Composition rubber (18 in general)
No big deal
2024-05-23 03:00:31
first grade

Composition Rubber (1)

I have a small rubber beside me. It was bought by my father from the supermarket and has accompanied me for more than half a semester, but it still stays beside me. Every day, I chat with pencils in my pencil box. It is very fat and has yellow skin. It is very cute!

I remember one time when I was at home doing my homework. I finished my homework in a short time. I didn't know what to do. When my eyes lit up, I found the small rubber that was having a meeting with the pencils. So I quickly picked up the rubber and thought about what to do. When I saw that the small rubber was fat, I thought of an idea. How about helping it lose weight? So I put the small rubber in my palm, Rub, rub, rub, forget God, then the little rubber has been my chubby body "reduced" to a very thin body. At this time, my mother came in. She saw that I rubbed the rubber like that and scolded me. At that time, I thought: When I rubbed the small rubber, it must be very painful. I am really sorry for it! Although my little rubber is very small, it can't be smaller, and it can't be lighter, but it has a great effect! In order to test the strength of the small rubber, the teacher gave us a piece of dirty paper to test the small rubber.

As soon as the teacher shouted "Start!", we quickly wiped up. Suddenly, the class made a "rustling" sound, and the teacher shouted "Stop" again, so we quickly stopped. The original time of 5 seconds has arrived. I looked at the manuscript paper and found that only half of it was wiped, and my little rubber was panting for work. After a while, the teacher shouted again to start, and the class made a sound of "rustling" again, and my little rubber rubbed harder and harder. When I shouted "stop", I saw that my writing paper had become white.

The small rubbers that have been wiped become clean, and there are a lot of rubber crumbs on my desk. It is because of these selfless little erasers that our manuscript paper becomes so clean, and they will finally be thrown into the garbage can. How pathetic they are!

The small size is of great use. Although the rubber is small, it is very useful. We should take good care of it.

Composition Rubber (2)

Pencils, erasers and rulers all live in pencils, but pencils look down on erasers and want to drive them out.

One day, the pencil waved its long figure and said proudly, "Look at yourself. You are dirty all day. Why do you stay in this house? You are just a supporting actor. I am the real protagonist. We would live better without you." Rubber calmly said, "Although I am a supporting actor, I can help the host a lot." The pencil said angrily, "Hum, wait and see!" Since then, the pencil has often deliberately written wrong words. The eraser always calmly erases the wrong words. The eraser has become smaller and smaller, and the pencil is very happy. One day, the pencil happened to see itself in the mirror, and found itself so small. It cried out in surprise, "How could this be? How could I become like this!"

Finally one day, the master looked at the short pencil and threw it away without mercy. The eraser is still in the pencil box, working silently for the owner.

Composition Rubber (3)

I am a rubber, a very beautiful rubber. I have beautiful packaging on my body, and the colors on my body are colorful. I was put in a beautiful box until one day, I was bought by a little boy.

The little boy put me in his pen bag. When he first used me, he thought my packing was too troublesome, so he tore off my packing bag. Later, when he used me again, he always tried very hard, and I was tortured all over. Finally, he threw me away because he thought I was too difficult to use.

Then I was picked up by a little girl. She made me new clothes, which were more beautiful than before. The next day, she took me out and used them carefully. I am very happy because I met such a good host.

But then the little girl was seen by the little boy when she was using me. The little boy came up and grabbed me from the little girl. He shouted at the little girl, "This is my eraser!" "Don't you want it?" The little girl said, "You threw it away yourself!" The little boy said, "Now I will take it back." The little girl said, "Why did you throw it away?" The little boy felt a little embarrassed when he heard that. "I", the little boy said shyly, "I don't want that rubber anyway, let's give it to you!" Then he threw me away and hurried out.

I was glad that I finally had a good master when I fell into the water. The little girl quickly picked me up, carefully wiped the water with a paper towel, and made a new package for me. I think I am the luckiest rubber in the world.

Composition Rubber (4)

I have a "good friend", he is Mr. Rubber. Oh! I almost forgot. He is not an ordinary rubber. He can do magic. Let me tell you an interesting story about him and me!

