretly looked at the teacher. The teacher was still a serious face, but I knew that the teacher was also laughing.

A PE class passed quickly in our laughter. When the bell rang, the students said, "Why is this class so fast?"

Now think about the teacher's hard work. Let's relax our emotions and learn the role of rules. Since it is a rule, you must obey it, or you will be eliminated.

One lesson 600 (6)

"Ding Lingling......" Accompanied by a crisp bell, our head teacher, Miss Su, walked into the classroom with a solemn face. Her serious face made me feel uneasy: "Did we do something bad again to make the teacher angry?"

While I was doing my thought review, Miss Su turned around and wrote a few words on the blackboard: I have a sore throat today and can't speak. I have become "mute". I hope everyone can have a good silent lesson. After reading this, I felt sad and thought: "Today, the teacher is ill, we must cooperate with the teacher and let the teacher recover early." In the usual composition class, the teacher always guides first, but today is an exception. We looked at the hints of the outline and thought about each other. The classroom was silent.

This is a silent composition class. In the classroom, you can hear a needle fall on the floor quietly. Students are all "writing fast". I secretly rejoiced that Miss Su could have a good rest in this class and protect her throat. Suddenly, an accident happened! Xiao Lin, sitting in the front row of me, was scratching his head and moving his chair back and forth, making a lot of noise because he could not write a composition. The students around frowned and whispered. I'm a little worried. Miss Su will be dissatisfied with Xiao Lin who has influenced her classmates. She may have to call names and criticize again. Then her throat will be more painful. Sure enough, Miss Su looked at our corner, and I quickly winked at the students around me. Xiao Lin also realized that his behavior had affected the students' learning, and immediately calmed down. Miss Su did not criticize Xiao Lin, and a small disturbance ended in this way.

"Ding Lingling......" The bell rang after class, and this silent composition class ended peacefully because of the efforts of the students. I suddenly realized that we could do well in class and be disciplined. But usually, why do some students want to make the teacher angry? I can't help thinking that a few days ago, some students were fighting on the way after school, splashing water and even throwing stones at people. Miss Su spent a lot of time on this and left boys to do "ideological and moral education". Another time, I even threw basketball with my female classmates in PE class, which had a bad effect. Now it's really wrong to think about it. The teachers have worked hard to teach us knowledge. Shouldn't we repay them with good discipline and excellent results?

The inspiration from this silent lesson will be treasured forever.

One lesson 600 (7)

"Art class, the next one is art class!" The students cheered. Many male students have already hummed a tune. After the science class, we will have a relaxed art class. You should know that art class is not as nervous as the Chinese math teacher. It is a "relaxation class" for everyone. Everyone expects a relaxed atmosphere, so that this "relaxation class" More and more people talk empty words.

During the break, Mr. Chen gave each student a "Gold VIP Discipline Card". She handed out a test paper yesterday to everyone. Many people were complacent when they saw their own results, but the teacher said, "Now's results are not the ones you take home!" What? Students, look at me and I look at you. I don't know what happened. Then the teacher asked the representative of the art class to announce the students who spoke in the last art class and were named. All the students who were named were deducted 4 points on the original basis. Everyone is dumbfounded. The class bell rang, and everyone was quiet

When we entered the art classroom, all of us quickly found our own positions. When Teacher Lin said, "You can start painting!", we stopped talking empty words and didn't need anyone to remind us. We bent our heads to draw. Let's see, how many students regard their grades as their own lives. After all, no one wants to have a meal of "bamboo shoot fried meat" and mixed doubles! The whole classroom was almost silent. It was so quiet that even a needle could be heard. Ah, no, even the sound of a mosquito flying in could be heard clearly.

Class is coming to an end. Teacher Lin said that the discipline of this class is very good. I hope that every class will be like this! I saw many people's faces showing dissatisfied but helpless expressions. Look at the achievements of the students, who have completed their own paintings. Think about the past art classes, where you can draw while talking, the atmosphere is relaxed, but the efficiency of painting is very low. In one class, I can only draw a draft with a pencil, or just draw the lines. Today, in this quiet atmosphere, I can draw two large "works" in one class.

