My Happy Junior High School Student (8 Collections)
Middle aged old women and men's idols
2024-03-10 08:11:52

My Happy Junior High School Student (1)

There are many festivals in a year. There are the bustling Spring Festival, the solemn Tomb Sweeping Day, the happy Children's Day, and the encouraging National Day... I love the Mid Autumn Festival, which symbolizes family reunion.

The 15th day of the eighth lunar month is the traditional Mid Autumn Festival in China. It is in the middle of autumn, so it is named. On this day, there is a bright moon in the sky, which is as round as a jade plate, so it has the reputation of "full moon on the Mid Autumn Festival". In our country, people regard reunion as a symbol of reunion and the Mid Autumn Festival as a day for family reunion, so the Mid Autumn Festival is also called the Reunion Festival.

This Mid Autumn Festival, the Jade Rabbit rises in the east, the bright moon is shining a full moon, and there are several white clouds floating in the sky. The breeze is rustling and blowing slowly. There are several heavy grapes hanging on the grape trellis under the moonlight. A few fireflies fly around and fly around again, which is so sentimental, This sentiment is so charming.

My mother took out the moon cake. My sister and I were just about to start eating. My father suddenly took the moon cake away and said, "Don't patronize us. Let's play a game. Whoever wins will eat it." My sister and I agreed.

"First of all, let's recite the ancient poems about the moon." Dad gave a question. "Good." My sister and I agreed. "When I was young, I didn't know the moon. It was called white jade plate." My sister said one first. "When will the moon come? Ask the sky about the wine." Of course, I don't want to lag behind. "The bright moonlight in front of the bed is suspected to be frost on the ground." "The wild sky is low with trees, and the moon is quiet in the river." "The immortal hangs his feet, and the osmanthus tree is everywhere. The white rabbit makes medicine, and asks who eats?"...... "Great! Come and eat the moon cake." Dad smiled and handed it to my sister and me.

We ate moon cakes while looking up at the sky. Today's moon is particularly small and moving, and the moonlight is particularly bright, shining on people's bodies and hearts. I like the poetry and painting of the Mid Autumn Festival. It tells us many moving legends, such as Chang'e flying to the moon, Yutu smashing garlic, Wu Gang cutting laurel, Xuanzong wandering in the moon palace, which are full of imagination and beauty.

I like the poetry and painting of the Mid Autumn Festival. It made many literati stop and stare. He wrote countless poems and chanted songs for it: "Tonight, people look at the moon, and I don't know who is missing in autumn."

It's really an unforgettable Mid Autumn Festival. The moon is like a jade plate and a mirror. The Mid Autumn Festival is coming

My Happy Junior High School Student (2)

Book is a noun when you hear it, a verb when you turn it, and an adjective when you compare it to yourself. Reading is the embodiment of a person's growth. What kind of books a person reads is also the expression of his character. Since childhood, books have always accompanied me. There are countless books in the study at home and many books in the bedroom, such as hills. These books have accompanied me through countless years of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

When I was eight years old, I heard my cousin talk about the book Childhood. He said that what the hero "Alesha" experienced when I was my age could not be imagined. I have an infinite desire for this book. At that time, I went to my aunt's house in Zhucheng. She was very busy in the restaurant, so I didn't bother her to buy me the book Childhood. So I endured it for two or three days.

The desire for books is hard to understand. But one morning, there was a flat gift box beside my bed. I was curious, so I opened it. When I looked closely, a purple book said "Childhood", oh my god! Isn't that what I've been longing for? When I was happy, my aunt came. She said, "You talked in your sleep last night and said 'childhood' all the time. I guess you want this book because your father told me that you love reading very much, so I went to the bookstore and bought one for you." After thanking my aunt, I picked up Childhood and read it.

The hero "Alesha" in this book experienced the pain of beating and losing relatives, but he persevered. This spirit deserves our admiration. Books are just thousands of pieces of paper and thousands of words, but they have gathered the wisdom of the people of the world, recorded history and made talents. Reading is a way of enjoying life and a love of life.

Reading did not give me any material gifts, but it gave me happiness, gave me a true soul, gave me the root of thought, and gave me the value of life! Go to make a cup of fresh tea, take a chair, and enjoy reading in the shade of a big tree. What a pleasant life it is.