One morning when it was raining cats and dogs, I looked out of the window with boredom and muttered to myself: "So much homework is just a wicked old society, and I will watch TV secretly for a while!" At this time, the eraser on the table gave a "whoosh" sound and grew a pair of wonderful wings. Then, "pa pa" and "pa pa" flew to the mother who cooked breakfast, as if whispering to her mother. In a twinkling of an eye, my mother came to me with a shovel. Ah! Do your homework well!

At the weekend, my sister was clamoring for a doll. I looked at Mr. Rubber secretly and said, "My dear brother, can you help me change a doll?" Mr. Rubber closed his eyes and mumbled. In the blink of an eye, I looked silly. There was an identical "I" standing beside me. I quickly shouted: "This is too similar to me, how can I distinguish it?" Who knows, the doll repeated my words exactly. I was a little angry. Pointing at him, I asked loudly: "Why do you learn to speak from me?" Like me in the idol mirror, I pointed at me and shouted: "Why do you learn to speak from me?"

I crossed my waist and pouted out of the bedroom. Before taking it away, I glanced at Mr. Rubber quietly, and my heart lit up a flame. "My son is having dinner!" Mother's call came from the kitchen. "I'm coming!" I couldn't stop the "fake" me. He rushed out of the bedroom door and rushed to the restaurant like the wind. Alas! No way out. I can only listen to my belly sing "Empty City Plan"! Because two of me together will frighten my mother. While thinking about it, I muttered, "Oh, it's not rare! Anyway, the dishes my mother cooks are not so good." At this time, I can only comfort myself in this way.

"Mom, the food you cooked is really wonderful. The fresh and juicy lobster, the spicy and chewy beef, and the fragrant tomato soup are all authentic delicacies!" He said, chewing his mouth with relish. Mom was very happy when she heard this: "This is my good son! You are usually so picky, and you really want to throw you out of the window!" After listening to their conversation, my heart was really envious.

After a long time, they finally finished eating. I sneaked into the kitchen, took a big chicken leg and ate it. While I was enjoying my meal, my mother's surprised voice floated in from her ear: "Son, why did you come in again to eat?" "Mom, it's so delicious, let me taste it again..." She said and hurriedly put food into her mouth. God! This is simply a delicacy in the world. I just think that the dishes made by my mother are really delicious and attractive! "But why didn't you treasure it before?" Mr. Rubber looked at me regretful, and quietly took the "fake" me back into its magic pocket.

Mr. Rubber's magic is everywhere. My father and I planned to travel during the holiday. I pointed to the map in front of us and said, "I really want to travel around the world by boat.". Before he finished speaking, Mr. Rubber jumped and turned around several times, and a big ship appeared in front of us. I really have to thank Mr. Rubber for making our family have a happy holiday.

This is my Mr. Rubber. He can change 72 times. How about that! How awesome!

Composition Rubber (5)

Today, in math class, I accidentally lost my three erasers! Ah! My poor eraser, I looked for it after class and sighed in my heart!

Finally, I finished all my classes. When the bell rang, I rushed out of the classroom and ran to the small shop. There were all kinds of erasers in the shop! There are red, white, flesh and black colors! There are cats, Snoopy and Crayon Shin chan, which are colorful! There are Morninglight, 4B, Mifei, etc. Which is the best choice for so many rubbers? What should I buy? Which is cheaper? My heart immediately filled with many questions!

Finally, I spent three yuan to buy three chengguang white erasers.

(1) Lovely lamb love cup: pink packaging, white rubber, white and red! But that's not the point. The point is that a cute lamb is painted on it. The lamb purrs its mouth and holds a pink love. Wow! It looks very cute! A lot of love accompanied him, he felt very happy and happy!

(2) A love looking up at the sky: this time, it is also a lamb. This time, it is also a little white sheep wool. This time, he is full of smiles, which makes me feel very happy. Moreover, his cheeks are red, which makes people praise him: "Super Kawaii (cute)".