Although today's "Gold VIP Discipline Card" will soon expire, I still hope that Mr. Chen will give us more "gift cards". Next time, we'd better get a diamond, which will be more permanent! A quiet environment is good for learning. No, it is good for drawing! We should concentrate on whatever we are doing in class. This is what we should do as students. Let's come together, boys and girls!

One lesson 600 (8)

In my childhood, I had many unforgettable things, but what impressed me most was an unforgettable exam, which was conducted in the social morality class.

As soon as the class began, Mr. Zhang came in and said mysteriously to us, "Boys and girls, today we are going to have an exam!" As soon as Mr. Zhang's voice fell, the following students began to talk about it. Some people were very worried and scratched their heads. "Oh, my god, I didn't review, what should I take the exam for? I have no idea!" Others were confused More people are guessing that the teacher is joking.

At the bottom, there were different opinions. Teacher Zhang said slowly: "We don't need to write and do papers in this exam. You don't have to worry too much!" Hearing the teacher's words, it was just a game in class, so everyone relaxed.

Next, Mr. Zhang directed us to move our desks and chairs to the wall, and asked us to line up against the wall. The exam officially began. Under the command of Mr. Zhang, "Boys and girls, you walk around the classroom twice!" We were confused. Is this exam going to make us go around in circles? Some students felt funny and strode forward with great interest. No one dared stop because everyone was afraid of failing.

We obediently walked around the classroom twice, and Teacher Zhang asked us to move all the desks and chairs back to their original positions and sit well in our seats. Next, Mr. Zhang smiled slightly, stood on the platform and announced: "This time, only two people passed the exam, Xiao Xue and Xiao Ming!"

We were all confused and asked the teacher: "We did everything according to your instructions, but why only two people passed?" Teacher Zhang said earnestly: "Do you want to know why? Let me tell you that all the students in the class are circling around. One of them accidentally knocked the triangle plate down, and then I deliberately knocked the broom down while you were not paying attention. They are the only two students in the class who put the triangle ruler and broom on the ground separately, and the others are just walking forward, looking up and straight, always hoping to get the best results, But I ignored the little things around me. This is moral education! "

The teacher's words made us suddenly realize that the class was over and the test was over, but we all learned a truth from this special exam: there are tests everywhere in life, and moral cultivation is all in details. Only by doing well in the little things around us can we do well in the big things.

One lesson 600 (9)

This time, it was like a big blow to me. I fell down for the first time when I usually did well in mathematics. I scored more than 70 points in the math exam. It was raining when school was over that day. Maybe God felt sorry for me in the sky. I suddenly realized that I didn't bring rain gear.

It was raining fiercely, and the students around were picked up by their parents one after another. I felt a sense of desolation in my heart. I wandered alone at the school gate, and did not return home in the rain as usual. Gradually, in the dark, a familiar figure came closer and closer to me. It was my father.

"Why, man, don't go home in the rain." Father also knew that I usually like to go home in the rain. I only got more than 70 points in the math exam. I bit my pale lips tightly and said. What? After more than 70 points in the exam, my father was surprised. I hung my head and waited for the "storm" to come. But after a long time, there was still no slap. I looked up and was surprised to find that my father's face was not murderous, but had a kind of kindness that was different before. "Why are you beating me?" said the father, "because you scored more than 70 points?" You are nothing compared to me. I failed the English exam. I got zero points in my composition exam. Now I don't want to take a junior college degree as the "heart" of the company. The father sighed and said, "It's also good for you to beat you before. You are a man now. Don't beat me anymore. Your mother and I put our hope on you. I hope you won't be depressed." The father said as he walked away.

When I came home, I lay in bed and thought, "Yes, I still have a long way to go! Maybe this exam was just a stone on the road, but I felt like I had been hit hard by it. When I was depressed, a song said," You can see a rainbow without wind and rain! "There was a saying in the aphorism," A sword comes from sharpening, and a plum blossom comes from bitter cold ". Chinese proverbs also mention that difficulties are like springs. If you are strong, they are weak and you are weak, they are strong. Yes, this exam is not just a difficulty before obstacles. Don't take it to heart and get good grades next time. Isn't it just to overcome this difficulty? I was suddenly enlightened.

There are many unforgettable and shining things in life, such as the scenes of walking and talking with my father in the rain, which I still remember today. What an unforgettable lesson! It taught me how to face difficulties, setbacks, and them. I should not be defeated by him, but defeat them. Isn't life like this.