I read because I love reading. I like reading.

Reading accompanies my growth!

My Happy Junior High School Student (3)

Shakespeare once said: "Books are the nourishment of all mankind. Without books in life, it is like there is no sunshine; without books in wisdom, it is like a bird without wings." Books are like a small boat, taking me to the other side of victory, regardless of the wind and rain. The book is like a bright lamp, illuminating the darkest place in my heart.

I have loved reading since I was young. I used to like reading fairy tales. Cinderella came to tell me her experience, and the ugly duckling also told me his grievances in his heart... Now I am fascinated by novels and masterpieces, including the eighty day journey around the world, the adventures of Tom Sawyer, and Robinson Crusoe. Gradually, I have more and more ink in my stomach, and my writing and reading skills have improved significantly, Every time the school's composition contest is on the list, it is a witness. Every time I look at the bright red certificate, I can see that I am absorbed in reading.

I remember once I bought a book about the adventures of Tom Sawyer. When I got home, I read alone hungrily. Time passed quietly, but I didn't know it at all. I didn't realize it until the fragrance of rice floated into my room. My mother asked me to have dinner, and I walked out of the room with great displeasure. I was watching Tom trapped in the cave, and I was worried about him. So I don't think about tea and rice. My mother asked about the whole story and then agreed to continue reading. I read the book at one go. When Tom returned home triumphantly, my respect for him arose spontaneously, and I admired his courage even more. Suddenly his stomach growled to protest. I went out to eat, but there was no food! I just smiled, went back to my room and picked up the book

Barrow said: "A person who loves books must not lack a loyal friend, a good teacher, a lovely partner, and a warm comforter.

My Happy Junior High School Student (4)

"Birds flail their wings before flying high, and people read before seeking progress." Books give people strength; Give people hope; Give people wisdom. I like reading, because books can edify people's sentiments.

When I was in the third grade, I was fascinated by the book A Dream of Red Mansions. I read this book all day long and couldn't put it down. I even had to take this book with me for dinner. This book tells the story of the rise and fall of the Jia family based on the feelings of Lin Daiyu, Xue Baochai and Jia Baoyu... I am very interested in it.

I remember once, my mother wanted to go out to the vegetable market to buy vegetables and let me stay at home alone. She also told me that it would rain soon, so she asked me to put away my clothes and fold them by the way. I nodded perfunctorily and continued to read my book. I am immersed in the sea of books, unable to extricate myself. When I read the wonderful lines of this book, a strong wind suddenly blew outside the house, black clouds rolled, and soon it began to rain cats and dogs, thunder rumbled, but I didn't know it. Later, when my mother came back, she saw the clothes were all wet, and called out to me, "Didn't you say you wanted to collect the clothes? Come down quickly!" Then I knew the clothes were wet

The book is fascinating. I admire the 'noble quality' of the characters in the book, and the experience of many characters in the book also makes me feel the same.

Helen Keller's "If You Give Me Three Days of Light" has taught me that in a desperate situation, I should not just shrink back, but find my own way to survive. Helen Keller was like this. Although she was blind, she did not give up her hope for life. With her tenacious perseverance, she finally entered the university. Her story inspires people to have the courage to overcome no matter how great difficulties they encounter.

The author of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer created a little naughty boy Tom Sawyer with a sense of justice. When identifying the murderer, he followed his own opinion. No matter how scared he was, he also believed in his choice and finally identified the murderer. In life, we should also learn from his practice of distinguishing right from wrong.

One by one vivid characters are portrayed in front of us. Their spiritual quality is beneficial for life. Only reading can make you stronger, braver, witty and intelligent. Book is the ladder of human progress!

My Happy Junior High School Student (5)

The bird is happy, it gives its song to the wilderness; Flowers are happy, they give nectar to bees and butterflies; The teacher is happy. She teaches knowledge to her students.

Little Huzi organized to pick up garbage at the seaside during the summer vacation. On that day, the sun was bright and the temperature was very high. When I first arrived at the seaside, I saw two or three groups of people running on the wooden path, and a resting sanitation worker sat on the chair beside the flower bed.