(3) Grey bag: Xiaomaomao, Maozi's brother also came to make a cover for us! He was very shy and his cheeks were red, like two red apples. Let's take a closer look. Xiaomaomao also took a gray bag, which covered his body! Hmm -- how restrained!

This time, I bought erasers endorsed by three lambs, which are quite useful, but I bought them mainly because of their appearance, because they are so cute!

Composition Rubber (6)

Today, my mother and I went to Tesco Supermarket. In front of the stationery shelf, my eyes were fixed on a box of plasticine. My mother saw my mind and decided to buy it for me, which made me happy!

On the way home, I asked my mother to ride my bike faster so that my father could see my booty earlier and share my joy. The wind whistled past my ears and finally got home.

I can't wait to take out the plasticine in the bag. It has a beautiful red plastic model package, unlocks the yellow lock, opens the transparent cover on the top, and is divided into two layers: the upper layer is filled with various tools, and the lower layer is filled with colorful plasticine, which is very exquisite. I counted 18 colors in total. The first layer for tools is: knife, "syringe", seal, rolling pin, scissors. A knife can cut things, a "syringe" can extrude various strips, a rolling pin can press plasticine into pieces, and scissors can be used for cutting.

I kneaded the orange plasticine into a ball, then picked up a pencil and poked several holes in it, which became an orange; Then he took out the pink plasticine and made a peach like a peach. Looking at these childish and lovely works, I feel as if I have crossed to France in the 19th century and become a capable little assistant of the famous sculptor Rodin, and I feel as if I have come to the noisy Longhua Temple Fair and become a skilled little craftsman of facial sculpture

When I was having fun, the sound of my father "having dinner" came from the kitchen, which brought me back to reality from the dreamland of imagination. It was really a short and beautiful happy time!

Composition Rubber (7)

On the surface, I am a red cuboid. There is a flower dress outside with a Mickey Mouse pattern on it. How beautiful it is! But my name is not cuboid, but rubber. Although I sleep in a stationery box all day, when the little master needs my help, I jump out of the box and give it to the little master. Therefore, the little master likes me very much.

Once, the little master lost me when he was painting, and I was sweating all over my head. At this time, I jumped out of my schoolbag, and the little master was very happy. Later, the little master found that I was "aging" a lot, becoming smaller, and not as beautiful as before, but the little master still liked me so much. The little master said affectionately, "Thank you, you are silently contributing to me, you sacrificed your life to help me. You are so great, I want to thank you well, and repay you with excellent achievements."

(Third grade composition)

Composition Rubber (8)

"Ding Ling Ling" The class bell rang, and the teacher announced that the unit test would be carried out tomorrow, and the students should bring pens, rulers and erasers. When I got home, I wrote my homework and went to bed without paying attention to the rubber.

The next morning, I came to school with my schoolbag on my back. The teacher handed out the examination papers. I took out my pen and ruler. Eh! Where's the eraser? I was foolish. So I turned over my schoolbag several times, but there was no sign of rubber. I couldn't help blaming myself for being careless. Where are you? I'm sure I'll make a mistake in the exam. What should I do? What should I do? I really like fifteen buckets of water - seven up and eight down! My heart was "bouncing - bouncing" and I was very nervous. I looked back and saw that the students had already prepared for the exam with confidence, and I made it worse.

At this time, my classmate sitting next to me said, "Zheng Runjian, what didn't you bring?" "I forgot my eraser." I replied.

It was only two minutes before the exam, and I only heard a few "clicks". My deskmate gave me half of the eraser. I was stunned, "Ah, this eraser is still new!......" I picked up the eraser and finished the exam.

Suddenly, in my eyes, this humble little rubber became the most precious thing in the world.

Composition Rubber (9)

I am a rectangular rubber with yellow, black, green, white and blue stripes.

When I didn't sell, I waited anxiously for my little master to come. Day by day... the little master who wants to buy me is coming, and finally the little master who wants to buy me is coming. I was bought by a boy. After the little boy bought me, my life was really hard! When he wrote a word or two, his dirty hands reached into my bedroom, the stationery box, and wiped me on the paper with his dirty hands, making me no good place. Sometimes, the little master took me to the battlefield and "fought" with other rubbers. The little master suddenly pressed me, and I hit a green rubber. I knocked myself dizzy. When I was about to say sorry to him, the master and the people beside him shouted, "We knocked him down, we won!" At other times, the little master took a knife and cut at me, and I was cut in half.