One lesson 600 (10)

I feel deeply about such a lesson. It shames me and shocks me even more.

When we were reviewing our English textbooks, I met a group of conversations that moved us. The content is that a student named JIM was often late for school for some time. When the teacher asked him why he was late, he told the teacher that his mother was ill and he needed to take care of her at home. The teacher forgave JIM. I asked the students to make a dialogue in groups according to the content and prepare for the dialogue performance contest. The students actively made full preparations. They brought the necessary items for the performance themselves and put on makeup. Their performance in the class made me very satisfied. One group of students performed the scene of JIM helping his mother do housework at home and feeding her medicine. The performance was very vivid and vivid.

To my surprise, when dealing with the teacher's performance of being late for JIM again, none of the students' performance was a simple and rude reprimand from the teacher. They were very kind to let JIM go to the seat to listen to the class first, and then go to the teacher's office after class. In the office, one group of teachers asked JIM to sit down, and teachers and students sat and talked. Another group of teachers and students stood and talked, which shocked me: this is children's desire for equal and harmonious teacher-student relationship! This makes me feel deeply remorse.

Looking back on our teaching, I felt that I was very responsible for the students. Sometimes I trained the students in front of the whole class, regardless of their dignity; When the students arrive at the office, which of our teachers asks them to sit down and talk with them on an equal basis? The new curriculum reform requires the establishment of democratic and equal teacher-student relations. When did we really achieve equality with students? We ask students to respect teachers, but do we really respect students? When leaders criticize us in public, we feel ashamed and have no dignity. What will students feel when they are criticized and reprimanded by teachers? We ignored respect for students. In fact, every student has a rich and unique inner world, and every student has great learning potential. As a teacher, you should go deep into the students, understand their interests, pay attention to their emotional changes, and listen to their demands and voices. Be not only a teacher but also a friend of the students.

I will remember the lesson that the children taught me, reflect on my words and deeds from time to time, completely abandon the poor dignity of teachers, and let the democratic and equal teacher-student relationship enter the classroom.

One lesson 600 (11)

Since I entered the primary school, I have taken many classes, including lively Chinese lessons, interesting math lessons, and mysterious nature lessons. Among them, a Chinese activity class in Grade 6 is still fresh in my memory.

One day, the teacher walked into the classroom and said with a smile, "Have you all seen the reporter's interview on TV?" "Yes," the students answered in unison. The teacher said, "Then in this class, you can imitate the reporters on TV and show your talents." The teacher asked us to practice with each other first, and then asked who would like to be a small reporter on the platform. The teacher was silent, and none of the students raised their hands. The teacher called the roll casually when he saw it. Unexpectedly, the teacher asked for my opinion and asked me to say the name of the person I wanted to interview. Scan the students around and choose Xiao Ying as the interviewee.

Standing on the podium, I rolled a book as a "microphone" and began to engage in the state. I first asked: "Hello, I am a small reporter, may I interview you?" Xiaoying said, "Yes." I immediately thought of a topic and asked, "Do you think it is good to carry out the urban and rural cleaning project?" Xiaoying said, "Well, since the launch of this project, everyone has independently protected the environment, and the appearance of the city has greatly changed. Let's say that there is not even a piece of paper scraps on the ground in our school." To Xiaoying's answer, I went on to ask questions related to this. Throughout the interview, we cooperated quite well in this question and answer. After the interview, there was a burst of thunderous applause in the classroom. The teacher was also very satisfied with this, and said: "Have you seen the interviews of the two students in front, and know the interview skills? Who will perform next?" "Let me, let me... 'The students scrambled to raise their hands. Next, many students performed on the platform, and the questions raised by the reporters were different. When some students could not answer the questions raised by the reporters for a while, many students would prompt them.

In this lesson, the teacher asked us to be small reporters, from which we learned the skills of interview and improved our thinking ability and adaptability

One lesson 600 (12)

"Today, I went out for a math self-study class, and I had something to do with it." The teacher said and was ready to step out of the classroom. As if not relieved, he reminded me that no shouting or running is allowed in the teacher. The class cadre should write down the students who violated the discipline. "

The teacher just stepped out of the classroom, and the students who had just said no to the teacher suddenly changed their appearance. Some picked up the lost books and threw a perfect arc into the air, shouting, "Yeah! Yeah! The best thing in the world is just like that!" Students who are not good at English at ordinary times also used "very good" to express their happy mood at this moment. So, the students got together in groups of three and five, some chatting, some playing chess... The teachers became a mess.