When everyone arrived, we began to distribute a long set of clips and a garbage bag. Then we checked in groups. I was assigned to a girl who was 2 years younger than me. We picked up garbage together. She looked up and smiled at me from time to time, and I smiled at her. We all tried our best to pick it up. The hot sun at 10:00 in the morning had made us sweat, and the big sweat of soybeans rolled down from our faces and fell on the beach without our knowing it. We still tried to pick up the garbage.

At this time, a tourist passed by us. He threw a mineral water bottle on the beach, and there was a trash can not far away. I went to pick up the bottle and quickly walked up to stop him, saying, "Uncle, don't litter everywhere, not only makes sanitation workers work harder, but also damages the environment!" Maybe I was moved by my words, He went to the garbage can not far away and threw the remaining water bottle into it. I will smile and continue to bend down to pick up garbage.

An hour later, we finished our work. Looking at the beach we had cleaned, we felt very happy.

The sky is light blue, the sea is blue, the beach is golden, the sea and the sky are lined, and the golden ornament is extremely beautiful. At the thought of my contribution to such a beautiful environment, my mouth could not stop rising, and the smile on my face could not be stopped.

My Happy Junior High School Student (6)

On Wednesday, my uncle drove me to the May 4th Square in Qingdao. When I got off the bus, I jumped and jumped happily, looking around, shouting to the sea and telling my heart. Look, what's that? Isn't that the great musician Beethoven? The standing statue shows his magnificent spirit, vaguely as if he could not help but see "Beethoven" singing there.

The sea is also a very beautiful place. It is boundless and the water is sparkling. I saw some fishermen selling their fruits of labor there, including colorful starfish, powerful crabs, and fat grass carp... Look, what is swimming in the sea? That's a "diver"! This is the first time that I saw "divers" swimming and diving in the sea at the scene. I danced happily. My uncle laughed when he saw my funny actions. I also found that I was in a public place, so I quickly took back my words and deeds. My uncle stopped laughing and took me to build a speedboat. I was also very happy. When I got on the speedboat, I felt like I was going to fly, but at the same time, I also felt my stomach was tumbling and I almost vomited out. Fortunately, the cool sea breeze calmed my mind. Ah, how happy!

After a while, we went to the Polar Ocean World again. It was packed with people, but it didn't disturb my interest in visiting. There are huge sharks, shy clown fish, and colorful colorful fish... The sea creatures around me immediately surrounded me, as if I saw the call of the sea to me, let me quickly join them. We went to see the dolphin show again. The sound of the dolphin made me admire those animal trainers, and I was able to train the dolphin so well. If I told him to go west, he would go west instead of east. Well, the trainer let the dolphin shake hands with the audience and kissed the audience. After I came out, I felt so happy!

Today is a colorful day. I feel very happy. There is an endless sea, the polar ocean world of blue home, and the vast May 4th Square. Ha ha, I hope I can play again next time. Oh, yes, and that flying airship.

My Happy Journey Composition (2)

Looking forward to the stars and the moon, the National Day has finally come. The seven day National Day holiday is a perfect time to travel. Today we come to Daguan Island.

Daguan Island is located in Yangkou area, next to the famous Laoshan Mountain. We drove to Yangkou Wharf and took another 40 minute boat ride to Daguan Island.

After landing on the island, I looked around and found that the whole island was surrounded by sea water, just like a blue dress inlaid with an emerald. After walking with the guide for a while, a big hole suddenly appeared in front of us. The guide said as he walked, "This is the air raid shelter dug by the Eighth Route Army during the Anti Japanese War. Let's go in and have a look." After that, the guide went in and we followed closely. The hole is so small that only one person can get in and out. After entering, we turned on flashlights one after another and found that the cave was full of large and small rooms, and some rooms had bullet holes on the walls. After walking for a while, the guide asked us to turn off all the flashlights and said that we should feel the life in the cave. All of a sudden, the hole became dark, and we could not even see our fingers. At this time, we really could not see our fingers! Standing in the dark, I held my mother's hand tightly for fear of losing it. Well, I really missed the days when there were lights. After about ten seconds, the guide said that the lights could be turned on, wow, bright! I can see the things in front of me again. In the cave, I could not help sighing: "It is not easy for the anti Japanese soldiers to dig such a tunnel. How many people need to work ceaselessly? In that era, the Japanese devils were still constantly attacking. They risked their lives to dig, and we should always remember them!" People around me all gave me praise.