Alas! When can I live a good life!

Composition Rubber (10)

Hi, everyone! My name is Rubber. I was bought from Josh Stationery Store by my little owner.

My whole body is snow-white, my stomach is very clean, and there is a little fragrance in the square. Although I am small, my role is very important! I can lend a helping hand at any time to help the little master eliminate the wrong words in the exercise book. I am very willing to help the little master. Look, those wrong words saw me, shivering, and I danced on the exercise book, ha ha! There are no wrong words left!

My little master is very kind to me! I live in the stationery box with my sister pencil, brother ruler, sister pen and brother correction belt. It is inevitable to bump. Sister pencil accidentally rubbed me, and I became a "big face". After class, the little master washed me with clean water.

Children, please get along with your erasers peacefully and cherish them.

Composition Rubber (11)

I am a common rubber, which is placed on a common shelf in a stationery store, but my handsome posture attracted a little girl. She took me home, looking left and right, which made me feel very proud and a little proud.

She gently opened my thin wrapping paper, gently picked me up and put me in the best "seat" of the pencil box, making me a heavyweight stationery in the pencil box. I dare not look up at other stationery, which greatly satisfies my vanity. "Lala la la la la la la la la la..." I kept humming a leisurely little song, and a breeze blew by, "What's the matter?" "Oh" It was the little master who blew the dust off my body and introduced me to her friend Feifei! Feifei screamed, "There is such a thing in the world... so..." "Feifei, are you stuttering?" I whispered, but was interrupted by the little master. The little master said, "Of course, there is such a great eraser! Isn't that it?" The more the little master said that I made an appointment, I pulled my tie and straightened my waist to make everyone dumbfounded. "Ringing bell......" The little master had a Chinese class, and she wrote "hit" into "put", and she gently took me out of the stationery box, ah! Finally, I can come out to breathe. I am very suffocated in the stationery box. The little master gently erased the wrong words with me. Feifei and other students turned around. I really wanted to rush out to show them enough and show off, but the little master held me tightly in his hand

The good times are not long. The little master is a person who thinks differently. The little master was obsessed by other "demons and ghosts". After wiping me, he threw it at random. After the nth time, I was totally unrecognizable, and my heart was like a knife. The young master accidentally threw me to the ground, which made my back ache. On the ground, I also received the "foot skill" of my little master, which made my misfortune never come singly. The little master's mother saw me and put me back in the stationery box. At this time, the little master often compared me with other peers, so the "war" began. I was dizzy and dazzled

Little master! I serve you, no matter how, you can't hurt me!

Composition Rubber (12)

My after-school life is colorful, like a hundred flowers in the garden. For example: painting, skipping rope, running, roller skating, playing badminton, reading books... But my favorite thing is to squeeze plasticine.

One day, I had just finished lunch and felt that there was nothing to play with. Suddenly, a box of plasticine jumped into my eyes, which my mother bought for me last week. Suddenly, I got the inspiration to make a kitten out of plasticine. So I took the dough and opened it. There are various colors inside, like small columns standing there. I first took out the yellow, cut it in half with a knife, first took out half, and rolled it into a round ball, which is the big head of the kitten, and then squeezed two sharp triangles on its head, which is its ears. I use the remaining yellow plasticine to make a round ball. This is the round belly of the kitten. I think it has had enough. I then use black plasticine to rub out its eyes like black grapes, a small black nose, a black beard, a small mouth as red as a cherry, and its face will be ready. Now there are only four feet left. I took out the black plasticine, rubbed it into four fat and small feet, then pressed the white spots on it, finally put the four feet on its belly, and the cute kitten was ready.

I showed my work to my mother, who praised me for "how beautifully I did it! My daughter's hands are so skillful!" It turns out that doing something seriously can make it beautiful.