The class cadre stood up and shouted, "Stop making noise! Stop!" He even threatened: "I will write down who makes noise and sweep the floor for three days. At this time, the students could not hear the monitor's "golden voice". "No way." The monitor shouted and sat down.

After a while, heavy footsteps sounded on the corridor, and the students suddenly quieted down, holding their breath, as if the air had solidified. A student accidentally dropped his pen on the ground and made a crisp sound, which caused a burst of tension among the students. The sound of footsteps is getting closer. It is obviously coming to our teacher. When figures appeared at the door of the classroom, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and laughed "ha ha". It turned out that this was not the class teacher, but the "late king" in the class. He burst into laughter when he saw us. If the monk couldn't figure it out, he just laughed with us.

Time passed in our pen, and a class was almost over. When the teacher came into the classroom, he saw that the students were watching math carefully and smiled with satisfaction. But the teacher didn't see that the students covered their faces with books and forced themselves not to laugh in order that he could not see them laughing.

Ah~~ This is a class in which the teacher is absent.

One lesson 600 (13)

The students' performance in the class is strange, which naturally becomes a "landscape".

You see, this is not the first class, students are sleepy. This is the "old class" class, so naturally I dare not sleep openly. Chen in our class practiced a "good sleep method" in class. While the "old class" was busy on the podium, he was scribbling chalk words. He threw the eraser to the ground as fast as he could, and asked his classmates to watch him. Then he went under the table and slept soundly. The "old class" finished his work on the platform and was about to leave the stage for inspection. When his classmates patted him, he pretended to pick up the eraser. It can be said that the cooperation is perfect!

The second class is math, which is very casual. The math teacher's spittle flew about. At this moment, I will be lazy. Pretend to bend down and pick up the eraser to enjoy the sitting posture of all students. Zhang is a lady, sitting upright with her legs closed. Zhang Xing and Wang Peng could not sit still and started a foot fight under the table. Rui sat down in eight characters. It's time for me to get up. When the math teacher asked questions, some students hung their heads, some students sat as if nothing had happened, and some students raised their hands. The math teacher found those students hiding behind others: "Zhang Xing, you answer." "I...... I...... This......" His face was red. Similarly, the teacher called the students hiding behind him, but none of them answered. The students can't help sighing that the teacher's "minesweeping" technology is really not built!

In English class, a big bee flew in and landed on the most timid student Li's book in our class. Li screamed and the whole class's eyes fell on her. Some boys said, isn't it just a bee? At this time, Cheng, the student next to him, stepped forward to "rescue the beauty with heroes" and drove the naughty bees away. A war was ended. Ha ha, the scenery is worth our while!

There are many scenic spots in our class! If you don't believe me, come and have a look. As long as you observe carefully, there will also be scenic spots in your class. Try it.

One lesson 600 (14)

Wednesday afternoon was my favorite psychology lesson again. Our teacher Luo walked onto the platform with a smile on the crisp bell.

As soon as Mr. Luo opened his mouth, he said, "Let's have an interesting psychological test before class today. Let me tell you a story first. Can you tell us something?". At this time, the students clapped their hands happily and said yes!

Teacher Luo said vividly with his unique rich and magnetic voice: "In a desert, there was a traveler who had eaten all his food, drank all his water, and even lost his compass. He was very depressed. Suddenly, he found a kettle. He was very happy to pick up the kettle, but found that only half of the kettle was left. Students, if you are the traveler, are you happy or sad? " At this time, the students were whispering about which one to choose?

Next, Mr. Luo said, "OK, raise your hand if you are happy, and do not raise your hand if you are unhappy.". As a result, more than half of the students thought it was sad. Only a few students, such as Zhang Yihao and Lei Jingjing, thought it was happy to raise their hands. The reason for students who think they are sad is that there is too little water, and they will be thirsty after two or three mouthfuls. The reason why we choose to be happy is just the opposite: as long as we save some water, there is hope. Since there is a kettle, it means that someone must have been there, and maybe we can find someone else! Mr. Luo wrote down the two reasons respectively. Through explanation, it turns out that this is a psychological problem. Teacher Luo said: "If something disappoints you, you should look at it from another angle and try to comfort yourself and make yourself happy..."

