Writing Goose Composition (3 Collections)
Fairy tales are all false
2024-05-30 03:21:14

Writing Goose Composition (1)

Speaking of the big white goose, we will think of the poems of Luo Binwang, and think of their elegant swimming in the clear river, and sometimes they also appreciate the reflection in the water. However, they have not only an elegant side, but also an annoying side, as well as a very hateful side.

Today, my mother took me to my aunt's home, which is a beautiful place. There is a clear river at the door. There is a big white goose swimming leisurely, combing its white feathers, and looking at its reflection in the water, it looks very beautiful.

When my mother and I first came here, the big white goose would quack and quack, and I was excited to think that it was welcoming us. As a result, it seems to tell its owner: someone has come and invaded our territory; It was also like saying to us, "If you go one step further, I will be rude." When my aunt heard this, she hurried out to get the goose away. But who knows that the big white goose has been following me all the time, and its neck is stretched out long, as if it is attracted by something. When I looked back, it rushed towards me, trying to peck me. Thanks to my aunt's milk, she stopped the goose in time. Otherwise, my life would be lost. This scared my mother and I very much. We held each other tightly and screamed. Uncle heard this and ran to stop the goose. My uncle was afraid that it would pinch me again, so he grabbed it and threw it down from a high place. I'm afraid that something might happen to the goose, so I hurry to see it. As a result, it spread its two big wings, fell into the river from a high place, and swam leisurely in the water. Otherwise, it will clip me again.

After lunch, my mother and I wanted to go to the toilet. Just as we got to the door, we saw the big white goose. He lowered his head and rushed towards us with his long neck. We were so frightened that we ran back. We had no choice but to take a long stick to the toilet. As soon as he saw that we were holding the stick, he turned around, held his head high, and walked away manly. It's really annoying, hateful big white goose.

The big white goose is beautiful and can watch the house, but it has one bad thing. Sometimes it not only pecks outsiders, but also its owner. It is really loved and hated by people.

Writing Goose Composition (2)

My family keeps three geese. The whole body's feathers are white without any mottle. Its apricot forehead, long mouth like a punch, and two black bean like eyes almost blink. It has a long neck and always has a proud posture.

These three big white geese are like three guards of our family. If a stranger comes into my yard, they will chase and snatch someone's pants while quacking away. They won't leave until people enter the house, don't you say funny!

They are very polite. Whenever I go to deliver food to them, they always straighten their necks and shout at me for a while before they stretch their necks to eat. Eating is very picky! Shake your head and throw out any vegetable that is not fresh. After eating for a while, I went to find some water to drink. I would eat again later. When the food bag had been bulging to the lower forehead, I hid two feet like yellow palms under my stomach and lay down to rest.

The three big white geese sleep in a unique way. They put their long necks on their backs and put their heads into their feathers. Although their necks are long, they are very flexible. When the wind blows, they immediately pull back their long necks and stand up, quacking. Send a distress signal to the owner.

These three big white geese are not only good at eating, drinking and sleeping, but also good at laying eggs. Lay an egg every other day. They lay eggs very hard. They have to lie down in the nest for hours without eating or drinking. After laying eggs, they have to pick up some grass to cover the eggs. I am amazed that they have human thinking! If they live in a house no less than ten degrees above zero, they will lay eggs as adults and never be lazy! Goose eggs are not only rich in nutrition, but also can be used with some traditional Chinese medicine to treat diseases!

The three big white geese in my family have made great contributions! I love you!

Writing Goose Composition (3)

"Ang, Ang, Ang!" I was awakened by a loud cry in the early morning. Run downstairs and have a look. Aha! There is a big white goose in the yard.

Its feathers are snow-white, without a motley, orange mouth. There are two flat holes on it, which are its nostrils. A pair of black eyes, separated on both sides of the small head, were looking for something in the weeds. After a while, I saw him pacing from the water tank to the low brick wall; Then he walked from the dog tail grass to the well and stretched his neck to drink. In my yard, I walked around with great dignity, like a general patrolling the military camp.

This big white goose was just bought by Grandpa. Obviously, it is still very new to everything in the yard. Catch butterflies in the yard, take a bath, look east and west, have fun. When tired of playing, it shrinks its neck, buries its head in its wings, and quietly lies under the grape stand beside the water tank, taking a nap.

I picked two cabbage leaves and threw one to the goose. Instead of eating, the goose stretched its neck and looked at me warily. It seemed that it did not know my little master. "Eat, eat." I threw the leaves on my hand to it again, turned to the door, and watched from afar. Maybe the vegetable leaves were too delicious. He looked at them for a few times, turned his head and looked at me. Finally, he stepped forward, picked up the leaves and chewed them. Starting from the white food at the bottom, it ate up two pieces of vegetable leaves in a short time. I went to pick up some vegetable leaves, and it took all the orders. It was really a "big stomach king".

At noon, I was having lunch. Suddenly, I heard the sound of "Ang, Ang, Ang!" from the yard. Hurry out to see that someone is riding a motorcycle. When the big white goose saw the stranger, it immediately stretched its neck, flapped its wings and shouted at the stranger. The general who guarded his home didn't stop singing until strangers left and walked far away, and walked to the water tank to take a nap with satisfaction.

Ha ha, after only half a day, the big white goose became the owner of the small yard from the guest of the small yard.