Composition Rubber (13)

I have many toys, including dolls, electric cars, building blocks... However, they are all left out by me. Recently, I like the pieces of dough.

Whenever I have time, I will take out the plasticine and knead it. I like it almost to the point of forgetting sleep and food. Once, when I finished my homework, I began to pinch the plasticine. When I pinched it until more than 9 p.m., I still concentrated on it. Even when my mother asked me to brush my teeth, I didn't say a word and didn't look up. Finally, my mother got angry and shouted, "Hurry up!" I still pretended not to hear. It was not until my mother pulled my ear that I reluctantly put down the extremely lovely plasticine.

As I pinch every day, my "martial arts" become more and more refined, and my "works" become more and more vivid. This time, I spent all my efforts to pinch a small beetle. It looks like a real beetle!

I carefully studied my "work" and came up with a clever idea. I glued the little beetle to the window and hid behind the door to see who would be cheated. After a while, I heard Grandma talking to herself in the kitchen, saying, "The beetles from there? I don't know how the beetles came in!" I immediately "lurked" behind the kitchen door to watch the "show". Grandma slapped her hand, and the plasticine stuck to her hand! I couldn't help laughing. Grandma was stunned for a moment and also laughed, saying, "It was you who did a good job. I'm serious!"

Squeezing plasticine has brought endless fun to my life.

Composition Rubber (14)

Dear students

Usually, people would write with all kinds of pens. Eraser can be used if pencil words are written incorrectly, but we usually use adhesive tape to paste wrong words when pen words and ballpoint pen words are written incorrectly. Now, I'm going to invent a magic rubber.

The rubber I want to invent can change into thousands of colors. Of course, you can also change its color. It can erase all pen strokes. The pencil box does not need to carry so many writing tools every day. This kind of eraser can wipe the handwriting clean, even oil drops can be wiped, and dirty tables and computers can be wiped clean. Of course, it will not become smaller and can be pasted on the body. When bored, you can press the red dot on it, and it will start chatting with you; When you are bored, you can press the green dot on it, and it will release songs suitable for your mood.

Don't be surprised! This rubber has even more amazing functions! In addition to its ability to change shape, it is never dirty. The most powerful thing is that when you press the yellow dot on the paper and wipe the title on the paper, it will release projections, solution ideas, answers, producer names, etc; Wipe off the refrigerator, and he will tell you what is in it, and when the pork is produced, even to the second. The origin, location and quality of this pork. It has the same effect on all kinds of food. You can also try pressing the blue dot on it. At this time, the rubber will grow wings and fly into the sky and the universe. In just a few seconds, it can tell you all kinds of information about the universe.

Ah! If only this rubber could be invented! In this way, we can remove more nameless "roadblocks" for the road of human civilization!

Composition Rubber (15)

There was an art class in the afternoon. Because I had to take plasticine with me, I went to the Smart Stationery House to buy a box of small plasticine in the morning. Five yuan, I don't know the market. I think I've got a bargain.

When I got to the classroom, Yao Jianan ran up to me and said, "Zheng Zeyang, you lost your dough." I was like a monk - I don't know, how can I lose? "Oh, Tao Baiyu's plasticine is much bigger than yours, only five yuan." Then he showed me Yao Jianan and Tao Baiyu's plasticine. When I saw it, I was really foolish. I was not afraid of being ignorant of goods, but afraid of comparing goods. I really bought more. I'm angry and hate. What kind of broken shop? It's so expensive. I used to buy things at your house! Chen Xiao promised to accompany me to "return the goods" after school, which made me feel more comfortable.

During the music class, Zhang Shuai heard that I wanted to return the goods, and he said gloating: "No business trades without fraud, you can't return!" His words poured cold water on my heart, cold and cold, as if my heart had suddenly fallen into the abyss.

Although I thought it was hopeless, I "didn't die until I reached the Yellow River" and returned the goods with the last glimmer of hope. As a result, I ran home crying. It's really "no tears without a coffin"!

Composition Rubber (16)


Childhood is innocent, as sweet as pink. I have loved pink plasticine since I came into contact with it in the kindergarten manual class.