"Ding Ling Ling" The bell rings after class. What a lively and interesting lesson, this lesson has taught us: never be pessimistic and disappointed, never let happiness slip away from you, and grow happily every day.

Class 5, Grade 3, Jiangtou Central Primary School, Huli District, Xiamen, Fujian Grade 3: Zheng Yupeng

One lesson 600 (15)

The first class of junior high school composition 600 words material I

I got up very early that day. Last night, I was so excited that I couldn't sleep. I hope the sky will light up soon so that I can go to school to have my first lesson composition! It was really great. When I came to school, I immediately shared the interesting things that happened in the summer vacation with my classmates who had been absent for a long time. I also compared my height with my classmates. I was so proud. One summer, I was much taller than my classmates who were as tall as me before! As soon as the bell rang, my classmates and I flew to the playground to play running games and football. I am a "god" leg! The track and court are my world. Isn't the mood at the beginning of school just the joy?

Although the summer vacation was very full, it was more happy to go to school. On the first day of school, I wore a neat uniform and walked happily to school. Speaking of small helpers, I took the lead. I helped distribute books first. As soon as I got the new textbooks, I was curious and immediately opened them to "explore the truth". A smell of new books rushed into my nose, It's a special smell. I read books while turning them over. It seems that the knowledge in the new curriculum is becoming more and more difficult, but it means that I have grown up. I will try my best to overcome the problems in the book. The mood of starting school should be the vitality of learning!

The end of class is the thing that I most expect. The playground is bustling. I saw some people running, some people playing basketball, and I also showed my skills playing football on the playground. I am also looking forward to the class. The first class is math. The teacher taught us in a lively way, and I solved all the problems one by one; Next is the Mandarin and Life class. Everyone listens to the class attentively, with a dedicated look on their faces. I think we are more mature and sensible after a summer vacation! Isn't the beginning of school the joy of growth?

The mood at the beginning of school is cheerful, energetic and joyful. I can know more new knowledge, go to the playground with my classmates to play crazily, and learn a lot of knowledge to teach us how to solve many difficult puzzles. What a wonderful start day and campus life!

The first class of junior high school composition 600 words material 2

Time flies. In the twinkling of an eye, the happy winter vacation has gone far in our laughter. The first class of 20xx is to greet the students.

The bell rang, and amiable Teacher Fei came in. The teacher said, "Class is coming. Today is our first day of school. The new year has begun. What do you find on your first day of school?" Yang Jingshuang raised his hand and said, "The new campus has become beautiful." Du Xiaolong said, "The students are more energetic, and the teachers are more energetic." The teacher said happily, "Ouch, Yang Jingshuang has a pair of eyes that find beauty. The students are beautiful, and the teacher is also beautiful. Do you have new requirements and goals in the new semester?" "The teacher hopes you are the best in everything." The teacher spoke and then said: "Let's talk about our plans and goals now. Let's start from the first group, Li Yifan said first. " Li Yifan turned his eyes and said, "In the new semester, appreciate the best students and be the best yourself." The teacher said, "Yes, be the best. Give him a round of applause.". Soon it was my turn, and my heart was nervous for fear of saying a wrong word. "Wu Xiaoyue, you should have a new spirit to face the challenges of the new semester." The teacher listened and said, "OK, new spirit and new challenges. Applause..." It scared me to death. Fortunately, I was right. My heart beating servant sat down carefully. Eh? Wang Dingxuan is here so soon. She said to herself elegantly, "Wang Dingxuan, we should study hard in the new semester and have new plans. You are the best." The teacher's praise was followed by Zhao Jinming's goal: "Zhao Jinming, I hope you will have a new performance in the new semester. You will be the best if you learn more!" The teacher also praised her and said she made great progress.