Out of the cave, we had a simple meal at the roadside, and then came to the seaside. Take out the fishing rod and bait, ready to fish! I threw out my fishing rod and waited for the moment when the fish caught. After a while, a fish got hooked. I pulled the line up and looked at it. Wow, it was a big fish. I was happy to take the fish down, re hook the bait, and throw the fishing rod out. After a few minutes, another fish entered my basin

The time passed quickly, and the sun was going to set soon. I took the fish with me and went home in a boat. I'm so happy today. I caught so many fish.

Daguan Island, a beautiful place! Today, I had a happy trip!

My Happy Junior High School Student (7)

400 words of happy daily diary of junior high school students

My happiest day is the day when I celebrated my birthday at my second aunt's home in Shanghai this summer vacation.

During the summer vacation, my mother took me to visit my grandma at the second aunt's house in Shanghai. It happened that July 30 was my birthday.

Early that morning, my second aunt took me, my sister and brother to Changfeng Park to play. The scenery in the park is extremely beautiful! The trees on the roadside are lush, and the green grass is like green apples growing on the ground. The cicadas on the trees are still singing for us. We enjoyed the scenery all the way and came to "Fandoule". As soon as we got here, some of us had fun. We played bumper cars first. My brother always hit me. Hum, I'm not easy to get into trouble. I hit my brother three times in a row, knocking him around and making him feel my power. Then, we played trampoline, motorcycle, and rowed a boat

At noon, my second aunt said that she would give me a western birthday and take us to eat pizza. When I listen to drool, it will "fly down three thousand feet". We went to the pizza shop and ordered many dishes, including chicken wings, onion rings, beef balls... but the main dish was pizza. After a while, all the dishes came up. The second aunt cut the pizza into four pieces with a knife, one for each of us. The three of us kept silent and ate hard. Pizza is delicious! I really want to eat it, but in order to keep my image of a lady, let's forget it! Suddenly, my sister looked up and said, "Mom, my stomach hurts." I could not help laughing when I saw that her mouth was full of oil. The second aunt said, "I have enough to eat, drink and play. It's time to go home." Then we reluctantly went home.

This day is my happiest day and I will never forget it.

My Happy Junior High School Student (8)

Selected Junior High School Students' Summer Life Composition: My Happy Summer Vacation

After the final exam, finally ushered in the summer vacation. On the day before the summer vacation, everyone's faces were full of smiles. Some students will travel abroad, and some will play computer games at home. And I also have a little regret that the friendship between my classmates will gradually fade in this summer vacation. The distance between my classmates will become farther and farther, and I will lose my playmates in the summer vacation... But I still like the summer vacation, because after the summer vacation, I can no longer go to bed and get up early, do so much homework, and carry a heavy bag, But also can go out to play. I experienced several things and did a stupid thing in this summer vacation.

The first summer vacation, the weather was very hot, and the high temperature lasted for dozens of days, causing the power cut at home, which was very uncomfortable.

"It's time for dinner, it's time for dinner". The mother who finished the meal shouted. At that time, I was watching TV. Hearing my mother's voice, I had to leave reluctantly. Suddenly, there was a power failure. It was dark inside and outside the room. The air conditioner stopped. The room was very stuffy, and then I was sweating. At this time, my father said, "Let's go out to eat. It may be a little windy outside." Just do what we say. We started together, moving chairs, tables, dishes, chopsticks, and soon all the food moved outside. At this time, the stars in the sky flashed for us to light up, and a breeze blew, and we felt much more comfortable.

Second, in recent days, I was playing a game called Tantantang. When I saw that all the equipment in it needed money, I ordered a recharge. When I saw Alipay payment, I thought of my uncle's Alipay. I knew that he had a password and wrote it down in a notebook. I went to the window to check the password on his notebook. At first, I recharged 300 yuan for fun. The next day, I thought my uncle didn't know, so I bought some equipment and came back. When I came back, I knew my mistake and understood that everyone, like me, wanted to have fun and good equipment and used adults' money indiscriminately. This is something our children should not do. Listen to adults and do what children should do. The most obedient and sensible children are the only ones that adults like and love.

The summer vacation is half over in a blink of an eye, so we should make good use of the time, and hope to plan our own affairs before the summer vacation, so that we can have a different summer vacation like me.