Each child in the kindergarten has his own box of twelve color plasticine. It has the teacher's name on it. A small box of plasticine occupies my deepest desire.

Red, blue, orange, white... all exude a strange smell, smelly... but how I like smelling. I always like to press pink plasticine into a big piece. It seems that childhood is a piece of pink plasticine, smelly, but it fascinates me.

Pure white.

We are all children; My sister often said that I was simply a "pure child". Yes, I actually like playing with plasticine now.

Many plasticines nowadays have no stinky smell. It's all kinds of scents. It smells delicious and intoxicating, but it seems that I prefer the smelly smell

Although I am still a child and I like playing with dough, I don't have a box of my own.

Occasionally, I played with my niece. The children have a large box of 36 color plasticine, which is really enviable. If I play with these plasticines every day, I'm afraid I won't be bored. On those occasions, they were reluctant to leave until they had completed a beautiful "masterpiece" with their children. Mini dumplings, lovely boats, beautiful hats... It seems that I have returned to the good time of my childhood.

We are all pure white children, expecting to grow up but not wanting to grow up. We are like a piece of pure white plasticine, and there are many things waiting for us to understand.

silver gray.

Will I like plasticine as much as I do now? Whether or not, plasticine has occupied a large part of my childhood memories.

The future is too far and too easy for us to reach. Everything is unknown, because the future is silver gray '; I can't figure it out.

No matter what will happen in the future, I will add a perfect ending to these stories with mysterious silver gray.

Silver grey plasticine, I am looking forward to.

Recall pink plasticine, cherish pure white plasticine, and look forward to silver gray plasticine.

"Little Q, can you give me a piece of pink plasticine? I lost my pink plasticine."

"Then treasure the pure white piece in your hand now! Don't let the pure white one be lost!"

"Hmm... yes! But I really want a box of 24 colors of plasticine... I heard that there are silver gray ones in it! I think I want to!"


Composition Rubber (17)

Rubber trees Our family always likes plants. There are many plants on the first floor. Ordinary flowers and plants like hanging orchids are not surprising. Precious flowers and plants like Clivia are not uncommon. My favorite is the implicit and tensive rubber tree. When I look up, I see that rubber tree standing on the balcony on the second floor, as if the whole balcony is a stage, And it is the protagonist. The roots of rubber trees are no different from other trees. What really attracts me is their leaves. This leaf is different from others on the surface. Looking closely, this leaf does not grow alone, but "in groups of three and five". A rubber tree has three or four leaves around each node. The color of each leaf in a group is much the same. The back side is yellow and red, the front side is dark green, the front side is yellow, the back side is bright red, and the leaf is shaped like a drop of water, The leaves on both sides of the stem are slanted, which gives a thick feeling when viewed from a distance. Because of the large area of leaves, I feel very good, flexible and elastic. The leaves of the rubber tree are also very special. The water is gone but the elasticity is not reduced. The two halves of the leaves gather towards the middle and the edges of the leaves are also wavy, which I have never seen before, probably because the leaves are big! The rubber tree also has a strange feature: the top of the tree is a kind of glue similar to the leaves, round and sharp, dark red, soft to the touch, and it takes a long time to become a wooden thing, which is really amazing! The rubber tree is really a wonderful flower in the tree! Is it not a good virtue to be thick and flexible?

Composition Rubber (18)


-When we write junior high school compositions, everyone will make a friend, that is rubber.

Rubber has a variety of shapes, including rectangular, square, small animal, and fragrant. Although the rubber is different in style and small in shape, it is the most inconspicuous in the stationery box, but it plays the biggest role in our 'learning'.

It only costs 1 yuan to buy an eraser. Don't underestimate it. It is a necessary tool for our pupils. When I write a wrong or wrong word, it will remind me: "Don't lose heart, I will help you eliminate it, and you can rewrite one."

A small rubber, it gives us a lot of strength. But it never asks us anything. It does not compete for fame or profit. It silently contributes to us. It is worth learning from the virtue of being willing to sacrifice ourselves and help others.