Teacher Fei said, "Now look at the monitor of Anda." All our students laughed. An Guoying said loudly, "In the new semester, new dreams, new pursuits, work hard, surpass myself years ago, and believe that I can do it. After listening to the teacher, he said," OK, have dreams, pursue, give him applause. "... At the end, the teacher said," You are all finished. It's my turn. The new semester is coming. I decide to accompany every student in psychology, grow up healthily and happily in life, and make every student make great progress in learning. Happy in life, civilized etiquette becomes the model for the whole school to learn. In terms of safety, I want to be safe and secure throughout the year, learn safety knowledge, get together with my classmates, and do a good job in health maintenance. So yesterday I came to the school early and cleaned up. Would you give me a round of applause and say something to me? " Hearing this, we all said with one voice: "The teacher has worked hard!" Teacher Fei said happily, "Thank you." He waved his hand and said: "Time passes quickly. We want to say a lot in the first lesson of school. So, is there any expectation for the wonderful in the afternoon?" Looking at the teacher's mysterious expression, we said "Yes!"

The first lesson is really special and interesting. The first lesson is the most meaningful one! In this class, we not only made clear our goals, but also communicated with each other. The teacher's speech echoed in our ears. The teacher's words and the students' goals encourage us to move forward. I believe that as long as our class, teachers and students work together, we must be the best in all aspects! Come on, students! Class 5, come on! We want to do the best!

The first class of junior high school composition 600 words material 3

On the first day of school, I stepped into the gate of the experimental school. Tall teaching building, straight flagpole and green playground. All this seems so peaceful and harmonious against the blue sky. [Type a summary of the document here. A summary is usually a short summary of the content of the document. Type a summary of the document here. A summary is usually a short summary of the content of the document.

The first lesson is not Chinese, math or English. It is a test of perseverance and unity, as well as a test paper of perseverance and courage. It is military training. The loud whistle sounded, and there were many neat and straight lines on the empty playground. All of a sudden, the silence on the playground that stayed for a summer vacation disappeared at that moment. It was replaced by a rainbow of slogans and neat footsteps. They are the sweetest voices. The military posture became the most obvious action in the green playground this week. Looking around, there are more olive green and more serious faces on the playground. The sound of reading turned into a solemn and orderly military song. I like the campus at this moment, like her strong, like her strong, like his seriousness, like his persistence.

I bravely persevered in the first lesson, and the pain in the first lesson could not be expressed in words. Maybe it's even more painful for those of us who only read books every day. A few white clouds were floating in the air, but the hot sun still hung in the air. In the face of those sweats like Sniper Insects, we can only endure, endure, and endure again. In the first lesson of the semester, I learned to be persistent, persistent, serious and strong. He has made me grow up a lot, made me learn a lot, and made me a good friend with everyone. The first lesson is the first lesson I learned about the campus, and the first lesson I learned to make friends. He is the first class, a class that has benefited me a lot, and a class that I will never forget. He is an indelible memory of military training.

One lesson 600 (16)

Look, why did Huang Zi, who always walked like a wind, suddenly become as slow as a snail when he put on the black eye mask? I'm not exaggerating. You can see that every time he steps forward, he is careful, as if he could step on a mine at any time when he goes down, and his hands are also stretched out, slowly groping back and forth, left and right. Seeing that he was so cautious, the students were emboldened. Some ran past him on purpose, some squatted under his arm, and some simply turned themselves into a frog and climbed over his side. The boldest one was Li Yuying. After she swept away, she patted him on the head and made everyone laugh. Huang Ziyi either didn't notice it or felt late. He always held out his hand to catch people slowly.

It's Jia Minglin, the little "blind man". He is a strong man in our class, and he still remains strong when he is "blind". Look at his movements, one stride and one grasp, they are so fierce that he doesn't care about the eye mask at all. "Come on, come on, I'll eat one!" This guy really thinks of himself as a tiger. We were so frightened that we were all standing aside and moving around, never daring to move forward, and some of us were still creeping back. "Why? If I dare not come, then I will take the initiative to attack." Jia Minglin said, making a forward move, and the classmate standing in front of him was scared to retreat quickly. However, he just pretended to shoot, turned right quickly, and caught Yuan Haokai who could not dodge. Next, it's time to touch someone with our hands. Our hearts are down, and we shout around to see how he can identify them. Instead of touching each other with his hands, he sniffed. We watched it and couldn't help laughing. Jia Minglin, do you think you are a well-trained police dog? "Yuan Haokai." Wow, he really smelled who it was! He smiled triumphantly amid our cheers.

Our game is still going on happily. Are you excited? Come and join us!